phpMyAdmin - ChangeLog ====================== (not yet released) + Patch #3481047 for rfe #3480477 Insert as new row enhancement + Patch #3480999 Activate codemirror in the query window - Patch #3495284 XML Import - fix message and redirect + rfe #3484063 Null checkbox behavior + Patch #3497179 Contest-5: Add user: Allow create DB w/same name + grant u_% + Patch #3498201 Contest-6: Export all privileges + Patch #3502814 for rfe #3187077 Change password buttons should match + rfe #3488640 Expand table-group in non-light navigation frame if only one + Patch #3509360 Contest-3: Option "Truncate table" before "insert" + Patch #3506552 Contest-2: Show index information in the data dictionary + Patch #3510656 Contest-1: Ignoring foreign keys while dropping tables - Bug #3509686 Reverting sort on joined column does not work + New transformation: append string + rfe #3507804 Session upload progress (PHP 5.4) + rfe #3488185 draggable columns vs copy column name + Patch #3507001 Contest-4: Textarea for large character columns + Removed the PHP version of the ENUM editor + Patch #3507111 Display distinct results, linked to corresponding data rows - bug #3507917 [export] JSON has unescaped values for allegedly numeric columns + rfe #3516187 show tables creation, last update, last check timestamps in db_structure - bug #3059806 Supporting running from CIFS/Samba shares - bug #3516341 [export] Open Document Text, Word and Texy! Text show table structure twice - bug [export] Texy! Text: Columns containing Pipe Character don't export properly + [export] Show triggers in Open Document Text, Word and Texy! Text - Patch #3415061 [auth] Login screen appears under the page + rfe #3517354 [interface] Allow disabling CodeMirror with $cfg['CodemirrorEnable'] = false + rfe #3475567 [interface] New directive $cfg['HideStructureActions'] - bug #3468272 [import] Fixed import of ODS with more paragraphs in a cell - bug #3510196 [core] Improved redirecting with ForceSSL option + rfe #3518852 [edit] edit blob but not other binary, new option $cfg['ProtectBinary'] = 'noblob' + Hide language select box if there are no locales installed + Removed some directives: verbose_check, SuggestDBName, LightTabs, VerboseMultiSubmit, ReplaceHelpImg - Patch #3500882 Fixing checkbox behaviour while editing identical rows + rfe #3441722 [interface] Display description of datatypes + rfe #3517835 [structure] Move columns easily + Ajaxified "Create View" functionality + [import] New plugin: import mediawiki + Add Ajax support to Fast filter in order to search the term in all database tables (not yet released) - bug #3521416 [interface] JS error when editing index - bug #3521313 [core] Call to undefined function __() - bug #3521016 [edit] NOW() function incorrectly selected - bug [GUI] Invalid HTML code on transformation_overview.php - bug #3522930 [browse] Missing validation in Ajax mode - bug Fix popup message on build SQL of import - bug #3523499 [core] Make X-WebKit-CSP work better - replace Highcharts with jqplot for query profiling, zoom search - bug #3531584 [interface] No form validation in change password dialog - bug #3531585 [interface] Broken password validation in copy user form - bug #3531586 [unterface] Add user form prints JSON when user presses enter - bug #3534121 [config] duplicate line in (2012-05-03) - bug #3510784 [edit] Limit clause ignored when sort order is remembered - bug #3511471 [interface] View name not seen in navi panel (MySQL 5.1) - bug #3512916 [display] Right frame reloads after displaying SQL result(zero rows) - bug [interface] Fixed missing Codemirror for inline query edit when exporting a result set - bug #3514490 [auth] Multiple Navigation panels bug still present - bug #3515181 [users] Error in create user + underscore + create database - bug #3515666 [display] Profiling chart shows wrong data - bug #3516037 [auth] JS includes missing in auth config error page - bug #3516183 [display] Missing image extension - bug [display] Added missing icons in original theme - bug #3516761 [edit] Query error after search - bug #3516405 [display] Chart title is getting wrong within chart export - bug #3517021 [interface] Header links except 'More' hide after closing dialog - bug #3516817 [interface] "More" actions in table structure - bug #3518484 [privileges] PMA_sqlAddSlashes() does not quote the table names correctly - bug #3518983 [designer] Error messages do not appear in the Designer - bug #3519747 [interface] Suhosin patch warning incorrectly displayed - bug #3520107 [interface] Server status page: Incorrect dialog box titles - bug #3516089 [structure] DROP does not work on defective VIEWs (2012-04-07) + rfe #2021981 [interface] Add support for mass prefix change. + "up to date" message on main page when current version is up to date + Update to jQuery 1.6.2 + Patch #3256122 [search] Show/hide db search results + Patch #3302354 Add gettext wrappers around a message + Remove deprecated function PMA_DBI_get_fields + rfe #2098927 Remember recent tables + rfe #3078542 Remember the last sort order for each table + AJAX for Create table in navigation panel + rfe #3310562 Wording about Column + AJAX for Add a user in Database privileges + Patch #3271804 for rfe #3177495, new DisableMultiTableMaintenance directive + [interface] Reorganised server status page. + [interface] Changed way of generating charts. + rfe #939233 [interface] Flexible column width + [interface] Mouse-based column reordering in query results + AJAX for Insert to a table from database Structure page - Patch #3316969 PMA_ajaxShowMessage() does not respect timeout + AJAX for Change on multiple rows in table Browse + [interface] Improved support for stored routines + [display] More options for browsing GIS data + [interface] Support for spatial indexes + [display] GIS data visualization + AJAX for table structure multiple-column change + AJAX for table structure index edit + Show/hide indexes in table Structure + More compact navigation bar + Display direction (horizontal/vertical) no longer displayed by default + Shift/click support in database Structure + Show/hide column in table Browse - bug #3353856 [AJAX] AJAX dialogs use wrong font-size - bug #3354356 [interface] Timepicker does not work in AJAX dialogs + AJAX for table Structure Indexes Edit + AJAX for table Structure column Change + [interface] Improved support for events + [interface] Improved support for triggers + [interface] Improved server monitoring + AJAX for table Structure column Add + AJAX for table Operations copy table - bug #3380946 [export] no uid Query result export (Suhosin limit) + Grid editing in browse mode (replaces row inline edit) + Zoom-search in table Search + [interface] Editor for GIS data + [import] Import GIS data from ESRI Shapefiles + [interface] 'Function based search' for GIS data + Support Drizzle database - bug #3356456 [interface] Interface problems for queries having LIMIT clauses + [interface] Remove DefaultPropDisplay feature - bug #3299486 [prettyprint] Order By in a query containing comment character + [interface] Improved ENUM/SET editor + patch #3428376 [pmadb] pmadb on a different MySQL server + patch #3410688 [interface] Improving field size for character columns - [usability] Removed an unnecessary AJAX request from database search - bug #3302419 [navi] Tabs break when squeezing page + rfe #3406797 [navi] Stick table tools to top of page on scroll + rfe #1632106 [interface] Improved error handling + patch #3432835 [interface] Add useful intermediate pages to pageselector + [interface] Improved index editor + View editing via a generated ALTER VIEW - bug #3408377 [interface] Deleting table from the DB does not change the table counter + rfe #3438266 [designer] Toggle for relation lines - bug #3442069 [AJAX] database list not updated after adding/deleting a user + database - bug #3461750 [edit] Sort by key generates wrong sql with limit clause - bug #3340842 [structure] Error dropping index of non-existing column - bug #3093145 [display] Page through rows returned from a view + patch #3303195 [interface] Checkbox to have SQL input remain - patch #3472899 [export] Fixed CSV escape for the export - patch #3475424 [import] Fixed CSV escape for the import - bug #3482734 [interface] No warning on syntax error in search form - bug #3423717 [core] Improved detection of SSL connection + FULLTEXT support for InnoDB, starting with MySQL 5.6.4 - bug #3497151 [interface] Duplicate inline query edit box - bug #3504567 [mime] Description of the transformation missing in the tooltip (2012-04-14) - bug #3486970 [import] Exception on XML import - bug #3488777 [navi] $cfg['ShowTooltipAliasTB'] and blank names in navigation - bug #3512565 [navi] Fixed missing word "Rows" in table list tooltip after click (2012-03-28) - [security] Fixed local path disclosure vulnerability, see PMASA-2012-2 (2012-02-18) - [security] XSS in replication setup, see PMASA-2012-1 (2012-02-14) - bug #3460090 [interface] TextareaAutoSelect feature broken - patch #3375984 [export] PHP Array export might generate invalid php code - bug #3049209 [import] Import from ODS ignores cell that is the same as cell before - bug #3463933 [display] SELECT DISTINCT displays wrong total records found - patch #3458944 [operations] copy table data missing SET SQL_MODE='NO_AUTO_VALUE_ON_ZERO' - bug #3469254 [edit] Setting data to NULL and drop-downs - bug #3477063 [edit] Missing set fields and values in generated INSERT query - bug #3460867 [libraries] license issue with TCPDF (updated to 5.9.145) --- Older ChangeLogs can be found on our project website --- # vim: et ts=4 sw=4 sts=4 # vim: ft=changelog fenc=utf-8 # vim: fde=getline(v\:lnum-1)=~'^\\s*$'&&getline(v\:lnum)=~'\\S'?'>1'\:1&&v\:lnum>4&&getline(v\:lnum)!~'^#' # vim: fdn=1 fdm=expr