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Diffstat (limited to 'src/qhull/html/qhull-cpp.xml')
1 files changed, 214 insertions, 0 deletions
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+++ b/src/qhull/html/qhull-cpp.xml
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+<?xml version="1.0" encoding="utf-8"?>
+<?xml-stylesheet type="text/xsl" href="../../road-faq/xsl/road-faq.xsl"?>
+<rf:topic xmlns:xsi="http://www.w3.org/2001/XMLSchema-instance"
+ xsi:schemaLocation="http://schemas.roadintranet.org/road-faq-1 /road/road-faq/xsl/road-faq.xsd"
+ xmlns:rf="http://schemas.roadintranet.org/road-faq-1"
+ title=" C++ interface to Qhull"
+ file="qhull-cpp.xml"
+ fileid="$Id: //main/2015/qhull/html/qhull-cpp.xml#2 $$Change: 2027 $"
+ fileChange="$DateTime: 2015/11/09 23:18:11 $$Author: bbarber $">
+ <div><h4>Qhull C++ -- C++ interface to Qhull</h4></div>
+ <rf:copyright>
+ <a href="../cpp/COPYING.txt">Copyright</a> (c) 2009-2015, C.B. Barber
+ </rf:copyright>
+ <rf:section id="cpp-cpp-links" title="Useful Links for Qhull C++">
+ <div>
+ <p> This draft
+ document records some of the design decisions for Qhull C++. Convert it to HTML by road-faq.xsl from <a href="http://www.qhull.org/road/road-faq/road-faq.html">road-faq</a>.
+ Please send comments and suggestions to <a
+ href="mailto:bradb@shore.net">bradb@shore.net</a>
+ </p>
+ </div>
+ <div class="twocol">
+ <div class="col leftcol">
+ Help
+ <ul><li>
+ </li><li>
+ </li><li>
+ </li></ul>
+ </div>
+ <div class="col rightcol">
+ <ul><li>
+ </li><li>
+ </li></ul>
+ </div>
+ </div>
+ <div>
+ . <!-- clear the two column display -->
+ </div>
+ </rf:section>
+ <rf:section id="qhull-api" title="Qhull's collection classes">
+ <rf:item id="collection-api" title="API for Qhull collections" date="Feb 2009" author="bbarber">
+ Qhull's collection APIs are modeled on Qt's collection API (QList, QVector, QHash) w/o QT_STRICT_ITERATORS. They support STL and Qt programming.
+ <p>Some of Qhull's collection classes derive from STL classes. If so,
+ please avoid additional STL functions and operators added by inheritance.
+ These collection classes may be rewritten to derive from Qt classes instead.
+ See Road's <rf:iref item="cpp-collection-api"/>.
+ </p>
+ Qhull's collection API (where applicable). For documentation, see Qt's QList, QMap, QListIterator, QMapIterator, QMutableListIterator, and QMutableMapIterator
+ <ul><li>
+ STL types [list, qlinkedlist, qlist, qvector, vector] -- const_iterator, iterator
+ </li><li>
+ STL types describing iterators [list, qlinkedlist, qlist, qvector, vector] -- const_pointer, const_reference, difference_type,
+ pointer, reference, size_type, value_type.
+ Pointer and reference types not defined if unavailable (not needed for &lt;algorithm&gt;)
+ </li><li>
+ const_iterator, iterator types -- difference_type, iterator_category, pointer, reference, value_type
+ </li><li>
+ Qt types [qlinkedlist, qlist, qvector] -- ConstIterator, Iterator, QhullclassIterator, MutableQhullclassIterator.
+ Qt's foreach requires const_iterator.
+ </li><li>
+ Types for sets/maps [hash_map, QHash] -- key_compare, key_type, mapped_type
+ </li><li>
+ Constructor -- default constructor, copy constructor, assignment operator, destructor
+ </li><li>
+ Conversion -- to/from/as corresponding C, STL, and Qt constructs. Include toQList and toStdVector (may be filtered, e.g., QhullFacetSet).
+ Do not define fromStdList and fromQList if container is not reference counted (i.e., acts like a value)
+ </li><li>
+ Get/set -- configuration options for class
+ </li><li>
+ STL-style iterator - begin, constBegin, constEnd, end, key, value, =, *, [], ->, ++, --, +, -, ==, !=, &lt;,
+ &lt;=, &gt;, &gt;=, const_iterator(iterator), iterator COMPARE const_iterator.
+ An iterator is an abstraction of a pointer. It is not aware of its container.
+ </li><li>
+ Java-style iterator [qiterator.h] - countRemaining, findNext, findPrevious, hasNext, hasPrevious, next, peekNext, peekPrevious, previous, toBack, toFront, = Coordinates
+ </li><li>
+ Mutable Java-style iterator adds - insert, remove, setValue, value
+ </li><li>
+ Element access -- back, first, front, last
+ </li><li>
+ Element access w/ index -- [], at (const&amp; only), constData, data, mid, value
+ </li><li>
+ Read-only - (int)count, empty, isEmpty, (size_t)size. Count() and size() may be filtered. If so, they may be zero when !empty().
+ </li><li>
+ Read-only for sets/maps - capacity, key, keys, reserve, resize, values
+ </li><li>
+ Operator - ==, !=, +, +=, &lt;&lt;
+ </li><li>
+ Read-write -- append, clear, erase, insert, move, prepend, pop_back, pop_front, push_back, push_front, removeAll, removeAt, removeFirst, removeLast, replace,
+ swap, takeAt, takeFirst, takeLast
+ </li><li>
+ Read-write for sets/maps -- insertMulti, squeeze, take, unite
+ </li><li>
+ Search -- contains(const T &amp;), count(const T &amp;), indexOf, lastIndexOf
+ </li><li>
+ Search for sets/maps -- constFind, lowerBound, upperBound
+ </li><li>
+ Stream I/O -- stream &lt;&lt;
+ </li></ul>
+ STL list and vector -- For unfiltered access to each element.
+ <ul><li>
+ <a href="http://stdcxx.apache.org/doc/stdlibug/16-3.html">Apache: Creating your own containers</a> -- requirements for STL containers. Iterators should define the types from 'iterator_traits'.
+ </li><li>
+ STL types -- allocator_type, const_iterator, const_pointer, const_reference, const_reverse_iterator, difference_type, iterator, iterator_category, pointer, reference, reverse_iterator, size_type, value_type
+ </li><li>
+ STL constructors -- MyType(), MyType(count), MyType(count, value), MyType(first, last),
+ MyType(MyType&amp;),
+ </li><li>
+ STL getter/setters -- at (random_access only), back, begin, capacity, end, front, rbegin, rend, size, max_size
+ </li><li>
+ STL predicates -- empty
+ </li><li>
+ STL iterator types -- const_pointer, const_reference, difference_type, iterator_category, pointer, reference, value_type
+ </li><li>
+ STL iterator operators -- *, -&lt;, ++, --, +=, -=, +, -, [], ==, !=, &lt;, &gt;, &gt;=, &lt;=
+ </li><li>
+ STL operators -- =, [] (random_access only), ==, !=, &lt;, &gt;, &lt;=, &gt;=
+ </li><li>
+ STL modifiers -- assign, clear, erase, insert, pop_back, push_back, reserve, resize, swap
+ </li><li>
+ </li></ul>
+ Qt Qlist -- For unfiltered access to each element
+ <ul><li>
+ </li><li>
+ Additional Qt types -- ConstIterator, Iterator, QListIterator, QMutableListIterator
+ </li><li>
+ Additional Qt get/set -- constBegin, constEnd, count, first, last, value (random_access only)
+ </li><li>
+ Additional Qt predicates -- isEmpty
+ </li><li>
+ Additional Qt -- mid (random_access only)
+ </li><li>
+ Additional Qt search -- contains, count(T&amp;), indexOf (random_access only), lastIndeOf (random_access only)
+ </li><li>
+ Additional Qt modifiers -- append, insert(index,value) (random_access only), move (random_access only), pop_front, prepend, push_front, removeAll, removeAt (random_access only), removeFirst, removeLast, replace, swap by index, takeAt, takeFirst, takeLast
+ </li><li>
+ Additional Qt operators -- +, &lt;&lt;, +=,
+ stream &lt;&lt; and &gt;&gt;
+ </li><li>
+ Unsupported types by Qt -- allocator_type, const_reverse_iterator, reverse_iterator
+ </li><li>
+ Unsupported accessors by Qt -- max_size, rbegin, rend
+ </li><li>
+ Unsupported constructors by Qt -- multi-value constructors
+ </li><li>
+ unsupported modifiers by Qt -- assign, muli-value inserts, STL's swaps
+ </li><li>
+ </li></ul>
+ STL map and Qt QMap. These use nearly the same API as list and vector classes. They add the following.
+ <ul><li>
+ STL types -- key_compare, key_type, mapped_type
+ </li><li>
+ STL search -- equal_range, find, lower_bound, upper_bound
+ </li><li>
+ Qt removes -- equal_range, key_compare
+ </li><li>
+ Qt renames -- lowerBound, upperBound
+ </li><li>
+ Qt adds -- constFind, insertMulti, key, keys, take, uniqueKeys, unite, values
+ </li><li>
+ Not applicable to map and QMap -- at, back, pop_back, pop_front, push_back, push_front, swap
+ </li><li>
+ Not applicable to QMap -- append, first, last, lastIndexOf, mid, move, prepend, removeAll, removeAt, removeFirst, removeLast, replace, squeeze, takeAt, takeFirst, takeLast
+ </li><li>
+ Not applicable to map -- assign
+ </li></ul>
+ Qt QHash. STL extensions provide similar classes, e.g., Microsoft's stdext::hash_set. THey are nearly the same as QMap
+ <ul><li>
+ </li><li>
+ </li><li>
+ Not applicable to Qhash -- lowerBound, unite, upperBound,
+ </li><li>
+ Qt adds -- squeeze
+ </li></ul>
+ </rf:item>
+ <rf:item id="class-api" title="API for Qhull collections" date="Feb 2009" author="bbarber">
+ <ul><li>
+ check... -- Throw error on failure
+ </li><li>
+ try... -- Return false on failure. Do not throw errors.
+ </li><li>
+ ...Temporarily -- lifetime depends on source. e.g., toByteArrayTemporarily
+ </li><li>
+ ...p -- indicates pointer-to.
+ </li><li>
+ end... -- points to one beyond the last available
+ </li><li>
+ private functions -- No syntactic indication. They may become public later on.
+ </li><li>
+ Error messages -- Preceed error messages with the name of the class throwing the error (e.g. "ClassName: ..."). If this is an internal error, use "ClassName inconsistent: ..."
+ </li><li>
+ parameter order -- qhRunId, dimension, coordinates, count.
+ </li><li>
+ toClass -- Convert into a Class object (makes a deep copy)
+ </li><li>
+ qRunId -- Requires Qh installed. Some routines allow 0 for limited info (e.g., operator&lt;&lt;)
+ </li><li>
+ Disable methods in derived classes -- If the default constructor, copy constructor, or copy assignment is disabled, it should be also disabled in derived classes (better error messages).
+ </li><li>
+ Constructor order -- default constructor, other constructors, copy constructor, copy assignment, destructor
+ </li></ul>
+ </rf:item>
+ </rf:section>