{"items":[{"t":"C","n":"Redis","p":"Redis.html","d":"","f":{"n":"[Global Namespace]","p":"[Global_Namespace].html"}},{"t":"C","n":"RedisArray","p":"RedisArray.html","d":"","f":{"n":"[Global Namespace]","p":"[Global_Namespace].html"}},{"t":"C","n":"RedisCluster","p":"RedisCluster.html","d":"","f":{"n":"[Global Namespace]","p":"[Global_Namespace].html"}},{"t":"C","n":"RedisClusterException","p":"RedisClusterException.html","d":null,"f":{"n":"[Global Namespace]","p":"[Global_Namespace].html"}},{"t":"C","n":"RedisException","p":"RedisException.html","d":null,"f":{"n":"[Global Namespace]","p":"[Global_Namespace].html"}},{"t":"C","n":"RedisSentinel","p":"RedisSentinel.html","d":"","f":{"n":"[Global Namespace]","p":"[Global_Namespace].html"}},{"t":"M","n":"Redis::__construct","p":"Redis.html#method___construct","d":"

Create a new Redis instance. If passed sufficient information in the\noptions array it is also possible to connect to an instance at the same\ntime.


Compress a value with the currently configured compressor as set with\nRedis::setOption().


Uncompress the provided argument that has been compressed with the\ncurrently configured compressor as set with Redis::setOption().


Prefix the passed argument with the currently set key prefix as set\nwith Redis::setOption().


Serialize the provided value with the currently set serializer as set\nwith Redis::setOption().


Unserialize the passed argument with the currently set serializer as set\nwith Redis::setOption().


Pack the provided value with the configured serializer and compressor\nas set with Redis::setOption().


Unpack the provided value with the configured compressor and serializer\nas set with Redis::setOption().


Append data to a Redis STRING key.


Authenticate a Redis connection after its been established.


Execute a save of the Redis database in the background.


Asynchronously rewrite Redis' append-only file


Count the number of set bits in a Redis string.


Return the position of the first bit set to 0 or 1 in a string.


Pop an element off the beginning of a Redis list or lists, potentially blocking up to a specified\ntimeout. This method may be called in two distinct ways, of which examples are provided below.


Pop an element off of the end of a Redis list or lists, potentially blocking up to a specified timeout.


Pop an element from the end of a Redis list, pushing it to the beginning of another Redis list,\noptionally blocking up to a specified timeout.


POP the maximum scoring element off of one or more sorted sets, blocking up to a specified\ntimeout if no elements are available.


POP the minimum scoring element off of one or more sorted sets, blocking up to a specified timeout\nif no elements are available


POP one or more elements from one or more sorted sets, blocking up to a specified amount of time\nwhen no elements are available.


POP one or more of the highest or lowest scoring elements from one or more sorted sets.


Pop one or more elements from one or more Redis LISTs, blocking up to a specified timeout when\nno elements are available.


Pop one or more elements off of one or more Redis LISTs.


Reset any last error on the connection to NULL


Execute the Redis CONFIG command in a variety of ways.


Make a copy of a key.


Return the number of keys in the currently selected Redis database.


Decrement a Redis integer by 1 or a provided value.


Decrement a redis integer by a value


Delete one or more keys from Redis.


Discard a transaction currently in progress.


Dump Redis' internal binary representation of a key.


Have Redis repeat back an arbitrary string to the client.


Execute a LUA script on the redis server.


This is simply the read-only variant of eval, meaning the underlying script\nmay not modify data in redis.


Execute a LUA script on the server but instead of sending the script, send\nthe SHA1 hash of the script.


This is simply the read-only variant of evalsha, meaning the underlying script\nmay not modify data in redis.


Execute either a MULTI or PIPELINE block and return the array of replies.


Test if one or more keys exist.


Sets an expiration in seconds on the key in question. If connected to\nredis-server >= 7.0.0 you may send an additional "mode" argument which\nmodifies how the command will execute.


Set a key to expire at an exact unix timestamp.


Get the expiration of a given key as a unix timestamp


Get the expriation timestamp of a given Redis key but in milliseconds.


Deletes every key in all Redis databases


Deletes all the keys of the currently selected database.


Get the authentication information on the connection, if any.


Get the database number PhpRedis thinks we're connected to.


Return the host or Unix socket we are connected to.


Get the last error returned to us from Redis, if any.


Returns whether the connection is in ATOMIC, MULTI, or PIPELINE mode


Retrieve the value of a configuration setting as set by Redis::setOption()


Get the persistent connection ID, if there is one.


Get the port we are connected to. This number will be zero if we are connected to a unix socket.


Retrieve a substring of a string by index.


Get the longest common subsequence between two string keys.


Get the currently set read timeout on the connection.


Sets a key and returns any previously set value, if the key already existed.


Retrieve any set connection timeout


Remove one or more fields from a hash.


Checks whether a field exists in a hash.


Read every field and value from a hash.


Increment a hash field's value by an integer


Increment a hash field by a floating point value


Retrieve all of the fields of a hash.


Get the number of fields in a hash.


Get one or more fields from a hash.


Add or update one or more hash fields and values


Get one or more random field from a hash.


Set a hash field and value, but only if that field does not exist


Get the string length of a hash field


Get all of the values from a hash.


Iterate over the fields and values of a hash in an incremental fashion.


Increment a key's value, optionally by a specifc amount.


Increment a key by a specific integer value


Increment a numeric key by a floating point value.


Retrieve information about the connected redis-server. If no arguments are passed to\nthis function, redis will return every info field. Alternatively you may pass a specific\nsection you want returned (e.g. 'server', or 'memory') to receive only information pertaining\nto that section.


Check if we are currently connected to a Redis instance.


Sets an expiration in milliseconds on a given key. If connected to Redis >= 7.0.0\nyou can pass an optional mode argument that modifies how the command will execute.


Set a key's expiration to a specific Unix Timestamp in milliseconds. If connected to\nRedis >= 7.0.0 you can pass an optional 'mode' argument.


Add one or more elements to a Redis HyperLogLog key


Retrieve the cardinality of a Redis HyperLogLog key.


Merge one or more source HyperLogLog sets into a destination set.


PING the redis server with an optional string argument.


Enter into pipeline mode.


Subscribe to one or more glob-style patterns


Get a keys time to live in milliseconds.


Publish a message to a pubsub channel


Unsubscribe from one or more channels by pattern


Pop one or more elements from the end of a list.


Return a random key from the current database


Execute any arbitrary Redis command by name.


Unconditionally rename a key from $old_name to $new_name


Renames $key_src to $key_dst but only if newkey does not exist.


Reset the state of the connection.


Restore a key by the binary payload generated by the DUMP command.


Query whether the connected instance is a primary or replica


Atomically pop an element off the end of a Redis LIST and push it to the beginning of\nanother.


Add one or more values to a Redis SET key.


Add one ore more values to a Redis SET key. This is an alternative to Redis::sadd() but\ninstead of being variadic, takes a single array of values.


Given one or more Redis SETS, this command returns all of the members from the first\nset that are not in any subsequent set.


This method performs the same operation as SDIFF except it stores the resulting diff\nvalues in a specified destination key.


Given one or more Redis SET keys, this command will return all of the elements that are\nin every one.


Compute the intersection of one or more sets and return the cardinality of the result.


Perform the intersection of one or more Redis SETs, storing the result in a destination\nkey, rather than returning them.


Retrieve every member from a set key.


Check if one or more values are members of a set.


Pop a member from one set and push it onto another. This command will create the\ndestination set if it does not currently exist.


Remove one or more elements from a set.


Retrieve one or more random members of a set.


Returns the union of one or more Redis SET keys.


Perform a union of one or more Redis SET keys and store the result in a new set


Persist the Redis database to disk. This command will block the server until the save is\ncompleted. For a nonblocking alternative, see Redis::bgsave().


Incrementally scan the Redis keyspace, with optional pattern and type matching.


Retrieve the number of members in a Redis set.


An administrative command used to interact with LUA scripts stored on the server.


Select a specific Redis database.


Create or set a Redis STRING key to a value.


Set a specific bit in a Redis string to zero or one


Update or append to a Redis string at a specific starting index


Set a configurable option on the Redis object.


Set a Redis STRING key with a specific expiration in seconds.


Set a key to a value, but only if that key does not already exist.


Check whether a given value is the member of a Redis SET.


Turn a redis instance into a replica of another or promote a replica\nto a primary.


Used to turn a Redis instance into a replica of another, or to remove\nreplica status promoting the instance to a primary.


Update one or more keys last modified metadata.


Interact with Redis' slowlog functionality in various ways, depending\non the value of 'operation'.


Sort the contents of a Redis key in various ways.


This is simply a read-only variant of the sort command


Remove one or more values from a Redis SET key.


Scan the members of a redis SET key.


Retrieve the length of a Redis STRING key.


Subscribe to one or more Redis pubsub channels.


Atomically swap two Redis databases so that all of the keys in the source database will\nnow be in the destination database and vice-versa.


Retrieve the server time from the connected Redis instance.


Get the amount of time a Redis key has before it will expire, in seconds.


Get the type of a given Redis key.


Delete one or more keys from the Redis database. Unlike this operation, the actual\ndeletion is asynchronous, meaning it is safe to delete large keys without fear of\nRedis blocking for a long period of time.


Unsubscribe from one or more subscribed channels.


Remove any previously WATCH'ed keys in a transaction.


Block the client up to the provided timeout until a certain number of replicas have confirmed\nrecieving them.


Append a message to a stream.


Remove one or more specific IDs from a stream.


Retrieve information about a stream key.


Get the number of messages in a Redis STREAM key.


Interact with stream messages that have been consumed by a consumer group but not yet\nacknowledged with XACK.


Get a range of entries from a STREAM key.


Consume one or more unconsumed elements in one or more streams.


Read one or more messages using a consumer group.


Get a range of entries from a STREAM ke in reverse cronological order.


Truncate a STREAM key in various ways.


Add one or more elements and scores to a Redis sorted set.


Return the number of elements in a sorted set.


Count the number of members in a sorted set with scores inside a provided range.


Create or increment the score of a member in a Redis sorted set


Count the number of elements in a sorted set whos members fall within the provided\nlexographical range.


Retrieve the score of one or more members in a sorted set.


Pop one or more of the highest scoring elements from a sorted set.


Pop one or more of the lowest scoring elements from a sorted set.


Retrieve a range of elements of a sorted set between a start and end point.


Retrieve a range of elements from a sorted set by legographical range.


Retrieve a range of members from a sorted set by their score.


This command is similar to ZRANGE except that instead of returning the values directly\nit will store them in a destination key provided by the user


Retrieve one or more random members from a Redis sorted set.


Get the rank of a member of a sorted set, by score.


Remove one or more members from a Redis sorted set.


Remove zero or more elements from a Redis sorted set by legographical range.


Remove one or more members of a sorted set by their rank.


Remove one or more members of a sorted set by their score.


List the members of a Redis sorted set in reverse order


List members of a Redis sorted set within a legographical range, in reverse order.


List elements from a Redis sorted set by score, highest to lowest


Retrieve a member of a sorted set by reverse rank.


Get the score of a member of a sorted set.


Given one or more sorted set key names, return every element that is in the first\nset but not any of the others.


Store the difference of one or more sorted sets in a destination sorted set.


Compute the intersection of one or more sorted sets and return the members


Similar to ZINTER but instead of returning the intersected values, this command returns the\ncardinality of the intersected set.


Compute the intersection of one ore more sorted sets storing the result in a new sorted set.


Scan the members of a sorted set incrementally, using a cursor


Retrieve the union of one or more sorted sets


Perform a union on one or more Redis sets and store the result in a destination sorted set.


Return the position of the first bit set to 0 or 1 in a string.


See Redis::blpop()


See Redis::brpop()


See Redis::brpoplpush()


Retrieve information about the connected redis-server. If no arguments are passed to\nthis function, redis will return every info field. Alternatively you may pass a specific\nsection you want returned (e.g. 'server', or 'memory') to receive only information pertaining\nto that section.


PING an instance in the redis cluster.
