getColumns(); $columnTypeList = $types[$colTypeCategory]; } $GLOBALS['dbi']->selectDb($db, $GLOBALS['userlink']); $columns = (array) $GLOBALS['dbi']->getColumns( $db, $table, null, true, $GLOBALS['userlink'] ); $type = ""; $selectColHtml = ""; foreach ($columns as $column => $def) { if (isset($def['Type'])) { $extracted_columnspec = PMA_Util::extractColumnSpec($def['Type']); $type = $extracted_columnspec['type']; } if (empty($columnTypeList) || in_array(/*overload*/mb_strtoupper($type), $columnTypeList) ) { if ($listType == 'checkbox') { $selectColHtml .= '' . htmlspecialchars($column) . ' [ ' . htmlspecialchars($def['Type']) . ' ]
'; } else { $selectColHtml .= ''; } } } return $selectColHtml; } /** * get the html of the form to add the new column to given table * * @param integer $num_fields number of columns to add * @param string $db current database * @param string $table current table * @param array $columnMeta array containing default values for the fields * * @return HTML */ function PMA_getHtmlForCreateNewColumn( $num_fields, $db, $table, $columnMeta=array() ) { $cfgRelation = PMA_getRelationsParam(); $content_cells = array(); $available_mime = array(); $mime_map = array(); $header_cells = PMA_getHeaderCells( true, null, $cfgRelation['mimework'], $db, $table ); if ($cfgRelation['mimework'] && $GLOBALS['cfg']['BrowseMIME']) { $mime_map = PMA_getMIME($db, $table); $available_mime = PMA_getAvailableMIMEtypes(); } $comments_map = PMA_getComments($db, $table); for ($columnNumber = 0; $columnNumber < $num_fields; $columnNumber++) { $content_cells[$columnNumber] = PMA_getHtmlForColumnAttributes( $columnNumber, $columnMeta, '', 8, '', null, array(), null, null, null, $comments_map, null, true, array(), $cfgRelation, isset($available_mime)?$available_mime:array(), $mime_map ); } return PMA_getHtmlForTableFieldDefinitions($header_cells, $content_cells); } /** * build the html for step 1.1 of normalization * * @param string $db current database * @param string $table current table * @param string $normalizedTo up to which step normalization will go, * possible values 1nf|2nf|3nf * * @return HTML for step 1.1 */ function PMA_getHtmlFor1NFStep1($db, $table, $normalizedTo) { $step = 1; $stepTxt = __('Make all columns atomic'); $html = "

" . __('First step of normalization (1NF)') . "

"; $html .= "
" . "
" . "" . __('Step 1.') . $step . " " . $stepTxt . "" . "

" . __( 'Do you have any column which can be split into more than' . ' one column? ' . 'For example: address can be split into street, city, country and zip.' ) . "
( " . __( 'Show me the central list of columns that are not already in this table' ) . " )

" . "

" . __( 'Select a column which can be split into more ' . 'than one. (on select of \'no such column\', it\'ll move to next step)' ) . "

" . "
" . "" . "" . __('split into ') . "" . "
" . "
" . "
" . "
" . "
"; return $html; } /** * build the html contents of various html elements in step 1.2 * * @param string $db current database * @param string $table current table * * @return HTML contents for step 1.2 */ function PMA_getHtmlContentsFor1NFStep2($db, $table) { $step = 2; $stepTxt = __('Have a primary key'); $primary = PMA_Index::getPrimary($table, $db); $hasPrimaryKey = "0"; $legendText = __('Step 1.') . $step . " " . $stepTxt; $extra = ''; if ($primary) { $headText = __("Primary key already exists."); $subText = __("Taking you to next step…"); $hasPrimaryKey = "1"; } else { $headText = __( "There is no primary key; please add one.
" . "Hint: A primary key is a column " . "(or combination of columns) that uniquely identify all rows." ); $subText = '' . PMA_Util::getIcon( 'b_index_add.png', __( 'Add a primary key on existing column(s)' ) ) . ''; $extra = __( "If it's not possible to make existing " . "column combinations as primary key" ) . "
" . '' . __('+ Add a new primary key column') . ''; } $res = array('legendText'=>$legendText, 'headText'=>$headText, 'subText'=>$subText, 'hasPrimaryKey'=>$hasPrimaryKey, 'extra'=>$extra); return $res; } /** * build the html contents of various html elements in step 1.4 * * @param string $db current database * @param string $table current table * * @return HTML contents for step 1.4 */ function PMA_getHtmlContentsFor1NFStep4($db, $table) { $step = 4; $stepTxt = __('Remove redundant columns'); $legendText = __('Step 1.') . $step . " " . $stepTxt; $headText = __( "Do you have a group of columns which on combining gives an existing" . " column? For example, if you have first_name, last_name and" . " full_name then combining first_name and last_name gives full_name" . " which is redundant." ); $subText = __( "Check the columns which are redundant and click on remove. " . "If no redundant column, click on 'No redundant column'" ); $extra = PMA_getHtmlForColumnsList($db, $table, 'all', "checkbox") . "
" . '' . ''; $res = array( 'legendText'=>$legendText, 'headText'=>$headText, 'subText'=>$subText, 'extra'=>$extra ); return $res; } /** * build the html contents of various html elements in step 1.3 * * @param string $db current database * @param string $table current table * * @return HTML contents for step 1.3 */ function PMA_getHtmlContentsFor1NFStep3($db, $table) { $step = 3; $stepTxt = __('Move repeating groups'); $legendText = __('Step 1.') . $step . " " . $stepTxt; $headText = __( "Do you have a group of two or more columns that are closely " . "related and are all repeating the same attribute? For example, " . "a table that holds data on books might have columns such as book_id, " . "author1, author2, author3 and so on which form a " . "repeating group. In this case a new table (book_id, author) should " . "be created." ); $subText = __( "Check the columns which form a repeating group. " . "If no such group, click on 'No repeating group'" ); $extra = PMA_getHtmlForColumnsList($db, $table, 'all', "checkbox") . "
" . '' . ''; $primary = PMA_Index::getPrimary($table, $db); $primarycols = $primary->getColumns(); $pk = array(); foreach ($primarycols as $col) { $pk[] = $col->getName(); } $res = array( 'legendText'=>$legendText, 'headText'=>$headText, 'subText'=>$subText, 'extra'=>$extra, 'primary_key'=> json_encode($pk) ); return $res; } /** * build html contents for 2NF step 2.1 * * @param string $db current database * @param string $table current table * * @return HTML contents for 2NF step 2.1 */ function PMA_getHtmlFor2NFstep1($db, $table) { $legendText = __('Step 2.') . "1 " . __('Find partial dependencies'); $primary = PMA_Index::getPrimary($table, $db); $primarycols = $primary->getColumns(); $pk = array(); $subText = ''; $selectPkForm = ""; $extra = ""; foreach ($primarycols as $col) { $pk[] = $col->getName(); $selectPkForm .= '' . htmlspecialchars($col->getName()); } $key = implode(', ', $pk); if (count($primarycols) > 1) { $GLOBALS['dbi']->selectDb($db, $GLOBALS['userlink']); $columns = (array) $GLOBALS['dbi']->getColumnNames( $db, $table, $GLOBALS['userlink'] ); if (count($pk) == count($columns)) { $headText = sprintf( __( 'No partial dependencies possible as ' . 'no non-primary column exists since primary key ( %1$s ) ' . 'is composed of all the columns in the table.' ), htmlspecialchars($key) ) . '
'; $extra = '

' . __('Table is already in second normal form.') . '

'; } else { $headText = sprintf( __( 'The primary key ( %1$s ) consists of more than one column ' . 'so we need to find the partial dependencies.' ), htmlspecialchars($key) ) . '
' . __( 'Please answer the following question(s) ' . 'carefully to obtain a correct normalization.' ) . '
' . __( '+ Show me the possible partial dependencies ' . 'based on data in the table' ) . ''; $subText = __( 'For each column below, ' . 'please select the minimal set of columns among given set ' . 'whose values combined together are sufficient' . ' to determine the value of the column.' ); $cnt=0; foreach ($columns as $column) { if (!in_array($column, $pk)) { $cnt++; $extra .= "" . sprintf( __('\'%1$s\' depends on:'), htmlspecialchars($column) ) . "
"; $extra .= '
' . $selectPkForm . '

'; } } } } else { $headText = sprintf( __( 'No partial dependencies possible as the primary key' . ' ( %1$s ) has just one column.' ), htmlspecialchars($key) ) . '
'; $extra = '

' . __('Table is already in second normal form.') . '

'; } $res = array( 'legendText'=>$legendText, 'headText'=>$headText, 'subText'=>$subText,'extra'=>$extra, 'primary_key'=> $key ); return $res; } /** * build the html for showing the tables to have in order to put current table in 2NF * * @param array $partialDependencies array containing all the dependencies * @param string $table current table * * @return HTML */ function PMA_getHtmlForNewTables2NF($partialDependencies,$table) { $html = '

' . sprintf( __( 'In order to put the ' . 'original table \'%1$s\' into Second normal form we need ' . 'to create the following tables:' ), htmlspecialchars($table) ) . '

'; $tableName = $table; $i=1; foreach ($partialDependencies as $key=>$dependents) { $html .= '

' . '( ' . htmlspecialchars($key) . '' . (count($dependents)>0?', ':'') . htmlspecialchars(implode(', ', $dependents)) . ' )'; $i++; $tableName = 'table' . $i; } return $html; } /** * create/alter the tables needed for 2NF * * @param array $partialDependencies array containing all the partial dependencies * @param object $tablesName name of new tables * @param string $table current table * @param string $db current database * * @return array */ function PMA_createNewTablesFor2NF($partialDependencies, $tablesName, $table, $db) { $dropCols = false; $nonPKCols = array(); $queries = array(); $error = false; $headText = '

' . sprintf( __('The second step of normalization is complete for table \'%1$s\'.'), htmlspecialchars($table) ) . '

'; if (count((array)$partialDependencies) == 1) { return array( 'legendText'=>__('End of step'), 'headText'=>$headText, 'queryError'=>$error ); } $message = ''; $GLOBALS['dbi']->selectDb($db, $GLOBALS['userlink']); foreach ($partialDependencies as $key=>$dependents) { if ($tablesName->$key != $table) { $backquotedKey = implode(', ', PMA_Util::backquote(explode(', ', $key))); $queries[] = 'CREATE TABLE ' . PMA_Util::backquote($tablesName->$key) . ' SELECT DISTINCT ' . $backquotedKey . (count($dependents)>0?', ':'') . implode(',', PMA_Util::backquote($dependents)) . ' FROM ' . PMA_Util::backquote($table) . ';'; $queries[] = 'ALTER TABLE ' . PMA_Util::backquote($tablesName->$key) . ' ADD PRIMARY KEY(' . $backquotedKey . ');'; $nonPKCols = array_merge($nonPKCols, $dependents); } else { $dropCols = true; } } if ($dropCols) { $query = 'ALTER TABLE ' . PMA_Util::backquote($table); foreach ($nonPKCols as $col) { $query .= ' DROP ' . PMA_Util::backquote($col) . ','; } $query = trim($query, ', '); $query .= ';'; $queries[] = $query; } else { $queries[] = 'DROP TABLE ' . PMA_Util::backquote($table); } foreach ($queries as $query) { if (!$GLOBALS['dbi']->tryQuery($query, $GLOBALS['userlink'])) { $message = PMA_Message::error(__('Error in processing!')); $message->addMessage('

'); $message->addMessage( PMA_Message::rawError( $GLOBALS['dbi']->getError($GLOBALS['userlink']) ) ); $error = true; break; } } return array( 'legendText'=>__('End of step'), 'headText'=>$headText, 'queryError'=>$error, 'extra'=>$message ); } /** * build the html for showing the new tables to have in order * to put given tables in 3NF * * @param object $dependencies containing all the dependencies * @param array $tables tables formed after 2NF and need to convert to 3NF * @param string $db current database * * @return array containing html and the list of new tables */ function PMA_getHtmlForNewTables3NF($dependencies, $tables, $db) { $html = ""; $i=1; $newTables = array(); foreach ($tables as $table=>$arrDependson) { if (count(array_unique($arrDependson)) == 1) { continue; } $primary = PMA_Index::getPrimary($table, $db); $primarycols = $primary->getColumns(); $pk = array(); foreach ($primarycols as $col) { $pk[] = $col->getName(); } $html .= '

' . sprintf( __( 'In order to put the ' . 'original table \'%1$s\' into Third normal form we need ' . 'to create the following tables:' ), htmlspecialchars($table) ) . '

'; $tableName = $table; $columnList = array(); foreach ($arrDependson as $key) { $dependents = $dependencies->$key; if ($key == $table) { $key = implode(', ', $pk); } $tmpTableCols =array_merge(explode(', ', $key), $dependents); sort($tmpTableCols); if (!in_array($tmpTableCols, $columnList)) { $columnList[] = $tmpTableCols; $html .= '

' . '( ' . htmlspecialchars($key) . '' . (count($dependents)>0?', ':'') . htmlspecialchars(implode(', ', $dependents)) . ' )'; $newTables[$table][$tableName] = array( "pk"=>$key, "nonpk"=>implode(', ', $dependents) ); $i++; $tableName = 'table' . $i; } } } return array('html'=>$html, 'newTables'=>$newTables); } /** * create new tables or alter existing to get 3NF * * @param array $newTables list of new tables to be created * @param string $db current database * * @return array */ function PMA_createNewTablesFor3NF($newTables, $db) { $queries = array(); $dropCols = false; $error = false; $headText = '

' . __('The third step of normalization is complete.') . '

'; if (count((array)$newTables) == 0) { return array( 'legendText'=>__('End of step'), 'headText'=>$headText, 'queryError'=>$error ); } $message = ''; $GLOBALS['dbi']->selectDb($db, $GLOBALS['userlink']); foreach ($newTables as $originalTable=>$tablesList) { foreach ($tablesList as $table=>$cols) { if ($table != $originalTable) { $quotedPk = implode( ', ', PMA_Util::backquote(explode(', ', $cols->pk)) ); $quotedNonpk = implode( ', ', PMA_Util::backquote(explode(', ', $cols->nonpk)) ); $queries[] = 'CREATE TABLE ' . PMA_Util::backquote($table) . ' SELECT DISTINCT ' . $quotedPk . ', ' . $quotedNonpk . ' FROM ' . PMA_Util::backquote($originalTable) . ';'; $queries[] = 'ALTER TABLE ' . PMA_Util::backquote($table) . ' ADD PRIMARY KEY(' . $quotedPk . ');'; } else { $dropCols = $cols; } } if ($dropCols) { $columns = (array) $GLOBALS['dbi']->getColumnNames( $db, $originalTable, $GLOBALS['userlink'] ); $colPresent = array_merge( explode(', ', $dropCols->pk), explode(', ', $dropCols->nonpk) ); $query = 'ALTER TABLE ' . PMA_Util::backquote($originalTable); foreach ($columns as $col) { if (!in_array($col, $colPresent)) { $query .= ' DROP ' . PMA_Util::backquote($col) . ','; } } $query = trim($query, ', '); $query .= ';'; $queries[] = $query; } else { $queries[] = 'DROP TABLE ' . PMA_Util::backquote($originalTable); } $dropCols = false; } foreach ($queries as $query) { if (!$GLOBALS['dbi']->tryQuery($query, $GLOBALS['userlink'])) { $message = PMA_Message::error(__('Error in processing!')); $message->addMessage('

'); $message->addMessage( PMA_Message::rawError( $GLOBALS['dbi']->getError($GLOBALS['userlink']) ) ); $error = true; break; } } return array( 'legendText'=>__('End of step'), 'headText'=>$headText, 'queryError'=>$error, 'extra'=>$message ); } /** * move the repeating group of columns to a new table * * @param string $repeatingColumns comma separated list of repeating group columns * @param string $primary_columns comma separated list of column in primary key * of $table * @param string $newTable name of the new table to be created * @param string $newColumn name of the new column in the new table * @param string $table current table * @param string $db current database * * @return array */ function PMA_moveRepeatingGroup( $repeatingColumns, $primary_columns, $newTable, $newColumn, $table, $db ) { $repeatingColumnsArr = (array)PMA_Util::backquote( explode(', ', $repeatingColumns) ); $primary_columns = implode( ',', PMA_Util::backquote(explode(',', $primary_columns)) ); $query1 = 'CREATE TABLE ' . PMA_Util::backquote($newTable); $query2 = 'ALTER TABLE ' . PMA_Util::backquote($table); $message = PMA_Message::success( sprintf( __('Selected repeating group has been moved to the table \'%s\''), htmlspecialchars($table) ) ); $first = true; $error = false; foreach ($repeatingColumnsArr as $repeatingColumn) { if (!$first) { $query1 .= ' UNION '; } $first = false; $query1 .= ' SELECT ' . $primary_columns . ',' . $repeatingColumn . ' as ' . PMA_Util::backquote($newColumn) . ' FROM ' . PMA_Util::backquote($table); $query2 .= ' DROP ' . $repeatingColumn . ','; } $query2 = trim($query2, ','); $queries = array($query1, $query2); $GLOBALS['dbi']->selectDb($db, $GLOBALS['userlink']); foreach ($queries as $query) { if (!$GLOBALS['dbi']->tryQuery($query, $GLOBALS['userlink'])) { $message = PMA_Message::error(__('Error in processing!')); $message->addMessage('

'); $message->addMessage( PMA_Message::rawError( $GLOBALS['dbi']->getError($GLOBALS['userlink']) ) ); $error = true; break; } } return array( 'queryError'=>$error, 'message'=>$message ); } /** * build html for 3NF step 1 to find the transitive dependencies * * @param string $db current database * @param array $tables tables formed after 2NF and need to process for 3NF * * @return string */ function PMA_getHtmlFor3NFstep1($db, $tables) { $legendText = __('Step 3.') . "1 " . __('Find transitive dependencies'); $extra = ""; $headText = __( 'Please answer the following question(s) ' . 'carefully to obtain a correct normalization.' ); $subText = __( 'For each column below, ' . 'please select the minimal set of columns among given set ' . 'whose values combined together are sufficient' . ' to determine the value of the column.
' . 'Note: A column may have no transitive dependency, ' . 'in that case you don\'t have to select any.' ); $cnt=0; foreach ($tables as $key=>$table) { $primary = PMA_Index::getPrimary($table, $db); $primarycols = $primary->getColumns(); $selectTdForm = ""; $pk = array(); foreach ($primarycols as $col) { $pk[] = $col->getName(); } $GLOBALS['dbi']->selectDb($db, $GLOBALS['userlink']); $columns = (array) $GLOBALS['dbi']->getColumnNames( $db, $table, $GLOBALS['userlink'] ); if (count($columns)-count($pk)<=1) { continue; } foreach ($columns as $column) { if (!in_array($column, $pk)) { $selectTdForm .= '' . '' . htmlspecialchars($column) . ''; } } foreach ($columns as $column) { if (!in_array($column, $pk)) { $cnt++; $extra .= "" . sprintf( __('\'%1$s\' depends on:'), htmlspecialchars($column) ) . "
"; $extra .= '
' . $selectTdForm . '

'; } } } if ($extra == "") { $headText = __( "No Transitive dependencies possible as the table " . "doesn't have any non primary key columns" ); $subText = ""; $extra = "

" . __("Table is already in Third normal form!") . "

"; } $res = array( 'legendText'=>$legendText, 'headText'=>$headText, 'subText'=>$subText,'extra'=>$extra ); return $res; } /** * get html for options to normalize table * * @return HTML */ function PMA_getHtmlForNormalizetable() { $html_output = '
' . PMA_URL_getHiddenInputs($GLOBALS['db'], $GLOBALS['table']) . ''; $html_output .= '
'; $html_output .= '' . __('Improve table structure (Normalization):') . ''; $html_output .= '

' . __('Select up to what step you want to normalize') . '

'; $choices = array( '1nf' => __('First step of normalization (1NF)'), '2nf' => __('Second step of normalization (1NF+2NF)'), '3nf' => __('Third step of normalization (1NF+2NF+3NF)')); $html_output .= PMA_Util::getRadioFields( 'normalizeTo', $choices, '1nf', true ); $html_output .= '
' . "" . __( 'Hint: Please follow the procedure carefully in order ' . 'to obtain correct normalization' ) . "" . '' . '
' . '
' . ''; return $html_output; } /** * find all the possible partial dependencies based on data in the table. * * @param string $table current table * @param string $db current database * * @return HTML containing the list of all the possible partial dependencies */ function PMA_findPartialDependencies($table, $db) { $dependencyList = array(); $GLOBALS['dbi']->selectDb($db, $GLOBALS['userlink']); $columns = (array) $GLOBALS['dbi']->getColumnNames( $db, $table, $GLOBALS['userlink'] ); $columns = (array)PMA_Util::backquote($columns); $totalRowsRes = $GLOBALS['dbi']->fetchResult( 'SELECT COUNT(*) FROM (SELECT * FROM ' . PMA_Util::backquote($table) . ' LIMIT 500) as dt;' ); $totalRows = $totalRowsRes[0]; $primary = PMA_Index::getPrimary($table, $db); $primarycols = $primary->getColumns(); $pk = array(); foreach ($primarycols as $col) { $pk[] = PMA_Util::backquote($col->getName()); } $partialKeys = PMA_getAllCombinationPartialKeys($pk); $distinctValCount = PMA_findDistinctValuesCount( array_unique( array_merge($columns, $partialKeys) ), $table ); foreach ($columns as $column) { if (!in_array($column, $pk)) { foreach ($partialKeys as $partialKey) { if ($partialKey && PMA_checkPartialDependency( $partialKey, $column, $table, $distinctValCount[$partialKey], $distinctValCount[$column], $totalRows ) ) { $dependencyList[$partialKey][] = $column; } } } } $html = __( 'This list is based on a subset of the table\'s data ' . 'and is not necessarily accurate. ' ) . '
'; foreach ($dependencyList as $dependon=>$colList) { $html .= '' . '' . '' . htmlspecialchars(str_replace('`', '', $dependon)) . ' -> ' . '' . htmlspecialchars(str_replace('`', '', implode(', ', $colList))) . '' . ''; } if (empty($dependencyList)) { $html .= '

' . __('No partial dependencies found!') . '

'; } $html .= '
'; return $html; } /** * check whether a particular column is dependent on given subset of primary key * * @param string $partialKey the partial key, subset of primary key, * each column in key supposed to be backquoted * @param string $column backquoted column on whose dependency being checked * @param string $table current table * @param integer $pkCnt distinct value count for given partial key * @param integer $colCnt distinct value count for given column * @param integer $totalRows total distinct rows count of the table * * @return boolean TRUE if $column is dependent on $partialKey, False otherwise */ function PMA_checkPartialDependency( $partialKey, $column, $table, $pkCnt, $colCnt, $totalRows ) { $query = 'SELECT ' . 'COUNT(DISTINCT ' . $partialKey . ',' . $column . ') as pkColCnt ' . 'FROM (SELECT * FROM ' . PMA_Util::backquote($table) . ' LIMIT 500) as dt' . ';'; $res = $GLOBALS['dbi']->fetchResult($query, null, null, $GLOBALS['userlink']); $pkColCnt = $res[0]; if ($pkCnt && $pkCnt == $colCnt && $colCnt == $pkColCnt) { return true; } if ($totalRows && $totalRows == $pkCnt) { return true; } return false; } /** * function to get distinct values count of all the column in the array $columns * * @param array $columns array of backquoted columns whose distinct values * need to be counted. * @param string $table table to which these columns belong * * @return array associative array containing the count */ function PMA_findDistinctValuesCount($columns, $table) { $result = array(); $query = 'SELECT '; foreach ($columns as $column) { if ($column) { //each column is already backquoted $query .= 'COUNT(DISTINCT ' . $column . ') as \'' . $column . '_cnt\', '; } } $query = trim($query, ', '); $query .= ' FROM (SELECT * FROM ' . PMA_Util::backquote($table) . ' LIMIT 500) as dt' . ';'; $res = $GLOBALS['dbi']->fetchResult($query, null, null, $GLOBALS['userlink']); foreach ($columns as $column) { if ($column) { $result[$column] = $res[0][$column . '_cnt']; } } return $result; } /** * find all the possible partial keys * * @param array $primaryKey array containing all the column present in primary key * * @return array containing all the possible partial keys(subset of primary key) */ function PMA_getAllCombinationPartialKeys($primaryKey) { $results = array(''); foreach ($primaryKey as $element) { foreach ($results as $combination) { array_push( $results, trim($element . ',' . $combination, ',') ); } } array_pop($results); //remove key which consist of all primary key columns return $results; }