name: Run tests on: push: pull_request: types: [opened, synchronize, reopened] branches: - master - QA_** permissions: contents: read jobs: multi-arch-tests-php: name: Test on PHP ${{ matrix.php-version }} (${{ matrix.arch }}) runs-on: ubuntu-latest continue-on-error: ${{ matrix.experimental }} strategy: fail-fast: false matrix: include: - { php-version: '8', experimental: false, arch: 'amd64', exclude-phpunit-groups: 'extension-iconv' } - { php-version: '8', experimental: false, arch: 'arm64v8', exclude-phpunit-groups: 'extension-iconv' } - { php-version: '8', experimental: false, arch: 'arm32v7', exclude-phpunit-groups: 'extension-iconv,32bit-incompatible' } - { php-version: '8', experimental: false, arch: 'arm32v6', exclude-phpunit-groups: 'extension-iconv,32bit-incompatible' } - { php-version: '8', experimental: false, arch: 'i386', exclude-phpunit-groups: 'extension-iconv,32bit-incompatible' } - { php-version: '8', experimental: true, arch: 'ppc64le', exclude-phpunit-groups: 'extension-iconv' } - { php-version: '8', experimental: false, arch: 's390x', exclude-phpunit-groups: 'extension-iconv,32bit-incompatible' } steps: - name: Checkout code uses: actions/checkout@v3 - name: Write script # tcpdf allowed memory exhausted needs the memory_limit workaround # musl-locales and musl-locales-lang are needed to run some locale specific tests # gettext is needed to run generate-mo # git is needed to work around a version detection issue with composer, see: # ctype for psalm run: | printf "set -exu && \ export V='%s' && \ apk add --update --no-cache \ php\$V-cli php\$V-mysqli php\$V-session php\$V-mbstring php\$V-ctype php\$V-sodium \ php\$V-iconv php\$V-xml php\$V-tokenizer php\$V-xmlwriter php\$V-simplexml \ php\$V-dom php\$V-json php\$V-bz2 php\$V-curl php\$V-gd php\$V-zip \ musl-locales musl-locales-lang \ gettext composer git && \ composer config version "$(php -r "define('VERSION_SUFFIX', ''); require_once('libraries/classes/Version.php'); echo \PhpMyAdmin\Version::VERSION;")" && \ composer update && \ ./scripts/generate-mo && \ php\$V -d memory_limit=512M ./vendor/bin/phpunit --no-coverage --testsuite unit --exclude-group=%s" \ "${{ matrix.php-version }}" "${{ matrix.exclude-phpunit-groups }}" > ./ - name: Set up multi arch support run: docker run --rm --privileged multiarch/qemu-user-static --reset -p yes - name: Print arch run: docker run --rm ${{ matrix.arch }}/alpine:3.15 uname -a - name: Run tests on php ${{ matrix.php-version }} run: docker run -v $PWD:/app --workdir /app --rm ${{ matrix.arch }}/alpine:3.15 sh /app/ test-php: name: Test on PHP ${{ matrix.php-version }} and ${{ matrix.os }} runs-on: ${{ matrix.os }} continue-on-error: ${{ matrix.experimental }} strategy: matrix: php-version: ["7.2", "7.3", "7.4", "8.0", "8.1"] experimental: [false] os: [ubuntu-latest] phpunit-options: ['--testsuite unit'] php-extensions: ['mbstring, iconv, mysqli, zip, gd, bz2'] include: - php-version: 'nightly' experimental: true os: ubuntu-latest phpunit-options: '--configuration test/phpunit-php-nightly.xml' composer-options: '--ignore-platform-req=php+' php-extensions: 'mbstring, iconv, mysqli, zip, bz2' steps: - name: Checkout code uses: actions/checkout@v3 with: # Fetch some commits for Scrutinizer coverage upload fetch-depth: 15 - name: Install gettext run: sudo apt-get install -y gettext - name: Generate mo files run: ./scripts/generate-mo --quiet - name: Set up PHP ${{ matrix.php-version }} uses: shivammathur/setup-php@v2 with: php-version: ${{ matrix.php-version }} extensions: ${{ matrix.php-extensions }} coverage: xdebug - name: Install Composer dependencies uses: ramsey/composer-install@v1 with: dependency-versions: highest composer-options: ${{ matrix.composer-options }} - name: Run PHP tests run: composer run phpunit -- ${{ matrix.phpunit-options }} - name: Send coverage uses: codecov/codecov-action@v1 with: flags: unit-${{ matrix.php-version }}-${{ matrix.os }} name: phpunit-${{ matrix.php-version }}-${{ matrix.os }} - name: Send coverage to Scrutinizer uses: sudo-bot/action-scrutinizer@latest # Do not run this step on forked versions of the main repository (example: contributor forks) if: github.repository == 'phpmyadmin/phpmyadmin' with: cli-args: "--format=php-clover build/logs/clover.xml --revision=${{ github.event.pull_request.head.sha || github.sha }}" - name: Send coverage to Codacy uses: codacy/codacy-coverage-reporter-action@v1 # Do not run this step on forked versions of the main repository (example: contributor forks) if: github.repository == 'phpmyadmin/phpmyadmin' # Upload can fail on forks or if the secret is missing continue-on-error: true with: project-token: ${{ secrets.CODACY_PROJECT_TOKEN }} coverage-reports: build/logs/clover.xml test-php-optional-extensions: name: Test on PHP (+ ext-${{ matrix.extension }}) ${{ matrix.php-version }} and ${{ matrix.os }} runs-on: ${{ matrix.os }} strategy: matrix: php-version: ["7.2"] os: [ubuntu-latest] extension: ["dbase", "recode"] steps: - name: Checkout code uses: actions/checkout@v3 with: # Fetch some commits for Scrutinizer coverage upload fetch-depth: 15 - name: Install gettext run: sudo apt-get install -y gettext - name: Generate mo files run: ./scripts/generate-mo --quiet - name: Set up PHP ${{ matrix.php-version }} uses: shivammathur/setup-php@v2 with: php-version: ${{ matrix.php-version }} extensions: ${{ matrix.extension }}, mbstring, iconv, mysqli, zip, gd coverage: xdebug - name: Install Composer dependencies uses: ramsey/composer-install@v1 with: dependency-versions: highest - name: Run PHP tests run: composer run phpunit -- --testsuite unit - name: Send coverage uses: codecov/codecov-action@v1 with: flags: ${{ matrix.extension }}-extension name: php-7.2-${{ matrix.extension }}-enabled - name: Send coverage to Scrutinizer uses: sudo-bot/action-scrutinizer@latest # Do not run this step on forked versions of the main repository (example: contributor forks) if: github.repository == 'phpmyadmin/phpmyadmin' with: cli-args: "--format=php-clover build/logs/clover.xml --revision=${{ github.event.pull_request.head.sha || github.sha }}" - name: Send coverage to Codacy uses: codacy/codacy-coverage-reporter-action@v1 # Do not run this step on forked versions of the main repository (example: contributor forks) if: github.repository == 'phpmyadmin/phpmyadmin' # Upload can fail on forks or if the secret is missing continue-on-error: true with: project-token: ${{ secrets.CODACY_PROJECT_TOKEN }} coverage-reports: build/logs/clover.xml test-js: name: Test javascript files runs-on: ubuntu-latest steps: - name: Checkout code uses: actions/checkout@v3 - name: Set up Node uses: actions/setup-node@v3 with: node-version: 12 - name: Get Yarn cache directory path id: yarn-cache-dir-path run: echo "::set-output name=dir::$(yarn cache dir)" - name: Cache Yarn dependencies uses: actions/cache@v3 with: path: ${{ steps.yarn-cache-dir-path.outputs.dir }} key: ${{ runner.os }}-yarn-${{ hashFiles('**/yarn.lock') }} restore-keys: | ${{ runner.os }}-yarn- - name: Install modules run: yarn install --non-interactive - name: Run tests run: yarn test