$where_clause) { // skip fields to be ignored if (! $using_key && isset($_REQUEST['insert_ignore_' . $where_clause])) { continue; } // Defines the SET part of the sql query $query_values = array(); // Map multi-edit keys to single-level arrays, dependent on how we got the fields $multi_edit_colummns = isset($_REQUEST['fields']['multi_edit'][$rownumber]) ? $_REQUEST['fields']['multi_edit'][$rownumber] : array(); $multi_edit_columns_name = isset($_REQUEST['fields_name']['multi_edit'][$rownumber]) ? $_REQUEST['fields_name']['multi_edit'][$rownumber] : null; $multi_edit_columns_prev = isset($_REQUEST['fields_prev']['multi_edit'][$rownumber]) ? $_REQUEST['fields_prev']['multi_edit'][$rownumber] : null; $multi_edit_funcs = isset($_REQUEST['funcs']['multi_edit'][$rownumber]) ? $_REQUEST['funcs']['multi_edit'][$rownumber] : null; $multi_edit_columns_type = isset($_REQUEST['fields_type']['multi_edit'][$rownumber]) ? $_REQUEST['fields_type']['multi_edit'][$rownumber] : null; $multi_edit_columns_null = isset($_REQUEST['fields_null']['multi_edit'][$rownumber]) ? $_REQUEST['fields_null']['multi_edit'][$rownumber] : null; $multi_edit_columns_null_prev = isset($_REQUEST['fields_null_prev']['multi_edit'][$rownumber]) ? $_REQUEST['fields_null_prev']['multi_edit'][$rownumber] : null; $multi_edit_auto_increment = isset($_REQUEST['auto_increment']['multi_edit'][$rownumber]) ? $_REQUEST['auto_increment']['multi_edit'][$rownumber] : null; // Fetch the current values of a row to use in case we have a protected field // @todo possibly move to ./libraries/tbl_replace_fields.inc.php if ($is_insert && $using_key && isset($multi_edit_columns_type) && is_array($multi_edit_columns_type) && isset($where_clause) ) { $prot_row = PMA_DBI_fetch_single_row('SELECT * FROM ' . PMA_backquote($table) . ' WHERE ' . $where_clause . ';'); } // When a select field is nullified, it's not present in $_REQUEST // so initialize it; this way, the foreach($multi_edit_colummns) will process it foreach ($multi_edit_columns_name as $key => $val) { if (! isset($multi_edit_colummns[$key])) { $multi_edit_colummns[$key] = ''; } } // Iterate in the order of $multi_edit_columns_name, not $multi_edit_colummns, to avoid problems // when inserting multiple entries foreach ($multi_edit_columns_name as $key => $colummn_name) { $val = $multi_edit_colummns[$key]; // Note: $key is an md5 of the fieldname. The actual fieldname is available in $multi_edit_columns_name[$key] include 'libraries/tbl_replace_fields.inc.php'; if (empty($multi_edit_funcs[$key])) { $cur_value = $val; } elseif ('UUID' === $multi_edit_funcs[$key]) { /* This way user will know what UUID new row has */ $uuid = PMA_DBI_fetch_value('SELECT UUID()'); $cur_value = "'" . $uuid . "'"; } elseif ((in_array($multi_edit_funcs[$key], $gis_from_text_functions) && substr($val, 0, 3) == "'''") || in_array($multi_edit_funcs[$key], $gis_from_wkb_functions) ) { // Remove enclosing apostrophes $val = substr($val, 1, strlen($val) - 2); // Remove escaping apostrophes $val = str_replace("''", "'", $val); $cur_value = $multi_edit_funcs[$key] . '(' . $val . ')'; } elseif (! in_array($multi_edit_funcs[$key], $func_no_param) || ($val != "''" && in_array($multi_edit_funcs[$key], $func_optional_param))) { $cur_value = $multi_edit_funcs[$key] . '(' . $val . ')'; } else { $cur_value = $multi_edit_funcs[$key] . '()'; } // i n s e r t if ($is_insert) { // no need to add column into the valuelist if (strlen($cur_value)) { $query_values[] = $cur_value; // first inserted row so prepare the list of fields if (empty($value_sets)) { $query_fields[] = PMA_backquote($multi_edit_columns_name[$key]); } } // u p d a t e } elseif (!empty($multi_edit_columns_null_prev[$key]) && ! isset($multi_edit_columns_null[$key])) { // field had the null checkbox before the update // field no longer has the null checkbox $query_values[] = PMA_backquote($multi_edit_columns_name[$key]) . ' = ' . $cur_value; } elseif (empty($multi_edit_funcs[$key]) && isset($multi_edit_columns_prev[$key]) && ("'" . PMA_sqlAddSlashes($multi_edit_columns_prev[$key]) . "'" == $val)) { // No change for this column and no MySQL function is used -> next column continue; } elseif (! empty($val)) { // avoid setting a field to NULL when it's already NULL // (field had the null checkbox before the update // field still has the null checkbox) if (empty($multi_edit_columns_null_prev[$key]) || empty($multi_edit_columns_null[$key]) ) { $query_values[] = PMA_backquote($multi_edit_columns_name[$key]) . ' = ' . $cur_value; } } } // end foreach ($multi_edit_colummns as $key => $val) if (count($query_values) > 0) { if ($is_insert) { $value_sets[] = implode(', ', $query_values); } else { // build update query $query[] = 'UPDATE ' . PMA_backquote($GLOBALS['db']) . '.' . PMA_backquote($GLOBALS['table']) . ' SET ' . implode(', ', $query_values) . ' WHERE ' . $where_clause . ($_REQUEST['clause_is_unique'] ? '' : ' LIMIT 1'); } } } // end foreach ($loop_array as $where_clause) unset($multi_edit_columns_name, $multi_edit_columns_prev, $multi_edit_funcs, $multi_edit_columns_type, $multi_edit_columns_null, $func_no_param, $multi_edit_auto_increment, $cur_value, $key, $val, $loop_array, $where_clause, $using_key, $multi_edit_columns_null_prev); // Builds the sql query if ($is_insert && count($value_sets) > 0) { $query = PMA_buildSqlQuery($is_insertignore, $query_fields, $value_sets); } elseif (empty($query)) { // No change -> move back to the calling script // // Note: logic passes here for inline edit $message = PMA_Message::success(__('No change')); $active_page = $goto_include; if (! $GLOBALS['is_ajax_request'] == true) { include_once 'libraries/header.inc.php'; } include '' . PMA_securePath($goto_include); exit; } unset($multi_edit_colummns, $is_insertignore); /** * Executes the sql query and get the result, then move back to the calling * page */ list ($url_params, $total_affected_rows, $last_messages, $warning_messages, $error_messages, $return_to_sql_query) = PMA_executeSqlQuery($url_params, $query); if ($is_insert && count($value_sets) > 0) { $message = PMA_Message::inserted_rows($total_affected_rows); } else { $message = PMA_Message::affected_rows($total_affected_rows); } $message->addMessages($last_messages, '
'); if (! empty($warning_messages)) { $message->addMessages($warning_messages, '
'); $message->isError(true); } if (! empty($error_messages)) { $message->addMessages($error_messages); $message->isError(true); } unset($error_messages, $warning_messages, $total_affected_rows, $last_messages, $last_message); if ($GLOBALS['is_ajax_request'] == true) { /** * If we are in grid editing, we need to process the relational and * transformed fields, if they were edited. After that, output the correct * link/transformed value and exit * * Logic taken from libraries/display_tbl.lib.php */ if (isset($_REQUEST['rel_fields_list']) && $_REQUEST['rel_fields_list'] != '') { //handle relations work here for updated row. include_once 'libraries/relation.lib.php'; $map = PMA_getForeigners($db, $table, '', 'both'); $rel_fields = array(); parse_str($_REQUEST['rel_fields_list'], $rel_fields); // loop for each relation cell foreach ( $rel_fields as $cell_index => $curr_cell_rel_field) { foreach ( $curr_cell_rel_field as $rel_field => $rel_field_value) { $where_comparison = "='" . $rel_field_value . "'"; $display_field = PMA_getDisplayField($map[$rel_field]['foreign_db'], $map[$rel_field]['foreign_table']); // Field to display from the foreign table? if (isset($display_field) && strlen($display_field)) { $dispsql = 'SELECT ' . PMA_backquote($display_field) . ' FROM ' . PMA_backquote($map[$rel_field]['foreign_db']) . '.' . PMA_backquote($map[$rel_field]['foreign_table']) . ' WHERE ' . PMA_backquote($map[$rel_field]['foreign_field']) . $where_comparison; $dispresult = PMA_DBI_try_query($dispsql, null, PMA_DBI_QUERY_STORE); if ($dispresult && PMA_DBI_num_rows($dispresult) > 0) { list($dispval) = PMA_DBI_fetch_row($dispresult, 0); } else { //$dispval = __('Link not found'); } @PMA_DBI_free_result($dispresult); } else { $dispval = ''; } // end if... else... if ('K' == $_SESSION['tmp_user_values']['relational_display']) { // user chose "relational key" in the display options, so // the title contains the display field $title = (! empty($dispval))? ' title="' . htmlspecialchars($dispval) . '"' : ''; } else { $title = ' title="' . htmlspecialchars($rel_field_value) . '"'; } $_url_params = array( 'db' => $map[$rel_field]['foreign_db'], 'table' => $map[$rel_field]['foreign_table'], 'pos' => '0', 'sql_query' => 'SELECT * FROM ' . PMA_backquote($map[$rel_field]['foreign_db']) . '.' . PMA_backquote($map[$rel_field]['foreign_table']) . ' WHERE ' . PMA_backquote($map[$rel_field]['foreign_field']) . $where_comparison ); $output = ''; if ('D' == $_SESSION['tmp_user_values']['relational_display']) { // user chose "relational display field" in the // display options, so show display field in the cell $output .= (!empty($dispval)) ? htmlspecialchars($dispval) : ''; } else { // otherwise display data in the cell $output .= htmlspecialchars($rel_field_value); } $output .= ''; $extra_data['relations'][$cell_index] = $output; } } // end of loop for each relation cell } if (isset($_REQUEST['do_transformations']) && $_REQUEST['do_transformations'] == true ) { include_once 'libraries/transformations.lib.php'; //if some posted fields need to be transformed, generate them here. $mime_map = PMA_getMIME($db, $table); if ($mime_map === false) { $mime_map = array(); } $edited_values = array(); parse_str($_REQUEST['transform_fields_list'], $edited_values); foreach ($mime_map as $transformation) { $include_file = PMA_securePath($transformation['transformation']); $column_name = $transformation['column_name']; foreach ($edited_values as $cell_index => $curr_cell_edited_values) { if (isset($curr_cell_edited_values[$column_name])) { $column_data = $curr_cell_edited_values[$column_name]; $_url_params = array( 'db' => $db, 'table' => $table, 'where_clause' => $_REQUEST['where_clause'], 'transform_key' => $column_name, ); if (file_exists('libraries/transformations/' . $include_file)) { $transformfunction_name = str_replace('.inc.php', '', $transformation['transformation']); include_once 'libraries/transformations/' . $include_file; if (function_exists('PMA_transformation_' . $transformfunction_name)) { $transform_function = 'PMA_transformation_' . $transformfunction_name; $transform_options = PMA_transformation_getOptions( isset($transformation['transformation_options']) ? $transformation['transformation_options'] : '' ); $transform_options['wrapper_link'] = PMA_generate_common_url($_url_params); } } $extra_data['transformations'][$cell_index] = $transform_function($column_data, $transform_options); } } // end of loop for each transformation cell } // end of loop for each $mime_map } /**Get the total row count of the table*/ $extra_data['row_count'] = PMA_Table::countRecords($_REQUEST['db'], $_REQUEST['table']); $extra_data['sql_query'] = PMA_getMessage($message, $GLOBALS['display_query']); PMA_ajaxResponse($message, $message->isSuccess(), $extra_data); } if (isset($return_to_sql_query)) { $disp_query = $GLOBALS['sql_query']; $disp_message = $message; unset($message); $GLOBALS['sql_query'] = $return_to_sql_query; } $GLOBALS['js_include'][] = 'tbl_change.js'; $active_page = $goto_include; /** * If user asked for "and then Insert another new row" we have to remove * WHERE clause information so that tbl_change.php does not go back * to the current record */ if (isset($_REQUEST['after_insert']) && 'new_insert' == $_REQUEST['after_insert']) { unset($_REQUEST['where_clause']); } /** * Load header. */ require_once 'libraries/header.inc.php'; /** * Load target page. */ require '' . PMA_securePath($goto_include); exit; ?>