# Papaya Minimalist Hugo theme with social buttons and analytics. ## Getting started 1. Install Hugo https://gohugo.io/getting-started/quick-start/ 2. Clone or download this theme into the `themes` directory 3. Update your `config.toml`file to point to the theme ```` theme = "papaya" ```` 4. Start the server with `hugo server`` 5. Go to http://localhost:1313 ## Example config.toml ```` baseURL = "https://example.com/" languageCode = "en-gb" title = "Example" theme = "papaya" [taxonomies] tag = "tags" # The value of pre is the icon name in https://feathericons.com/ [menu] [[menu.main]] name = "Home" pre = "home" url = "/" weight = 1 [[menu.main]] name = "Blog" pre = "edit" url = "/blog/" weight = 2 [[menu.main]] name = "Tags" pre = "tag" url = "/tags/" weight = 3 [params] dateFormat = "Jan 2, 2006" authorName = "John Doe" googleAdSense = "ca-pub-0000000000000000" googleAnalytics = "UA-000000000-1" [social] twitter = "Example" ```` *dateFormat* will be the format used to display the of the posts *authorName* will be displayed on the home page, but note that each post can have its own author *googleAdSense* (optional) your Google AdSense code *googleAnalytics* (optional) your Google Analytics code *twitter* handle that you want to show as source with `via` when sharing on Twitter