/* vim: set expandtab sw=4 ts=4 sts=4: */ /** * @fileoverview functions used in server privilege pages * @name Server Privileges * * @requires jQuery * @requires jQueryUI * @requires js/functions.js * */ /** * Validates the "add a user" form * * @return boolean whether the form is validated or not */ function checkAddUser(the_form) { if (the_form.elements['pred_hostname'].value == 'userdefined' && the_form.elements['hostname'].value == '') { alert(PMA_messages['strHostEmpty']); the_form.elements['hostname'].focus(); return false; } if (the_form.elements['pred_username'].value == 'userdefined' && the_form.elements['username'].value == '') { alert(PMA_messages['strUserEmpty']); the_form.elements['username'].focus(); return false; } return PMA_checkPassword($(the_form)); } // end of the 'checkAddUser()' function /** * When a new user is created and retrieved over Ajax, append the user's row to * the user's table * * @param new_user_string the html for the new user's row * @param new_user_initial the first alphabet of the user's name * @param new_user_initial_string html to replace the initial for pagination */ function appendNewUser(new_user_string, new_user_initial, new_user_initial_string) { //Append the newly retrived user to the table now //Calculate the index for the new row var $curr_last_row = $("#usersForm").find('tbody').find('tr:last'); var $curr_first_row = $("#usersForm").find('tbody').find('tr:first'); var first_row_initial = $curr_first_row.find('label').html().substr(0, 1).toUpperCase(); var curr_shown_initial = $curr_last_row.find('label').html().substr(0, 1).toUpperCase(); var curr_last_row_index_string = $curr_last_row.find('input:checkbox').attr('id').match(/\d+/)[0]; var curr_last_row_index = parseFloat(curr_last_row_index_string); var new_last_row_index = curr_last_row_index + 1; var new_last_row_id = 'checkbox_sel_users_' + new_last_row_index; var is_show_all = (first_row_initial != curr_shown_initial) ? true : false; //Append to the table and set the id/names correctly if((curr_shown_initial == new_user_initial) || is_show_all) { $(new_user_string) .insertAfter($curr_last_row) .find('input:checkbox') .attr('id', new_last_row_id) .val(function() { //the insert messes up the &27; part. let's fix it return $(this).val().replace(/&/,'&'); }) .end() .find('label') .attr('for', new_last_row_id) .end(); } //Let us sort the table alphabetically $("#usersForm").find('tbody').PMA_sort_table('label'); $("#initials_table").find('td:contains('+new_user_initial+')') .html(new_user_initial_string); }; /**#@+ * @namespace jQuery */ /** * AJAX scripts for server_privileges page. * * Actions ajaxified here: * Add user * Revoke a user * Edit privileges * Export privileges * Paginate table of users * Flush privileges * * @memberOf jQuery * @name document.ready */ $(function() { /** * AJAX event handler for 'Add a New User' * * @see PMA_ajaxShowMessage() * @see appendNewUser() * @see $cfg['AjaxEnable'] * @memberOf jQuery * @name add_user_click * */ $("#fieldset_add_user a.ajax").live("click", function(event) { /** @lends jQuery */ event.preventDefault(); var $msgbox = PMA_ajaxShowMessage(); /** * @var button_options Object containing options for jQueryUI dialog buttons */ var button_options = {}; button_options[PMA_messages['strAddUser']] = function() { /** * @var $form stores reference to current form */ var $form = $(this).find("form[name=usersForm]").last(); if (! checkAddUser($form.get(0))) { return false; } //We also need to post the value of the submit button in order to get this to work correctly $.post($form.attr('action'), $form.serialize() + "&adduser_submit=" + $(this).find("input[name=adduser_submit]").val(), function(data) { if (data.success == true) { // Refresh navigation, if we created a database with the name // that is the same as the username of the new user if ($('#add_user_dialog #createdb_1:checked').length && window.parent) { window.parent.refreshNavigation(true); } $("#add_user_dialog").dialog("close"); PMA_ajaxShowMessage(data.message); $("#floating_menubar") .next('div') .remove() .end() .after(data.sql_query); //Remove the empty notice div generated due to a NULL query passed to PMA_getMessage() var $notice_class = $("#floating_menubar").next("div").find('.notice'); if ($notice_class.text() == '') { $notice_class.remove(); } if ($('#fieldset_add_user a.ajax').attr('name') == 'db_specific') { /*process the fieldset_add_user attribute and get the val of privileges*/ var url = $('#fieldset_add_user a.ajax').attr('rel'); if (url.substring(url.length - 23, url.length) == "&goto=db_operations.php") { url = url.substring(0, url.length - 23); } url = url + "&ajax_request=true&db_specific=true"; /* post request for get the updated userForm table */ $.post($form.attr('action'), url, function(priv_data) { /*Remove the old userForm table*/ if ($('#userFormDiv').length != 0) { $('#userFormDiv').remove(); } else { $("#usersForm").remove(); } var $user_div = $('
'); /*If the JSON string parsed correctly*/ if (typeof priv_data.success != 'undefined') { if (priv_data.success == true) { $user_div .html(priv_data.user_form) .insertAfter('#result_query'); } else { PMA_ajaxShowMessage(PMA_messages['strErrorProcessingRequest'] + " : " + priv_data.error, false); } } else { /*parse the JSON string*/ var obj = $.parseJSON(priv_data); $user_div .html(obj.user_form) .insertAfter('#result_query'); } }); } else { appendNewUser(data.new_user_string, data.new_user_initial, data.new_user_initial_string); } } else { PMA_ajaxShowMessage(PMA_messages['strErrorProcessingRequest'] + " : " + data.error, false); } }); }; button_options[PMA_messages['strCancel']] = function() { $(this).dialog("close"); }; $.get($(this).attr("href"), {'ajax_request':true}, function(data) { var $div = $('
') .prepend(data) .find("#fieldset_add_user_footer").hide() //showing the "Go" and "Create User" buttons together will confuse the user .end() .find("form[name=usersForm]").append('') .end() .dialog({ title: PMA_messages['strAddUser'], width: 800, // height is a workaround for this Chrome problem: // http://bugs.jqueryui.com/ticket/4671 // also it's interesting to be able to scroll this window height: 600, modal: true, buttons: button_options, close: function () { $(this).remove(); } }); //dialog options end displayPasswordGenerateButton(); PMA_convertFootnotesToTooltips($div); PMA_ajaxRemoveMessage($msgbox); $div.find("input[autofocus]").focus(); $div.find('form[name=usersForm]').bind('submit', function (e) { e.preventDefault(); $(this) .closest('.ui-dialog') .find('.ui-dialog-buttonpane .ui-button') .first() .click(); }); }); // end $.get() });//end of Add New User AJAX event handler /** * Ajax event handler for 'Reload Privileges' anchor * * @see PMA_ajaxShowMessage() * @see $cfg['AjaxEnable'] * @memberOf jQuery * @name reload_privileges_click */ $("#reload_privileges_anchor.ajax").live("click", function(event) { event.preventDefault(); var $msgbox = PMA_ajaxShowMessage(PMA_messages['strReloadingPrivileges']); $.get($(this).attr("href"), {'ajax_request': true}, function(data) { if(data.success == true) { PMA_ajaxRemoveMessage($msgbox); } else { PMA_ajaxShowMessage(data.error, false); } }); //end $.get() }); //end of Reload Privileges Ajax event handler /** * AJAX handler for 'Revoke User' * * @see PMA_ajaxShowMessage() * @see $cfg['AjaxEnable'] * @memberOf jQuery * @name revoke_user_click */ $("#fieldset_delete_user_footer #buttonGo.ajax").live('click', function(event) { event.preventDefault(); PMA_ajaxShowMessage(PMA_messages['strRemovingSelectedUsers']); $form = $("#usersForm"); $.post($form.attr('action'), $form.serialize() + "&delete=" + $(this).val() + "&ajax_request=true", function(data) { if(data.success == true) { PMA_ajaxShowMessage(data.message); // Refresh navigation, if we droppped some databases with the name // that is the same as the username of the deleted user if ($('#checkbox_drop_users_db:checked').length && window.parent) { window.parent.refreshNavigation(true); } //Remove the revoked user from the users list $form.find("input:checkbox:checked").parents("tr").slideUp("medium", function() { var this_user_initial = $(this).find('input:checkbox').val().charAt(0).toUpperCase(); $(this).remove(); //If this is the last user with this_user_initial, remove the link from #initials_table if($("#tableuserrights").find('input:checkbox[value^=' + this_user_initial + ']').length == 0) { $("#initials_table").find('td > a:contains(' + this_user_initial + ')').parent('td').html(this_user_initial); } //Re-check the classes of each row $form .find('tbody').find('tr:odd') .removeClass('even').addClass('odd') .end() .find('tr:even') .removeClass('odd').addClass('even'); }); } else { PMA_ajaxShowMessage(data.error, false); } }); // end $.post() }); // end Revoke User /** * AJAX handler for 'Edit User' * * @see PMA_ajaxShowMessage() * */ /** * Step 1: Load Edit User Dialog * @memberOf jQuery * @name edit_user_click * @see $cfg['AjaxEnable'] */ $("a.edit_user_anchor.ajax").live('click', function(event) { /** @lends jQuery */ event.preventDefault(); var $msgbox = PMA_ajaxShowMessage(); $(this).parents('tr').addClass('current_row'); /** * @var button_options Object containing options for jQueryUI dialog buttons */ var button_options = {}; button_options[PMA_messages['strCancel']] = function() {$(this).dialog("close");}; var token = $(this).parents('form').find('input[name="token"]').val(); $.get($(this).attr('href'), { 'ajax_request':true, 'edit_user_dialog': true, 'token': token }, function(data) { var $div = $('
') .append(data) .dialog({ width: 900, height: 600, buttons: button_options, close: function () { $(this).remove(); } }); //dialog options end displayPasswordGenerateButton(); PMA_ajaxRemoveMessage($msgbox); PMA_convertFootnotesToTooltips($div); }); // end $.get() }); /** * Step 2: Submit the Edit User Dialog * * @see PMA_ajaxShowMessage() * @see $cfg['AjaxEnable'] * @memberOf jQuery * @name edit_user_submit */ $("#edit_user_dialog").find("form:not(#db_or_table_specific_priv)").live('submit', function(event) { /** @lends jQuery */ event.preventDefault(); var $t = $(this); if ($t.is('.copyUserForm') && ! PMA_checkPassword($t)) { return false; } PMA_ajaxShowMessage(PMA_messages['strProcessingRequest']); $t.append(''); /** * @var curr_submit_name name of the current button being submitted */ var curr_submit_name = $t.find('.tblFooters').find('input:submit').attr('name'); /** * @var curr_submit_value value of the current button being submitted */ var curr_submit_value = $t.find('.tblFooters').find('input:submit').val(); $.post($t.attr('action'), $t.serialize() + '&' + curr_submit_name + '=' + curr_submit_value, function(data) { if(data.success == true) { PMA_ajaxShowMessage(data.message); //Close the jQueryUI dialog $("#edit_user_dialog").dialog("close"); if(data.sql_query) { $("#floating_menubar") .next('div') .remove() .end() .after(data.sql_query); var $notice_class = $("#floating_menubar").next("div").find('.notice'); if($notice_class.text() == '') { $notice_class.remove(); } } //Show SQL Query that was executed //Append new user if necessary if(data.new_user_string) { appendNewUser(data.new_user_string, data.new_user_initial, data.new_user_initial_string); } //Check if we are on the page of the db-specific privileges var db_priv_page = !!($('#dbspecificuserrights').length); // the "!!" part is merely there to ensure a value of type boolean // we always need to reload on the db-specific privilege page // and on the global page when adjusting global privileges, // but not on the global page when adjusting db-specific privileges. var reload_privs = false; if (data.db_specific_privs == false || (db_priv_page == data.db_specific_privs)) { reload_privs = true; } //Change privileges, if they were edited and need to be reloaded if(data.new_privileges && reload_privs) { $("#usersForm") .find('.current_row') .find('code') .html(data.new_privileges); } $("#usersForm") .find('.current_row') .removeClass('current_row'); } else { PMA_ajaxShowMessage(data.error, false); } }); }); //end Edit user /** * AJAX handler for 'Export Privileges' * * @see PMA_ajaxShowMessage() * @see $cfg['AjaxEnable'] * @memberOf jQuery * @name export_user_click */ $("button.mult_submit[value=export]").live('click', function(event) { event.preventDefault(); // can't export if no users checked if ($(this.form).find("input:checked").length == 0) { return; } var $msgbox = PMA_ajaxShowMessage(); var button_options = {}; button_options[PMA_messages['strClose']] = function() { $(this).dialog("close"); }; $.post($(this.form).prop('action'), $(this.form).serialize() + '&submit_mult=export&ajax_request=true', function(data) { var $ajaxDialog = $('
') .append(data.message) .dialog({ title: data.title, width: 500, buttons: button_options, close: function () { $(this).remove(); } }); PMA_ajaxRemoveMessage($msgbox); // Attach syntax highlited editor to export dialog if (typeof CodeMirror != 'undefined') { CodeMirror.fromTextArea( $ajaxDialog.find('textarea')[0], { lineNumbers: true, matchBrackets: true, indentUnit: 4, mode: "text/x-mysql" } ); } }); //end $.post }); // if exporting non-ajax, highlight anyways if ($("textarea.export").length > 0 && typeof CodeMirror != 'undefined') { CodeMirror.fromTextArea( $('textarea.export')[0], { lineNumbers: true, matchBrackets: true, indentUnit: 4, mode: "text/x-mysql" } ); } $("a.export_user_anchor.ajax").live('click', function(event) { event.preventDefault(); var $msgbox = PMA_ajaxShowMessage(); /** * @var button_options Object containing options for jQueryUI dialog buttons */ var button_options = {}; button_options[PMA_messages['strClose']] = function() { $(this).dialog("close"); }; $.get($(this).attr('href'), {'ajax_request': true}, function(data) { var $ajaxDialog = $('
') .append(data.message) .dialog({ title: data.title, width: 500, buttons: button_options, close: function () { $(this).remove(); } }); PMA_ajaxRemoveMessage($msgbox); // Attach syntax highlited editor to export dialog if (typeof CodeMirror != 'undefined') { CodeMirror.fromTextArea( $ajaxDialog.find('textarea')[0], { lineNumbers: true, matchBrackets: true, indentUnit: 4, mode: "text/x-mysql" } ); } }); //end $.get }); //end export privileges /** * AJAX handler to Paginate the Users Table * * @see PMA_ajaxShowMessage() * @see $cfg['AjaxEnable'] * @name paginate_users_table_click * @memberOf jQuery */ $("#initials_table.ajax").find("a").live('click', function(event) { event.preventDefault(); var $msgbox = PMA_ajaxShowMessage(); $.get($(this).attr('href'), {'ajax_request' : true}, function(data) { // This form is not on screen when first entering Privileges // if there are more than 50 users $("#usersForm").hide("medium").remove(); $("#fieldset_add_user").hide("medium").remove(); $("#initials_table") .after(data).show("medium") .siblings("h2").not(":first").remove(); PMA_ajaxRemoveMessage($msgbox); }); // end $.get }); // end of the paginate users table /* * Additional confirmation dialog after clicking * 'Drop the databases...' */ $('#checkbox_drop_users_db').click(function() { var $this_checkbox = $(this); if ($this_checkbox.is(':checked')) { var is_confirmed = confirm(PMA_messages['strDropDatabaseStrongWarning'] + '\n' + $.sprintf(PMA_messages['strDoYouReally'], 'DROP DATABASE')); if (! is_confirmed) { $this_checkbox.prop('checked', false); } } }); displayPasswordGenerateButton(); }, 'top.frame_content'); //end $() /**#@- */