baseurl = "" disablePathToLower = false languageCode = "en-us" title = "Site title" theme = "Hugo-Octopress" # Disqus shortcode # Disable comments for any individual post by adding "comments: false" in its frontmatter # Note it's not under [params] anymore # disqusShortname = "Your disqus shortname" # Number of blog posts in each pagination page paginate = 6 [permalinks] post = "/blog/:year-:month-:day-:title/" # change the post URL to look like the old ones [markup] # Default is startLevel 2 and endLevel 3, we want to render every heading [markup.tableOfContents] endLevel = 8 startLevel = 1 # set the Chroma highlighting options # [markup.highlight] style = "solarized-dark" # if you want to keep using Blackfriday # defaultMarkdownHandler = "blackfriday" # [markup.blackFriday] # hrefTargetBlank = true # open links in a new tab [params] # --- Start sidebar options --- # Number of last posts that will be displayed in the sidebar - set to 0 or remove to hide this section sidebarRecentLimit = 5 # Sidebar header - passed to markdownify so you can write markdown here sidebarHeader = "Sidebar Header" # Sidebar text also supports markdown # New lines can be added with two spaces at the end of line. New paragraphs can be added with two an empty line. # when adding two new lines, remember to remove the indentation otherwise the new line will be treated as a codeblock sidebarText = """Here's a [link to google]( New paragraph Another paragraph which has two spaces in the end to create a new line using markdown New line but not a new paragraph """ # Sidebar menu - if true will add a sidebar menu between sidebar text and recent posts sidebarMenuEnabled = true sidebarMenuHeader = "Sidebar Links" # sidebar links github = "" bitbucket = "" twitter = "" mastodon = "" keybase = "" stackoverflow = "" linkedin = "" youtube = "" facebook = "" instagram = "" # --- End sidebar options --- # If set to true, navigation menu links will open in a new window with the exception of links to root ("/") # If this item does not exist or set to false, then navigation menu links will open in the same window navigationNewWindow = true # If false, all of blog post will appear on front page (and in pagination) truncate = true # Author's name (appears in meta tags and under posts) author = "Author" # This text appears in the site header under website title subtitle = "Subtitle appears under the website title" # Search engine URL searchEngineURL = "" # Text of the "Continue Reading" label. Supports markdown and inline HTML. # For example, → == right arrow. continueReadingText = "Would you like to know more? →" # Optional piwik tracking # [] # URL = "" # ID = "42" # Switch to true to enable RSS icon link rss = true # Set to true to use a text label for RSS instead of an icon # This is overwritten by the "rss" setting textrss = false # Website's default description description = "" # Populate this with your own search keywords - these will appear in the meta tags # defaultKeywords = ["keyword1" , "keyword2" , "keyword3" , "keyword4"] # CSS override files # Paths should be relative to the `static` directory # customCSS = ["css/custom.css","css/custom2.css"] # 404.html header and text - both support markdown notFoundHeader = "There's nothing here" notFoundText = """Please either go back or use the navigation/sidebar menus. """ # Set to true to hide ReadingTime on posts disableReadingTime = false # Set to true to disable downloading of remote Google fonts disableGoogleFonts = false # Remove or Set to false to use local fonts # remoteFonts = false # Remove or set to false to use FontAwesome CDN, otherwise the theme uses ForkAwesome local fonts. # fontAwesome = false # Generate taxonomy pages generateTaxonomyList = true # Sort the taxonomy alphabetically. # sortTaxonomyAlphabetical = true # Twitter card config # Enable with this. # twitterCardEnabled = true # Don't include the @. # twitterCardSite = # twitterCardDomain = "" # Don't include the @. # twitterCardAuthor = "CryptoGangsta" # Set to true to enable compact index. Set to false or remove to go back to classic view. # compactIndex = true # Set mainSections. # mainSections = ["post", "blog"] # Site's custom favicon, this is a relative path to the `/static` directory # favicon = "newfav.png" # Google analytics code - remove if you do not have/want Google # Analytics - needs JavaScript. # googleAnalytics = "G-MEASUREMENT_ID" # Menu # If navigationNewWindow (under [params]) is set to true then all links except root ("/") will open in a new window # If it does not exist or is set to false then links will open in the same window [[menu.main]] Name = "Site's Home Page" URL = "/" weight = -5 [[menu.main]] Name = "Google" URL = "" weight = -5 [[menu.main]] Name = "This theme on Github" URL = "" # Sidebar menus # Enable with "sidebarMenuEnabled = true" under [params] # Header text is "sidebarMenuHeader" under [params] [[menu.sidebar]] Name = "Google" URL = "" weight = 0 [[menu.sidebar]] Name = "Hugo category" URL = "/categories/golang/" weight = 1 [[menu.sidebar]] Name = "About page" URL = "/about" weight = 2