' at the moment.) * * @package PhpMyAdmin */ if (! defined('PHPMYADMIN')) { exit; } /** * Include data for the SQL Parser */ require_once './libraries/sqlparser.data.php'; /** * Charset information */ if (!defined('TESTSUITE') && ! PMA_DRIZZLE) { include_once './libraries/mysql_charsets.inc.php'; } if (! isset($mysql_charsets)) { $mysql_charsets = array(); $mysql_collations_flat = array(); } /** * Stores parsed elements of query to array. * * @param array &$arr Array to store element * @param string $type Type of element * @param string $data Data (text) of element * @param int &$arrsize Size of array * @param int $pos Position of an element * * @return void */ function PMA_SQP_arrayAdd(&$arr, $type, $data, &$arrsize, $pos = 0) { $arr[] = array('type' => $type, 'data' => $data, 'pos' => $pos); $arrsize++; } // end of the "PMA_SQP_arrayAdd()" function /** * Reset the error variable for the SQL parser * * @access public * * @return void */ function PMA_SQP_resetError() { global $SQP_errorString; $SQP_errorString = ''; unset($SQP_errorString); } /** * Get the contents of the error variable for the SQL parser * * @return string Error string from SQL parser * * @access public */ function PMA_SQP_getErrorString() { global $SQP_errorString; return isset($SQP_errorString) ? $SQP_errorString : ''; } /** * Check if the SQL parser hit an error * * @return boolean error state * * @access public */ function PMA_SQP_isError() { global $SQP_errorString; return isset($SQP_errorString) && !empty($SQP_errorString); } /** * Set an error message for the system * * @param string $message The error message * @param string $sql The failing SQL query * * @return void * * @access private * @scope SQL Parser internal */ function PMA_SQP_throwError($message, $sql) { global $SQP_errorString; $SQP_errorString = '

' . __( 'There seems to be an error in your SQL query. The MySQL server ' . 'error output below, if there is any, may also help you in ' . 'diagnosing the problem.' ) . '

' . "\n" . '
' . "\n"
        . 'ERROR: ' . $message . "\n"
        . 'SQL: ' . htmlspecialchars($sql) .  "\n"
        . '
' . "\n"; } // end of the "PMA_SQP_throwError()" function /** * Do display the bug report * * @param string $message The error message * @param string $sql The failing SQL query * * @return void * * @access public */ function PMA_SQP_bug($message, $sql) { global $SQP_errorString; $debugstr = 'ERROR: ' . $message . "\n"; $debugstr .= 'MySQL: ' . PMA_MYSQL_STR_VERSION . "\n"; $debugstr .= 'USR OS, AGENT, VER: ' . PMA_USR_OS . ' '; $debugstr .= PMA_USR_BROWSER_AGENT . ' ' . PMA_USR_BROWSER_VER . "\n"; $debugstr .= 'PMA: ' . PMA_VERSION . "\n"; $debugstr .= 'PHP VER,OS: ' . PMA_PHP_STR_VERSION . ' ' . PHP_OS . "\n"; $debugstr .= 'LANG: ' . $GLOBALS['lang'] . "\n"; $debugstr .= 'SQL: ' . htmlspecialchars($sql); $encodedstr = $debugstr; if (@function_exists('gzcompress')) { $encodedstr = gzcompress($debugstr, 9); } $encodedstr = preg_replace( "/(\015\012)|(\015)|(\012)/", '
' . "\n", chunk_split(base64_encode($encodedstr)) ); $SQP_errorString .= __( 'There is a chance that you may have found a bug in the SQL parser. ' . 'Please examine your query closely, and check that the quotes are ' . 'correct and not mis-matched. Other possible failure causes may be ' . 'that you are uploading a file with binary outside of a quoted text ' . 'area. You can also try your query on the MySQL command line ' . 'interface. The MySQL server error output below, if there is any, ' . 'may also help you in diagnosing the problem. If you still have ' . 'problems or if the parser fails where the command line interface ' . 'succeeds, please reduce your SQL query input to the single query ' . 'that causes problems, and submit a bug report with the data chunk ' . 'in the CUT section below:' ); $SQP_errorString .= '
' . "\n" . '----' . __('BEGIN CUT') . '----' . '
' . "\n" . $encodedstr . "\n" . '----' . __('END CUT') . '----' . '
' . "\n"; $SQP_errorString .= '----' . __('BEGIN RAW') . '----
' . "\n" . '
' . "\n"
        . $debugstr
        . '
' . "\n" . '----' . __('END RAW') . '----
' . "\n"; } // end of the "PMA_SQP_bug()" function /** * Parses the SQL queries * * @param string $sql The SQL query list * * @return mixed Most of times, nothing... * * @global array The current PMA configuration * @global array MySQL column attributes * @global array MySQL reserved words * @global array MySQL column types * @global array MySQL function names * @global array List of available character sets * @global array List of available collations * * @access public */ function PMA_SQP_parse($sql) { static $PMA_SQPdata_column_attrib, $PMA_SQPdata_reserved_word; static $PMA_SQPdata_column_type; static $PMA_SQPdata_function_name, $PMA_SQPdata_forbidden_word; global $mysql_charsets, $mysql_collations_flat; /** @var PMA_String $pmaString */ $pmaString = $GLOBALS['PMA_String']; // Convert all line feeds to Unix style $sql = str_replace("\r\n", "\n", $sql); $sql = str_replace("\r", "\n", $sql); $len = /*overload*/mb_strlen($sql); if ($len == 0) { return array(); } // Create local hashtables if (!isset($PMA_SQPdata_column_attrib)) { $PMA_SQPdata_column_attrib = array_flip( $GLOBALS['PMA_SQPdata_column_attrib'] ); $PMA_SQPdata_function_name = array_flip( $GLOBALS['PMA_SQPdata_function_name'] ); $PMA_SQPdata_reserved_word = array_flip( $GLOBALS['PMA_SQPdata_reserved_word'] ); $PMA_SQPdata_forbidden_word = array_flip( $GLOBALS['PMA_SQPdata_forbidden_word'] ); $PMA_SQPdata_column_type = array_flip( $GLOBALS['PMA_SQPdata_column_type'] ); } $sql_array = array(); $sql_array['raw'] = $sql; $count2 = 0; $punct_queryend = ';'; $punct_qualifier = '.'; $punct_listsep = ','; $bracket_list = '()[]{}'; $allpunct_list = '-,;:!?/.^~\*&%+<=>|'; $allpunct_list_pair = array( '!=' => 1, '&&' => 1, ':=' => 1, '<<' => 1, '<=' => 1, '<=>' => 1, '<>' => 1, '>=' => 1, '>>' => 1, '||' => 1, '==' => 1 ); $quote_list = '\'"`'; $arraysize = 0; $this_was_space = false; $this_was_bracket = false; $this_was_punct = false; $this_was_listsep = false; $this_was_quote = false; while ($count2 < $len) { $c = /*overload*/mb_substr($sql, $count2, 1); $count1 = $count2; $previous_was_space = $this_was_space; $this_was_space = false; $previous_was_bracket = $this_was_bracket; $this_was_bracket = false; $previous_was_punct = $this_was_punct; $this_was_punct = false; $previous_was_listsep = $this_was_listsep; $this_was_listsep = false; $previous_was_quote = $this_was_quote; $this_was_quote = false; if (($c === "\n")) { $this_was_space = true; $count2++; PMA_SQP_arrayAdd($sql_array, 'white_newline', "\n", $arraysize, $count2); continue; } // Checks for white space if ($pmaString->isSpace($c)) { $this_was_space = true; $count2++; continue; } // Checks for comment lines. // MySQL style # // C style /* */ // ANSI style -- $next_c = /*overload*/mb_substr($sql, $count2 + 1, 1); if (($c == '#') || (($count2 + 1 < $len) && ($c == '/') && ($next_c == '*')) || (($count2 + 2 == $len) && ($c == '-') && ($next_c == '-')) || (($count2 + 2 < $len) && ($c == '-') && ($next_c == '-') && ((/*overload*/mb_substr($sql, $count2 + 2, 1) <= ' '))) ) { $count2++; $pos = 0; $type = 'bad'; switch ($c) { case '#': $type = 'mysql'; $pos = /*overload*/mb_strpos($sql, "\n", $count2); break; case '-': $type = 'ansi'; $pos = /*overload*/mb_strpos($sql, "\n", $count2); break; case '/': $type = 'c'; $pos = /*overload*/mb_strpos($sql, '*/', $count2); $pos += 2; break; default: break; } // end switch $count2 = ($pos < $count2) ? $len : $pos; $str = /*overload*/mb_substr( $sql, $count1, $count2 - $count1 ); PMA_SQP_arrayAdd( $sql_array, 'comment_' . $type, $str, $arraysize, $count2 ); continue; } // end if // Checks for something inside quotation marks if (/*overload*/mb_strpos($quote_list, $c) !== false) { $startquotepos = $count2; $quotetype = $c; $count2++; $pos = $count2; do { $oldpos = $pos; $pos = /*overload*/mb_strpos( ' ' . $sql, $quotetype, $oldpos + 1 ) - 1; // ($pos === false) if ($pos < 0) { if ($c == '`') { /* * Behave same as MySQL and accept end of query as end * of backtick. * I know this is sick, but MySQL behaves like this: * * SELECT * FROM `table * * is treated like * * SELECT * FROM `table` */ $pos_quote_separator = /*overload*/mb_strpos( ' ' . $sql, $GLOBALS['sql_delimiter'], $oldpos + 1 ) - 1; if ($pos_quote_separator < 0) { $len += 1; $sql .= '`'; $sql_array['raw'] .= '`'; $pos = $len; } else { $len += 1; $sql = /*overload*/mb_substr( $sql, 0, $pos_quote_separator ) . '`' . /*overload*/mb_substr( $sql, $pos_quote_separator ); $sql_array['raw'] = $sql; $pos = $pos_quote_separator; } if (class_exists('PMA_Message') && $GLOBALS['is_ajax_request'] != true ) { PMA_Message::notice( __('Automatically appended backtick to the end of query!') )->display(); } } else { $debugstr = __('Unclosed quote') . ' @ ' . $startquotepos . "\n" . 'STR: ' . htmlspecialchars($quotetype); PMA_SQP_throwError($debugstr, $sql); return $sql_array; } } // If the quote is the first character, it can't be // escaped, so don't do the rest of the code if ($pos == 0) { break; } // Checks for MySQL escaping using a \ // And checks for ANSI escaping using the $quotetype character if (($pos < $len) && $pmaString->charIsEscaped($sql, $pos) && $c != '`' ) { $pos ++; continue; } elseif (($pos + 1 < $len) && (/*overload*/mb_substr($sql, $pos, 1) == $quotetype) && (/*overload*/mb_substr($sql, $pos + 1, 1) == $quotetype) ) { $pos = $pos + 2; continue; } else { break; } } while ($len > $pos); // end do $count2 = $pos; $count2++; $type = 'quote_'; switch ($quotetype) { case '\'': $type .= 'single'; $this_was_quote = true; break; case '"': $type .= 'double'; $this_was_quote = true; break; case '`': $type .= 'backtick'; $this_was_quote = true; break; default: break; } // end switch $data = /*overload*/mb_substr($sql, $count1, $count2 - $count1); PMA_SQP_arrayAdd($sql_array, $type, $data, $arraysize, $count2); continue; } // Checks for brackets if (/*overload*/mb_strpos($bracket_list, $c) !== false) { // All bracket tokens are only one item long $this_was_bracket = true; $count2++; if (/*overload*/mb_strpos('([{', $c) !== false) { $type_type = 'open'; } else { $type_type = 'close'; } if (/*overload*/mb_strpos('()', $c) !== false) { $type_style = 'round'; } elseif (/*overload*/mb_strpos('[]', $c) !== false) { $type_style = 'square'; } else { $type_style = 'curly'; } $type = 'punct_bracket_' . $type_type . '_' . $type_style; PMA_SQP_arrayAdd($sql_array, $type, $c, $arraysize, $count2); continue; } /* DEBUG echo '
        var_dump($pmaString->isSqlIdentifier($c, false));
        var_dump($c == '@');
        var_dump($c == '.');
                $pmaString->substr($sql, $count2 + 1, 1)
        echo '
'; */ // Checks for identifier (alpha or numeric) if ($pmaString->isSqlIdentifier($c, false) || $c == '@' || ($c == '.' && $pmaString->isDigit(/*overload*/mb_substr($sql, $count2 + 1, 1)) && ($previous_was_space || $previous_was_bracket || $previous_was_listsep)) ) { /* DEBUG echo $pmaString->substr($sql, $count2); echo '
'; */ $count2++; /** * @todo a @ can also be present in expressions like * FROM 'user'@'%' or TO 'user'@'%' * in this case, the @ is wrongly marked as alpha_variable */ $is_identifier = $previous_was_punct; $is_sql_variable = $c == '@' && ! $previous_was_quote; $is_user = $c == '@' && $previous_was_quote; $is_digit = ( !$is_identifier && !$is_sql_variable && $pmaString->isDigit($c) ); $is_hex_digit = ( $is_digit && $c == '0' && $count2 < $len && /*overload*/mb_substr($sql, $count2, 1) == 'x' ); $is_float_digit = $c == '.'; $is_float_digit_exponent = false; /* DEBUG echo '
            echo '
'; */ // Fast skip is especially needed for huge BLOB data if ($is_hex_digit) { $count2++; $pos = strspn($sql, '0123456789abcdefABCDEF', $count2); if ($pos > $count2) { $count2 = $pos; } unset($pos); } elseif ($is_digit) { $pos = strspn($sql, '0123456789', $count2); if ($pos > $count2) { $count2 = $pos; } unset($pos); } while (($count2 < $len) && $pmaString->isSqlIdentifier( /*overload*/mb_substr($sql, $count2, 1), ($is_sql_variable || $is_digit) ) ) { $c2 = /*overload*/mb_substr($sql, $count2, 1); if ($is_sql_variable && ($c2 == '.')) { $count2++; continue; } if ($is_digit && (!$is_hex_digit) && ($c2 == '.')) { $count2++; if (!$is_float_digit) { $is_float_digit = true; continue; } else { $debugstr = __('Invalid Identifer') . ' @ ' . ($count1+1) . "\n" . 'STR: ' . htmlspecialchars( /*overload*/mb_substr( $sql, $count1, $count2 - $count1 ) ); PMA_SQP_throwError($debugstr, $sql); return $sql_array; } } if ($is_digit && (!$is_hex_digit) && (($c2 == 'e') || ($c2 == 'E')) ) { if (!$is_float_digit_exponent) { $is_float_digit_exponent = true; $is_float_digit = true; $count2++; continue; } else { $is_digit = false; $is_float_digit = false; } } if (($is_hex_digit && $pmaString->isHexDigit($c2)) || ($is_digit && $pmaString->isDigit($c2)) ) { $count2++; continue; } else { $is_digit = false; $is_hex_digit = false; } $count2++; } // end while $l = $count2 - $count1; $str = /*overload*/mb_substr($sql, $count1, $l); if ($is_digit || $is_float_digit || $is_hex_digit) { $type = 'digit'; if ($is_float_digit) { $type .= '_float'; } elseif ($is_hex_digit) { $type .= '_hex'; } else { $type .= '_integer'; } } elseif ($is_user) { $type = 'punct_user'; } elseif ($is_sql_variable != false) { $type = 'alpha_variable'; } else { $type = 'alpha'; } // end if... else.... PMA_SQP_arrayAdd($sql_array, $type, $str, $arraysize, $count2); continue; } // Checks for punct if (/*overload*/mb_strpos($allpunct_list, $c) !== false) { while (($count2 < $len) && /*overload*/mb_strpos( $allpunct_list, /*overload*/mb_substr( $sql, $count2, 1 ) ) !== false ) { $count2++; } $l = $count2 - $count1; if ($l == 1) { $punct_data = $c; } else { $punct_data = /*overload*/mb_substr($sql, $count1, $l); } // Special case, sometimes, although two characters are // adjacent directly, they ACTUALLY need to be separate /* DEBUG echo '
            echo '
'; */ if ($l == 1) { $t_suffix = ''; switch ($punct_data) { case $punct_queryend: $t_suffix = '_queryend'; break; case $punct_qualifier: $t_suffix = '_qualifier'; $this_was_punct = true; break; case $punct_listsep: $this_was_listsep = true; $t_suffix = '_listsep'; break; default: break; } PMA_SQP_arrayAdd( $sql_array, 'punct' . $t_suffix, $punct_data, $arraysize, $count2 ); } elseif ($punct_data == $GLOBALS['sql_delimiter'] || isset($allpunct_list_pair[$punct_data]) ) { // Ok, we have one of the valid combined punct expressions PMA_SQP_arrayAdd( $sql_array, 'punct', $punct_data, $arraysize, $count2 ); } else { // Bad luck, lets split it up more $first = $punct_data[0]; $last2 = $punct_data[$l - 2] . $punct_data[$l - 1]; $last = $punct_data[$l - 1]; if (($first == ',') || ($first == ';') || ($first == '.') || ($first == '*') ) { $count2 = $count1 + 1; $punct_data = $first; } elseif (($last2 == '/*') || (($last2 == '--') && ($count2 == $len || /*overload*/mb_substr($sql, $count2, 1) <= ' ')) ) { $count2 -= 2; $punct_data = /*overload*/mb_substr( $sql, $count1, $count2 - $count1 ); } elseif (($last == '-') || ($last == '+') || ($last == '!')) { $count2--; $punct_data = /*overload*/mb_substr( $sql, $count1, $count2 - $count1 ); } elseif ($last != '~') { /** * @todo for negation operator, split in 2 tokens ? * "select x&~1 from t" * becomes "select x & ~ 1 from t" ? */ $debugstr = __('Unknown Punctuation String') . ' @ ' . ($count1+1) . "\n" . 'STR: ' . htmlspecialchars($punct_data); PMA_SQP_throwError($debugstr, $sql); return $sql_array; } PMA_SQP_arrayAdd( $sql_array, 'punct', $punct_data, $arraysize, $count2 ); continue; } // end if... elseif... else continue; } // DEBUG $count2++; $debugstr = 'C1 C2 LEN: ' . $count1 . ' ' . $count2 . ' ' . $len . "\n" . 'STR: ' . /*overload*/mb_substr( $sql, $count1, $count2 - $count1 ) . "\n"; PMA_SQP_bug($debugstr, $sql); return $sql_array; } // end while ($count2 < $len) /* echo '
    echo '
'; */ if ($arraysize > 0) { $t_next = $sql_array[0]['type']; $t_prev = ''; $t_cur = ''; $d_next = $sql_array[0]['data']; $d_prev = ''; $d_cur = ''; $d_next_upper = $t_next == 'alpha' ? /*overload*/mb_strtoupper($d_next) : $d_next; $d_prev_upper = ''; $d_cur_upper = ''; } for ($i = 0; $i < $arraysize; $i++) { $t_prev = $t_cur; $t_cur = $t_next; $d_prev = $d_cur; $d_cur = $d_next; $d_bef_prev_upper = $d_prev_upper; $d_prev_upper = $d_cur_upper; $d_cur_upper = $d_next_upper; if (($i + 1) < $arraysize) { $t_next = $sql_array[$i + 1]['type']; $d_next = $sql_array[$i + 1]['data']; $d_next_upper = $t_next == 'alpha' ? /*overload*/mb_strtoupper($d_next) : $d_next; } else { $t_next = ''; $d_next = ''; $d_next_upper = ''; } /* DEBUG echo "[prev: ".$d_prev." ".$t_prev."][cur: " . $d_cur." ".$t_cur."][next: ".$d_next." " . $t_next."]
"; */ if ($t_cur == 'alpha') { $t_suffix = '_identifier'; // for example: `thebit` bit(8) NOT NULL DEFAULT b'0' if ($t_prev == 'alpha' && $d_prev == 'DEFAULT' && $d_cur == 'b' && $t_next == 'quote_single' ) { $t_suffix = '_bitfield_constant_introducer'; } elseif (($t_next == 'punct_qualifier') || ($t_prev == 'punct_qualifier') ) { $t_suffix = '_identifier'; } elseif (($t_next == 'punct_bracket_open_round') && isset($PMA_SQPdata_function_name[$d_cur_upper]) ) { /** * @todo 2005-10-16: in the case of a CREATE TABLE containing * a TIMESTAMP, since TIMESTAMP() is also a function, it's * found here and the token is wrongly marked as alpha_functionName. * But we compensate for this when analysing for timestamp_not_null * later in this script. * * Same applies to CHAR vs. CHAR() function. */ $t_suffix = '_functionName'; /* There are functions which might be as well column types */ } elseif (isset($PMA_SQPdata_column_type[$d_cur_upper])) { $t_suffix = '_columnType'; /** * Temporary fix for bugs #621357 and #2027720 * * @todo FIX PROPERLY NEEDS OVERHAUL OF SQL TOKENIZER */ if (($d_cur_upper == 'SET' || $d_cur_upper == 'BINARY') && $t_next != 'punct_bracket_open_round' ) { $t_suffix = '_reservedWord'; } //END OF TEMPORARY FIX // CHARACTER is a synonym for CHAR, but can also be meant as // CHARACTER SET. In this case, we have a reserved word. if ($d_cur_upper == 'CHARACTER' && $d_next_upper == 'SET') { $t_suffix = '_reservedWord'; } // experimental // current is a column type, so previous must not be // a reserved word but an identifier // CREATE TABLE SG_Persons (first varchar(64)) //if ($sql_array[$i-1]['type'] =='alpha_reservedWord') { // $sql_array[$i-1]['type'] = 'alpha_identifier'; //} } elseif (isset($PMA_SQPdata_reserved_word[$d_cur_upper])) { $t_suffix = '_reservedWord'; } elseif (isset($PMA_SQPdata_column_attrib[$d_cur_upper])) { $t_suffix = '_columnAttrib'; // INNODB is a MySQL table type, but in "SHOW INNODB STATUS", // it should be regarded as a reserved word. if ($d_cur_upper == 'INNODB' && $d_prev_upper == 'SHOW' && $d_next_upper == 'STATUS' ) { $t_suffix = '_reservedWord'; } if ($d_cur_upper == 'DEFAULT' && $d_next_upper == 'CHARACTER') { $t_suffix = '_reservedWord'; } // Binary as character set if ($d_cur_upper == 'BINARY' && (($d_bef_prev_upper == 'CHARACTER' && $d_prev_upper == 'SET') || ($d_bef_prev_upper == 'SET' && $d_prev_upper == '=') || ($d_bef_prev_upper == 'CHARSET' && $d_prev_upper == '=') || $d_prev_upper == 'CHARSET') && in_array($d_cur, $mysql_charsets) ) { $t_suffix = '_charset'; } } elseif (in_array($d_cur, $mysql_charsets) || in_array($d_cur, $mysql_collations_flat) || ($d_cur{0} == '_' && in_array(/*overload*/mb_substr($d_cur, 1), $mysql_charsets)) ) { $t_suffix = '_charset'; } else { // Do nothing } // check if present in the list of forbidden words if ($t_suffix == '_reservedWord' && isset($PMA_SQPdata_forbidden_word[$d_cur_upper]) ) { $sql_array[$i]['forbidden'] = true; } else { $sql_array[$i]['forbidden'] = false; } $sql_array[$i]['type'] .= $t_suffix; } } // end for // Stores the size of the array inside the array, as count() is a slow // operation. $sql_array['len'] = $arraysize; // DEBUG echo 'After parsing
'; print_r($sql_array); echo '
'; // Sends the data back return $sql_array; } // end of the "PMA_SQP_parse()" function /** * Checks for token types being what we want... * * @param string $toCheck String of type that we have * @param string $whatWeWant String of type that we want * * @return boolean result of check * * @access private */ function PMA_SQP_typeCheck($toCheck, $whatWeWant) { $typeSeparator = '_'; if (strcmp($whatWeWant, $toCheck) == 0) { return true; } if (/*overload*/mb_strpos($whatWeWant, $typeSeparator) !== false) { return false; } return strncmp( $whatWeWant, $toCheck, /*overload*/mb_strpos($toCheck, $typeSeparator) ) == 0; } /** * Analyzes SQL queries * * @param array $arr The SQL queries * * @return array The analyzed SQL queries * * @access public */ function PMA_SQP_analyze($arr) { if ($arr == array() || ! isset($arr['len'])) { return array(); } $result = array(); $size = $arr['len']; $subresult = array( 'querytype' => '', // the whole stuff between SELECT and FROM , except DISTINCT 'select_expr_clause'=> '', 'position_of_first_select' => '', // the array index 'from_clause'=> '', 'group_by_clause'=> '', 'order_by_clause'=> '', 'having_clause' => '', 'limit_clause' => '', 'where_clause' => '', 'where_clause_identifiers' => array(), 'unsorted_query' => '', 'queryflags' => array(), 'select_expr' => array(), 'table_ref' => array(), 'foreign_keys' => array(), 'create_table_fields' => array() ); $subresult_empty = $subresult; $seek_queryend = false; $seen_end_of_table_ref = false; $number_of_brackets_in_extract = 0; $number_of_brackets_in_group_concat = 0; $number_of_brackets = 0; $in_subquery = false; $seen_subquery = false; $seen_from = false; // for SELECT EXTRACT(YEAR_MONTH FROM CURDATE()) // we must not use CURDATE as a table_ref // so we track whether we are in the EXTRACT() $in_extract = false; // for GROUP_CONCAT(...) $in_group_concat = false; /* Description of analyzer results * * db, table, column, alias * ------------------------ * * Inside the $subresult array, we create ['select_expr'] and ['table_ref'] * arrays. * * The SELECT syntax (simplified) is * * SELECT * select_expression,... * [FROM [table_references] * * * ['select_expr'] is filled with each expression, the key represents the * expression position in the list (0-based) (so we don't lose track of * multiple occurrences of the same column). * * ['table_ref'] is filled with each table ref, same thing for the key. * * I create all sub-values empty, even if they are * not present (for example no select_expression alias). * * There is a debug section at the end of loop #1, if you want to * see the exact contents of select_expr and table_ref * * queryflags * ---------- * * In $subresult, array 'queryflags' is filled, according to what we * find in the query. * * Currently, those are generated: * * ['queryflags']['select_from'] = 1; if this is a real SELECT...FROM * ['queryflags']['drop_database'] = 1;if this is a DROP DATABASE * ['queryflags']['reload'] = 1; for the purpose of reloading the * navigation bar * ['queryflags']['distinct'] = 1; for a DISTINCT * ['queryflags']['union'] = 1; for a UNION * ['queryflags']['join'] = 1; for a JOIN * ['queryflags']['offset'] = 1; for the presence of OFFSET * ['queryflags']['procedure'] = 1; for the presence of PROCEDURE * ['queryflags']['is_explain'] = 1; for the presence of EXPLAIN * ['queryflags']['is_delete'] = 1; for the presence of DELETE * ['queryflags']['is_affected'] = 1; for the presence of UPDATE, DELETE * or INSERT|LOAD DATA|REPLACE * ['queryflags']['is_replace'] = 1; for the presence of REPLACE * ['queryflags']['is_insert'] = 1; for the presence of INSERT * ['queryflags']['is_maint'] = 1; for the presence of CHECK|ANALYZE * |REPAIR|OPTIMIZE TABLE * ['queryflags']['is_show'] = 1; for the presence of SHOW * ['queryflags']['is_analyse'] = 1; for the presence of PROCEDURE ANALYSE * ['queryflags']['is_export'] = 1; for the presence of INTO OUTFILE * ['queryflags']['is_group'] = 1; for the presence of GROUP BY|HAVING| * SELECT DISTINCT * ['queryflags']['is_func'] = 1; for the presence of SUM|AVG|STD|STDDEV * |MIN|MAX|BIT_OR|BIT_AND * ['queryflags']['is_count'] = 1; for the presence of SELECT COUNT * ['queryflags']['is_procedure'] = 1; for the presence of CALL * ['queryflags']['is_subquery'] = 1; contains a subquery * * query clauses * ------------- * * The select is split in those clauses: * ['select_expr_clause'] * ['from_clause'] * ['group_by_clause'] * ['order_by_clause'] * ['having_clause'] * ['limit_clause'] * ['where_clause'] * * The identifiers of the WHERE clause are put into the array * ['where_clause_identifier'] * * For a SELECT, the whole query without the ORDER BY clause is put into * ['unsorted_query'] * * foreign keys * ------------ * The CREATE TABLE may contain FOREIGN KEY clauses, so they get * analyzed and ['foreign_keys'] is an array filled with * the constraint name, the index list, * the REFERENCES table name and REFERENCES index list, * and ON UPDATE | ON DELETE clauses * * position_of_first_select * ------------------------ * * The array index of the first SELECT we find. Will be used to * insert a SQL_CALC_FOUND_ROWS. * * create_table_fields * ------------------- * * Used to detect the DEFAULT CURRENT_TIMESTAMP and * ON UPDATE CURRENT_TIMESTAMP clauses of the CREATE TABLE query. * Also used to store the default value of the field. * An array, each element is the identifier name. * Note that for now, the timestamp_not_null element is created * even for non-TIMESTAMP fields. * * Sub-elements: ['type'] which contains the column type * optional (currently they are never false but can be absent): * ['default_current_timestamp'] boolean * ['on_update_current_timestamp'] boolean * ['timestamp_not_null'] boolean * * section_before_limit, section_after_limit * ----------------------------------------- * * Marks the point of the query where we can insert a LIMIT clause; * so the section_before_limit will contain the left part before * a possible LIMIT clause * * * End of description of analyzer results */ // must be sorted // TODO: current logic checks for only one word, so I put only the // first word of the reserved expressions that end a table ref; // maybe this is not ok (the first word might mean something else) // $words_ending_table_ref = array( // 'FOR UPDATE', // 'GROUP BY', // 'HAVING', // 'LIMIT', // 'LOCK IN SHARE MODE', // 'ORDER BY', // 'PROCEDURE', // 'UNION', // 'WHERE' // ); $words_ending_table_ref = array( 'FOR' => 1, 'GROUP' => 1, 'HAVING' => 1, 'LIMIT' => 1, 'LOCK' => 1, 'ORDER' => 1, 'PROCEDURE' => 1, 'UNION' => 1, 'WHERE' => 1 ); $words_ending_clauses = array( 'FOR' => 1, 'LIMIT' => 1, 'LOCK' => 1, 'PROCEDURE' => 1, 'UNION' => 1 ); $supported_query_types = array( 'SELECT' => 1, /* // Support for these additional query types will come later on. 'DELETE' => 1, 'INSERT' => 1, 'REPLACE' => 1, 'TRUNCATE' => 1, 'UPDATE' => 1, 'EXPLAIN' => 1, 'DESCRIBE' => 1, 'SHOW' => 1, 'CREATE' => 1, 'SET' => 1, 'ALTER' => 1 */ ); // loop #1 for each token: select_expr, table_ref for SELECT for ($i = 0; $i < $size; $i++) { //DEBUG echo "Loop1 " . $arr[$i]['data'] //. " (" . $arr[$i]['type'] . ")
"; // High speed seek for locating the end of the current query if ($seek_queryend == true) { if ($arr[$i]['type'] == 'punct_queryend') { $seek_queryend = false; } else { continue; } // end if (type == punct_queryend) } // end if ($seek_queryend) /** * Note: do not split if this is a punct_queryend for the first and only * query * @todo when we find a UNION, should we split in another subresult? */ if ($arr[$i]['type'] == 'punct_queryend' && ($i + 1 != $size)) { $result[] = $subresult; $subresult = $subresult_empty; continue; } // end if (type == punct_queryend) // ============================================================== if ($arr[$i]['type'] == 'punct_bracket_open_round') { $number_of_brackets++; if ($in_extract) { $number_of_brackets_in_extract++; } if ($in_group_concat) { $number_of_brackets_in_group_concat++; } } // ============================================================== if ($arr[$i]['type'] == 'punct_bracket_close_round') { $number_of_brackets--; if ($number_of_brackets == 0) { $in_subquery = false; } if ($in_extract) { $number_of_brackets_in_extract--; if ($number_of_brackets_in_extract == 0) { $in_extract = false; } } if ($in_group_concat) { $number_of_brackets_in_group_concat--; if ($number_of_brackets_in_group_concat == 0) { $in_group_concat = false; } } } if ($in_subquery) { /** * skip the subquery to avoid setting * select_expr or table_ref with the contents * of this subquery; this is to avoid a bug when * trying to edit the results of * select * from child where not exists (select id from * parent where child.parent_id = parent.id); */ continue; } // ============================================================== if ($arr[$i]['type'] == 'alpha_functionName') { $upper_data = /*overload*/mb_strtoupper($arr[$i]['data']); if ($upper_data =='EXTRACT') { $in_extract = true; $number_of_brackets_in_extract = 0; } if ($upper_data =='GROUP_CONCAT') { $in_group_concat = true; $number_of_brackets_in_group_concat = 0; } } // ============================================================== if ($arr[$i]['type'] == 'alpha_reservedWord') { // We don't know what type of query yet, so run this if ($subresult['querytype'] == '') { $subresult['querytype'] = /*overload*/mb_strtoupper( $arr[$i]['data'] ); } // end if (querytype was empty) // Check if we support this type of query if (!isset($supported_query_types[$subresult['querytype']])) { // Skip ahead to the next one if we don't $seek_queryend = true; continue; } // end if (query not supported) // upper once $upper_data = /*overload*/mb_strtoupper($arr[$i]['data']); /** * @todo reset for each query? */ if ($upper_data == 'SELECT') { if ($number_of_brackets > 0) { $in_subquery = true; $seen_subquery = true; $subresult['queryflags']['is_subquery'] = 1; // this is a subquery so do not analyze inside it continue; } $seen_from = false; $previous_was_identifier = false; $current_select_expr = -1; $seen_end_of_table_ref = false; } // end if (data == SELECT) if ($upper_data =='FROM' && !$in_extract) { $current_table_ref = -1; $seen_from = true; $previous_was_identifier = false; $save_table_ref = true; } // end if (data == FROM) // here, do not 'continue' the loop, as we have more work for // reserved words below } // end if (type == alpha_reservedWord) // ============================== if ($arr[$i]['type'] == 'quote_backtick' || $arr[$i]['type'] == 'quote_double' || $arr[$i]['type'] == 'quote_single' || $arr[$i]['type'] == 'alpha_identifier' || ($arr[$i]['type'] == 'alpha_reservedWord' && $arr[$i]['forbidden'] == false) ) { switch ($arr[$i]['type']) { case 'alpha_identifier': case 'alpha_reservedWord': /** * this is not a real reservedWord, because it's not * present in the list of forbidden words, for example * "storage" which can be used as an identifier * */ $identifier = $arr[$i]['data']; break; case 'quote_backtick': case 'quote_double': case 'quote_single': $identifier = PMA_Util::unQuote($arr[$i]['data']); break; } // end switch if ($subresult['querytype'] == 'SELECT' && ! $in_group_concat && ! ($seen_subquery && $arr[$i - 1]['type'] == 'punct_bracket_close_round') ) { if (!$seen_from) { if ($previous_was_identifier && isset($chain)) { // found alias for this select_expr, save it // but only if we got something in $chain // (for example, SELECT COUNT(*) AS cnt // puts nothing in $chain, so we avoid // setting the alias) $alias_for_select_expr = $identifier; } else { if (! isset($chain)) { $chain = array(); } $chain[] = $identifier; $previous_was_identifier = true; } // end if !$previous_was_identifier } else { // ($seen_from) if ($save_table_ref && !$seen_end_of_table_ref) { if ($previous_was_identifier) { // found alias for table ref // save it for later $alias_for_table_ref = $identifier; } else { if (! isset($chain)) { $chain = array(); } $chain[] = $identifier; $previous_was_identifier = true; } // end if ($previous_was_identifier) } // end if ($save_table_ref &&!$seen_end_of_table_ref) } // end if (!$seen_from) } // end if (querytype SELECT) } // end if (quote_backtick or double quote or alpha_identifier) // =================================== if ($arr[$i]['type'] == 'punct_qualifier') { // to be able to detect an identifier following another $previous_was_identifier = false; continue; } // end if (punct_qualifier) /** * @todo check if 3 identifiers following one another -> error */ // s a v e a s e l e c t e x p r // finding a list separator or FROM // means that we must save the current chain of identifiers // into a select expression // for now, we only save a select expression if it contains // at least one identifier, as we are interested in checking // the columns and table names, so in "select * from persons", // the "*" is not saved if (isset($chain) && !$seen_end_of_table_ref && ((!$seen_from && $arr[$i]['type'] == 'punct_listsep') || ($arr[$i]['type'] == 'alpha_reservedWord' && $upper_data == 'FROM')) ) { $size_chain = count($chain); $current_select_expr++; $subresult['select_expr'][$current_select_expr] = array( 'expr' => '', 'alias' => '', 'db' => '', 'table_name' => '', 'table_true_name' => '', 'column' => '' ); if (isset($alias_for_select_expr) && /*overload*/mb_strlen($alias_for_select_expr) ) { // we had found an alias for this select expression $subresult['select_expr'][$current_select_expr]['alias'] = $alias_for_select_expr; unset($alias_for_select_expr); } // there is at least a column $subresult['select_expr'][$current_select_expr]['column'] = $chain[$size_chain - 1]; $subresult['select_expr'][$current_select_expr]['expr'] = $chain[$size_chain - 1]; // maybe a table if ($size_chain > 1) { $subresult['select_expr'][$current_select_expr]['table_name'] = $chain[$size_chain - 2]; // we assume for now that this is also the true name $subresult['select_expr'][$current_select_expr]['table_true_name'] = $chain[$size_chain - 2]; $subresult['select_expr'][$current_select_expr]['expr'] = $subresult['select_expr'][$current_select_expr]['table_name'] . '.' . $subresult['select_expr'][$current_select_expr]['expr']; } // end if ($size_chain > 1) // maybe a db if ($size_chain > 2) { $subresult['select_expr'][$current_select_expr]['db'] = $chain[$size_chain - 3]; $subresult['select_expr'][$current_select_expr]['expr'] = $subresult['select_expr'][$current_select_expr]['db'] . '.' . $subresult['select_expr'][$current_select_expr]['expr']; } // end if ($size_chain > 2) unset($chain); /** * @todo explain this: */ if (($arr[$i]['type'] == 'alpha_reservedWord') && ($upper_data != 'FROM') ) { $previous_was_identifier = true; } } // end if (save a select expr) //====================================== // s a v e a t a b l e r e f //====================================== // maybe we just saw the end of table refs // but the last table ref has to be saved // or we are at the last token // or we just got a reserved word /** * @todo there could be another query after this one */ if (isset($chain) && $seen_from && $save_table_ref && ($arr[$i]['type'] == 'punct_listsep' || ($arr[$i]['type'] == 'alpha_reservedWord' && $upper_data != "AS") || $seen_end_of_table_ref || $i == $size - 1) ) { $size_chain = count($chain); $current_table_ref++; $subresult['table_ref'][$current_table_ref] = array( 'expr' => '', 'db' => '', 'table_name' => '', 'table_alias' => '', 'table_true_name' => '' ); if (isset($alias_for_table_ref) && /*overload*/mb_strlen($alias_for_table_ref) ) { $subresult['table_ref'][$current_table_ref]['table_alias'] = $alias_for_table_ref; unset($alias_for_table_ref); } $subresult['table_ref'][$current_table_ref]['table_name'] = $chain[$size_chain - 1]; // we assume for now that this is also the true name $subresult['table_ref'][$current_table_ref]['table_true_name'] = $chain[$size_chain - 1]; $subresult['table_ref'][$current_table_ref]['expr'] = $subresult['table_ref'][$current_table_ref]['table_name']; // maybe a db if ($size_chain > 1) { $subresult['table_ref'][$current_table_ref]['db'] = $chain[$size_chain - 2]; $subresult['table_ref'][$current_table_ref]['expr'] = $subresult['table_ref'][$current_table_ref]['db'] . '.' . $subresult['table_ref'][$current_table_ref]['expr']; } // end if ($size_chain > 1) // add the table alias into the whole expression $subresult['table_ref'][$current_table_ref]['expr'] .= ' ' . $subresult['table_ref'][$current_table_ref]['table_alias']; unset($chain); $previous_was_identifier = true; //continue; } // end if (save a table ref) // when we have found all table refs, // for each table_ref alias, put the true name of the table // in the corresponding select expressions if (isset($current_table_ref) && ($seen_end_of_table_ref || $i == $size-1) && $subresult != $subresult_empty ) { for ($tr=0; $tr <= $current_table_ref; $tr++) { $alias = $subresult['table_ref'][$tr]['table_alias']; $truename = $subresult['table_ref'][$tr]['table_true_name']; for ($se=0; $se <= $current_select_expr; $se++) { if (isset($alias) && /*overload*/mb_strlen($alias) && $subresult['select_expr'][$se]['table_true_name'] == $alias ) { $subresult['select_expr'][$se]['table_true_name'] = $truename; } // end if (found the alias) } // end for (select expressions) } // end for (table refs) } // end if (set the true names) // e n d i n g l o o p #1 // set the $previous_was_identifier to false if the current // token is not an identifier if (($arr[$i]['type'] != 'alpha_identifier') && ($arr[$i]['type'] != 'quote_double') && ($arr[$i]['type'] != 'quote_single') && ($arr[$i]['type'] != 'quote_backtick') ) { $previous_was_identifier = false; } // end if // however, if we are on AS, we must keep the $previous_was_identifier if (($arr[$i]['type'] == 'alpha_reservedWord') && ($upper_data == 'AS') ) { $previous_was_identifier = true; } if (($arr[$i]['type'] == 'alpha_reservedWord') && ($upper_data =='ON' || $upper_data =='USING') ) { $save_table_ref = false; } // end if (data == ON) if (($arr[$i]['type'] == 'alpha_reservedWord') && ($upper_data =='JOIN' || $upper_data =='FROM') ) { $save_table_ref = true; } // end if (data == JOIN) /** * no need to check the end of table ref if we already did * * @todo maybe add "&& $seen_from" */ if (!$seen_end_of_table_ref) { // if this is the last token, it implies that we have // seen the end of table references // Check for the end of table references // // Note: if we are analyzing a GROUP_CONCAT clause, // we might find a word that seems to indicate that // we have found the end of table refs (like ORDER) // but it's a modifier of the GROUP_CONCAT so // it's not the real end of table refs if (($i == $size-1) || ($arr[$i]['type'] == 'alpha_reservedWord' && !$in_group_concat && isset($words_ending_table_ref[$upper_data])) ) { $seen_end_of_table_ref = true; // to be able to save the last table ref, but do not // set it true if we found a word like "ON" that has // already set it to false if (isset($save_table_ref) && $save_table_ref != false) { $save_table_ref = true; } //end if } // end if (check for end of table ref) } //end if (!$seen_end_of_table_ref) if ($seen_end_of_table_ref) { $save_table_ref = false; } // end if } // end for $i (loop #1) //DEBUG /* if (isset($current_select_expr)) { for ($trace=0; $trace<=$current_select_expr; $trace++) { echo "
"; reset ($subresult['select_expr'][$trace]); while (list ($key, $val) = each ($subresult['select_expr'][$trace])) echo "sel expr $trace $key => $val
\n"; } } if (isset($current_table_ref)) { echo "current_table_ref = " . $current_table_ref . "
"; for ($trace=0; $trace<=$current_table_ref; $trace++) { echo "
"; reset ($subresult['table_ref'][$trace]); while (list ($key, $val) = each ($subresult['table_ref'][$trace])) echo "table ref $trace $key => $val
\n"; } } */ // ------------------------------------------------------- // loop #2: - queryflags // - querytype (for queries != 'SELECT') // - section_before_limit, section_after_limit // // we will also need this queryflag in loop 2 // so set it here if (isset($current_table_ref) && $current_table_ref > -1) { $subresult['queryflags']['select_from'] = 1; } $section_before_limit = ''; $section_after_limit = ''; // truly the section after the limit clause $seen_reserved_word = false; $seen_group = false; $seen_order = false; $seen_order_by = false; $in_group_by = false; // true when we are inside the GROUP BY clause $in_order_by = false; // true when we are inside the ORDER BY clause $in_having = false; // true when we are inside the HAVING clause $in_select_expr = false; // true when we are inside the select expr clause $in_where = false; // true when we are inside the WHERE clause $seen_limit = false; // true if we have seen a LIMIT clause $in_limit = false; // true when we are inside the LIMIT clause $after_limit = false; // true when we are after the LIMIT clause $in_from = false; // true when we are in the FROM clause $in_group_concat = false; $first_reserved_word = ''; $current_identifier = ''; $unsorted_query = $arr['raw']; // in case there is no ORDER BY $number_of_brackets = 0; $in_subquery = false; $arrayFunctions = array( "SUM","AVG","STD","STDDEV","MIN","MAX","BIT_OR","BIT_AND" ); $arrayKeyWords = array("BY", "HAVING", "SELECT"); for ($i = 0; $i < $size; $i++) { //DEBUG echo "Loop2 " . $arr[$i]['data'] //. " (" . $arr[$i]['type'] . ")
"; if ($arr[$i]['type'] == 'punct_bracket_open_round') { $number_of_brackets++; } if ($arr[$i]['type'] == 'punct_bracket_close_round') { $number_of_brackets--; if ($number_of_brackets == 0) { $in_subquery = false; } } if ($arr[$i]['type'] == 'alpha_reservedWord') { $upper_data = /*overload*/mb_strtoupper($arr[$i]['data']); if ($upper_data == 'SELECT' && $number_of_brackets > 0) { $in_subquery = true; } if (!$seen_reserved_word) { $first_reserved_word = $upper_data; $subresult['querytype'] = $upper_data; $seen_reserved_word = true; if ($first_reserved_word === 'SELECT') { $position_of_first_select = $i; } elseif ($first_reserved_word === 'EXPLAIN') { $subresult['queryflags']['is_explain'] = 1; } elseif ($first_reserved_word === 'DELETE') { $subresult['queryflags']['is_delete'] = 1; $subresult['queryflags']['is_affected'] = 1; } elseif ($first_reserved_word === 'UPDATE') { $subresult['queryflags']['is_affected'] = 1; } elseif ($first_reserved_word === 'REPLACE') { $subresult['queryflags']['is_replace'] = 1; $subresult['queryflags']['is_affected'] = 1; } elseif ($first_reserved_word === 'INSERT') { $subresult['queryflags']['is_insert'] = 1; $subresult['queryflags']['is_affected'] = 1; } elseif ($first_reserved_word === 'SHOW') { $subresult['queryflags']['is_show'] = 1; } } else { // for the presence of DROP DATABASE if ($first_reserved_word == 'DROP' && $upper_data == 'DATABASE') { $subresult['queryflags']['drop_database'] = 1; } // A table has to be created, renamed, dropped -> navi panel // should be reloaded $keywords1 = array('CREATE', 'ALTER', 'DROP'); $keywords2 = array('VIEW', 'TABLE', 'DATABASE', 'SCHEMA'); if (in_array($first_reserved_word, $keywords1) && in_array($upper_data, $keywords2) ) { $subresult['queryflags']['reload'] = 1; } // for the presence of CHECK|ANALYZE|REPAIR|OPTIMIZE TABLE $keywords = array( 'CHECK', 'ANALYZE', 'REPAIR', 'OPTIMIZE' ); if (in_array($first_reserved_word, $keywords) && $upper_data == 'TABLE' ) { $subresult['queryflags']['is_maint'] = 1; } } if ($upper_data == 'LIMIT' && ! $in_subquery) { $section_before_limit = /*overload*/mb_substr( $arr['raw'], 0, $arr[$i]['pos'] - 5 ); $in_limit = true; $seen_limit = true; $limit_clause = ''; $in_order_by = false; // @todo maybe others to set false } if ($upper_data == 'PROCEDURE') { $subresult['queryflags']['procedure'] = 1; $in_limit = false; $after_limit = true; // for the presence of PROCEDURE ANALYSE if (isset($subresult['queryflags']['select_from']) && $subresult['queryflags']['select_from'] == 1 && ($i + 1) < $size && $arr[$i + 1]['type'] == 'alpha_reservedWord' && /*overload*/mb_strtoupper($arr[$i + 1]['data']) == 'ANALYSE' ) { $subresult['queryflags']['is_analyse'] = 1; } } // for the presence of INTO OUTFILE if ($upper_data == 'INTO' && isset($subresult['queryflags']['select_from']) && $subresult['queryflags']['select_from'] == 1 && ($i + 1) < $size && $arr[$i + 1]['type'] == 'alpha_reservedWord' && /*overload*/mb_strtoupper($arr[$i + 1]['data']) == 'OUTFILE' ) { $subresult['queryflags']['is_export'] = 1; } /** * @todo set also to false if we find FOR UPDATE or LOCK IN SHARE MODE */ if ($upper_data == 'SELECT') { $in_select_expr = true; $select_expr_clause = ''; // for the presence of SELECT COUNT if (isset($subresult['queryflags']['select_from']) && $subresult['queryflags']['select_from'] == 1 && !isset($subresult['queryflags']['is_group']) && ($i + 1) < $size && $arr[$i + 1]['type'] == 'alpha_functionName' && /*overload*/mb_strtoupper($arr[$i + 1]['data']) == 'COUNT' ) { $subresult['queryflags']['is_count'] = 1; } } if ($upper_data == 'DISTINCT' && !$in_group_concat) { $subresult['queryflags']['distinct'] = 1; } if ($upper_data == 'UNION') { $subresult['queryflags']['union'] = 1; } if ($upper_data == 'JOIN') { $subresult['queryflags']['join'] = 1; } if ($upper_data == 'OFFSET') { $subresult['queryflags']['offset'] = 1; } // for the presence of CALL if ($upper_data == 'CALL') { $subresult['queryflags']['is_procedure'] = 1; } // if this is a real SELECT...FROM if ($upper_data == 'FROM' && isset($subresult['queryflags']['select_from']) && $subresult['queryflags']['select_from'] == 1 ) { $in_from = true; $from_clause = ''; $in_select_expr = false; } // (we could have less resetting of variables to false // if we trust that the query respects the standard // MySQL order for clauses) // we use $seen_group and $seen_order because we are looking // for the BY if ($upper_data == 'GROUP') { $seen_group = true; $seen_order = false; $in_having = false; $in_order_by = false; $in_where = false; $in_select_expr = false; $in_from = false; // for the presence of GROUP BY|HAVING|SELECT DISTINCT if (isset($subresult['queryflags']['select_from']) && $subresult['queryflags']['select_from'] == 1 && ($i + 1) < $size && $arr[$i + 1]['type'] == 'alpha_reservedWord' && in_array( /*overload*/mb_strtoupper($arr[$i + 1]['data']), $arrayKeyWords ) && ($i + 2) < $size && $arr[$i + 2]['type'] == 'alpha_reservedWord' && /*overload*/mb_strtoupper($arr[$i + 2]['data']) == 'DISTINCT' ) { $subresult['queryflags']['is_group'] = 1; } } if ($upper_data == 'ORDER' && !$in_group_concat) { $seen_order = true; $seen_group = false; $in_having = false; $in_group_by = false; $in_where = false; $in_select_expr = false; $in_from = false; } if ($upper_data == 'HAVING') { $in_having = true; $having_clause = ''; $seen_group = false; $seen_order = false; $in_group_by = false; $in_order_by = false; $in_where = false; $in_select_expr = false; $in_from = false; } if ($upper_data == 'WHERE') { $in_where = true; $where_clause = ''; $where_clause_identifiers = array(); $seen_group = false; $seen_order = false; $in_group_by = false; $in_order_by = false; $in_having = false; $in_select_expr = false; $in_from = false; } if ($upper_data == 'BY') { if ($seen_group) { $in_group_by = true; $group_by_clause = ''; } if ($seen_order) { $seen_order_by = true; // Here we assume that the ORDER BY keywords took // exactly 8 characters. // We use $GLOBALS['PMA_String']->substr() to be charset-safe; // otherwise if the table name contains accents, the unsorted // query would be missing some characters. $unsorted_query = /*overload*/mb_substr( $arr['raw'], 0, $arr[$i]['pos'] - 8 ); $in_order_by = true; $order_by_clause = ''; } } // if we find one of the words that could end the clause if (isset($words_ending_clauses[$upper_data])) { $in_group_by = false; $in_order_by = false; $in_having = false; $in_where = false; $in_select_expr = false; $in_from = false; } } // endif (reservedWord) // do not add a space after a function name /** * @todo can we combine loop 2 and loop 1? some code is repeated here... */ $sep = ' '; if ($arr[$i]['type'] == 'alpha_functionName') { $sep=''; $upper_data = /*overload*/mb_strtoupper($arr[$i]['data']); if ($upper_data =='GROUP_CONCAT') { $in_group_concat = true; $number_of_brackets_in_group_concat = 0; } } if ($arr[$i]['type'] == 'punct_bracket_open_round') { if ($in_group_concat) { $number_of_brackets_in_group_concat++; } } if ($arr[$i]['type'] == 'punct_bracket_close_round') { if ($in_group_concat) { $number_of_brackets_in_group_concat--; if ($number_of_brackets_in_group_concat == 0) { $in_group_concat = false; } } } // do not add a space after an identifier if followed by a dot if ($arr[$i]['type'] == 'alpha_identifier' && $i < $size - 1 && $arr[$i + 1]['data'] == '.' ) { $sep = ''; } // do not add a space after a dot if followed by an identifier if ($arr[$i]['data'] == '.' && $i < $size - 1 && $arr[$i + 1]['type'] == 'alpha_identifier' ) { $sep = ''; } // for the presence of INSERT|LOAD DATA if ($arr[$i]['type'] == 'alpha_identifier' && /*overload*/mb_strtoupper($arr[$i]['data']) == 'DATA' && ($i - 1) >= 0 && $arr[$i - 1]['type'] == 'alpha_reservedWord' && in_array( /*overload*/mb_strtoupper($arr[$i - 1]['data']), array("INSERT", "LOAD") ) ) { $subresult['queryflags']['is_insert'] = 1; $subresult['queryflags']['is_affected'] = 1; } // for the presence of SUM|AVG|STD|STDDEV|MIN|MAX|BIT_OR|BIT_AND if ($arr[$i]['type'] == 'alpha_functionName' && in_array(/*overload*/mb_strtoupper($arr[$i]['data']), $arrayFunctions) && isset($subresult['queryflags']['select_from']) && $subresult['queryflags']['select_from'] == 1 && !isset($subresult['queryflags']['is_group']) ) { $subresult['queryflags']['is_func'] = 1; } if ($in_select_expr && $upper_data != 'SELECT' && $upper_data != 'DISTINCT' ) { $select_expr_clause .= $arr[$i]['data'] . $sep; } if ($in_from && $upper_data != 'FROM') { $from_clause .= $arr[$i]['data'] . $sep; } if ($in_group_by && $upper_data != 'GROUP' && $upper_data != 'BY') { $group_by_clause .= $arr[$i]['data'] . $sep; } if ($in_order_by && $upper_data != 'ORDER' && $upper_data != 'BY') { // add a space only before ASC or DESC // not around the dot between dbname and tablename if ($arr[$i]['type'] == 'alpha_reservedWord') { $order_by_clause .= $sep; } $order_by_clause .= $arr[$i]['data']; } if ($in_having && $upper_data != 'HAVING') { $having_clause .= $arr[$i]['data'] . $sep; } if ($in_where && $upper_data != 'WHERE') { $where_clause .= $arr[$i]['data'] . $sep; if (($arr[$i]['type'] == 'quote_backtick') || ($arr[$i]['type'] == 'alpha_identifier') ) { $where_clause_identifiers[] = $arr[$i]['data']; } } // to grab the rest of the query after the ORDER BY clause if (isset($subresult['queryflags']['select_from']) && $subresult['queryflags']['select_from'] == 1 && ! $in_order_by && $seen_order_by && $upper_data != 'BY' ) { $unsorted_query .= $arr[$i]['data']; if ($arr[$i]['type'] != 'punct_bracket_open_round' && $arr[$i]['type'] != 'punct_bracket_close_round' && $arr[$i]['type'] != 'punct' ) { $unsorted_query .= $sep; } } if ($in_limit) { if ($upper_data == 'OFFSET') { $limit_clause .= $sep; } $limit_clause .= $arr[$i]['data']; if ($upper_data == 'LIMIT' || $upper_data == 'OFFSET') { $limit_clause .= $sep; } } if ($after_limit && $seen_limit) { $section_after_limit .= $arr[$i]['data'] . $sep; } // clear $upper_data for next iteration $upper_data=''; } // end for $i (loop #2) if (empty($section_before_limit)) { $section_before_limit = $arr['raw']; } // ----------------------------------------------------- // loop #3: foreign keys and MySQL 4.1.2+ TIMESTAMP options // (for now, check only the first query) // (for now, identifiers are assumed to be backquoted) // If we find that we are dealing with a CREATE TABLE query, // we look for the next punct_bracket_open_round, which // introduces the fields list. Then, when we find a // quote_backtick, it must be a field, so we put it into // the create_table_fields array. Even if this field is // not a timestamp, it will be useful when logic has been // added for complete field attributes analysis. $seen_foreign = false; $seen_references = false; $seen_constraint = false; $foreign_key_number = -1; $seen_create_table = false; $seen_create = false; $seen_alter = false; $in_create_table_fields = false; $brackets_level = 0; $in_timestamp_options = false; $seen_default = false; for ($i = 0; $i < $size; $i++) { if ($arr[$i]['type'] == 'alpha_reservedWord') { $upper_data = /*overload*/mb_strtoupper($arr[$i]['data']); if ($upper_data == 'NOT' && $in_timestamp_options) { if (! isset($create_table_fields)) { $create_table_fields = array(); } $create_table_fields[$current_identifier]['timestamp_not_null'] = true; } if ($upper_data == 'CREATE') { $seen_create = true; } if ($upper_data == 'ALTER') { $seen_alter = true; } if ($upper_data == 'TABLE' && $seen_create) { $seen_create_table = true; $create_table_fields = array(); } if ($upper_data == 'CURRENT_TIMESTAMP') { if ($in_timestamp_options) { if ($seen_default) { $create_table_fields[$current_identifier] ['default_current_timestamp'] = true; } } } if ($upper_data == 'CONSTRAINT') { $foreign_key_number++; $seen_foreign = false; $seen_references = false; $seen_constraint = true; } if ($upper_data == 'FOREIGN') { $seen_foreign = true; $seen_references = false; $seen_constraint = false; } if ($upper_data == 'REFERENCES') { $seen_foreign = false; $seen_references = true; $seen_constraint = false; } // Cases covered: // [ON DELETE {CASCADE | SET NULL | NO ACTION | RESTRICT}] // [ON UPDATE {CASCADE | SET NULL | NO ACTION | RESTRICT}] // but we set ['on_delete'] or ['on_cascade'] to // CASCADE | SET_NULL | NO_ACTION | RESTRICT // ON UPDATE CURRENT_TIMESTAMP if ($upper_data == 'ON') { if (isset($arr[$i+1]) && $arr[$i+1]['type'] == 'alpha_reservedWord' ) { $second_upper_data = /*overload*/mb_strtoupper( $arr[$i+1]['data'] ); if ($second_upper_data == 'DELETE') { $clause = 'on_delete'; } if ($second_upper_data == 'UPDATE') { $clause = 'on_update'; } // ugly workaround because currently, NO is not // in the list of reserved words in sqlparser.data // (we got a bug report about not being able to use // 'no' as an identifier) if (isset($clause) && ($arr[$i+2]['type'] == 'alpha_reservedWord' || ($arr[$i+2]['type'] == 'alpha_identifier' && /*overload*/mb_strtoupper($arr[$i+2]['data'])=='NO')) ) { $third_upper_data = /*overload*/mb_strtoupper( $arr[$i+2]['data'] ); if ($third_upper_data == 'CASCADE' || $third_upper_data == 'RESTRICT' ) { $value = $third_upper_data; } elseif ($third_upper_data == 'SET' || $third_upper_data == 'NO' ) { if ($arr[$i+3]['type'] == 'alpha_reservedWord') { $value = $third_upper_data . '_' . /*overload*/mb_strtoupper($arr[$i+3]['data']); } } elseif ($third_upper_data == 'CURRENT_TIMESTAMP') { if ($clause == 'on_update' && $in_timestamp_options ) { $create_table_fields[$current_identifier] ['on_update_current_timestamp'] = true; $seen_default = false; } } else { $value = ''; } if (!empty($value)) { if (! isset($foreign)) { $foreign = array(); } $foreign[$foreign_key_number][$clause] = $value; } unset($clause); } // endif (isset($clause)) } } } // end of reserved words analysis if ($arr[$i]['type'] == 'punct_bracket_open_round') { $brackets_level++; if ($seen_create_table && $brackets_level == 1) { $in_create_table_fields = true; } } if ($arr[$i]['type'] == 'punct_bracket_close_round') { $brackets_level--; if ($seen_references) { $seen_references = false; } if ($seen_create_table && $brackets_level == 0) { $in_create_table_fields = false; } } if (($arr[$i]['type'] == 'alpha_columnAttrib')) { $upper_data = /*overload*/mb_strtoupper($arr[$i]['data']); if ($seen_create_table && $in_create_table_fields) { if ($upper_data == 'DEFAULT') { $seen_default = true; $create_table_fields[$current_identifier]['default_value'] = $arr[$i + 1]['data']; } } } /** * @see @todo 2005-10-16 note: the "or" part here is a workaround for a bug */ if (($arr[$i]['type'] == 'alpha_columnType') || ($arr[$i]['type'] == 'alpha_functionName' && $seen_create_table) ) { $upper_data = /*overload*/mb_strtoupper($arr[$i]['data']); if ($seen_create_table && $in_create_table_fields && isset($current_identifier) ) { $create_table_fields[$current_identifier]['type'] = $upper_data; if ($upper_data == 'TIMESTAMP') { $arr[$i]['type'] = 'alpha_columnType'; $in_timestamp_options = true; } else { $in_timestamp_options = false; if ($upper_data == 'CHAR') { $arr[$i]['type'] = 'alpha_columnType'; } } } } if ($arr[$i]['type'] == 'quote_backtick' || $arr[$i]['type'] == 'alpha_identifier' ) { if ($arr[$i]['type'] == 'quote_backtick') { // remove backquotes $identifier = PMA_Util::unQuote($arr[$i]['data']); } else { $identifier = $arr[$i]['data']; } if ($seen_create_table && $in_create_table_fields) { $current_identifier = $identifier; // we set this one even for non TIMESTAMP type $create_table_fields[$current_identifier]['timestamp_not_null'] = false; } if ($seen_constraint) { $foreign[$foreign_key_number]['constraint'] = $identifier; } if ($seen_foreign && $brackets_level > 0) { $foreign[$foreign_key_number]['index_list'][] = $identifier; } if ($seen_references) { if ($seen_alter && $brackets_level > 0) { $foreign[$foreign_key_number]['ref_index_list'][] = $identifier; // here, the first bracket level corresponds to the // bracket of CREATE TABLE // so if we are on level 2, it must be the index list // of the foreign key REFERENCES } elseif ($brackets_level > 1) { $foreign[$foreign_key_number]['ref_index_list'][] = $identifier; } elseif ($arr[$i+1]['type'] == 'punct_qualifier') { // identifier is `db`.`table` // the first pass will pick the db name // the next pass will pick the table name $foreign[$foreign_key_number]['ref_db_name'] = $identifier; } else { // identifier is `table` $foreign[$foreign_key_number]['ref_table_name'] = $identifier; } } } } // end for $i (loop #3) // Fill the $subresult array if (isset($create_table_fields)) { $subresult['create_table_fields'] = $create_table_fields; } if (isset($foreign)) { $subresult['foreign_keys'] = $foreign; } if (isset($select_expr_clause)) { $subresult['select_expr_clause'] = $select_expr_clause; } if (isset($from_clause)) { $subresult['from_clause'] = $from_clause; } if (isset($group_by_clause)) { $subresult['group_by_clause'] = $group_by_clause; } if (isset($order_by_clause)) { $subresult['order_by_clause'] = $order_by_clause; } if (isset($having_clause)) { $subresult['having_clause'] = $having_clause; } if (isset($limit_clause)) { $subresult['limit_clause'] = $limit_clause; } if (isset($where_clause)) { $subresult['where_clause'] = $where_clause; } if (isset($unsorted_query) && !empty($unsorted_query)) { $subresult['unsorted_query'] = $unsorted_query; } if (isset($where_clause_identifiers)) { $subresult['where_clause_identifiers'] = $where_clause_identifiers; } if (isset($position_of_first_select)) { $subresult['position_of_first_select'] = $position_of_first_select; $subresult['section_before_limit'] = $section_before_limit; $subresult['section_after_limit'] = $section_after_limit; } // They are naughty and didn't have a trailing semi-colon, // then still handle it properly if ($subresult['querytype'] != '') { $result[] = $subresult; } return $result; } // end of the "PMA_SQP_analyze()" function /** * Formats SQL queries * * @param array $arr The SQL queries * @param string $mode formatting mode * @param integer $start_token starting token * @param integer $number_of_tokens number of tokens to format, -1 = all * * @return string The formatted SQL queries * * @access public */ function PMA_SQP_format( $arr, $mode='text', $start_token=0, $number_of_tokens=-1 ) { //DEBUG echo 'in Format
'; print_r($arr); echo '
'; // then check for an array if (! is_array($arr)) { return htmlspecialchars($arr); } // first check for the SQL parser having hit an error if (PMA_SQP_isError()) { return htmlspecialchars($arr['raw']); } // else do it properly switch ($mode) { case 'query_only': $str = ''; $html_line_break = "\n"; break; case 'text': $str = ''; $html_line_break = '
'; break; } // end switch $indent = 0; $bracketlevel = 0; $functionlevel = 0; $infunction = false; $space_punct_listsep = ' '; $space_punct_listsep_function_name = ' '; // $space_alpha_reserved_word = '
'."\n"; $space_alpha_reserved_word = ' '; $keywords_with_brackets_1before = array( 'INDEX' => 1, 'KEY' => 1, 'ON' => 1, 'USING' => 1 ); $keywords_with_brackets_2before = array( 'IGNORE' => 1, 'INDEX' => 1, 'INTO' => 1, 'KEY' => 1, 'PRIMARY' => 1, 'PROCEDURE' => 1, 'REFERENCES' => 1, 'UNIQUE' => 1, 'USE' => 1 ); // These reserved words do NOT get a newline placed near them. $keywords_no_newline = array( 'AS' => 1, 'ASC' => 1, 'DESC' => 1, 'DISTINCT' => 1, 'DUPLICATE' => 1, 'HOUR' => 1, 'INTERVAL' => 1, 'IS' => 1, 'LIKE' => 1, 'NOT' => 1, 'NULL' => 1, 'ON' => 1, 'REGEXP' => 1 ); // These reserved words introduce a privilege list $keywords_priv_list = array( 'GRANT' => 1, 'REVOKE' => 1 ); if ($number_of_tokens == -1) { $number_of_tokens = $arr['len']; } $typearr = array(); if ($number_of_tokens >= 0) { $typearr[0] = ''; $typearr[1] = ''; $typearr[2] = ''; $typearr[3] = $arr[$start_token]['type']; } $in_priv_list = false; for ($i = $start_token; $i < $number_of_tokens; $i++) { // DEBUG echo "Loop format " . $arr[$i]['data'] // . " " . $arr[$i]['type'] . "
"; $before = ''; $after = ''; // array_shift($typearr); /* 0 prev2 1 prev 2 current 3 next */ if (($i + 1) < $number_of_tokens) { $typearr[4] = $arr[$i + 1]['type']; } else { $typearr[4] = ''; } for ($j=0; $j<4; $j++) { $typearr[$j] = $typearr[$j + 1]; } switch ($typearr[2]) { case 'alpha_bitfield_constant_introducer': $before = ' '; $after = ''; break; case 'white_newline': $before = ''; break; case 'punct_bracket_open_round': $bracketlevel++; $infunction = false; $keyword_brackets_2before = isset( $keywords_with_brackets_2before[ /*overload*/mb_strtoupper($arr[$i - 2]['data']) ] ); $keyword_brackets_1before = isset( $keywords_with_brackets_1before[ /*overload*/mb_strtoupper($arr[$i - 1]['data']) ] ); // Make sure this array is sorted! if (($typearr[1] == 'alpha_functionName') || ($typearr[1] == 'alpha_columnType') || ($typearr[1] == 'punct') || ($typearr[3] == 'digit_integer') || ($typearr[3] == 'digit_hex') || ($typearr[3] == 'digit_float') || ($typearr[0] == 'alpha_reservedWord' && $keyword_brackets_2before) || ($typearr[1] == 'alpha_reservedWord' && $keyword_brackets_1before) ) { $functionlevel++; $infunction = true; $after .= ' '; } else { $indent++; if ($mode != 'query_only') { $after .= '
'; } else { $after .= ' '; } } break; case 'alpha_identifier': if (($typearr[1] == 'punct_qualifier') || ($typearr[3] == 'punct_qualifier') ) { $after = ''; $before = ''; } // for example SELECT 1 somealias if ($typearr[1] == 'digit_integer') { $before = ' '; } if (($typearr[3] == 'alpha_columnType') || ($typearr[3] == 'alpha_identifier') ) { $after .= ' '; } break; case 'punct_user': case 'punct_qualifier': $before = ''; $after = ''; break; case 'punct_listsep': if ($infunction == true) { $after .= $space_punct_listsep_function_name; } else { $after .= $space_punct_listsep; } break; case 'punct_queryend': if (($typearr[3] != 'comment_mysql') && ($typearr[3] != 'comment_ansi') && $typearr[3] != 'comment_c' ) { $after .= $html_line_break; $after .= $html_line_break; } $space_punct_listsep = ' '; $space_punct_listsep_function_name = ' '; $space_alpha_reserved_word = ' '; $in_priv_list = false; break; case 'comment_mysql': case 'comment_ansi': $after .= $html_line_break; break; case 'punct': $before .= ' '; // workaround for // select * from mytable limit 0,-1 // (a side effect of this workaround is that // select 20 - 9 // becomes // select 20 -9 // ) if ($typearr[3] != 'digit_integer') { $after .= ' '; } break; case 'punct_bracket_close_round': // only close bracket level when it was opened before if ($bracketlevel > 0) { $bracketlevel--; if ($infunction == true) { $functionlevel--; $after .= ' '; $before .= ' '; } else { $indent--; $before .= ($mode != 'query_only' ? '
' : ' '); } $infunction = ($functionlevel > 0) ? true : false; } break; case 'alpha_columnType': if ($typearr[3] == 'alpha_columnAttrib') { $after .= ' '; } if ($typearr[1] == 'alpha_columnType') { $before .= ' '; } break; case 'alpha_columnAttrib': // ALTER TABLE tbl_name AUTO_INCREMENT = 1 // COLLATE LATIN1_GENERAL_CI DEFAULT if ($typearr[1] == 'alpha_identifier' || $typearr[1] == 'alpha_charset' ) { $before .= ' '; } if (($typearr[3] == 'alpha_columnAttrib') || ($typearr[3] == 'quote_single') || ($typearr[3] == 'digit_integer') ) { $after .= ' '; } // workaround for // AUTO_INCREMENT = 31DEFAULT_CHARSET = utf-8 if ($typearr[2] == 'alpha_columnAttrib' && $typearr[3] == 'alpha_reservedWord' ) { $before .= ' '; } // workaround for // select * from mysql.user where binary user="root" // binary is marked as alpha_columnAttrib // but should be marked as a reserved word if (/*overload*/mb_strtoupper($arr[$i]['data']) == 'BINARY' && $typearr[3] == 'alpha_identifier' ) { $after .= ' '; } break; case 'alpha_functionName': break; case 'alpha_reservedWord': // do not uppercase the reserved word if we are calling // this function in query_only mode, because we need // the original query (otherwise we get problems with // semi-reserved words like "storage" which is legal // as an identifier name) if ($mode != 'query_only') { $arr[$i]['data'] = /*overload*/mb_strtoupper($arr[$i]['data']); } list($before, $in_priv_list) = PMA_SQP_getBeforeAndInPrivList( $arr, $typearr, $keywords_no_newline, $i, $in_priv_list, $space_alpha_reserved_word, $before, $keywords_priv_list ); list($space_punct_listsep, $space_alpha_reserved_word) = PMA_SQP_getListsepAndReservedWord( $arr[$i]['data'], $in_priv_list, $html_line_break, $space_punct_listsep, $space_alpha_reserved_word ); $after .= ' '; break; case 'digit_integer': case 'digit_float': case 'digit_hex': /** * @todo could there be other types preceding a digit? */ if ($typearr[1] == 'alpha_reservedWord') { $after .= ' '; } if ($infunction && $typearr[3] == 'punct_bracket_close_round') { $after .= ' '; } if ($typearr[1] == 'alpha_columnAttrib') { $before .= ' '; } break; case 'alpha_variable': $after = ' '; break; case 'quote_double': case 'quote_single': // workaround: for the query // REVOKE SELECT ON `base2\_db`.* FROM 'user'@'%' // the @ is incorrectly marked as alpha_variable // in the parser, and here, the '%' gets a blank before, // which is a syntax error if ($typearr[1] != 'punct_user' && $typearr[1] != 'alpha_bitfield_constant_introducer' ) { $before .= ' '; } if ($infunction && $typearr[3] == 'punct_bracket_close_round') { $after .= ' '; } break; case 'quote_backtick': // here we check for punct_user to handle correctly // DEFINER = `username`@`%` // where @ is the punct_user and `%` is the quote_backtick if ($typearr[3] != 'punct_qualifier' && $typearr[3] != 'alpha_variable' && $typearr[3] != 'punct_user' ) { $after .= ' '; } if ($typearr[1] != 'punct_qualifier' && $typearr[1] != 'alpha_variable' && $typearr[1] != 'punct_user' ) { $before .= ' '; } break; default: break; } // end switch ($typearr[2]) /* if ($typearr[3] != 'punct_qualifier') { $after .= ' '; } $after .= "\n"; */ $str .= $before; if ($mode == 'text') { $str .= htmlspecialchars($arr[$i]['data']); } else { $str .= $arr[$i]['data']; } $str .= $after; } // end for // close unclosed indent levels while ($indent > 0) { $indent--; $str .= ($mode != 'query_only' ? '' : ' '); } return $str; } // end of the "PMA_SQP_format()" function /** * Define variables for PMA_SQP_format * * @param array $arr The SQL queries * @param array $typearr Types * @param array $keywords_no_newline Reserved words without newline placed * near them * @param int $index Index in $arr * @param boolean $in_priv_list Is in privilege list * @param string $space_alpha_reserved_word Reserved word separator * @param string $before String before * @param array $keywords_priv_list Keywords list of privileges * * @return array */ function PMA_SQP_getBeforeAndInPrivList( $arr, $typearr, $keywords_no_newline, $index, $in_priv_list, $space_alpha_reserved_word, $before, $keywords_priv_list ) { if (!((($typearr[1] != 'alpha_reservedWord') || (($typearr[1] == 'alpha_reservedWord') && isset($keywords_no_newline[/*overload*/mb_strtoupper($arr[$index - 1]['data'])]))) && ($typearr[1] != 'punct_level_plus') && (!isset($keywords_no_newline[$arr[$index]['data']]))) ) { $before .= ' '; return array($before, $in_priv_list); } // do not put a space before the first token, because // we use a lot of pattern matching checking for the // first reserved word at beginning of query // so do not put a newline before // // also we must not be inside a privilege list if ($index > 0) { // the alpha_identifier exception is there to // catch cases like // GRANT SELECT ON mydb.mytable TO myuser@localhost // (else, we get mydb.mytableTO) // // the quote_single exception is there to // catch cases like // GRANT ... TO 'marc'@'domain.com' IDENTIFIED... /** * @todo fix all cases and find why this happens */ if (!$in_priv_list || in_array( $typearr[1], array('alpha_identifier', 'quote_single', 'white_newline') ) ) { $before .= $space_alpha_reserved_word; } return array($before, $in_priv_list); } // on first keyword, check if it introduces a // privilege list if (isset($keywords_priv_list[$arr[$index]['data']])) { $in_priv_list = true; } return array($before, $in_priv_list); } /** * Define variables for PMA_SQP_format * * @param string $data Data to check * @param boolean $in_priv_list In privilege list * @param string $html_line_break HTML line break * @param string $space_punct_listsep List separator * @param string $space_alpha_reserved_word Space between reserved words * * @todo check definition of $space_punct_listsep and $space_alpha_reserved_word * * @return array Variables needed by PMA_SQP_format */ function PMA_SQP_getListsepAndReservedWord( $data, $in_priv_list, $html_line_break, $space_punct_listsep, $space_alpha_reserved_word ) { switch ($data) { case 'CREATE': case 'ALTER': case 'DROP': case 'RENAME'; case 'TRUNCATE': case 'ANALYZE': case 'ANALYSE': case 'OPTIMIZE': if (!$in_priv_list) { $space_punct_listsep = $html_line_break; $space_alpha_reserved_word = ' '; } break; case 'EVENT': case 'TABLESPACE': case 'TABLE': case 'FUNCTION': case 'INDEX': case 'PROCEDURE': case 'SERVER': case 'TRIGGER': case 'DATABASE': case 'VIEW': case 'GROUP': break; case 'SET': if (!$in_priv_list) { $space_punct_listsep = $html_line_break; $space_alpha_reserved_word = ' '; } break; case 'EXPLAIN': case 'DESCRIBE': case 'DELETE': case 'SHOW': case 'UPDATE': if (!$in_priv_list) { $space_punct_listsep = $html_line_break; $space_alpha_reserved_word = ' '; } break; case 'INSERT': case 'REPLACE': if (!$in_priv_list) { $space_punct_listsep = $html_line_break; $space_alpha_reserved_word = $html_line_break; } break; case 'VALUES': $space_punct_listsep = ' '; $space_alpha_reserved_word = $html_line_break; break; case 'SELECT': $space_punct_listsep = ' '; $space_alpha_reserved_word = $html_line_break; break; case 'CALL': case 'DO': case 'HANDLER': break; default: break; } return array($space_punct_listsep, $space_alpha_reserved_word); } /** * Gets SQL queries with no format * * @param array $arr The SQL queries list * * @return string The SQL queries with no format * * @access public */ function PMA_SQP_formatNone($arr) { $formatted_sql = htmlspecialchars($arr['raw']); $formatted_sql = preg_replace( "@((\015\012)|(\015)|(\012)){3,}@", "\n\n", $formatted_sql ); return $formatted_sql; } // end of the "PMA_SQP_formatNone()" function /** * Checks whether a given name is MySQL reserved word * * @param string $column The word to be checked * * @return boolean whether true or false */ function PMA_SQP_isKeyWord($column) { global $PMA_SQPdata_forbidden_word; return in_array( /*overload*/mb_strtoupper($column), $PMA_SQPdata_forbidden_word ); } /** * Get Parser Data Map from sqlparser.data.php * * @return Array Parser Data Map from sqlparser.data.php */ function PMA_SQP_getParserDataMap() { include 'libraries/sqlparser.data.php'; return array( 'PMA_SQPdata_function_name' => $PMA_SQPdata_function_name, 'PMA_SQPdata_column_attrib' => $PMA_SQPdata_column_attrib, 'PMA_SQPdata_reserved_word' => $PMA_SQPdata_reserved_word, 'PMA_SQPdata_forbidden_word' => $PMA_SQPdata_forbidden_word, 'PMA_SQPdata_column_type' => $PMA_SQPdata_column_type, ); } /** * Get Parser analyze Map from parse_analyze_inc.php * * @param array $sql_query The SQL string * @param array $db Current DB * * @return Array analyze Map from parse_analyze_inc.php */ function PMA_SQP_getParserAnalyzeMap($sql_query, $db) { include 'libraries/parse_analyze.inc.php'; return $analyzed_sql_results; } /** * Get Aliases from select query * Note: only useful for select query on single table. * * @param string $select_query The Select SQL Query * @param string $db Current DB * * @return Array alias information from select query */ function PMA_SQP_getAliasesFromQuery($select_query, $db) { if (empty($select_query) || empty($db)) { return array(); } $analyzed_sql = PMA_SQP_analyze(PMA_SQP_parse($select_query)); $aliases = array( $db => array( 'alias' => null, 'tables' => array() ) ); foreach ($analyzed_sql[0]['table_ref'] as $table) { $t_db = !empty($table['db']) ? $table['db'] : $db; if (!isset($aliases[$t_db])) { $aliases[$t_db] = array( 'alias' => null, 'tables' => array() ); } $aliases[$t_db]['tables'][$table['table_true_name']] = array( 'alias' => !empty($table['table_alias']) ? $table['table_alias'] : null, 'columns' => array() ); } foreach ($analyzed_sql[0]['select_expr'] as $cols) { if (!empty($cols['alias'])) { $t_db = !empty($cols['db']) ? $cols['db'] : $db; if (!empty($cols['table_true_name'])) { $aliases[$t_db]['tables'][$cols['table_true_name']] ['columns'][$cols['column']] = $cols['alias']; } else { foreach ($aliases[$t_db]['tables'] as $key => $table) { $aliases[$t_db]['tables'][$key] ['columns'][$cols['column']] = $cols['alias']; } } } } return $aliases; } ?>