/* vim: set expandtab sw=4 ts=4 sts=4: */ function PMA_queryAutoCommit() { var sqlqueryform = document.getElementById('sqlqueryform'); sqlqueryform.target = window.opener.frame_content.name; sqlqueryform.submit(); return; } function PMA_querywindowCommit(tab) { var $hiddenqueryform = $('#hiddenqueryform'); $hiddenqueryform.find("input[name='querydisplay_tab']").val(tab); $hiddenqueryform.submit(); return false; } function PMA_querywindowSetFocus() { $('#sqlquery').focus(); } function PMA_querywindowResize() { var $el = $(this)[0]; var $querywindowcontainer = $('#querywindowcontainer'); // for Gecko if (typeof($el.sizeToContent) == 'function') { $el.sizeToContent(); //self.scrollbars.visible = false; // give some more space ... to prevent 'fli(pp/ck)ing' $el.resizeBy(10, 50); return; } // for IE, Opera if ($querywindowcontainer.length) { // get content size var newWidth = $querywindowcontainer.width(); var newHeight = $querywindowcontainer.height(); // set size to contentsize // plus some offset for scrollbars, borders, statusbar, menus ... $el.resizeTo(newWidth + 45, newHeight + 75); } }