getHubUrl() === '') { $this->markTestSkipped('Selenium testing is not configured.'); } if ($this->getTestSuiteUrl() === '') { $this->markTestSkipped('The ENV "TESTSUITE_URL" is not defined.'); } if ($this->getTestSuiteUserLogin() === '') { //TODO: handle config mode $this->markTestSkipped( 'The ENV "TESTSUITE_USER" is not defined, you may also want to define "TESTSUITE_PASSWORD".' ); } $capabilities = $this->getCapabilities(); $this->addCapabilities($capabilities); $url = $this->getHubUrl(); $this->webDriver = RemoteWebDriver::create( $url, $capabilities ); // The session Id is only used by BrowserStack if ($this->hasBrowserstackConfig()) { $this->sessionId = $this->webDriver->getSessionId(); } $this->navigateTo(''); $this->webDriver->manage()->window()->maximize(); if (! static::$createDatabase) { // Stop here, we where not asked to create a database return; } $this->createDatabase(); } /** * Create a test database */ protected function createDatabase(): void { $this->databaseName = $this->getDbPrefix() . mb_substr(sha1((string) rand()), 0, 7); $this->dbQuery( 'CREATE DATABASE IF NOT EXISTS `' . $this->databaseName . '`; USE `' . $this->databaseName . '`;' ); static::$createDatabase = true; } public function getDbPrefix(): string { $envVar = getenv('TESTSUITE_DATABASE_PREFIX'); if ($envVar) { return $envVar; } return ''; } private function getBrowserStackCredentials(): string { return getenv('TESTSUITE_BROWSERSTACK_USER') . ':' . getenv('TESTSUITE_BROWSERSTACK_KEY'); } protected function getTestSuiteUserLogin(): string { $user = getenv('TESTSUITE_USER'); return $user === false ? '' : $user; } protected function getTestSuiteUserPassword(): string { $user = getenv('TESTSUITE_PASSWORD'); return $user === false ? '' : $user; } protected function getTestSuiteUrl(): string { $user = getenv('TESTSUITE_URL'); return $user === false ? '' : $user; } /** * Has CI config ( CI_MODE == selenium ) */ public function hasCIConfig(): bool { $mode = getenv('CI_MODE'); if (empty($mode)) { return false; } return $mode === 'selenium'; } /** * Has ENV variables set for Browserstack */ public function hasBrowserstackConfig(): bool { return ! empty(getenv('TESTSUITE_BROWSERSTACK_USER')) && ! empty(getenv('TESTSUITE_BROWSERSTACK_KEY')); } /** * Has ENV variables set for local Selenium server */ public function hasSeleniumConfig(): bool { return ! empty(getenv('TESTSUITE_SELENIUM_HOST')) && ! empty(getenv('TESTSUITE_SELENIUM_PORT')); } /** * Get the selenium hub url */ private function getHubUrl(): string { if ($this->hasBrowserstackConfig()) { return 'https://' . $this->getBrowserStackCredentials() . ''; } if ($this->hasSeleniumConfig()) { return 'http://' . getenv('TESTSUITE_SELENIUM_HOST') . ':' . getenv('TESTSUITE_SELENIUM_PORT') . '/wd/hub'; } return ''; } /** * Navigate to URL * * @param string $url The URL */ private function navigateTo(string $url): void { $suiteUrl = getenv('TESTSUITE_URL'); if ($suiteUrl === false) { $suiteUrl = ''; } if (substr($suiteUrl, -1) === '/') { $url = $suiteUrl . $url; } else { $url = $suiteUrl . '/' . $url; } $this->webDriver->get($url); } /** * Get the current running test name * * Usefull for browserstack * * @see * Reports the name of the test to browserstack */ public function getTestName(): string { $className = substr(static::class, strlen('PhpMyAdmin\Tests\Selenium\\')); return $className . ': ' . $this->getName(); } /** * Add specific capabilities * * @param DesiredCapabilities $capabilities The capabilities object */ public function addCapabilities(DesiredCapabilities $capabilities): void { $buildLocal = true; $buildId = 'Manual'; $projectName = 'phpMyAdmin'; if (getenv('BUILD_TAG')) { $buildId = getenv('BUILD_TAG'); $buildLocal = false; $projectName = 'phpMyAdmin (Jenkins)'; } elseif (getenv('GITHUB_ACTION')) { $buildId = 'github-' . getenv('GITHUB_ACTION'); $buildLocal = true; $projectName = 'phpMyAdmin (GitHub - Actions)'; } if (! $buildLocal) { return; } $capabilities->setCapability( 'bstack:options', [ 'os' => 'Windows', 'osVersion' => '10', 'resolution' => '1920x1080', 'projectName' => $projectName, 'sessionName' => $this->getTestName(), 'buildName' => $buildId, 'localIdentifier' => $buildId, 'local' => $buildLocal, 'debug' => false, 'consoleLogs' => 'verbose', 'networkLogs' => true, ] ); } /** * Get basic capabilities */ public function getCapabilities(): DesiredCapabilities { switch (getenv('TESTSUITE_SELENIUM_BROWSER')) { case 'chrome': default: $capabilities = DesiredCapabilities::chrome(); $chromeOptions = new ChromeOptions(); $chromeOptions->addArguments(['--lang=en']); $capabilities->setCapability( ChromeOptions::CAPABILITY_W3C, $chromeOptions ); $capabilities->setCapability( 'loggingPrefs', ['browser' => 'ALL'] ); if ($this->hasCIConfig() && $this->hasBrowserstackConfig()) { $capabilities->setCapability( 'os', 'Windows' // Force windows ); $capabilities->setCapability( 'os_version', '10' // Force windows 10 ); $capabilities->setCapability( 'browser_version', '80.0' // Force chrome 80.0 ); $capabilities->setCapability( 'resolution', '1920x1080' ); } return $capabilities; case 'safari': $capabilities = DesiredCapabilities::safari(); if ($this->hasCIConfig() && $this->hasBrowserstackConfig()) { $capabilities->setCapability( 'os', 'OS X' // Force OS X ); $capabilities->setCapability( 'os_version', 'Sierra' // Force OS X Sierra ); $capabilities->setCapability( 'browser_version', '10.1' // Force Safari 10.1 ); } return $capabilities; case 'edge': $capabilities = DesiredCapabilities::microsoftEdge(); if ($this->hasCIConfig() && $this->hasBrowserstackConfig()) { $capabilities->setCapability( 'os', 'Windows' // Force windows ); $capabilities->setCapability( 'os_version', '10' // Force windows 10 ); $capabilities->setCapability( 'browser_version', 'insider preview' // Force Edge insider preview ); } return $capabilities; } } /** * Checks whether the user is a superuser. */ protected function isSuperUser(): bool { return $this->dbQuery('SELECT COUNT(*) FROM mysql.user'); } /** * Skips test if test user is not a superuser. */ protected function skipIfNotSuperUser(): void { if ($this->isSuperUser()) { return; } $this->markTestSkipped('Test user is not a superuser.'); } /** * Use the fix relation button to install phpMyAdmin storage */ protected function fixUpPhpMyAdminStorage(): bool { $this->navigateTo('index.php?route=/check-relations'); $fixTextSelector = '//div[@class="alert alert-primary" and contains(., "Create a database named")]/a'; if ($this->isElementPresent('xpath', $fixTextSelector)) { $this->byXPath($fixTextSelector)->click(); $this->waitAjax(); return true; } return false; } /** * Skips test if pmadb is not configured. */ protected function skipIfNotPMADB(): void { $this->navigateTo('index.php?route=/check-relations'); $pageContent = $this->waitForElement('id', 'page_content'); if ( ! preg_match( '/Configuration of pmadb… not OK/i', $pageContent->getText() ) ) { return; } if (! $this->fixUpPhpMyAdminStorage()) { $this->markTestSkipped( 'The phpMyAdmin configuration storage is not working.' ); } // If it failed the code already has exited with markTestSkipped $this->hadStorageDatabaseInstall = true; } /** * perform a login * * @param string $username Username * @param string $password Password */ public function login(string $username = '', string $password = ''): void { $this->logOutIfLoggedIn(); if ($username === '') { $username = $this->getTestSuiteUserLogin(); } if ($password === '') { $password = $this->getTestSuiteUserPassword(); } $this->navigateTo(''); /* Wait while page */ while ( $this->webDriver->executeScript( 'return document.readyState !== "complete";' ) ) { usleep(5000); } // Return if already logged in if ($this->isSuccessLogin()) { return; } // Select English if the Language selector is available if ($this->isElementPresent('id', 'languageSelect')) { $this->selectByLabel($this->byId('languageSelect'), 'English'); } // Clear the input for Microsoft Edge (remembers the username) $this->waitForElement('id', 'input_username')->clear()->click()->sendKeys($username); $this->byId('input_password')->click()->sendKeys($password); $this->byId('input_go')->click(); } /** * Get element by Id * * @param string $id The element ID */ public function byId(string $id): WebDriverElement { return $this->webDriver->findElement(WebDriverBy::id($id)); } /** * Get element by css selector * * @param string $selector The element css selector */ public function byCssSelector(string $selector): WebDriverElement { return $this->webDriver->findElement(WebDriverBy::cssSelector($selector)); } /** * Get element by xpath * * @param string $xpath The xpath */ public function byXPath(string $xpath): WebDriverElement { return $this->webDriver->findElement(WebDriverBy::xpath($xpath)); } /** * Get element by linkText * * @param string $linkText The link text */ public function byLinkText(string $linkText): WebDriverElement { return $this->webDriver->findElement(WebDriverBy::linkText($linkText)); } /** * Double click */ public function doubleclick(): void { $this->webDriver->action()->doubleClick()->perform(); } /** * Simple click */ public function click(): void { $this->webDriver->action()->click()->perform(); } /** * Get element by byPartialLinkText * * @param string $partialLinkText The partial link text */ public function byPartialLinkText(string $partialLinkText): WebDriverElement { return $this->webDriver->findElement(WebDriverBy::partialLinkText($partialLinkText)); } /** * Returns true if the browser is safari */ public function isSafari(): bool { return mb_strtolower($this->webDriver->getCapabilities()->getBrowserName()) === 'safari'; } /** * Get element by name * * @param string $name The name */ public function byName(string $name): WebDriverElement { return $this->webDriver->findElement(WebDriverBy::name($name)); } /** * Checks whether the login is successful */ public function isSuccessLogin(): bool { return $this->isElementPresent('xpath', '//*[@id="server-breadcrumb"]'); } /** * Checks whether the login is unsuccessful */ public function isUnsuccessLogin(): bool { return $this->isElementPresent('cssSelector', 'div #pma_errors'); } /** * Used to go to the homepage */ public function gotoHomepage(): void { $e = $this->byPartialLinkText('Server: '); $e->click(); $this->waitAjax(); } /** * Execute a database query * * @param string $query SQL Query to be executed * @param Closure|null $onResults The function to call when the results are displayed * @param Closure|null $afterSubmit The function to call after the submit button is clicked * * @throws Exception */ public function dbQuery(string $query, ?Closure $onResults = null, ?Closure $afterSubmit = null): bool { $didSucceed = false; $handles = null; if (! $this->sqlWindowHandle) { $this->webDriver->executeScript("'about:blank','_blank');", []); $this->webDriver->wait()->until( WebDriverExpectedCondition::numberOfWindowsToBe(2) ); $handles = $this->webDriver->getWindowHandles(); $lastWindow = end($handles); $this->webDriver->switchTo()->window($lastWindow); $this->login(); $this->sqlWindowHandle = $lastWindow; } if ($handles === null) { $handles = $this->webDriver->getWindowHandles(); } if ($this->sqlWindowHandle) { $this->webDriver->switchTo()->window($this->sqlWindowHandle); if (! $this->isSuccessLogin()) { $this->takeScrenshot('SQL_window_not_logged_in'); return false; } $this->byXPath('//*[contains(@class,"nav-item") and contains(., "SQL")]')->click(); $this->waitAjax(); $this->typeInTextArea($query); $this->byId('button_submit_query')->click(); if ($afterSubmit !== null) { $afterSubmit->call($this); } $this->waitAjax(); $this->waitForElement('className', 'result_query'); // If present then $didSucceed = $this->isElementPresent('xpath', '//*[@class="result_query"]//*[contains(., "success")]'); if ($onResults !== null) { $onResults->call($this); } } // echo PHP_EOL . 'Query: ' . $query . ', out: ' . (($didSucceed) ? 'yes' : 'no') . PHP_EOL; reset($handles); $lastWindow = current($handles); $this->webDriver->switchTo()->window($lastWindow); return $didSucceed; } public function takeScrenshot(string $comment): void { $screenshotDir = __DIR__ . DIRECTORY_SEPARATOR . '..' . DIRECTORY_SEPARATOR . '..' . DIRECTORY_SEPARATOR . 'build' . DIRECTORY_SEPARATOR . 'selenium'; if ($this->webDriver === null) { return; } $key = time(); // This call will also create the file path $this->webDriver->takeScreenshot( $screenshotDir . DIRECTORY_SEPARATOR . 'screenshot_' . $key . '_' . $comment . '.png' ); $htmlOutput = $screenshotDir . DIRECTORY_SEPARATOR . 'source_' . $key . '.html'; file_put_contents($htmlOutput, $this->webDriver->getPageSource()); $testInfo = $screenshotDir . DIRECTORY_SEPARATOR . 'source_' . $key . '.json'; file_put_contents($testInfo, json_encode( [ 'filesKey' => $key, 'testName' => $this->getTestName(), ], JSON_PRETTY_PRINT | JSON_UNESCAPED_SLASHES )); } /** * Check if user is logged in to phpmyadmin * * @return bool Where or not user is logged in */ public function isLoggedIn(): bool { return $this->isElementPresent( 'xpath', '//*[@class="navigationbar"]' ); } /** * Perform a logout, if logged in */ public function logOutIfLoggedIn(): void { if (! $this->isLoggedIn()) { return; } $this->byCssSelector('img.icon.ic_s_loggoff')->click(); } /** * Wait for an element to be present on the page * * @param string $func Locate using - cssSelector, xpath, tagName, partialLinkText, linkText, name, id, className * @param string $arg Selector * * @return WebDriverElement Element waited for */ public function waitForElement(string $func, string $arg): WebDriverElement { return $this->webDriver->wait(30, 500)->until( WebDriverExpectedCondition::presenceOfElementLocated(WebDriverBy::$func($arg)) ); } /** * Wait for an element to be present on the page or timeout * * @param string $func Locate using - cssSelector, xpath, tagName, partialLinkText, linkText, name, id, className * @param string $arg Selector * @param int $timeout Timeout in seconds */ public function waitUntilElementIsPresent(string $func, string $arg, int $timeout): WebDriverElement { return $this->webDriver->wait($timeout, 500)->until( WebDriverExpectedCondition::presenceOfElementLocated(WebDriverBy::$func($arg)) ); } /** * Wait for an element to be visible on the page or timeout * * @param string $func Locate using - cssSelector, xpath, tagName, partialLinkText, linkText, name, id, className * @param string $arg Selector * @param int $timeout Timeout in seconds */ public function waitUntilElementIsVisible(string $func, string $arg, int $timeout): WebDriverElement { return $this->webDriver->wait($timeout, 500)->until( WebDriverExpectedCondition::visibilityOfElementLocated(WebDriverBy::$func($arg)) ); } /** * Wait for an element to disappear * * @param string $func Locate using - byCss, byXPath, etc * @param string $arg Selector */ public function waitForElementNotPresent(string $func, string $arg): void { while (true) { if (! $this->isElementPresent($func, $arg)) { return; } usleep(5000); } } /** * Check if element is present or not * * @param string $func Locate using - cssSelector, xpath, tagName, partialLinkText, linkText, name, id, className * @param string $arg Selector * * @return bool Whether or not the element is present */ public function isElementPresent(string $func, string $arg): bool { try { $this->webDriver->findElement(WebDriverBy::$func($arg)); } catch (NoSuchElementException $e) { // Element not present return false; } catch (InvalidArgumentException $e) { // Element not present return false; } catch (InvalidSelectorException $e) { // Element not present return false; } // Element Present return true; } /** * Get table cell data by the ID of the table * * @param string $tableID Table identifier * @param int $row Table row * @param int $column Table column * * @return string text Data from the particular table cell */ public function getCellByTableId(string $tableID, int $row, int $column): string { $sel = sprintf( 'table#%s tbody tr:nth-child(%d) td:nth-child(%d)', $tableID, $row, $column ); $element = $this->byCssSelector( $sel ); $text = $element->getText(); return $text && is_string($text) ? trim($text) : ''; } /** * Get table cell data by the class attribute of the table * * @param string $tableClass Class of the table * @param int $row Table row * @param int $column Table column * * @return string text Data from the particular table cell */ public function getCellByTableClass(string $tableClass, int $row, int $column): string { $sel = sprintf( 'table.%s tbody tr:nth-child(%d) td:nth-child(%d)', $tableClass, $row, $column ); $element = $this->byCssSelector( $sel ); $text = $element->getText(); return $text && is_string($text) ? trim($text) : ''; } /** * Wrapper around keys method to not use it on not supported * browsers. * * @param string $text Keys to send */ public function keys(string $text): void { /** * Not supported in Safari Webdriver, see * */ if ($this->isSafari()) { $this->markTestSkipped('Can not send keys to Safari browser.'); } else { $this->webDriver->getKeyboard()->sendKeys($text); } } /** * Wrapper around moveto method to not use it on not supported * browsers. * * @param RemoteWebElement $element element */ public function moveto(RemoteWebElement $element): void { /** * Not supported in Safari Webdriver, see * */ if ($this->isSafari()) { $this->markTestSkipped('MoveTo not supported on Safari browser.'); } else { $this->webDriver->getMouse()->mouseMove($element->getCoordinates()); } } /** * Wrapper around alertText method to not use it on not supported * browsers. * * @return mixed */ public function alertText() { /** * Not supported in Safari Webdriver, see * */ if (! $this->isSafari()) { return $this->webDriver->switchTo()->alert()->getText(); } $this->markTestSkipped('Alerts not supported on Safari browser.'); } /** * Type text in textarea (CodeMirror enabled) * * @param string $text Text to type * @param int $index Index of CodeMirror instance to write to */ public function typeInTextArea(string $text, int $index = 0): void { $this->waitForElement('cssSelector', ''); $this->webDriver->executeScript( "$('.cm-s-default')[" . $index . '].CodeMirror.setValue(' . json_encode($text) . ');' ); } /** * Accept alert */ public function acceptAlert(): void { $this->webDriver->switchTo()->alert()->accept(); } /** * Clicks the "More" link in the menu */ public function expandMore(): void { // "More" menu is not displayed on large screens if ($this->isElementPresent('cssSelector', 'li.nav-item.dropdown.d-none')) { return; } // Not found, searching for another alternative try { $ele = $this->waitForElement('cssSelector', 'li.dropdown > a'); $ele->click(); $this->waitForElement('cssSelector', ' > a'); $this->waitUntilElementIsPresent( 'cssSelector', ' > ul', 5000 ); } catch (WebDriverException $e) { return; } } /** * Navigates browser to a table page. * * @param string $table Name of table * @param bool $gotoHomepageRequired Go to homepage required */ public function navigateTable(string $table, bool $gotoHomepageRequired = false): void { $this->navigateDatabase($this->databaseName, $gotoHomepageRequired); // go to table page $this->waitForElement( 'xpath', "//th//a[contains(., '" . $table . "')]" )->click(); $this->waitAjax(); $this->waitForElement( 'xpath', "//a[@class='nav-link text-nowrap' and contains(., 'Browse')]" ); } /** * Navigates browser to a database page. * * @param string $database Name of database * @param bool $gotoHomepageRequired Go to homepage required */ public function navigateDatabase(string $database, bool $gotoHomepageRequired = false): void { if ($gotoHomepageRequired) { $this->gotoHomepage(); } // Go to server databases $this->waitForElement('partialLinkText', 'Databases')->click(); $this->waitAjax(); // go to specific database page $this->waitForElement( 'xpath', '//tr[(contains(@class, "db-row"))]//a[contains(., "' . $database . '")]' )->click(); $this->waitAjax(); // Wait for it to load $this->waitForElement( 'xpath', "//a[@class='nav-link text-nowrap' and contains(., 'Structure')]" ); } /** * Select an option that matches a value * * @param WebDriverElement $element The element * @param string $value The value of the option */ public function selectByValue(WebDriverElement $element, string $value): void { $select = new WebDriverSelect($element); $select->selectByValue($value); } /** * Select an option that matches a text * * @param WebDriverElement $element The element * @param string $text The text */ public function selectByLabel(WebDriverElement $element, string $text): void { $select = new WebDriverSelect($element); $select->selectByVisibleText($text); } /** * Scrolls to a coordinate such that the element with given id is visible * * @param string $element_id Id of the element * @param int $y_offset Offset from Y-coordinate of element */ public function scrollIntoView(string $element_id, int $y_offset = 70): void { // 70pt offset by-default so that the topmenu does not cover the element $this->webDriver->executeScript( 'var position = document.getElementById("' . $element_id . '").getBoundingClientRect();' . 'window.scrollBy(0,' . $y_offset . '));' ); } /** * Scrolls to a coordinate such that the element * * @param WebDriverElement $element The element * @param int $xOffset The x offset to apply (defaults to 0) * @param int $yOffset The y offset to apply (defaults to 0) */ public function scrollToElement(WebDriverElement $element, int $xOffset = 0, int $yOffset = 0): void { $this->webDriver->executeScript( 'window.scrollBy(' . ($element->getLocation()->getX() + $xOffset) . ', ' . ($element->getLocation()->getY() + $yOffset) . ');' ); } /** * Scroll to the bottom of page */ public function scrollToBottom(): void { $this->webDriver->executeScript( 'window.scrollTo(0,document.body.scrollHeight);' ); } /** * Reload the page */ public function reloadPage(): void { $this->webDriver->executeScript( 'window.location.reload();' ); } /** * Wait for AJAX completion */ public function waitAjax(): void { /* Wait while code is loading */ $this->webDriver->executeAsyncScript( 'var callback = arguments[arguments.length - 1];' . 'function startWaitingForAjax() {' . ' if (! {' . ' callback();' . ' } else {' . ' setTimeout(startWaitingForAjax, 200);' . ' }' . '}' . 'startWaitingForAjax();' ); } /** * Wait for AJAX message disappear */ public function waitAjaxMessage(): void { /* Get current message count */ $ajax_message_count = $this->webDriver->executeScript( 'return ajaxMessageCount;' ); /* Ensure the popup is gone */ $this->waitForElementNotPresent( 'id', 'ajax_message_num_' . $ajax_message_count ); } /** * Tear Down function for test cases */ protected function tearDown(): void { if (static::$createDatabase) { $this->dbQuery('DROP DATABASE IF EXISTS `' . $this->databaseName . '`;'); } if ($this->hadStorageDatabaseInstall) { $this->dbQuery('DROP DATABASE IF EXISTS `phpmyadmin`;'); } if (! $this->hasFailed()) { $this->markTestAs('passed', ''); } $this->sqlWindowHandle = null; $this->webDriver->quit(); } /** * Mark test as failed or passed on BrowserStack * * @param string $status passed or failed * @param string $message a message */ private function markTestAs(string $status, string $message): void { // If this is being run on Browerstack, // mark the test on Browerstack as failure if (! $this->hasBrowserstackConfig()) { return; } $payload = json_encode( [ 'status' => $status, 'reason' => $message, ] ); /** @var resource $ch */ $ch = curl_init(); curl_setopt( $ch, CURLOPT_URL, self::SESSION_REST_URL . $this->sessionId . '.json' ); curl_setopt($ch, CURLOPT_RETURNTRANSFER, 1); curl_setopt($ch, CURLOPT_POSTFIELDS, $payload); curl_setopt($ch, CURLOPT_CUSTOMREQUEST, 'PUT'); curl_setopt( $ch, CURLOPT_USERPWD, $this->getBrowserStackCredentials() ); $headers = []; $headers[] = 'Content-Type: application/json'; curl_setopt($ch, CURLOPT_HTTPHEADER, $headers); curl_exec($ch); if ($ch !== false && curl_errno($ch)) { echo 'Error: ' . curl_error($ch) . PHP_EOL; } curl_close($ch); } private function getErrorVideoUrl(): void { if (! $this->hasBrowserstackConfig()) { return; } /** @var resource $ch */ $ch = curl_init(); curl_setopt( $ch, CURLOPT_URL, self::SESSION_REST_URL . $this->sessionId . '.json' ); curl_setopt($ch, CURLOPT_RETURNTRANSFER, 1); curl_setopt( $ch, CURLOPT_USERPWD, $this->getBrowserStackCredentials() ); $result = curl_exec($ch); if (is_bool($result)) { echo 'Error: ' . curl_error($ch) . PHP_EOL; return; } $proj = json_decode($result); if (isset($proj->automation_session)) { echo 'Test failed, get more information here: ' . $proj->automation_session->public_url . PHP_EOL; } if ($ch !== false && curl_errno($ch)) { echo 'Error: ' . curl_error($ch) . PHP_EOL; } curl_close($ch); } /** * Mark unsuccessful tests as 'Failures' on Browerstack * * @param Throwable $t Throwable */ public function onNotSuccessfulTest(Throwable $t): void { $this->markTestAs('failed', $t->getMessage()); $this->takeScrenshot('test_failed'); // End testing session if ($this->webDriver !== null) { $this->webDriver->quit(); } $this->sqlWindowHandle = null; $this->getErrorVideoUrl(); // Call parent's onNotSuccessful to handle everything else parent::onNotSuccessfulTest($t); } }