0, a server has been chosen so we can display // all MySQL-related information if ($server > 0) { require './libraries/server_common.inc.php'; require './libraries/StorageEngine.class.php'; require './libraries/server_links.inc.php'; // Use the verbose name of the server instead of the hostname // if a value is set $server_info = ''; if (! empty($cfg['Server']['verbose'])) { $server_info .= htmlspecialchars($cfg['Server']['verbose']); if ($GLOBALS['cfg']['ShowServerInfo']) { $server_info .= ' ('; } } if ($GLOBALS['cfg']['ShowServerInfo'] || empty($cfg['Server']['verbose'])) { $server_info .= PMA_DBI_get_host_info(); } if (! empty($cfg['Server']['verbose']) && $GLOBALS['cfg']['ShowServerInfo']) { $server_info .= ')'; } $mysql_cur_user_and_host = PMA_DBI_fetch_value('SELECT USER();'); // should we add the port info here? $short_server_info = (!empty($GLOBALS['cfg']['Server']['verbose']) ? $GLOBALS['cfg']['Server']['verbose'] : $GLOBALS['cfg']['Server']['host']); } echo '
' . "\n"; echo '
'; if ($server > 0 || (! $cfg['LeftDisplayServers'] && count($cfg['Servers']) > 1)) { echo '
'; echo '

' . $strActions . '

'; echo '
    '; /** * Displays the MySQL servers choice form */ if (! $cfg['LeftDisplayServers'] && (count($cfg['Servers']) > 1 || $server == 0 && count($cfg['Servers']) == 1)) { echo '
  • '; require_once './libraries/select_server.lib.php'; PMA_select_server(true, true); echo '
  • '; } /** * Displays the mysql server related links */ if ($server > 0) { require_once './libraries/check_user_privileges.lib.php'; // Logout for advanced authentication if ($cfg['Server']['auth_type'] != 'config') { if ($cfg['ShowChgPassword']) { PMA_printListItem($strChangePassword, 'li_change_password', './user_password.php?' . $common_url_query); } $http_logout = ($cfg['Server']['auth_type'] == 'http') ? '' . ($cfg['ReplaceHelpImg'] ? 'Info' : '(*)') . '' : ''; PMA_printListItem('' . $strLogout . ' ' . $http_logout, 'li_log_out', './index.php?' . $common_url_query . '&old_usr=' . urlencode($PHP_AUTH_USER), null, '_parent'); } // end if } // end of if ($server > 0) echo '
'; echo '
'; } if ($server > 0) { echo '
'; echo '

MySQL ' . $short_server_info . '

'; echo '
    ' . "\n"; if ($cfg['ShowCreateDb']) { echo '
  • '; require './libraries/display_create_database.lib.php'; echo '
  • ' . "\n"; } echo '
  • '; echo '
    ' . "\n" . PMA_generate_common_hidden_inputs(null, null, 4, 'collation_connection') . ' ' . "\n" . PMA_generateCharsetDropdownBox(PMA_CSDROPDOWN_COLLATION, 'collation_connection', 'select_collation_connection', $collation_connection, true, 4, true) . ' ' . "\n" // put the doc link in the form so that it appears on the same line . PMA_showMySQLDocu('MySQL_Database_Administration', 'Charset-connection') . "\n" . '
    ' . "\n" . '
  • ' . "\n"; echo '
'; echo '
'; } echo '
'; echo '

' . $strInterface . '

'; echo '
    '; // Displays language selection combo if (empty($cfg['Lang'])) { echo '
  • '; require_once './libraries/display_select_lang.lib.php'; PMA_select_language(); echo '
  • '; } // added by Michael Keck // ThemeManager if available if ($GLOBALS['cfg']['ThemeManager']) { echo '
  • '; echo $_SESSION['PMA_Theme_Manager']->getHtmlSelectBox(); echo '
  • '; ?> '; echo PMA_Config::getFontsizeForm(); echo ''; echo '
'; echo '
'; echo '
'; echo '
'; if ($server > 0) { echo '
'; echo '


'; echo '
    ' . "\n"; PMA_printListItem($strServer . ': ' . $server_info, 'li_server_info'); PMA_printListItem($strServerVersion . ': ' . PMA_MYSQL_STR_VERSION, 'li_server_version'); if ($GLOBALS['cfg']['ShowServerInfo']) { PMA_printListItem($strProtocolVersion . ': ' . PMA_DBI_get_proto_info(), 'li_mysql_proto'); PMA_printListItem($strUser . ': ' . htmlspecialchars($mysql_cur_user_and_host), 'li_user_info'); } echo '
  • '; echo ' ' . $strMySQLCharset . ': ' . ' ' . ' ' . $mysql_charsets_descriptions[$mysql_charset_map[strtolower($charset)]] . "\n" . ' (' . $mysql_charset_map[strtolower($charset)] . ')' . "\n" . ' ' . "\n" . '
  • ' . "\n"; echo '
'; echo '
'; } echo '
'; echo '

' . $strWebServer . '

'; echo '
    '; PMA_printListItem($_SERVER['SERVER_SOFTWARE'], 'li_web_server_software'); if ($server > 0) { PMA_printListItem($strMysqlClientVersion . ': ' . PMA_DBI_get_client_info(), 'li_mysql_client_version'); PMA_printListItem($strPHPExtension . ': ' . $GLOBALS['cfg']['Server']['extension'], 'li_used_php_extension'); } if ($cfg['ShowPhpInfo']) { PMA_printListItem($strShowPHPInfo, 'li_phpinfo', './phpinfo.php?' . $common_url_query); } echo '
'; echo '
'; echo '
'; echo '


'; echo '
    '; PMA_printListItem($strVersionInformation . ': ' . PMA_VERSION, 'li_pma_version'); PMA_printListItem($strDocu, 'li_pma_docs', 'Documentation.html', null, '_blank'); PMA_printListItem($strWiki, 'li_pma_wiki', 'http://wiki.phpmyadmin.net', null, '_blank'); // does not work if no target specified, don't know why PMA_printListItem($strHomepageOfficial, 'li_pma_homepage', 'http://www.phpMyAdmin.net/', null, '_blank'); ?>
  • [ChangeLog] [Subversion] [Lists]
here, otherwise it will not extend the outer div to the * full height of the inner divs */ ?>

1) { trigger_error($strMbOverloadWarning, E_USER_WARNING); } /** * Nijel: mbstring is used for handling multibyte inside parser, so it is good * to tell user something might be broken without it, see bug #1063149. */ if (! @extension_loaded('mbstring')) { trigger_error($strMbExtensionMissing, E_USER_WARNING); } /** * Check whether session.gc_maxlifetime limits session validity. */ $gc_time = (int)@ini_get('session.gc_maxlifetime'); if ($gc_time < $GLOBALS['cfg']['LoginCookieValidity'] ) { trigger_error(PMA_Message::decodeBB($strSessionGCWarning), E_USER_WARNING); } /** * Check if user does not have defined blowfish secret and it is being used. */ if (!empty($_SESSION['auto_blowfish_secret']) && empty($GLOBALS['cfg']['blowfish_secret'])) { trigger_error($strSecretRequired, E_USER_WARNING); } /** * Check for existence of config directory which should not exist in * production environment. */ if (file_exists('./config')) { trigger_error($strConfigDirectoryWarning, E_USER_WARNING); } /** * Check whether relations are supported. */ if ($server > 0) { require_once './libraries/relation.lib.php'; $cfgRelation = PMA_getRelationsParam(); if(!$cfgRelation['allworks'] && $cfg['PmaNoRelation_DisableWarning'] == false) { $message = PMA_Message::notice('strRelationNotWorking'); $message->addParam('', false); $message->addParam('', false); /* Show error if user has configured something, notice elsewhere */ if (!empty($cfg['Servers'][$server]['pmadb'])) { $message->isError(true); } $message->display(); } // end if } /** * Warning about different MySQL library and server version * (a difference on the third digit does not count). * If someday there is a constant that we can check about mysqlnd, we can use it instead * of strpos(). * If no default server is set, PMA_DBI_get_client_info() is not defined yet. */ if (function_exists('PMA_DBI_get_client_info')) { $_client_info = PMA_DBI_get_client_info(); if ($server > 0 && strpos($_client_info, 'mysqlnd') === false && substr(PMA_MYSQL_CLIENT_API, 0, 3) != substr(PMA_MYSQL_INT_VERSION, 0, 3)) { trigger_error(PMA_sanitize(sprintf($strMysqlLibDiffersServerVersion, $_client_info, substr(PMA_MYSQL_STR_VERSION, 0, strpos(PMA_MYSQL_STR_VERSION . '-', '-')))), E_USER_NOTICE); } unset($_client_info); } /** * Warning about Suhosin */ if ($cfg['SuhosinDisableWarning'] == false && @ini_get('suhosin.request.max_value_length')) { trigger_error(PMA_sanitize(sprintf($strSuhosin, '[a@./Documentation.html#faq1_38@_blank]', '[/a]')), E_USER_WARNING); } /** * prints list item for main page * * @param string $name displayed text * @param string $id id, used for css styles * @param string $url make item as link with $url as target * @param string $mysql_help_page display a link to MySQL's manual * @param string $target special target for $url */ function PMA_printListItem($name, $id = null, $url = null, $mysql_help_page = null, $target = null) { echo '
  • '; if (null !== $url) { echo ''; } echo $name; if (null !== $url) { echo '' . "\n"; } if (null !== $mysql_help_page) { echo PMA_showMySQLDocu('', $mysql_help_page); } echo '
  • '; } /** * Displays the footer */ require_once './libraries/footer.inc.php'; ?>