#include "libslic3r/libslic3r.h" #include "3DBed.hpp" #include "libslic3r/Polygon.hpp" #include "libslic3r/ClipperUtils.hpp" #include "libslic3r/BoundingBox.hpp" #include "libslic3r/Geometry.hpp" #include "libslic3r/Tesselate.hpp" #include "GUI_App.hpp" #include "libslic3r/PresetBundle.hpp" #include "GLCanvas3D.hpp" #include "3DScene.hpp" #include #include #include #include static const float GROUND_Z = -0.02f; static const std::array DEFAULT_MODEL_COLOR = { 0.235f, 0.235f, 0.235f, 1.0f }; static const std::array PICKING_MODEL_COLOR = { 0.0f, 0.0f, 0.0f, 1.0f }; namespace Slic3r { namespace GUI { bool GeometryBuffer::set_from_triangles(const std::vector &triangles, float z) { if (triangles.empty()) { m_vertices.clear(); return false; } assert(triangles.size() % 3 == 0); m_vertices = std::vector(triangles.size(), Vertex()); Vec2f min = triangles.front(); Vec2f max = min; for (size_t v_count = 0; v_count < triangles.size(); ++ v_count) { const Vec2f &p = triangles[v_count]; Vertex &v = m_vertices[v_count]; v.position = Vec3f(p.x(), p.y(), z); v.tex_coords = p; min = min.cwiseMin(p).eval(); max = max.cwiseMax(p).eval(); } Vec2f size = max - min; if (size.x() != 0.f && size.y() != 0.f) { Vec2f inv_size = size.cwiseInverse(); inv_size.y() *= -1; for (Vertex& v : m_vertices) { v.tex_coords -= min; v.tex_coords.x() *= inv_size.x(); v.tex_coords.y() *= inv_size.y(); } } return true; } bool GeometryBuffer::set_from_lines(const Lines& lines, float z) { m_vertices.clear(); unsigned int v_size = 2 * (unsigned int)lines.size(); if (v_size == 0) return false; m_vertices = std::vector(v_size, Vertex()); unsigned int v_count = 0; for (const Line& l : lines) { Vertex& v1 = m_vertices[v_count]; v1.position[0] = unscale(l.a(0)); v1.position[1] = unscale(l.a(1)); v1.position[2] = z; ++v_count; Vertex& v2 = m_vertices[v_count]; v2.position[0] = unscale(l.b(0)); v2.position[1] = unscale(l.b(1)); v2.position[2] = z; ++v_count; } return true; } const float* GeometryBuffer::get_vertices_data() const { return (m_vertices.size() > 0) ? (const float*)m_vertices.data() : nullptr; } const float Bed3D::Axes::DefaultStemRadius = 0.5f; const float Bed3D::Axes::DefaultStemLength = 25.0f; const float Bed3D::Axes::DefaultTipRadius = 2.5f * Bed3D::Axes::DefaultStemRadius; const float Bed3D::Axes::DefaultTipLength = 5.0f; void Bed3D::Axes::render() const { auto render_axis = [this](const Transform3f& transform) { glsafe(::glPushMatrix()); glsafe(::glMultMatrixf(transform.data())); m_arrow.render(); glsafe(::glPopMatrix()); }; if (!m_arrow.is_initialized()) const_cast(&m_arrow)->init_from(stilized_arrow(16, DefaultTipRadius, DefaultTipLength, DefaultStemRadius, m_stem_length)); GLShaderProgram* shader = wxGetApp().get_shader("gouraud_light"); if (shader == nullptr) return; glsafe(::glEnable(GL_DEPTH_TEST)); shader->start_using(); shader->set_uniform("emission_factor", 0.0f); // x axis const_cast(&m_arrow)->set_color(-1, { 0.75f, 0.0f, 0.0f, 1.0f }); render_axis(Geometry::assemble_transform(m_origin, { 0.0, 0.5 * M_PI, 0.0 }).cast()); // y axis const_cast(&m_arrow)->set_color(-1, { 0.0f, 0.75f, 0.0f, 1.0f }); render_axis(Geometry::assemble_transform(m_origin, { -0.5 * M_PI, 0.0, 0.0 }).cast()); // z axis const_cast(&m_arrow)->set_color(-1, { 0.0f, 0.0f, 0.75f, 1.0f }); render_axis(Geometry::assemble_transform(m_origin).cast()); shader->stop_using(); glsafe(::glDisable(GL_DEPTH_TEST)); } bool Bed3D::set_shape(const Pointfs& shape, const std::string& custom_texture, const std::string& custom_model, bool force_as_custom) { auto check_texture = [](const std::string& texture) { boost::system::error_code ec; // so the exists call does not throw (e.g. after a permission problem) return !texture.empty() && (boost::algorithm::iends_with(texture, ".png") || boost::algorithm::iends_with(texture, ".svg")) && boost::filesystem::exists(texture, ec); }; auto check_model = [](const std::string& model) { boost::system::error_code ec; return !model.empty() && boost::algorithm::iends_with(model, ".stl") && boost::filesystem::exists(model, ec); }; EType type; std::string model; std::string texture; if (force_as_custom) type = Custom; else { auto [new_type, system_model, system_texture] = detect_type(shape); type = new_type; model = system_model; texture = system_texture; } std::string texture_filename = custom_texture.empty() ? texture : custom_texture; if (! texture_filename.empty() && ! check_texture(texture_filename)) { BOOST_LOG_TRIVIAL(error) << "Unable to load bed texture: " << texture_filename; texture_filename.clear(); } std::string model_filename = custom_model.empty() ? model : custom_model; if (! model_filename.empty() && ! check_model(model_filename)) { BOOST_LOG_TRIVIAL(error) << "Unable to load bed model: " << model_filename; model_filename.clear(); } if (m_shape == shape && m_type == type && m_texture_filename == texture_filename && m_model_filename == model_filename) // No change, no need to update the UI. return false; m_shape = shape; m_texture_filename = texture_filename; m_model_filename = model_filename; m_type = type; calc_bounding_boxes(); ExPolygon poly; for (const Vec2d& p : m_shape) { poly.contour.append({ scale_(p(0)), scale_(p(1)) }); } calc_triangles(poly); const BoundingBox& bed_bbox = poly.contour.bounding_box(); calc_gridlines(poly, bed_bbox); m_polygon = offset(poly.contour, (float)bed_bbox.radius() * 1.7f, jtRound, scale_(0.5))[0]; reset(); m_texture.reset(); m_model.reset(); // Set the origin and size for rendering the coordinate system axes. m_axes.set_origin({ 0.0, 0.0, static_cast(GROUND_Z) }); m_axes.set_stem_length(0.1f * static_cast(m_bounding_box.max_size())); // Let the calee to update the UI. return true; } bool Bed3D::contains(const Point& point) const { return m_polygon.contains(point); } Point Bed3D::point_projection(const Point& point) const { return m_polygon.point_projection(point); } void Bed3D::render(GLCanvas3D& canvas, bool bottom, float scale_factor, bool show_axes, bool show_texture) { render_internal(canvas, bottom, scale_factor, show_axes, show_texture, false); } void Bed3D::render_for_picking(GLCanvas3D& canvas, bool bottom, float scale_factor) { render_internal(canvas, bottom, scale_factor, false, false, true); } void Bed3D::render_internal(GLCanvas3D& canvas, bool bottom, float scale_factor, bool show_axes, bool show_texture, bool picking) { float* factor = const_cast(&m_scale_factor); *factor = scale_factor; if (show_axes) render_axes(); glsafe(::glEnable(GL_DEPTH_TEST)); m_model.set_color(-1, picking ? PICKING_MODEL_COLOR : DEFAULT_MODEL_COLOR); switch (m_type) { case System: { render_system(canvas, bottom, show_texture); break; } default: case Custom: { render_custom(canvas, bottom, show_texture, picking); break; } } glsafe(::glDisable(GL_DEPTH_TEST)); } void Bed3D::calc_bounding_boxes() const { BoundingBoxf3* bounding_box = const_cast(&m_bounding_box); *bounding_box = BoundingBoxf3(); for (const Vec2d& p : m_shape) { bounding_box->merge({ p.x(), p.y(), 0.0 }); } BoundingBoxf3* extended_bounding_box = const_cast(&m_extended_bounding_box); *extended_bounding_box = m_bounding_box; // extend to contain axes extended_bounding_box->merge(m_axes.get_origin() + m_axes.get_total_length() * Vec3d::Ones()); extended_bounding_box->merge(extended_bounding_box->min + Vec3d(-Axes::DefaultTipRadius, -Axes::DefaultTipRadius, extended_bounding_box->max(2))); // extend to contain model, if any BoundingBoxf3 model_bb = m_model.get_bounding_box(); if (model_bb.defined) { model_bb.translate(m_model_offset); extended_bounding_box->merge(model_bb); } } void Bed3D::calc_triangles(const ExPolygon& poly) { if (! m_triangles.set_from_triangles(triangulate_expolygon_2f(poly, NORMALS_UP), GROUND_Z)) BOOST_LOG_TRIVIAL(error) << "Unable to create bed triangles"; } void Bed3D::calc_gridlines(const ExPolygon& poly, const BoundingBox& bed_bbox) { Polylines axes_lines; for (coord_t x = bed_bbox.min.x(); x <= bed_bbox.max.x(); x += scale_(10.0)) { Polyline line; line.append(Point(x, bed_bbox.min.y())); line.append(Point(x, bed_bbox.max.y())); axes_lines.push_back(line); } for (coord_t y = bed_bbox.min.y(); y <= bed_bbox.max.y(); y += scale_(10.0)) { Polyline line; line.append(Point(bed_bbox.min.x(), y)); line.append(Point(bed_bbox.max.x(), y)); axes_lines.push_back(line); } // clip with a slightly grown expolygon because our lines lay on the contours and may get erroneously clipped Lines gridlines = to_lines(intersection_pl(axes_lines, offset(poly, (float)SCALED_EPSILON))); // append bed contours Lines contour_lines = to_lines(poly); std::copy(contour_lines.begin(), contour_lines.end(), std::back_inserter(gridlines)); if (!m_gridlines.set_from_lines(gridlines, GROUND_Z)) BOOST_LOG_TRIVIAL(error) << "Unable to create bed grid lines\n"; } std::tuple Bed3D::detect_type(const Pointfs& shape) const { auto bundle = wxGetApp().preset_bundle; if (bundle != nullptr) { const Preset* curr = &bundle->printers.get_selected_preset(); while (curr != nullptr) { if (curr->config.has("bed_shape")) { if (shape == dynamic_cast(curr->config.option("bed_shape"))->values) { std::string model_filename = PresetUtils::system_printer_bed_model(*curr); std::string texture_filename = PresetUtils::system_printer_bed_texture(*curr); if (!model_filename.empty() && !texture_filename.empty()) return { System, model_filename, texture_filename }; } } curr = bundle->printers.get_preset_parent(*curr); } } return { Custom, "", "" }; } void Bed3D::render_axes() const { if (!m_shape.empty()) m_axes.render(); } void Bed3D::render_system(GLCanvas3D& canvas, bool bottom, bool show_texture) const { if (!bottom) render_model(); if (show_texture) render_texture(bottom, canvas); } void Bed3D::render_texture(bool bottom, GLCanvas3D& canvas) const { GLTexture* texture = const_cast(&m_texture); GLTexture* temp_texture = const_cast(&m_temp_texture); if (m_texture_filename.empty()) { texture->reset(); render_default(bottom, false); return; } if (texture->get_id() == 0 || texture->get_source() != m_texture_filename) { texture->reset(); if (boost::algorithm::iends_with(m_texture_filename, ".svg")) { // use higher resolution images if graphic card and opengl version allow GLint max_tex_size = OpenGLManager::get_gl_info().get_max_tex_size(); if (temp_texture->get_id() == 0 || temp_texture->get_source() != m_texture_filename) { // generate a temporary lower resolution texture to show while no main texture levels have been compressed if (!temp_texture->load_from_svg_file(m_texture_filename, false, false, false, max_tex_size / 8)) { render_default(bottom, false); return; } canvas.request_extra_frame(); } // starts generating the main texture, compression will run asynchronously if (!texture->load_from_svg_file(m_texture_filename, true, true, true, max_tex_size)) { render_default(bottom, false); return; } } else if (boost::algorithm::iends_with(m_texture_filename, ".png")) { // generate a temporary lower resolution texture to show while no main texture levels have been compressed if (temp_texture->get_id() == 0 || temp_texture->get_source() != m_texture_filename) { if (!temp_texture->load_from_file(m_texture_filename, false, GLTexture::None, false)) { render_default(bottom, false); return; } canvas.request_extra_frame(); } // starts generating the main texture, compression will run asynchronously if (!texture->load_from_file(m_texture_filename, true, GLTexture::MultiThreaded, true)) { render_default(bottom, false); return; } } else { render_default(bottom, false); return; } } else if (texture->unsent_compressed_data_available()) { // sends to gpu the already available compressed levels of the main texture texture->send_compressed_data_to_gpu(); // the temporary texture is not needed anymore, reset it if (temp_texture->get_id() != 0) temp_texture->reset(); canvas.request_extra_frame(); } if (m_triangles.get_vertices_count() > 0) { GLShaderProgram* shader = wxGetApp().get_shader("printbed"); if (shader != nullptr) { shader->start_using(); shader->set_uniform("transparent_background", bottom); shader->set_uniform("svg_source", boost::algorithm::iends_with(m_texture.get_source(), ".svg")); unsigned int* vbo_id = const_cast(&m_vbo_id); if (*vbo_id == 0) { glsafe(::glGenBuffers(1, vbo_id)); glsafe(::glBindBuffer(GL_ARRAY_BUFFER, *vbo_id)); glsafe(::glBufferData(GL_ARRAY_BUFFER, (GLsizeiptr)m_triangles.get_vertices_data_size(), (const GLvoid*)m_triangles.get_vertices_data(), GL_STATIC_DRAW)); glsafe(::glBindBuffer(GL_ARRAY_BUFFER, 0)); } glsafe(::glEnable(GL_DEPTH_TEST)); if (bottom) glsafe(::glDepthMask(GL_FALSE)); glsafe(::glEnable(GL_BLEND)); glsafe(::glBlendFunc(GL_SRC_ALPHA, GL_ONE_MINUS_SRC_ALPHA)); if (bottom) glsafe(::glFrontFace(GL_CW)); unsigned int stride = m_triangles.get_vertex_data_size(); GLint position_id = shader->get_attrib_location("v_position"); GLint tex_coords_id = shader->get_attrib_location("v_tex_coords"); // show the temporary texture while no compressed data is available GLuint tex_id = (GLuint)temp_texture->get_id(); if (tex_id == 0) tex_id = (GLuint)texture->get_id(); glsafe(::glBindTexture(GL_TEXTURE_2D, tex_id)); glsafe(::glBindBuffer(GL_ARRAY_BUFFER, *vbo_id)); if (position_id != -1) { glsafe(::glEnableVertexAttribArray(position_id)); glsafe(::glVertexAttribPointer(position_id, 3, GL_FLOAT, GL_FALSE, stride, (GLvoid*)(intptr_t)m_triangles.get_position_offset())); } if (tex_coords_id != -1) { glsafe(::glEnableVertexAttribArray(tex_coords_id)); glsafe(::glVertexAttribPointer(tex_coords_id, 2, GL_FLOAT, GL_FALSE, stride, (GLvoid*)(intptr_t)m_triangles.get_tex_coords_offset())); } glsafe(::glDrawArrays(GL_TRIANGLES, 0, (GLsizei)m_triangles.get_vertices_count())); if (tex_coords_id != -1) glsafe(::glDisableVertexAttribArray(tex_coords_id)); if (position_id != -1) glsafe(::glDisableVertexAttribArray(position_id)); glsafe(::glBindBuffer(GL_ARRAY_BUFFER, 0)); glsafe(::glBindTexture(GL_TEXTURE_2D, 0)); if (bottom) glsafe(::glFrontFace(GL_CCW)); glsafe(::glDisable(GL_BLEND)); if (bottom) glsafe(::glDepthMask(GL_TRUE)); shader->stop_using(); } } } void Bed3D::render_model() const { if (m_model_filename.empty()) return; GLModel* model = const_cast(&m_model); if (model->get_filename() != m_model_filename && model->init_from_file(m_model_filename)) { model->set_color(-1, DEFAULT_MODEL_COLOR); // move the model so that its origin (0.0, 0.0, 0.0) goes into the bed shape center and a bit down to avoid z-fighting with the texture quad Vec3d shift = m_bounding_box.center(); shift(2) = -0.03; *const_cast(&m_model_offset) = shift; // update extended bounding box calc_bounding_boxes(); } if (!model->get_filename().empty()) { GLShaderProgram* shader = wxGetApp().get_shader("gouraud_light"); if (shader != nullptr) { shader->start_using(); shader->set_uniform("emission_factor", 0.0f); glsafe(::glPushMatrix()); glsafe(::glTranslated(m_model_offset.x(), m_model_offset.y(), m_model_offset.z())); model->render(); glsafe(::glPopMatrix()); shader->stop_using(); } } } void Bed3D::render_custom(GLCanvas3D& canvas, bool bottom, bool show_texture, bool picking) const { if (m_texture_filename.empty() && m_model_filename.empty()) { render_default(bottom, picking); return; } if (!bottom) render_model(); if (show_texture) render_texture(bottom, canvas); } void Bed3D::render_default(bool bottom, bool picking) const { const_cast(&m_texture)->reset(); unsigned int triangles_vcount = m_triangles.get_vertices_count(); if (triangles_vcount > 0) { bool has_model = !m_model.get_filename().empty(); glsafe(::glEnable(GL_DEPTH_TEST)); glsafe(::glEnable(GL_BLEND)); glsafe(::glBlendFunc(GL_SRC_ALPHA, GL_ONE_MINUS_SRC_ALPHA)); glsafe(::glEnableClientState(GL_VERTEX_ARRAY)); if (!has_model && !bottom) { // draw background glsafe(::glDepthMask(GL_FALSE)); glsafe(::glColor4fv(picking ? PICKING_MODEL_COLOR.data() : DEFAULT_MODEL_COLOR.data())); glsafe(::glNormal3d(0.0f, 0.0f, 1.0f)); glsafe(::glVertexPointer(3, GL_FLOAT, m_triangles.get_vertex_data_size(), (GLvoid*)m_triangles.get_vertices_data())); glsafe(::glDrawArrays(GL_TRIANGLES, 0, (GLsizei)triangles_vcount)); glsafe(::glDepthMask(GL_TRUE)); } if (!picking) { // draw grid glsafe(::glLineWidth(1.5f * m_scale_factor)); if (has_model && !bottom) glsafe(::glColor4f(0.9f, 0.9f, 0.9f, 1.0f)); else glsafe(::glColor4f(0.9f, 0.9f, 0.9f, 0.6f)); glsafe(::glVertexPointer(3, GL_FLOAT, m_triangles.get_vertex_data_size(), (GLvoid*)m_gridlines.get_vertices_data())); glsafe(::glDrawArrays(GL_LINES, 0, (GLsizei)m_gridlines.get_vertices_count())); } glsafe(::glDisableClientState(GL_VERTEX_ARRAY)); glsafe(::glDisable(GL_BLEND)); } } void Bed3D::reset() { if (m_vbo_id > 0) { glsafe(::glDeleteBuffers(1, &m_vbo_id)); m_vbo_id = 0; } } } // GUI } // Slic3r