phpMyAdmin - ChangeLog ====================== (not yet released) + rfe #1403 Export only triggers + rfe #1483 Export Server/Database/Table without triggers + rfe #1662 Add table comment tool tip in database structure page + rfe #1447 Single table for display Character Sets and Collations + rfe #1455 Display icons/text/both for the table row actions + rfe #1473 Transformation to convert Boolean value to text - bug #4157 Changing users password will delete it + rfe #1474 Text transformation combines Append and Prepend + Added warning about the mysql extension being deprecated and removed the extension directive + Added support for scatter charts + rfe #1478 Make Column Headings Sticky + rfe #1480 Enhance privileges initials table + rfe #1472 [interface] Break "Edit privileges" with sub-menus + rfe #1466 Minor refactoring required + rfe #1004 Create indexes at the end in SQL export + rfe #1479 Relations edit form for larger monitors + rfe #1475 Inline query box vertical resize + rfe #1500 [interface] Add bottom border to top menu container + rfe #1498 Add datepicker for 'TIME' type - bug #4237 HTTP Referer disclosure in SQL links + rfe Show full names on navigation hover + rfe #1505 Behaviour on click on a routine in nav panel + rfe #1418 Support more than one separating character on CSV import + rfe #569 Load/Save Query By Example - bug #4281 Grid edit ENUM field, dialog disappears when trying to select - bug #4304 DB export using zip compression generates an empty archive + rfe #1508 confirmation message at the top - bug #4306 breadcrubs wrong on table create + rfe #1511 better validate database name for copying + rfe #1510 Database tab "Drop" button should be a link + rfe #1513 Highlight required form fields after failed submission + rfe #1460 Redirect to login page after session has expired - bug #4316 Grid edit: can't change month on date fields + rfe #1501 add maxlength by field with length-spec + rfe #1512 Import happily doesn't do anything with no file name provided + rfe #1514 Add function to all the insert boxes automatically + rfe #1515 Option to skip tables larger than n + rfe #1486 Possibility of disabling database expansion + rfe #1476 Favourite tables select box + rfe #420 $cfg['CharEditing']='textarea' for structure edit + rfe #1329 Avoid editing of fields which are part of relation + rfe [interface] Highlight active left menu item in setup + rfe Filter on-screen rows during Browse Removed support for SQL Validator (SOAP service no longer offered) - bug #4352 Settings > Manage: incorrect messages (not yet released) - bug #4279 CTRL + up or down moves 2 fields - bug #4336 List server css style wrong - bug Missing value on the Status > Server page - bug #4347 Fixed PHP Parse error in Advisor - bug #4350 Deleting the DB if it is renamed by the same name - bug #4353 makeProfilingChart is not defined - bug #4355 Precision specifier for DOUBLE type is truncated (2014-03-27) - bug #4334 Add event : datepicker won't open - bug #4338 Fix missing value error while executing SQL query - TCPDF library is now optional dependency - bug #4326 Cannot find the import plugins which start with uppercase 'I' (2014-03-23) - bug #4335 reCaptcha problem (4.1.10 regression) (2014-03-22) - bug #4301 Grid edit: "SELECT" query is replaced by "UPDATE" query after edit - bug #4278 reCaptcha re-login requires double effort - bug #4324 Datepicker not showing up on insert page - bug #3991 Problem selecting item in select boxes with the ENTER keystroke in some browsers - bug #4323 QueryWindow ignores CodeMirror - bug None of the live charts shown on "Status -> Monitor" (Chrome) (2014-03-06) - bug #4279 CTRL + up or down moves two fields (part one) - bug #4294 output as text radio clickable for "OpenDocument Text" export - bug #4297 DROP DATABASE tick box in export no longer works - bug #4291 Unable to export comments in OpenDocument text format - bug #4299 Deletion even when the user says "No" to the confirmation message - bug #4303 "New" link in navi panel is shown even if no privileges - bug #4302 Some params are being omitted from microhistory - bug #4298 Missing validation on Import CSV: "Columns enclosed with" and "Columns escaped with" - bug #4040 Fatal error while resetting settings - bug #4305 JS error when editing procedure from nav panel - bug #4308 Edit routine form submitting when pressing enter - bug #4307 Nav: "Columns" won't expand with specific schema (2014-02-22) - bug #4276 Login loop on session expiry - bug #4249 Incorrect number of result rows for SQL with subqueries - bug #4275 Broken Link to php extension manual - bug #4053 List of procedures is not displayed after executing with Enter - bug #4081 Setup page content shifted to the right edge of its tabs - bug #4284 Reordering a column erases comments for other columns - bug #4286 Open "Browse" in a new tab - bug #4287 Printview - Always one column too much - bug #4288 Expand database (+ icon) after timeout doesn't do anything - bug #4285 Fixed CSS for setup - Fixed altering table to DOUBLE/FLOAT field - bug #4292 Success message and failure message being shown together - bug #4293 opening new tab (using selflink) for import.php based actions results in error and logout (2014-02-09) - bug #4245 initial Browse query does not match sorting order - bug #4250 Notice on export page - bug #4253 "New" text in navigation frame acts like a database - bug #4262 Cannot define a column with fractional seconds - bug #4265 Missing datepicker icon for DATETIME(length) - bug #4257 Hide fractional seconds when applicable - bug #4264 Uncheck "Ignore" while inserting, upon leaving a textarea - bug #4260 reCaptcha is ignoring language settings - bug #4259 reCaptcha sound session expired problem - bug #4263 Japanese character encoding not working properly when exporting - bug #4269 Notice on table relation page - bug #4270 Bad text-color for table comments - bug #4272 Incorrect tabindex - bug #4271 Query by example and the second criteria line - bug #4242 Wildcard-containing only_db failure in sidebar (2014-01-26) - bug #4232 User not found after creating the user - bug #4241 Confusing dialog when trying to create an already existing user - bug #4239 Missing LIMIT clause for some queries - rfe #1489 Do not show create icon when user has no privileges - bug #4218 Chrome behavior with date fields - bug #3579 NOW() function incorrectly selected (regression) - bug #4244 Advisor complaints about MariaDB 10.x is version less than 5.1 - bug #3889 When login fails and error display is active, login data is displayed (regression) - bug #4247 open_basedir warnings on export page - bug #4013 AJAX request waiting until version info is retrieved - bug #4248 js error when changing number of columns in status monitor (2014-01-17) - bug #3780 Allow aborting loading pages - bug #4223 Database list: Create database misses collation column - bug #4224 Empty table names when a table is "inuse" - bug #4225 Partition maintenance broken - bug #4219 Table list (left panel) does not reload when table renamed - bug #4230 "in use" displayed for all views in database print view - bug #4226 Notice: Undefined index: pma_config_loading - bug #4221 Bzip2 export cannot be directly imported (so withdraw bz2 export) - bug #4204 Reloading user privileges hides user groups submenu - bug #4231 DATE columns quick edit decrement by one day (2014-01-07) - bug #3840 (additional fix) When exporting to gzip format, the data is compressed 2 times - bug #4209 Missing compression in one case - bug #4208 Can't browse tables after sorting on columns with fieldnames that have a '-' - bug #4184 Switch to wrong page after adding an index - bug #3885 Additional fix for this bug - bug #4212 Table "disappears" if it has the same name as its tablegroup - bug #4213 Datetime Quick Edit decrements by one day - bug #4217 Current value not highlighted when browsing foreign values - bug #4220 Incorrect key values in foreign key browser - bug #4215 MariaDB 5.5: error in Drizzle detection --- Older ChangeLogs can be found on our project website --- # vim: et ts=4 sw=4 sts=4 # vim: ft=changelog fenc=utf-8 # vim: fde=getline(v\:lnum-1)=~'^\\s*$'&&getline(v\:lnum)=~'\\S'?'>1'\:1&&v\:lnum>4&&getline(v\:lnum)!~'^#' # vim: fdn=1 fdm=expr