' . "\n"; echo '

' . "\n" . ($GLOBALS['cfg']['MainPageIconic'] ? '' : '') . $strServerStatus . "\n" . '

' . "\n"; /** * flush status variables if requested */ if (isset($_REQUEST['flush'])) { $_flush_commands = array( 'STATUS', 'TABLES', 'QUERY CACHE', ); if (in_array($_REQUEST['flush'], $_flush_commands)) { PMA_DBI_query('FLUSH ' . $_REQUEST['flush'] . ';'); } unset($_flush_commands); } /** * get status from server */ $server_status = PMA_DBI_fetch_result('SHOW GLOBAL STATUS', 0, 1); /** * get master status from server */ $server_master_status = PMA_DBI_fetch_result('SHOW MASTER STATUS'); /** * get slave status from server */ $server_slave_status = PMA_DBI_fetch_result('SHOW SLAVE STATUS'); /** * for some calculations we require also some server settings */ $server_variables = PMA_DBI_fetch_result('SHOW GLOBAL VARIABLES', 0, 1); /** * starttime calculation */ $start_time = PMA_DBI_fetch_value( 'SELECT UNIX_TIMESTAMP() - ' . $server_status['Uptime']); /** * cleanup some deprecated values */ $deprecated = array( 'Com_prepare_sql' => 'Com_stmt_prepare', 'Com_execute_sql' => 'Com_stmt_execute', 'Com_dealloc_sql' => 'Com_stmt_close', ); foreach ($deprecated as $old => $new) { if (isset($server_status[$old]) && isset($server_status[$new])) { unset($server_status[$old]); } } unset($deprecated); /** * calculate some values */ // Key_buffer_fraction if (isset($server_status['Key_blocks_unused']) && isset($server_variables['key_cache_block_size']) && isset($server_variables['key_buffer_size'])) { $server_status['Key_buffer_fraction_%'] = 100 - $server_status['Key_blocks_unused'] * $server_variables['key_cache_block_size'] / $server_variables['key_buffer_size'] * 100; } elseif ( isset($server_status['Key_blocks_used']) && isset($server_variables['key_buffer_size'])) { $server_status['Key_buffer_fraction_%'] = $server_status['Key_blocks_used'] * 1024 / $server_variables['key_buffer_size']; } // Ratio for key read/write if (isset($server_status['Key_writes']) && isset($server_status['Key_write_requests']) && $server_status['Key_write_requests'] > 0) $server_status['Key_write_ratio_%'] = 100 * $server_status['Key_writes'] / $server_status['Key_write_requests']; if (isset($server_status['Key_reads']) && isset($server_status['Key_read_requests']) && $server_status['Key_read_requests'] > 0) $server_status['Key_read_ratio_%'] = 100 * $server_status['Key_reads'] / $server_status['Key_read_requests']; // Threads_cache_hitrate if (isset($server_status['Threads_created']) && isset($server_status['Connections']) && $server_status['Connections'] > 0) { $server_status['Threads_cache_hitrate_%'] = 100 - $server_status['Threads_created'] / $server_status['Connections'] * 100; } /** * define some alerts */ // name => max value before alert $alerts = array( // lower is better // variable => max value 'Aborted_clients' => 0, 'Aborted_connects' => 0, 'Binlog_cache_disk_use' => 0, 'Created_tmp_disk_tables' => 0, 'Handler_read_rnd' => 0, 'Handler_read_rnd_next' => 0, 'Innodb_buffer_pool_pages_dirty' => 0, 'Innodb_buffer_pool_reads' => 0, 'Innodb_buffer_pool_wait_free' => 0, 'Innodb_log_waits' => 0, 'Innodb_row_lock_time_avg' => 10, // ms 'Innodb_row_lock_time_max' => 50, // ms 'Innodb_row_lock_waits' => 0, 'Slow_queries' => 0, 'Delayed_errors' => 0, 'Select_full_join' => 0, 'Select_range_check' => 0, 'Sort_merge_passes' => 0, 'Opened_tables' => 0, 'Table_locks_waited' => 0, 'Qcache_lowmem_prunes' => 0, 'Slow_launch_threads' => 0, // depends on Key_read_requests // normaly lower then 1:0.01 'Key_reads' => (0.01 * $server_status['Key_read_requests']), // depends on Key_write_requests // normaly nearly 1:1 'Key_writes' => (0.9 * $server_status['Key_write_requests']), 'Key_buffer_fraction' => 0.5, // alert if more than 95% of thread cache is in use 'Threads_cached' => 0.95 * $server_variables['thread_cache_size'] // higher is better // variable => min value //'Handler read key' => '> ', ); /** * split variables in sections */ $allocations = array( // variable name => section 'Com_' => 'com', 'Innodb_' => 'innodb', 'Ndb_' => 'ndb', 'Ssl_' => 'ssl', 'Handler_' => 'handler', 'Qcache_' => 'qcache', 'Threads_' => 'threads', 'Slow_launch_threads' => 'threads', 'Binlog_cache_' => 'binlog_cache', 'Created_tmp_' => 'created_tmp', 'Key_' => 'key', 'Delayed_' => 'delayed', 'Not_flushed_delayed_rows' => 'delayed', 'Flush_commands' => 'query', 'Last_query_cost' => 'query', 'Slow_queries' => 'query', 'Select_' => 'select', 'Sort_' => 'sort', 'Open_tables' => 'table', 'Opened_tables' => 'table', 'Table_locks_' => 'table', 'Rpl_status' => 'repl', 'Slave_' => 'repl', 'Tc_' => 'tc', ); $sections = array( // section => section name (description) 'com' => array('title' => ''), 'query' => array('title' => $strSQLQuery), 'innodb' => array('title' => 'InnoDB'), 'ndb' => array('title' => 'NDB'), 'ssl' => array('title' => 'SSL'), 'handler' => array('title' => $strHandler), 'qcache' => array('title' => $strQueryCache), 'threads' => array('title' => $strThreads), 'binlog_cache' => array('title' => $strBinaryLog), 'created_tmp' => array('title' => $strTempData), 'delayed' => array('title' => $strServerStatusDelayedInserts), 'key' => array('title' => $strKeyCache), 'select' => array('title' => $strJoins), 'repl' => array('title' => $strReplication), 'sort' => array('title' => $strSorting), 'table' => array('title' => $strNumTables), 'tc' => array('title' => $strTransactionCoordinator), ); /** * replication types */ $replication_types = array('master', 'slave'); /** * define variables for master status */ $master_variables = array( 'File', 'Position', 'Binlog_Do_DB', 'Binlog_Ignore_DB' ); /** * Define variables for slave status */ $slave_variables = array( 'Slave_IO_State', 'Master_Host', 'Master_User', 'Master_Port', 'Connect_Retry', 'Master_Log_File', 'Read_Master_Log_Pos', 'Relay_Log_File', 'Relay_Log_Pos', 'Relay_Master_Log_File', 'Slave_IO_Running', 'Slave_SQL_Running', 'Replicate_Do_DB', 'Replicate_Ignore_DB', 'Replicate_Do_Table', 'Replicate_Ignore_Table', 'Replicate_Wild_Do_Table', 'Replicate_Wild_Ignore_Table', 'Last_Errno', 'Last_Error', 'Skip_Counter', 'Exec_Master_Log_Pos', 'Relay_Log_Space', 'Until_Condition', 'Until_Log_File', 'Until_Log_Pos', 'Master_SSL_Allowed', 'Master_SSL_CA_File', 'Master_SSL_CA_Path', 'Master_SSL_Cert', 'Master_SSL_Cipher', 'Master_SSL_Key', 'Seconds_Behind_Master' ); /** * define important variables, which need to be watched for correct running of replication in slave mode */ $slave_variables_alerts = array( 'Slave_IO_Running' => 'No', 'Slave_SQL_Running' => 'No' ); $slave_variables_oks = array( 'Slave_IO_Running' => 'Yes', 'Slave_SQL_Running' => 'Yes' ); /** * define some needfull links/commands */ // variable or section name => (name => url) $links = array(); $links['table'][$strFlushTables] = $PMA_PHP_SELF . '?flush=TABLES&' . PMA_generate_common_url(); $links['table'][$strShowOpenTables] = 'sql.php?sql_query=' . urlencode('SHOW OPEN TABLES') . '&goto=server_status.php&' . PMA_generate_common_url(); $links['repl'][$strShowSlaveHosts] = 'sql.php?sql_query=' . urlencode('SHOW SLAVE HOSTS') . '&goto=server_status.php&' . PMA_generate_common_url(); $links['repl'][$strShowSlaveStatus] = 'sql.php?sql_query=' . urlencode('SHOW SLAVE STATUS') . '&goto=server_status.php&' . PMA_generate_common_url(); $links['repl']['doc'] = 'replication'; $links['qcache'][$strFlushQueryCache] = $PMA_PHP_SELF . '?flush=' . urlencode('QUERY CACHE') . '&' . PMA_generate_common_url(); $links['qcache']['doc'] = 'query_cache'; $links['threads'][$strMySQLShowProcess] = 'server_processlist.php?' . PMA_generate_common_url(); $links['threads']['doc'] = 'mysql_threads'; $links['key']['doc'] = 'myisam_key_cache'; $links['binlog_cache']['doc'] = 'binary_log'; $links['Slow_queries']['doc'] = 'slow_query_log'; $links['innodb'][$strServerTabVariables] = 'server_engines.php?engine=InnoDB&' . PMA_generate_common_url(); $links['innodb'][$strInnodbStat] = 'server_engines.php?engine=InnoDB&page=Status&' . PMA_generate_common_url(); $links['innodb']['doc'] = 'innodb'; // sort status vars into arrays foreach ($server_status as $name => $value) { if (isset($allocations[$name])) { $sections[$allocations[$name]]['vars'][$name] = $value; unset($server_status[$name]); } else { foreach ($allocations as $filter => $section) { if (preg_match('/^' . $filter . '/', $name) && isset($server_status[$name])) { unset($server_status[$name]); $sections[$section]['vars'][$name] = $value; } } } } unset($name, $value, $filter, $section, $allocations); // check which replication is available foreach ($replication_types as $type) { if (count(${"server_{$type}_status"}) > 0) ${"server_{$type}_status_run"} = true; else ${"server_{$type}_status_run"} = false; } // rest $sections['all']['vars'] =& $server_status; $hour_factor = 3600 / $server_status['Uptime']; /** * start output */ ?>

' . $type . ' '; } } echo sprintf('

' . $strReplicationStatusInfo . '

', $replicationOut); } ?>

ø %
--- ---
0 ? PMA_formatNumber( $server_status['Aborted_connects'] * 100 / $server_status['Connections'], 0, 2) . '%' : '--- '; ?>
0 ? PMA_formatNumber( $server_status['Aborted_clients'] * 100 / $server_status['Connections'], 0, 2) . '%' : '--- '; ?>

ø ø ø
$value) { $current_table++; if ($countRows === 0 || $countRows === $rows_per_table) { $odd_row = true; if ($countRows === $rows_per_table) { echo ' ' . "\n"; echo ' ' . "\n"; } ?>
ø %
$section) { if (! empty($section['vars'])) { ?> $value) { $odd_row = !$odd_row; ?>
' : ''); ?>
$link_url) { if ('doc' == $link_name) { echo PMA_showMySQLDocu($link_url, $link_url); } else { echo '' . $link_name . '' . "\n"; } } unset($link_url, $link_name); ?>
$alerts[$name]) { echo ''; } else { echo ''; } } if ('%' === substr($name, -1, 1)) { echo PMA_formatNumber($value, 0, 2) . ' %'; } elseif (is_numeric($value) && $value == (int) $value) { echo PMA_formatNumber($value, 4, 0); } elseif (is_numeric($value)) { echo PMA_formatNumber($value, 4, 2); } else { echo htmlspecialchars($value); } if (isset($alerts[$name])) { echo ''; } ?> $link_url) { if ('doc' == $link_name) { echo PMA_showMySQLDocu($link_url, $link_url); } else { echo ' ' . $link_name . '' . "\n"; } } unset($link_url, $link_name); } ?>

'; if (${"{$type}_variables_oks"}[$variable] == ${"server_{$type}_status"}[0][$variable]) echo ''; else echo ''; echo ${"server_{$type}_status"}[0][$variable]; echo ''; ?>