Hugo IRIS Theme

Hugo Iris Theme thumbnail [![LICENSE](]( [![release](]( [![release date](]( [![release feed](]( ![deploy status]( [![hugo themes](]( [![lighthouse score](](
[Go to the demo site]( ## Table of Contents - [Overview](#overview) - [Features](#features) - [Roadmap](#roadmap) - [Getting Started](#getting-started) - [Install Hugo](#install-hugo) - [Install Go](#install-go) - [Install Node.js and npm](#install-nodejs-and-npm) - [Initialize New Hugo Project](#initialize-new-hugo-project) - [Create a Post Page](#create-a-post-page) - [Create a Slide Page](#create-a-slide-page) - [Customize Theme](#customize-theme) - [config](#config) - [content](#content) - [assets](#assets) - [data](#data) - [i18n](#i18n) - [static](#static) - [Hosting](#hosting) - [Netlify](#netlify) - [GitHub Pages using Actions](#github-pages-using-actions) - [Shortcodes](#shortcodes) - [circle](#circle) - [button](#button) - [mermaid](#mermaid) - [repo](#repo) - [github-sponsors-list](#github-sponsors-list) - [table](#table) - [math](#math) - [How to Update the Theme](#how-to-update-the-theme) - [Special Thanks](#special-thanks) - [Changelog](#changelog) - [Maintainer](#maintainer) - [Contributing](#contributing) - [License](#license) - [Development](#development) ## Overview This repository includes a [Hugo] theme. ### Features - Dark Theme - Responsive - Support Multilingual - Pagination - SEO - Google Analytics - Open Graph Protocol - JSON-LD - Canonical URL on header - Performance - [PageSpeed Insights Scores: Good]( - [Lighthouse Scores: Good]( - Contents - Breadcrumb List - Syntax Highlighting - Table of Contents - Random Post List - [MathJax]: Beautiful math in all browsers. - [mermaid]: Generation of diagram and flowchart from text in a similar manner as markdown. - [reveal.js]: Writing slides using Markdown. - Image - Responsive - Eye-catching Image - OGP Image - WebP: requiring a Hugo extended version - Disqus Comment System - Keyboard Shortcut: Press `?` (`Shift+/`) to show help modal. ### Roadmap - Share Buttons - Netlify, Netlify CMS - Categories, Tags, Authors - Font Awesome - Related posts, next and previous post
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## Getting Started ### Install Hugo You can find the minimum supported Hugo version in [theme.toml] `min_version`. Using Hugo extended version is desirable. [theme.toml]: ### Install Go This theme depends on Hugo Modules. - [Download and install - The Go Programming Language]( ### Install Node.js and npm This theme depends on `node` and `npm`. cf. [Installing Node.js via package manager | Node.js]( ### Initialize New Hugo Project Here is [the setup script]( ```sh mkdir homepage wget bash ./ homepage "your_github_id" cd homepage npm ci hugo server ``` - http://localhost:1313/ *Customize your site! ʕ◔ϖ◔ʔ* ### Create a Post Page ```sh hugo new posts/ ``` ### Create a Slide Page ```sh hugo new --kind slide posts/ ```
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## Customize Theme TBW. ### config ### content ### assets ### data ### i18n ### static
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## Hosting ### Netlify [![Deploy to Netlify](]( ### GitHub Pages using Actions The following actions are useful to deploy your site to GitHub Pages using GitHub Actions. - [peaceiris/actions-hugo: GitHub Actions for Hugo]( - [peaceiris/actions-gh-pages: GitHub Actions for GitHub Pages](
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## Shortcodes ### circle If your logo image is located at `assets/images/logo.jpg`. ```md {{< circle src="images/logo.jpg" alt="hugo-theme-iris logo" >}} ``` Shortcode mermaid ### button ```md
{{< button href="" txt="Hugo Homepage" >}} {{< button href="" txt="Hugo GitHub" >}} {{< button href="" txt="Hugo Forum" >}} {{< button href="" txt="Hugo Twitter" >}}
``` Shortcode button ### mermaid ```md {{< mermaid >}} sequenceDiagram participant Alice participant Bob Alice->>John: Hello John, how are you? loop Healthcheck John->>John: Fight against hypochondria end Note right of John: Rational thoughts
prevail! John-->>Alice: Great! John->>Bob: How about you? Bob-->>John: Jolly good! {{< /mermaid >}} ``` Shortcode mermaid ### repo Run the following script to get the latest repository data. The script requires the [gh] command. [gh]: For more details: [scripts/]( ```sh brew install gh gh auth login ``` ```sh cd ./your_hugo_project export GH_USER_ID="peaceiris" bash ./scripts/ "${GH_USER_ID}" > "./data/github/${GH_USER_ID}.json" ``` We can show a repository card like as follows. ```md {{< repo id="peaceiris" name="actions-gh-pages" >}} {{< repo id="peaceiris" name="actions-hugo" >}} ``` Shortcode repo ### github-sponsors-list Please follow the instruction as the same as the `repo` shortcode. ```md {{< github-sponsors-list id="peaceiris" >}} ``` Shortcode github-sponsors-list ### table ```md {{< table >}} | Key | Value | |---|---| | Static Site Generator | Hugo | | Language | Go | {{< /table >}} ``` | Mouse out | Mouse over | |---|---| | ![Shortcode table mouse out]( | ![Shortcode table mouse over]( | ### math See also [the example page]( When you use the ampersand sign `&`, you need to use the following math shortcode. ```md {{< math >}} \begin{vmatrix}a & b\\ c & d \end{vmatrix} {{< /math >}} ```
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## How to Update the Theme ```sh cd your_hugo_project hugo mod get -u hugo mod get -u hugo mod tidy && hugo mod verify git add go.mod go.sum git commit -m "deps: bump hugo-theme-iris" ```
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## Special Thanks - [Hugo] - [Bulma] - [reveal.js] - [MathJax] - [mermaid] - [jaywcjlove/hotkeys](
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## Changelog - [hugo-theme-iris/]( ## Maintainer - [peaceiris homepage]( ## Contributing To contribute to this Hugo theme. You can find more detail in our [Contributing Guide]. ## License - [MIT License - peaceiris/hugo-theme-iris]( ## Development ```sh {{ partial "console-log" $hoge }} ``` ---
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[Contributing Guide]: [Hugo]: [Bulma]: [reveal.js]: [MathJax]: [mermaid]: