/* +----------------------------------------------------------------------+ | Copyright (c) 1997-2009 The PHP Group | +----------------------------------------------------------------------+ | This source file is subject to version 3.01 of the PHP license, | | that is bundled with this package in the file LICENSE, and is | | available through the world-wide-web at the following url: | | http://www.php.net/license/3_01.txt | | If you did not receive a copy of the PHP license and are unable to | | obtain it through the world-wide-web, please send a note to | | license@php.net so we can mail you a copy immediately. | +----------------------------------------------------------------------+ | Author: Michael Grunder | | Maintainer: Nicolas Favre-Felix | +----------------------------------------------------------------------+ */ #ifdef HAVE_CONFIG_H #include "config.h" #endif #include "common.h" #include "php_redis.h" #include "ext/standard/info.h" #include "crc16.h" #include "redis_cluster.h" #include "redis_commands.h" #include #include "library.h" #include #include zend_class_entry *redis_cluster_ce; /* Exception handler */ zend_class_entry *redis_cluster_exception_ce; /* Handlers for RedisCluster */ zend_object_handlers RedisCluster_handlers; ZEND_BEGIN_ARG_INFO_EX(arginfo_ctor, 0, 0, 1) ZEND_ARG_INFO(0, name) ZEND_ARG_ARRAY_INFO(0, seeds, 0) ZEND_ARG_INFO(0, timeout) ZEND_ARG_INFO(0, read_timeout) ZEND_ARG_INFO(0, persistent) ZEND_ARG_INFO(0, auth) ZEND_END_ARG_INFO() ZEND_BEGIN_ARG_INFO_EX(arginfo_del, 0, 0, 1) ZEND_ARG_INFO(0, key) ZEND_ARG_VARIADIC_INFO(0, other_keys) ZEND_END_ARG_INFO() ZEND_BEGIN_ARG_INFO_EX(arginfo_mget, 0, 0, 1) ZEND_ARG_ARRAY_INFO(0, keys, 0) ZEND_END_ARG_INFO() ZEND_BEGIN_ARG_INFO_EX(arginfo_keys, 0, 0, 1) ZEND_ARG_INFO(0, pattern) ZEND_END_ARG_INFO() ZEND_BEGIN_ARG_INFO_EX(arginfo_key_or_address, 0, 0, 1) ZEND_ARG_INFO(0, key_or_address) ZEND_END_ARG_INFO() ZEND_BEGIN_ARG_INFO_EX(arginfo_key_or_address_variadic, 0, 0, 1) ZEND_ARG_INFO(0, key_or_address) ZEND_ARG_INFO(0, arg) ZEND_ARG_VARIADIC_INFO(0, other_args) ZEND_END_ARG_INFO() ZEND_BEGIN_ARG_INFO_EX(arginfo_info, 0, 0, 1) ZEND_ARG_INFO(0, key_or_address) ZEND_ARG_INFO(0, option) ZEND_END_ARG_INFO() ZEND_BEGIN_ARG_INFO_EX(arginfo_flush, 0, 0, 1) ZEND_ARG_INFO(0, key_or_address) ZEND_ARG_INFO(0, async) ZEND_END_ARG_INFO() /* Argument info for HSCAN, SSCAN, HSCAN */ ZEND_BEGIN_ARG_INFO_EX(arginfo_kscan_cl, 0, 0, 2) ZEND_ARG_INFO(0, str_key) ZEND_ARG_INFO(1, i_iterator) ZEND_ARG_INFO(0, str_pattern) ZEND_ARG_INFO(0, i_count) ZEND_END_ARG_INFO() /* Argument info for SCAN */ ZEND_BEGIN_ARG_INFO_EX(arginfo_scan_cl, 0, 0, 2) ZEND_ARG_INFO(1, i_iterator) ZEND_ARG_INFO(0, str_node) ZEND_ARG_INFO(0, str_pattern) ZEND_ARG_INFO(0, i_count) ZEND_END_ARG_INFO() ZEND_BEGIN_ARG_INFO_EX(arginfo_acl_cl, 0, 0, 2) ZEND_ARG_INFO(0, key_or_address) ZEND_ARG_INFO(0, subcmd) ZEND_ARG_VARIADIC_INFO(0, args) ZEND_END_ARG_INFO() /* Function table */ zend_function_entry redis_cluster_functions[] = { PHP_ME(RedisCluster, __construct, arginfo_ctor, ZEND_ACC_PUBLIC) PHP_ME(RedisCluster, _masters, arginfo_void, ZEND_ACC_PUBLIC) PHP_ME(RedisCluster, _prefix, arginfo_key, ZEND_ACC_PUBLIC) PHP_ME(RedisCluster, _redir, arginfo_void, ZEND_ACC_PUBLIC) PHP_ME(RedisCluster, _serialize, arginfo_value, ZEND_ACC_PUBLIC) PHP_ME(RedisCluster, _unserialize, arginfo_value, ZEND_ACC_PUBLIC) PHP_ME(RedisCluster, acl, arginfo_acl_cl, ZEND_ACC_PUBLIC) PHP_ME(RedisCluster, append, arginfo_key_value, ZEND_ACC_PUBLIC) PHP_ME(RedisCluster, bgrewriteaof, arginfo_key_or_address, ZEND_ACC_PUBLIC) PHP_ME(RedisCluster, bgsave, arginfo_key_or_address, ZEND_ACC_PUBLIC) PHP_ME(RedisCluster, bitcount, arginfo_key, ZEND_ACC_PUBLIC) PHP_ME(RedisCluster, bitop, arginfo_bitop, ZEND_ACC_PUBLIC) PHP_ME(RedisCluster, bitpos, arginfo_bitpos, ZEND_ACC_PUBLIC) PHP_ME(RedisCluster, blpop, arginfo_blrpop, ZEND_ACC_PUBLIC) PHP_ME(RedisCluster, brpop, arginfo_blrpop, ZEND_ACC_PUBLIC) PHP_ME(RedisCluster, brpoplpush, arginfo_brpoplpush, ZEND_ACC_PUBLIC) PHP_ME(RedisCluster, clearlasterror, arginfo_void, ZEND_ACC_PUBLIC) PHP_ME(RedisCluster, bzpopmax, arginfo_blrpop, ZEND_ACC_PUBLIC) PHP_ME(RedisCluster, bzpopmin, arginfo_blrpop, ZEND_ACC_PUBLIC) PHP_ME(RedisCluster, client, arginfo_key_or_address_variadic, ZEND_ACC_PUBLIC) PHP_ME(RedisCluster, close, arginfo_void, ZEND_ACC_PUBLIC) PHP_ME(RedisCluster, cluster, arginfo_key_or_address_variadic, ZEND_ACC_PUBLIC) PHP_ME(RedisCluster, command, arginfo_command, ZEND_ACC_PUBLIC) PHP_ME(RedisCluster, config, arginfo_key_or_address_variadic, ZEND_ACC_PUBLIC) PHP_ME(RedisCluster, dbsize, arginfo_key_or_address, ZEND_ACC_PUBLIC) PHP_ME(RedisCluster, decr, arginfo_key, ZEND_ACC_PUBLIC) PHP_ME(RedisCluster, decrby, arginfo_key_value, ZEND_ACC_PUBLIC) PHP_ME(RedisCluster, del, arginfo_del, ZEND_ACC_PUBLIC) PHP_ME(RedisCluster, discard, arginfo_void, ZEND_ACC_PUBLIC) PHP_ME(RedisCluster, dump, arginfo_key, ZEND_ACC_PUBLIC) PHP_ME(RedisCluster, echo, arginfo_echo, ZEND_ACC_PUBLIC) PHP_ME(RedisCluster, eval, arginfo_eval, ZEND_ACC_PUBLIC) PHP_ME(RedisCluster, evalsha, arginfo_evalsha, ZEND_ACC_PUBLIC) PHP_ME(RedisCluster, exec, arginfo_void, ZEND_ACC_PUBLIC) PHP_ME(RedisCluster, exists, arginfo_key, ZEND_ACC_PUBLIC) PHP_ME(RedisCluster, expire, arginfo_expire, ZEND_ACC_PUBLIC) PHP_ME(RedisCluster, expireat, arginfo_key_timestamp, ZEND_ACC_PUBLIC) PHP_ME(RedisCluster, flushall, arginfo_flush, ZEND_ACC_PUBLIC) PHP_ME(RedisCluster, flushdb, arginfo_flush, ZEND_ACC_PUBLIC) PHP_ME(RedisCluster, geoadd, arginfo_geoadd, ZEND_ACC_PUBLIC) PHP_ME(RedisCluster, geodist, arginfo_geodist, ZEND_ACC_PUBLIC) PHP_ME(RedisCluster, geohash, arginfo_key_members, ZEND_ACC_PUBLIC) PHP_ME(RedisCluster, geopos, arginfo_key_members, ZEND_ACC_PUBLIC) PHP_ME(RedisCluster, georadius, arginfo_georadius, ZEND_ACC_PUBLIC) PHP_ME(RedisCluster, georadius_ro, arginfo_georadius, ZEND_ACC_PUBLIC) PHP_ME(RedisCluster, georadiusbymember, arginfo_georadiusbymember, ZEND_ACC_PUBLIC) PHP_ME(RedisCluster, georadiusbymember_ro, arginfo_georadiusbymember, ZEND_ACC_PUBLIC) PHP_ME(RedisCluster, get, arginfo_key, ZEND_ACC_PUBLIC) PHP_ME(RedisCluster, getbit, arginfo_key_offset, ZEND_ACC_PUBLIC) PHP_ME(RedisCluster, getlasterror, arginfo_void, ZEND_ACC_PUBLIC) PHP_ME(RedisCluster, getmode, arginfo_void, ZEND_ACC_PUBLIC) PHP_ME(RedisCluster, getoption, arginfo_getoption, ZEND_ACC_PUBLIC) PHP_ME(RedisCluster, getrange, arginfo_key_start_end, ZEND_ACC_PUBLIC) PHP_ME(RedisCluster, getset, arginfo_key_value, ZEND_ACC_PUBLIC) PHP_ME(RedisCluster, hdel, arginfo_key_members, ZEND_ACC_PUBLIC) PHP_ME(RedisCluster, hexists, arginfo_key_member, ZEND_ACC_PUBLIC) PHP_ME(RedisCluster, hget, arginfo_key_member, ZEND_ACC_PUBLIC) PHP_ME(RedisCluster, hgetall, arginfo_key, ZEND_ACC_PUBLIC) PHP_ME(RedisCluster, hincrby, arginfo_key_member_value, ZEND_ACC_PUBLIC) PHP_ME(RedisCluster, hincrbyfloat, arginfo_key_member_value, ZEND_ACC_PUBLIC) PHP_ME(RedisCluster, hkeys, arginfo_key, ZEND_ACC_PUBLIC) PHP_ME(RedisCluster, hlen, arginfo_key, ZEND_ACC_PUBLIC) PHP_ME(RedisCluster, hmget, arginfo_hmget, ZEND_ACC_PUBLIC) PHP_ME(RedisCluster, hmset, arginfo_hmset, ZEND_ACC_PUBLIC) PHP_ME(RedisCluster, hscan, arginfo_kscan_cl, ZEND_ACC_PUBLIC) PHP_ME(RedisCluster, hset, arginfo_key_member_value, ZEND_ACC_PUBLIC) PHP_ME(RedisCluster, hsetnx, arginfo_key_member_value, ZEND_ACC_PUBLIC) PHP_ME(RedisCluster, hstrlen, arginfo_key_member, ZEND_ACC_PUBLIC) PHP_ME(RedisCluster, hvals, arginfo_key, ZEND_ACC_PUBLIC) PHP_ME(RedisCluster, incr, arginfo_key, ZEND_ACC_PUBLIC) PHP_ME(RedisCluster, incrby, arginfo_key_value, ZEND_ACC_PUBLIC) PHP_ME(RedisCluster, incrbyfloat, arginfo_key_value, ZEND_ACC_PUBLIC) PHP_ME(RedisCluster, info, arginfo_info, ZEND_ACC_PUBLIC) PHP_ME(RedisCluster, keys, arginfo_keys, ZEND_ACC_PUBLIC) PHP_ME(RedisCluster, lastsave, arginfo_key_or_address, ZEND_ACC_PUBLIC) PHP_ME(RedisCluster, lget, arginfo_lindex, ZEND_ACC_PUBLIC) PHP_ME(RedisCluster, lindex, arginfo_lindex, ZEND_ACC_PUBLIC) PHP_ME(RedisCluster, linsert, arginfo_linsert, ZEND_ACC_PUBLIC) PHP_ME(RedisCluster, llen, arginfo_key, ZEND_ACC_PUBLIC) PHP_ME(RedisCluster, lpop, arginfo_key, ZEND_ACC_PUBLIC) PHP_ME(RedisCluster, lpush, arginfo_key_value, ZEND_ACC_PUBLIC) PHP_ME(RedisCluster, lpushx, arginfo_key_value, ZEND_ACC_PUBLIC) PHP_ME(RedisCluster, lrange, arginfo_key_start_end, ZEND_ACC_PUBLIC) PHP_ME(RedisCluster, lrem, arginfo_key_value, ZEND_ACC_PUBLIC) PHP_ME(RedisCluster, lset, arginfo_lset, ZEND_ACC_PUBLIC) PHP_ME(RedisCluster, ltrim, arginfo_ltrim, ZEND_ACC_PUBLIC) PHP_ME(RedisCluster, mget, arginfo_mget, ZEND_ACC_PUBLIC) PHP_ME(RedisCluster, mset, arginfo_pairs, ZEND_ACC_PUBLIC) PHP_ME(RedisCluster, msetnx, arginfo_pairs, ZEND_ACC_PUBLIC) PHP_ME(RedisCluster, multi, arginfo_void, ZEND_ACC_PUBLIC) PHP_ME(RedisCluster, object, arginfo_object, ZEND_ACC_PUBLIC) PHP_ME(RedisCluster, persist, arginfo_key, ZEND_ACC_PUBLIC) PHP_ME(RedisCluster, pexpire, arginfo_key_timestamp, ZEND_ACC_PUBLIC) PHP_ME(RedisCluster, pexpireat, arginfo_key_timestamp, ZEND_ACC_PUBLIC) PHP_ME(RedisCluster, pfadd, arginfo_pfadd, ZEND_ACC_PUBLIC) PHP_ME(RedisCluster, pfcount, arginfo_key, ZEND_ACC_PUBLIC) PHP_ME(RedisCluster, pfmerge, arginfo_pfmerge, ZEND_ACC_PUBLIC) PHP_ME(RedisCluster, ping, arginfo_key_or_address, ZEND_ACC_PUBLIC) PHP_ME(RedisCluster, psetex, arginfo_key_expire_value, ZEND_ACC_PUBLIC) PHP_ME(RedisCluster, psubscribe, arginfo_psubscribe, ZEND_ACC_PUBLIC) PHP_ME(RedisCluster, pttl, arginfo_key, ZEND_ACC_PUBLIC) PHP_ME(RedisCluster, publish, arginfo_publish, ZEND_ACC_PUBLIC) PHP_ME(RedisCluster, pubsub, arginfo_key_or_address_variadic, ZEND_ACC_PUBLIC) PHP_ME(RedisCluster, punsubscribe, arginfo_punsubscribe, ZEND_ACC_PUBLIC) PHP_ME(RedisCluster, randomkey, arginfo_key_or_address, ZEND_ACC_PUBLIC) PHP_ME(RedisCluster, rawcommand, arginfo_rawcommand, ZEND_ACC_PUBLIC) PHP_ME(RedisCluster, rename, arginfo_key_newkey, ZEND_ACC_PUBLIC) PHP_ME(RedisCluster, renamenx, arginfo_key_newkey, ZEND_ACC_PUBLIC) PHP_ME(RedisCluster, restore, arginfo_restore, ZEND_ACC_PUBLIC) PHP_ME(RedisCluster, role, arginfo_void, ZEND_ACC_PUBLIC) PHP_ME(RedisCluster, rpop, arginfo_key, ZEND_ACC_PUBLIC) PHP_ME(RedisCluster, rpoplpush, arginfo_rpoplpush, ZEND_ACC_PUBLIC) PHP_ME(RedisCluster, rpush, arginfo_key_value, ZEND_ACC_PUBLIC) PHP_ME(RedisCluster, rpushx, arginfo_key_value, ZEND_ACC_PUBLIC) PHP_ME(RedisCluster, sadd, arginfo_key_value, ZEND_ACC_PUBLIC) PHP_ME(RedisCluster, saddarray, arginfo_sadd_array, ZEND_ACC_PUBLIC) PHP_ME(RedisCluster, save, arginfo_key_or_address, ZEND_ACC_PUBLIC) PHP_ME(RedisCluster, scan, arginfo_scan_cl, ZEND_ACC_PUBLIC) PHP_ME(RedisCluster, scard, arginfo_key, ZEND_ACC_PUBLIC) PHP_ME(RedisCluster, script, arginfo_key_or_address_variadic, ZEND_ACC_PUBLIC) PHP_ME(RedisCluster, sdiff, arginfo_nkeys, ZEND_ACC_PUBLIC) PHP_ME(RedisCluster, sdiffstore, arginfo_dst_nkeys, ZEND_ACC_PUBLIC) PHP_ME(RedisCluster, set, arginfo_set, ZEND_ACC_PUBLIC) PHP_ME(RedisCluster, setbit, arginfo_key_offset_value, ZEND_ACC_PUBLIC) PHP_ME(RedisCluster, setex, arginfo_key_expire_value, ZEND_ACC_PUBLIC) PHP_ME(RedisCluster, setnx, arginfo_key_value, ZEND_ACC_PUBLIC) PHP_ME(RedisCluster, setoption, arginfo_setoption, ZEND_ACC_PUBLIC) PHP_ME(RedisCluster, setrange, arginfo_key_offset_value, ZEND_ACC_PUBLIC) PHP_ME(RedisCluster, sinter, arginfo_nkeys, ZEND_ACC_PUBLIC) PHP_ME(RedisCluster, sinterstore, arginfo_dst_nkeys, ZEND_ACC_PUBLIC) PHP_ME(RedisCluster, sismember, arginfo_key_value, ZEND_ACC_PUBLIC) PHP_ME(RedisCluster, slowlog, arginfo_key_or_address_variadic, ZEND_ACC_PUBLIC) PHP_ME(RedisCluster, smembers, arginfo_key, ZEND_ACC_PUBLIC) PHP_ME(RedisCluster, smove, arginfo_smove, ZEND_ACC_PUBLIC) PHP_ME(RedisCluster, sort, arginfo_sort, ZEND_ACC_PUBLIC) PHP_ME(RedisCluster, spop, arginfo_key, ZEND_ACC_PUBLIC) PHP_ME(RedisCluster, srandmember, arginfo_srand_member, ZEND_ACC_PUBLIC) PHP_ME(RedisCluster, srem, arginfo_key_value, ZEND_ACC_PUBLIC) PHP_ME(RedisCluster, sscan, arginfo_kscan_cl, ZEND_ACC_PUBLIC) PHP_ME(RedisCluster, strlen, arginfo_key, ZEND_ACC_PUBLIC) PHP_ME(RedisCluster, subscribe, arginfo_subscribe, ZEND_ACC_PUBLIC) PHP_ME(RedisCluster, sunion, arginfo_nkeys, ZEND_ACC_PUBLIC) PHP_ME(RedisCluster, sunionstore, arginfo_dst_nkeys, ZEND_ACC_PUBLIC) PHP_ME(RedisCluster, time, arginfo_void, ZEND_ACC_PUBLIC) PHP_ME(RedisCluster, ttl, arginfo_key, ZEND_ACC_PUBLIC) PHP_ME(RedisCluster, type, arginfo_key, ZEND_ACC_PUBLIC) PHP_ME(RedisCluster, unsubscribe, arginfo_unsubscribe, ZEND_ACC_PUBLIC) PHP_ME(RedisCluster, unlink, arginfo_del, ZEND_ACC_PUBLIC) PHP_ME(RedisCluster, unwatch, arginfo_void, ZEND_ACC_PUBLIC) PHP_ME(RedisCluster, watch, arginfo_watch, ZEND_ACC_PUBLIC) PHP_ME(RedisCluster, xack, arginfo_xack, ZEND_ACC_PUBLIC) PHP_ME(RedisCluster, xadd, arginfo_xadd, ZEND_ACC_PUBLIC) PHP_ME(RedisCluster, xclaim, arginfo_xclaim, ZEND_ACC_PUBLIC) PHP_ME(RedisCluster, xdel, arginfo_xdel, ZEND_ACC_PUBLIC) PHP_ME(RedisCluster, xgroup, arginfo_xgroup, ZEND_ACC_PUBLIC) PHP_ME(RedisCluster, xinfo, arginfo_xinfo, ZEND_ACC_PUBLIC) PHP_ME(RedisCluster, xlen, arginfo_key, ZEND_ACC_PUBLIC) PHP_ME(RedisCluster, xpending, arginfo_xpending, ZEND_ACC_PUBLIC) PHP_ME(RedisCluster, xrange, arginfo_xrange, ZEND_ACC_PUBLIC) PHP_ME(RedisCluster, xread, arginfo_xread, ZEND_ACC_PUBLIC) PHP_ME(RedisCluster, xreadgroup, arginfo_xreadgroup, ZEND_ACC_PUBLIC) PHP_ME(RedisCluster, xrevrange, arginfo_xrange, ZEND_ACC_PUBLIC) PHP_ME(RedisCluster, xtrim, arginfo_xtrim, ZEND_ACC_PUBLIC) PHP_ME(RedisCluster, zadd, arginfo_zadd, ZEND_ACC_PUBLIC) PHP_ME(RedisCluster, zcard, arginfo_key, ZEND_ACC_PUBLIC) PHP_ME(RedisCluster, zcount, arginfo_key_min_max, ZEND_ACC_PUBLIC) PHP_ME(RedisCluster, zincrby, arginfo_zincrby, ZEND_ACC_PUBLIC) PHP_ME(RedisCluster, zinterstore, arginfo_zstore, ZEND_ACC_PUBLIC) PHP_ME(RedisCluster, zlexcount, arginfo_key_min_max, ZEND_ACC_PUBLIC) PHP_ME(RedisCluster, zpopmax, arginfo_key, ZEND_ACC_PUBLIC) PHP_ME(RedisCluster, zpopmin, arginfo_key, ZEND_ACC_PUBLIC) PHP_ME(RedisCluster, zrange, arginfo_zrange, ZEND_ACC_PUBLIC) PHP_ME(RedisCluster, zrangebylex, arginfo_zrangebylex, ZEND_ACC_PUBLIC) PHP_ME(RedisCluster, zrangebyscore, arginfo_zrangebyscore, ZEND_ACC_PUBLIC) PHP_ME(RedisCluster, zrank, arginfo_key_member, ZEND_ACC_PUBLIC) PHP_ME(RedisCluster, zrem, arginfo_key_members, ZEND_ACC_PUBLIC) PHP_ME(RedisCluster, zremrangebylex, arginfo_key_min_max, ZEND_ACC_PUBLIC) PHP_ME(RedisCluster, zremrangebyrank, arginfo_key_min_max, ZEND_ACC_PUBLIC) PHP_ME(RedisCluster, zremrangebyscore, arginfo_key_min_max, ZEND_ACC_PUBLIC) PHP_ME(RedisCluster, zrevrange, arginfo_zrange, ZEND_ACC_PUBLIC) PHP_ME(RedisCluster, zrevrangebylex, arginfo_zrangebylex, ZEND_ACC_PUBLIC) PHP_ME(RedisCluster, zrevrangebyscore, arginfo_zrangebyscore, ZEND_ACC_PUBLIC) PHP_ME(RedisCluster, zrevrank, arginfo_key_member, ZEND_ACC_PUBLIC) PHP_ME(RedisCluster, zscan, arginfo_kscan_cl, ZEND_ACC_PUBLIC) PHP_ME(RedisCluster, zscore, arginfo_key_member, ZEND_ACC_PUBLIC) PHP_ME(RedisCluster, zunionstore, arginfo_zstore, ZEND_ACC_PUBLIC) PHP_FE_END }; /* Our context seeds will be a hash table with RedisSock* pointers */ static void ht_free_seed(zval *data) { RedisSock *redis_sock = *(RedisSock**)data; if (redis_sock) redis_free_socket(redis_sock); } /* Free redisClusterNode objects we've stored */ static void ht_free_node(zval *data) { redisClusterNode *node = *(redisClusterNode**)data; cluster_free_node(node); } /* Create redisCluster context */ zend_object * create_cluster_context(zend_class_entry *class_type) { redisCluster *cluster; // Allocate our actual struct cluster = ecalloc(1, sizeof(redisCluster) + zend_object_properties_size(class_type)); // We're not currently subscribed anywhere cluster->subscribed_slot = -1; // Allocate our RedisSock we'll use to store prefix/serialization flags cluster->flags = ecalloc(1, sizeof(RedisSock)); // Allocate our hash table for seeds ALLOC_HASHTABLE(cluster->seeds); zend_hash_init(cluster->seeds, 0, NULL, ht_free_seed, 0); // Allocate our hash table for connected Redis objects ALLOC_HASHTABLE(cluster->nodes); zend_hash_init(cluster->nodes, 0, NULL, ht_free_node, 0); // Initialize it zend_object_std_init(&cluster->std, class_type); object_properties_init(&cluster->std, class_type); memcpy(&RedisCluster_handlers, zend_get_std_object_handlers(), sizeof(RedisCluster_handlers)); RedisCluster_handlers.offset = XtOffsetOf(redisCluster, std); RedisCluster_handlers.free_obj = free_cluster_context; cluster->std.handlers = &RedisCluster_handlers; return &cluster->std; } /* Free redisCluster context */ void free_cluster_context(zend_object *object) { redisCluster *cluster = PHPREDIS_GET_OBJECT(redisCluster, object); cluster_free(cluster, 0); zend_object_std_dtor(&cluster->std); } /* Take user provided seeds and return unique and valid ones */ /* Attempt to connect to a Redis cluster provided seeds and timeout options */ static void redis_cluster_init(redisCluster *c, HashTable *ht_seeds, double timeout, double read_timeout, int persistent, zend_string *user, zend_string *pass, zval *context) { zend_string *hash = NULL, **seeds; redisCachedCluster *cc; uint32_t nseeds; char *err; /* Validate our arguments and get a sanitized seed array */ seeds = cluster_validate_args(timeout, read_timeout, ht_seeds, &nseeds, &err); if (seeds == NULL) { CLUSTER_THROW_EXCEPTION(err, 0); return; } if (user && ZSTR_LEN(user)) c->flags->user = zend_string_copy(user); if (pass && ZSTR_LEN(pass)) c->flags->pass = zend_string_copy(pass); if (context) { redis_sock_set_stream_context(c->flags, context); } c->flags->timeout = timeout; c->flags->read_timeout = read_timeout; c->flags->persistent = persistent; c->waitms = timeout * 1000L; /* Attempt to load slots from cache if caching is enabled */ if (CLUSTER_CACHING_ENABLED()) { /* Exit early if we can load from cache */ hash = cluster_hash_seeds(seeds, nseeds); if ((cc = cluster_cache_load(hash))) { cluster_init_cache(c, cc); goto cleanup; } } /* Initialize seeds and attempt to map keyspace */ cluster_init_seeds(c, seeds, nseeds); if (cluster_map_keyspace(c) == SUCCESS && hash) cluster_cache_store(hash, c->nodes); cleanup: if (hash) zend_string_release(hash); free_seed_array(seeds, nseeds); } /* Attempt to load a named cluster configured in php.ini */ void redis_cluster_load(redisCluster *c, char *name, int name_len) { zval z_seeds, z_tmp, *z_value; zend_string *user = NULL, *pass = NULL; double timeout = 0, read_timeout = 0; int persistent = 0; char *iptr; HashTable *ht_seeds = NULL; /* Seeds */ array_init(&z_seeds); if ((iptr = INI_STR("redis.clusters.seeds")) != NULL) { sapi_module.treat_data(PARSE_STRING, estrdup(iptr), &z_seeds); } if ((z_value = zend_hash_str_find(Z_ARRVAL(z_seeds), name, name_len)) != NULL) { ht_seeds = Z_ARRVAL_P(z_value); } else { zval_dtor(&z_seeds); CLUSTER_THROW_EXCEPTION("Couldn't find seeds for cluster", 0); return; } /* Connection timeout */ if ((iptr = INI_STR("redis.clusters.timeout")) != NULL) { array_init(&z_tmp); sapi_module.treat_data(PARSE_STRING, estrdup(iptr), &z_tmp); redis_conf_double(Z_ARRVAL(z_tmp), name, name_len, &timeout); zval_dtor(&z_tmp); } /* Read timeout */ if ((iptr = INI_STR("redis.clusters.read_timeout")) != NULL) { array_init(&z_tmp); sapi_module.treat_data(PARSE_STRING, estrdup(iptr), &z_tmp); redis_conf_double(Z_ARRVAL(z_tmp), name, name_len, &read_timeout); zval_dtor(&z_tmp); } /* Persistent connections */ if ((iptr = INI_STR("redis.clusters.persistent")) != NULL) { array_init(&z_tmp); sapi_module.treat_data(PARSE_STRING, estrdup(iptr), &z_tmp); redis_conf_bool(Z_ARRVAL(z_tmp), name, name_len, &persistent); zval_dtor(&z_tmp); } if ((iptr = INI_STR("redis.clusters.auth"))) { array_init(&z_tmp); sapi_module.treat_data(PARSE_STRING, estrdup(iptr), &z_tmp); redis_conf_auth(Z_ARRVAL(z_tmp), name, name_len, &user, &pass); zval_dtor(&z_tmp); } /* Attempt to create/connect to the cluster */ redis_cluster_init(c, ht_seeds, timeout, read_timeout, persistent, user, pass, NULL); /* Clean up */ zval_dtor(&z_seeds); if (user) zend_string_release(user); if (pass) zend_string_release(pass); } /* * PHP Methods */ /* Create a RedisCluster Object */ PHP_METHOD(RedisCluster, __construct) { zval *object, *z_seeds = NULL, *z_auth = NULL, *context = NULL; zend_string *user = NULL, *pass = NULL; double timeout = 0.0, read_timeout = 0.0; size_t name_len; zend_bool persistent = 0; redisCluster *c = GET_CONTEXT(); char *name; // Parse arguments if (zend_parse_method_parameters(ZEND_NUM_ARGS(), getThis(), "Os!|addbza!", &object, redis_cluster_ce, &name, &name_len, &z_seeds, &timeout, &read_timeout, &persistent, &z_auth, &context) == FAILURE) { RETURN_FALSE; } /* If we've got a string try to load from INI */ if (ZEND_NUM_ARGS() < 2) { if (name_len == 0) { // Require a name CLUSTER_THROW_EXCEPTION("You must specify a name or pass seeds!", 0); } redis_cluster_load(c, name, name_len); return; } /* The normal case, loading from arguments */ redis_extract_auth_info(z_auth, &user, &pass); redis_cluster_init(c, Z_ARRVAL_P(z_seeds), timeout, read_timeout, persistent, user, pass, context); if (user) zend_string_release(user); if (pass) zend_string_release(pass); } /* * RedisCluster method implementation */ /* {{{ proto bool RedisCluster::close() */ PHP_METHOD(RedisCluster, close) { cluster_disconnect(GET_CONTEXT(), 1); RETURN_TRUE; } /* {{{ proto string RedisCluster::get(string key) */ PHP_METHOD(RedisCluster, get) { CLUSTER_PROCESS_KW_CMD("GET", redis_key_cmd, cluster_bulk_resp, 1); } /* }}} */ /* {{{ proto bool RedisCluster::set(string key, string value) */ PHP_METHOD(RedisCluster, set) { CLUSTER_PROCESS_CMD(set, cluster_bool_resp, 0); } /* }}} */ /* Generic handler for MGET/MSET/MSETNX */ static int distcmd_resp_handler(INTERNAL_FUNCTION_PARAMETERS, redisCluster *c, short slot, clusterMultiCmd *mc, zval *z_ret, int last, cluster_cb cb) { clusterMultiCtx *ctx; // Finalize multi command cluster_multi_fini(mc); // Spin up multi context ctx = emalloc(sizeof(clusterMultiCtx)); ctx->z_multi = z_ret; ctx->count = mc->argc; ctx->last = last; // Attempt to send the command if (cluster_send_command(c,slot,mc->cmd.c,mc->cmd.len) < 0 || c->err != NULL) { efree(ctx); return -1; } if (CLUSTER_IS_ATOMIC(c)) { // Process response now cb(INTERNAL_FUNCTION_PARAM_PASSTHRU, c, (void*)ctx); } else { CLUSTER_ENQUEUE_RESPONSE(c, slot, cb, ctx); } // Clear out our command but retain allocated memory CLUSTER_MULTI_CLEAR(mc); return 0; } /* Container struct for a key/value pair pulled from an array */ typedef struct clusterKeyValHT { char kbuf[22]; char *key; size_t key_len; int key_free; short slot; char *val; size_t val_len; int val_free; } clusterKeyValHT; /* Helper to pull a key/value pair from a HashTable */ static int get_key_val_ht(redisCluster *c, HashTable *ht, HashPosition *ptr, clusterKeyValHT *kv) { zval *z_val; zend_ulong idx; // Grab the key, convert it to a string using provided kbuf buffer if it's // a LONG style key zend_string *zkey; switch (zend_hash_get_current_key_ex(ht, &zkey, &idx, ptr)) { case HASH_KEY_IS_STRING: kv->key_len = ZSTR_LEN(zkey); kv->key = ZSTR_VAL(zkey); break; case HASH_KEY_IS_LONG: kv->key_len = snprintf(kv->kbuf,sizeof(kv->kbuf),"%ld",(long)idx); kv->key = kv->kbuf; break; default: CLUSTER_THROW_EXCEPTION("Internal Zend HashTable error", 0); return -1; } // Prefix our key if we need to, set the slot kv->key_free = redis_key_prefix(c->flags, &(kv->key), &(kv->key_len)); kv->slot = cluster_hash_key(kv->key, kv->key_len); // Now grab our value if ((z_val = zend_hash_get_current_data_ex(ht, ptr)) == NULL) { CLUSTER_THROW_EXCEPTION("Internal Zend HashTable error", 0); return -1; } // Serialize our value if required kv->val_free = redis_pack(c->flags,z_val,&(kv->val),&(kv->val_len)); // Success return 0; } /* Helper to pull, prefix, and hash a key from a HashTable value */ static int get_key_ht(redisCluster *c, HashTable *ht, HashPosition *ptr, clusterKeyValHT *kv) { zval *z_key; if ((z_key = zend_hash_get_current_data_ex(ht, ptr)) == NULL) { // Shouldn't happen, but check anyway CLUSTER_THROW_EXCEPTION("Internal Zend HashTable error", 0); return -1; } // Always want to work with strings convert_to_string(z_key); kv->key = Z_STRVAL_P(z_key); kv->key_len = Z_STRLEN_P(z_key); kv->key_free = redis_key_prefix(c->flags, &(kv->key), &(kv->key_len)); // Hash our key kv->slot = cluster_hash_key(kv->key, kv->key_len); // Success return 0; } /* Turn variable arguments into a HashTable for processing */ static HashTable *method_args_to_ht(zval *z_args, int argc) { HashTable *ht_ret; int i; /* Allocate our hash table */ ALLOC_HASHTABLE(ht_ret); zend_hash_init(ht_ret, argc, NULL, NULL, 0); /* Populate our return hash table with our arguments */ for (i = 0; i < argc; i++) { zend_hash_next_index_insert(ht_ret, &z_args[i]); } /* Return our hash table */ return ht_ret; } /* Convenience handler for commands that take multiple keys such as * MGET, DEL, and UNLINK */ static int cluster_mkey_cmd(INTERNAL_FUNCTION_PARAMETERS, char *kw, int kw_len, zval *z_ret, cluster_cb cb) { redisCluster *c = GET_CONTEXT(); clusterMultiCmd mc = {0}; clusterKeyValHT kv; zval *z_args; HashTable *ht_arr; HashPosition ptr; int i = 1, argc = ZEND_NUM_ARGS(), ht_free = 0; short slot; /* If we don't have any arguments we're invalid */ if (!argc) return -1; /* Extract our arguments into an array */ z_args = ecalloc(argc, sizeof(zval)); if (zend_get_parameters_array(ht, argc, z_args) == FAILURE) { efree(z_args); return -1; } /* Determine if we're working with a single array or variadic args */ if (argc == 1 && Z_TYPE(z_args[0]) == IS_ARRAY) { ht_arr = Z_ARRVAL(z_args[0]); argc = zend_hash_num_elements(ht_arr); if (!argc) { efree(z_args); return -1; } } else { ht_arr = method_args_to_ht(z_args, argc); ht_free = 1; } /* MGET is readonly, DEL is not */ c->readonly = kw_len == 4 && CLUSTER_IS_ATOMIC(c); // Initialize our "multi" command handler with command/len CLUSTER_MULTI_INIT(mc, kw, kw_len); // Process the first key outside of our loop, so we don't have to check if // it's the first iteration every time, needlessly zend_hash_internal_pointer_reset_ex(ht_arr, &ptr); if (get_key_ht(c, ht_arr, &ptr, &kv) < 0) { efree(z_args); return -1; } // Process our key and add it to the command cluster_multi_add(&mc, kv.key, kv.key_len); // Free key if we prefixed if (kv.key_free) efree(kv.key); // Move to the next key zend_hash_move_forward_ex(ht_arr, &ptr); // Iterate over keys 2...N slot = kv.slot; while (zend_hash_has_more_elements_ex(ht_arr, &ptr) ==SUCCESS) { if (get_key_ht(c, ht_arr, &ptr, &kv) < 0) { cluster_multi_free(&mc); if (ht_free) { zend_hash_destroy(ht_arr); efree(ht_arr); } efree(z_args); return -1; } // If the slots have changed, kick off the keys we've aggregated if (slot != kv.slot) { // Process this batch of MGET keys if (distcmd_resp_handler(INTERNAL_FUNCTION_PARAM_PASSTHRU, c, slot, &mc, z_ret, i == argc, cb) < 0) { cluster_multi_free(&mc); if (ht_free) { zend_hash_destroy(ht_arr); efree(ht_arr); } efree(z_args); return -1; } } // Add this key to the command cluster_multi_add(&mc, kv.key, kv.key_len); // Free key if we prefixed if (kv.key_free) efree(kv.key); // Update the last slot we encountered, and the key we're on slot = kv.slot; i++; zend_hash_move_forward_ex(ht_arr, &ptr); } efree(z_args); // If we've got straggler(s) process them if (mc.argc > 0) { if (distcmd_resp_handler(INTERNAL_FUNCTION_PARAM_PASSTHRU, c, slot, &mc, z_ret, 1, cb) < 0) { cluster_multi_free(&mc); if (ht_free) { zend_hash_destroy(ht_arr); efree(ht_arr); } return -1; } } // Free our command cluster_multi_free(&mc); /* Clean up our hash table if we constructed it from variadic args */ if (ht_free) { zend_hash_destroy(ht_arr); efree(ht_arr); } /* Return our object if we're in MULTI mode */ if (!CLUSTER_IS_ATOMIC(c)) RETVAL_ZVAL(getThis(), 1, 0); // Success return 0; } /* Handler for both MSET and MSETNX */ static int cluster_mset_cmd(INTERNAL_FUNCTION_PARAMETERS, char *kw, int kw_len, zval *z_ret, cluster_cb cb) { redisCluster *c = GET_CONTEXT(); clusterKeyValHT kv; clusterMultiCmd mc = {0}; zval *z_arr; HashTable *ht_arr; HashPosition ptr; int i = 1, argc; short slot; // Parse our arguments if (zend_parse_parameters(ZEND_NUM_ARGS(), "a", &z_arr) == FAILURE) { return -1; } // No reason to send zero args ht_arr = Z_ARRVAL_P(z_arr); if ((argc = zend_hash_num_elements(ht_arr)) == 0) { return -1; } /* This is a write command */ c->readonly = 0; // Set up our multi command handler CLUSTER_MULTI_INIT(mc, kw, kw_len); // Process the first key/value pair outside of our loop zend_hash_internal_pointer_reset_ex(ht_arr, &ptr); if (get_key_val_ht(c, ht_arr, &ptr, &kv) ==-1) return -1; zend_hash_move_forward_ex(ht_arr, &ptr); // Add this to our multi cmd, set slot, free key if we prefixed cluster_multi_add(&mc, kv.key, kv.key_len); cluster_multi_add(&mc, kv.val, kv.val_len); if (kv.key_free) efree(kv.key); if (kv.val_free) efree(kv.val); // While we've got more keys to set slot = kv.slot; while (zend_hash_has_more_elements_ex(ht_arr, &ptr) ==SUCCESS) { // Pull the next key/value pair if (get_key_val_ht(c, ht_arr, &ptr, &kv) ==-1) { return -1; } // If the slots have changed, process responses if (slot != kv.slot) { if (distcmd_resp_handler(INTERNAL_FUNCTION_PARAM_PASSTHRU, c, slot, &mc, z_ret, i == argc, cb) < 0) { cluster_multi_free(&mc); return -1; } } // Add this key and value to our command cluster_multi_add(&mc, kv.key, kv.key_len); cluster_multi_add(&mc, kv.val, kv.val_len); // Free our key and value if we need to if (kv.key_free) efree(kv.key); if (kv.val_free) efree(kv.val); // Update our slot, increment position slot = kv.slot; i++; // Move on zend_hash_move_forward_ex(ht_arr, &ptr); } // If we've got stragglers, process them too if (mc.argc > 0) { if (distcmd_resp_handler(INTERNAL_FUNCTION_PARAM_PASSTHRU, c, slot, &mc, z_ret, 1, cb) < 0) { cluster_multi_free(&mc); return -1; } } // Free our command cluster_multi_free(&mc); /* Return our object if we're in MULTI mode */ if (!CLUSTER_IS_ATOMIC(c)) RETVAL_ZVAL(getThis(), 1, 0); // Success return 0; } /* Generic passthru for DEL and UNLINK which act identically */ static void cluster_generic_delete(INTERNAL_FUNCTION_PARAMETERS, char *kw, int kw_len) { zval *z_ret = emalloc(sizeof(*z_ret)); // Initialize a LONG value to zero for our return ZVAL_LONG(z_ret, 0); // Parse args, process if (cluster_mkey_cmd(INTERNAL_FUNCTION_PARAM_PASSTHRU, kw, kw_len, z_ret, cluster_del_resp) < 0) { efree(z_ret); RETURN_FALSE; } } /* {{{ proto array RedisCluster::del(string key1, string key2, ... keyN) */ PHP_METHOD(RedisCluster, del) { cluster_generic_delete(INTERNAL_FUNCTION_PARAM_PASSTHRU, "DEL", sizeof("DEL") - 1); } /* {{{ proto array RedisCluster::unlink(string key1, string key2, ... keyN) */ PHP_METHOD(RedisCluster, unlink) { cluster_generic_delete(INTERNAL_FUNCTION_PARAM_PASSTHRU, "UNLINK", sizeof("UNLINK") - 1); } /* {{{ proto array RedisCluster::mget(array keys) */ PHP_METHOD(RedisCluster, mget) { zval *z_ret = emalloc(sizeof(*z_ret)); array_init(z_ret); // Parse args, process if (cluster_mkey_cmd(INTERNAL_FUNCTION_PARAM_PASSTHRU, "MGET", sizeof("MGET")-1, z_ret, cluster_mbulk_mget_resp) < 0) { zval_dtor(z_ret); efree(z_ret); RETURN_FALSE; } } /* {{{ proto bool RedisCluster::mset(array keyvalues) */ PHP_METHOD(RedisCluster, mset) { zval *z_ret = emalloc(sizeof(*z_ret)); ZVAL_TRUE(z_ret); // Parse args and process. If we get a failure, free zval and return FALSE. if (cluster_mset_cmd(INTERNAL_FUNCTION_PARAM_PASSTHRU, "MSET", sizeof("MSET")-1, z_ret, cluster_mset_resp) ==-1) { efree(z_ret); RETURN_FALSE; } } /* {{{ proto array RedisCluster::msetnx(array keyvalues) */ PHP_METHOD(RedisCluster, msetnx) { zval *z_ret = emalloc(sizeof(*z_ret)); array_init(z_ret); // Parse args and process. If we get a failure, free mem and return FALSE if (cluster_mset_cmd(INTERNAL_FUNCTION_PARAM_PASSTHRU, "MSETNX", sizeof("MSETNX")-1, z_ret, cluster_msetnx_resp) ==-1) { zval_dtor(z_ret); efree(z_ret); RETURN_FALSE; } } /* }}} */ /* {{{ proto bool RedisCluster::setex(string key, string value, int expiry) */ PHP_METHOD(RedisCluster, setex) { CLUSTER_PROCESS_KW_CMD("SETEX", redis_key_long_val_cmd, cluster_bool_resp, 0); } /* }}} */ /* {{{ proto bool RedisCluster::psetex(string key, string value, int expiry) */ PHP_METHOD(RedisCluster, psetex) { CLUSTER_PROCESS_KW_CMD("PSETEX", redis_key_long_val_cmd, cluster_bool_resp, 0); } /* }}} */ /* {{{ proto bool RedisCluster::setnx(string key, string value) */ PHP_METHOD(RedisCluster, setnx) { CLUSTER_PROCESS_KW_CMD("SETNX", redis_kv_cmd, cluster_1_resp, 0); } /* }}} */ /* {{{ proto string RedisCluster::getSet(string key, string value) */ PHP_METHOD(RedisCluster, getset) { CLUSTER_PROCESS_KW_CMD("GETSET", redis_kv_cmd, cluster_bulk_resp, 0); } /* }}} */ /* {{{ proto int RedisCluster::exists(string key) */ PHP_METHOD(RedisCluster, exists) { CLUSTER_PROCESS_CMD(exists, cluster_long_resp, 1); } /* }}} */ /* {{{ proto array Redis::keys(string pattern) */ PHP_METHOD(RedisCluster, keys) { redisCluster *c = GET_CONTEXT(); redisClusterNode *node; size_t pat_len; char *pat, *cmd; clusterReply *resp; int i, cmd_len; if (zend_parse_parameters(ZEND_NUM_ARGS(), "s", &pat, &pat_len) == FAILURE) { RETURN_FALSE; } /* Prefix and then build our command */ cmd_len = redis_spprintf(c->flags, NULL, &cmd, "KEYS", "k", pat, pat_len); array_init(return_value); /* Treat as readonly */ c->readonly = CLUSTER_IS_ATOMIC(c); /* Iterate over our known nodes */ ZEND_HASH_FOREACH_PTR(c->nodes, node) { if (node == NULL) continue; if (cluster_send_slot(c, node->slot, cmd, cmd_len, TYPE_MULTIBULK ) < 0) { php_error_docref(0, E_ERROR, "Can't send KEYS to %s:%d", ZSTR_VAL(node->sock->host), node->sock->port); zval_dtor(return_value); efree(cmd); RETURN_FALSE; } /* Ensure we can get a response */ resp = cluster_read_resp(c, 0); if (!resp) { php_error_docref(0, E_WARNING, "Can't read response from %s:%d", ZSTR_VAL(node->sock->host), node->sock->port); continue; } /* Iterate keys, adding to our big array */ for(i = 0; i < resp->elements; i++) { /* Skip non bulk responses, they should all be bulk */ if (resp->element[i]->type != TYPE_BULK) { continue; } add_next_index_stringl(return_value, resp->element[i]->str, resp->element[i]->len); } /* Free response, don't free data */ cluster_free_reply(resp, 1); } ZEND_HASH_FOREACH_END(); efree(cmd); } /* }}} */ /* {{{ proto int RedisCluster::type(string key) */ PHP_METHOD(RedisCluster, type) { CLUSTER_PROCESS_KW_CMD("TYPE", redis_key_cmd, cluster_type_resp, 1); } /* }}} */ /* {{{ proto string RedisCluster::pop(string key) */ PHP_METHOD(RedisCluster, lpop) { CLUSTER_PROCESS_KW_CMD("LPOP", redis_key_cmd, cluster_bulk_resp, 0); } /* }}} */ /* {{{ proto string RedisCluster::rpop(string key) */ PHP_METHOD(RedisCluster, rpop) { CLUSTER_PROCESS_KW_CMD("RPOP", redis_key_cmd, cluster_bulk_resp, 0); } /* }}} */ /* {{{ proto bool RedisCluster::lset(string key, long index, string val) */ PHP_METHOD(RedisCluster, lset) { CLUSTER_PROCESS_KW_CMD("LSET", redis_key_long_val_cmd, cluster_bool_resp, 0); } /* }}} */ /* {{{ proto string RedisCluster::spop(string key) */ PHP_METHOD(RedisCluster, spop) { if (ZEND_NUM_ARGS() == 1) { CLUSTER_PROCESS_KW_CMD("SPOP", redis_key_cmd, cluster_bulk_resp, 0); } else if (ZEND_NUM_ARGS() == 2) { CLUSTER_PROCESS_KW_CMD("SPOP", redis_key_long_cmd, cluster_mbulk_resp, 0); } else { ZEND_WRONG_PARAM_COUNT(); } } /* }}} */ /* {{{ proto string|array RedisCluster::srandmember(string key, [long count]) */ PHP_METHOD(RedisCluster, srandmember) { redisCluster *c = GET_CONTEXT(); cluster_cb cb; char *cmd; int cmd_len; short slot; short have_count; /* Treat as readonly */ c->readonly = CLUSTER_IS_ATOMIC(c); if (redis_srandmember_cmd(INTERNAL_FUNCTION_PARAM_PASSTHRU, c->flags, &cmd, &cmd_len, &slot, NULL, &have_count) == FAILURE) { RETURN_FALSE; } if (cluster_send_command(c,slot,cmd,cmd_len) < 0 || c->err != NULL) { efree(cmd); RETURN_FALSE; } // Clean up command efree(cmd); cb = have_count ? cluster_mbulk_resp : cluster_bulk_resp; if (CLUSTER_IS_ATOMIC(c)) { cb(INTERNAL_FUNCTION_PARAM_PASSTHRU, c, NULL); } else { void *ctx = NULL; CLUSTER_ENQUEUE_RESPONSE(c, slot, cb, ctx); RETURN_ZVAL(getThis(), 1, 0); } } /* {{{ proto string RedisCluster::strlen(string key) */ PHP_METHOD(RedisCluster, strlen) { CLUSTER_PROCESS_KW_CMD("STRLEN", redis_key_cmd, cluster_long_resp, 1); } /* {{{ proto long RedisCluster::lpush(string key, string val1, ... valN) */ PHP_METHOD(RedisCluster, lpush) { CLUSTER_PROCESS_KW_CMD("LPUSH", redis_key_varval_cmd, cluster_long_resp, 0); } /* }}} */ /* {{{ proto long RedisCluster::rpush(string key, string val1, ... valN) */ PHP_METHOD(RedisCluster, rpush) { CLUSTER_PROCESS_KW_CMD("RPUSH", redis_key_varval_cmd, cluster_long_resp, 0); } /* }}} */ /* {{{ proto array RedisCluster::blpop(string key1, ... keyN, long timeout) */ PHP_METHOD(RedisCluster, blpop) { CLUSTER_PROCESS_KW_CMD("BLPOP", redis_blocking_pop_cmd, cluster_mbulk_resp, 0); } /* }}} */ /* {{{ proto array RedisCluster::brpop(string key1, ... keyN, long timeout */ PHP_METHOD(RedisCluster, brpop) { CLUSTER_PROCESS_KW_CMD("BRPOP", redis_blocking_pop_cmd, cluster_mbulk_resp, 0); } /* }}} */ /* {{{ proto long RedisCluster::rpushx(string key, mixed value) */ PHP_METHOD(RedisCluster, rpushx) { CLUSTER_PROCESS_KW_CMD("RPUSHX", redis_kv_cmd, cluster_long_resp, 0); } /* }}} */ /* {{{ proto long RedisCluster::lpushx(string key, mixed value) */ PHP_METHOD(RedisCluster, lpushx) { CLUSTER_PROCESS_KW_CMD("LPUSHX", redis_kv_cmd, cluster_long_resp, 0); } /* }}} */ /* {{{ proto long RedisCluster::linsert(string k,string pos,mix pvt,mix val) */ PHP_METHOD(RedisCluster, linsert) { CLUSTER_PROCESS_CMD(linsert, cluster_long_resp, 0); } /* }}} */ /* {{{ proto string RedisCluster::lindex(string key, long index) */ PHP_METHOD(RedisCluster, lindex) { CLUSTER_PROCESS_KW_CMD("LINDEX", redis_key_long_cmd, cluster_bulk_resp, 0); } /* }}} */ /* {{{ proto long RedisCluster::lrem(string key, long count, string val) */ PHP_METHOD(RedisCluster, lrem) { CLUSTER_PROCESS_CMD(lrem, cluster_long_resp, 0); } /* }}} */ /* {{{ proto string RedisCluster::rpoplpush(string key, string key) */ PHP_METHOD(RedisCluster, rpoplpush) { CLUSTER_PROCESS_KW_CMD("RPOPLPUSH", redis_key_key_cmd, cluster_bulk_resp, 0); } /* }}} */ /* {{{ proto string RedisCluster::brpoplpush(string key, string key, long tm) */ PHP_METHOD(RedisCluster, brpoplpush) { CLUSTER_PROCESS_CMD(brpoplpush, cluster_bulk_resp, 0); } /* }}} */ /* {{{ proto long RedisCluster::llen(string key) */ PHP_METHOD(RedisCluster, llen) { CLUSTER_PROCESS_KW_CMD("LLEN", redis_key_cmd, cluster_long_resp, 1); } /* }}} */ /* {{{ proto long RedisCluster::scard(string key) */ PHP_METHOD(RedisCluster, scard) { CLUSTER_PROCESS_KW_CMD("SCARD", redis_key_cmd, cluster_long_resp, 1); } /* }}} */ /* {{{ proto array RedisCluster::smembers(string key) */ PHP_METHOD(RedisCluster, smembers) { CLUSTER_PROCESS_KW_CMD("SMEMBERS", redis_key_cmd, cluster_mbulk_resp, 1); } /* }}} */ /* {{{ proto long RedisCluster::sismember(string key) */ PHP_METHOD(RedisCluster, sismember) { CLUSTER_PROCESS_KW_CMD("SISMEMBER", redis_kv_cmd, cluster_1_resp, 1); } /* }}} */ /* {{{ proto long RedisCluster::sadd(string key, string val1 [, ...]) */ PHP_METHOD(RedisCluster, sadd) { CLUSTER_PROCESS_KW_CMD("SADD", redis_key_varval_cmd, cluster_long_resp, 0); } /* }}} */ /* {{{ proto long RedisCluster::saddarray(string key, array values) */ PHP_METHOD(RedisCluster, saddarray) { CLUSTER_PROCESS_KW_CMD("SADD", redis_key_val_arr_cmd, cluster_long_resp, 0); } /* }}} */ /* {{{ proto long RedisCluster::srem(string key, string val1 [, ...]) */ PHP_METHOD(RedisCluster, srem) { CLUSTER_PROCESS_KW_CMD("SREM", redis_key_varval_cmd, cluster_long_resp, 0); } /* }}} */ /* {{{ proto array RedisCluster::sunion(string key1, ... keyN) */ PHP_METHOD(RedisCluster, sunion) { CLUSTER_PROCESS_CMD(sunion, cluster_mbulk_resp, 0); } /* }}} */ /* {{{ proto long RedisCluster::sunionstore(string dst, string k1, ... kN) */ PHP_METHOD(RedisCluster, sunionstore) { CLUSTER_PROCESS_CMD(sunionstore, cluster_long_resp, 0); } /* }}} */ /* {{{ ptoto array RedisCluster::sinter(string k1, ... kN) */ PHP_METHOD(RedisCluster, sinter) { CLUSTER_PROCESS_CMD(sinter, cluster_mbulk_resp, 0); } /* }}} */ /* {{{ ptoto long RedisCluster::sinterstore(string dst, string k1, ... kN) */ PHP_METHOD(RedisCluster, sinterstore) { CLUSTER_PROCESS_CMD(sinterstore, cluster_long_resp, 0); } /* }}} */ /* {{{ proto array RedisCluster::sdiff(string k1, ... kN) */ PHP_METHOD(RedisCluster, sdiff) { CLUSTER_PROCESS_CMD(sdiff, cluster_mbulk_resp, 1); } /* }}} */ /* {{{ proto long RedisCluster::sdiffstore(string dst, string k1, ... kN) */ PHP_METHOD(RedisCluster, sdiffstore) { CLUSTER_PROCESS_CMD(sdiffstore, cluster_long_resp, 0); } /* }}} */ /* {{{ proto bool RedisCluster::smove(sting src, string dst, string mem) */ PHP_METHOD(RedisCluster, smove) { CLUSTER_PROCESS_CMD(smove, cluster_1_resp, 0); } /* }}} */ /* {{{ proto bool RedisCluster::persist(string key) */ PHP_METHOD(RedisCluster, persist) { CLUSTER_PROCESS_KW_CMD("PERSIST", redis_key_cmd, cluster_1_resp, 0); } /* }}} */ /* {{{ proto long RedisCluster::ttl(string key) */ PHP_METHOD(RedisCluster, ttl) { CLUSTER_PROCESS_KW_CMD("TTL", redis_key_cmd, cluster_long_resp, 1); } /* }}} */ /* {{{ proto long RedisCluster::pttl(string key) */ PHP_METHOD(RedisCluster, pttl) { CLUSTER_PROCESS_KW_CMD("PTTL", redis_key_cmd, cluster_long_resp, 1); } /* }}} */ /* {{{ proto long RedisCluster::zcard(string key) */ PHP_METHOD(RedisCluster, zcard) { CLUSTER_PROCESS_KW_CMD("ZCARD", redis_key_cmd, cluster_long_resp, 1); } /* }}} */ /* {{{ proto double RedisCluster::zscore(string key) */ PHP_METHOD(RedisCluster, zscore) { CLUSTER_PROCESS_KW_CMD("ZSCORE", redis_kv_cmd, cluster_dbl_resp, 1); } /* }}} */ /* {{{ proto long RedisCluster::zadd(string key,double score,string mem, ...) */ PHP_METHOD(RedisCluster, zadd) { CLUSTER_PROCESS_CMD(zadd, cluster_long_resp, 0); } /* }}} */ /* {{{ proto double RedisCluster::zincrby(string key, double by, string mem) */ PHP_METHOD(RedisCluster, zincrby) { CLUSTER_PROCESS_CMD(zincrby, cluster_dbl_resp, 0); } /* }}} */ /* {{{ proto RedisCluster::zremrangebyscore(string k, string s, string e) */ PHP_METHOD(RedisCluster, zremrangebyscore) { CLUSTER_PROCESS_KW_CMD("ZREMRANGEBYSCORE", redis_key_str_str_cmd, cluster_long_resp, 0); } /* }}} */ /* {{{ proto RedisCluster::zcount(string key, string s, string e) */ PHP_METHOD(RedisCluster, zcount) { CLUSTER_PROCESS_KW_CMD("ZCOUNT", redis_key_str_str_cmd, cluster_long_resp, 1); } /* }}} */ /* {{{ proto long RedisCluster::zrank(string key, mixed member) */ PHP_METHOD(RedisCluster, zrank) { CLUSTER_PROCESS_KW_CMD("ZRANK", redis_kv_cmd, cluster_long_resp, 1); } /* }}} */ /* {{{ proto long RedisCluster::zrevrank(string key, mixed member) */ PHP_METHOD(RedisCluster, zrevrank) { CLUSTER_PROCESS_KW_CMD("ZREVRANK", redis_kv_cmd, cluster_long_resp, 1); } /* }}} */ /* {{{ proto long RedisCluster::hlen(string key) */ PHP_METHOD(RedisCluster, hlen) { CLUSTER_PROCESS_KW_CMD("HLEN", redis_key_cmd, cluster_long_resp, 1); } /* }}} */ /* {{{ proto array RedisCluster::hkeys(string key) */ PHP_METHOD(RedisCluster, hkeys) { CLUSTER_PROCESS_KW_CMD("HKEYS", redis_key_cmd, cluster_mbulk_raw_resp, 1); } /* }}} */ /* {{{ proto array RedisCluster::hvals(string key) */ PHP_METHOD(RedisCluster, hvals) { CLUSTER_PROCESS_KW_CMD("HVALS", redis_key_cmd, cluster_mbulk_resp, 1); } /* }}} */ /* {{{ proto string RedisCluster::hget(string key, string mem) */ PHP_METHOD(RedisCluster, hget) { CLUSTER_PROCESS_KW_CMD("HGET", redis_key_str_cmd, cluster_bulk_resp, 1); } /* }}} */ /* {{{ proto bool RedisCluster::hset(string key, string mem, string val) */ PHP_METHOD(RedisCluster, hset) { CLUSTER_PROCESS_CMD(hset, cluster_long_resp, 0); } /* }}} */ /* {{{ proto bool RedisCluster::hsetnx(string key, string mem, string val) */ PHP_METHOD(RedisCluster, hsetnx) { CLUSTER_PROCESS_CMD(hsetnx, cluster_1_resp, 0); } /* }}} */ /* {{{ proto array RedisCluster::hgetall(string key) */ PHP_METHOD(RedisCluster, hgetall) { CLUSTER_PROCESS_KW_CMD("HGETALL", redis_key_cmd, cluster_mbulk_zipstr_resp, 1); } /* }}} */ /* {{{ proto bool RedisCluster::hexists(string key, string member) */ PHP_METHOD(RedisCluster, hexists) { CLUSTER_PROCESS_KW_CMD("HEXISTS", redis_key_str_cmd, cluster_1_resp, 1); } /* }}} */ /* {{{ proto long RedisCluster::hincr(string key, string mem, long val) */ PHP_METHOD(RedisCluster, hincrby) { CLUSTER_PROCESS_CMD(hincrby, cluster_long_resp, 0); } /* }}} */ /* {{{ proto double RedisCluster::hincrbyfloat(string k, string m, double v) */ PHP_METHOD(RedisCluster, hincrbyfloat) { CLUSTER_PROCESS_CMD(hincrbyfloat, cluster_dbl_resp, 0); } /* }}} */ /* {{{ proto bool RedisCluster::hmset(string key, array key_vals) */ PHP_METHOD(RedisCluster, hmset) { CLUSTER_PROCESS_CMD(hmset, cluster_bool_resp, 0); } /* }}} */ /* {{{ proto long RedisCluster::hdel(string key, string mem1, ... memN) */ PHP_METHOD(RedisCluster, hdel) { CLUSTER_PROCESS_CMD(hdel, cluster_long_resp, 0); } /* }}} */ /* {{{ proto array RedisCluster::hmget(string key, array members) */ PHP_METHOD(RedisCluster, hmget) { CLUSTER_PROCESS_CMD(hmget, cluster_mbulk_assoc_resp, 1); } /* }}} */ /* {{{ proto array RedisCluster::hstrlen(string key, string field) */ PHP_METHOD(RedisCluster, hstrlen) { CLUSTER_PROCESS_CMD(hstrlen, cluster_long_resp, 1); } /* }}} */ /* {{{ proto string RedisCluster::dump(string key) */ PHP_METHOD(RedisCluster, dump) { CLUSTER_PROCESS_KW_CMD("DUMP", redis_key_cmd, cluster_bulk_raw_resp, 1); } /* {{{ proto long RedisCluster::incr(string key) */ PHP_METHOD(RedisCluster, incr) { CLUSTER_PROCESS_CMD(incr, cluster_long_resp, 0); } /* }}} */ /* {{{ proto long RedisCluster::incrby(string key, long byval) */ PHP_METHOD(RedisCluster, incrby) { CLUSTER_PROCESS_KW_CMD("INCRBY", redis_key_long_cmd, cluster_long_resp, 0); } /* }}} */ /* {{{ proto long RedisCluster::decr(string key) */ PHP_METHOD(RedisCluster, decr) { CLUSTER_PROCESS_CMD(decr, cluster_long_resp, 0); } /* }}} */ /* {{{ proto long RedisCluster::decrby(string key, long byval) */ PHP_METHOD(RedisCluster, decrby) { CLUSTER_PROCESS_KW_CMD("DECRBY", redis_key_long_cmd, cluster_long_resp, 0); } /* }}} */ /* {{{ proto double RedisCluster::incrbyfloat(string key, double val) */ PHP_METHOD(RedisCluster, incrbyfloat) { CLUSTER_PROCESS_KW_CMD("INCRBYFLOAT", redis_key_dbl_cmd, cluster_dbl_resp, 0); } /* }}} */ /* {{{ proto double RedisCluster::decrbyfloat(string key, double val) */ PHP_METHOD(RedisCluster, decrbyfloat) { CLUSTER_PROCESS_KW_CMD("DECRBYFLOAT", redis_key_dbl_cmd, cluster_dbl_resp, 0); } /* }}} */ /* {{{ proto bool RedisCluster::expire(string key, long sec) */ PHP_METHOD(RedisCluster, expire) { CLUSTER_PROCESS_KW_CMD("EXPIRE", redis_key_long_cmd, cluster_1_resp, 0); } /* }}} */ /* {{{ proto bool RedisCluster::expireat(string key, long ts) */ PHP_METHOD(RedisCluster, expireat) { CLUSTER_PROCESS_KW_CMD("EXPIREAT", redis_key_long_cmd, cluster_1_resp, 0); } /* {{{ proto bool RedisCluster::pexpire(string key, long ms) */ PHP_METHOD(RedisCluster, pexpire) { CLUSTER_PROCESS_KW_CMD("PEXPIRE", redis_key_long_cmd, cluster_1_resp, 0); } /* }}} */ /* {{{ proto bool RedisCluster::pexpireat(string key, long ts) */ PHP_METHOD(RedisCluster, pexpireat) { CLUSTER_PROCESS_KW_CMD("PEXPIREAT", redis_key_long_cmd, cluster_1_resp, 0); } /* }}} */ /* {{{ proto long RedisCluster::append(string key, string val) */ PHP_METHOD(RedisCluster, append) { CLUSTER_PROCESS_KW_CMD("APPEND", redis_kv_cmd, cluster_long_resp, 0); } /* }}} */ /* {{{ proto long RedisCluster::getbit(string key, long val) */ PHP_METHOD(RedisCluster, getbit) { CLUSTER_PROCESS_KW_CMD("GETBIT", redis_key_long_cmd, cluster_long_resp, 1); } /* }}} */ /* {{{ proto long RedisCluster::setbit(string key, long offset, bool onoff) */ PHP_METHOD(RedisCluster, setbit) { CLUSTER_PROCESS_CMD(setbit, cluster_long_resp, 0); } /* {{{ proto long RedisCluster::bitop(string op,string key,[string key2,...]) */ PHP_METHOD(RedisCluster, bitop) { CLUSTER_PROCESS_CMD(bitop, cluster_long_resp, 0); } /* }}} */ /* {{{ proto long RedisCluster::bitcount(string key, [int start, int end]) */ PHP_METHOD(RedisCluster, bitcount) { CLUSTER_PROCESS_CMD(bitcount, cluster_long_resp, 1); } /* }}} */ /* {{{ proto long RedisCluster::bitpos(string key, int bit, [int s, int end]) */ PHP_METHOD(RedisCluster, bitpos) { CLUSTER_PROCESS_CMD(bitpos, cluster_long_resp, 1); } /* }}} */ /* {{{ proto string Redis::lget(string key, long index) */ PHP_METHOD(RedisCluster, lget) { CLUSTER_PROCESS_KW_CMD("LINDEX", redis_key_long_cmd, cluster_bulk_resp, 1); } /* }}} */ /* {{{ proto string RedisCluster::getrange(string key, long start, long end) */ PHP_METHOD(RedisCluster, getrange) { CLUSTER_PROCESS_KW_CMD("GETRANGE", redis_key_long_long_cmd, cluster_bulk_resp, 1); } /* }}} */ /* {{{ proto string RedisCluster::ltrim(string key, long start, long end) */ PHP_METHOD(RedisCluster, ltrim) { CLUSTER_PROCESS_KW_CMD("LTRIM", redis_key_long_long_cmd, cluster_bool_resp, 0); } /* }}} */ /* {{{ proto array RedisCluster::lrange(string key, long start, long end) */ PHP_METHOD(RedisCluster, lrange) { CLUSTER_PROCESS_KW_CMD("LRANGE", redis_key_long_long_cmd, cluster_mbulk_resp, 1); } /* }}} */ /* {{{ proto long RedisCluster::zremrangebyrank(string k, long s, long e) */ PHP_METHOD(RedisCluster, zremrangebyrank) { CLUSTER_PROCESS_KW_CMD("ZREMRANGEBYRANK", redis_key_long_long_cmd, cluster_long_resp, 0); } /* }}} */ /* {{{ proto long RedisCluster::publish(string key, string msg) */ PHP_METHOD(RedisCluster, publish) { CLUSTER_PROCESS_KW_CMD("PUBLISH", redis_key_str_cmd, cluster_long_resp, 0); } /* }}} */ /* {{{ proto bool RedisCluster::rename(string key1, string key2) */ PHP_METHOD(RedisCluster, rename) { CLUSTER_PROCESS_KW_CMD("RENAME", redis_key_key_cmd, cluster_bool_resp, 0); } /* }}} */ /* {{{ proto bool RedisCluster::renamenx(string key1, string key2) */ PHP_METHOD(RedisCluster, renamenx) { CLUSTER_PROCESS_KW_CMD("RENAMENX", redis_key_key_cmd, cluster_1_resp, 0); } /* }}} */ /* {{{ proto long RedisCluster::pfcount(string key) */ PHP_METHOD(RedisCluster, pfcount) { CLUSTER_PROCESS_CMD(pfcount, cluster_long_resp, 1); } /* }}} */ /* {{{ proto bool RedisCluster::pfadd(string key, array vals) */ PHP_METHOD(RedisCluster, pfadd) { CLUSTER_PROCESS_CMD(pfadd, cluster_1_resp, 0); } /* }}} */ /* {{{ proto bool RedisCluster::pfmerge(string key, array keys) */ PHP_METHOD(RedisCluster, pfmerge) { CLUSTER_PROCESS_CMD(pfmerge, cluster_bool_resp, 0); } /* }}} */ /* {{{ proto boolean RedisCluster::restore(string key, long ttl, string val) */ PHP_METHOD(RedisCluster, restore) { CLUSTER_PROCESS_KW_CMD("RESTORE", redis_key_long_str_cmd, cluster_bool_resp, 0); } /* }}} */ /* {{{ proto long RedisCluster::setrange(string key, long offset, string val) */ PHP_METHOD(RedisCluster, setrange) { CLUSTER_PROCESS_KW_CMD("SETRANGE", redis_key_long_str_cmd, cluster_long_resp, 0); } /* }}} */ /* Generic implementation for ZRANGE, ZREVRANGE, ZRANGEBYSCORE, ZREVRANGEBYSCORE */ static void generic_zrange_cmd(INTERNAL_FUNCTION_PARAMETERS, char *kw, zrange_cb fun) { redisCluster *c = GET_CONTEXT(); c->readonly = CLUSTER_IS_ATOMIC(c); cluster_cb cb; char *cmd; int cmd_len; short slot; int withscores = 0; if (fun(INTERNAL_FUNCTION_PARAM_PASSTHRU, c->flags, kw, &cmd, &cmd_len, &withscores, &slot, NULL) == FAILURE) { efree(cmd); RETURN_FALSE; } if (cluster_send_command(c,slot,cmd,cmd_len) < 0 || c->err != NULL) { efree(cmd); RETURN_FALSE; } efree(cmd); cb = withscores ? cluster_mbulk_zipdbl_resp : cluster_mbulk_resp; if (CLUSTER_IS_ATOMIC(c)) { cb(INTERNAL_FUNCTION_PARAM_PASSTHRU, c, NULL); } else { void *ctx = NULL; CLUSTER_ENQUEUE_RESPONSE(c, slot, cb, ctx); RETURN_ZVAL(getThis(), 1, 0); } } /* {{{ proto * array RedisCluster::zrange(string k, long s, long e, bool score = 0) */ PHP_METHOD(RedisCluster, zrange) { generic_zrange_cmd(INTERNAL_FUNCTION_PARAM_PASSTHRU, "ZRANGE", redis_zrange_cmd); } /* }}} */ /* {{{ proto * array RedisCluster::zrevrange(string k,long s,long e,bool scores = 0) */ PHP_METHOD(RedisCluster, zrevrange) { generic_zrange_cmd(INTERNAL_FUNCTION_PARAM_PASSTHRU, "ZREVRANGE", redis_zrange_cmd); } /* }}} */ /* {{{ proto array * RedisCluster::zrangebyscore(string k, long s, long e, array opts) */ PHP_METHOD(RedisCluster, zrangebyscore) { generic_zrange_cmd(INTERNAL_FUNCTION_PARAM_PASSTHRU, "ZRANGEBYSCORE", redis_zrangebyscore_cmd); } /* }}} */ /* {{{ proto RedisCluster::zunionstore(string dst, array keys, [array weights, * string agg]) */ PHP_METHOD(RedisCluster, zunionstore) { CLUSTER_PROCESS_KW_CMD("ZUNIONSTORE", redis_zinter_cmd, cluster_long_resp, 0); } /* }}} */ /* {{{ proto RedisCluster::zinterstore(string dst, array keys, [array weights, * string agg]) */ PHP_METHOD(RedisCluster, zinterstore) { CLUSTER_PROCESS_KW_CMD("ZINTERSTORE", redis_zinter_cmd, cluster_long_resp, 0); } /* }}} */ /* {{{ proto RedisCluster::zrem(string key, string val1, ... valN) */ PHP_METHOD(RedisCluster, zrem) { CLUSTER_PROCESS_KW_CMD("ZREM", redis_key_varval_cmd, cluster_long_resp, 0); } /* }}} */ /* {{{ proto array * RedisCluster::zrevrangebyscore(string k, long s, long e, array opts) */ PHP_METHOD(RedisCluster, zrevrangebyscore) { generic_zrange_cmd(INTERNAL_FUNCTION_PARAM_PASSTHRU, "ZREVRANGEBYSCORE", redis_zrangebyscore_cmd); } /* }}} */ /* {{{ proto array RedisCluster::zrangebylex(string key, string min, string max, * [offset, count]) */ PHP_METHOD(RedisCluster, zrangebylex) { CLUSTER_PROCESS_KW_CMD("ZRANGEBYLEX", redis_zrangebylex_cmd, cluster_mbulk_resp, 1); } /* }}} */ /* {{{ proto array RedisCluster::zrevrangebylex(string key, string min, * string min, [long off, long limit) */ PHP_METHOD(RedisCluster, zrevrangebylex) { CLUSTER_PROCESS_KW_CMD("ZREVRANGEBYLEX", redis_zrangebylex_cmd, cluster_mbulk_resp, 1); } /* }}} */ /* {{{ proto long RedisCluster::zlexcount(string key, string min, string max) */ PHP_METHOD(RedisCluster, zlexcount) { CLUSTER_PROCESS_KW_CMD("ZLEXCOUNT", redis_gen_zlex_cmd, cluster_long_resp, 1); } /* }}} */ /* {{{ proto long RedisCluster::zremrangebylex(string key, string min, string max) */ PHP_METHOD(RedisCluster, zremrangebylex) { CLUSTER_PROCESS_KW_CMD("ZREMRANGEBYLEX", redis_gen_zlex_cmd, cluster_long_resp, 0); } /* }}} */ /* {{{ proto array RedisCluster::zpopmax(string key) */ PHP_METHOD(RedisCluster, zpopmax) { if (ZEND_NUM_ARGS() == 1) { CLUSTER_PROCESS_KW_CMD("ZPOPMAX", redis_key_cmd, cluster_mbulk_zipdbl_resp, 0); } else if (ZEND_NUM_ARGS() == 2) { CLUSTER_PROCESS_KW_CMD("ZPOPMAX", redis_key_long_cmd, cluster_mbulk_zipdbl_resp, 0); } else { ZEND_WRONG_PARAM_COUNT(); } } /* }}} */ /* {{{ proto array RedisCluster::zpopmin(string key) */ PHP_METHOD(RedisCluster, zpopmin) { if (ZEND_NUM_ARGS() == 1) { CLUSTER_PROCESS_KW_CMD("ZPOPMIN", redis_key_cmd, cluster_mbulk_zipdbl_resp, 0); } else if (ZEND_NUM_ARGS() == 2) { CLUSTER_PROCESS_KW_CMD("ZPOPMIN", redis_key_long_cmd, cluster_mbulk_zipdbl_resp, 0); } else { ZEND_WRONG_PARAM_COUNT(); } } /* }}} */ /* {{{ proto array RedisCluster::bzPopMin(Array keys [, timeout]) }}} */ PHP_METHOD(RedisCluster, bzpopmax) { CLUSTER_PROCESS_KW_CMD("BZPOPMAX", redis_blocking_pop_cmd, cluster_mbulk_resp, 0); } /* {{{ proto array RedisCluster::bzPopMax(Array keys [, timeout]) }}} */ PHP_METHOD(RedisCluster, bzpopmin) { CLUSTER_PROCESS_KW_CMD("BZPOPMIN", redis_blocking_pop_cmd, cluster_mbulk_resp, 0); } /* {{{ proto RedisCluster::sort(string key, array options) */ PHP_METHOD(RedisCluster, sort) { redisCluster *c = GET_CONTEXT(); char *cmd; int cmd_len, have_store; short slot; if (redis_sort_cmd(INTERNAL_FUNCTION_PARAM_PASSTHRU, c->flags, &have_store, &cmd, &cmd_len, &slot, NULL) == FAILURE) { RETURN_FALSE; } if (cluster_send_command(c,slot,cmd,cmd_len) < 0 || c->err != NULL) { efree(cmd); RETURN_FALSE; } efree(cmd); // Response type differs based on presence of STORE argument if (!have_store) { cluster_mbulk_resp(INTERNAL_FUNCTION_PARAM_PASSTHRU, c, NULL); } else { cluster_long_resp(INTERNAL_FUNCTION_PARAM_PASSTHRU, c, NULL); } } /* {{{ proto RedisCluster::object(string subcmd, string key) */ PHP_METHOD(RedisCluster, object) { redisCluster *c = GET_CONTEXT(); char *cmd; int cmd_len; short slot; REDIS_REPLY_TYPE rtype; if (redis_object_cmd(INTERNAL_FUNCTION_PARAM_PASSTHRU, c->flags, &rtype, &cmd, &cmd_len, &slot, NULL) == FAILURE) { RETURN_FALSE; } if (cluster_send_command(c,slot,cmd,cmd_len) < 0 || c->err != NULL) { efree(cmd); RETURN_FALSE; } efree(cmd); // Use the correct response type if (rtype == TYPE_INT) { cluster_long_resp(INTERNAL_FUNCTION_PARAM_PASSTHRU, c, NULL); } else { cluster_bulk_resp(INTERNAL_FUNCTION_PARAM_PASSTHRU, c, NULL); } } /* {{{ proto null RedisCluster::subscribe(array chans, callable cb) */ PHP_METHOD(RedisCluster, subscribe) { CLUSTER_PROCESS_KW_CMD("SUBSCRIBE", redis_subscribe_cmd, cluster_sub_resp, 0); } /* }}} */ /* {{{ proto null RedisCluster::psubscribe(array pats, callable cb) */ PHP_METHOD(RedisCluster, psubscribe) { CLUSTER_PROCESS_KW_CMD("PSUBSCRIBE", redis_subscribe_cmd, cluster_sub_resp, 0); } /* }}} */ static void generic_unsub_cmd(INTERNAL_FUNCTION_PARAMETERS, redisCluster *c, char *kw) { char *cmd; int cmd_len; void *ctx; short slot; // There is not reason to unsubscribe outside of a subscribe loop if (c->subscribed_slot == -1) { php_error_docref(0, E_WARNING, "You can't unsubscribe outside of a subscribe loop"); RETURN_FALSE; } // Call directly because we're going to set the slot manually if (redis_unsubscribe_cmd(INTERNAL_FUNCTION_PARAM_PASSTHRU, c->flags, kw, &cmd, &cmd_len, &slot, &ctx) == FAILURE) { RETURN_FALSE; } // This has to operate on our subscribe slot if (cluster_send_slot(c, c->subscribed_slot, cmd, cmd_len, TYPE_MULTIBULK ) == FAILURE) { CLUSTER_THROW_EXCEPTION("Failed to UNSUBSCRIBE within our subscribe loop!", 0); RETURN_FALSE; } // Now process response from the slot we're subscribed on cluster_unsub_resp(INTERNAL_FUNCTION_PARAM_PASSTHRU, c, ctx); // Cleanup our command efree(cmd); } /* {{{ proto array RedisCluster::unsubscribe(array chans) */ PHP_METHOD(RedisCluster, unsubscribe) { generic_unsub_cmd(INTERNAL_FUNCTION_PARAM_PASSTHRU, GET_CONTEXT(), "UNSUBSCRIBE"); } /* }}} */ /* {{{ proto array RedisCluster::punsubscribe(array pats) */ PHP_METHOD(RedisCluster, punsubscribe) { generic_unsub_cmd(INTERNAL_FUNCTION_PARAM_PASSTHRU, GET_CONTEXT(), "PUNSUBSCRIBE"); } /* }}} */ /* {{{ proto mixed RedisCluster::eval(string script, [array args, int numkeys) */ PHP_METHOD(RedisCluster, eval) { CLUSTER_PROCESS_KW_CMD("EVAL", redis_eval_cmd, cluster_variant_raw_resp, 0); } /* }}} */ /* {{{ proto mixed RedisCluster::evalsha(string sha, [array args, int numkeys]) */ PHP_METHOD(RedisCluster, evalsha) { CLUSTER_PROCESS_KW_CMD("EVALSHA", redis_eval_cmd, cluster_variant_raw_resp, 0); } /* }}} */ /* Commands that do not interact with Redis, but just report stuff about * various options, etc */ /* {{{ proto string RedisCluster::getmode() */ PHP_METHOD(RedisCluster, getmode) { redisCluster *c = GET_CONTEXT(); RETURN_LONG(c->flags->mode); } /* }}} */ /* {{{ proto string RedisCluster::getlasterror() */ PHP_METHOD(RedisCluster, getlasterror) { redisCluster *c = GET_CONTEXT(); if (c->err) { RETURN_STRINGL(ZSTR_VAL(c->err), ZSTR_LEN(c->err)); } RETURN_NULL(); } /* }}} */ /* {{{ proto bool RedisCluster::clearlasterror() */ PHP_METHOD(RedisCluster, clearlasterror) { redisCluster *c = GET_CONTEXT(); if (c->err) { zend_string_release(c->err); c->err = NULL; } RETURN_TRUE; } /* }}} */ /* {{{ proto long RedisCluster::getOption(long option */ PHP_METHOD(RedisCluster, getoption) { redisCluster *c = GET_CONTEXT(); redis_getoption_handler(INTERNAL_FUNCTION_PARAM_PASSTHRU, c->flags, c); } /* }}} */ /* {{{ proto bool RedisCluster::setOption(long option, mixed value) */ PHP_METHOD(RedisCluster, setoption) { redisCluster *c = GET_CONTEXT(); redis_setoption_handler(INTERNAL_FUNCTION_PARAM_PASSTHRU, c->flags, c); } /* }}} */ /* {{{ proto string RedisCluster::_prefix(string key) */ PHP_METHOD(RedisCluster, _prefix) { redisCluster *c = GET_CONTEXT(); redis_prefix_handler(INTERNAL_FUNCTION_PARAM_PASSTHRU, c->flags); } /* }}} */ /* {{{ proto string RedisCluster::_serialize(mixed val) */ PHP_METHOD(RedisCluster, _serialize) { redisCluster *c = GET_CONTEXT(); redis_serialize_handler(INTERNAL_FUNCTION_PARAM_PASSTHRU, c->flags); } /* }}} */ /* {{{ proto mixed RedisCluster::_unserialize(string val) */ PHP_METHOD(RedisCluster, _unserialize) { redisCluster *c = GET_CONTEXT(); redis_unserialize_handler(INTERNAL_FUNCTION_PARAM_PASSTHRU, c->flags, redis_cluster_exception_ce); } /* }}} */ /* {{{ proto array RedisCluster::_masters() */ PHP_METHOD(RedisCluster, _masters) { redisCluster *c = GET_CONTEXT(); redisClusterNode *node; array_init(return_value); ZEND_HASH_FOREACH_PTR(c->nodes, node) { if (node == NULL) break; zval z_sub; array_init(&z_sub); add_next_index_stringl(&z_sub, ZSTR_VAL(node->sock->host), ZSTR_LEN(node->sock->host)); add_next_index_long(&z_sub, node->sock->port); add_next_index_zval(return_value, &z_sub); } ZEND_HASH_FOREACH_END(); } PHP_METHOD(RedisCluster, _redir) { redisCluster *c = GET_CONTEXT(); char buf[255]; size_t len; len = snprintf(buf, sizeof(buf), "%s:%d", c->redir_host, c->redir_port); if (*c->redir_host && c->redir_host_len) { RETURN_STRINGL(buf, len); } else { RETURN_NULL(); } } /* * Transaction handling */ /* {{{ proto bool RedisCluster::multi() */ PHP_METHOD(RedisCluster, multi) { redisCluster *c = GET_CONTEXT(); if (c->flags->mode == MULTI) { php_error_docref(NULL, E_WARNING, "RedisCluster is already in MULTI mode, ignoring"); RETURN_FALSE; } /* Flag that we're in MULTI mode */ c->flags->mode = MULTI; /* Return our object so we can chain MULTI calls */ RETVAL_ZVAL(getThis(), 1, 0); } /* {{{ proto bool RedisCluster::watch() */ PHP_METHOD(RedisCluster, watch) { redisCluster *c = GET_CONTEXT(); HashTable *ht_dist; clusterDistList *dl; smart_string cmd = {0}; zval *z_args; int argc = ZEND_NUM_ARGS(), i; zend_ulong slot; zend_string *zstr; // Disallow in MULTI mode if (c->flags->mode == MULTI) { php_error_docref(NULL, E_WARNING, "WATCH command not allowed in MULTI mode"); RETURN_FALSE; } // Don't need to process zero arguments if (!argc) RETURN_FALSE; // Create our distribution HashTable ht_dist = cluster_dist_create(); // Allocate args, and grab them z_args = emalloc(sizeof(zval) * argc); if (zend_get_parameters_array(ht, argc, z_args) == FAILURE) { efree(z_args); cluster_dist_free(ht_dist); RETURN_FALSE; } // Loop through arguments, prefixing if needed for(i = 0 ; i < argc; i++) { // We'll need the key as a string zstr = zval_get_string(&z_args[i]); // Add this key to our distribution handler if (cluster_dist_add_key(c, ht_dist, ZSTR_VAL(zstr), ZSTR_LEN(zstr), NULL) == FAILURE) { CLUSTER_THROW_EXCEPTION("Can't issue WATCH command as the keyspace isn't fully mapped", 0); zend_string_release(zstr); RETURN_FALSE; } zend_string_release(zstr); } // Iterate over each node we'll be sending commands to ZEND_HASH_FOREACH_PTR(ht_dist, dl) { // Grab the clusterDistList pointer itself if (dl == NULL) { CLUSTER_THROW_EXCEPTION("Internal error in a PHP HashTable", 0); cluster_dist_free(ht_dist); efree(z_args); efree(cmd.c); RETURN_FALSE; } else if (zend_hash_get_current_key(ht_dist, NULL, &slot) != HASH_KEY_IS_LONG) { break; } // Construct our watch command for this node redis_cmd_init_sstr(&cmd, dl->len, "WATCH", sizeof("WATCH")-1); for (i = 0; i < dl->len; i++) { redis_cmd_append_sstr(&cmd, dl->entry[i].key, dl->entry[i].key_len); } // If we get a failure from this, we have to abort if (cluster_send_command(c,(short)slot,cmd.c,cmd.len) ==-1) { RETURN_FALSE; } // This node is watching SLOT_SOCK(c, (short)slot)->watching = 1; // Zero out our command buffer cmd.len = 0; } ZEND_HASH_FOREACH_END(); // Cleanup cluster_dist_free(ht_dist); efree(z_args); efree(cmd.c); RETURN_TRUE; } /* {{{ proto bool RedisCluster::unwatch() */ PHP_METHOD(RedisCluster, unwatch) { redisCluster *c = GET_CONTEXT(); short slot; // Send UNWATCH to nodes that need it for(slot = 0; slot < REDIS_CLUSTER_SLOTS; slot++) { if (c->master[slot] && SLOT_SOCK(c,slot)->watching) { if (cluster_send_slot(c, slot, RESP_UNWATCH_CMD, sizeof(RESP_UNWATCH_CMD)-1, TYPE_LINE) ==-1) { CLUSTER_RETURN_BOOL(c, 0); } // No longer watching SLOT_SOCK(c,slot)->watching = 0; } } CLUSTER_RETURN_BOOL(c, 1); } /* {{{ proto array RedisCluster::exec() */ PHP_METHOD(RedisCluster, exec) { redisCluster *c = GET_CONTEXT(); clusterFoldItem *fi; // Verify we are in fact in multi mode if (CLUSTER_IS_ATOMIC(c)) { php_error_docref(NULL, E_WARNING, "RedisCluster is not in MULTI mode"); RETURN_FALSE; } // First pass, send EXEC and abort on failure fi = c->multi_head; while (fi) { if (SLOT_SOCK(c, fi->slot)->mode == MULTI) { if ( cluster_send_exec(c, fi->slot) < 0) { cluster_abort_exec(c); CLUSTER_THROW_EXCEPTION("Error processing EXEC across the cluster", 0); // Free our queue, reset MULTI state CLUSTER_FREE_QUEUE(c); CLUSTER_RESET_MULTI(c); RETURN_FALSE; } SLOT_SOCK(c, fi->slot)->mode = ATOMIC; SLOT_SOCK(c, fi->slot)->watching = 0; } fi = fi->next; } // MULTI multi-bulk response handler cluster_multi_mbulk_resp(INTERNAL_FUNCTION_PARAM_PASSTHRU, c, NULL); // Free our callback queue, any enqueued distributed command context items // and reset our MULTI state. CLUSTER_FREE_QUEUE(c); CLUSTER_RESET_MULTI(c); } /* {{{ proto bool RedisCluster::discard() */ PHP_METHOD(RedisCluster, discard) { redisCluster *c = GET_CONTEXT(); if (CLUSTER_IS_ATOMIC(c)) { php_error_docref(NULL, E_WARNING, "Cluster is not in MULTI mode"); RETURN_FALSE; } if (cluster_abort_exec(c) < 0) { CLUSTER_RESET_MULTI(c); } CLUSTER_FREE_QUEUE(c); RETURN_TRUE; } /* Get a slot either by key (string) or host/port array */ static short cluster_cmd_get_slot(redisCluster *c, zval *z_arg) { size_t key_len; int key_free; zval *z_host, *z_port; short slot; char *key; zend_string *zstr; /* If it's a string, treat it as a key. Otherwise, look for a two * element array */ if (Z_TYPE_P(z_arg) ==IS_STRING || Z_TYPE_P(z_arg) ==IS_LONG || Z_TYPE_P(z_arg) ==IS_DOUBLE) { /* Allow for any scalar here */ zstr = zval_get_string(z_arg); key = ZSTR_VAL(zstr); key_len = ZSTR_LEN(zstr); /* Hash it */ key_free = redis_key_prefix(c->flags, &key, &key_len); slot = cluster_hash_key(key, key_len); zend_string_release(zstr); if (key_free) efree(key); } else if (Z_TYPE_P(z_arg) == IS_ARRAY && (z_host = zend_hash_index_find(Z_ARRVAL_P(z_arg), 0)) != NULL && (z_port = zend_hash_index_find(Z_ARRVAL_P(z_arg), 1)) != NULL && Z_TYPE_P(z_host) == IS_STRING && Z_TYPE_P(z_port) == IS_LONG ) { /* Attempt to find this specific node by host:port */ slot = cluster_find_slot(c,(const char *)Z_STRVAL_P(z_host), (unsigned short)Z_LVAL_P(z_port)); /* Inform the caller if they've passed bad data */ if (slot < 0) { php_error_docref(0, E_WARNING, "Unknown node %s:" ZEND_LONG_FMT, Z_STRVAL_P(z_host), Z_LVAL_P(z_port)); } } else { php_error_docref(0, E_WARNING, "Directed commands must be passed a key or [host,port] array"); return -1; } return slot; } /* Generic handler for things we want directed at a given node, like SAVE, * BGSAVE, FLUSHDB, FLUSHALL, etc */ static void cluster_empty_node_cmd(INTERNAL_FUNCTION_PARAMETERS, char *kw, REDIS_REPLY_TYPE reply_type, cluster_cb cb) { redisCluster *c = GET_CONTEXT(); char *cmd; int cmd_len; zval *z_arg; short slot; if (zend_parse_parameters(ZEND_NUM_ARGS(), "z", &z_arg) == FAILURE) { RETURN_FALSE; } // One argument means find the node (treated like a key), and two means // send the command to a specific host and port slot = cluster_cmd_get_slot(c, z_arg); if (slot < 0) { RETURN_FALSE; } // Construct our command cmd_len = redis_spprintf(NULL, NULL, &cmd, kw, ""); // Kick off our command if (cluster_send_slot(c, slot, cmd, cmd_len, reply_type) < 0) { CLUSTER_THROW_EXCEPTION("Unable to send command at a specific node", 0); efree(cmd); RETURN_FALSE; } // Our response callback cb(INTERNAL_FUNCTION_PARAM_PASSTHRU, c, NULL); // Free our command efree(cmd); } static void cluster_flush_cmd(INTERNAL_FUNCTION_PARAMETERS, char *kw, REDIS_REPLY_TYPE reply_type, cluster_cb cb) { redisCluster *c = GET_CONTEXT(); char *cmd; int cmd_len; zval *z_arg; zend_bool async = 0; short slot; if (zend_parse_parameters(ZEND_NUM_ARGS(), "z|b", &z_arg, &async) == FAILURE) { RETURN_FALSE; } // One argument means find the node (treated like a key), and two means // send the command to a specific host and port slot = cluster_cmd_get_slot(c, z_arg); if (slot < 0) { RETURN_FALSE; } // Construct our command if (async) { cmd_len = redis_spprintf(NULL, NULL, &cmd, kw, "s", "ASYNC", sizeof("ASYNC") - 1); } else { cmd_len = redis_spprintf(NULL, NULL, &cmd, kw, ""); } // Kick off our command if (cluster_send_slot(c, slot, cmd, cmd_len, reply_type) < 0) { CLUSTER_THROW_EXCEPTION("Unable to send command at a specific node", 0); efree(cmd); RETURN_FALSE; } // Our response callback cb(INTERNAL_FUNCTION_PARAM_PASSTHRU, c, NULL); // Free our command efree(cmd); } /* Generic routine for handling various commands which need to be directed at * a node, but have complex syntax. We simply parse out the arguments and send * the command as constructed by the caller */ static void cluster_raw_cmd(INTERNAL_FUNCTION_PARAMETERS, char *kw, int kw_len) { redisCluster *c = GET_CONTEXT(); smart_string cmd = {0}; zval *z_args; short slot; int i, argc = ZEND_NUM_ARGS(); /* Commands using this pass-thru don't need to be enabled in MULTI mode */ if (!CLUSTER_IS_ATOMIC(c)) { php_error_docref(0, E_WARNING, "Command can't be issued in MULTI mode"); RETURN_FALSE; } /* We at least need the key or [host,port] argument */ if (argc < 1) { php_error_docref(0, E_WARNING, "Command requires at least an argument to direct to a node"); RETURN_FALSE; } /* Allocate an array to process arguments */ z_args = emalloc(argc * sizeof(zval)); /* Grab args */ if (zend_get_parameters_array(ht, argc, z_args) == FAILURE) { efree(z_args); RETURN_FALSE; } /* First argument needs to be the "where" */ if ((slot = cluster_cmd_get_slot(c, &z_args[0])) < 0) { efree(z_args); RETURN_FALSE; } /* Initialize our command */ redis_cmd_init_sstr(&cmd, argc-1, kw, kw_len); /* Iterate, appending args */ for(i = 1; i < argc; i++) { zend_string *zstr = zval_get_string(&z_args[i]); redis_cmd_append_sstr(&cmd, ZSTR_VAL(zstr), ZSTR_LEN(zstr)); zend_string_release(zstr); } /* Send it off */ if (cluster_send_slot(c, slot, cmd.c, cmd.len, TYPE_EOF) < 0) { CLUSTER_THROW_EXCEPTION("Couldn't send command to node", 0); efree(cmd.c); efree(z_args); RETURN_FALSE; } /* Read the response variant */ cluster_variant_resp(INTERNAL_FUNCTION_PARAM_PASSTHRU, c, NULL); efree(cmd.c); efree(z_args); } /* Generic method for HSCAN, SSCAN, and ZSCAN */ static void cluster_kscan_cmd(INTERNAL_FUNCTION_PARAMETERS, REDIS_SCAN_TYPE type) { redisCluster *c = GET_CONTEXT(); char *cmd, *pat = NULL, *key = NULL; size_t key_len = 0, pat_len = 0, pat_free = 0; int cmd_len, key_free = 0; short slot; zval *z_it; HashTable *hash; long it, num_ele; zend_long count = 0; // Can't be in MULTI mode if (!CLUSTER_IS_ATOMIC(c)) { CLUSTER_THROW_EXCEPTION("SCAN type commands can't be called in MULTI mode!", 0); RETURN_FALSE; } /* Parse arguments */ if (zend_parse_parameters(ZEND_NUM_ARGS(), "sz/|s!l", &key, &key_len, &z_it, &pat, &pat_len, &count) == FAILURE) { RETURN_FALSE; } /* Treat as readonly */ c->readonly = 1; // Convert iterator to long if it isn't, update our long iterator if it's // set and >0, and finish if it's back to zero if (Z_TYPE_P(z_it) != IS_LONG || Z_LVAL_P(z_it) < 0) { convert_to_long(z_it); it = 0; } else if (Z_LVAL_P(z_it) != 0) { it = Z_LVAL_P(z_it); } else { RETURN_FALSE; } // Apply any key prefix we have, get the slot key_free = redis_key_prefix(c->flags, &key, &key_len); slot = cluster_hash_key(key, key_len); if (c->flags->scan & REDIS_SCAN_PREFIX) { pat_free = redis_key_prefix(c->flags, &pat, &pat_len); } // If SCAN_RETRY is set, loop until we get a zero iterator or until // we get non-zero elements. Otherwise we just send the command once. do { /* Free our return value if we're back in the loop */ if (Z_TYPE_P(return_value) == IS_ARRAY) { zval_dtor(return_value); ZVAL_NULL(return_value); } // Create command cmd_len = redis_fmt_scan_cmd(&cmd, type, key, key_len, it, pat, pat_len, count); // Send it off if (cluster_send_command(c, slot, cmd, cmd_len) == FAILURE) { CLUSTER_THROW_EXCEPTION("Couldn't send SCAN command", 0); if (key_free) efree(key); efree(cmd); RETURN_FALSE; } // Read response if (cluster_scan_resp(INTERNAL_FUNCTION_PARAM_PASSTHRU, c, type, &it) == FAILURE) { CLUSTER_THROW_EXCEPTION("Couldn't read SCAN response", 0); if (key_free) efree(key); efree(cmd); RETURN_FALSE; } // Count the elements we got back hash = Z_ARRVAL_P(return_value); num_ele = zend_hash_num_elements(hash); // Free our command efree(cmd); } while (c->flags->scan & REDIS_SCAN_RETRY && it != 0 && num_ele == 0); // Free our pattern if (pat_free) efree(pat); // Free our key if (key_free) efree(key); // Update iterator reference Z_LVAL_P(z_it) = it; } static int redis_acl_op_readonly(zend_string *op) { /* Only return read-only for operations we know to be */ if (ZSTR_STRICMP_STATIC(op, "LIST") || ZSTR_STRICMP_STATIC(op, "USERS") || ZSTR_STRICMP_STATIC(op, "GETUSER") || ZSTR_STRICMP_STATIC(op, "CAT") || ZSTR_STRICMP_STATIC(op, "GENPASS") || ZSTR_STRICMP_STATIC(op, "WHOAMI") || ZSTR_STRICMP_STATIC(op, "LOG")) return 1; return 0; } PHP_METHOD(RedisCluster, acl) { redisCluster *c = GET_CONTEXT(); smart_string cmdstr = {0}; int argc = ZEND_NUM_ARGS(), i, readonly; cluster_cb cb; zend_string *zs; zval *zargs; void *ctx = NULL; short slot; /* ACL in cluster needs a slot argument, and then at least the op */ if (argc < 2) { WRONG_PARAM_COUNT; RETURN_FALSE; } /* Grab all our arguments and determine the command slot */ zargs = emalloc(argc * sizeof(*zargs)); if (zend_get_parameters_array(ht, argc, zargs) == FAILURE || (slot = cluster_cmd_get_slot(c, &zargs[0]) < 0)) { efree(zargs); RETURN_FALSE; } REDIS_CMD_INIT_SSTR_STATIC(&cmdstr, argc - 1, "ACL"); /* Read the op, determin if it's readonly, and add it */ zs = zval_get_string(&zargs[1]); readonly = redis_acl_op_readonly(zs); redis_cmd_append_sstr_zstr(&cmdstr, zs); /* We have specialized handlers for GETUSER and LOG, whereas every * other ACL command can be handled generically */ if (zend_string_equals_literal_ci(zs, "GETUSER")) { cb = cluster_acl_getuser_resp; } else if (zend_string_equals_literal_ci(zs, "LOG")) { cb = cluster_acl_log_resp; } else { cb = cluster_variant_resp; } zend_string_release(zs); /* Process remaining args */ for (i = 2; i < argc; i++) { zs = zval_get_string(&zargs[i]); redis_cmd_append_sstr_zstr(&cmdstr, zs); zend_string_release(zs); } /* Can we use replicas? */ c->readonly = readonly && CLUSTER_IS_ATOMIC(c); /* Kick off our command */ if (cluster_send_slot(c, slot, cmdstr.c, cmdstr.len, TYPE_EOF) < 0) { CLUSTER_THROW_EXCEPTION("Unabler to send ACL command", 0); efree(zargs); RETURN_FALSE; } if (CLUSTER_IS_ATOMIC(c)) { cb(INTERNAL_FUNCTION_PARAM_PASSTHRU, c, NULL); } else { CLUSTER_ENQUEUE_RESPONSE(c, slot, cb, ctx); } efree(cmdstr.c); efree(zargs); } /* {{{ proto RedisCluster::scan(string master, long it [, string pat, long cnt]) */ PHP_METHOD(RedisCluster, scan) { redisCluster *c = GET_CONTEXT(); char *cmd, *pat = NULL; size_t pat_len = 0; int cmd_len; short slot; zval *z_it, *z_node; long it, num_ele, pat_free = 0; zend_long count = 0; /* Treat as read-only */ c->readonly = CLUSTER_IS_ATOMIC(c); /* Can't be in MULTI mode */ if (!CLUSTER_IS_ATOMIC(c)) { CLUSTER_THROW_EXCEPTION("SCAN type commands can't be called in MULTI mode", 0); RETURN_FALSE; } /* Parse arguments */ if (zend_parse_parameters(ZEND_NUM_ARGS(), "z/z|s!l", &z_it, &z_node, &pat, &pat_len, &count) == FAILURE) { RETURN_FALSE; } /* Convert or update iterator */ if (Z_TYPE_P(z_it) != IS_LONG || Z_LVAL_P(z_it) < 0) { convert_to_long(z_it); it = 0; } else if (Z_LVAL_P(z_it) != 0) { it = Z_LVAL_P(z_it); } else { RETURN_FALSE; } if (c->flags->scan & REDIS_SCAN_PREFIX) { pat_free = redis_key_prefix(c->flags, &pat, &pat_len); } /* With SCAN_RETRY on, loop until we get some keys, otherwise just return * what Redis does, as it does */ do { /* Free our return value if we're back in the loop */ if (Z_TYPE_P(return_value) == IS_ARRAY) { zval_dtor(return_value); ZVAL_NULL(return_value); } /* Construct our command */ cmd_len = redis_fmt_scan_cmd(&cmd, TYPE_SCAN, NULL, 0, it, pat, pat_len, count); if ((slot = cluster_cmd_get_slot(c, z_node)) < 0) { RETURN_FALSE; } // Send it to the node in question if (cluster_send_command(c, slot, cmd, cmd_len) < 0) { CLUSTER_THROW_EXCEPTION("Couldn't send SCAN to node", 0); efree(cmd); RETURN_FALSE; } if (cluster_scan_resp(INTERNAL_FUNCTION_PARAM_PASSTHRU, c, TYPE_SCAN, &it) == FAILURE || Z_TYPE_P(return_value)!=IS_ARRAY) { CLUSTER_THROW_EXCEPTION("Couldn't process SCAN response from node", 0); efree(cmd); RETURN_FALSE; } efree(cmd); num_ele = zend_hash_num_elements(Z_ARRVAL_P(return_value)); } while (c->flags->scan & REDIS_SCAN_RETRY && it != 0 && num_ele == 0); if (pat_free) efree(pat); Z_LVAL_P(z_it) = it; } /* }}} */ /* {{{ proto RedisCluster::sscan(string key, long it [string pat, long cnt]) */ PHP_METHOD(RedisCluster, sscan) { cluster_kscan_cmd(INTERNAL_FUNCTION_PARAM_PASSTHRU, TYPE_SSCAN); } /* }}} */ /* {{{ proto RedisCluster::zscan(string key, long it [string pat, long cnt]) */ PHP_METHOD(RedisCluster, zscan) { cluster_kscan_cmd(INTERNAL_FUNCTION_PARAM_PASSTHRU, TYPE_ZSCAN); } /* }}} */ /* {{{ proto RedisCluster::hscan(string key, long it [string pat, long cnt]) */ PHP_METHOD(RedisCluster, hscan) { cluster_kscan_cmd(INTERNAL_FUNCTION_PARAM_PASSTHRU, TYPE_HSCAN); } /* }}} */ /* {{{ proto RedisCluster::save(string key) * proto RedisCluster::save(array host_port) */ PHP_METHOD(RedisCluster, save) { cluster_empty_node_cmd(INTERNAL_FUNCTION_PARAM_PASSTHRU, "SAVE", TYPE_LINE, cluster_bool_resp); } /* }}} */ /* {{{ proto RedisCluster::bgsave(string key) * proto RedisCluster::bgsave(array host_port) */ PHP_METHOD(RedisCluster, bgsave) { cluster_empty_node_cmd(INTERNAL_FUNCTION_PARAM_PASSTHRU, "BGSAVE", TYPE_LINE, cluster_bool_resp); } /* }}} */ /* {{{ proto RedisCluster::flushdb(string key, [bool async]) * proto RedisCluster::flushdb(array host_port, [bool async]) */ PHP_METHOD(RedisCluster, flushdb) { cluster_flush_cmd(INTERNAL_FUNCTION_PARAM_PASSTHRU, "FLUSHDB", TYPE_LINE, cluster_bool_resp); } /* }}} */ /* {{{ proto RedisCluster::flushall(string key, [bool async]) * proto RedisCluster::flushall(array host_port, [bool async]) */ PHP_METHOD(RedisCluster, flushall) { cluster_flush_cmd(INTERNAL_FUNCTION_PARAM_PASSTHRU, "FLUSHALL", TYPE_LINE, cluster_bool_resp); } /* }}} */ /* {{{ proto RedisCluster::dbsize(string key) * proto RedisCluster::dbsize(array host_port) */ PHP_METHOD(RedisCluster, dbsize) { cluster_empty_node_cmd(INTERNAL_FUNCTION_PARAM_PASSTHRU, "DBSIZE", TYPE_INT, cluster_long_resp); } /* }}} */ /* {{{ proto RedisCluster::bgrewriteaof(string key) * proto RedisCluster::bgrewriteaof(array host_port) */ PHP_METHOD(RedisCluster, bgrewriteaof) { cluster_empty_node_cmd(INTERNAL_FUNCTION_PARAM_PASSTHRU, "BGREWRITEAOF", TYPE_LINE, cluster_bool_resp); } /* }}} */ /* {{{ proto RedisCluster::lastsave(string key) * proto RedisCluster::lastsave(array $host_port) */ PHP_METHOD(RedisCluster, lastsave) { cluster_empty_node_cmd(INTERNAL_FUNCTION_PARAM_PASSTHRU, "LASTSAVE", TYPE_INT, cluster_long_resp); } /* }}} */ /* {{{ proto array RedisCluster::info(string key, [string $arg]) * proto array RedisCluster::info(array host_port, [string $arg]) */ PHP_METHOD(RedisCluster, info) { redisCluster *c = GET_CONTEXT(); REDIS_REPLY_TYPE rtype; char *cmd, *opt = NULL; int cmd_len; size_t opt_len = 0; void *ctx = NULL; zval *z_arg; short slot; if (zend_parse_parameters(ZEND_NUM_ARGS(), "z|s", &z_arg, &opt, &opt_len) == FAILURE) { RETURN_FALSE; } /* Treat INFO as non read-only, as we probably want the master */ c->readonly = 0; slot = cluster_cmd_get_slot(c, z_arg); if (slot < 0) { RETURN_FALSE; } if (opt != NULL) { cmd_len = redis_spprintf(NULL, NULL, &cmd, "INFO", "s", opt, opt_len); } else { cmd_len = redis_spprintf(NULL, NULL, &cmd, "INFO", ""); } rtype = CLUSTER_IS_ATOMIC(c) ? TYPE_BULK : TYPE_LINE; if (cluster_send_slot(c, slot, cmd, cmd_len, rtype) < 0) { CLUSTER_THROW_EXCEPTION("Unable to send INFO command to specific node", 0); efree(cmd); RETURN_FALSE; } if (CLUSTER_IS_ATOMIC(c)) { cluster_info_resp(INTERNAL_FUNCTION_PARAM_PASSTHRU, c, NULL); } else { CLUSTER_ENQUEUE_RESPONSE(c, slot, cluster_info_resp, ctx); } efree(cmd); } /* }}} */ /* {{{ proto array RedisCluster::client('list') * proto bool RedisCluster::client('kill', $ipport) * proto bool RedisCluster::client('setname', $name) * proto string RedisCluster::client('getname') */ PHP_METHOD(RedisCluster, client) { redisCluster *c = GET_CONTEXT(); char *cmd, *opt = NULL, *arg = NULL; int cmd_len; size_t opt_len, arg_len = 0; REDIS_REPLY_TYPE rtype; zval *z_node; short slot; cluster_cb cb; /* Parse args */ if (zend_parse_parameters(ZEND_NUM_ARGS(), "zs|s", &z_node, &opt, &opt_len, &arg, &arg_len) == FAILURE) { RETURN_FALSE; } /* Make sure we can properly resolve the slot */ slot = cluster_cmd_get_slot(c, z_node); if (slot < 0) RETURN_FALSE; /* Our return type and reply callback is different for all subcommands */ if (opt_len == 4 && !strncasecmp(opt, "list", 4)) { rtype = CLUSTER_IS_ATOMIC(c) ? TYPE_BULK : TYPE_LINE; cb = cluster_client_list_resp; } else if ((opt_len == 4 && !strncasecmp(opt, "kill", 4)) || (opt_len == 7 && !strncasecmp(opt, "setname", 7))) { rtype = TYPE_LINE; cb = cluster_bool_resp; } else if (opt_len == 7 && !strncasecmp(opt, "getname", 7)) { rtype = CLUSTER_IS_ATOMIC(c) ? TYPE_BULK : TYPE_LINE; cb = cluster_bulk_resp; } else { php_error_docref(NULL, E_WARNING, "Invalid CLIENT subcommand (LIST, KILL, GETNAME, and SETNAME are valid"); RETURN_FALSE; } /* Construct the command */ if (ZEND_NUM_ARGS() == 3) { cmd_len = redis_spprintf(NULL, NULL, &cmd, "CLIENT", "ss", opt, opt_len, arg, arg_len); } else if (ZEND_NUM_ARGS() == 2) { cmd_len = redis_spprintf(NULL, NULL, &cmd, "CLIENT", "s", opt, opt_len); } else { zend_wrong_param_count(); RETURN_FALSE; } /* Attempt to write our command */ if (cluster_send_slot(c, slot, cmd, cmd_len, rtype) < 0) { CLUSTER_THROW_EXCEPTION("Unable to send CLIENT command to specific node", 0); efree(cmd); RETURN_FALSE; } /* Now enqueue or process response */ if (CLUSTER_IS_ATOMIC(c)) { cb(INTERNAL_FUNCTION_PARAM_PASSTHRU, c, NULL); } else { void *ctx = NULL; CLUSTER_ENQUEUE_RESPONSE(c, slot, cb, ctx); } efree(cmd); } /* {{{ proto mixed RedisCluster::cluster(variant) */ PHP_METHOD(RedisCluster, cluster) { cluster_raw_cmd(INTERNAL_FUNCTION_PARAM_PASSTHRU, "CLUSTER", sizeof("CLUSTER")-1); } /* }}} */ /* }}} */ /* {{{ proto mixed RedisCluster::config(string key, ...) * proto mixed RedisCluster::config(array host_port, ...) */ PHP_METHOD(RedisCluster, config) { cluster_raw_cmd(INTERNAL_FUNCTION_PARAM_PASSTHRU, "CONFIG", sizeof("CONFIG")-1); } /* }}} */ /* {{{ proto mixed RedisCluster::pubsub(string key, ...) * proto mixed RedisCluster::pubsub(array host_port, ...) */ PHP_METHOD(RedisCluster, pubsub) { cluster_raw_cmd(INTERNAL_FUNCTION_PARAM_PASSTHRU, "PUBSUB", sizeof("PUBSUB")-1); } /* }}} */ /* {{{ proto mixed RedisCluster::script(string key, ...) * proto mixed RedisCluster::script(array host_port, ...) */ PHP_METHOD(RedisCluster, script) { redisCluster *c = GET_CONTEXT(); smart_string cmd = {0}; zval *z_args; short slot; int argc = ZEND_NUM_ARGS(); /* Commands using this pass-thru don't need to be enabled in MULTI mode */ if (!CLUSTER_IS_ATOMIC(c)) { php_error_docref(0, E_WARNING, "Command can't be issued in MULTI mode"); RETURN_FALSE; } /* We at least need the key or [host,port] argument */ if (argc < 2) { php_error_docref(0, E_WARNING, "Command requires at least an argument to direct to a node"); RETURN_FALSE; } /* Allocate an array to process arguments */ z_args = ecalloc(argc, sizeof(zval)); /* Grab args */ if (zend_get_parameters_array(ht, argc, z_args) == FAILURE || (slot = cluster_cmd_get_slot(c, &z_args[0])) < 0 || redis_build_script_cmd(&cmd, argc - 1, &z_args[1]) == NULL ) { efree(z_args); RETURN_FALSE; } /* Send it off */ if (cluster_send_slot(c, slot, cmd.c, cmd.len, TYPE_EOF) < 0) { CLUSTER_THROW_EXCEPTION("Couldn't send command to node", 0); efree(cmd.c); efree(z_args); RETURN_FALSE; } /* Read the response variant */ cluster_variant_resp(INTERNAL_FUNCTION_PARAM_PASSTHRU, c, NULL); efree(cmd.c); efree(z_args); } /* }}} */ /* {{{ proto mixed RedisCluster::slowlog(string key, ...) * proto mixed RedisCluster::slowlog(array host_port, ...) */ PHP_METHOD(RedisCluster, slowlog) { cluster_raw_cmd(INTERNAL_FUNCTION_PARAM_PASSTHRU, "SLOWLOG", sizeof("SLOWLOG")-1); } /* }}} */ /* {{{ proto int RedisCluster::geoadd(string key, float long float lat string mem, ...) */ PHP_METHOD(RedisCluster, geoadd) { CLUSTER_PROCESS_KW_CMD("GEOADD", redis_key_varval_cmd, cluster_long_resp, 0); } /* {{{ proto array RedisCluster::geohash(string key, string mem1, [string mem2...]) */ PHP_METHOD(RedisCluster, geohash) { CLUSTER_PROCESS_KW_CMD("GEOHASH", redis_key_varval_cmd, cluster_mbulk_raw_resp, 1); } /* {{{ proto array RedisCluster::geopos(string key, string mem1, [string mem2...]) */ PHP_METHOD(RedisCluster, geopos) { CLUSTER_PROCESS_KW_CMD("GEOPOS", redis_key_varval_cmd, cluster_variant_resp, 1); } /* {{{ proto array RedisCluster::geodist(string key, string mem1, string mem2 [string unit]) */ PHP_METHOD(RedisCluster, geodist) { CLUSTER_PROCESS_CMD(geodist, cluster_dbl_resp, 1); } /* {{{ proto array RedisCluster::georadius() }}} */ PHP_METHOD(RedisCluster, georadius) { CLUSTER_PROCESS_KW_CMD("GEORADIUS", redis_georadius_cmd, cluster_variant_resp, 1); } /* {{{ proto array RedisCluster::georadius() }}} */ PHP_METHOD(RedisCluster, georadius_ro) { CLUSTER_PROCESS_KW_CMD("GEORADIUS_RO", redis_georadius_cmd, cluster_variant_resp, 1); } /* {{{ proto array RedisCluster::georadiusbymember() }}} */ PHP_METHOD(RedisCluster, georadiusbymember) { CLUSTER_PROCESS_KW_CMD("GEORADIUSBYMEMBER", redis_georadiusbymember_cmd, cluster_variant_resp, 1); } /* {{{ proto array RedisCluster::georadiusbymember() }}} */ PHP_METHOD(RedisCluster, georadiusbymember_ro) { CLUSTER_PROCESS_KW_CMD("GEORADIUSBYMEMBER_RO", redis_georadiusbymember_cmd, cluster_variant_resp, 1); } /* {{{ proto array RedisCluster::role(string key) * proto array RedisCluster::role(array host_port) */ PHP_METHOD(RedisCluster, role) { cluster_empty_node_cmd(INTERNAL_FUNCTION_PARAM_PASSTHRU, "ROLE", TYPE_MULTIBULK, cluster_variant_resp); } /* {{{ proto array RedisCluster::time(string key) * proto array RedisCluster::time(array host_port) */ PHP_METHOD(RedisCluster, time) { cluster_empty_node_cmd(INTERNAL_FUNCTION_PARAM_PASSTHRU, "TIME", TYPE_MULTIBULK, cluster_variant_resp); } /* }}} */ /* {{{ proto string RedisCluster::randomkey(string key) * proto string RedisCluster::randomkey(array host_port) */ PHP_METHOD(RedisCluster, randomkey) { cluster_empty_node_cmd(INTERNAL_FUNCTION_PARAM_PASSTHRU, "RANDOMKEY", TYPE_BULK, cluster_bulk_resp); } /* }}} */ /* {{{ proto bool RedisCluster::ping(string key| string msg) * proto bool RedisCluster::ping(array host_port| string msg) */ PHP_METHOD(RedisCluster, ping) { redisCluster *c = GET_CONTEXT(); REDIS_REPLY_TYPE rtype; void *ctx = NULL; zval *z_node; char *cmd, *arg = NULL; int cmdlen; size_t arglen; short slot; if (zend_parse_parameters(ZEND_NUM_ARGS(), "z|s!", &z_node, &arg, &arglen) == FAILURE) { RETURN_FALSE; } /* Treat this as a readonly command */ c->readonly = CLUSTER_IS_ATOMIC(c); /* Grab slot either by key or host/port */ slot = cluster_cmd_get_slot(c, z_node); if (slot < 0) { RETURN_FALSE; } /* Construct our command */ if (arg != NULL) { cmdlen = redis_spprintf(NULL, NULL, &cmd, "PING", "s", arg, arglen); } else { cmdlen = redis_spprintf(NULL, NULL, &cmd, "PING", ""); } /* Send it off */ rtype = CLUSTER_IS_ATOMIC(c) && arg != NULL ? TYPE_BULK : TYPE_LINE; if (cluster_send_slot(c, slot, cmd, cmdlen, rtype) < 0) { CLUSTER_THROW_EXCEPTION("Unable to send command at the specified node", 0); efree(cmd); RETURN_FALSE; } /* We're done with our command */ efree(cmd); /* Process response */ if (CLUSTER_IS_ATOMIC(c)) { if (arg != NULL) { cluster_bulk_resp(INTERNAL_FUNCTION_PARAM_PASSTHRU, c, NULL); } else { /* If we're atomic and didn't send an argument then we have already * processed the reply (which must have been successful. */ RETURN_TRUE; } } else { if (arg != NULL) { CLUSTER_ENQUEUE_RESPONSE(c, slot, cluster_bulk_resp, ctx); } else { CLUSTER_ENQUEUE_RESPONSE(c, slot, cluster_variant_resp, ctx); } RETURN_ZVAL(getThis(), 1, 0); } } /* }}} */ /* {{{ proto long RedisCluster::xack(string key, string group, array ids) }}} */ PHP_METHOD(RedisCluster, xack) { CLUSTER_PROCESS_CMD(xack, cluster_long_resp, 0); } /* {{{ proto string RedisCluster::xadd(string key, string id, array field_values) }}} */ PHP_METHOD(RedisCluster, xadd) { CLUSTER_PROCESS_CMD(xadd, cluster_bulk_raw_resp, 0); } /* {{{ proto array RedisCluster::xclaim(string key, string group, string consumer, * long min_idle_time, array ids, array options) */ PHP_METHOD(RedisCluster, xclaim) { CLUSTER_PROCESS_CMD(xclaim, cluster_xclaim_resp, 0); } PHP_METHOD(RedisCluster, xdel) { CLUSTER_PROCESS_KW_CMD("XDEL", redis_key_str_arr_cmd, cluster_long_resp, 0); } /* {{{ proto variant RedisCluster::xgroup(string op, [string key, string arg1, string arg2]) }}} */ PHP_METHOD(RedisCluster, xgroup) { CLUSTER_PROCESS_CMD(xgroup, cluster_variant_resp, 0); } /* {{{ proto variant RedisCluster::xinfo(string op, [string arg1, string arg2]); */ PHP_METHOD(RedisCluster, xinfo) { CLUSTER_PROCESS_CMD(xinfo, cluster_xinfo_resp, 0); } /* {{{ proto string RedisCluster::xlen(string key) }}} */ PHP_METHOD(RedisCluster, xlen) { CLUSTER_PROCESS_KW_CMD("XLEN", redis_key_cmd, cluster_long_resp, 1); } PHP_METHOD(RedisCluster, xpending) { CLUSTER_PROCESS_CMD(xpending, cluster_variant_resp_strings, 1); } PHP_METHOD(RedisCluster, xrange) { CLUSTER_PROCESS_KW_CMD("XRANGE", redis_xrange_cmd, cluster_xrange_resp, 1); } PHP_METHOD(RedisCluster, xrevrange) { CLUSTER_PROCESS_KW_CMD("XREVRANGE", redis_xrange_cmd, cluster_xrange_resp, 1); } PHP_METHOD(RedisCluster, xread) { CLUSTER_PROCESS_CMD(xread, cluster_xread_resp, 1); } PHP_METHOD(RedisCluster, xreadgroup) { CLUSTER_PROCESS_CMD(xreadgroup, cluster_xread_resp, 0); } PHP_METHOD(RedisCluster, xtrim) { CLUSTER_PROCESS_CMD(xtrim, cluster_long_resp, 0); } /* {{{ proto string RedisCluster::echo(string key, string msg) * proto string RedisCluster::echo(array host_port, string msg) */ PHP_METHOD(RedisCluster, echo) { redisCluster *c = GET_CONTEXT(); REDIS_REPLY_TYPE rtype; zval *z_arg; char *cmd, *msg; int cmd_len; size_t msg_len; short slot; if (zend_parse_parameters(ZEND_NUM_ARGS(), "zs", &z_arg, &msg, &msg_len) == FAILURE) { RETURN_FALSE; } /* Treat this as a readonly command */ c->readonly = CLUSTER_IS_ATOMIC(c); /* Grab slot either by key or host/port */ slot = cluster_cmd_get_slot(c, z_arg); if (slot < 0) { RETURN_FALSE; } /* Construct our command */ cmd_len = redis_spprintf(NULL, NULL, &cmd, "ECHO", "s", msg, msg_len); /* Send it off */ rtype = CLUSTER_IS_ATOMIC(c) ? TYPE_BULK : TYPE_LINE; if (cluster_send_slot(c,slot,cmd,cmd_len,rtype) < 0) { CLUSTER_THROW_EXCEPTION("Unable to send command at the specified node", 0); efree(cmd); RETURN_FALSE; } /* Process bulk response */ if (CLUSTER_IS_ATOMIC(c)) { cluster_bulk_resp(INTERNAL_FUNCTION_PARAM_PASSTHRU, c, NULL); } else { void *ctx = NULL; CLUSTER_ENQUEUE_RESPONSE(c, slot, cluster_bulk_resp, ctx); } efree(cmd); } /* }}} */ /* {{{ proto mixed RedisCluster::rawcommand(string $key, string $cmd, [ $argv1 .. $argvN]) * proto mixed RedisCluster::rawcommand(array $host_port, string $cmd, [ $argv1 .. $argvN]) */ PHP_METHOD(RedisCluster, rawcommand) { REDIS_REPLY_TYPE rtype; int argc = ZEND_NUM_ARGS(), cmd_len; redisCluster *c = GET_CONTEXT(); char *cmd = NULL; zval *z_args; short slot; /* Sanity check on our arguments */ if (argc < 2) { php_error_docref(NULL, E_WARNING, "You must pass at least node information as well as at least a command."); RETURN_FALSE; } z_args = emalloc(argc * sizeof(zval)); if (zend_get_parameters_array(ht, argc, z_args) == FAILURE) { php_error_docref(NULL, E_WARNING, "Internal PHP error parsing method parameters."); efree(z_args); RETURN_FALSE; } else if (redis_build_raw_cmd(&z_args[1], argc-1, &cmd, &cmd_len) || (slot = cluster_cmd_get_slot(c, &z_args[0])) < 0) { if (cmd) efree(cmd); efree(z_args); RETURN_FALSE; } /* Free argument array */ efree(z_args); /* Direct the command */ rtype = CLUSTER_IS_ATOMIC(c) ? TYPE_EOF : TYPE_LINE; if (cluster_send_slot(c,slot,cmd,cmd_len,rtype) < 0) { CLUSTER_THROW_EXCEPTION("Unable to send command to the specified node", 0); efree(cmd); RETURN_FALSE; } /* Process variant response */ if (CLUSTER_IS_ATOMIC(c)) { cluster_variant_raw_resp(INTERNAL_FUNCTION_PARAM_PASSTHRU, c, NULL); } else { void *ctx = NULL; CLUSTER_ENQUEUE_RESPONSE(c, slot, cluster_variant_raw_resp, ctx); } efree(cmd); } /* }}} */ /* {{{ proto array RedisCluster::command() * proto array RedisCluster::command('INFO', string cmd) * proto array RedisCluster::command('GETKEYS', array cmd_args) */ PHP_METHOD(RedisCluster, command) { CLUSTER_PROCESS_CMD(command, cluster_variant_resp, 0); } /* vim: set tabstop=4 softtabstop=4 expandtab shiftwidth=4: */