# Hugo-Octopress Hugo-Octopress is a port of the classic [Octopress][octopress-link] theme to [Hugo][hugo-link]. Live demo using the unmodified theme: * [http://hugo-octopress-test.s3-website-us-east-1.amazonaws.com/](http://hugo-octopress-test.s3-website-us-east-1.amazonaws.com/). * Source: [https://github.com/parsiya/Hugo-Octopress-Test](https://github.com/parsiya/Hugo-Octopress-Test). My personal website uses the compact index (see below): * [https://parsiya.net](https://parsiya.net). * Source: [https://github.com/parsiya/parsiya.net](https://github.com/parsiya/parsiya.net) ## Contents - [Configuration](#configuration) - [Code highlight](#code-highlight) - [Markdown options](#markdown-options) - [CSS override](#css-override) - [Navigation menu](#navigation-menu) - [Sidebar](#sidebar) - [Sidebar text](#sidebar-text) - [Social network icons](#social-network-icons) - [Sidebar menu](#sidebar-menu) - [Recent posts](#recent-posts) - [Shortcodes](#shortcodes) - [Code caption](#code-caption) - [Image caption](#image-caption) - [Pages](#pages) - [License page](#license-page) - [Not Found or 404.html](#not-found-or-404html) - [Taxonomy pages](#taxonomy-pages) - [Individual pages](#individual-pages) - [Table of contents](#table-of-contents) - [Disqus](#disqus) - [Twitter Card](#twitter-card) - [Compact Index](#compact-index) - [mainSections](#mainsections) - [Troubleshooting](#troubleshooting) - [Hugo page summary bug](#hugo-page-summary-bug) - [Empty Posts Link on Homepage](#empty-posts-link-on-homepage) - [Issues/TODO](#issuestodo) - [Attribution](#attribution) - [Ported by](#ported-by) - [Theme license](#theme-license) ![screenshot](https://raw.githubusercontent.com/parsiya/Hugo-Octopress/master/images/screenshot.png) ## Configuration Hugo-Octopress can be configured by modifying the parameters in the [configuration file](https://gohugo.io/overview/configuration/). A working config file `sample-config.toml` is provided. Some miscellaneous parameters are explained below: ``` toml baseurl = "http://example.com" disablePathToLower = false languageCode = "en-us" title = "Site title" theme = "hugo-octopress" # Disqus shortcode # Disable comments for any individual post by adding "comments: false" in its frontmatter disqusShortname = "Your disqus shortname" # Number of blog posts in each pagination page paginate = 6 [permalinks] # Configures post URLs post = "/blog/:year-:month-:day-:title/" [params] # If false, all contents of posts will appear on the front page and in pagination truncate = true # Author's name (appears in meta tags and under posts) author = "Author's name" # This text appears in site header under website title subtitle = "Subtitle appears under website title" # Search engine URL searchEngineURL = "https://www.google.com/search" # Text of the "Continue Reading" label. Supports markdown and inline HTML. # For example, → == right arrow. continueReadingText = "Would you like to know more? →" # Google analytics code - remove if you do not have/want Google Analytics - needs JavaScript googleAnalytics = "UA-XXXXX-X" # Optional piwik tracking #[params.analytics.piwik] # URL = "https://stats.example.com" # ID = "42" # Switch to true to enable RSS icon link rss = true # Set to true to use a text label for RSS instead of an icon # This is overwritten by the "rss" setting textrss = false # Website's default description description = "" # Populate with your search keywords - these will appear in meta tags # defaultKeywords = ["keyword1" , "keyword2" , "keyword3" , "keyword4"] # Set to true to hide ReadingTime on posts disableReadingTime = false # Set to true to disable downloading of remote Google fonts disableGoogleFonts = false # Remove or set to false to use local fonts remoteFonts = false # Remove or set to false to use FontAwesome CDN, otherwise, the theme uses ForkAwesome local fonts. # fontAwesome = false ``` ## Code highlight This theme uses the built-in [Chroma](https://github.com/alecthomas/chroma) highlighter with the `solarized-dark` theme. See all supported styles at [https://xyproto.github.io/splash/docs/all.html](https://xyproto.github.io/splash/docs/all.html). Some options to control code highlighting: ``` toml # Highlight shortcode and code fences (```) will be treated similarly pygmentscodefences = true # Change highlight style here. # Full list: https://xyproto.github.io/splash/docs/all.html pygmentsStyle = "solarized-dark" # Add other Chroma options here (override them in the highlight shortcode inside markdown) # List of supported options: https://gohugo.io/content-management/syntax-highlighting/#options # For example: pygmentsoptions = "linenos=true" ``` For more information see [Syntax Highlighting](https://gohugo.io/extras/highlighting/) in Hugo's documentation. ## Markdown options Blackfriday is Hugo's markdown engine. For a complete list of options see [Configure Blackfriday rendering](https://gohugo.io/getting-started/configuration/#configure-blackfriday-rendering). Blackfriday options can be set as follows: ``` toml [blackfriday] hrefTargetBlank = true # open external links in a new window fractions = false ``` ## CSS override You can override the built-in CSS and add your own. Put your CSS files in the `static` directory of your website. While storing them inside the `themes/Hugo-Octopress/static` directory works, it's not recommended (keep your website and theme as separated as possible to be able to switch themes easily). Then modify the `customCSS` parameter. The path should be relative to the `static` folder. These CSS files will be added through the `header` partial after the built-in CSS file. For example, if custom CSS files are `static/css/custom.css` and `static/css/custom2.css` then `customCSS` will look like this: ``` toml [params] customCSS = ["css/custom.css","css/custom2.css"] ``` ## Navigation menu Links in the navigation menu (everything other than Google search and RSS icon) can be customized. The navigation menu is generated using the `layouts/partials/navigation.html` partial. By default, navigation menu links will open in the same window. You can change this behavior by setting the `navigationNewWindow` parameter to true. Links to root ("/") will always open in the same window. Currently, Hugo does not support adding custom attributes to menus. Links are sorted according to weight from left to right. For example, a link with weight of `-10` will appear to the left of links with weights `0` or `10`. Links can be added to the config file: ``` toml [[menu.main]] Name = "Blog" URL = "/" weight = -10 [[menu.main]] Name = "The other guy from Wham!" URL = "https://www.google.com/search?q=andrew+ridgeley" weight = -5 [[menu.main]] Name = "This theme - add link" URL = "https://www.github.com" [params] # If set to true, navigation menu links will open in a new window with the exception of links to root ("/") # If this item does not exist or is set to false, then navigation menu links will open in the same window navigationNewWindow = true ``` Search engine customization: ``` toml [params] searchEngineURL = "https://www.google.com/search" ``` ## Sidebar The sidebar has four sections, from top to bottom: * Sidebar header and text (optional). * Social network icons (optional): Icons and links to Github, Bitbucket, and more. * Sidebar menu (optional): Links in sidebar. * Recent posts: Displays last X posts (default is 5). The sidebar is generated using the partial at `layouts/partials/sidebar.html`. ### Sidebar text The sidebar text has two parts and both can be configured. Both are passed to `markdownify` so you can use markdown (e.g. add links or new lines). * Sidebar header appears first in an `

` tag. It can be configured with `sidebarHeader`. * Sidebar text appears under the header and is in `sidebarText`. Add new lines with `
` or using markdown (two spaces at the end of a line or one empty line in between two paragraphs). When adding two spaces, remember to remove the indentation at the start of the new line otherwise the it will be treated as a codeblock. ``` toml sidebarHeader = "Sidebar Header" sidebarText = """Here's a [link to google](https://www.google.com)
Second line
Third line This line has two spaces in the end to create a new line using markdown[two spaces here] Forth line """ ``` ### Social network icons Sidebar social network icons are configured as follows: ``` toml [params] github = "https://github.com/parsiya/" bitbucket = "https://bitbucket.org/parsiya/" gitlab = "https://gitlab.com/parsiya" twitter = "https://twitter.com/cryptogangsta/" keybase = "https://keybase.io/parsiya/" linkedin = "https://www.linkedin.com/in/parsiya/" stackoverflow = "" googleplus = "" youtube = "" facebook = "" instagram = "" bitcoin = "" ``` Icon sequence is unfortunately hardcoded. To modify, copy `your-website/themes/Hugo-Octopress/layouts/partials/sidebar.html` to `your-website/layouts/partials/sidebar.html` and modify the sequence. Look for `