getRelationsParam(); $GLOBALS['dblist'] = new stdClass(); $GLOBALS['dblist']->databases = new class { /** * @param mixed $name name */ public function exists($name): bool { return $name === $name;// unused $name hack } }; $sql_isView_true = 'SELECT TABLE_NAME' . ' FROM information_schema.VIEWS' . ' WHERE TABLE_SCHEMA = \'PMA\'' . ' AND TABLE_NAME = \'PMA_BookMark\''; $sql_isView_false = 'SELECT TABLE_NAME' . ' FROM information_schema.VIEWS' . ' WHERE TABLE_SCHEMA = \'PMA\'' . ' AND TABLE_NAME = \'PMA_BookMark_2\''; $sql_isUpdatableView_true = 'SELECT TABLE_NAME' . ' FROM information_schema.VIEWS' . ' WHERE TABLE_SCHEMA = \'PMA\'' . ' AND TABLE_NAME = \'PMA_BookMark\'' . ' AND IS_UPDATABLE = \'YES\''; $sql_isUpdatableView_false = 'SELECT TABLE_NAME' . ' FROM information_schema.VIEWS' . ' WHERE TABLE_SCHEMA = \'PMA\'' . ' AND TABLE_NAME = \'PMA_BookMark_2\'' . ' AND IS_UPDATABLE = \'YES\''; $sql_analyzeStructure_true = 'SELECT COLUMN_NAME, DATA_TYPE' . ' FROM information_schema.COLUMNS' . ' WHERE TABLE_SCHEMA = \'PMA\'' . ' AND TABLE_NAME = \'PMA_BookMark\''; $sql_copy_data = 'SELECT TABLE_NAME' . ' FROM information_schema.VIEWS' . ' WHERE TABLE_SCHEMA = \'db_data\'' . ' AND TABLE_NAME = \'table_data\''; $getUniqueColumns_sql = 'SHOW INDEXES FROM `PMA`.`PMA_BookMark`'; $fetchResult = [ [ $sql_isView_true, null, null, DatabaseInterface::CONNECT_USER, 0, true, ], [ $sql_copy_data, null, null, DatabaseInterface::CONNECT_USER, 0, false, ], [ $sql_isView_false, null, null, DatabaseInterface::CONNECT_USER, 0, false, ], [ $sql_isUpdatableView_true, null, null, DatabaseInterface::CONNECT_USER, 0, true, ], [ $sql_isUpdatableView_false, null, null, DatabaseInterface::CONNECT_USER, 0, false, ], [ $sql_analyzeStructure_true, null, null, DatabaseInterface::CONNECT_USER, 0, [ [ 'COLUMN_NAME' => 'COLUMN_NAME', 'DATA_TYPE' => 'DATA_TYPE', ], ], ], [ $getUniqueColumns_sql . ' WHERE (Non_unique = 0)', [ 'Key_name', null, ], 'Column_name', DatabaseInterface::CONNECT_USER, 0, [ ['index1'], ['index3'], ['index5'], ], ], [ $getUniqueColumns_sql, 'Column_name', 'Column_name', DatabaseInterface::CONNECT_USER, 0, [ 'column1', 'column3', 'column5', 'ACCESSIBLE', 'ADD', 'ALL', ], ], [ 'SHOW COLUMNS FROM `PMA`.`PMA_BookMark`', 'Field', 'Field', DatabaseInterface::CONNECT_USER, 0, [ 'column1', 'column3', 'column5', 'ACCESSIBLE', 'ADD', 'ALL', ], ], [ 'SHOW COLUMNS FROM `PMA`.`PMA_BookMark`', null, null, DatabaseInterface::CONNECT_USER, 0, [ [ 'Field' => 'COLUMN_NAME1', 'Type' => 'INT(10)', 'Null' => 'NO', 'Key' => '', 'Default' => null, 'Extra' => '', ], [ 'Field' => 'COLUMN_NAME2', 'Type' => 'INT(10)', 'Null' => 'YES', 'Key' => '', 'Default' => null, 'Extra' => 'STORED GENERATED', ], ], ], ]; $dbi = $this->getMockBuilder(DatabaseInterface::class) ->disableOriginalConstructor() ->getMock(); $dbi->expects($this->any())->method('fetchResult') ->will($this->returnValueMap($fetchResult)); $dbi->expects($this->any())->method('fetchValue') ->will( $this->returnValue( 'CREATE TABLE `PMA`.`PMA_BookMark_2` ( `id` int(11) NOT NULL AUTO_INCREMENT, `username` text NOT NULL )' ) ); $cache = new Cache(); $dbi->expects($this->any())->method('getCache') ->will($this->returnValue($cache)); $databases = []; $database_name = 'PMA'; $databases[$database_name]['SCHEMA_TABLES'] = 1; $databases[$database_name]['SCHEMA_TABLE_ROWS'] = 3; $databases[$database_name]['SCHEMA_DATA_LENGTH'] = 5; $databases[$database_name]['SCHEMA_MAX_DATA_LENGTH'] = 10; $databases[$database_name]['SCHEMA_INDEX_LENGTH'] = 10; $databases[$database_name]['SCHEMA_LENGTH'] = 10; $dbi->expects($this->any())->method('getTablesFull') ->will($this->returnValue($databases)); $dbi->expects($this->any())->method('numRows') ->will($this->returnValue(20)); $dbi->expects($this->any())->method('tryQuery') ->will($this->returnValue(10)); $triggers = [ [ 'name' => 'name1', 'create' => 'crate1', ], [ 'name' => 'name2', 'create' => 'crate2', ], [ 'name' => 'name3', 'create' => 'crate3', ], ]; $dbi->expects($this->any())->method('getTriggers') ->will($this->returnValue($triggers)); $create_sql = 'CREATE TABLE `PMA`.`PMA_BookMark_2` ( `id` int(11) NOT NULL AUTO_INCREMENT, `username` text NOT NULL'; $dbi->expects($this->any())->method('query') ->will($this->returnValue($create_sql)); $dbi->expects($this->any())->method('insertId') ->will($this->returnValue(10)); $dbi->expects($this->any())->method('fetchAssoc') ->will($this->returnValue(null)); $value = ['Auto_increment' => 'Auto_increment']; $dbi->expects($this->any())->method('fetchSingleRow') ->will($this->returnValue($value)); $dbi->expects($this->any())->method('fetchRow') ->will($this->returnValue(null)); $dbi->expects($this->any())->method('escapeString') ->will($this->returnArgument(0)); $GLOBALS['dbi'] = $dbi; } /** * Test object creating */ public function testCreate(): void { $table = new Table('table1', 'pma_test'); $this->assertInstanceOf(Table::class, $table); } /** * Test for constructor */ public function testConstruct(): void { $table = new Table('PMA_BookMark', 'PMA'); $this->assertEquals( 'PMA_BookMark', $table->__toString() ); $this->assertEquals( 'PMA_BookMark', $table->getName() ); $this->assertEquals( 'PMA', $table->getDbName() ); $this->assertEquals( 'PMA.PMA_BookMark', $table->getFullName() ); } /** * Test getName & getDbName */ public function testGetName(): void { $table = new Table('table1', 'pma_test'); $this->assertEquals( 'table1', $table->getName() ); $this->assertEquals( '`table1`', $table->getName(true) ); $this->assertEquals( 'pma_test', $table->getDbName() ); $this->assertEquals( '`pma_test`', $table->getDbName(true) ); } /** * Test getLastError & getLastMessage */ public function testGetLastErrorAndMessage(): void { $table = new Table('table1', 'pma_test'); $table->errors[] = 'error1'; $table->errors[] = 'error2'; $table->errors[] = 'error3'; $table->messages[] = 'messages1'; $table->messages[] = 'messages2'; $table->messages[] = 'messages3'; $this->assertEquals( 'error3', $table->getLastError() ); $this->assertEquals( 'messages3', $table->getLastMessage() ); } /** * Test name validation * * @param string $name name to test * @param bool $result expected result * @param bool $is_backquoted is backquoted * * @dataProvider dataValidateName */ public function testValidateName(string $name, bool $result, bool $is_backquoted = false): void { $this->assertEquals( $result, Table::isValidName($name, $is_backquoted) ); } /** * Data provider for name validation */ public function dataValidateName(): array { return [ [ 'test', true, ], [ 'te/st', false, ], [ '', false, ], [ 'te\\st', false, ], [ 'te st', false, ], [ ' te st', true, true, ], [ 'test ', false, ], [ '', false, ], [ 'test ', false, true, ], [ ' ', false, true, ], ]; } /** * Test for isView */ public function testIsView(): void { $table = new Table(null, null); $this->assertFalse( $table->isView() ); //validate that it is the same as DBI fetchResult $table = new Table('PMA_BookMark', 'PMA'); $this->assertTrue( $table->isView() ); $table = new Table('PMA_BookMark_2', 'PMA'); $this->assertFalse( $table->isView() ); } /** * Test for generateFieldSpec */ public function testGenerateFieldSpec(): void { //type is BIT $name = 'PMA_name'; $type = 'BIT'; $length = '12'; $attribute = 'PMA_attribute'; $collation = 'PMA_collation'; $null = 'YES'; $default_type = 'USER_DEFINED'; $default_value = 12; $extra = 'AUTO_INCREMENT'; $comment = 'PMA_comment'; $virtuality = ''; $expression = ''; $move_to = '-first'; $query = Table::generateFieldSpec( $name, $type, $length, $attribute, $collation, $null, $default_type, $default_value, $extra, $comment, $virtuality, $expression, $move_to ); $this->assertEquals( "`PMA_name` BIT(12) PMA_attribute NULL DEFAULT b'10' " . "AUTO_INCREMENT COMMENT 'PMA_comment' FIRST", $query ); //type is DOUBLE $type = 'DOUBLE'; $query = Table::generateFieldSpec( $name, $type, $length, $attribute, $collation, $null, $default_type, $default_value, $extra, $comment, $virtuality, $expression, $move_to ); $this->assertEquals( "`PMA_name` DOUBLE(12) PMA_attribute NULL DEFAULT '12' " . "AUTO_INCREMENT COMMENT 'PMA_comment' FIRST", $query ); //type is BOOLEAN $type = 'BOOLEAN'; $query = Table::generateFieldSpec( $name, $type, $length, $attribute, $collation, $null, $default_type, $default_value, $extra, $comment, $virtuality, $expression, $move_to ); $this->assertEquals( '`PMA_name` BOOLEAN PMA_attribute NULL DEFAULT TRUE ' . "AUTO_INCREMENT COMMENT 'PMA_comment' FIRST", $query ); //$default_type is NULL $default_type = 'NULL'; $query = Table::generateFieldSpec( $name, $type, $length, $attribute, $collation, $null, $default_type, $default_value, $extra, $comment, $virtuality, $expression, $move_to ); $this->assertEquals( '`PMA_name` BOOLEAN PMA_attribute NULL DEFAULT NULL ' . "AUTO_INCREMENT COMMENT 'PMA_comment' FIRST", $query ); //$default_type is CURRENT_TIMESTAMP $default_type = 'CURRENT_TIMESTAMP'; $query = Table::generateFieldSpec( $name, $type, $length, $attribute, $collation, $null, $default_type, $default_value, $extra, $comment, $virtuality, $expression, $move_to ); $this->assertEquals( '`PMA_name` BOOLEAN PMA_attribute NULL DEFAULT CURRENT_TIMESTAMP ' . "AUTO_INCREMENT COMMENT 'PMA_comment' FIRST", $query ); //$default_type is current_timestamp() $default_type = 'current_timestamp()'; $query = Table::generateFieldSpec( $name, $type, $length, $attribute, $collation, $null, $default_type, $default_value, $extra, $comment, $virtuality, $expression, $move_to ); $this->assertEquals( '`PMA_name` BOOLEAN PMA_attribute NULL DEFAULT current_timestamp() ' . "AUTO_INCREMENT COMMENT 'PMA_comment' FIRST", $query ); // $type is 'TIMESTAMP(3), $default_type is CURRENT_TIMESTAMP(3) $type = 'TIMESTAMP'; $length = '3'; $extra = ''; $default_type = 'CURRENT_TIMESTAMP'; $query = Table::generateFieldSpec( $name, $type, $length, $attribute, $collation, $null, $default_type, $default_value, $extra, $comment, $virtuality, $expression, $move_to ); $this->assertEquals( '`PMA_name` TIMESTAMP(3) PMA_attribute NULL DEFAULT CURRENT_TIMESTAMP(3) ' . "COMMENT 'PMA_comment' FIRST", $query ); $type = 'TIMESTAMP'; $length = ''; $extra = ''; $default_type = 'USER_DEFINED'; $default_value = '\'0000-00-00 00:00:00\''; $query = Table::generateFieldSpec( $name, $type, $length, $attribute, $collation, $null, $default_type, $default_value, $extra, $comment, $virtuality, $expression, $move_to ); $this->assertEquals( '`PMA_name` TIMESTAMP PMA_attribute NULL DEFAULT \'0000-00-00 00:00:00\' ' . "COMMENT 'PMA_comment' FIRST", $query ); $type = 'TIMESTAMP'; $length = ''; $extra = ''; $default_type = 'USER_DEFINED'; $default_value = '\'0000-00-00 00:00:00.0\''; $query = Table::generateFieldSpec( $name, $type, $length, $attribute, $collation, $null, $default_type, $default_value, $extra, $comment, $virtuality, $expression, $move_to ); $this->assertEquals( '`PMA_name` TIMESTAMP PMA_attribute NULL DEFAULT \'0000-00-00 00:00:00.0\' ' . "COMMENT 'PMA_comment' FIRST", $query ); $type = 'TIMESTAMP'; $length = ''; $extra = ''; $default_type = 'USER_DEFINED'; $default_value = '\'0000-00-00 00:00:00.000000\''; $query = Table::generateFieldSpec( $name, $type, $length, $attribute, $collation, $null, $default_type, $default_value, $extra, $comment, $virtuality, $expression, $move_to ); $this->assertEquals( '`PMA_name` TIMESTAMP PMA_attribute NULL DEFAULT \'0000-00-00 00:00:00.000000\' ' . "COMMENT 'PMA_comment' FIRST", $query ); //$default_type is NONE $type = 'BOOLEAN'; $default_type = 'NONE'; $extra = 'INCREMENT'; $move_to = '-first'; $query = Table::generateFieldSpec( $name, $type, $length, $attribute, $collation, $null, $default_type, $default_value, $extra, $comment, $virtuality, $expression, $move_to ); $this->assertEquals( '`PMA_name` BOOLEAN PMA_attribute NULL INCREMENT ' . "COMMENT 'PMA_comment' FIRST", $query ); $default_type = 'NONE'; $move_to = '-first'; $query = Table::generateFieldSpec( 'ids', 'INT', '11', $attribute, $collation, $null, $default_type, $default_value, 'AUTO_INCREMENT', $comment, $virtuality, $expression, $move_to, ['id'], 'id' ); $this->assertEquals( '`ids` INT(11) PMA_attribute NULL AUTO_INCREMENT ' . "COMMENT 'PMA_comment' FIRST", $query ); $default_type = 'NONE'; $move_to = '-first'; $query = Table::generateFieldSpec( 'ids', 'INT', '11', $attribute, $collation, $null, $default_type, $default_value, 'AUTO_INCREMENT', $comment, $virtuality, $expression, $move_to, ['othercol'], 'id' ); // Add primary key for AUTO_INCREMENT if missing $this->assertEquals( '`ids` INT(11) PMA_attribute NULL AUTO_INCREMENT ' . "COMMENT 'PMA_comment' FIRST, add PRIMARY KEY (`ids`)", $query ); $default_type = 'NONE'; $move_to = '-first'; $query = Table::generateFieldSpec( 'id', 'INT', '11', $attribute, $collation, $null, $default_type, $default_value, 'DEF', $comment, $virtuality, $expression, $move_to, ['id'], 'id' ); // Do not add PK $this->assertEquals( '`id` INT(11) PMA_attribute NULL DEF ' . "COMMENT 'PMA_comment' FIRST", $query ); $default_type = 'NONE'; $move_to = '-first'; $query = Table::generateFieldSpec( 'ids', 'INT', '11', $attribute, $collation, $null, $default_type, $default_value, 'DEF', $comment, $virtuality, $expression, $move_to, ['id'], 'id' ); // Do not add PK $this->assertEquals( '`ids` INT(11) PMA_attribute NULL DEF ' . "COMMENT 'PMA_comment' FIRST", $query ); $default_type = 'NONE'; $move_to = '-first'; $query = Table::generateFieldSpec( 'ids', 'INT', '11', $attribute, $collation, $null, $default_type, $default_value, 'DEF', $comment, $virtuality, $expression, $move_to, ['ids'], 'id' ); // Add it beaucause it is missing $this->assertEquals( '`ids` INT(11) PMA_attribute NULL DEF ' . "COMMENT 'PMA_comment' FIRST, add PRIMARY KEY (`ids`)", $query ); $default_type = 'NONE'; $move_to = '-first'; $query = Table::generateFieldSpec( 'ids', 'INT', '11', $attribute, $collation, $null, $default_type, $default_value, 'USER_DEFINED', $comment, 'VIRTUAL', '1', $move_to, ['othercol'], 'id' ); // Do not add PK since it is not a AUTO_INCREMENT $this->assertEquals( '`ids` INT(11) PMA_attribute AS (1) VIRTUAL NULL ' . "USER_DEFINED COMMENT 'PMA_comment' FIRST", $query ); } /** * Test for duplicateInfo */ public function testDuplicateInfo(): void { $work = 'PMA_work'; $pma_table = 'pma_table'; $get_fields = [ 'filed0', 'field6', ]; $where_fields = [ 'field2', 'filed5', ]; $new_fields = [ 'field3', 'filed4', ]; $GLOBALS['cfgRelation'][$work] = true; $GLOBALS['cfgRelation']['db'] = 'PMA_db'; $GLOBALS['cfgRelation'][$pma_table] = 'pma_table'; $ret = Table::duplicateInfo( $work, $pma_table, $get_fields, $where_fields, $new_fields ); $this->assertSame( -1, $ret ); } /** * Test for isUpdatableView */ public function testIsUpdatableView(): void { $table = new Table(null, null); $this->assertFalse( $table->isUpdatableView() ); //validate that it is the same as DBI fetchResult $table = new Table('PMA_BookMark', 'PMA'); $this->assertTrue( $table->isUpdatableView() ); $table = new Table('PMA_BookMark_2', 'PMA'); $this->assertFalse( $table->isUpdatableView() ); } /** * Test for isMerge -- when there's no ENGINE info cached */ public function testIsMergeCase1(): void { $tableObj = new Table('PMA_BookMark', 'PMA'); $this->assertEquals( '', $tableObj->isMerge() ); $tableObj = new Table('PMA_BookMark', 'PMA'); $this->assertFalse( $tableObj->isMerge() ); } /** * Test for isMerge -- when ENGINE info is MERGE */ public function testIsMergeCase2(): void { global $dbi; $dbi->getCache()->cacheTableContent( ['PMA', 'PMA_BookMark'], ['ENGINE' => 'MERGE'] ); $tableObj = new Table('PMA_BookMark', 'PMA'); $this->assertTrue( $tableObj->isMerge() ); } /** * Test for isMerge -- when ENGINE info is MRG_MYISAM */ public function testIsMergeCase3(): void { global $dbi; $dbi->getCache()->cacheTableContent( ['PMA', 'PMA_BookMark'], ['ENGINE' => 'MRG_MYISAM'] ); $tableObj = new Table('PMA_BookMark', 'PMA'); $this->assertTrue( $tableObj->isMerge() ); } /** * Test for Table::isMerge -- when ENGINE info is ISDB */ public function testIsMergeCase4(): void { $tableObj = new Table('PMA_BookMark', 'PMA'); $this->assertFalse( $tableObj->isMerge() ); } /** * Test for generateAlter */ public function testGenerateAlter(): void { //parameter $oldcol = 'name'; $newcol = 'new_name'; $type = 'VARCHAR'; $length = '2'; $attribute = 'new_name'; $collation = 'charset1'; $null = 'YES'; $default_type = 'USER_DEFINED'; $default_value = 'VARCHAR'; $extra = 'AUTO_INCREMENT'; $comment = 'PMA comment'; $virtuality = ''; $expression = ''; $move_to = 'new_name'; $result = Table::generateAlter( $oldcol, $newcol, $type, $length, $attribute, $collation, $null, $default_type, $default_value, $extra, $comment, $virtuality, $expression, $move_to ); $expect = '`name` `new_name` VARCHAR(2) new_name CHARACTER SET ' . "charset1 NULL DEFAULT 'VARCHAR' " . "AUTO_INCREMENT COMMENT 'PMA comment' AFTER `new_name`"; $this->assertEquals( $expect, $result ); } /** * Test for rename */ public function testRename(): void { $table = 'PMA_BookMark'; $db = 'PMA'; $table = new Table($table, $db); //rename to same name $table_new = 'PMA_BookMark'; $result = $table->rename($table_new); $this->assertTrue( $result ); //isValidName //space in table name $table_new = 'PMA_BookMark '; $result = $table->rename($table_new); $this->assertFalse( $result ); //empty name $table_new = ''; $result = $table->rename($table_new); $this->assertFalse( $result ); //dot in table name $table_new = 'PMA_.BookMark'; $result = $table->rename($table_new); $this->assertTrue( $result ); //message $this->assertEquals( 'Table PMA_BookMark has been renamed to PMA_.BookMark.', $table->getLastMessage() ); $table_new = 'PMA_BookMark_new'; $db_new = 'PMA_new'; $result = $table->rename($table_new, $db_new); $this->assertTrue( $result ); //message $this->assertEquals( 'Table PMA_.BookMark has been renamed to PMA_BookMark_new.', $table->getLastMessage() ); } /** * Test for getUniqueColumns */ public function testGetUniqueColumns(): void { $table = 'PMA_BookMark'; $db = 'PMA'; $table = new Table($table, $db); $return = $table->getUniqueColumns(); $expect = [ '`PMA`.`PMA_BookMark`.`index1`', '`PMA`.`PMA_BookMark`.`index3`', '`PMA`.`PMA_BookMark`.`index5`', ]; $this->assertEquals( $expect, $return ); } /** * Test for getIndexedColumns */ public function testGetIndexedColumns(): void { $table = 'PMA_BookMark'; $db = 'PMA'; $table = new Table($table, $db); $return = $table->getIndexedColumns(); $expect = [ '`PMA`.`PMA_BookMark`.`column1`', '`PMA`.`PMA_BookMark`.`column3`', '`PMA`.`PMA_BookMark`.`column5`', '`PMA`.`PMA_BookMark`.`ACCESSIBLE`', '`PMA`.`PMA_BookMark`.`ADD`', '`PMA`.`PMA_BookMark`.`ALL`', ]; $this->assertEquals( $expect, $return ); } /** * Test for getColumnsMeta */ public function testGetColumnsMeta(): void { $dbi = $this->getMockBuilder(DatabaseInterface::class) ->disableOriginalConstructor() ->getMock(); $dbi->expects($this->once()) ->method('tryQuery') ->with('SELECT * FROM `db`.`table` LIMIT 1') ->will($this->returnValue('v1')); $dbi->expects($this->once()) ->method('getFieldsMeta') ->with('v1') ->will($this->returnValue(['aNonValidExampleToRefactor'])); $GLOBALS['dbi'] = $dbi; $tableObj = new Table('table', 'db'); $this->assertEquals( $tableObj->getColumnsMeta(), ['aNonValidExampleToRefactor'] ); } /** * Tests for getSQLToCreateForeignKey() method. */ public function testGetSQLToCreateForeignKey(): void { $table = 'PMA_table'; $field = [ 'PMA_field1', 'PMA_field2', ]; $foreignDb = 'foreignDb'; $foreignTable = 'foreignTable'; $foreignField = [ 'foreignField1', 'foreignField2', ]; $tableObj = new Table('PMA_table', 'db'); $sql = $this->callFunction( $tableObj, Table::class, 'getSQLToCreateForeignKey', [ $table, $field, $foreignDb, $foreignTable, $foreignField, ] ); $sql_excepted = 'ALTER TABLE `PMA_table` ADD ' . 'FOREIGN KEY (`PMA_field1`, `PMA_field2`) REFERENCES ' . '`foreignDb`.`foreignTable`(`foreignField1`, `foreignField2`);'; $this->assertEquals( $sql_excepted, $sql ); // Exclude db name when relations are made between table in the same db $sql = $this->callFunction( $tableObj, Table::class, 'getSQLToCreateForeignKey', [ $table, $field, 'db', $foreignTable, $foreignField, ] ); $sql_excepted = 'ALTER TABLE `PMA_table` ADD ' . 'FOREIGN KEY (`PMA_field1`, `PMA_field2`) REFERENCES ' . '`foreignTable`(`foreignField1`, `foreignField2`);'; $this->assertEquals( $sql_excepted, $sql ); } /** * Tests for getSqlQueryForIndexCreateOrEdit() method. */ public function testGetSqlQueryForIndexCreateOrEdit(): void { $db = 'pma_db'; $table = 'pma_table'; $index = new Index(); $error = false; $_POST['old_index'] = 'PRIMARY'; $table = new Table($table, $db); $sql = $table->getSqlQueryForIndexCreateOrEdit($index, $error); $this->assertEquals( 'ALTER TABLE `pma_db`.`pma_table` DROP PRIMARY KEY, ADD UNIQUE ;', $sql ); } /** * Tests for getSqlQueryForIndexCreateOrEdit() method. */ public function testGetSqlQueryForIndexCreateOrEditSecondFormat(): void { $db = 'pma_db'; $table = 'pma_table'; $index = new Index(); $error = false; $_POST['old_index']['Key_name'] = 'PRIMARY'; $table = new Table($table, $db); $sql = $table->getSqlQueryForIndexCreateOrEdit($index, $error); $this->assertEquals( 'ALTER TABLE `pma_db`.`pma_table` DROP PRIMARY KEY, ADD UNIQUE ;', $sql ); } /** * Test for getColumns */ public function testGetColumns(): void { $table = 'PMA_BookMark'; $db = 'PMA'; $table = new Table($table, $db); $return = $table->getColumns(); $expect = [ '`PMA`.`PMA_BookMark`.`column1`', '`PMA`.`PMA_BookMark`.`column3`', '`PMA`.`PMA_BookMark`.`column5`', '`PMA`.`PMA_BookMark`.`ACCESSIBLE`', '`PMA`.`PMA_BookMark`.`ADD`', '`PMA`.`PMA_BookMark`.`ALL`', ]; $this->assertEquals( $expect, $return ); $return = $table->getReservedColumnNames(); $expect = [ 'ACCESSIBLE', 'ADD', 'ALL', ]; $this->assertEquals( $expect, $return ); } /** * Test for checkIfMinRecordsExist */ public function testCheckIfMinRecordsExist(): void { $old_dbi = $GLOBALS['dbi']; $dbi = $this->getMockBuilder(DatabaseInterface::class) ->disableOriginalConstructor() ->getMock(); $dbi->expects($this->any()) ->method('tryQuery') ->will($this->returnValue('res')); $dbi->expects($this->any()) ->method('numRows') ->willReturnOnConsecutiveCalls( 0, 10, 200 ); $dbi->expects($this->any()) ->method('fetchResult') ->willReturnOnConsecutiveCalls( [['`one_pk`']], [], // No Uniques found [ '`one_ind`', '`sec_ind`', ], [], // No Uniques found [] // No Indexed found ); $GLOBALS['dbi'] = $dbi; $table = 'PMA_BookMark'; $db = 'PMA'; $tableObj = new Table($table, $db); // Case 1 : Check if table is non-empty $return = $tableObj->checkIfMinRecordsExist(); $expect = true; $this->assertEquals( $expect, $return ); // Case 2 : Check if table contains at least 100 $return = $tableObj->checkIfMinRecordsExist(100); $expect = false; $this->assertEquals( $expect, $return ); // Case 3 : Check if table contains at least 100 $return = $tableObj->checkIfMinRecordsExist(100); $expect = true; $this->assertEquals( $expect, $return ); $GLOBALS['dbi'] = $old_dbi; } /** * Test for Table::countRecords */ public function testCountRecords(): void { $table = 'PMA_BookMark'; $db = 'PMA'; $tableObj = new Table($table, $db); $this->assertEquals( 20, $tableObj->countRecords(true) ); } /** * Test for setUiProp */ public function testSetUiProp(): void { $table_name = 'PMA_BookMark'; $db = 'PMA'; $table = new Table($table_name, $db); $property = Table::PROP_COLUMN_ORDER; $value = 'UiProp_value'; $table_create_time = null; $table->setUiProp($property, $value, $table_create_time); //set UI prop successfully $this->assertEquals( $value, $table->uiprefs[$property] ); //removeUiProp $table->removeUiProp($property); $is_define_property = isset($table->uiprefs[$property]); $this->assertFalse( $is_define_property ); //getUiProp after removeUiProp $is_define_property = $table->getUiProp($property); $this->assertFalse( $is_define_property ); } /** * Test for moveCopy */ public function testMoveCopy(): void { $source_table = 'PMA_BookMark'; $source_db = 'PMA'; $target_table = 'PMA_BookMark_new'; $target_db = 'PMA_new'; $what = 'dataonly'; $move = true; $mode = 'one_table'; $GLOBALS['dbi']->expects($this->any())->method('getTable') ->will($this->returnValue(new Table($target_table, $target_db))); $_POST['drop_if_exists'] = true; $return = Table::moveCopy( $source_db, $source_table, $target_db, $target_table, $what, $move, $mode ); //successfully $expect = true; $this->assertEquals( $expect, $return ); $sql_query = 'INSERT INTO `PMA_new`.`PMA_BookMark_new`(`COLUMN_NAME1`)' . ' SELECT `COLUMN_NAME1` FROM ' . '`PMA`.`PMA_BookMark`'; $this->assertStringContainsString( $sql_query, $GLOBALS['sql_query'] ); $sql_query = 'DROP VIEW `PMA`.`PMA_BookMark`'; $this->assertStringContainsString( $sql_query, $GLOBALS['sql_query'] ); $return = Table::moveCopy( $source_db, $source_table, $target_db, $target_table, $what, false, $mode ); //successfully $expect = true; $this->assertEquals( $expect, $return ); $sql_query = 'INSERT INTO `PMA_new`.`PMA_BookMark_new`(`COLUMN_NAME1`)' . ' SELECT `COLUMN_NAME1` FROM ' . '`PMA`.`PMA_BookMark`'; $this->assertStringContainsString( $sql_query, $GLOBALS['sql_query'] ); $sql_query = 'DROP VIEW `PMA`.`PMA_BookMark`'; $this->assertStringNotContainsString( $sql_query, $GLOBALS['sql_query'] ); } /** * Test for getStorageEngine */ public function testGetStorageEngine(): void { $target_table = 'table1'; $target_db = 'pma_test'; $extension = new DbiDummy(); $dbi = new DatabaseInterface($extension); $tbl_object = new Table($target_db, $target_table, $dbi); $tbl_object->getStatusInfo(null, true); $expect = 'DBIDUMMY'; $tbl_storage_engine = $dbi->getTable( $target_db, $target_table )->getStorageEngine(); $this->assertEquals( $expect, $tbl_storage_engine ); } /** * Test for getComment */ public function testGetComment(): void { $target_table = 'table1'; $target_db = 'pma_test'; $extension = new DbiDummy(); $dbi = new DatabaseInterface($extension); $tbl_object = new Table($target_db, $target_table, $dbi); $tbl_object->getStatusInfo(null, true); $expect = 'Test comment for "table1" in \'pma_test\''; $show_comment = $dbi->getTable( $target_db, $target_table )->getComment(); $this->assertEquals( $expect, $show_comment ); } /** * Test for getCollation */ public function testGetCollation(): void { $target_table = 'table1'; $target_db = 'pma_test'; $extension = new DbiDummy(); $dbi = new DatabaseInterface($extension); $tbl_object = new Table($target_db, $target_table, $dbi); $tbl_object->getStatusInfo(null, true); $expect = 'utf8mb4_general_ci'; $tbl_collation = $dbi->getTable( $target_db, $target_table )->getCollation(); $this->assertEquals( $expect, $tbl_collation ); } /** * Test for getRowFormat */ public function testGetRowFormat(): void { $target_table = 'table1'; $target_db = 'pma_test'; $extension = new DbiDummy(); $dbi = new DatabaseInterface($extension); $tbl_object = new Table($target_db, $target_table, $dbi); $tbl_object->getStatusInfo(null, true); $expect = 'Redundant'; $row_format = $dbi->getTable( $target_db, $target_table )->getRowFormat(); $this->assertEquals( $expect, $row_format ); } /** * Test for getAutoIncrement */ public function testGetAutoIncrement(): void { $target_table = 'table1'; $target_db = 'pma_test'; $extension = new DbiDummy(); $dbi = new DatabaseInterface($extension); $tbl_object = new Table($target_db, $target_table, $dbi); $tbl_object->getStatusInfo(null, true); $expect = '5'; $auto_increment = $dbi->getTable( $target_db, $target_table )->getAutoIncrement(); $this->assertEquals( $expect, $auto_increment ); } /** * Test for getCreateOptions */ public function testGetCreateOptions(): void { $target_table = 'table1'; $target_db = 'pma_test'; $extension = new DbiDummy(); $dbi = new DatabaseInterface($extension); $tbl_object = new Table($target_db, $target_table, $dbi); $tbl_object->getStatusInfo(null, true); $expect = [ 'pack_keys' => 'DEFAULT', 'row_format' => 'REDUNDANT', ]; $create_options = $dbi->getTable( $target_db, $target_table )->getCreateOptions(); $this->assertEquals( $expect, $create_options ); } }