PhpMyAdmin test suite ===================== This directory is protected from web visitors by a .htaccess file. For more information on allowing http access to this directory see: Please visit the wiki for more information on unit testing: Selenium tests -------------- To be able to run Selenium tests, you need to have webserver, database and Selenium running. Following environment variables configure where testsuite connects: TESTSUITE_SERVER Database server to use. TESTSUITE_USER Username for connecting to database. TESTSUITE_PASSWORD Password for connecting to database. TESTSUITE_DATABASE Database to use for testing. TESTSUITE_URL URL where tested phpMyAdmin is available. Additionally you need to configure link to Selenium and browsers. You can either setup Selenium locally or use BrowserStack automated testing. For local setup, define following: TESTSUITE_SELENIUM_HOST Host where Selenium is running. TESTSUITE_SELENIUM_PORT Port where to connect. TESTSUITE_SELENIUM_BROWSER Browser to use for testing inside Selenium. With BrowserStack, set following: TESTSUITE_BROWSERSTACK_USER BrowserStack username. TESTSUITE_BROWSERSTACK_KEY BrowserStack access key. For example you can use following setup in ``phpunit.xml``:: Using BrowserStack ------------------ We're using BrowserStack to run our tests on the Travis CI. If you are a team member, you can be granted access to the team account, but you can register own account there as well. To run tests locally, you need to install BrowserStack tool to enable local testing, see their website for instructions: Following instructions use PHP's built in server for the testing:: # Export BrowserStack credentials in the environment: export TESTSUITE_BROWSERSTACK_USER=your_username export TESTSUITE_BROWSERSTACK_KEY=your_key # Port where tests will be running export TESTSUITE_PORT=9000 export TESTSUITE_URL=$TESTSUITE_PORT/ # Start PHP built in server php --server$TESTSUITE_PORT > php.log & # Start BrowserStack Local client to forward the traffic ~/browserstack/BrowserStackLocal -localIdentifier Manual "$TESTSUITE_BROWSERSTACK_KEY",$TESTSUITE_PORT,0 &