= strlen($haystack) ) { return false; } return stripos($haystack, $needle, $offset); } /** * Returns position of last $needle in $haystack or false if not found * * @param string $haystack the string being checked * @param string $needle the string to find in haystack * @param int $offset the search offset * * @return integer position of last $needle in $haystack or false */ function mb_strrpos($haystack, $needle, $offset = 0) { return strrpos($haystack, $needle, $offset); } /** * Returns position of last $needle in $haystack - case insensitive - or false * if not found * * @param string $haystack the string being checked * @param string $needle the string to find in haystack * @param int $offset the search offset * * @return integer position of last $needle in $haystack or false */ function mb_strripos($haystack, $needle, $offset = 0) { if (('' === $haystack || false === $haystack) && $offset >= strlen($haystack) ) { return false; } return strripos($haystack, $needle, $offset); } /** * Returns part of $haystack string starting from and including the first * occurrence of $needle to the end of $haystack or false if not found * * @param string $haystack the string being checked * @param string $needle the string to find in haystack * @param bool $before_needle the part before the needle * * @return string part of $haystack or false */ function mb_strstr($haystack, $needle, $before_needle = false) { return strstr($haystack, $needle, $before_needle); } /** * Returns part of $haystack string starting from and including the first * occurrence of $needle to the end of $haystack - case insensitive - or false * if not found * * @param string $haystack the string being checked * @param string $needle the string to find in haystack * @param bool $before_needle the part before the needle * * @return string part of $haystack or false */ function mb_stristr($haystack, $needle, $before_needle = false) { return stristr($haystack, $needle, $before_needle); } /** * Returns the portion of haystack which starts at the last occurrence or false * if not found * * @param string $haystack the string being checked * @param string $needle the string to find in haystack * * @return string portion of haystack which starts at the last occurrence or * false */ function mb_strrchr($haystack, $needle) { return strrchr($haystack, $needle); } /** * Make a string lowercase * * @param string $string the string being lowercased * * @return string the lower case string */ function mb_strtolower($string) { return strtolower($string); } /** * Make a string uppercase * * @param string $string the string being uppercased * * @return string the upper case string */ function mb_strtoupper($string) { return strtoupper($string); } } //New functions. if (!@function_exists('mb_ord')) { /** * Perform a regular expression match * * @param string $pattern Pattern to search for * @param string $subject Input string * @param int $offset Start from search * * @return int 1 if matched, 0 if doesn't, false on failure */ function mb_preg_strpos($pattern, $subject, $offset = 0) { $matches = array(); $bFind = preg_match( $pattern, $subject, $matches, PREG_OFFSET_CAPTURE, $offset ); if (1 !== $bFind) { return false; } return $matches[1][1]; } /** * Get the ordinal value of a string * * @param string $string the string for which ord is required * * @return int the ord value */ function mb_ord($string) { return ord($string); } /** * Get the character of an ASCII * * @param int $ascii the ASCII code for which character is required * * @return string the character */ function mb_chr($ascii) { return chr($ascii); } }