# Kiss'Em Kiss'Em is a fork of the [Kiss](https://github.com/ribice/kiss) Hugo theme. It is **E**ven **M**ore simple (hence the name Kiss'**Em**), because I stripped all JavaScript and removed any analytics/social integration. At least, I hope I did... I use it for my own blog, which can be found [here](https://blog.pavel-pi.de "Pi's Blog"). ## Translation Right now, the theme supports the two languages English and German, which can be set with the `defaultContentLanguage` parameter within the `config.toml` file. ## Site Configuration To align images, add #c for center, #r/l for right/left. ```md ![](/img/1/image.jpg#c) ``` #### Changing Social Menu Icons Order If you want to change the order of the social menu icons, modify the `[params.social.config]` section of your `config.toml` file: ```toml [params.social.config] platforms = ["github","facebook","twitter","instagram","email","codepen","linkedin"] ``` The social menu icons will appear in the order you specify in the `platforms` array. ## Related Articles To include related articles in the bottom of the content, set params.info.related to true. By default up to 5 articles will be shown (can be changed by cloning related.html) and only older ones. To change the behaviour of how related articles are generated, check [official docs on Related Content](https://gohugo.io/content-management/related/). ## Creating Articles Create a new blog post: ``` $ hugo new blog/my-first-blog-post.md ``` Create a new microblog post: ``` $ hugo new micro/my-first-microblog-post.md ``` ## License Kiss'Em is licensed under the MIT license. Check the [LICENSE](LICENSE.md) file for details. ## Author [Pavel Pi](https://blog.pavel-pi.de)