$i_where_clause) { $where_clause[] = urldecode($i_where_clause); } } $active_page = 'tbl_change.php'; include 'tbl_change.php'; break; case 'row_export': // Needed to allow SQL export $single_table = true; // As we got the rows to be exported from the // 'rows_to_delete' checkbox, we use the index of it as the // indicating WHERE clause. Then we build the array which is used // for the tbl_change.php script. $where_clause = array(); if (isset($_REQUEST['rows_to_delete']) && is_array($_REQUEST['rows_to_delete']) ) { foreach ($_REQUEST['rows_to_delete'] as $i => $i_where_clause) { $where_clause[] = urldecode($i_where_clause); } } $active_page = 'tbl_export.php'; include 'tbl_export.php'; break; case 'row_delete': default: $action = 'tbl_row_action.php'; $err_url = 'tbl_row_action.php' . PMA_URL_getCommon($GLOBALS['url_params']); if (! isset($_REQUEST['mult_btn'])) { $original_sql_query = $sql_query; if (! empty($url_query)) { $original_url_query = $url_query; } } include 'libraries/mult_submits.inc.php'; $_url_params = $GLOBALS['url_params']; $_url_params['goto'] = 'tbl_sql.php'; $url_query = PMA_URL_getCommon($_url_params); /** * Show result of multi submit operation */ // sql_query is not set when user does not confirm multi-delete if ((! empty($submit_mult) || isset($_REQUEST['mult_btn'])) && ! empty($sql_query) ) { $disp_message = __('Your SQL query has been executed successfully.'); $disp_query = $sql_query; } if (isset($original_sql_query)) { $sql_query = $original_sql_query; } if (isset($original_url_query)) { $url_query = $original_url_query; } $active_page = 'sql.php'; /** * Parse and analyze the query */ include_once 'libraries/parse_analyze.inc.php'; PMA_executeQueryAndSendQueryResponse( $analyzed_sql_results, false, $db, $table, null, null, null, false, null, null, null, null, $goto, $pmaThemeImage, null, null, null, $sql_query, null, null ); } } ?>