#include "php_redis.h" #include "common.h" #include "library.h" #include "redis_commands.h" #include "cluster_library.h" #include "crc16.h" #include extern zend_class_entry *redis_cluster_exception_ce; int le_cluster_slot_cache; /* Debugging methods/ static void cluster_dump_nodes(redisCluster *c) { redisClusterNode *p; ZEND_HASH_FOREACH_PTR(c->nodes, p) { if (p == NULL) { continue; } const char *slave = (p->slave) ? "slave" : "master"; php_printf("%d %s %d %d", p->sock->port, slave,p->sock->prefix_len, p->slot); php_printf("\n"); } ZEND_HASH_FOREACH_END(); } static void cluster_log(char *fmt, ...) { va_list args; char buffer[1024]; va_start(args, fmt); vsnprintf(buffer,sizeof(buffer),fmt,args); va_end(args); fprintf(stderr, "%s\n", buffer); } // Debug function to dump a clusterReply structure recursively static void dump_reply(clusterReply *reply, int indent) { smart_string buf = {0}; int i; switch(reply->type) { case TYPE_ERR: smart_string_appendl(&buf, "(error) ", sizeof("(error) ")-1); smart_string_appendl(&buf, reply->str, reply->len); break; case TYPE_LINE: smart_string_appendl(&buf, reply->str, reply->len); break; case TYPE_INT: smart_string_appendl(&buf, "(integer) ", sizeof("(integer) ")-1); smart_string_append_long(&buf, reply->integer); break; case TYPE_BULK: smart_string_appendl(&buf,"\"", 1); smart_string_appendl(&buf, reply->str, reply->len); smart_string_appendl(&buf, "\"", 1); break; case TYPE_MULTIBULK: if (reply->elements < 0) { smart_string_appendl(&buf, "(nil)", sizeof("(nil)")-1); } else { for (i = 0; i < reply->elements; i++) { dump_reply(reply->element[i], indent+2); } } break; default: break; } if (buf.len > 0) { for (i = 0; i < indent; i++) { php_printf(" "); } smart_string_0(&buf); php_printf("%s", buf.c); php_printf("\n"); efree(buf.c); } } */ /* Recursively free our reply object. If free_data is non-zero we'll also free * the payload data (strings) themselves. If not, we just free the structs */ void cluster_free_reply(clusterReply *reply, int free_data) { long long i; switch(reply->type) { case TYPE_ERR: case TYPE_LINE: case TYPE_BULK: if (free_data && reply->str) efree(reply->str); break; case TYPE_MULTIBULK: if (reply->element) { if (reply->elements > 0) { for (i = 0; i < reply->elements && reply->element[i]; i++) { cluster_free_reply(reply->element[i], free_data); } } efree(reply->element); } break; default: break; } efree(reply); } static int cluster_multibulk_resp_recursive(RedisSock *sock, size_t elements, clusterReply **element, int status_strings) { int i; size_t sz; clusterReply *r; long len; char buf[1024]; for (i = 0; i < elements; i++) { r = element[i] = ecalloc(1, sizeof(clusterReply)); // Bomb out, flag error condition on a communication failure if (redis_read_reply_type(sock, &r->type, &len) < 0) { return FAILURE; } /* Set our reply len */ r->len = len; switch(r->type) { case TYPE_ERR: case TYPE_LINE: if (redis_sock_gets(sock,buf,sizeof(buf),&sz) < 0) { return FAILURE; } r->len = (long long)sz; if (status_strings) r->str = estrndup(buf, r->len); break; case TYPE_INT: r->integer = len; break; case TYPE_BULK: if (r->len >= 0) { r->str = redis_sock_read_bulk_reply(sock,r->len); if (!r->str) { return FAILURE; } } break; case TYPE_MULTIBULK: r->elements = r->len; if (r->elements > 0) { r->element = ecalloc(r->len, sizeof(*r->element)); if (cluster_multibulk_resp_recursive(sock, r->elements, r->element, status_strings) < 0) { return FAILURE; } } break; default: return FAILURE; } } return SUCCESS; } /* Return the socket for a slot and slave index */ static RedisSock *cluster_slot_sock(redisCluster *c, unsigned short slot, zend_ulong slaveidx) { redisClusterNode *node; /* Return the master if we're not looking for a slave */ if (slaveidx == 0) { return SLOT_SOCK(c, slot); } /* Abort if we can't find this slave */ if (!SLOT_SLAVES(c, slot) || (node = zend_hash_index_find_ptr(SLOT_SLAVES(c,slot), slaveidx)) == NULL ) { return NULL; } /* Success, return the slave */ return node->sock; } /* Read the response from a cluster */ clusterReply *cluster_read_resp(redisCluster *c, int status_strings) { return cluster_read_sock_resp(c->cmd_sock, c->reply_type, status_strings ? c->line_reply : NULL, c->reply_len); } /* Read any sort of response from the socket, having already issued the * command and consumed the reply type and meta info (length) */ clusterReply* cluster_read_sock_resp(RedisSock *redis_sock, REDIS_REPLY_TYPE type, char *line_reply, long long len) { clusterReply *r; r = ecalloc(1, sizeof(clusterReply)); r->type = type; switch(r->type) { case TYPE_INT: r->integer = len; break; case TYPE_LINE: if (line_reply) { r->str = estrndup(line_reply, len); r->len = len; } case TYPE_ERR: return r; case TYPE_BULK: r->len = len; r->str = redis_sock_read_bulk_reply(redis_sock, len); if (r->len != -1 && !r->str) { cluster_free_reply(r, 1); return NULL; } break; case TYPE_MULTIBULK: r->elements = len; if (r->elements > 0) { r->element = ecalloc(len, sizeof(clusterReply*)); if (cluster_multibulk_resp_recursive(redis_sock, len, r->element, line_reply != NULL) < 0) { cluster_free_reply(r, 1); return NULL; } } break; default: cluster_free_reply(r, 1); return NULL; } // Success, return the reply return r; } /* * Helpers to send various 'control type commands to a specific node, e.g. * MULTI, ASKING, READONLY, READWRITE, etc */ /* Send a command to the specific socket and validate reply type */ static int cluster_send_direct(RedisSock *redis_sock, char *cmd, int cmd_len, REDIS_REPLY_TYPE type) { char buf[1024]; /* Connect to the socket if we aren't yet and send our command, validate the reply type, and consume the first line */ if (!CLUSTER_SEND_PAYLOAD(redis_sock,cmd,cmd_len) || !CLUSTER_VALIDATE_REPLY_TYPE(redis_sock, type) || !php_stream_gets(redis_sock->stream, buf, sizeof(buf))) return -1; /* Success! */ return 0; } static int cluster_send_asking(RedisSock *redis_sock) { return cluster_send_direct(redis_sock, RESP_ASKING_CMD, sizeof(RESP_ASKING_CMD)-1, TYPE_LINE); } /* Send READONLY to a specific RedisSock unless it's already flagged as being * in READONLY mode. If we can send the command, we flag the socket as being * in that mode. */ static int cluster_send_readonly(RedisSock *redis_sock) { int ret; /* We don't have to do anything if we're already in readonly mode */ if (redis_sock->readonly) return 0; /* Return success if we can send it */ ret = cluster_send_direct(redis_sock, RESP_READONLY_CMD, sizeof(RESP_READONLY_CMD) - 1, TYPE_LINE); /* Flag this socket as READONLY if our command worked */ redis_sock->readonly = !ret; /* Return the result of our send */ return ret; } /* Send MULTI to a specific ReidsSock */ static int cluster_send_multi(redisCluster *c, short slot) { if (cluster_send_direct(SLOT_SOCK(c,slot), RESP_MULTI_CMD, sizeof(RESP_MULTI_CMD) - 1, TYPE_LINE) == 0) { c->cmd_sock->mode = MULTI; return 0; } return -1; } /* Send EXEC to a given slot. We can use the normal command processing mechanism * here because we know we'll only have sent MULTI to the master nodes. We can't * failover inside a transaction, as we don't know if the transaction will only * be readonly commands, or contain write commands as well */ PHP_REDIS_API int cluster_send_exec(redisCluster *c, short slot) { int retval; /* Send exec */ retval = cluster_send_slot(c, slot, RESP_EXEC_CMD, sizeof(RESP_EXEC_CMD)-1, TYPE_MULTIBULK); /* We'll either get a length corresponding to the number of commands sent to * this node, or -1 in the case of EXECABORT or WATCH failure. */ c->multi_len[slot] = c->reply_len > 0 ? 1 : -1; /* Return our retval */ return retval; } PHP_REDIS_API int cluster_send_discard(redisCluster *c, short slot) { if (cluster_send_direct(SLOT_SOCK(c,slot), RESP_DISCARD_CMD, sizeof(RESP_DISCARD_CMD)-1, TYPE_LINE)) { return 0; } return -1; } /* * Cluster key distribution helpers. For a small handlful of commands, we want * to distribute them across 1-N nodes. These methods provide simple containers * for the purposes of splitting keys/values in this way * */ /* Free cluster distribution list inside a HashTable */ static void cluster_dist_free_ht(zval *p) { clusterDistList *dl = *(clusterDistList**)p; int i; for (i = 0; i < dl->len; i++) { if (dl->entry[i].key_free) efree(dl->entry[i].key); if (dl->entry[i].val_free) efree(dl->entry[i].val); } efree(dl->entry); efree(dl); } /* Spin up a HashTable that will contain distribution lists */ HashTable *cluster_dist_create() { HashTable *ret; ALLOC_HASHTABLE(ret); zend_hash_init(ret, 0, NULL, cluster_dist_free_ht, 0); return ret; } /* Free distribution list */ void cluster_dist_free(HashTable *ht) { zend_hash_destroy(ht); efree(ht); } /* Create a clusterDistList object */ static clusterDistList *cluster_dl_create() { clusterDistList *dl; dl = emalloc(sizeof(clusterDistList)); dl->entry = emalloc(CLUSTER_KEYDIST_ALLOC * sizeof(clusterKeyVal)); dl->size = CLUSTER_KEYDIST_ALLOC; dl->len = 0; return dl; } /* Add a key to a dist list, returning the keval entry */ static clusterKeyVal *cluster_dl_add_key(clusterDistList *dl, char *key, int key_len, int key_free) { // Reallocate if required if (dl->len == dl->size) { dl->entry = erealloc(dl->entry, sizeof(clusterKeyVal) * dl->size * 2); dl->size *= 2; } // Set key info dl->entry[dl->len].key = key; dl->entry[dl->len].key_len = key_len; dl->entry[dl->len].key_free = key_free; // NULL out any values dl->entry[dl->len].val = NULL; dl->entry[dl->len].val_len = 0; dl->entry[dl->len].val_free = 0; return &(dl->entry[dl->len++]); } /* Add a key, returning a pointer to the entry where passed for easy adding * of values to match this key */ int cluster_dist_add_key(redisCluster *c, HashTable *ht, char *key, size_t key_len, clusterKeyVal **kv) { int key_free; short slot; clusterDistList *dl; clusterKeyVal *retptr; // Prefix our key and hash it key_free = redis_key_prefix(c->flags, &key, &key_len); slot = cluster_hash_key(key, key_len); // We can't do this if we don't fully understand the keyspace if (c->master[slot] == NULL) { if (key_free) efree(key); return FAILURE; } // Look for this slot if ((dl = zend_hash_index_find_ptr(ht, (zend_ulong)slot)) == NULL) { dl = cluster_dl_create(); zend_hash_index_update_ptr(ht, (zend_ulong)slot, dl); } // Now actually add this key retptr = cluster_dl_add_key(dl, key, key_len, key_free); // Push our return pointer if requested if (kv) *kv = retptr; return SUCCESS; } /* Provided a clusterKeyVal, add a value */ void cluster_dist_add_val(redisCluster *c, clusterKeyVal *kv, zval *z_val ) { char *val; size_t val_len; int val_free; // Serialize our value val_free = redis_pack(c->flags, z_val, &val, &val_len); // Attach it to the provied keyval entry kv->val = val; kv->val_len = val_len; kv->val_free = val_free; } /* Free allocated memory for a clusterMultiCmd */ void cluster_multi_free(clusterMultiCmd *mc) { efree(mc->cmd.c); efree(mc->args.c); } /* Add an argument to a clusterMultiCmd */ void cluster_multi_add(clusterMultiCmd *mc, char *data, int data_len) { mc->argc++; redis_cmd_append_sstr(&(mc->args), data, data_len); } /* Finalize a clusterMutliCmd by constructing the whole thing */ void cluster_multi_fini(clusterMultiCmd *mc) { mc->cmd.len = 0; redis_cmd_init_sstr(&(mc->cmd), mc->argc, mc->kw, mc->kw_len); smart_string_appendl(&(mc->cmd), mc->args.c, mc->args.len); } /* Set our last error string encountered */ static void cluster_set_err(redisCluster *c, char *err, int err_len) { // Free our last error if (c->err != NULL) { zend_string_release(c->err); c->err = NULL; } if (err != NULL && err_len > 0) { c->err = zend_string_init(err, err_len, 0); if (err_len >= sizeof("CLUSTERDOWN") - 1 && !memcmp(err, "CLUSTERDOWN", sizeof("CLUSTERDOWN") - 1) ) { c->clusterdown = 1; } } } /* Destructor for slaves */ static void ht_free_slave(zval *data) { if (*(redisClusterNode**)data) { cluster_free_node(*(redisClusterNode**)data); } } /* Get the hash slot for a given key */ unsigned short cluster_hash_key(const char *key, int len) { int s, e; // Find first occurrence of {, if any for (s = 0; s < len; s++) { if (key[s]=='{') break; } // There is no '{', hash everything if (s == len) return crc16(key, len) & REDIS_CLUSTER_MOD; // Found it, look for a tailing '}' for (e =s + 1; e < len; e++) { if (key[e] == '}') break; } // Hash the whole key if we don't find a tailing } or if {} is empty if (e == len || e == s+1) return crc16(key, len) & REDIS_CLUSTER_MOD; // Hash just the bit between { and } return crc16((char*)key+s+1,e-s-1) & REDIS_CLUSTER_MOD; } /* Grab the current time in milliseconds */ long long mstime(void) { struct timeval tv; long long mst; gettimeofday(&tv, NULL); mst = ((long long)tv.tv_sec)*1000; mst += tv.tv_usec/1000; return mst; } /* Hash a key from a ZVAL */ unsigned short cluster_hash_key_zval(zval *z_key) { const char *kptr; char buf[255]; int klen; // Switch based on ZVAL type switch(Z_TYPE_P(z_key)) { case IS_STRING: kptr = Z_STRVAL_P(z_key); klen = Z_STRLEN_P(z_key); break; case IS_LONG: klen = snprintf(buf,sizeof(buf),ZEND_LONG_FMT,Z_LVAL_P(z_key)); kptr = (const char *)buf; break; case IS_DOUBLE: klen = snprintf(buf,sizeof(buf),"%f",Z_DVAL_P(z_key)); kptr = (const char *)buf; break; case IS_ARRAY: kptr = "Array"; klen = sizeof("Array")-1; break; case IS_OBJECT: kptr = "Object"; klen = sizeof("Object")-1; break; default: kptr = ""; klen = 0; } // Hash the string representation return cluster_hash_key(kptr, klen); } /* Fisher-Yates shuffle for integer array */ static void fyshuffle(int *array, size_t len) { int temp, n = len; size_t r; /* Randomize */ while (n > 1) { r = ((int)((double)n-- * (rand() / (RAND_MAX+1.0)))); temp = array[n]; array[n] = array[r]; array[r] = temp; }; } /* Execute a CLUSTER SLOTS command against the seed socket, and return the * reply or NULL on failure. */ clusterReply* cluster_get_slots(RedisSock *redis_sock) { clusterReply *r; REDIS_REPLY_TYPE type; long len; // Send the command to the socket and consume reply type if (redis_sock_write(redis_sock, RESP_CLUSTER_SLOTS_CMD, sizeof(RESP_CLUSTER_SLOTS_CMD)-1) < 0 || redis_read_reply_type(redis_sock, &type, &len) < 0) { return NULL; } // Consume the rest of our response if ((r = cluster_read_sock_resp(redis_sock, type, NULL, len)) == NULL || r->type != TYPE_MULTIBULK || r->elements < 1) { if (r) cluster_free_reply(r, 1); return NULL; } // Return our reply return r; } /* Create a cluster node */ static redisClusterNode* cluster_node_create(redisCluster *c, char *host, size_t host_len, unsigned short port, unsigned short slot, short slave) { redisClusterNode *node = emalloc(sizeof(redisClusterNode)); // It lives in at least this slot, flag slave status node->slot = slot; node->slave = slave; node->slaves = NULL; /* Initialize our list of slot ranges */ zend_llist_init(&node->slots, sizeof(redisSlotRange), NULL, 0); // Attach socket node->sock = redis_sock_create(host, host_len, port, c->flags->timeout, c->flags->read_timeout, c->flags->persistent, NULL, 0); /* Stream context */ node->sock->stream_ctx = c->flags->stream_ctx; redis_sock_set_auth(node->sock, c->flags->user, c->flags->pass); return node; } /* Attach a slave to a master */ PHP_REDIS_API int cluster_node_add_slave(redisClusterNode *master, redisClusterNode *slave) { zend_ulong index; // Allocate our slaves hash table if we haven't yet if (!master->slaves) { ALLOC_HASHTABLE(master->slaves); zend_hash_init(master->slaves, 0, NULL, ht_free_slave, 0); index = 1; } else { index = master->slaves->nNextFreeElement; } return zend_hash_index_update_ptr(master->slaves, index, slave) != NULL; } /* Sanity check/validation for CLUSTER SLOTS command */ #define VALIDATE_SLOTS_OUTER(r) \ (r->elements >= 3 && r2->element[0]->type == TYPE_INT && \ r->element[1]->type == TYPE_INT) #define VALIDATE_SLOTS_INNER(r) \ (r->type == TYPE_MULTIBULK && r->elements >= 2 && \ r->element[0]->type == TYPE_BULK && r->element[1]->type == TYPE_INT) /* Use the output of CLUSTER SLOTS to map our nodes */ static int cluster_map_slots(redisCluster *c, clusterReply *r) { redisClusterNode *pnode, *master, *slave; redisSlotRange range; int i,j, hlen, klen; short low, high; clusterReply *r2, *r3; unsigned short port; char *host, key[1024]; for (i = 0; i < r->elements; i++) { // Inner response r2 = r->element[i]; // Validate outer and master slot if (!VALIDATE_SLOTS_OUTER(r2) || !VALIDATE_SLOTS_INNER(r2->element[2])) { return -1; } // Master r3 = r2->element[2]; // Grab our slot range, as well as master host/port low = (unsigned short)r2->element[0]->integer; high = (unsigned short)r2->element[1]->integer; host = r3->element[0]->str; hlen = r3->element[0]->len; port = (unsigned short)r3->element[1]->integer; // If the node is new, create and add to nodes. Otherwise use it. klen = snprintf(key, sizeof(key), "%s:%d", host, port); if ((pnode = zend_hash_str_find_ptr(c->nodes, key, klen)) == NULL) { master = cluster_node_create(c, host, hlen, port, low, 0); zend_hash_str_update_ptr(c->nodes, key, klen, master); } else { master = pnode; } // Attach slaves for (j = 3; j< r2->elements; j++) { r3 = r2->element[j]; if (!VALIDATE_SLOTS_INNER(r3)) { return -1; } // Skip slaves where the host is "" if (r3->element[0]->len == 0) continue; // Attach this node to our slave slave = cluster_node_create(c, r3->element[0]->str, (int)r3->element[0]->len, (unsigned short)r3->element[1]->integer, low, 1); cluster_node_add_slave(master, slave); } // Attach this node to each slot in the range for (j = low; j<= high; j++) { c->master[j] = master; } /* Append to our list of slot ranges */ range.low = low; range.high = high; zend_llist_add_element(&master->slots, &range); } // Success return 0; } /* Free a redisClusterNode structure */ PHP_REDIS_API void cluster_free_node(redisClusterNode *node) { if (node->slaves) { zend_hash_destroy(node->slaves); efree(node->slaves); } zend_llist_destroy(&node->slots); redis_free_socket(node->sock); efree(node); } /* Get or create a redisClusterNode that corresponds to the asking redirection */ static redisClusterNode *cluster_get_asking_node(redisCluster *c) { redisClusterNode *pNode; char key[1024]; int key_len; /* Hashed by host:port */ key_len = snprintf(key, sizeof(key), "%s:%u", c->redir_host, c->redir_port); /* See if we've already attached to it */ if ((pNode = zend_hash_str_find_ptr(c->nodes, key, key_len)) != NULL) { return pNode; } /* This host:port is unknown to us, so add it */ pNode = cluster_node_create(c, c->redir_host, c->redir_host_len, c->redir_port, c->redir_slot, 0); /* Return the node */ return pNode; } /* Get or create a node at the host:port we were asked to check, and return the * redis_sock for it. */ static RedisSock *cluster_get_asking_sock(redisCluster *c) { return cluster_get_asking_node(c)->sock; } /* Our context seeds will be a hash table with RedisSock* pointers */ static void ht_free_seed(zval *data) { RedisSock *redis_sock = *(RedisSock**)data; if (redis_sock) redis_free_socket(redis_sock); } /* Free redisClusterNode objects we've stored */ static void ht_free_node(zval *data) { redisClusterNode *node = *(redisClusterNode**)data; cluster_free_node(node); } /* zend_llist of slot ranges -> persistent array */ static redisSlotRange *slot_range_list_clone(zend_llist *src, size_t *count) { redisSlotRange *dst, *range; size_t i = 0; *count = zend_llist_count(src); dst = pemalloc(*count * sizeof(*dst), 1); range = zend_llist_get_first(src); while (range) { memcpy(&dst[i++], range, sizeof(*range)); range = zend_llist_get_next(src); } return dst; } /* Construct a redisCluster object */ PHP_REDIS_API redisCluster *cluster_create(double timeout, double read_timeout, int failover, int persistent) { redisCluster *c; /* Actual our actual cluster structure */ c = ecalloc(1, sizeof(redisCluster)); /* Initialize flags and settings */ c->flags = ecalloc(1, sizeof(RedisSock)); c->flags->timeout = timeout; c->flags->read_timeout = read_timeout; c->flags->persistent = persistent; c->subscribed_slot = -1; c->clusterdown = 0; c->failover = failover; c->err = NULL; /* Set up our waitms based on timeout */ c->waitms = (long)(1000 * timeout); /* Allocate our seeds hash table */ ALLOC_HASHTABLE(c->seeds); zend_hash_init(c->seeds, 0, NULL, ht_free_seed, 0); /* Allocate our nodes HashTable */ ALLOC_HASHTABLE(c->nodes); zend_hash_init(c->nodes, 0, NULL, ht_free_node, 0); return c; } PHP_REDIS_API void cluster_free(redisCluster *c, int free_ctx) { /* Disconnect from each node we're connected to */ cluster_disconnect(c, 0); /* Free any allocated prefix */ if (c->flags->prefix) zend_string_release(c->flags->prefix); redis_sock_free_auth(c->flags); efree(c->flags); /* Call hash table destructors */ zend_hash_destroy(c->seeds); zend_hash_destroy(c->nodes); /* Free hash tables themselves */ efree(c->seeds); efree(c->nodes); /* Free any error we've got */ if (c->err) zend_string_release(c->err); if (c->cache_key) { /* Invalidate persistent cache if the cluster has changed */ if (c->redirections) { zend_hash_del(&EG(persistent_list), c->cache_key); } /* Release our hold on the cache key */ zend_string_release(c->cache_key); } /* Free structure itself */ if (free_ctx) efree(c); } /* Create a cluster slot cache structure */ PHP_REDIS_API redisCachedCluster *cluster_cache_create(zend_string *hash, HashTable *nodes) { redisCachedCluster *cc; redisCachedMaster *cm; redisClusterNode *node, *slave; cc = pecalloc(1, sizeof(*cc), 1); cc->hash = zend_string_dup(hash, 1); /* Copy nodes */ cc->master = pecalloc(zend_hash_num_elements(nodes), sizeof(*cc->master), 1); ZEND_HASH_FOREACH_PTR(nodes, node) { /* Skip slaves */ if (node->slave) continue; cm = &cc->master[cc->count]; /* Duplicate host/port and clone slot ranges */ cm->host.addr = zend_string_dup(node->sock->host, 1); cm->host.port = node->sock->port; /* Copy over slot ranges */ cm->slot = slot_range_list_clone(&node->slots, &cm->slots); /* Attach any slave nodes we have. */ if (node->slaves) { /* Allocate memory for slaves */ cm->slave = pecalloc(zend_hash_num_elements(node->slaves), sizeof(*cm->slave), 1); /* Copy host/port information for each slave */ ZEND_HASH_FOREACH_PTR(node->slaves, slave) { cm->slave[cm->slaves].addr = zend_string_dup(slave->sock->host, 1); cm->slave[cm->slaves].port = slave->sock->port; cm->slaves++; } ZEND_HASH_FOREACH_END(); } cc->count++; } ZEND_HASH_FOREACH_END(); return cc; } static void cluster_free_cached_master(redisCachedMaster *cm) { size_t i; /* Free each slave entry */ for (i = 0; i < cm->slaves; i++) { zend_string_release(cm->slave[i].addr); } /* Free other elements */ zend_string_release(cm->host.addr); pefree(cm->slave, 1); pefree(cm->slot, 1); } static redisClusterNode* cached_master_clone(redisCluster *c, redisCachedMaster *cm) { redisClusterNode *node; size_t i; node = cluster_node_create(c, ZSTR_VAL(cm->host.addr), ZSTR_LEN(cm->host.addr), cm->host.port, cm->slot[0].low, 0); /* Now copy in our slot ranges */ for (i = 0; i < cm->slots; i++) { zend_llist_add_element(&node->slots, &cm->slot[i]); } return node; } /* Destroy a persistent cached cluster */ PHP_REDIS_API void cluster_cache_free(redisCachedCluster *rcc) { size_t i; /* Free masters */ for (i = 0; i < rcc->count; i++) { cluster_free_cached_master(&rcc->master[i]); } zend_string_release(rcc->hash); pefree(rcc->master, 1); pefree(rcc, 1); } /* Initialize cluster from cached slots */ PHP_REDIS_API void cluster_init_cache(redisCluster *c, redisCachedCluster *cc) { RedisSock *sock; redisClusterNode *mnode, *slave; redisCachedMaster *cm; char key[HOST_NAME_MAX]; size_t keylen, i, j, s; int *map; /* Randomize seeds */ map = emalloc(sizeof(*map) * cc->count); for (i = 0; i < cc->count; i++) map[i] = i; fyshuffle(map, cc->count); /* Duplicate the hash key so we can invalidate when redirected */ c->cache_key = zend_string_copy(cc->hash); /* Iterate over masters */ for (i = 0; i < cc->count; i++) { /* Grab the next master */ cm = &cc->master[map[i]]; /* Hash our host and port */ keylen = snprintf(key, sizeof(key), "%s:%u", ZSTR_VAL(cm->host.addr), cm->host.port); /* Create socket */ sock = redis_sock_create(ZSTR_VAL(cm->host.addr), ZSTR_LEN(cm->host.addr), cm->host.port, c->flags->timeout, c->flags->read_timeout, c->flags->persistent, NULL, 0); /* Stream context */ sock->stream_ctx = c->flags->stream_ctx; /* Add to seed nodes */ zend_hash_str_update_ptr(c->seeds, key, keylen, sock); /* Create master node */ mnode = cached_master_clone(c, cm); /* Add our master */ zend_hash_str_update_ptr(c->nodes, key, keylen, mnode); /* Attach any slaves */ for (s = 0; s < cm->slaves; s++) { zend_string *host = cm->slave[s].addr; slave = cluster_node_create(c, ZSTR_VAL(host), ZSTR_LEN(host), cm->slave[s].port, 0, 1); cluster_node_add_slave(mnode, slave); } /* Hook up direct slot access */ for (j = 0; j < cm->slots; j++) { for (s = cm->slot[j].low; s <= cm->slot[j].high; s++) { c->master[s] = mnode; } } } efree(map); } /* Initialize seeds. By the time we get here we've already validated our * seeds array and know we have a non-empty array of strings all in * host:port format. */ PHP_REDIS_API void cluster_init_seeds(redisCluster *c, zend_string **seeds, uint32_t nseeds) { RedisSock *sock; char *seed, *sep, key[1024]; int key_len, i, *map; /* Get a randomized order to hit our seeds */ map = ecalloc(nseeds, sizeof(*map)); for (i = 0; i < nseeds; i++) map[i] = i; fyshuffle(map, nseeds); for (i = 0; i < nseeds; i++) { seed = ZSTR_VAL(seeds[map[i]]); sep = strrchr(seed, ':'); ZEND_ASSERT(sep != NULL); // Allocate a structure for this seed sock = redis_sock_create(seed, sep - seed, atoi(sep + 1), c->flags->timeout, c->flags->read_timeout, c->flags->persistent, NULL, 0); /* Stream context */ sock->stream_ctx = c->flags->stream_ctx; /* Credentials */ redis_sock_set_auth(sock, c->flags->user, c->flags->pass); // Index this seed by host/port key_len = snprintf(key, sizeof(key), "%s:%u", ZSTR_VAL(sock->host), sock->port); // Add to our seed HashTable zend_hash_str_update_ptr(c->seeds, key, key_len, sock); } efree(map); } /* Initial mapping of our cluster keyspace */ PHP_REDIS_API int cluster_map_keyspace(redisCluster *c) { RedisSock *seed; clusterReply *slots = NULL; int mapped = 0; // Iterate over seeds until we can get slots ZEND_HASH_FOREACH_PTR(c->seeds, seed) { // Attempt to connect to this seed node if (seed == NULL || redis_sock_server_open(seed) != SUCCESS) { continue; } // Parse out cluster nodes. Flag mapped if we are valid slots = cluster_get_slots(seed); if (slots) { mapped = !cluster_map_slots(c, slots); // Bin anything mapped, if we failed somewhere if (!mapped) { memset(c->master, 0, sizeof(redisClusterNode*)*REDIS_CLUSTER_SLOTS); } } redis_sock_disconnect(seed, 0); if (mapped) break; } ZEND_HASH_FOREACH_END(); // Clean up slots reply if we got one if (slots) cluster_free_reply(slots, 1); // Throw an exception if we couldn't map if (!mapped) { CLUSTER_THROW_EXCEPTION("Couldn't map cluster keyspace using any provided seed", 0); return FAILURE; } return SUCCESS; } /* Parse the MOVED OR ASK redirection payload when we get such a response * and apply this information to our cluster. If we encounter a parse error * nothing in the cluster will be modified, and -1 is returned. */ static int cluster_set_redirection(redisCluster* c, char *msg, int moved) { char *host, *port; /* Move past "MOVED" or "ASK */ msg += moved ? MOVED_LEN : ASK_LEN; /* Make sure we can find host */ if ((host = strchr(msg, ' ')) == NULL) return -1; *host++ = '\0'; /* Find port, searching right to left in case of IPv6 */ if ((port = strrchr(host, ':')) == NULL) return -1; *port++ = '\0'; // Success, apply it c->redir_type = moved ? REDIR_MOVED : REDIR_ASK; strncpy(c->redir_host, host, sizeof(c->redir_host) - 1); c->redir_host_len = port - host - 1; c->redir_slot = (unsigned short)atoi(msg); c->redir_port = (unsigned short)atoi(port); return 0; } /* Once we write a command to a node in our cluster, this function will check * the reply type and extract information from those that will specify a length * bit. If we encounter an error condition, we'll check for MOVED or ASK * redirection, parsing out slot host and port so the caller can take * appropriate action. * * In the case of a non MOVED/ASK error, we wlll set our cluster error * condition so GetLastError can be queried by the client. * * This function will return -1 on a critical error (e.g. parse/communication * error, 0 if no redirection was encountered, and 1 if the data was moved. */ static int cluster_check_response(redisCluster *c, REDIS_REPLY_TYPE *reply_type) { size_t sz; // Clear out any prior error state and our last line response CLUSTER_CLEAR_ERROR(c); CLUSTER_CLEAR_REPLY(c); if (-1 == redis_check_eof(c->cmd_sock, 1) || EOF == (*reply_type = php_stream_getc(c->cmd_sock->stream))) { return -1; } // In the event of an ERROR, check if it's a MOVED/ASK error if (*reply_type == TYPE_ERR) { char inbuf[4096]; int moved; // Attempt to read the error if (!php_stream_gets(c->cmd_sock->stream, inbuf, sizeof(inbuf))) { return -1; } // Check for MOVED or ASK redirection if ((moved = IS_MOVED(inbuf)) || IS_ASK(inbuf)) { /* The Redis Cluster specification suggests clients do not update * their slot mapping for an ASK redirection, only for MOVED */ if (moved) c->redirections++; /* Make sure we can parse the redirection host and port */ if (cluster_set_redirection(c,inbuf,moved) < 0) { return -1; } /* We've been redirected */ return 1; } else { // Capture the error string Redis returned cluster_set_err(c, inbuf, strlen(inbuf)-2); return 0; } } // Fetch the first line of our response from Redis. if (redis_sock_gets(c->cmd_sock,c->line_reply,sizeof(c->line_reply), &sz) < 0) { return -1; } // For replies that will give us a numeric length, convert it if (*reply_type != TYPE_LINE) { c->reply_len = strtol(c->line_reply, NULL, 10); } else { c->reply_len = (long long)sz; } // Clear out any previous error, and return that the data is here CLUSTER_CLEAR_ERROR(c); return 0; } /* Disconnect from each node we're connected to */ PHP_REDIS_API void cluster_disconnect(redisCluster *c, int force) { redisClusterNode *node, *slave; ZEND_HASH_FOREACH_PTR(c->nodes, node) { if (node == NULL) continue; /* Disconnect from the master */ redis_sock_disconnect(node->sock, force); /* We also want to disconnect any slave connections so they will be pooled * in the event we are using persistent connections and connection pooling. */ if (node->slaves) { ZEND_HASH_FOREACH_PTR(node->slaves, slave) { redis_sock_disconnect(slave->sock, force); } ZEND_HASH_FOREACH_END(); } } ZEND_HASH_FOREACH_END(); } /* This method attempts to write our command at random to the master and any * attached slaves, until we either successufly do so, or fail. */ static int cluster_dist_write(redisCluster *c, const char *cmd, size_t sz, int nomaster) { int i, count = 1, *nodes; RedisSock *redis_sock; /* Determine our overall node count */ if (c->master[c->cmd_slot]->slaves) { count += zend_hash_num_elements(c->master[c->cmd_slot]->slaves); } /* Allocate memory for master + slaves or just slaves */ nodes = emalloc(sizeof(int)*count); /* Populate our array with the master and each of it's slaves, then * randomize them, so we will pick from the master or some slave. */ for (i = 0; i < count; i++) nodes[i] = i; fyshuffle(nodes, count); /* Iterate through our nodes until we find one we can write to or fail */ for (i = 0; i < count; i++) { /* Skip if this is the master node and we don't want to query that */ if (nomaster && nodes[i] == 0) continue; /* Get the slave for this index */ redis_sock = cluster_slot_sock(c, c->cmd_slot, nodes[i]); if (!redis_sock) continue; /* If we're not on the master, attempt to send the READONLY command to * this slave, and skip it if that fails */ if (nodes[i] == 0 || redis_sock->readonly || cluster_send_readonly(redis_sock) == 0) { /* Attempt to send the command */ if (CLUSTER_SEND_PAYLOAD(redis_sock, cmd, sz)) { c->cmd_sock = redis_sock; efree(nodes); return 0; } } } /* Clean up our shuffled array */ efree(nodes); /* Couldn't send to the master or any slave */ return -1; } /* Attempt to write our command to the current c->cmd_sock socket. For write * commands, we attempt to query the master for this slot, and in the event of * a failure, try to query every remaining node for a redirection. * * If we're issuing a readonly command, we use one of three strategies, depending * on our redisCluster->failover setting. * * REDIS_FAILOVER_NONE: * The command is treated just like a write command, and will only be executed * against the known master for this slot. * REDIS_FAILOVER_ERROR: * If we're unable to communicate with this slot's master, we attempt the query * against any slaves (at random) that this master has. * REDIS_FAILOVER_DISTRIBUTE: * We pick at random from the master and any slaves it has. This option will * load balance between masters and slaves * REDIS_FAILOVER_DISTRIBUTE_SLAVES: * We pick at random from slave nodes of a given master. This option is * used to load balance read queries against N slaves. * * Once we are able to find a node we can write to, we check for MOVED or * ASKING redirection, such that the keyspace can be updated. */ static int cluster_sock_write(redisCluster *c, const char *cmd, size_t sz, int direct) { redisClusterNode *seed_node; RedisSock *redis_sock; int failover, nomaster; /* First try the socket requested */ redis_sock = c->cmd_sock; /* Readonly is irrelevant if we're not configured to failover */ failover = c->readonly && c->failover != REDIS_FAILOVER_NONE ? c->failover : REDIS_FAILOVER_NONE; /* If in ASK redirection, get/create the node for that host:port, otherwise * just use the command socket. */ if (c->redir_type == REDIR_ASK) { if (cluster_send_asking(c->cmd_sock) < 0) { return -1; } } /* Attempt to send our command payload to the cluster. If we're not set up * to failover, just try the master. If we're configured to failover on * error, try the master and then fall back to any slaves. When we're set * up to distribute the commands, try to write to any node on this slot * at random. */ if (failover == REDIS_FAILOVER_NONE) { /* Success if we can send our payload to the master */ if (CLUSTER_SEND_PAYLOAD(redis_sock, cmd, sz)) return 0; } else if (failover == REDIS_FAILOVER_ERROR) { /* Try the master, then fall back to any slaves we may have */ if (CLUSTER_SEND_PAYLOAD(redis_sock, cmd, sz) || !cluster_dist_write(c, cmd, sz, 1)) return 0; } else { /* Include or exclude master node depending on failover option and * attempt to make our write */ nomaster = failover == REDIS_FAILOVER_DISTRIBUTE_SLAVES; if (!cluster_dist_write(c, cmd, sz, nomaster)) { /* We were able to write to a master or slave at random */ return 0; } } /* Don't fall back if direct communication with this slot is required. */ if (direct) return -1; /* Fall back by attempting the request against every known node */ ZEND_HASH_FOREACH_PTR(c->nodes, seed_node) { /* Skip this node if it's the one that failed, or if it's a slave */ if (seed_node == NULL || seed_node->sock == redis_sock || seed_node->slave) continue; /* Connect to this node if we haven't already and attempt to write our request to this node */ if (CLUSTER_SEND_PAYLOAD(seed_node->sock, cmd, sz)) { c->cmd_slot = seed_node->slot; c->cmd_sock = seed_node->sock; return 0; } } ZEND_HASH_FOREACH_END(); /* We were unable to write to any node in our cluster */ return -1; } /* Helper to find if we've got a host:port mapped in our cluster nodes. */ static redisClusterNode *cluster_find_node(redisCluster *c, const char *host, unsigned short port) { int key_len; char key[1024]; key_len = snprintf(key,sizeof(key),"%s:%d", host, port); return zend_hash_str_find_ptr(c->nodes, key, key_len); } /* Provided a redisCluster object, the slot where we thought data was and * the slot where data was moved, update our node mapping */ static void cluster_update_slot(redisCluster *c) { redisClusterNode *node; char key[1024]; size_t klen; /* Do we already have the new slot mapped */ if (c->master[c->redir_slot]) { /* No need to do anything if it's the same node */ if (!CLUSTER_REDIR_CMP(c)) { return; } /* Check to see if we have this new node mapped */ node = cluster_find_node(c, c->redir_host, c->redir_port); if (node) { /* Just point to this slot */ c->master[c->redir_slot] = node; } else { /* Create our node */ node = cluster_node_create(c, c->redir_host, c->redir_host_len, c->redir_port, c->redir_slot, 0); /* Our node is new, so keep track of it for cleanup */ klen = snprintf(key, sizeof(key), "%s:%d", c->redir_host, c->redir_port); zend_hash_str_update_ptr(c->nodes, key, klen, node); /* Now point our slot at the node */ c->master[c->redir_slot] = node; } } else { /* Check to see if the ip and port are mapped */ node = cluster_find_node(c, c->redir_host, c->redir_port); if (!node) { node = cluster_node_create(c, c->redir_host, c->redir_host_len, c->redir_port, c->redir_slot, 0); } /* Map the slot to this node */ c->master[c->redir_slot] = node; } /* Update slot inside of node, so it can be found for command sending */ node->slot = c->redir_slot; /* Make sure we unflag this node as a slave, as Redis Cluster will only ever * direct us to master nodes. */ node->slave = 0; } /* Abort any transaction in process, by sending DISCARD to any nodes that * have active transactions in progress. If we can't send DISCARD, we need * to disconnect as it would leave us in an undefined state. */ PHP_REDIS_API int cluster_abort_exec(redisCluster *c) { clusterFoldItem *fi = c->multi_head; /* Loop through our fold items */ while (fi) { if (SLOT_SOCK(c,fi->slot)->mode == MULTI) { if (cluster_send_discard(c, fi->slot) < 0) { cluster_disconnect(c, 0); return -1; } SLOT_SOCK(c,fi->slot)->mode = ATOMIC; SLOT_SOCK(c,fi->slot)->watching = 0; } fi = fi->next; } /* Update our overall cluster state */ c->flags->mode = ATOMIC; /* Success */ return 0; } /* Iterate through our slots, looking for the host/port in question. This * should perform well enough as in almost all situations, a few or a few * dozen servers will map all the slots */ PHP_REDIS_API short cluster_find_slot(redisCluster *c, const char *host, unsigned short port) { int i; for (i = 0; i < REDIS_CLUSTER_SLOTS; i++) { if (c->master[i] && c->master[i]->sock && c->master[i]->sock->port == port && !strcasecmp(ZSTR_VAL(c->master[i]->sock->host), host)) { return i; } } // We didn't find it return -1; } /* Send a command to a specific slot */ PHP_REDIS_API int cluster_send_slot(redisCluster *c, short slot, char *cmd, int cmd_len, REDIS_REPLY_TYPE rtype) { /* Point our cluster to this slot and it's socket */ c->cmd_slot = slot; c->cmd_sock = SLOT_SOCK(c, slot); /* Enable multi mode on this slot if we've been directed to but haven't * send it to this node yet */ if (c->flags->mode == MULTI && c->cmd_sock->mode != MULTI) { if (cluster_send_multi(c, slot) == -1) { CLUSTER_THROW_EXCEPTION("Unable to enter MULTI mode on requested slot", 0); return -1; } } /* Try the slot */ if (cluster_sock_write(c, cmd, cmd_len, 1) == -1) { return -1; } /* Check our response */ if (cluster_check_response(c, &c->reply_type) != 0 || (rtype != TYPE_EOF && rtype != c->reply_type)) return -1; /* Success */ return 0; } /* Send a command to given slot in our cluster. If we get a MOVED or ASK error * we attempt to send the command to the node as directed. */ PHP_REDIS_API short cluster_send_command(redisCluster *c, short slot, const char *cmd, int cmd_len) { int resp, timedout = 0; long msstart; if (!SLOT(c, slot)) { zend_throw_exception_ex(redis_cluster_exception_ce, 0, "The slot %d is not covered by any node in this cluster", slot); return -1; } /* Set the slot we're operating against as well as it's socket. These can * change during our request loop if we have a master failure and are * configured to fall back to slave nodes, or if we have to fall back to * a different slot due to no nodes serving this slot being reachable. */ c->cmd_slot = slot; c->cmd_sock = SLOT_SOCK(c, slot); /* Get the current time in milliseconds to handle any timeout */ msstart = mstime(); /* Our main cluster request/reply loop. This loop runs until we're able to * get a valid reply from a node, hit our "request" timeout, or encounter a * CLUSTERDOWN state from Redis Cluster. */ do { /* Send MULTI to the socket if we're in MULTI mode but haven't yet */ if (c->flags->mode == MULTI && CMD_SOCK(c)->mode != MULTI) { /* We have to fail if we can't send MULTI to the node */ if (cluster_send_multi(c, slot) == -1) { CLUSTER_THROW_EXCEPTION("Unable to enter MULTI mode on requested slot", 0); return -1; } } /* Attempt to deliver our command to the node, and that failing, to any * node until we find one that is available. */ if (cluster_sock_write(c, cmd, cmd_len, 0) == -1) { /* We have to abort, as no nodes are reachable */ CLUSTER_THROW_EXCEPTION("Can't communicate with any node in the cluster", 0); return -1; } /* Check response and short-circuit on success or communication error */ resp = cluster_check_response(c, &c->reply_type); if (resp <= 0) { break; } /* Handle MOVED or ASKING redirection */ if (resp == 1) { /* Abort if we're in a transaction as it will be invalid */ if (c->flags->mode == MULTI) { CLUSTER_THROW_EXCEPTION("Can't process MULTI sequence when cluster is resharding", 0); return -1; } if (c->redir_type == REDIR_MOVED) { /* For MOVED redirection we want to update our cached mapping */ cluster_update_slot(c); c->cmd_sock = SLOT_SOCK(c, slot); } else if (c->redir_type == REDIR_ASK) { /* For ASK redirection we want to redirect but not update slot mapping */ c->cmd_sock = cluster_get_asking_sock(c); } } /* See if we've timed out in the command loop */ timedout = c->waitms ? mstime() - msstart >= c->waitms : 0; } while (!c->clusterdown && !timedout); // If we've detected the cluster is down, throw an exception if (c->clusterdown) { CLUSTER_THROW_EXCEPTION("The Redis Cluster is down (CLUSTERDOWN)", 0); return -1; } else if (timedout || resp == -1) { // Make sure the socket is reconnected, it such that it is in a clean state redis_sock_disconnect(c->cmd_sock, 1); if (timedout) { CLUSTER_THROW_EXCEPTION("Timed out attempting to find data in the correct node!", 0); } else { CLUSTER_THROW_EXCEPTION("Error processing response from Redis node!", 0); } return -1; } /* Clear redirection flag */ c->redir_type = REDIR_NONE; // Success, return the slot where data exists. return 0; } /* RedisCluster response handlers. These methods all have the same prototype * and set the proper return value for the calling cluster method. These * methods will never be called in the case of a communication error when * we try to send the request to the Cluster *or* if a non MOVED or ASK * error is encountered, in which case our response processing macro will * short circuit and RETURN_FALSE, as the error will have already been * consumed. */ /* RAW bulk response handler */ PHP_REDIS_API void cluster_bulk_raw_resp(INTERNAL_FUNCTION_PARAMETERS, redisCluster *c, void *ctx) { char *resp; // Make sure we can read the response if (c->reply_type != TYPE_BULK || (resp = redis_sock_read_bulk_reply(c->cmd_sock, c->reply_len)) == NULL) { if (c->flags->mode != MULTI) { RETURN_FALSE; } else { add_next_index_bool(&c->multi_resp, 0); return; } } // Return our response raw CLUSTER_RETURN_STRING(c, resp, c->reply_len); efree(resp); } PHP_REDIS_API void cluster_single_line_resp(INTERNAL_FUNCTION_PARAMETERS, redisCluster *c, void *ctx) { char *p; /* Cluster already has the reply so abort if this isn't a LINE response *or* if for * some freaky reason we don't detect a null terminator */ if (c->reply_type != TYPE_LINE || !(p = memchr(c->line_reply,'\0',sizeof(c->line_reply)))) { CLUSTER_RETURN_FALSE(c); } if (CLUSTER_IS_ATOMIC(c)) { CLUSTER_RETURN_STRING(c, c->line_reply, p - c->line_reply); } else { add_next_index_stringl(&c->multi_resp, c->line_reply, p - c->line_reply); } } /* BULK response handler */ PHP_REDIS_API void cluster_bulk_resp(INTERNAL_FUNCTION_PARAMETERS, redisCluster *c, void *ctx) { char *resp; // Make sure we can read the response if (c->reply_type != TYPE_BULK || (resp = redis_sock_read_bulk_reply(c->cmd_sock, c->reply_len)) == NULL) { CLUSTER_RETURN_FALSE(c); } if (CLUSTER_IS_ATOMIC(c)) { if (!redis_unpack(c->flags, resp, c->reply_len, return_value)) { CLUSTER_RETURN_STRING(c, resp, c->reply_len); } } else { zval z_unpacked; if (redis_unpack(c->flags, resp, c->reply_len, &z_unpacked)) { add_next_index_zval(&c->multi_resp, &z_unpacked); } else { add_next_index_stringl(&c->multi_resp, resp, c->reply_len); } } efree(resp); } /* Bulk response where we expect a double */ PHP_REDIS_API void cluster_dbl_resp(INTERNAL_FUNCTION_PARAMETERS, redisCluster *c, void *ctx) { char *resp; double dbl; // Make sure we can read the response if (c->reply_type != TYPE_BULK || (resp = redis_sock_read_bulk_reply(c->cmd_sock, c->reply_len)) == NULL) { CLUSTER_RETURN_FALSE(c); } // Convert to double, free response dbl = atof(resp); efree(resp); CLUSTER_RETURN_DOUBLE(c, dbl); } /* A boolean response. If we get here, we've consumed the '+' reply * type and will now just verify we can read the OK */ PHP_REDIS_API void cluster_bool_resp(INTERNAL_FUNCTION_PARAMETERS, redisCluster *c, void *ctx) { // Check that we have +OK if (c->reply_type != TYPE_LINE || c->reply_len != 2 || c->line_reply[0] != 'O' || c->line_reply[1] != 'K') { CLUSTER_RETURN_FALSE(c); } CLUSTER_RETURN_BOOL(c, 1); } /* Boolean response, specialized for PING */ PHP_REDIS_API void cluster_ping_resp(INTERNAL_FUNCTION_PARAMETERS, redisCluster *c, void *ctx) { if (c->reply_type != TYPE_LINE || c->reply_len != 4 || memcmp(c->line_reply,"PONG",sizeof("PONG")-1)) { CLUSTER_RETURN_FALSE(c); } CLUSTER_RETURN_BOOL(c, 1); } PHP_REDIS_API void cluster_set_resp(INTERNAL_FUNCTION_PARAMETERS, redisCluster *c, void *ctx) { if (ctx == NULL) { cluster_bool_resp(INTERNAL_FUNCTION_PARAM_PASSTHRU, c, NULL); } else { cluster_bulk_resp(INTERNAL_FUNCTION_PARAM_PASSTHRU, c, NULL); } } /* 1 or 0 response, for things like SETNX */ PHP_REDIS_API void cluster_1_resp(INTERNAL_FUNCTION_PARAMETERS, redisCluster *c, void *ctx) { // Validate our reply type, and check for a zero if (c->reply_type != TYPE_INT || c->reply_len == 0) { CLUSTER_RETURN_FALSE(c); } CLUSTER_RETURN_BOOL(c, 1); } /* Generic integer response */ PHP_REDIS_API void cluster_long_resp(INTERNAL_FUNCTION_PARAMETERS, redisCluster *c, void *ctx) { if (c->reply_type != TYPE_INT) { CLUSTER_RETURN_FALSE(c); } CLUSTER_RETURN_LONG(c, c->reply_len); } /* TYPE response handler */ PHP_REDIS_API void cluster_type_resp(INTERNAL_FUNCTION_PARAMETERS, redisCluster *c, void *ctx) { // Make sure we got the right kind of response if (c->reply_type != TYPE_LINE) { CLUSTER_RETURN_FALSE(c); } // Switch on the type if (strncmp (c->line_reply, "string", 6) == 0) { CLUSTER_RETURN_LONG(c, REDIS_STRING); } else if (strncmp(c->line_reply, "set", 3) == 0) { CLUSTER_RETURN_LONG(c, REDIS_SET); } else if (strncmp(c->line_reply, "list", 4) == 0) { CLUSTER_RETURN_LONG(c, REDIS_LIST); } else if (strncmp(c->line_reply, "hash", 4) == 0) { CLUSTER_RETURN_LONG(c, REDIS_HASH); } else if (strncmp(c->line_reply, "zset", 4) == 0) { CLUSTER_RETURN_LONG(c, REDIS_ZSET); } else if (strncmp(c->line_reply, "stream", 6) == 0) { CLUSTER_RETURN_LONG(c, REDIS_STREAM); } else { CLUSTER_RETURN_LONG(c, REDIS_NOT_FOUND); } } /* SUBSCRIBE/PSCUBSCRIBE handler */ PHP_REDIS_API void cluster_sub_resp(INTERNAL_FUNCTION_PARAMETERS, redisCluster *c, void *ctx) { subscribeContext *sctx = (subscribeContext*)ctx; zval z_tab, *z_tmp; int pull = 0; // Consume each MULTI BULK response (one per channel/pattern) while (sctx->argc--) { if (!cluster_zval_mbulk_resp(INTERNAL_FUNCTION_PARAM_PASSTHRU, c, pull, mbulk_resp_loop_raw, &z_tab) ) { efree(sctx); RETURN_FALSE; } if ((z_tmp = zend_hash_index_find(Z_ARRVAL(z_tab), 0)) == NULL || strcasecmp(Z_STRVAL_P(z_tmp), sctx->kw) != 0 ) { zval_dtor(&z_tab); efree(sctx); RETURN_FALSE; } zval_dtor(&z_tab); pull = 1; } // Set up our callback pointers zval z_ret, z_args[4]; sctx->cb.retval = &z_ret; sctx->cb.params = z_args; /* We're in a subscribe loop */ c->subscribed_slot = c->cmd_slot; /* Multibulk response, {[pattern], type, channel, payload} */ while (1) { /* Arguments */ zval *z_type, *z_chan, *z_pat = NULL, *z_data; int tab_idx = 1, is_pmsg; // Get the next subscribe response if (!cluster_zval_mbulk_resp(INTERNAL_FUNCTION_PARAM_PASSTHRU, c, 1, mbulk_resp_loop, &z_tab) || (z_type = zend_hash_index_find(Z_ARRVAL(z_tab), 0)) == NULL ) { break; } // Make sure we have a message or pmessage if (!strncmp(Z_STRVAL_P(z_type), "message", 7) || !strncmp(Z_STRVAL_P(z_type), "pmessage", 8) ) { is_pmsg = *Z_STRVAL_P(z_type) == 'p'; } else { zval_dtor(&z_tab); continue; } if (is_pmsg && (z_pat = zend_hash_index_find(Z_ARRVAL(z_tab), tab_idx++)) == NULL) { break; } // Extract channel and data if ((z_chan = zend_hash_index_find(Z_ARRVAL(z_tab), tab_idx++)) == NULL || (z_data = zend_hash_index_find(Z_ARRVAL(z_tab), tab_idx++)) == NULL ) { break; } // Always pass our object through z_args[0] = *getThis(); // Set up calbacks depending on type if (is_pmsg) { z_args[1] = *z_pat; z_args[2] = *z_chan; z_args[3] = *z_data; } else { z_args[1] = *z_chan; z_args[2] = *z_data; } // Set arg count sctx->cb.param_count = tab_idx; // Execute our callback if (zend_call_function(&(sctx->cb), &(sctx->cb_cache)) != SUCCESS) { break; } // If we have a return value, free it zval_ptr_dtor(&z_ret); zval_dtor(&z_tab); } // We're no longer subscribing, due to an error c->subscribed_slot = -1; // Cleanup zval_dtor(&z_tab); efree(sctx); // Failure RETURN_FALSE; } /* UNSUBSCRIBE/PUNSUBSCRIBE */ PHP_REDIS_API void cluster_unsub_resp(INTERNAL_FUNCTION_PARAMETERS, redisCluster *c, void *ctx) { subscribeContext *sctx = (subscribeContext*)ctx; zval z_tab, *z_chan, *z_flag; int pull = 0, argc = sctx->argc; efree(sctx); array_init(return_value); // Consume each response while (argc--) { // Fail if we didn't get an array or can't find index 1 if (!cluster_zval_mbulk_resp(INTERNAL_FUNCTION_PARAM_PASSTHRU, c, pull, mbulk_resp_loop_raw, &z_tab) || (z_chan = zend_hash_index_find(Z_ARRVAL(z_tab), 1)) == NULL ) { zval_dtor(&z_tab); zval_dtor(return_value); RETURN_FALSE; } // Find the flag for this channel/pattern if ((z_flag = zend_hash_index_find(Z_ARRVAL(z_tab), 2)) == NULL || Z_STRLEN_P(z_flag) != 2 ) { zval_dtor(&z_tab); zval_dtor(return_value); RETURN_FALSE; } // Redis will give us either :1 or :0 here char *flag = Z_STRVAL_P(z_flag); // Add result add_assoc_bool(return_value, Z_STRVAL_P(z_chan), flag[1] == '1'); zval_dtor(&z_tab); pull = 1; } } /* Recursive MULTI BULK -> PHP style response handling */ static void cluster_mbulk_variant_resp(clusterReply *r, int null_mbulk_as_null, zval *z_ret) { zval z_sub_ele; long long i; switch(r->type) { case TYPE_INT: add_next_index_long(z_ret, r->integer); break; case TYPE_LINE: if (r->str) { add_next_index_stringl(z_ret, r->str, r->len); } else { add_next_index_bool(z_ret, 1); } break; case TYPE_BULK: if (r->len > -1) { add_next_index_stringl(z_ret, r->str, r->len); } else { add_next_index_null(z_ret); } break; case TYPE_MULTIBULK: if (r->elements < 0 && null_mbulk_as_null) { add_next_index_null(z_ret); } else { array_init(&z_sub_ele); for (i = 0; i < r->elements; i++) { cluster_mbulk_variant_resp(r->element[i], null_mbulk_as_null, &z_sub_ele); } add_next_index_zval(z_ret, &z_sub_ele); } break; default: add_next_index_bool(z_ret, 0); break; } } /* Variant response handling, for things like EVAL and various other responses * where we just map the replies from Redis type values to PHP ones directly. */ static void cluster_variant_resp_generic(INTERNAL_FUNCTION_PARAMETERS, redisCluster *c, int status_strings, void *ctx) { clusterReply *r; zval zv, *z_arr = &zv; long long i; // Make sure we can read it if ((r = cluster_read_resp(c, status_strings)) == NULL) { CLUSTER_RETURN_FALSE(c); } // Handle ATOMIC vs. MULTI mode in a separate switch if (CLUSTER_IS_ATOMIC(c)) { switch(r->type) { case TYPE_INT: RETVAL_LONG(r->integer); break; case TYPE_ERR: RETVAL_FALSE; break; case TYPE_LINE: if (status_strings) { RETVAL_STRINGL(r->str, r->len); } else { RETVAL_TRUE; } break; case TYPE_BULK: if (r->len < 0) { RETVAL_NULL(); } else { RETVAL_STRINGL(r->str, r->len); } break; case TYPE_MULTIBULK: if (r->elements < 0 && c->flags->null_mbulk_as_null) { RETVAL_NULL(); } else { array_init(z_arr); for (i = 0; i < r->elements; i++) { cluster_mbulk_variant_resp(r->element[i], c->flags->null_mbulk_as_null, z_arr); } RETVAL_ZVAL(z_arr, 0, 0); } break; default: RETVAL_FALSE; break; } } else { switch(r->type) { case TYPE_INT: add_next_index_long(&c->multi_resp, r->integer); break; case TYPE_ERR: add_next_index_bool(&c->multi_resp, 0); break; case TYPE_LINE: if (status_strings) { add_next_index_stringl(&c->multi_resp, r->str, r->len); } else { add_next_index_bool(&c->multi_resp, 1); } break; case TYPE_BULK: if (r->len < 0) { add_next_index_null(&c->multi_resp); } else { add_next_index_stringl(&c->multi_resp, r->str, r->len); } break; case TYPE_MULTIBULK: if (r->elements < 0 && c->flags->null_mbulk_as_null) { add_next_index_null(&c->multi_resp); } else { cluster_mbulk_variant_resp(r, c->flags->null_mbulk_as_null, &c->multi_resp); } break; default: add_next_index_bool(&c->multi_resp, 0); break; } } // Free our response structs, but not allocated data itself cluster_free_reply(r, 1); } PHP_REDIS_API void cluster_variant_resp(INTERNAL_FUNCTION_PARAMETERS, redisCluster *c, void *ctx) { cluster_variant_resp_generic(INTERNAL_FUNCTION_PARAM_PASSTHRU, c, 0, ctx); } PHP_REDIS_API void cluster_variant_raw_resp(INTERNAL_FUNCTION_PARAMETERS, redisCluster *c, void *ctx) { cluster_variant_resp_generic(INTERNAL_FUNCTION_PARAM_PASSTHRU, c, c->flags->reply_literal, ctx); } PHP_REDIS_API void cluster_variant_resp_strings(INTERNAL_FUNCTION_PARAMETERS, redisCluster *c, void *ctx) { cluster_variant_resp_generic(INTERNAL_FUNCTION_PARAM_PASSTHRU, c, 1, ctx); } /* Generic MULTI BULK response processor */ PHP_REDIS_API void cluster_gen_mbulk_resp(INTERNAL_FUNCTION_PARAMETERS, redisCluster *c, mbulk_cb cb, void *ctx) { zval z_result; /* Abort if the reply isn't MULTIBULK or has an invalid length */ if (c->reply_type != TYPE_MULTIBULK || c->reply_len < -1) { CLUSTER_RETURN_FALSE(c); } if (c->reply_len == -1 && c->flags->null_mbulk_as_null) { ZVAL_NULL(&z_result); } else { array_init(&z_result); if (c->reply_len > 0) { /* Push serialization settings from the cluster into our socket */ c->cmd_sock->serializer = c->flags->serializer; c->cmd_sock->compression = c->flags->compression; /* Call our specified callback */ if (cb(c->cmd_sock, &z_result, c->reply_len, ctx) == FAILURE) { zval_dtor(&z_result); CLUSTER_RETURN_FALSE(c); } } } // Success, make this array our return value if (CLUSTER_IS_ATOMIC(c)) { RETVAL_ZVAL(&z_result, 0, 1); } else { add_next_index_zval(&c->multi_resp, &z_result); } } /* HSCAN, SSCAN, ZSCAN */ PHP_REDIS_API int cluster_scan_resp(INTERNAL_FUNCTION_PARAMETERS, redisCluster *c, REDIS_SCAN_TYPE type, long *it) { char *pit; // We always want to see a MULTIBULK response with two elements if (c->reply_type != TYPE_MULTIBULK || c->reply_len != 2) { return FAILURE; } // Read the BULK size if (cluster_check_response(c, &c->reply_type),0 || c->reply_type != TYPE_BULK) { return FAILURE; } // Read the iterator if ((pit = redis_sock_read_bulk_reply(c->cmd_sock,c->reply_len)) == NULL) { return FAILURE; } // Push the new iterator value to our caller *it = atol(pit); efree(pit); // We'll need another MULTIBULK response for the payload if (cluster_check_response(c, &c->reply_type) < 0) { return FAILURE; } // Use the proper response callback depending on scan type switch(type) { case TYPE_SCAN: cluster_mbulk_raw_resp(INTERNAL_FUNCTION_PARAM_PASSTHRU,c,NULL); break; case TYPE_SSCAN: cluster_mbulk_resp(INTERNAL_FUNCTION_PARAM_PASSTHRU,c,NULL); break; case TYPE_HSCAN: cluster_mbulk_zipstr_resp(INTERNAL_FUNCTION_PARAM_PASSTHRU,c,NULL); break; case TYPE_ZSCAN: cluster_mbulk_zipdbl_resp(INTERNAL_FUNCTION_PARAM_PASSTHRU,c,NULL); break; default: return FAILURE; } // Success return SUCCESS; } /* INFO response */ PHP_REDIS_API void cluster_info_resp(INTERNAL_FUNCTION_PARAMETERS, redisCluster *c, void *ctx) { zval z_result; char *info; // Read our bulk response if ((info = redis_sock_read_bulk_reply(c->cmd_sock, c->reply_len)) == NULL) { CLUSTER_RETURN_FALSE(c); } /* Parse response, free memory */ redis_parse_info_response(info, &z_result); efree(info); // Return our array if (CLUSTER_IS_ATOMIC(c)) { RETVAL_ZVAL(&z_result, 0, 1); } else { add_next_index_zval(&c->multi_resp, &z_result); } } /* CLIENT LIST response */ PHP_REDIS_API void cluster_client_list_resp(INTERNAL_FUNCTION_PARAMETERS, redisCluster *c, void *ctx) { char *info; zval z_result; /* Read the bulk response */ info = redis_sock_read_bulk_reply(c->cmd_sock, c->reply_len); if (info == NULL) { CLUSTER_RETURN_FALSE(c); } /* Parse it and free the bulk string */ redis_parse_client_list_response(info, &z_result); efree(info); if (CLUSTER_IS_ATOMIC(c)) { RETVAL_ZVAL(&z_result, 0, 1); } else { add_next_index_zval(&c->multi_resp, &z_result); } } /* XRANGE */ PHP_REDIS_API void cluster_xrange_resp(INTERNAL_FUNCTION_PARAMETERS, redisCluster *c, void *ctx) { zval z_messages; array_init(&z_messages); c->cmd_sock->serializer = c->flags->serializer; c->cmd_sock->compression = c->flags->compression; if (redis_read_stream_messages(c->cmd_sock, c->reply_len, &z_messages) < 0) { zval_dtor(&z_messages); CLUSTER_RETURN_FALSE(c); } if (CLUSTER_IS_ATOMIC(c)) { RETVAL_ZVAL(&z_messages, 0, 1); } else { add_next_index_zval(&c->multi_resp, &z_messages); } } /* XREAD */ PHP_REDIS_API void cluster_xread_resp(INTERNAL_FUNCTION_PARAMETERS, redisCluster *c, void *ctx) { zval z_streams; c->cmd_sock->serializer = c->flags->serializer; c->cmd_sock->compression = c->flags->compression; if (c->reply_len == -1 && c->flags->null_mbulk_as_null) { ZVAL_NULL(&z_streams); } else { array_init(&z_streams); if (redis_read_stream_messages_multi(c->cmd_sock, c->reply_len, &z_streams) < 0) { zval_dtor(&z_streams); CLUSTER_RETURN_FALSE(c); } } if (CLUSTER_IS_ATOMIC(c)) { RETVAL_ZVAL(&z_streams, 0, 1); } else { add_next_index_zval(&c->multi_resp, &z_streams); } } /* XCLAIM */ PHP_REDIS_API void cluster_xclaim_resp(INTERNAL_FUNCTION_PARAMETERS, redisCluster *c, void *ctx) { zval z_msg; array_init(&z_msg); if (redis_read_xclaim_response(c->cmd_sock, c->reply_len, &z_msg) < 0) { zval_dtor(&z_msg); CLUSTER_RETURN_FALSE(c); } if (CLUSTER_IS_ATOMIC(c)) { RETVAL_ZVAL(&z_msg, 0, 1); } else { add_next_index_zval(&c->multi_resp, &z_msg); } } /* XINFO */ PHP_REDIS_API void cluster_xinfo_resp(INTERNAL_FUNCTION_PARAMETERS, redisCluster *c, void *ctx) { zval z_ret; array_init(&z_ret); if (redis_read_xinfo_response(c->cmd_sock, &z_ret, c->reply_len) != SUCCESS) { zval_dtor(&z_ret); CLUSTER_RETURN_FALSE(c); } if (CLUSTER_IS_ATOMIC(c)) { RETURN_ZVAL(&z_ret, 0, 1); } add_next_index_zval(&c->multi_resp, &z_ret); } static void cluster_acl_custom_resp(INTERNAL_FUNCTION_PARAMETERS, redisCluster *c, void *ctx, int (*cb)(RedisSock*, zval*, long)) { zval z_ret; array_init(&z_ret); if (cb(c->cmd_sock, &z_ret, c->reply_len) != SUCCESS) { zval_dtor(&z_ret); CLUSTER_RETURN_FALSE(c); } if (CLUSTER_IS_ATOMIC(c)) { RETURN_ZVAL(&z_ret, 0, 1); } add_next_index_zval(&c->multi_resp, &z_ret); } PHP_REDIS_API void cluster_acl_getuser_resp(INTERNAL_FUNCTION_PARAMETERS, redisCluster *c, void *ctx) { cluster_acl_custom_resp(INTERNAL_FUNCTION_PARAM_PASSTHRU, c, ctx, redis_read_acl_getuser_reply); } PHP_REDIS_API void cluster_acl_log_resp(INTERNAL_FUNCTION_PARAMETERS, redisCluster *c, void *ctx) { cluster_acl_custom_resp(INTERNAL_FUNCTION_PARAM_PASSTHRU, c, ctx, redis_read_acl_log_reply); } /* MULTI BULK response loop where we might pull the next one */ PHP_REDIS_API zval *cluster_zval_mbulk_resp(INTERNAL_FUNCTION_PARAMETERS, redisCluster *c, int pull, mbulk_cb cb, zval *z_ret) { ZVAL_NULL(z_ret); // Pull our next response if directed if (pull) { if (cluster_check_response(c, &c->reply_type) < 0) { return NULL; } } // Validate reply type and length if (c->reply_type != TYPE_MULTIBULK || c->reply_len == -1) { return NULL; } array_init(z_ret); // Call our callback if (cb(c->cmd_sock, z_ret, c->reply_len, NULL) == FAILURE) { zval_dtor(z_ret); return NULL; } return z_ret; } /* MULTI MULTI BULK reply (for EXEC) */ PHP_REDIS_API void cluster_multi_mbulk_resp(INTERNAL_FUNCTION_PARAMETERS, redisCluster *c, void *ctx) { zval *multi_resp = &c->multi_resp; array_init(multi_resp); clusterFoldItem *fi = c->multi_head; while (fi) { /* Make sure our transaction didn't fail here */ if (c->multi_len[fi->slot] > -1) { /* Set the slot where we should look for responses. We don't allow * failover inside a transaction, so it will be the master we have * mapped. */ c->cmd_slot = fi->slot; c->cmd_sock = SLOT_SOCK(c, fi->slot); if (cluster_check_response(c, &c->reply_type) < 0) { zval_dtor(multi_resp); RETURN_FALSE; } fi->callback(INTERNAL_FUNCTION_PARAM_PASSTHRU, c, fi->ctx); } else { /* Just add false */ add_next_index_bool(multi_resp, 0); } fi = fi->next; } // Set our return array zval_dtor(return_value); RETVAL_ZVAL(multi_resp, 0, 1); } /* Generic handler for MGET */ PHP_REDIS_API void cluster_mbulk_mget_resp(INTERNAL_FUNCTION_PARAMETERS, redisCluster *c, void *ctx) { clusterMultiCtx *mctx = (clusterMultiCtx*)ctx; /* Protect against an invalid response type, -1 response length, and failure * to consume the responses. */ c->cmd_sock->serializer = c->flags->serializer; c->cmd_sock->compression = c->flags->compression; short fail = c->reply_type != TYPE_MULTIBULK || c->reply_len == -1 || mbulk_resp_loop(c->cmd_sock, mctx->z_multi, c->reply_len, NULL) == FAILURE; // If we had a failure, pad results with FALSE to indicate failure. Non // existent keys (e.g. for MGET will come back as NULL) if (fail) { while (mctx->count--) { add_next_index_bool(mctx->z_multi, 0); } } // If this is the tail of our multi command, we can set our returns if (mctx->last) { if (CLUSTER_IS_ATOMIC(c)) { RETVAL_ZVAL(mctx->z_multi, 0, 1); } else { add_next_index_zval(&c->multi_resp, mctx->z_multi); } efree(mctx->z_multi); } // Clean up this context item efree(mctx); } /* Handler for MSETNX */ PHP_REDIS_API void cluster_msetnx_resp(INTERNAL_FUNCTION_PARAMETERS, redisCluster *c, void *ctx) { clusterMultiCtx *mctx = (clusterMultiCtx*)ctx; int real_argc = mctx->count/2; // Protect against an invalid response type if (c->reply_type != TYPE_INT) { php_error_docref(0, E_WARNING, "Invalid response type for MSETNX"); while (real_argc--) { add_next_index_bool(mctx->z_multi, 0); } return; } // Response will be 1/0 per key, so the client can match them up while (real_argc--) { add_next_index_long(mctx->z_multi, c->reply_len); } // Set return value if it's our last response if (mctx->last) { if (CLUSTER_IS_ATOMIC(c)) { RETVAL_ZVAL(mctx->z_multi, 0, 0); } else { add_next_index_zval(&c->multi_resp, mctx->z_multi); } efree(mctx->z_multi); } // Free multi context efree(mctx); } /* Handler for DEL */ PHP_REDIS_API void cluster_del_resp(INTERNAL_FUNCTION_PARAMETERS, redisCluster *c, void *ctx) { clusterMultiCtx *mctx = (clusterMultiCtx*)ctx; // If we get an invalid reply, inform the client if (c->reply_type != TYPE_INT) { php_error_docref(0, E_WARNING, "Invalid reply type returned for DEL command"); efree(mctx); return; } // Increment by the number of keys deleted Z_LVAL_P(mctx->z_multi) += c->reply_len; if (mctx->last) { if (CLUSTER_IS_ATOMIC(c)) { ZVAL_LONG(return_value, Z_LVAL_P(mctx->z_multi)); } else { add_next_index_long(&c->multi_resp, Z_LVAL_P(mctx->z_multi)); } efree(mctx->z_multi); } efree(ctx); } /* Handler for MSET */ PHP_REDIS_API void cluster_mset_resp(INTERNAL_FUNCTION_PARAMETERS, redisCluster *c, void *ctx) { clusterMultiCtx *mctx = (clusterMultiCtx*)ctx; // If we get an invalid reply type something very wrong has happened, // and we have to abort. if (c->reply_type != TYPE_LINE) { php_error_docref(0, E_ERROR, "Invalid reply type returned for MSET command"); zval_dtor(mctx->z_multi); efree(mctx->z_multi); efree(mctx); RETURN_FALSE; } // Set our return if it's the last call if (mctx->last) { if (CLUSTER_IS_ATOMIC(c)) { ZVAL_BOOL(return_value, zval_is_true(mctx->z_multi)); } else { add_next_index_bool(&c->multi_resp, zval_is_true(mctx->z_multi)); } efree(mctx->z_multi); } efree(mctx); } /* Raw MULTI BULK reply */ PHP_REDIS_API void cluster_mbulk_raw_resp(INTERNAL_FUNCTION_PARAMETERS, redisCluster *c, void *ctx) { cluster_gen_mbulk_resp(INTERNAL_FUNCTION_PARAM_PASSTHRU, c, mbulk_resp_loop_raw, NULL); } /* Unserialize all the things */ PHP_REDIS_API void cluster_mbulk_resp(INTERNAL_FUNCTION_PARAMETERS, redisCluster *c, void *ctx) { cluster_gen_mbulk_resp(INTERNAL_FUNCTION_PARAM_PASSTHRU, c, mbulk_resp_loop, NULL); } /* For handling responses where we get key, value, key, value that * we will turn into key => value, key => value. */ PHP_REDIS_API void cluster_mbulk_zipstr_resp(INTERNAL_FUNCTION_PARAMETERS, redisCluster *c, void *ctx) { cluster_gen_mbulk_resp(INTERNAL_FUNCTION_PARAM_PASSTHRU, c, mbulk_resp_loop_zipstr, NULL); } /* Handling key,value to key=>value where the values are doubles */ PHP_REDIS_API void cluster_mbulk_zipdbl_resp(INTERNAL_FUNCTION_PARAMETERS, redisCluster *c, void *ctx) { cluster_gen_mbulk_resp(INTERNAL_FUNCTION_PARAM_PASSTHRU, c, mbulk_resp_loop_zipdbl, NULL); } /* Associate multi bulk response (for HMGET really) */ PHP_REDIS_API void cluster_mbulk_assoc_resp(INTERNAL_FUNCTION_PARAMETERS, redisCluster *c, void *ctx) { cluster_gen_mbulk_resp(INTERNAL_FUNCTION_PARAM_PASSTHRU, c, mbulk_resp_loop_assoc, ctx); } /* * Various MULTI BULK reply callback functions */ /* MULTI BULK response where we don't touch the values (e.g. KEYS) */ int mbulk_resp_loop_raw(RedisSock *redis_sock, zval *z_result, long long count, void *ctx) { char *line; int line_len; // Iterate over the number we have while (count--) { // Read the line, which should never come back null line = redis_sock_read(redis_sock, &line_len); if (line == NULL) return FAILURE; // Add to our result array add_next_index_stringl(z_result, line, line_len); efree(line); } // Success! return SUCCESS; } /* MULTI BULK response where we unserialize everything */ int mbulk_resp_loop(RedisSock *redis_sock, zval *z_result, long long count, void *ctx) { char *line; int line_len; /* Iterate over the lines we have to process */ while (count--) { /* Read our line */ line = redis_sock_read(redis_sock, &line_len); if (line != NULL) { zval z_unpacked; if (redis_unpack(redis_sock, line, line_len, &z_unpacked)) { add_next_index_zval(z_result, &z_unpacked); } else { add_next_index_stringl(z_result, line, line_len); } efree(line); } else { add_next_index_bool(z_result, 0); } } return SUCCESS; } /* MULTI BULK response where we turn key1,value1 into key1=>value1 */ int mbulk_resp_loop_zipstr(RedisSock *redis_sock, zval *z_result, long long count, void *ctx) { char *line, *key = NULL; int line_len, key_len = 0; long long idx = 0; // Our count will need to be divisible by 2 if (count % 2 != 0) { return -1; } // Iterate through our elements while (count--) { // Grab our line, bomb out on failure line = redis_sock_read(redis_sock, &line_len); if (!line) return -1; if (idx++ % 2 == 0) { // Save our key and length key = line; key_len = line_len; } else { /* Attempt unpacking */ zval z_unpacked; if (redis_unpack(redis_sock, line, line_len, &z_unpacked)) { add_assoc_zval(z_result, key, &z_unpacked); } else { add_assoc_stringl_ex(z_result, key, key_len, line, line_len); } efree(line); efree(key); } } return SUCCESS; } /* MULTI BULK loop processor where we expect key,score key, score */ int mbulk_resp_loop_zipdbl(RedisSock *redis_sock, zval *z_result, long long count, void *ctx) { char *line, *key = NULL; int line_len, key_len = 0; long long idx = 0; // Our context will need to be divisible by 2 if (count %2 != 0) { return -1; } // While we have elements while (count--) { line = redis_sock_read(redis_sock, &line_len); if (line != NULL) { if (idx++ % 2 == 0) { key = line; key_len = line_len; } else { zval zv, *z = &zv; if (redis_unpack(redis_sock,key,key_len, z)) { zend_string *zstr = zval_get_string(z); add_assoc_double_ex(z_result, ZSTR_VAL(zstr), ZSTR_LEN(zstr), atof(line)); zend_string_release(zstr); zval_dtor(z); } else { add_assoc_double_ex(z_result, key, key_len, atof(line)); } /* Free our key and line */ efree(key); efree(line); } } } return SUCCESS; } /* MULTI BULK where we're passed the keys, and we attach vals */ int mbulk_resp_loop_assoc(RedisSock *redis_sock, zval *z_result, long long count, void *ctx) { char *line; int line_len, i; zval *z_keys = ctx; // Loop while we've got replies for (i = 0; i < count; ++i) { zend_string *zstr = zval_get_string(&z_keys[i]); line = redis_sock_read(redis_sock, &line_len); if (line != NULL) { zval z_unpacked; if (redis_unpack(redis_sock, line, line_len, &z_unpacked)) { add_assoc_zval_ex(z_result, ZSTR_VAL(zstr), ZSTR_LEN(zstr), &z_unpacked); } else { add_assoc_stringl_ex(z_result, ZSTR_VAL(zstr), ZSTR_LEN(zstr), line, line_len); } efree(line); } else { add_assoc_bool_ex(z_result, ZSTR_VAL(zstr), ZSTR_LEN(zstr), 0); } // Clean up key context zend_string_release(zstr); zval_dtor(&z_keys[i]); } // Clean up our keys overall efree(z_keys); // Success! return SUCCESS; } /* Free an array of zend_string seeds */ void free_seed_array(zend_string **seeds, uint32_t nseeds) { int i; if (seeds == NULL) return; for (i = 0; i < nseeds; i++) zend_string_release(seeds[i]); efree(seeds); } static zend_string **get_valid_seeds(HashTable *input, uint32_t *nseeds) { HashTable *valid; uint32_t count, idx = 0; zval *z_seed; zend_string *zkey, **seeds = NULL; /* Short circuit if we don't have any sees */ count = zend_hash_num_elements(input); if (count == 0) return NULL; ALLOC_HASHTABLE(valid); zend_hash_init(valid, count, NULL, NULL, 0); ZEND_HASH_FOREACH_VAL(input, z_seed) { ZVAL_DEREF(z_seed); if (Z_TYPE_P(z_seed) != IS_STRING) { php_error_docref(NULL, E_WARNING, "Skipping non-string entry in seeds array"); continue; } else if (strrchr(Z_STRVAL_P(z_seed), ':') == NULL) { php_error_docref(NULL, E_WARNING, "Seed '%s' not in host:port format, ignoring", Z_STRVAL_P(z_seed)); continue; } /* Add as a key to avoid duplicates */ zend_hash_str_update_ptr(valid, Z_STRVAL_P(z_seed), Z_STRLEN_P(z_seed), NULL); } ZEND_HASH_FOREACH_END(); /* We need at least one valid seed */ count = zend_hash_num_elements(valid); if (count == 0) goto cleanup; /* Populate our return array */ seeds = ecalloc(count, sizeof(*seeds)); ZEND_HASH_FOREACH_STR_KEY(valid, zkey) { seeds[idx++] = zend_string_copy(zkey); } ZEND_HASH_FOREACH_END(); *nseeds = idx; cleanup: zend_hash_destroy(valid); FREE_HASHTABLE(valid); return seeds; } /* Validate cluster construction arguments and return a sanitized and validated * array of seeds */ zend_string** cluster_validate_args(double timeout, double read_timeout, HashTable *seeds, uint32_t *nseeds, char **errstr) { zend_string **retval; if (timeout < 0L || timeout > INT_MAX) { if (errstr) *errstr = "Invalid timeout"; return NULL; } if (read_timeout < 0L || read_timeout > INT_MAX) { if (errstr) *errstr = "Invalid read timeout"; return NULL; } retval = get_valid_seeds(seeds, nseeds); if (retval == NULL && errstr) *errstr = "No valid seeds detected"; return retval; } /* Helper function to compare to host:port seeds */ static int cluster_cmp_seeds(const void *a, const void *b) { zend_string *za = *(zend_string **)a; zend_string *zb = *(zend_string **)b; return strcmp(ZSTR_VAL(za), ZSTR_VAL(zb)); } static void cluster_swap_seeds(void *a, void *b) { zend_string **za, **zb, *tmp; za = a; zb = b; tmp = *za; *za = *zb; *zb = tmp; } /* Turn an array of cluster seeds into a string we can cache. If we get here we know * we have at least one entry and that every entry is a string in the form host:port */ #define SLOT_CACHE_PREFIX "phpredis_slots:" zend_string *cluster_hash_seeds(zend_string **seeds, uint32_t count) { smart_str hash = {0}; size_t i; /* Sort our seeds so any any array with identical seeds hashes to the same key * regardless of what order the user gives them to us in. */ zend_sort(seeds, count, sizeof(*seeds), cluster_cmp_seeds, cluster_swap_seeds); /* Global phpredis hash prefix */ smart_str_appendl(&hash, SLOT_CACHE_PREFIX, sizeof(SLOT_CACHE_PREFIX) - 1); /* Construct our actual hash */ for (i = 0; i < count; i++) { smart_str_appendc(&hash, '['); smart_str_append_ex(&hash, seeds[i], 0); smart_str_appendc(&hash, ']'); } /* Null terminate */ smart_str_0(&hash); /* Return the internal zend_string */ return hash.s; } PHP_REDIS_API redisCachedCluster *cluster_cache_load(zend_string *hash) { zend_resource *le; /* Look for cached slot information */ le = zend_hash_find_ptr(&EG(persistent_list), hash); if (le != NULL) { /* Sanity check on our list type */ if (le->type != le_cluster_slot_cache) { php_error_docref(0, E_WARNING, "Invalid slot cache resource"); return NULL; } /* Success, return the cached entry */ return le->ptr; } /* Not found */ return NULL; } /* Cache a cluster's slot information in persistent_list if it's enabled */ PHP_REDIS_API int cluster_cache_store(zend_string *hash, HashTable *nodes) { redisCachedCluster *cc = cluster_cache_create(hash, nodes); redis_register_persistent_resource(cc->hash, cc, le_cluster_slot_cache); return SUCCESS; } /* vim: set tabstop=4 softtabstop=4 expandtab shiftwidth=4: */