' . "\n" . PMA_Util::getImage('s_tbl.png') . ' ' . __('Binary log') . "\n" . '' . "\n"; /** * Display log selector. */ if (count($binary_logs) > 1) { echo '
'; echo PMA_generate_common_hidden_inputs($url_params); echo '
'; echo __('Select binary log to view'); echo ' '; echo count($binary_logs) . ' ' . __('Files') . ', '; if ($full_size > 0) { echo implode( ' ', PMA_Util::formatByteDown($full_size) ); } echo '
'; echo '
'; echo ''; echo '
'; echo '
'; } echo PMA_Util::getMessage(PMA_Message::success()); /** * Displays the page */ echo '' . '' . '' . '' . '' . '' . '' . '' . '' . '' . '' . '' . '' . '' . ''; $odd_row = true; while ($value = PMA_DBI_fetch_assoc($result)) { if (! $dontlimitchars && PMA_strlen($value['Info']) > $GLOBALS['cfg']['LimitChars'] ) { $value['Info'] = PMA_substr( $value['Info'], 0, $GLOBALS['cfg']['LimitChars'] ) . '...'; } echo '' . '' . '' . '' . '' . '' . '' . ''; $odd_row = !$odd_row; } echo '' . '
'; // we do not now how much rows are in the binlog // so we can just force 'NEXT' button if ($pos > 0) { $this_url_params = $url_params; if ($pos > $GLOBALS['cfg']['MaxRows']) { $this_url_params['pos'] = $pos - $GLOBALS['cfg']['MaxRows']; } echo ''; } else { echo '>' . _pgettext('Previous page', 'Previous'); } // end if... else... echo ' < - '; } $this_url_params = $url_params; if ($pos > 0) { $this_url_params['pos'] = $pos; } if ($dontlimitchars) { unset($this_url_params['dontlimitchars']); $tempTitle = __('Truncate Shown Queries'); $tempImgMode = 'partial'; } else { $this_url_params['dontlimitchars'] = 1; $tempTitle = __('Show Full Queries'); $tempImgMode = 'full'; } echo '' . ''; // we do not now how much rows are in the binlog // so we can just force 'NEXT' button if ($num_rows >= $GLOBALS['cfg']['MaxRows']) { $this_url_params = $url_params; $this_url_params['pos'] = $pos + $GLOBALS['cfg']['MaxRows']; echo ' - '; } else { echo '>' . _pgettext('Next page', 'Next'); } // end if... else... echo ' > '; } echo '
' . __('Log name') . '' . __('Position') . '' . __('Event type') . '' . __('Server ID') . '' . __('Original position') . '' . __('Information') . '
 ' . $value['Log_name'] . '  ' . $value['Pos'] . '  ' . $value['Event_type'] . '  ' . $value['Server_id'] . '  ' . (isset($value['Orig_log_pos']) ? $value['Orig_log_pos'] : $value['End_log_pos']) . '  ' . htmlspecialchars($value['Info']) . ' 