Feature: remove account connection As a user I want to remove my account So that I won't be using any client-UI services Scenario: remove an account connection Given user "Alice" has been created on the server with default attributes and without skeleton files And user "Brian" has been created on the server with default attributes and without skeleton files And user "Alice" has set up a client with default settings And the user has added another account with | server | %local_server% | | user | Brian | | password | AaBb2Cc3Dd4 | When the user removes the connection for user "Brian" and host %local_server_hostname% Then an account should be displayed with the displayname Alice Hansen and host %local_server_hostname% Scenario: remove the only account connection Given user "Alice" has been created on the server with default attributes and without skeleton files And user "Alice" has set up a client with default settings When the user removes the connection for user "Alice" and host %local_server_hostname% Then connection wizard should be visible