// vim: ft=javascript: ARG_ENABLE("redis", "whether to enable redis support", "no"); ARG_ENABLE("redis-session", "whether to enable sessions", "yes"); ARG_ENABLE("redis-igbinary", "whether to enable igbinary serializer support", "no"); if (PHP_REDIS != "no") { var sources = "redis.c redis_commands.c library.c redis_session.c redis_array.c redis_array_impl.c redis_cluster.c cluster_library.c redis_sentinel.c sentinel_library.c backoff.c"; if (PHP_REDIS_SESSION != "no") { ADD_EXTENSION_DEP("redis", "session"); ADD_FLAG("CFLAGS_REDIS", ' /D PHP_SESSION=1 '); AC_DEFINE("HAVE_REDIS_SESSION", 1); } if (PHP_REDIS_IGBINARY != "no") { if (CHECK_HEADER_ADD_INCLUDE("igbinary.h", "CFLAGS_REDIS", configure_module_dirname + "\\..\\igbinary")) { ADD_EXTENSION_DEP("redis", "igbinary"); AC_DEFINE("HAVE_REDIS_IGBINARY", 1); } else { WARNING("redis igbinary support not enabled"); } } EXTENSION("redis", sources); }