releases = []; $release = new stdClass(); $release->date = '2015-09-08'; $release->php_versions = '>=5.3,<7.1'; $release->version = ''; $release->mysql_versions = '>=5.5'; $this->releases[] = $release; $release = new stdClass(); $release->date = '2015-09-09'; $release->php_versions = '>=5.3,<7.0'; $release->version = ''; $release->mysql_versions = '>=5.5'; $this->releases[] = $release; $release = new stdClass(); $release->date = '2015-05-13'; $release->php_versions = '>=5.2,<5.3'; $release->version = ''; $release->mysql_versions = '>=5.0'; $this->releases[] = $release; } /** * Test version checking * * @group large * @group network */ public function testGetLatestVersion(): void { $this->setProxySettings(); $GLOBALS['cfg']['VersionCheck'] = true; $versionInformation = new VersionInformation(); $version = $versionInformation->getLatestVersion(); $this->assertIsObject($version); $this->assertNotEmpty($version->version); $this->assertNotEmpty($version->date); } /** * Test version to int conversion. * * @param string $version Version string * @param int $numeric Integer matching version * * @dataProvider dataVersions */ public function testVersionToInt(string $version, int $numeric): void { $versionInformation = new VersionInformation(); $this->assertEquals( $numeric, $versionInformation->versionToInt($version) ); } /** * Data provider for version parsing */ public function dataVersions(): array { return [ [ '1.0.0', 1000050, ], [ '', 2000002, ], [ '', 3040251, ], [ '3.4.2-dev3', 3040203, ], [ '3.4.2-dev', 3040200, ], [ '3.4.2-pl', 3040260, ], [ '3.4.2-pl3', 3040263, ], [ '4.4.2-rc22', 4040252, ], [ '4.4.2-rc', 4040230, ], [ '4.4.22-beta22', 4042242, ], [ '4.4.22-beta', 4042220, ], [ '4.4.21-alpha22', 4042132, ], [ '4.4.20-alpha', 4042010, ], [ '4.40.20-alpha-dev', 4402010, ], [ '4.4a', 4000050, ], [ '4.4.4-test', 4040400, ], [ '4.1.0', 4010050, ], [ '', 4000153, ], [ '4.1-dev', 4010000, ], ]; } /** * Tests getLatestCompatibleVersion() when there is only one server configured */ public function testGetLatestCompatibleVersionWithSingleServer(): void { $GLOBALS['cfg']['Servers'] = [ [], ]; $mockVersionInfo = $this->getMockBuilder(VersionInformation::class) ->onlyMethods(['evaluateVersionCondition']) ->getMock(); $mockVersionInfo->expects($this->exactly(9)) ->method('evaluateVersionCondition') ->withConsecutive( ['PHP', '>=5.3'], ['PHP', '<7.1'], ['MySQL', '>=5.5'], ['PHP', '>=5.3'], ['PHP', '<7.0'], ['MySQL', '>=5.5'], ['PHP', '>=5.2'], ['PHP', '<5.3'], ['MySQL', '>=5.0'] ) ->willReturnOnConsecutiveCalls( true, true, true, true, true, true, true, true, true ); $compatible = $mockVersionInfo->getLatestCompatibleVersion($this->releases); $this->assertIsArray($compatible); $this->assertEquals('', $compatible['version']); } /** * Tests getLatestCompatibleVersion() when there are multiple servers configured */ public function testGetLatestCompatibleVersionWithMultipleServers(): void { $GLOBALS['cfg']['Servers'] = [ [], [], ]; $mockVersionInfo = $this->getMockBuilder(VersionInformation::class) ->onlyMethods(['evaluateVersionCondition']) ->getMock(); $mockVersionInfo->expects($this->atLeast(4)) ->method('evaluateVersionCondition') ->withConsecutive( ['PHP', '>=5.3'], ['PHP', '<7.1'] ) ->willReturnOnConsecutiveCalls( true, true ); $compatible = $mockVersionInfo->getLatestCompatibleVersion($this->releases); $this->assertIsArray($compatible); $this->assertEquals('', $compatible['version']); } /** * Tests getLatestCompatibleVersion() with an old PHP version */ public function testGetLatestCompatibleVersionWithOldPHPVersion(): void { $GLOBALS['cfg']['Servers'] = [ [], [], ]; $mockVersionInfo = $this->getMockBuilder(VersionInformation::class) ->onlyMethods(['evaluateVersionCondition']) ->getMock(); $mockVersionInfo->expects($this->atLeast(2)) ->method('evaluateVersionCondition') ->withConsecutive( ['PHP', '>=5.3'], ['PHP', '>=5.3'], ['PHP', '>=5.2'], ['PHP', '<5.3'] ) ->willReturnOnConsecutiveCalls( false, false, true, true ); $compatible = $mockVersionInfo->getLatestCompatibleVersion($this->releases); $this->assertIsArray($compatible); $this->assertEquals('', $compatible['version']); } /** * Tests getLatestCompatibleVersion() with an new PHP version * * @param array[] $versions The versions to use * @param array[] $conditions The conditions that will be executed * @param string|null $matchedLastVersion The version that will be matched * * @dataProvider dataProviderVersionConditions */ public function testGetLatestCompatibleVersionWithNewPHPVersion( array $versions, array $conditions, ?string $matchedLastVersion ): void { $GLOBALS['cfg']['Servers'] = []; $mockVersionInfo = $this->getMockBuilder(VersionInformation::class) ->onlyMethods(['evaluateVersionCondition']) ->getMock(); $conditionsCalls = []; $returnValues = []; foreach ($conditions as $conditionArray) { [ $condition, $returnValue, ] = $conditionArray; $conditionsCalls[] = ['PHP', $condition]; $returnValues[] = $returnValue; } $mockVersionInfo->expects($this->exactly(count($conditionsCalls))) ->method('evaluateVersionCondition') ->withConsecutive( ...$conditionsCalls ) ->willReturnOnConsecutiveCalls( ...$returnValues ); $compatible = $mockVersionInfo->getLatestCompatibleVersion($versions); $this->assertEquals($matchedLastVersion, $compatible['version'] ?? null); } /** * Provider for testGetLatestCompatibleVersionWithNewPHPVersion * Returns the conditions to be used for mocks * * @return array[] */ public function dataProviderVersionConditions(): array { return [ [ [ ((object) [ 'date' => '2019-12-26', 'php_versions' => '>=5.5,<8.0', 'version' => '4.9.3', 'mysql_versions' => '>=5.5', ]), ((object) [ 'date' => '2019-12-26', 'php_versions' => '>=7.1,<8.0', 'version' => '5.0.0', 'mysql_versions' => '>=5.5', ]), ], [ [ '>=5.5', true, ], [ '<8.0', true, ], [ '>=7.1', true, ], [ '<8.0', false, ], ], '4.9.3', ], [ [ ((object) [ 'date' => '2019-12-26', 'php_versions' => '>=5.5,<7.0', 'version' => '6.0.0', 'mysql_versions' => '>=5.5', ]), ((object) [ 'date' => '2019-12-26', 'php_versions' => '>=7.1,<8.0', 'version' => '5.0.0', 'mysql_versions' => '>=5.5', ]), ], [ [ '>=5.5', true, ], [ '<7.0', true, ], [ '>=7.1', false, ], ], '6.0.0', ], [ [ ((object) [ 'date' => '2019-12-26', 'php_versions' => '>=5.5,<7.0', 'version' => '6.0.0-rc1', 'mysql_versions' => '>=5.5', ]), ((object) [ 'date' => '2019-12-26', 'php_versions' => '>=7.1,<8.0', 'version' => '6.0.0-rc2', 'mysql_versions' => '>=5.5', ]), ], [ [ '>=5.5', true, ], [ '<7.0', true, ], [ '>=7.1', false, ], ], '6.0.0-rc1', ], [ [ ((object) [ 'date' => '2019-12-26', 'php_versions' => '>=5.5,<7.0', 'version' => '6.0.0', 'mysql_versions' => '>=5.5', ]), ((object) [ 'date' => '2019-12-26', 'php_versions' => '>=7.1,<8.0', 'version' => '5.0.0', 'mysql_versions' => '>=5.5', ]), ], [ [ '>=5.5', false, ], [ '>=7.1', true, ], [ '<8.0', false, ], ], null, ], [ [ ((object) [ 'date' => '2019-12-26', 'php_versions' => '>=5.5,<7.0', 'version' => '6.0.0', 'mysql_versions' => '>=5.5', ]), ((object) [ 'date' => '2019-12-26', 'php_versions' => '>=7.1,<8.0', 'version' => '5.0.0', 'mysql_versions' => '>=5.5', ]), ], [ [ '>=5.5', false, ], [ '>=7.1', true, ], [ '<8.0', true, ], ], '5.0.0', ], [ [ ((object) [ 'date' => '2019-12-26', 'php_versions' => '>=5.5,<8.0', 'version' => '4.9.3', 'mysql_versions' => '>=5.5', ]), ((object) [ 'date' => '2019-12-26', 'php_versions' => '>=7.1,<8.0', 'version' => '5.0.0', 'mysql_versions' => '>=5.5', ]), ], [ [ '>=5.5', true, ], [ '<8.0', true, ], [ '>=7.1', true, ], [ '<8.0', true, ], ], '5.0.0', ], [ [ ((object) [ 'date' => '2019-12-26', 'php_versions' => '>=7.1,<8.0', 'version' => '5.0.0', 'mysql_versions' => '>=5.5', ]), ((object) [ 'date' => '2019-12-26', 'php_versions' => '>=5.5,<8.0', 'version' => '4.9.3', 'mysql_versions' => '>=5.5', ]), ], [ [ '>=7.1', true, ], [ '<8.0', true, ], [ '>=5.5', true, ], [ '<8.0', true, ], ], '5.0.0', ], ]; } /** * Tests evaluateVersionCondition() method */ public function testEvaluateVersionCondition(): void { $mockVersionInfo = $this->getMockBuilder(VersionInformation::class) ->onlyMethods(['getPHPVersion']) ->getMock(); $mockVersionInfo->expects($this->any()) ->method('getPHPVersion') ->will($this->returnValue('5.2.4')); $this->assertTrue($mockVersionInfo->evaluateVersionCondition('PHP', '<=5.3')); $this->assertTrue($mockVersionInfo->evaluateVersionCondition('PHP', '<5.3')); $this->assertTrue($mockVersionInfo->evaluateVersionCondition('PHP', '>=5.2')); $this->assertTrue($mockVersionInfo->evaluateVersionCondition('PHP', '>5.2')); $this->assertTrue($mockVersionInfo->evaluateVersionCondition('PHP', '!=5.3')); $this->assertFalse($mockVersionInfo->evaluateVersionCondition('PHP', '<=5.2')); $this->assertFalse($mockVersionInfo->evaluateVersionCondition('PHP', '<5.2')); $this->assertFalse($mockVersionInfo->evaluateVersionCondition('PHP', '>=7.0')); $this->assertFalse($mockVersionInfo->evaluateVersionCondition('PHP', '>7.0')); $this->assertTrue($mockVersionInfo->evaluateVersionCondition('PHP', '!=5.2')); } }