#include "BackgroundSlicingProcess.hpp" #include "GUI_App.hpp" #include "GUI.hpp" #include "MainFrame.hpp" #include "format.hpp" #include #include #include // For zipped archive creation #include #include #include #include // Print now includes tbb, and tbb includes Windows. This breaks compilation of wxWidgets if included before wx. #include "libslic3r/Print.hpp" #include "libslic3r/SLAPrint.hpp" #include "libslic3r/Utils.hpp" #include "libslic3r/GCode/PostProcessor.hpp" #include "libslic3r/Format/SL1.hpp" #include "libslic3r/Thread.hpp" #include "libslic3r/libslic3r.h" #include #include #include #include #include #include #include #include "I18N.hpp" #include "RemovableDriveManager.hpp" #include "slic3r/GUI/Plater.hpp" namespace Slic3r { bool SlicingProcessCompletedEvent::critical_error() const { try { this->rethrow_exception(); } catch (const Slic3r::SlicingError &) { // Exception derived from SlicingError is non-critical. return false; } catch (...) { } return true; } bool SlicingProcessCompletedEvent::invalidate_plater() const { if (critical_error()) { try { this->rethrow_exception(); } catch (const Slic3r::ExportError&) { // Exception thrown by copying file does not ivalidate plater return false; } catch (...) { } return true; } return false; } std::pair SlicingProcessCompletedEvent::format_error_message() const { std::string error; bool monospace = false; try { this->rethrow_exception(); } catch (const std::bad_alloc &ex) { wxString errmsg = GUI::from_u8((boost::format(_utf8(L("%s has encountered an error. It was likely caused by running out of memory. " "If you are sure you have enough RAM on your system, this may also be a bug and we would " "be glad if you reported it."))) % SLIC3R_APP_NAME).str()); error = std::string(errmsg.ToUTF8()) + "\n\n" + std::string(ex.what()); } catch (const HardCrash &ex) { error = GUI::format(_L("PrusaSlicer has encountered a fatal error: \"%1%\""), ex.what()) + "\n\n" + _u8L("Please save your project and restart PrusaSlicer. " "We would be glad if you reported the issue."); } catch (PlaceholderParserError &ex) { error = ex.what(); monospace = true; } catch (std::exception &ex) { error = ex.what(); } catch (...) { error = "Unknown C++ exception."; } return std::make_pair(std::move(error), monospace); } BackgroundSlicingProcess::BackgroundSlicingProcess() { boost::filesystem::path temp_path(wxStandardPaths::Get().GetTempDir().utf8_str().data()); temp_path /= (boost::format(".%1%.gcode") % get_current_pid()).str(); m_temp_output_path = temp_path.string(); } BackgroundSlicingProcess::~BackgroundSlicingProcess() { this->stop(); this->join_background_thread(); boost::nowide::remove(m_temp_output_path.c_str()); } bool BackgroundSlicingProcess::select_technology(PrinterTechnology tech) { bool changed = false; if (m_print == nullptr || m_print->technology() != tech) { if (m_print != nullptr) this->reset(); switch (tech) { case ptFFF: m_print = m_fff_print; break; case ptSLA: m_print = m_sla_print; break; default: assert(false); break; } changed = true; } assert(m_print != nullptr); return changed; } PrinterTechnology BackgroundSlicingProcess::current_printer_technology() const { return m_print->technology(); } std::string BackgroundSlicingProcess::output_filepath_for_project(const boost::filesystem::path &project_path) { assert(m_print != nullptr); if (project_path.empty()) return m_print->output_filepath(""); return m_print->output_filepath(project_path.parent_path().string(), project_path.stem().string()); } // This function may one day be merged into the Print, but historically the print was separated // from the G-code generator. void BackgroundSlicingProcess::process_fff() { assert(m_print == m_fff_print); m_print->process(); wxCommandEvent evt(m_event_slicing_completed_id); // Post the Slicing Finished message for the G-code viewer to update. // Passing the timestamp evt.SetInt((int)(m_fff_print->step_state_with_timestamp(PrintStep::psSlicingFinished).timestamp)); wxQueueEvent(GUI::wxGetApp().mainframe->m_plater, evt.Clone()); m_fff_print->export_gcode(m_temp_output_path, m_gcode_result, [this](const ThumbnailsParams& params) { return this->render_thumbnails(params); }); if (this->set_step_started(bspsGCodeFinalize)) { if (! m_export_path.empty()) { wxQueueEvent(GUI::wxGetApp().mainframe->m_plater, new wxCommandEvent(m_event_export_began_id)); finalize_gcode(); } else if (! m_upload_job.empty()) { wxQueueEvent(GUI::wxGetApp().mainframe->m_plater, new wxCommandEvent(m_event_export_began_id)); prepare_upload(); } else { m_print->set_status(100, _utf8(L("Slicing complete"))); } this->set_step_done(bspsGCodeFinalize); } } void BackgroundSlicingProcess::process_sla() { assert(m_print == m_sla_print); m_print->process(); if (this->set_step_started(bspsGCodeFinalize)) { if (! m_export_path.empty()) { wxQueueEvent(GUI::wxGetApp().mainframe->m_plater, new wxCommandEvent(m_event_export_began_id)); const std::string export_path = m_sla_print->print_statistics().finalize_output_path(m_export_path); ThumbnailsList thumbnails = this->render_thumbnails( ThumbnailsParams{current_print()->full_print_config().option("thumbnails")->values, true, true, true, true}); m_sla_print->export_print(export_path, thumbnails); m_print->set_status(100, (boost::format(_utf8(L("Masked SLA file exported to %1%"))) % export_path).str()); } else if (! m_upload_job.empty()) { wxQueueEvent(GUI::wxGetApp().mainframe->m_plater, new wxCommandEvent(m_event_export_began_id)); prepare_upload(); } else { m_print->set_status(100, _utf8(L("Slicing complete"))); } this->set_step_done(bspsGCodeFinalize); } } void BackgroundSlicingProcess::thread_proc() { set_current_thread_name("slic3r_BgSlcPcs"); name_tbb_thread_pool_threads_set_locale(); assert(m_print != nullptr); assert(m_print == m_fff_print || m_print == m_sla_print); std::unique_lock lck(m_mutex); // Let the caller know we are ready to run the background processing task. m_state = STATE_IDLE; lck.unlock(); m_condition.notify_one(); for (;;) { assert(m_state == STATE_IDLE || m_state == STATE_CANCELED || m_state == STATE_FINISHED); // Wait until a new task is ready to be executed, or this thread should be finished. lck.lock(); m_condition.wait(lck, [this](){ return m_state == STATE_STARTED || m_state == STATE_EXIT; }); if (m_state == STATE_EXIT) // Exiting this thread. break; // Process the background slicing task. m_state = STATE_RUNNING; lck.unlock(); std::exception_ptr exception; #ifdef _WIN32 this->call_process_seh_throw(exception); #else this->call_process(exception); #endif m_print->finalize(); lck.lock(); m_state = m_print->canceled() ? STATE_CANCELED : STATE_FINISHED; if (m_print->cancel_status() != Print::CANCELED_INTERNAL) { // Only post the canceled event, if canceled by user. // Don't post the canceled event, if canceled from Print::apply(). SlicingProcessCompletedEvent evt(m_event_finished_id, 0, (m_state == STATE_CANCELED) ? SlicingProcessCompletedEvent::Cancelled : exception ? SlicingProcessCompletedEvent::Error : SlicingProcessCompletedEvent::Finished, exception); wxQueueEvent(GUI::wxGetApp().mainframe->m_plater, evt.Clone()); } m_print->restart(); lck.unlock(); // Let the UI thread wake up if it is waiting for the background task to finish. m_condition.notify_one(); // Let the UI thread see the result. } m_state = STATE_EXITED; lck.unlock(); // End of the background processing thread. The UI thread should join m_thread now. } #ifdef _WIN32 // Only these SEH exceptions will be catched and turned into Slic3r::HardCrash C++ exceptions. static bool is_win32_seh_harware_exception(unsigned long ex) throw() { return ex == STATUS_ACCESS_VIOLATION || ex == STATUS_DATATYPE_MISALIGNMENT || ex == STATUS_FLOAT_DIVIDE_BY_ZERO || ex == STATUS_FLOAT_OVERFLOW || ex == STATUS_FLOAT_UNDERFLOW || #ifdef STATUS_FLOATING_RESEVERED_OPERAND ex == STATUS_FLOATING_RESEVERED_OPERAND || #endif // STATUS_FLOATING_RESEVERED_OPERAND ex == STATUS_ILLEGAL_INSTRUCTION || ex == STATUS_PRIVILEGED_INSTRUCTION || ex == STATUS_INTEGER_DIVIDE_BY_ZERO || ex == STATUS_INTEGER_OVERFLOW || ex == STATUS_STACK_OVERFLOW; } // Rethrow some SEH exceptions as Slic3r::HardCrash C++ exceptions. static void rethrow_seh_exception(unsigned long win32_seh_catched) { if (win32_seh_catched) { // Rethrow SEH exception as Slicer::HardCrash. if (win32_seh_catched == STATUS_ACCESS_VIOLATION || win32_seh_catched == STATUS_DATATYPE_MISALIGNMENT) throw Slic3r::HardCrash(_u8L("Access violation")); if (win32_seh_catched == STATUS_ILLEGAL_INSTRUCTION || win32_seh_catched == STATUS_PRIVILEGED_INSTRUCTION) throw Slic3r::HardCrash(_u8L("Illegal instruction")); if (win32_seh_catched == STATUS_FLOAT_DIVIDE_BY_ZERO || win32_seh_catched == STATUS_INTEGER_DIVIDE_BY_ZERO) throw Slic3r::HardCrash(_u8L("Divide by zero")); if (win32_seh_catched == STATUS_FLOAT_OVERFLOW || win32_seh_catched == STATUS_INTEGER_OVERFLOW) throw Slic3r::HardCrash(_u8L("Overflow")); if (win32_seh_catched == STATUS_FLOAT_UNDERFLOW) throw Slic3r::HardCrash(_u8L("Underflow")); #ifdef STATUS_FLOATING_RESEVERED_OPERAND if (win32_seh_catched == STATUS_FLOATING_RESEVERED_OPERAND) throw Slic3r::HardCrash(_u8L("Floating reserved operand")); #endif // STATUS_FLOATING_RESEVERED_OPERAND if (win32_seh_catched == STATUS_STACK_OVERFLOW) throw Slic3r::HardCrash(_u8L("Stack overflow")); } } // Wrapper for Win32 structured exceptions. Win32 structured exception blocks and C++ exception blocks cannot be mixed in the same function. unsigned long BackgroundSlicingProcess::call_process_seh(std::exception_ptr &ex) throw() { unsigned long win32_seh_catched = 0; __try { this->call_process(ex); } __except (is_win32_seh_harware_exception(GetExceptionCode())) { win32_seh_catched = GetExceptionCode(); } return win32_seh_catched; } void BackgroundSlicingProcess::call_process_seh_throw(std::exception_ptr &ex) throw() { unsigned long win32_seh_catched = this->call_process_seh(ex); if (win32_seh_catched) { // Rethrow SEH exception as Slicer::HardCrash. try { rethrow_seh_exception(win32_seh_catched); } catch (...) { ex = std::current_exception(); } } } #endif // _WIN32 void BackgroundSlicingProcess::call_process(std::exception_ptr &ex) throw() { try { assert(m_print != nullptr); switch (m_print->technology()) { case ptFFF: this->process_fff(); break; case ptSLA: this->process_sla(); break; default: m_print->process(); break; } } catch (CanceledException& /* ex */) { // Canceled, this is all right. assert(m_print->canceled()); ex = std::current_exception(); } catch (...) { ex = std::current_exception(); } } #ifdef _WIN32 unsigned long BackgroundSlicingProcess::thread_proc_safe_seh() throw() { unsigned long win32_seh_catched = 0; __try { this->thread_proc_safe(); } __except (is_win32_seh_harware_exception(GetExceptionCode())) { win32_seh_catched = GetExceptionCode(); } return win32_seh_catched; } void BackgroundSlicingProcess::thread_proc_safe_seh_throw() throw() { unsigned long win32_seh_catched = this->thread_proc_safe_seh(); if (win32_seh_catched) { // Rethrow SEH exception as Slicer::HardCrash. try { rethrow_seh_exception(win32_seh_catched); } catch (...) { wxTheApp->OnUnhandledException(); } } } #endif // _WIN32 void BackgroundSlicingProcess::thread_proc_safe() throw() { try { this->thread_proc(); } catch (...) { wxTheApp->OnUnhandledException(); } } void BackgroundSlicingProcess::join_background_thread() { std::unique_lock lck(m_mutex); if (m_state == STATE_INITIAL) { // Worker thread has not been started yet. assert(! m_thread.joinable()); } else { assert(m_state == STATE_IDLE); assert(m_thread.joinable()); // Notify the worker thread to exit. m_state = STATE_EXIT; lck.unlock(); m_condition.notify_one(); // Wait until the worker thread exits. m_thread.join(); } } bool BackgroundSlicingProcess::start() { if (m_print->empty()) // The print is empty (no object in Model, or all objects are out of the print bed). return false; std::unique_lock lck(m_mutex); if (m_state == STATE_INITIAL) { // The worker thread is not running yet. Start it. assert(! m_thread.joinable()); m_thread = create_thread([this]{ #ifdef _WIN32 this->thread_proc_safe_seh_throw(); #else // _WIN32 this->thread_proc_safe(); #endif // _WIN32 }); // Wait until the worker thread is ready to execute the background processing task. m_condition.wait(lck, [this](){ return m_state == STATE_IDLE; }); } assert(m_state == STATE_IDLE || this->running()); if (this->running()) // The background processing thread is already running. return false; if (! this->idle()) throw Slic3r::RuntimeError("Cannot start a background task, the worker thread is not idle."); m_state = STATE_STARTED; m_print->set_cancel_callback([this](){ this->stop_internal(); }); lck.unlock(); m_condition.notify_one(); return true; } // To be called on the UI thread. bool BackgroundSlicingProcess::stop() { // m_print->state_mutex() shall NOT be held. Unfortunately there is no interface to test for it. std::unique_lock lck(m_mutex); if (m_state == STATE_INITIAL) { // m_export_path.clear(); return false; } // assert(this->running()); if (m_state == STATE_STARTED || m_state == STATE_RUNNING) { // Cancel any task planned by the background thread on UI thread. cancel_ui_task(m_ui_task); m_print->cancel(); // Wait until the background processing stops by being canceled. m_condition.wait(lck, [this](){ return m_state == STATE_CANCELED; }); // In the "Canceled" state. Reset the state to "Idle". m_state = STATE_IDLE; m_print->set_cancel_callback([](){}); } else if (m_state == STATE_FINISHED || m_state == STATE_CANCELED) { // In the "Finished" or "Canceled" state. Reset the state to "Idle". m_state = STATE_IDLE; m_print->set_cancel_callback([](){}); } // m_export_path.clear(); return true; } bool BackgroundSlicingProcess::reset() { bool stopped = this->stop(); this->reset_export(); m_print->clear(); this->invalidate_all_steps(); return stopped; } // To be called by Print::apply() on the UI thread through the Print::m_cancel_callback to stop the background // processing before changing any data of running or finalized milestones. // This function shall not trigger any UI update through the wxWidgets event. void BackgroundSlicingProcess::stop_internal() { // m_print->state_mutex() shall be held. Unfortunately there is no interface to test for it. if (m_state == STATE_IDLE) // The worker thread is waiting on m_mutex/m_condition for wake up. The following lock of the mutex would block. return; std::unique_lock lck(m_mutex); assert(m_state == STATE_STARTED || m_state == STATE_RUNNING || m_state == STATE_FINISHED || m_state == STATE_CANCELED); if (m_state == STATE_STARTED || m_state == STATE_RUNNING) { // Cancel any task planned by the background thread on UI thread. cancel_ui_task(m_ui_task); // At this point of time the worker thread may be blocking on m_print->state_mutex(). // Set the print state to canceled before unlocking the state_mutex(), so when the worker thread wakes up, // it throws the CanceledException(). m_print->cancel_internal(); // Allow the worker thread to wake up if blocking on a milestone. m_print->state_mutex().unlock(); // Wait until the background processing stops by being canceled. m_condition.wait(lck, [this](){ return m_state == STATE_CANCELED; }); // Lock it back to be in a consistent state. m_print->state_mutex().lock(); } // In the "Canceled" state. Reset the state to "Idle". m_state = STATE_IDLE; m_print->set_cancel_callback([](){}); } // Execute task from background thread on the UI thread. Returns true if processed, false if cancelled. bool BackgroundSlicingProcess::execute_ui_task(std::function task) { bool running = false; if (m_mutex.try_lock()) { // Cancellation is either not in process, or already canceled and waiting for us to finish. // There must be no UI task planned. assert(! m_ui_task); if (! m_print->canceled()) { running = true; m_ui_task = std::make_shared(); } m_mutex.unlock(); } else { // Cancellation is in process. } bool result = false; if (running) { std::shared_ptr ctx = m_ui_task; GUI::wxGetApp().mainframe->m_plater->CallAfter([task, ctx]() { // Running on the UI thread, thus ctx->state does not need to be guarded with mutex against ::cancel_ui_task(). assert(ctx->state == UITask::Planned || ctx->state == UITask::Canceled); if (ctx->state == UITask::Planned) { task(); std::unique_lock lck(ctx->mutex); ctx->state = UITask::Finished; } // Wake up the worker thread from the UI thread. ctx->condition.notify_all(); }); { std::unique_lock lock(ctx->mutex); ctx->condition.wait(lock, [&ctx]{ return ctx->state == UITask::Finished || ctx->state == UITask::Canceled; }); } result = ctx->state == UITask::Finished; m_ui_task.reset(); } return result; } // To be called on the UI thread from ::stop() and ::stop_internal(). void BackgroundSlicingProcess::cancel_ui_task(std::shared_ptr task) { if (task) { std::unique_lock lck(task->mutex); task->state = UITask::Canceled; lck.unlock(); task->condition.notify_all(); } } bool BackgroundSlicingProcess::empty() const { assert(m_print != nullptr); return m_print->empty(); } std::string BackgroundSlicingProcess::validate(std::string* warning) { assert(m_print != nullptr); return m_print->validate(warning); } // Apply config over the print. Returns false, if the new config values caused any of the already // processed steps to be invalidated, therefore the task will need to be restarted. Print::ApplyStatus BackgroundSlicingProcess::apply(const Model &model, const DynamicPrintConfig &config) { assert(m_print != nullptr); assert(config.opt_enum("printer_technology") == m_print->technology()); Print::ApplyStatus invalidated = m_print->apply(model, config); if ((invalidated & PrintBase::APPLY_STATUS_INVALIDATED) != 0 && m_print->technology() == ptFFF && !m_fff_print->is_step_done(psGCodeExport)) { // Some FFF status was invalidated, and the G-code was not exported yet. // Let the G-code preview UI know that the final G-code preview is not valid. // In addition, this early memory deallocation reduces memory footprint. if (m_gcode_result != nullptr) m_gcode_result->reset(); } return invalidated; } void BackgroundSlicingProcess::set_task(const PrintBase::TaskParams ¶ms) { assert(m_print != nullptr); m_print->set_task(params); } // Set the output path of the G-code. void BackgroundSlicingProcess::schedule_export(const std::string &path, bool export_path_on_removable_media) { assert(m_export_path.empty()); if (! m_export_path.empty()) return; // Guard against entering the export step before changing the export path. std::scoped_lock lock(m_print->state_mutex()); this->invalidate_step(bspsGCodeFinalize); m_export_path = path; m_export_path_on_removable_media = export_path_on_removable_media; } void BackgroundSlicingProcess::schedule_upload(Slic3r::PrintHostJob upload_job) { assert(m_export_path.empty()); if (! m_export_path.empty()) return; // Guard against entering the export step before changing the export path. std::scoped_lock lock(m_print->state_mutex()); this->invalidate_step(bspsGCodeFinalize); m_export_path.clear(); m_upload_job = std::move(upload_job); } void BackgroundSlicingProcess::reset_export() { assert(! this->running()); if (! this->running()) { m_export_path.clear(); m_export_path_on_removable_media = false; // invalidate_step expects the mutex to be locked. std::scoped_lock lock(m_print->state_mutex()); this->invalidate_step(bspsGCodeFinalize); } } bool BackgroundSlicingProcess::set_step_started(BackgroundSlicingProcessStep step) { return m_step_state.set_started(step, m_print->state_mutex(), [this](){ this->throw_if_canceled(); }); } void BackgroundSlicingProcess::set_step_done(BackgroundSlicingProcessStep step) { m_step_state.set_done(step, m_print->state_mutex(), [this](){ this->throw_if_canceled(); }); } bool BackgroundSlicingProcess::is_step_done(BackgroundSlicingProcessStep step) const { return m_step_state.is_done(step, m_print->state_mutex()); } bool BackgroundSlicingProcess::invalidate_step(BackgroundSlicingProcessStep step) { bool invalidated = m_step_state.invalidate(step, [this](){ this->stop_internal(); }); return invalidated; } bool BackgroundSlicingProcess::invalidate_all_steps() { return m_step_state.invalidate_all([this](){ this->stop_internal(); }); } // G-code is generated in m_temp_output_path. // Optionally run a post-processing script on a copy of m_temp_output_path. // Copy the final G-code to target location (possibly a SD card, if it is a removable media, then verify that the file was written without an error). void BackgroundSlicingProcess::finalize_gcode() { m_print->set_status(95, _utf8(L("Running post-processing scripts"))); // Perform the final post-processing of the export path by applying the print statistics over the file name. std::string export_path = m_fff_print->print_statistics().finalize_output_path(m_export_path); std::string output_path = m_temp_output_path; // Both output_path and export_path ar in-out parameters. // If post processed, output_path will differ from m_temp_output_path as run_post_process_scripts() will make a copy of the G-code to not // collide with the G-code viewer memory mapping of the unprocessed G-code. G-code viewer maps unprocessed G-code, because m_gcode_result // is calculated for the unprocessed G-code and it references lines in the memory mapped G-code file by line numbers. // export_path may be changed by the post-processing script as well if the post processing script decides so, see GH #6042. bool post_processed = run_post_process_scripts(output_path, true, "File", export_path, m_fff_print->full_print_config()); auto remove_post_processed_temp_file = [post_processed, &output_path]() { if (post_processed) try { boost::filesystem::remove(output_path); } catch (const std::exception &ex) { BOOST_LOG_TRIVIAL(error) << "Failed to remove temp file " << output_path << ": " << ex.what(); } }; //FIXME localize the messages std::string error_message; int copy_ret_val = CopyFileResult::SUCCESS; try { copy_ret_val = copy_file(output_path, export_path, error_message, m_export_path_on_removable_media); remove_post_processed_temp_file(); } catch (...) { remove_post_processed_temp_file(); throw Slic3r::ExportError(_utf8(L("Unknown error occured during exporting G-code."))); } switch (copy_ret_val) { case CopyFileResult::SUCCESS: break; // no error case CopyFileResult::FAIL_COPY_FILE: throw Slic3r::ExportError((boost::format(_utf8(L("Copying of the temporary G-code to the output G-code failed. Maybe the SD card is write locked?\nError message: %1%"))) % error_message).str()); break; case CopyFileResult::FAIL_FILES_DIFFERENT: throw Slic3r::ExportError((boost::format(_utf8(L("Copying of the temporary G-code to the output G-code failed. There might be problem with target device, please try exporting again or using different device. The corrupted output G-code is at %1%.tmp."))) % export_path).str()); break; case CopyFileResult::FAIL_RENAMING: throw Slic3r::ExportError((boost::format(_utf8(L("Renaming of the G-code after copying to the selected destination folder has failed. Current path is %1%.tmp. Please try exporting again."))) % export_path).str()); break; case CopyFileResult::FAIL_CHECK_ORIGIN_NOT_OPENED: throw Slic3r::ExportError((boost::format(_utf8(L("Copying of the temporary G-code has finished but the original code at %1% couldn't be opened during copy check. The output G-code is at %2%.tmp."))) % output_path % export_path).str()); break; case CopyFileResult::FAIL_CHECK_TARGET_NOT_OPENED: throw Slic3r::ExportError((boost::format(_utf8(L("Copying of the temporary G-code has finished but the exported code couldn't be opened during copy check. The output G-code is at %1%.tmp."))) % export_path).str()); break; default: throw Slic3r::ExportError(_utf8(L("Unknown error occured during exporting G-code."))); BOOST_LOG_TRIVIAL(error) << "Unexpected fail code(" << (int)copy_ret_val << ") durring copy_file() to " << export_path << "."; break; } m_print->set_status(100, (boost::format(_utf8(L("G-code file exported to %1%"))) % export_path).str()); } // A print host upload job has been scheduled, enqueue it to the printhost job queue void BackgroundSlicingProcess::prepare_upload() { // Generate a unique temp path to which the gcode/zip file is copied/exported boost::filesystem::path source_path = boost::filesystem::temp_directory_path() / boost::filesystem::unique_path("." SLIC3R_APP_KEY ".upload.%%%%-%%%%-%%%%-%%%%"); if (m_print == m_fff_print) { m_print->set_status(95, _utf8(L("Running post-processing scripts"))); std::string error_message; if (copy_file(m_temp_output_path, source_path.string(), error_message) != SUCCESS) throw Slic3r::RuntimeError(_utf8(L("Copying of the temporary G-code to the output G-code failed"))); m_upload_job.upload_data.upload_path = m_fff_print->print_statistics().finalize_output_path(m_upload_job.upload_data.upload_path.string()); // Make a copy of the source path, as run_post_process_scripts() is allowed to change it when making a copy of the source file // (not here, but when the final target is a file). std::string source_path_str = source_path.string(); std::string output_name_str = m_upload_job.upload_data.upload_path.string(); if (run_post_process_scripts(source_path_str, false, m_upload_job.printhost->get_name(), output_name_str, m_fff_print->full_print_config())) m_upload_job.upload_data.upload_path = output_name_str; } else { m_upload_job.upload_data.upload_path = m_sla_print->print_statistics().finalize_output_path(m_upload_job.upload_data.upload_path.string()); ThumbnailsList thumbnails = this->render_thumbnails( ThumbnailsParams{current_print()->full_print_config().option("thumbnails")->values, true, true, true, true}); m_sla_print->export_print(source_path.string(),thumbnails, m_upload_job.upload_data.upload_path.string()); } m_print->set_status(100, (boost::format(_utf8(L("Scheduling upload to `%1%`. See Window -> Print Host Upload Queue"))) % m_upload_job.printhost->get_host()).str()); m_upload_job.upload_data.source_path = std::move(source_path); GUI::wxGetApp().printhost_job_queue().enqueue(std::move(m_upload_job)); } // Executed by the background thread, to start a task on the UI thread. ThumbnailsList BackgroundSlicingProcess::render_thumbnails(const ThumbnailsParams ¶ms) { ThumbnailsList thumbnails; if (m_thumbnail_cb) this->execute_ui_task([this, ¶ms, &thumbnails](){ thumbnails = m_thumbnail_cb(params); }); return thumbnails; } }; // namespace Slic3r