#include "libslic3r/libslic3r.h" #include "DoubleSlider.hpp" #include "libslic3r/GCode.hpp" #include "GUI.hpp" #include "GUI_App.hpp" #include "Plater.hpp" #include "I18N.hpp" #include "ExtruderSequenceDialog.hpp" #include "libslic3r/Print.hpp" #include "libslic3r/AppConfig.hpp" #include "GUI_Utils.hpp" #include "MsgDialog.hpp" #include "Tab.hpp" #include "GUI_ObjectList.hpp" #include #include #include #include #include #include #include #include #include #include #include #include #include "Field.hpp" #include "format.hpp" #include "NotificationManager.hpp" namespace Slic3r { using GUI::from_u8; using GUI::into_u8; using GUI::format_wxstr; namespace DoubleSlider { constexpr double min_delta_area = scale_(scale_(25)); // equal to 25 mm2 constexpr double miscalculation = scale_(scale_(1)); // equal to 1 mm2 bool equivalent_areas(const double& bottom_area, const double& top_area) { return fabs(bottom_area - top_area) <= miscalculation; } wxDEFINE_EVENT(wxCUSTOMEVT_TICKSCHANGED, wxEvent); static std::string gcode(Type type) { const PrintConfig& config = GUI::wxGetApp().plater()->fff_print().config(); switch (type) { case ColorChange: return config.color_change_gcode; case PausePrint: return config.pause_print_gcode; case Template: return config.template_custom_gcode; default: return ""; } } Control::Control( wxWindow *parent, wxWindowID id, int lowerValue, int higherValue, int minValue, int maxValue, const wxPoint& pos, const wxSize& size, long style, const wxValidator& val, const wxString& name) : wxControl(parent, id, pos, size, wxWANTS_CHARS | wxBORDER_NONE), m_lower_value(lowerValue), m_higher_value (higherValue), m_min_value(minValue), m_max_value(maxValue), m_style(style == wxSL_HORIZONTAL || style == wxSL_VERTICAL ? style: wxSL_HORIZONTAL), m_extra_style(style == wxSL_VERTICAL ? wxSL_AUTOTICKS | wxSL_VALUE_LABEL : 0) { #ifdef __WXOSX__ is_osx = true; #endif //__WXOSX__ if (!is_osx) SetDoubleBuffered(true);// SetDoubleBuffered exists on Win and Linux/GTK, but is missing on OSX m_bmp_thumb_higher = (style == wxSL_HORIZONTAL ? ScalableBitmap(this, "thumb_right") : ScalableBitmap(this, "thumb_up")); m_bmp_thumb_lower = (style == wxSL_HORIZONTAL ? ScalableBitmap(this, "thumb_left") : ScalableBitmap(this, "thumb_down")); m_thumb_size = m_bmp_thumb_lower.GetBmpSize(); m_bmp_add_tick_on = ScalableBitmap(this, "colorchange_add"); m_bmp_add_tick_off = ScalableBitmap(this, "colorchange_add_f"); m_bmp_del_tick_on = ScalableBitmap(this, "colorchange_del"); m_bmp_del_tick_off = ScalableBitmap(this, "colorchange_del_f"); m_tick_icon_dim = m_bmp_add_tick_on.GetBmpWidth(); m_bmp_one_layer_lock_on = ScalableBitmap(this, "lock_closed"); m_bmp_one_layer_lock_off = ScalableBitmap(this, "lock_closed_f"); m_bmp_one_layer_unlock_on = ScalableBitmap(this, "lock_open"); m_bmp_one_layer_unlock_off = ScalableBitmap(this, "lock_open_f"); m_lock_icon_dim = m_bmp_one_layer_lock_on.GetBmpWidth(); m_bmp_revert = ScalableBitmap(this, "undo"); m_revert_icon_dim = m_bmp_revert.GetBmpWidth(); m_bmp_cog = ScalableBitmap(this, "cog"); m_cog_icon_dim = m_bmp_cog.GetBmpWidth(); m_selection = ssUndef; m_ticks.set_pause_print_msg(_utf8(L("Place bearings in slots and resume printing"))); m_ticks.set_extruder_colors(&m_extruder_colors); // slider events this->Bind(wxEVT_PAINT, &Control::OnPaint, this); this->Bind(wxEVT_CHAR, &Control::OnChar, this); this->Bind(wxEVT_LEFT_DOWN, &Control::OnLeftDown, this); this->Bind(wxEVT_MOTION, &Control::OnMotion, this); this->Bind(wxEVT_LEFT_UP, &Control::OnLeftUp, this); this->Bind(wxEVT_MOUSEWHEEL, &Control::OnWheel, this); this->Bind(wxEVT_ENTER_WINDOW,&Control::OnEnterWin, this); this->Bind(wxEVT_LEAVE_WINDOW,&Control::OnLeaveWin, this); this->Bind(wxEVT_KEY_DOWN, &Control::OnKeyDown, this); this->Bind(wxEVT_KEY_UP, &Control::OnKeyUp, this); this->Bind(wxEVT_RIGHT_DOWN, &Control::OnRightDown,this); this->Bind(wxEVT_RIGHT_UP, &Control::OnRightUp, this); // control's view variables SLIDER_MARGIN = 4 + GUI::wxGetApp().em_unit(); DARK_ORANGE_PEN = wxPen(wxColour(237, 107, 33)); ORANGE_PEN = wxPen(wxColour(253, 126, 66)); LIGHT_ORANGE_PEN = wxPen(wxColour(254, 177, 139)); DARK_GREY_PEN = wxPen(wxColour(128, 128, 128)); GREY_PEN = wxPen(wxColour(164, 164, 164)); LIGHT_GREY_PEN = wxPen(wxColour(204, 204, 204)); m_line_pens = { &DARK_GREY_PEN, &GREY_PEN, &LIGHT_GREY_PEN }; m_segm_pens = { &DARK_ORANGE_PEN, &ORANGE_PEN, &LIGHT_ORANGE_PEN }; m_font = GetFont(); this->SetMinSize(get_min_size()); } void Control::msw_rescale() { m_font = GUI::wxGetApp().normal_font(); m_bmp_thumb_higher.msw_rescale(); m_bmp_thumb_lower .msw_rescale(); m_thumb_size = m_bmp_thumb_lower.bmp().GetSize(); m_bmp_add_tick_on .msw_rescale(); m_bmp_add_tick_off.msw_rescale(); m_bmp_del_tick_on .msw_rescale(); m_bmp_del_tick_off.msw_rescale(); m_tick_icon_dim = m_bmp_add_tick_on.bmp().GetSize().x; m_bmp_one_layer_lock_on .msw_rescale(); m_bmp_one_layer_lock_off .msw_rescale(); m_bmp_one_layer_unlock_on .msw_rescale(); m_bmp_one_layer_unlock_off.msw_rescale(); m_lock_icon_dim = m_bmp_one_layer_lock_on.bmp().GetSize().x; m_bmp_revert.msw_rescale(); m_revert_icon_dim = m_bmp_revert.bmp().GetSize().x; m_bmp_cog.msw_rescale(); m_cog_icon_dim = m_bmp_cog.bmp().GetSize().x; SLIDER_MARGIN = 4 + GUI::wxGetApp().em_unit(); SetMinSize(get_min_size()); GetParent()->Layout(); } void Control::sys_color_changed() { GUI::wxGetApp().UpdateDarkUI(GetParent()); m_bmp_add_tick_on .msw_rescale(); m_bmp_add_tick_off.msw_rescale(); m_bmp_del_tick_on .msw_rescale(); m_bmp_del_tick_off.msw_rescale(); m_tick_icon_dim = m_bmp_add_tick_on.GetBmpWidth(); m_bmp_one_layer_lock_on .msw_rescale(); m_bmp_one_layer_lock_off .msw_rescale(); m_bmp_one_layer_unlock_on .msw_rescale(); m_bmp_one_layer_unlock_off.msw_rescale(); m_lock_icon_dim = m_bmp_one_layer_lock_on.GetBmpWidth(); m_bmp_revert.msw_rescale(); m_revert_icon_dim = m_bmp_revert.GetBmpWidth(); m_bmp_cog.msw_rescale(); m_cog_icon_dim = m_bmp_cog.GetBmpWidth(); } int Control::GetActiveValue() const { return m_selection == ssLower ? m_lower_value : m_selection == ssHigher ? m_higher_value : -1; } wxSize Control::get_min_size() const { const int min_side = GUI::wxGetApp().em_unit() * ( is_horizontal() ? 5 : 11 ); return wxSize(min_side, min_side); } wxSize Control::DoGetBestSize() const { const wxSize size = wxControl::DoGetBestSize(); if (size.x > 1 && size.y > 1) return size; return get_min_size(); } void Control::SetLowerValue(const int lower_val) { m_selection = ssLower; m_lower_value = lower_val; correct_lower_value(); Refresh(); Update(); wxCommandEvent e(wxEVT_SCROLL_CHANGED); e.SetEventObject(this); ProcessWindowEvent(e); } void Control::SetHigherValue(const int higher_val) { m_selection = ssHigher; m_higher_value = higher_val; correct_higher_value(); Refresh(); Update(); wxCommandEvent e(wxEVT_SCROLL_CHANGED); e.SetEventObject(this); ProcessWindowEvent(e); } void Control::SetSelectionSpan(const int lower_val, const int higher_val) { m_lower_value = std::max(lower_val, m_min_value); m_higher_value = std::max(std::min(higher_val, m_max_value), m_lower_value); if (m_lower_value < m_higher_value) m_is_one_layer = false; Refresh(); Update(); wxCommandEvent e(wxEVT_SCROLL_CHANGED); e.SetEventObject(this); ProcessWindowEvent(e); } void Control::SetMaxValue(const int max_value) { m_max_value = max_value; Refresh(); Update(); } void Control::SetSliderValues(const std::vector& values) { m_values = values; m_ruler.init(m_values); } void Control::draw_scroll_line(wxDC& dc, const int lower_pos, const int higher_pos) { int width; int height; get_size(&width, &height); wxCoord line_beg_x = is_horizontal() ? SLIDER_MARGIN : width*0.5 - 1; wxCoord line_beg_y = is_horizontal() ? height*0.5 - 1 : SLIDER_MARGIN; wxCoord line_end_x = is_horizontal() ? width - SLIDER_MARGIN + 1 : width*0.5 - 1; wxCoord line_end_y = is_horizontal() ? height*0.5 - 1 : height - SLIDER_MARGIN + 1; wxCoord segm_beg_x = is_horizontal() ? lower_pos : width*0.5 - 1; wxCoord segm_beg_y = is_horizontal() ? height*0.5 - 1 : lower_pos/*-1*/; wxCoord segm_end_x = is_horizontal() ? higher_pos : width*0.5 - 1; wxCoord segm_end_y = is_horizontal() ? height*0.5 - 1 : higher_pos-1; for (size_t id = 0; id < m_line_pens.size(); id++) { dc.SetPen(*m_line_pens[id]); dc.DrawLine(line_beg_x, line_beg_y, line_end_x, line_end_y); dc.SetPen(*m_segm_pens[id]); dc.DrawLine(segm_beg_x, segm_beg_y, segm_end_x, segm_end_y); if (is_horizontal()) line_beg_y = line_end_y = segm_beg_y = segm_end_y += 1; else line_beg_x = line_end_x = segm_beg_x = segm_end_x += 1; } } double Control::get_scroll_step() { const wxSize sz = get_size(); const int& slider_len = m_style == wxSL_HORIZONTAL ? sz.x : sz.y; return double(slider_len - SLIDER_MARGIN * 2) / (m_max_value - m_min_value); } // get position on the slider line from entered value wxCoord Control::get_position_from_value(const int value) { const double step = get_scroll_step(); const int val = is_horizontal() ? value : m_max_value - value; return wxCoord(SLIDER_MARGIN + int(val*step + 0.5)); } wxSize Control::get_size() const { int w, h; get_size(&w, &h); return wxSize(w, h); } void Control::get_size(int* w, int* h) const { GetSize(w, h); if (m_draw_mode == dmSequentialGCodeView) return; // we have no more icons for drawing is_horizontal() ? *w -= m_lock_icon_dim : *h -= m_lock_icon_dim; } double Control::get_double_value(const SelectedSlider& selection) { if (m_values.empty() || m_lower_value<0) return 0.0; if (m_values.size() <= size_t(m_higher_value)) { correct_higher_value(); return m_values.back(); } return m_values[selection == ssLower ? m_lower_value : m_higher_value]; } int Control::get_tick_from_value(double value, bool force_lower_bound/* = false*/) { std::vector::iterator it; if (m_is_wipe_tower && !force_lower_bound) it = std::find_if(m_values.begin(), m_values.end(), [value](const double & val) { return fabs(value - val) <= epsilon(); }); else it = std::lower_bound(m_values.begin(), m_values.end(), value - epsilon()); if (it == m_values.end()) return -1; return int(it - m_values.begin()); } Info Control::GetTicksValues() const { Info custom_gcode_per_print_z; std::vector& values = custom_gcode_per_print_z.gcodes; const int val_size = m_values.size(); if (!m_values.empty()) for (const TickCode& tick : m_ticks.ticks) { if (tick.tick > val_size) break; values.emplace_back(CustomGCode::Item{ m_values[tick.tick], tick.type, tick.extruder, tick.color, tick.extra }); } if (m_force_mode_apply) custom_gcode_per_print_z.mode = m_mode; return custom_gcode_per_print_z; } void Control::SetTicksValues(const Info& custom_gcode_per_print_z) { if (m_values.empty()) { m_ticks.mode = m_mode; return; } const bool was_empty = m_ticks.empty(); m_ticks.ticks.clear(); const std::vector& heights = custom_gcode_per_print_z.gcodes; for (auto h : heights) { int tick = get_tick_from_value(h.print_z); if (tick >=0) m_ticks.ticks.emplace(TickCode{ tick, h.type, h.extruder, h.color, h.extra }); } if (!was_empty && m_ticks.empty()) // Switch to the "Feature type"/"Tool" from the very beginning of a new object slicing after deleting of the old one post_ticks_changed_event(); // init extruder sequence in respect to the extruders count if (m_ticks.empty()) m_extruders_sequence.init(m_extruder_colors.size()); if (custom_gcode_per_print_z.mode && !custom_gcode_per_print_z.gcodes.empty()) m_ticks.mode = custom_gcode_per_print_z.mode; Refresh(); Update(); } void Control::SetLayersTimes(const std::vector& layers_times, float total_time) { m_layers_times.clear(); if (layers_times.empty()) return; m_layers_times.resize(layers_times.size(), 0.0); m_layers_times[0] = layers_times[0]; for (size_t i = 1; i < layers_times.size(); i++) m_layers_times[i] = m_layers_times[i - 1] + layers_times[i]; // Erase duplicates values from m_values and save it to the m_layers_values // They will be used for show the correct estimated time for MM print, when "No sparce layer" is enabled // See https://github.com/prusa3d/PrusaSlicer/issues/6232 if (m_is_wipe_tower && m_values.size() != m_layers_times.size()) { m_layers_values = m_values; sort(m_layers_values.begin(), m_layers_values.end()); m_layers_values.erase(unique(m_layers_values.begin(), m_layers_values.end()), m_layers_values.end()); // When whipe tower is used to the end of print, there is one layer which is not marked in layers_times // So, add this value from the total print time value if (m_layers_values.size() != m_layers_times.size()) for (size_t i = m_layers_times.size(); i < m_layers_values.size(); i++) m_layers_times.push_back(total_time); Refresh(); Update(); } } void Control::SetLayersTimes(const std::vector& layers_times) { m_is_wipe_tower = false; m_layers_times = layers_times; for (size_t i = 1; i < m_layers_times.size(); i++) m_layers_times[i] += m_layers_times[i - 1]; } void Control::SetDrawMode(bool is_sla_print, bool is_sequential_print) { m_draw_mode = is_sla_print ? dmSlaPrint : is_sequential_print ? dmSequentialFffPrint : dmRegular; } void Control::SetModeAndOnlyExtruder(const bool is_one_extruder_printed_model, const int only_extruder) { m_mode = !is_one_extruder_printed_model ? MultiExtruder : only_extruder < 0 ? SingleExtruder : MultiAsSingle; if (!m_ticks.mode || (m_ticks.empty() && m_ticks.mode != m_mode)) m_ticks.mode = m_mode; m_only_extruder = only_extruder; UseDefaultColors(m_mode == SingleExtruder); m_is_wipe_tower = m_mode != SingleExtruder; } void Control::SetExtruderColors( const std::vector& extruder_colors) { m_extruder_colors = extruder_colors; } bool Control::IsNewPrint() { if (GUI::wxGetApp().plater()->printer_technology() == ptSLA) return false; const Print& print = GUI::wxGetApp().plater()->fff_print(); std::string idxs; for (auto object : print.objects()) idxs += std::to_string(object->id().id) + "_"; if (idxs == m_print_obj_idxs) return false; m_print_obj_idxs = idxs; return true; } void Control::get_lower_and_higher_position(int& lower_pos, int& higher_pos) { const double step = get_scroll_step(); if (is_horizontal()) { lower_pos = SLIDER_MARGIN + int(m_lower_value*step + 0.5); higher_pos = SLIDER_MARGIN + int(m_higher_value*step + 0.5); } else { lower_pos = SLIDER_MARGIN + int((m_max_value - m_lower_value)*step + 0.5); higher_pos = SLIDER_MARGIN + int((m_max_value - m_higher_value)*step + 0.5); } } void Control::draw_focus_rect() { if (!m_is_focused) return; const wxSize sz = GetSize(); wxPaintDC dc(this); const wxPen pen = wxPen(wxColour(128, 128, 10), 1, wxPENSTYLE_DOT); dc.SetPen(pen); dc.SetBrush(wxBrush(wxColour(0, 0, 0), wxBRUSHSTYLE_TRANSPARENT)); dc.DrawRectangle(1, 1, sz.x - 2, sz.y - 2); } void Control::render() { #ifdef _WIN32 GUI::wxGetApp().UpdateDarkUI(this); #else SetBackgroundColour(GetParent()->GetBackgroundColour()); #endif // _WIN32 draw_focus_rect(); wxPaintDC dc(this); dc.SetFont(m_font); const wxCoord lower_pos = get_position_from_value(m_lower_value); const wxCoord higher_pos = get_position_from_value(m_higher_value); // draw colored band on the background of a scroll line // and only in a case of no-empty m_values draw_colored_band(dc); if (m_extra_style & wxSL_AUTOTICKS) draw_ruler(dc); if (!m_render_as_disabled) { // draw line draw_scroll_line(dc, lower_pos, higher_pos); // draw color print ticks draw_ticks(dc); // draw both sliders draw_thumbs(dc, lower_pos, higher_pos); // draw lock/unlock draw_one_layer_icon(dc); // draw revert bitmap (if it's shown) draw_revert_icon(dc); // draw cog bitmap (if it's shown) draw_cog_icon(dc); // draw mouse position draw_tick_on_mouse_position(dc); } } bool Control::is_wipe_tower_layer(int tick) const { if (!m_is_wipe_tower || tick >= (int)m_values.size()) return false; if (tick == 0 || (tick == (int)m_values.size() - 1 && m_values[tick] > m_values[tick - 1])) return false; if ((m_values[tick - 1] == m_values[tick + 1] && m_values[tick] < m_values[tick + 1]) || (tick > 0 && m_values[tick] < m_values[tick - 1]) ) // if there is just one wiping on the layer return true; return false; } void Control::draw_action_icon(wxDC& dc, const wxPoint pt_beg, const wxPoint pt_end) { const int tick = m_selection == ssLower ? m_lower_value : m_higher_value; if (!m_enable_action_icon) return; // suppress add tick on first layer if (tick == 0) return; if (is_wipe_tower_layer(tick)) { m_rect_tick_action = wxRect(); return; } wxBitmap* icon = m_focus == fiActionIcon ? &m_bmp_add_tick_off.bmp() : &m_bmp_add_tick_on.bmp(); if (m_ticks.ticks.find(TickCode{tick}) != m_ticks.ticks.end()) icon = m_focus == fiActionIcon ? &m_bmp_del_tick_off.bmp() : &m_bmp_del_tick_on.bmp(); wxCoord x_draw, y_draw; is_horizontal() ? x_draw = pt_beg.x - 0.5*m_tick_icon_dim : y_draw = pt_beg.y - 0.5*m_tick_icon_dim; if (m_selection == ssLower) is_horizontal() ? y_draw = pt_end.y + 3 : x_draw = pt_beg.x - m_tick_icon_dim-2; else is_horizontal() ? y_draw = pt_beg.y - m_tick_icon_dim-2 : x_draw = pt_end.x + 3; if (m_draw_mode == dmSequentialFffPrint) dc.DrawBitmap(create_scaled_bitmap("colorchange_add", nullptr, 16, true), x_draw, y_draw); else dc.DrawBitmap(*icon, x_draw, y_draw); //update rect of the tick action icon m_rect_tick_action = wxRect(x_draw, y_draw, m_tick_icon_dim, m_tick_icon_dim); } void Control::draw_info_line_with_icon(wxDC& dc, const wxPoint& pos, const SelectedSlider selection) { if (m_selection == selection) { //draw info line dc.SetPen(DARK_ORANGE_PEN); const wxPoint pt_beg = is_horizontal() ? wxPoint(pos.x, pos.y - m_thumb_size.y) : wxPoint(pos.x - m_thumb_size.x, pos.y/* - 1*/); const wxPoint pt_end = is_horizontal() ? wxPoint(pos.x, pos.y + m_thumb_size.y) : wxPoint(pos.x + m_thumb_size.x, pos.y/* - 1*/); dc.DrawLine(pt_beg, pt_end); //draw action icon if (m_draw_mode == dmRegular || m_draw_mode == dmSequentialFffPrint) draw_action_icon(dc, pt_beg, pt_end); } } void Control::draw_tick_on_mouse_position(wxDC& dc) { if (!m_is_focused || m_moving_pos == wxDefaultPosition) return; //calculate thumb position on slider line int width, height; get_size(&width, &height); int tick = get_tick_near_point(m_moving_pos); if (tick == m_higher_value || tick == m_lower_value) return ; auto draw_ticks = [this](wxDC& dc, wxPoint pos, int margin=0 ) { wxPoint pt_beg = is_horizontal() ? wxPoint(pos.x+margin, pos.y - m_thumb_size.y) : wxPoint(pos.x - m_thumb_size.x , pos.y+margin); wxPoint pt_end = is_horizontal() ? wxPoint(pos.x+margin, pos.y + m_thumb_size.y) : wxPoint(pos.x - 0.5 * m_thumb_size.x + 1, pos.y+margin); dc.DrawLine(pt_beg, pt_end); pt_beg = is_horizontal() ? wxPoint(pos.x + margin, pos.y - m_thumb_size.y) : wxPoint(pos.x + 0.5 * m_thumb_size.x, pos.y+margin); pt_end = is_horizontal() ? wxPoint(pos.x + margin, pos.y + m_thumb_size.y) : wxPoint(pos.x + m_thumb_size.x + 1, pos.y+margin); dc.DrawLine(pt_beg, pt_end); }; auto draw_touch = [this](wxDC& dc, wxPoint pos, int margin, bool right_side ) { int mult = right_side ? 1 : -1; wxPoint pt_beg = is_horizontal() ? wxPoint(pos.x - margin, pos.y + mult * m_thumb_size.y) : wxPoint(pos.x + mult * m_thumb_size.x, pos.y - margin); wxPoint pt_end = is_horizontal() ? wxPoint(pos.x + margin, pos.y + mult * m_thumb_size.y) : wxPoint(pos.x + mult * m_thumb_size.x, pos.y + margin); dc.DrawLine(pt_beg, pt_end); }; if (tick > 0) // this tick exists and should be marked as a focused { wxCoord new_pos = get_position_from_value(tick); const wxPoint pos = is_horizontal() ? wxPoint(new_pos, height * 0.5) : wxPoint(0.5 * width, new_pos); dc.SetPen(DARK_ORANGE_PEN); draw_ticks(dc, pos, -2); draw_ticks(dc, pos, 2 ); draw_touch(dc, pos, 2, true); draw_touch(dc, pos, 2, false); return; } tick = get_value_from_position(m_moving_pos); if (tick > m_max_value || tick < m_min_value || tick == m_higher_value || tick == m_lower_value) return; wxCoord new_pos = get_position_from_value(tick); const wxPoint pos = is_horizontal() ? wxPoint(new_pos, height * 0.5) : wxPoint(0.5 * width, new_pos); //draw info line dc.SetPen(LIGHT_GREY_PEN); draw_ticks(dc, pos); if (m_extra_style & wxSL_VALUE_LABEL) { wxColour old_clr = dc.GetTextForeground(); dc.SetTextForeground(GREY_PEN.GetColour()); draw_tick_text(dc, pos, tick, ltEstimatedTime, false); dc.SetTextForeground(old_clr); } } static wxString short_and_splitted_time(const std::string& time) { // Parse the dhms time format. int days = 0; int hours = 0; int minutes = 0; int seconds = 0; if (time.find('d') != std::string::npos) ::sscanf(time.c_str(), "%dd %dh %dm %ds", &days, &hours, &minutes, &seconds); else if (time.find('h') != std::string::npos) ::sscanf(time.c_str(), "%dh %dm %ds", &hours, &minutes, &seconds); else if (time.find('m') != std::string::npos) ::sscanf(time.c_str(), "%dm %ds", &minutes, &seconds); else if (time.find('s') != std::string::npos) ::sscanf(time.c_str(), "%ds", &seconds); // Format the dhm time. char buffer[64]; if (days > 0) ::sprintf(buffer, "%dd%dh\n%dm", days, hours, minutes); else if (hours > 0) { if (hours < 10 && minutes < 10 && seconds < 10) ::sprintf(buffer, "%dh%dm%ds", hours, minutes, seconds); else if (hours > 10 && minutes > 10 && seconds > 10) ::sprintf(buffer, "%dh\n%dm\n%ds", hours, minutes, seconds); else if ((minutes < 10 && seconds > 10) || (minutes > 10 && seconds < 10)) ::sprintf(buffer, "%dh\n%dm%ds", hours, minutes, seconds); else ::sprintf(buffer, "%dh%dm\n%ds", hours, minutes, seconds); } else if (minutes > 0) { if (minutes > 10 && seconds > 10) ::sprintf(buffer, "%dm\n%ds", minutes, seconds); else ::sprintf(buffer, "%dm%ds", minutes, seconds); } else ::sprintf(buffer, "%ds", seconds); return wxString::FromUTF8(buffer); } wxString Control::get_label(int tick, LabelType label_type/* = ltHeightWithLayer*/) const { const size_t value = tick; if (m_label_koef == 1.0 && m_values.empty()) return wxString::Format("%lu", static_cast(value)); if (value >= m_values.size()) return "ErrVal"; // When "Print Settings -> Multiple Extruders -> No sparse layer" is enabled, then "Smart" Wipe Tower is used for wiping. // As a result, each layer with tool changes is splited for min 3 parts: first tool, wiping, second tool ... // So, vertical slider have to respect to this case. // see https://github.com/prusa3d/PrusaSlicer/issues/6232. // m_values contains data for all layer's parts, // but m_layers_values contains just unique Z values. // Use this function for correct conversion slider position to number of printed layer auto get_layer_number = [this](int value, LabelType label_type) { if (label_type == ltEstimatedTime && m_layers_times.empty()) return size_t(-1); double layer_print_z = m_values[is_wipe_tower_layer(value) ? std::max(value - 1, 0) : value]; auto it = std::lower_bound(m_layers_values.begin(), m_layers_values.end(), layer_print_z - epsilon()); if (it == m_layers_values.end()) { it = std::lower_bound(m_values.begin(), m_values.end(), layer_print_z - epsilon()); if (it == m_values.end()) return size_t(-1); return size_t(value); } return size_t(it - m_layers_values.begin()); }; if (m_draw_mode == dmSequentialGCodeView) return wxString::Format("%lu", static_cast(m_alternate_values[value])); else { if (label_type == ltEstimatedTime) { if (m_is_wipe_tower) { size_t layer_number = get_layer_number(value, label_type); return (layer_number == size_t(-1) || layer_number == m_layers_times.size()) ? "" : short_and_splitted_time(get_time_dhms(m_layers_times[layer_number])); } return value < m_layers_times.size() ? short_and_splitted_time(get_time_dhms(m_layers_times[value])) : ""; } wxString str = m_values.empty() ? wxString::Format("%.*f", 2, m_label_koef * value) : wxString::Format("%.*f", 2, m_values[value]); if (label_type == ltHeight) return str; if (label_type == ltHeightWithLayer) { size_t layer_number = m_is_wipe_tower ? get_layer_number(value, label_type) + 1 : (m_values.empty() ? value : value + 1); return format_wxstr("%1%\n(%2%)", str, layer_number); } } return wxEmptyString; } void Control::draw_tick_text(wxDC& dc, const wxPoint& pos, int tick, LabelType label_type/* = ltHeight*/, bool right_side/*=true*/) const { wxCoord text_width, text_height; const wxString label = get_label(tick, label_type); dc.GetMultiLineTextExtent(label, &text_width, &text_height); wxPoint text_pos; if (right_side) { if (is_horizontal()) { int width; int height; get_size(&width, &height); int x_right = pos.x + 1 + text_width; int xx = (x_right < width) ? pos.x + 1 : pos.x - text_width - 1; text_pos = wxPoint(xx, pos.y + m_thumb_size.x / 2 + 1); } else text_pos = wxPoint(pos.x + m_thumb_size.x + 1, pos.y - 0.5 * text_height - 1); } else { if (is_horizontal()) { int x = pos.x - text_width - 1; int xx = (x > 0) ? x : pos.x + 1; text_pos = wxPoint(xx, pos.y - m_thumb_size.x / 2 - text_height - 1); } else text_pos = wxPoint(std::max(2, pos.x - text_width - 1 - m_thumb_size.x), pos.y - 0.5 * text_height + 1); } wxColour old_clr = dc.GetTextForeground(); const wxPen& pen = is_wipe_tower_layer(tick) && (tick == m_lower_value || tick == m_higher_value) ? DARK_ORANGE_PEN : wxPen(old_clr); dc.SetPen(pen); dc.SetTextForeground(pen.GetColour()); if (label_type == ltEstimatedTime) dc.DrawLabel(label, wxRect(text_pos, wxSize(text_width, text_height)), wxALIGN_RIGHT); else dc.DrawText(label, text_pos); dc.SetTextForeground(old_clr); } void Control::draw_thumb_text(wxDC& dc, const wxPoint& pos, const SelectedSlider& selection) const { draw_tick_text(dc, pos, selection == ssLower ? m_lower_value : m_higher_value, ltHeightWithLayer, selection == ssLower); } void Control::draw_thumb_item(wxDC& dc, const wxPoint& pos, const SelectedSlider& selection) { wxCoord x_draw = pos.x - int(0.5 * m_thumb_size.x); wxCoord y_draw = pos.y - int(0.5 * m_thumb_size.y); dc.DrawBitmap(selection == ssLower ? m_bmp_thumb_lower.bmp() : m_bmp_thumb_higher.bmp(), x_draw, y_draw); // Update thumb rect update_thumb_rect(x_draw, y_draw, selection); } void Control::draw_thumb(wxDC& dc, const wxCoord& pos_coord, const SelectedSlider& selection) { //calculate thumb position on slider line int width, height; get_size(&width, &height); const wxPoint pos = is_horizontal() ? wxPoint(pos_coord, height*0.5) : wxPoint(0.5*width, pos_coord); // Draw thumb draw_thumb_item(dc, pos, selection); // Draw info_line draw_info_line_with_icon(dc, pos, selection); // Draw thumb text draw_thumb_text(dc, pos, selection); } void Control::draw_thumbs(wxDC& dc, const wxCoord& lower_pos, const wxCoord& higher_pos) { //calculate thumb position on slider line int width, height; get_size(&width, &height); const wxPoint pos_l = is_horizontal() ? wxPoint(lower_pos, height*0.5) : wxPoint(0.5*width, lower_pos); const wxPoint pos_h = is_horizontal() ? wxPoint(higher_pos, height*0.5) : wxPoint(0.5*width, higher_pos); // Draw lower thumb draw_thumb_item(dc, pos_l, ssLower); // Draw lower info_line draw_info_line_with_icon(dc, pos_l, ssLower); // Draw higher thumb draw_thumb_item(dc, pos_h, ssHigher); // Draw higher info_line draw_info_line_with_icon(dc, pos_h, ssHigher); // Draw higher thumb text draw_thumb_text(dc, pos_h, ssHigher); // Draw lower thumb text draw_thumb_text(dc, pos_l, ssLower); } void Control::draw_ticks_pair(wxDC& dc, wxCoord pos, wxCoord mid, int tick_len) { int mid_space = 9; is_horizontal() ? dc.DrawLine(pos, mid - (mid_space + tick_len), pos, mid - mid_space) : dc.DrawLine(mid - (mid_space + tick_len), pos, mid - mid_space, pos); is_horizontal() ? dc.DrawLine(pos, mid + (mid_space + tick_len), pos, mid + mid_space) : dc.DrawLine(mid + (mid_space + tick_len), pos, mid + mid_space, pos); } void Control::draw_ticks(wxDC& dc) { if (m_draw_mode == dmSlaPrint) return; dc.SetPen(m_draw_mode == dmRegular ? DARK_GREY_PEN : LIGHT_GREY_PEN ); int height, width; get_size(&width, &height); const wxCoord mid = is_horizontal() ? 0.5*height : 0.5*width; for (const TickCode& tick : m_ticks.ticks) { if (size_t(tick.tick) >= m_values.size()) { // The case when OnPaint is called before m_ticks.ticks data are updated (specific for the vase mode) break; } const wxCoord pos = get_position_from_value(tick.tick); draw_ticks_pair(dc, pos, mid, 7); // if current tick if focused, we should to use a specific "focused" icon bool focused_tick = m_moving_pos != wxDefaultPosition && tick.tick == get_tick_near_point(m_moving_pos); // get icon name if it is std::string icon_name; // if we have non-regular draw mode, all ticks should be marked with error icon if (m_draw_mode != dmRegular) icon_name = focused_tick ? "error_tick_f" : "error_tick"; else if (tick.type == ColorChange || tick.type == ToolChange) { if (m_ticks.is_conflict_tick(tick, m_mode, m_only_extruder, m_values[tick.tick])) icon_name = focused_tick ? "error_tick_f" : "error_tick"; } else if (tick.type == PausePrint) icon_name = focused_tick ? "pause_print_f" : "pause_print"; else icon_name = focused_tick ? "edit_gcode_f" : "edit_gcode"; // Draw icon for "Pause print", "Custom Gcode" or conflict tick if (!icon_name.empty()) { wxBitmap icon = create_scaled_bitmap(icon_name); wxCoord x_draw, y_draw; is_horizontal() ? x_draw = pos - 0.5 * m_tick_icon_dim : y_draw = pos - 0.5 * m_tick_icon_dim; is_horizontal() ? y_draw = mid + 22 : x_draw = mid + m_thumb_size.x + 3; dc.DrawBitmap(icon, x_draw, y_draw); } } } std::string Control::get_color_for_tool_change_tick(std::set::const_iterator it) const { const int current_extruder = it->extruder == 0 ? std::max(m_only_extruder, 1) : it->extruder; auto it_n = it; while (it_n != m_ticks.ticks.begin()) { --it_n; if (it_n->type == ColorChange && it_n->extruder == current_extruder) return it_n->color; } return m_extruder_colors[current_extruder-1]; // return a color for a specific extruder from the colors list } std::string Control::get_color_for_color_change_tick(std::set::const_iterator it) const { const int def_extruder = std::max(1, m_only_extruder); auto it_n = it; bool is_tool_change = false; while (it_n != m_ticks.ticks.begin()) { --it_n; if (it_n->type == ToolChange) { is_tool_change = true; if (it_n->extruder == it->extruder) return it->color; break; } if (it_n->type == ColorChange && it_n->extruder == it->extruder) return it->color; } if (!is_tool_change && it->extruder == def_extruder) return it->color; return ""; } wxRect Control::get_colored_band_rect() { int height, width; get_size(&width, &height); const wxCoord mid = is_horizontal() ? 0.5 * height : 0.5 * width; return is_horizontal() ? wxRect(SLIDER_MARGIN, lround(mid - 0.375 * m_thumb_size.y), width - 2 * SLIDER_MARGIN + 1, lround(0.75 * m_thumb_size.y)) : wxRect(lround(mid - 0.375 * m_thumb_size.x), SLIDER_MARGIN, lround(0.75 * m_thumb_size.x), height - 2 * SLIDER_MARGIN + 1); } void Control::draw_colored_band(wxDC& dc) { if (m_draw_mode != dmRegular) return; auto draw_band = [](wxDC& dc, const wxColour& clr, const wxRect& band_rc) { dc.SetPen(clr); dc.SetBrush(clr); dc.DrawRectangle(band_rc); }; wxRect main_band = get_colored_band_rect(); // don't color a band for MultiExtruder mode if (m_ticks.empty() || m_mode == MultiExtruder) { draw_band(dc, GetParent()->GetBackgroundColour(), main_band); return; } const int default_color_idx = m_mode==MultiAsSingle ? std::max(m_only_extruder - 1, 0) : 0; draw_band(dc, wxColour(m_extruder_colors[default_color_idx]), main_band); std::set::const_iterator tick_it = m_ticks.ticks.begin(); while (tick_it != m_ticks.ticks.end()) { if ( (m_mode == SingleExtruder && tick_it->type == ColorChange ) || (m_mode == MultiAsSingle && (tick_it->type == ToolChange || tick_it->type == ColorChange)) ) { const wxCoord pos = get_position_from_value(tick_it->tick); is_horizontal() ? main_band.SetLeft(SLIDER_MARGIN + pos) : main_band.SetBottom(pos - 1); const std::string clr_str = m_mode == SingleExtruder ? tick_it->color : tick_it->type == ToolChange ? get_color_for_tool_change_tick(tick_it) : get_color_for_color_change_tick(tick_it); if (!clr_str.empty()) draw_band(dc, wxColour(clr_str), main_band); } ++tick_it; } } void Control::Ruler::init(const std::vector& values) { max_values.clear(); max_values.reserve(std::count(values.begin(), values.end(), values.front())); auto it = std::find(values.begin() + 1, values.end(), values.front()); while (it != values.end()) { max_values.push_back(*(it - 1)); it = std::find(it + 1, values.end(), values.front()); } max_values.push_back(*(it - 1)); } void Control::Ruler::update(wxWindow* win, const std::vector& values, double scroll_step) { if (values.empty()) return; int DPI = GUI::get_dpi_for_window(win); int pixels_per_sm = lround((double)(DPI) * 5.0/25.4); if (lround(scroll_step) > pixels_per_sm) { long_step = -1.0; return; } int pow = -2; int step = 0; auto end_it = std::find(values.begin() + 1, values.end(), values.front()); while (pow < 3) { for (int istep : {1, 2, 5}) { double val = (double)istep * std::pow(10,pow); auto val_it = std::lower_bound(values.begin(), end_it, val - epsilon()); if (val_it == values.end()) break; int tick = val_it - values.begin(); // find next tick with istep val *= 2; val_it = std::lower_bound(values.begin(), end_it, val - epsilon()); // count of short ticks between ticks int short_ticks_cnt = val_it == values.end() ? tick : val_it - values.begin() - tick; if (lround(short_ticks_cnt * scroll_step) > pixels_per_sm) { step = istep; // there couldn't be more then 10 short ticks between ticks short_step = 0.1 * short_ticks_cnt; break; } } if (step > 0) break; pow++; } long_step = step == 0 ? -1.0 : (double)step* std::pow(10, pow); } void Control::draw_ruler(wxDC& dc) { if (m_values.empty()) return; // When "No sparce layer" is enabled, use m_layers_values for ruler update. // Because of m_values has duplicate values in this case. m_ruler.update(this->GetParent(), m_layers_values.empty() ? m_values : m_layers_values, get_scroll_step()); int height, width; get_size(&width, &height); const wxCoord mid = is_horizontal() ? 0.5 * height : 0.5 * width; dc.SetPen(GREY_PEN); wxColour old_clr = dc.GetTextForeground(); dc.SetTextForeground(GREY_PEN.GetColour()); if (m_ruler.long_step < 0) for (size_t tick = 1; tick < m_values.size(); tick++) { wxCoord pos = get_position_from_value(tick); draw_ticks_pair(dc, pos, mid, 5); draw_tick_text(dc, wxPoint(mid, pos), tick); } else { auto draw_short_ticks = [this, mid](wxDC& dc, double& current_tick, int max_tick) { while (current_tick < max_tick) { wxCoord pos = get_position_from_value(lround(current_tick)); draw_ticks_pair(dc, pos, mid, 2); current_tick += m_ruler.short_step; if (current_tick > m_max_value) break; } }; double short_tick = std::nan(""); int tick = 0; double value = 0.0; size_t sequence = 0; int prev_y_pos = -1; wxCoord label_height = dc.GetMultiLineTextExtent("0").y - 2; int values_size = (int)m_values.size(); while (tick <= m_max_value) { value += m_ruler.long_step; if (value > m_ruler.max_values[sequence] && sequence < m_ruler.count()) { value = m_ruler.long_step; for (; tick < values_size; tick++) if (m_values[tick] < value) break; // short ticks from the last tick to the end of current sequence assert(! std::isnan(short_tick)); draw_short_ticks(dc, short_tick, tick); sequence++; } short_tick = tick; for (; tick < values_size; tick++) { if (m_values[tick] == value) break; if (m_values[tick] > value) { if (tick > 0) tick--; break; } } if (tick > m_max_value) break; wxCoord pos = get_position_from_value(tick); draw_ticks_pair(dc, pos, mid, 5); if (prev_y_pos < 0 || prev_y_pos - pos >= label_height) { draw_tick_text(dc, wxPoint(mid, pos), tick); prev_y_pos = pos; } draw_short_ticks(dc, short_tick, tick); if (value == m_ruler.max_values[sequence] && sequence < m_ruler.count()) { value = 0.0; sequence++; tick++; } } // short ticks from the last tick to the end draw_short_ticks(dc, short_tick, m_max_value); } dc.SetTextForeground(old_clr); } void Control::draw_one_layer_icon(wxDC& dc) { if (m_draw_mode == dmSequentialGCodeView) return; const wxBitmap& icon = m_is_one_layer ? m_focus == fiOneLayerIcon ? m_bmp_one_layer_lock_off.bmp() : m_bmp_one_layer_lock_on.bmp() : m_focus == fiOneLayerIcon ? m_bmp_one_layer_unlock_off.bmp() : m_bmp_one_layer_unlock_on.bmp(); int width, height; get_size(&width, &height); wxCoord x_draw, y_draw; is_horizontal() ? x_draw = width-2 : x_draw = 0.5*width - 0.5*m_lock_icon_dim; is_horizontal() ? y_draw = 0.5*height - 0.5*m_lock_icon_dim : y_draw = height-2; dc.DrawBitmap(icon, x_draw, y_draw); //update rect of the lock/unlock icon m_rect_one_layer_icon = wxRect(x_draw, y_draw, m_lock_icon_dim, m_lock_icon_dim); } void Control::draw_revert_icon(wxDC& dc) { if (m_ticks.empty() || m_draw_mode != dmRegular) return; int width, height; get_size(&width, &height); wxCoord x_draw, y_draw; is_horizontal() ? x_draw = width-2 : x_draw = 0.25*SLIDER_MARGIN; is_horizontal() ? y_draw = 0.25*SLIDER_MARGIN: y_draw = height-2; dc.DrawBitmap(m_bmp_revert.bmp(), x_draw, y_draw); //update rect of the lock/unlock icon m_rect_revert_icon = wxRect(x_draw, y_draw, m_revert_icon_dim, m_revert_icon_dim); } void Control::draw_cog_icon(wxDC& dc) { if (m_draw_mode == dmSequentialGCodeView) return; int width, height; get_size(&width, &height); wxCoord x_draw, y_draw; if (m_draw_mode == dmSequentialGCodeView) { is_horizontal() ? x_draw = width - 2 : x_draw = 0.5 * width - 0.5 * m_cog_icon_dim; is_horizontal() ? y_draw = 0.5 * height - 0.5 * m_cog_icon_dim : y_draw = height - 2; } else { is_horizontal() ? x_draw = width - 2 : x_draw = width - m_cog_icon_dim - 2; is_horizontal() ? y_draw = height - m_cog_icon_dim - 2 : y_draw = height - 2; } dc.DrawBitmap(m_bmp_cog.bmp(), x_draw, y_draw); //update rect of the lock/unlock icon m_rect_cog_icon = wxRect(x_draw, y_draw, m_cog_icon_dim, m_cog_icon_dim); } void Control::update_thumb_rect(const wxCoord begin_x, const wxCoord begin_y, const SelectedSlider& selection) { const wxRect rect = is_horizontal() ? wxRect(begin_x + (selection == ssHigher ? m_thumb_size.x / 2 : 0), begin_y, m_thumb_size.x / 2, m_thumb_size.y) : wxRect(begin_x, begin_y + (selection == ssLower ? m_thumb_size.y / 2 : 0), m_thumb_size.x, m_thumb_size.y / 2); if (selection == ssLower) m_rect_lower_thumb = rect; else m_rect_higher_thumb = rect; } int Control::get_value_from_position(const wxCoord x, const wxCoord y) { const int height = get_size().y; const double step = get_scroll_step(); if (is_horizontal()) return int(double(x - SLIDER_MARGIN) / step + 0.5); return int(m_min_value + double(height - SLIDER_MARGIN - y) / step + 0.5); } bool Control::is_lower_thumb_editable() { if (m_draw_mode == dmSequentialGCodeView) return Slic3r::GUI::get_app_config()->get("seq_top_layer_only") == "0"; return true; } bool Control::detect_selected_slider(const wxPoint& pt) { if (is_point_in_rect(pt, m_rect_lower_thumb)) m_selection = is_lower_thumb_editable() ? ssLower : ssUndef; else if(is_point_in_rect(pt, m_rect_higher_thumb)) m_selection = ssHigher; else return false; // pt doesn't referenced to any thumb return true; } bool Control::is_point_in_rect(const wxPoint& pt, const wxRect& rect) { return rect.GetLeft() <= pt.x && pt.x <= rect.GetRight() && rect.GetTop() <= pt.y && pt.y <= rect.GetBottom(); } int Control::get_tick_near_point(const wxPoint& pt) { for (auto tick : m_ticks.ticks) { const wxCoord pos = get_position_from_value(tick.tick); if (is_horizontal()) { if (pos - 4 <= pt.x && pt.x <= pos + 4) return tick.tick; } else { if (pos - 4 <= pt.y && pt.y <= pos + 4) return tick.tick; } } return -1; } void Control::ChangeOneLayerLock() { m_is_one_layer = !m_is_one_layer; m_selection == ssLower ? correct_lower_value() : correct_higher_value(); if (!m_selection) m_selection = ssHigher; Refresh(); Update(); wxCommandEvent e(wxEVT_SCROLL_CHANGED); e.SetEventObject(this); ProcessWindowEvent(e); } void Control::OnLeftDown(wxMouseEvent& event) { if (HasCapture()) return; this->CaptureMouse(); m_is_left_down = true; m_mouse = maNone; wxPoint pos = event.GetLogicalPosition(wxClientDC(this)); if (is_point_in_rect(pos, m_rect_one_layer_icon)) m_mouse = maOneLayerIconClick; else if (is_point_in_rect(pos, m_rect_cog_icon)) m_mouse = maCogIconClick; else if (m_draw_mode == dmRegular) { if (is_point_in_rect(pos, m_rect_tick_action)) { auto it = m_ticks.ticks.find(TickCode{ m_selection == ssLower ? m_lower_value : m_higher_value }); m_mouse = it == m_ticks.ticks.end() ? maAddTick : maDeleteTick; } else if (is_point_in_rect(pos, m_rect_revert_icon)) m_mouse = maRevertIconClick; } if (m_mouse == maNone) detect_selected_slider(pos); event.Skip(); } void Control::correct_lower_value() { if (m_lower_value < m_min_value) m_lower_value = m_min_value; else if (m_lower_value > m_max_value) m_lower_value = m_max_value; if ((m_lower_value >= m_higher_value && m_lower_value <= m_max_value) || m_is_one_layer) m_higher_value = m_lower_value; } void Control::correct_higher_value() { if (m_higher_value > m_max_value) m_higher_value = m_max_value; else if (m_higher_value < m_min_value) m_higher_value = m_min_value; if ((m_higher_value <= m_lower_value && m_higher_value >= m_min_value) || m_is_one_layer) m_lower_value = m_higher_value; } wxString Control::get_tooltip(int tick/*=-1*/) { if (m_focus == fiNone) return ""; if (m_focus == fiOneLayerIcon) return _L("One layer mode"); if (m_focus == fiRevertIcon) return _L("Discard all custom changes"); if (m_focus == fiCogIcon) { if (m_draw_mode == dmSequentialGCodeView) return _L("Jump to move") + " (Shift + G)"; else return m_mode == MultiAsSingle ? GUI::from_u8((boost::format(_u8L("Jump to height %s\n" "Set ruler mode\n" "or Set extruder sequence for the entire print")) % "(Shift + G)").str()) : GUI::from_u8((boost::format(_u8L("Jump to height %s\n" "or Set ruler mode")) % "(Shift + G)").str()); } if (m_focus == fiColorBand) return m_mode != SingleExtruder ? "" : _L("Edit current color - Right click the colored slider segment"); if (m_focus == fiSmartWipeTower) return _L("This is wipe tower layer"); if (m_draw_mode == dmSlaPrint) return ""; // no drawn ticks and no tooltips for them in SlaPrinting mode wxString tooltip; const auto tick_code_it = m_ticks.ticks.find(TickCode{tick}); if (tick_code_it == m_ticks.ticks.end() && m_focus == fiActionIcon) // tick doesn't exist { if (m_draw_mode == dmSequentialFffPrint) return _L("The sequential print is on.\n" "It's impossible to apply any custom G-code for objects printing sequentually.\n"); // Show mode as a first string of tooltop tooltip = " " + _L("Print mode") + ": "; tooltip += (m_mode == SingleExtruder ? SingleExtruderMode : m_mode == MultiAsSingle ? MultiAsSingleMode : MultiExtruderMode ); tooltip += "\n\n"; /* Note: just on OSX!!! * Right click event causes a little scrolling. * So, as a workaround we use Ctrl+LeftMouseClick instead of RightMouseClick * Show this information in tooltip * */ // Show list of actions with new tick tooltip += ( m_mode == MultiAsSingle ? _L("Add extruder change - Left click") : m_mode == SingleExtruder ? _L("Add color change - Left click for predefined color or " "Shift + Left click for custom color selection") : _L("Add color change - Left click") ) + " " + _L("or press \"+\" key") + "\n" + ( is_osx ? _L("Add another code - Ctrl + Left click") : _L("Add another code - Right click") ); } if (tick_code_it != m_ticks.ticks.end()) // tick exists { if (m_draw_mode == dmSequentialFffPrint) return _L("The sequential print is on.\n" "It's impossible to apply any custom G-code for objects printing sequentually.\n" "This code won't be processed during G-code generation."); // Show custom Gcode as a first string of tooltop std::string space = " "; tooltip = space; auto format_gcode = [space](std::string gcode) { boost::replace_all(gcode, "\n", "\n" + space); return gcode; }; tooltip += tick_code_it->type == ColorChange ? (m_mode == SingleExtruder ? format_wxstr(_L("Color change (\"%1%\")"), gcode(ColorChange)) : format_wxstr(_L("Color change (\"%1%\") for Extruder %2%"), gcode(ColorChange), tick_code_it->extruder)) : tick_code_it->type == PausePrint ? format_wxstr(_L("Pause print (\"%1%\")"), gcode(PausePrint)) : tick_code_it->type == Template ? format_wxstr(_L("Custom template (\"%1%\")"), gcode(Template)) : tick_code_it->type == ToolChange ? format_wxstr(_L("Extruder (tool) is changed to Extruder \"%1%\""), tick_code_it->extruder) : from_u8(format_gcode(tick_code_it->extra));// tick_code_it->type == Custom // If tick is marked as a conflict (exclamation icon), // we should to explain why ConflictType conflict = m_ticks.is_conflict_tick(*tick_code_it, m_mode, m_only_extruder, m_values[tick]); if (conflict != ctNone) tooltip += "\n\n" + _L("Note") + "! "; if (conflict == ctModeConflict) tooltip += _L("G-code associated to this tick mark is in a conflict with print mode.\n" "Editing it will cause changes of Slider data."); else if (conflict == ctMeaninglessColorChange) tooltip += _L("There is a color change for extruder that won't be used till the end of print job.\n" "This code won't be processed during G-code generation."); else if (conflict == ctMeaninglessToolChange) tooltip += _L("There is an extruder change set to the same extruder.\n" "This code won't be processed during G-code generation."); else if (conflict == ctRedundant) tooltip += _L("There is a color change for extruder that has not been used before.\n" "Check your settings to avoid redundant color changes."); // Show list of actions with existing tick if (m_focus == fiActionIcon) tooltip += "\n\n" + _L("Delete tick mark - Left click or press \"-\" key") + "\n" + ( is_osx ? _L("Edit tick mark - Ctrl + Left click") : _L("Edit tick mark - Right click") ); } return tooltip; } int Control::get_edited_tick_for_position(const wxPoint pos, Type type /*= ColorChange*/) { if (m_ticks.empty()) return -1; int tick = get_value_from_position(pos); auto it = std::lower_bound(m_ticks.ticks.begin(), m_ticks.ticks.end(), TickCode{ tick }); while (it != m_ticks.ticks.begin()) { --it; if (it->type == type) return it->tick; } return -1; } void Control::OnMotion(wxMouseEvent& event) { bool action = false; const wxPoint pos = event.GetLogicalPosition(wxClientDC(this)); int tick = -1; if (!m_is_left_down && !m_is_right_down) { if (is_point_in_rect(pos, m_rect_one_layer_icon)) m_focus = fiOneLayerIcon; else if (is_point_in_rect(pos, m_rect_tick_action)) { m_focus = fiActionIcon; tick = m_selection == ssLower ? m_lower_value : m_higher_value; } else if (!m_ticks.empty() && is_point_in_rect(pos, m_rect_revert_icon)) m_focus = fiRevertIcon; else if (is_point_in_rect(pos, m_rect_cog_icon)) m_focus = fiCogIcon; else if (m_mode == SingleExtruder && is_point_in_rect(pos, get_colored_band_rect()) && get_edited_tick_for_position(pos) >= 0 ) m_focus = fiColorBand; else if (is_point_in_rect(pos, m_rect_lower_thumb)) m_focus = fiLowerThumb; else if (is_point_in_rect(pos, m_rect_higher_thumb)) m_focus = fiHigherThumb; else { tick = get_tick_near_point(pos); if (tick < 0 && m_is_wipe_tower) { tick = get_value_from_position(pos); m_focus = tick > 0 && is_wipe_tower_layer(tick) && (tick == m_lower_value || tick == m_higher_value) ? fiSmartWipeTower : fiTick; } else m_focus = fiTick; } m_moving_pos = pos; } else if (m_is_left_down || m_is_right_down) { if (m_selection == ssLower) { int current_value = m_lower_value; m_lower_value = get_value_from_position(pos.x, pos.y); correct_lower_value(); action = (current_value != m_lower_value); } else if (m_selection == ssHigher) { int current_value = m_higher_value; m_higher_value = get_value_from_position(pos.x, pos.y); correct_higher_value(); action = (current_value != m_higher_value); } m_moving_pos = wxDefaultPosition; } Refresh(); Update(); event.Skip(); // Set tooltips with information for each icon if (GUI::wxGetApp().is_editor()) this->SetToolTip(get_tooltip(tick)); if (action) { wxCommandEvent e(wxEVT_SCROLL_CHANGED); e.SetEventObject(this); e.SetString("moving"); ProcessWindowEvent(e); } } void Control::append_change_extruder_menu_item(wxMenu* menu, bool switch_current_code/* = false*/) { const int extruders_cnt = GUI::wxGetApp().extruders_edited_cnt(); if (extruders_cnt > 1) { std::array active_extruders = get_active_extruders_for_tick(m_selection == ssLower ? m_lower_value : m_higher_value); std::vector icons = get_extruder_color_icons(true); wxMenu* change_extruder_menu = new wxMenu(); for (int i = 1; i <= extruders_cnt; i++) { const bool is_active_extruder = i == active_extruders[0] || i == active_extruders[1]; const wxString item_name = wxString::Format(_L("Extruder %d"), i) + (is_active_extruder ? " (" + _L("active") + ")" : ""); if (m_mode == MultiAsSingle) append_menu_item(change_extruder_menu, wxID_ANY, item_name, "", [this, i](wxCommandEvent&) { add_code_as_tick(ToolChange, i); }, *icons[i-1], menu, [is_active_extruder]() { return !is_active_extruder; }, GUI::wxGetApp().plater()); } const wxString change_extruder_menu_name = m_mode == MultiAsSingle ? (switch_current_code ? _L("Switch code to Change extruder") : _L("Change extruder") ) : _L("Change extruder (N/A)"); append_submenu(menu, change_extruder_menu, wxID_ANY, change_extruder_menu_name, _L("Use another extruder"), active_extruders[1] > 0 ? "edit_uni" : "change_extruder", [this]() {return m_mode == MultiAsSingle && !GUI::wxGetApp().obj_list()->has_paint_on_segmentation(); }, GUI::wxGetApp().plater()); } } void Control::append_add_color_change_menu_item(wxMenu* menu, bool switch_current_code/* = false*/) { const int extruders_cnt = GUI::wxGetApp().extruders_edited_cnt(); if (extruders_cnt > 1) { int tick = m_selection == ssLower ? m_lower_value : m_higher_value; std::set used_extruders_for_tick = m_ticks.get_used_extruders_for_tick(tick, m_only_extruder, m_values[tick]); wxMenu* add_color_change_menu = new wxMenu(); for (int i = 1; i <= extruders_cnt; i++) { const bool is_used_extruder = used_extruders_for_tick.empty() ? true : // #ys_FIXME till used_extruders_for_tick doesn't filled correct for mmMultiExtruder used_extruders_for_tick.find(i) != used_extruders_for_tick.end(); const wxString item_name = wxString::Format(_L("Extruder %d"), i) + (is_used_extruder ? " (" + _L("used") + ")" : ""); append_menu_item(add_color_change_menu, wxID_ANY, item_name, "", [this, i](wxCommandEvent&) { add_code_as_tick(ColorChange, i); }, "", menu, []() { return true; }, GUI::wxGetApp().plater()); } const wxString menu_name = switch_current_code ? format_wxstr(_L("Switch code to Color change (%1%) for:"), gcode(ColorChange)) : format_wxstr(_L("Add color change (%1%) for:"), gcode(ColorChange)); wxMenuItem* add_color_change_menu_item = menu->AppendSubMenu(add_color_change_menu, menu_name, ""); add_color_change_menu_item->SetBitmap(create_menu_bitmap("colorchange_add_m")); } } void Control::OnLeftUp(wxMouseEvent& event) { if (!HasCapture()) return; this->ReleaseMouse(); m_is_left_down = false; switch (m_mouse) { case maNone : move_current_thumb_to_pos(event.GetLogicalPosition(wxClientDC(this))); break; case maDeleteTick : delete_current_tick(); break; case maAddTick : add_current_tick(); break; case maCogIconClick : show_cog_icon_context_menu(); break; case maOneLayerIconClick: switch_one_layer_mode(); break; case maRevertIconClick: discard_all_thicks(); break; default : break; } Refresh(); Update(); event.Skip(); wxCommandEvent e(wxEVT_SCROLL_CHANGED); e.SetEventObject(this); ProcessWindowEvent(e); } void Control::enter_window(wxMouseEvent& event, const bool enter) { m_is_focused = enter; Refresh(); Update(); event.Skip(); } // "condition" have to be true for: // - value increase (if wxSL_VERTICAL) // - value decrease (if wxSL_HORIZONTAL) void Control::move_current_thumb(const bool condition) { // m_is_one_layer = wxGetKeyState(WXK_CONTROL); int delta = condition ? -1 : 1; if (is_horizontal()) delta *= -1; // accelerators int accelerator = 0; if (wxGetKeyState(WXK_SHIFT)) accelerator += 5; if (wxGetKeyState(WXK_CONTROL)) accelerator += 5; if (accelerator > 0) delta *= accelerator; if (m_selection == ssUndef) m_selection = ssHigher; if (m_selection == ssLower) { m_lower_value -= delta; correct_lower_value(); } else if (m_selection == ssHigher) { m_higher_value -= delta; correct_higher_value(); } Refresh(); Update(); wxCommandEvent e(wxEVT_SCROLL_CHANGED); e.SetEventObject(this); ProcessWindowEvent(e); } void Control::OnWheel(wxMouseEvent& event) { // Set nearest to the mouse thumb as a selected, if there is not selected thumb if (m_selection == ssUndef) { const wxPoint& pt = event.GetLogicalPosition(wxClientDC(this)); if (is_horizontal()) m_selection = abs(pt.x - m_rect_lower_thumb.GetRight()) <= abs(pt.x - m_rect_higher_thumb.GetLeft()) ? ssLower : ssHigher; else m_selection = abs(pt.y - m_rect_lower_thumb.GetTop()) <= abs(pt.y - m_rect_higher_thumb.GetBottom()) ? ssLower : ssHigher; } if (m_selection == ssLower && !is_lower_thumb_editable()) m_selection = ssUndef; move_current_thumb((m_draw_mode == dmSequentialGCodeView) ? event.GetWheelRotation() < 0 : event.GetWheelRotation() > 0); } void Control::OnKeyDown(wxKeyEvent &event) { const int key = event.GetKeyCode(); if (m_draw_mode != dmSequentialGCodeView && key == WXK_NUMPAD_ADD) { // OnChar() is called immediately after OnKeyDown(), which can cause call of add_tick() twice. // To avoid this case we should suppress second add_tick() call. m_ticks.suppress_plus(true); add_current_tick(true); } else if (m_draw_mode != dmSequentialGCodeView && (key == WXK_NUMPAD_SUBTRACT || key == WXK_DELETE || key == WXK_BACK)) { // OnChar() is called immediately after OnKeyDown(), which can cause call of delete_tick() twice. // To avoid this case we should suppress second delete_tick() call. m_ticks.suppress_minus(true); delete_current_tick(); } else if (m_draw_mode != dmSequentialGCodeView && event.GetKeyCode() == WXK_SHIFT) UseDefaultColors(false); else if (is_horizontal()) { if (m_is_focused) { if (key == WXK_LEFT || key == WXK_RIGHT) move_current_thumb(key == WXK_LEFT); else if (key == WXK_UP || key == WXK_DOWN) { if (key == WXK_DOWN) m_selection = ssHigher; else if (key == WXK_UP && is_lower_thumb_editable()) m_selection = ssLower; Refresh(); } } else { if (key == WXK_LEFT || key == WXK_RIGHT) move_current_thumb(key == WXK_LEFT); } } else { if (m_is_focused) { if (key == WXK_LEFT || key == WXK_RIGHT) { if (key == WXK_LEFT) m_selection = ssHigher; else if (key == WXK_RIGHT && is_lower_thumb_editable()) m_selection = ssLower; Refresh(); } else if (key == WXK_UP || key == WXK_DOWN) move_current_thumb(key == WXK_UP); } else { if (key == WXK_UP || key == WXK_DOWN) move_current_thumb(key == WXK_UP); } } event.Skip(); // !Needed to have EVT_CHAR generated as well } void Control::OnKeyUp(wxKeyEvent &event) { if (event.GetKeyCode() == WXK_CONTROL) m_is_one_layer = false; else if (event.GetKeyCode() == WXK_SHIFT) UseDefaultColors(true); Refresh(); Update(); event.Skip(); } void Control::OnChar(wxKeyEvent& event) { const int key = event.GetKeyCode(); if (m_draw_mode != dmSequentialGCodeView) { if (key == '+' && !m_ticks.suppressed_plus()) { add_current_tick(true); m_ticks.suppress_plus(false); } else if (key == '-' && !m_ticks.suppressed_minus()) { delete_current_tick(); m_ticks.suppress_minus(false); } } if (key == 'G') jump_to_value(); } void Control::OnRightDown(wxMouseEvent& event) { if (HasCapture() || m_is_left_down) return; this->CaptureMouse(); const wxPoint pos = event.GetLogicalPosition(wxClientDC(this)); m_mouse = maNone; if (m_draw_mode == dmRegular) { if (is_point_in_rect(pos, m_rect_tick_action)) { const int tick = m_selection == ssLower ? m_lower_value : m_higher_value; m_mouse = m_ticks.ticks.find(TickCode{ tick }) == m_ticks.ticks.end() ? maAddMenu : maEditMenu; } else if (m_mode == SingleExtruder && !detect_selected_slider(pos) && is_point_in_rect(pos, get_colored_band_rect())) m_mouse = maForceColorEdit; else if (m_mode == MultiAsSingle && is_point_in_rect(pos, m_rect_cog_icon)) m_mouse = maCogIconMenu; } if (m_mouse != maNone || !detect_selected_slider(pos)) return; if (m_selection == ssLower) m_higher_value = m_lower_value; else m_lower_value = m_higher_value; // set slider to "one layer" mode m_is_right_down = m_is_one_layer = true; Refresh(); Update(); event.Skip(); } // Get active extruders for tick. // Means one current extruder for not existing tick OR // 2 extruders - for existing tick (extruder before ToolChange and extruder of current existing tick) // Use those values to disable selection of active extruders std::array Control::get_active_extruders_for_tick(int tick) const { int default_initial_extruder = m_mode == MultiAsSingle ? std::max(1, m_only_extruder) : 1; std::array extruders = { default_initial_extruder, -1 }; if (m_ticks.empty()) return extruders; auto it = m_ticks.ticks.lower_bound(TickCode{tick}); if (it != m_ticks.ticks.end() && it->tick == tick) // current tick exists extruders[1] = it->extruder; while (it != m_ticks.ticks.begin()) { --it; if(it->type == ToolChange) { extruders[0] = it->extruder; break; } } return extruders; } // Get used extruders for tick. // Means all extruders(tools) which will be used during printing from current tick to the end std::set TickCodeInfo::get_used_extruders_for_tick(int tick, int only_extruder, double print_z, Mode force_mode/* = Undef*/) const { Mode e_mode = !force_mode ? mode : force_mode; if (e_mode == MultiExtruder) { // #ys_FIXME: get tool ordering from _correct_ place const ToolOrdering& tool_ordering = GUI::wxGetApp().plater()->fff_print().get_tool_ordering(); if (tool_ordering.empty()) return {}; std::set used_extruders; auto it_layer_tools = std::lower_bound(tool_ordering.begin(), tool_ordering.end(), LayerTools(print_z)); for (; it_layer_tools != tool_ordering.end(); ++it_layer_tools) { const std::vector& extruders = it_layer_tools->extruders; for (const auto& extruder : extruders) used_extruders.emplace(extruder+1); } return used_extruders; } const int default_initial_extruder = e_mode == MultiAsSingle ? std::max(only_extruder, 1) : 1; if (ticks.empty() || e_mode == SingleExtruder) return {default_initial_extruder}; std::set used_extruders; auto it_start = ticks.lower_bound(TickCode{tick}); auto it = it_start; if (it == ticks.begin() && it->type == ToolChange && tick != it->tick ) // In case of switch of ToolChange to ColorChange, when tick exists, // we shouldn't change color for extruder, which will be deleted { used_extruders.emplace(it->extruder); if (tick < it->tick) used_extruders.emplace(default_initial_extruder); } while (it != ticks.begin()) { --it; if (it->type == ToolChange && tick != it->tick) { used_extruders.emplace(it->extruder); break; } } if (it == ticks.begin() && used_extruders.empty()) used_extruders.emplace(default_initial_extruder); for (it = it_start; it != ticks.end(); ++it) if (it->type == ToolChange && tick != it->tick) used_extruders.emplace(it->extruder); return used_extruders; } void Control::show_add_context_menu() { wxMenu menu; if (m_mode == SingleExtruder) { append_menu_item(&menu, wxID_ANY, _L("Add color change") + " (" + gcode(ColorChange) + ")", "", [this](wxCommandEvent&) { add_code_as_tick(ColorChange); }, "colorchange_add_m", &menu); UseDefaultColors(false); } else { append_change_extruder_menu_item(&menu); append_add_color_change_menu_item(&menu); } if (!gcode(PausePrint).empty()) append_menu_item(&menu, wxID_ANY, _L("Add pause print") + " (" + gcode(PausePrint) + ")", "", [this](wxCommandEvent&) { add_code_as_tick(PausePrint); }, "pause_print", &menu); if (!gcode(Template).empty()) append_menu_item(&menu, wxID_ANY, _L("Add custom template") + " (" + gcode(Template) + ")", "", [this](wxCommandEvent&) { add_code_as_tick(Template); }, "edit_gcode", &menu); append_menu_item(&menu, wxID_ANY, _L("Add custom G-code"), "", [this](wxCommandEvent&) { add_code_as_tick(Custom); }, "edit_gcode", &menu); GUI::wxGetApp().plater()->PopupMenu(&menu); } void Control::show_edit_context_menu() { wxMenu menu; std::set::iterator it = m_ticks.ticks.find(TickCode{ m_selection == ssLower ? m_lower_value : m_higher_value }); if (it->type == ToolChange) { if (m_mode == MultiAsSingle) append_change_extruder_menu_item(&menu); append_add_color_change_menu_item(&menu, true); } else append_menu_item(&menu, wxID_ANY, it->type == ColorChange ? _L("Edit color") : it->type == PausePrint ? _L("Edit pause print message") : _L("Edit custom G-code"), "", [this](wxCommandEvent&) { edit_tick(); }, "edit_uni", &menu); if (it->type == ColorChange && m_mode == MultiAsSingle) append_change_extruder_menu_item(&menu, true); append_menu_item(&menu, wxID_ANY, it->type == ColorChange ? _L("Delete color change") : it->type == ToolChange ? _L("Delete tool change") : it->type == PausePrint ? _L("Delete pause print") : _L("Delete custom G-code"), "", [this](wxCommandEvent&) { delete_current_tick();}, "colorchange_del_f", &menu); GUI::wxGetApp().plater()->PopupMenu(&menu); } void Control::show_cog_icon_context_menu() { wxMenu menu; append_menu_item(&menu, wxID_ANY, _L("Jump to height") + " (Shift+G)", "", [this](wxCommandEvent&) { jump_to_value(); }, "", & menu); wxMenu* ruler_mode_menu = new wxMenu(); if (ruler_mode_menu) { append_menu_check_item(ruler_mode_menu, wxID_ANY, _L("None"), _L("Hide ruler"), [this](wxCommandEvent&) { if (m_extra_style != 0) m_extra_style = 0; }, ruler_mode_menu, []() { return true; }, [this]() { return m_extra_style == 0; }, GUI::wxGetApp().plater()); append_menu_check_item(ruler_mode_menu, wxID_ANY, _L("Show object height"), _L("Show object height on the ruler"), [this](wxCommandEvent&) { m_extra_style & wxSL_AUTOTICKS ? m_extra_style ^= wxSL_AUTOTICKS : m_extra_style |= wxSL_AUTOTICKS; }, ruler_mode_menu, []() { return true; }, [this]() { return m_extra_style & wxSL_AUTOTICKS; }, GUI::wxGetApp().plater()); append_menu_check_item(ruler_mode_menu, wxID_ANY, _L("Show estimated print time"), _L("Show estimated print time on the ruler"), [this](wxCommandEvent&) { m_extra_style & wxSL_VALUE_LABEL ? m_extra_style ^= wxSL_VALUE_LABEL : m_extra_style |= wxSL_VALUE_LABEL; }, ruler_mode_menu, []() { return true; }, [this]() { return m_extra_style & wxSL_VALUE_LABEL; }, GUI::wxGetApp().plater()); append_submenu(&menu, ruler_mode_menu, wxID_ANY, _L("Ruler mode"), _L("Set ruler mode"), "", []() { return true; }, this); } if (m_mode == MultiAsSingle && m_draw_mode == dmRegular) append_menu_item(&menu, wxID_ANY, _L("Set extruder sequence for the entire print"), "", [this](wxCommandEvent&) { edit_extruder_sequence(); }, "", &menu); if (GUI::wxGetApp().is_editor() && m_mode != MultiExtruder && m_draw_mode == dmRegular) append_menu_item(&menu, wxID_ANY, _L("Set auto color changes"), "", [this](wxCommandEvent&) { auto_color_change(); }, "", &menu); GUI::wxGetApp().plater()->PopupMenu(&menu); } bool check_color_change(PrintObject* object, size_t frst_layer_id, size_t layers_cnt, bool check_overhangs, std::function break_condition) { double prev_area = area(object->get_layer(frst_layer_id)->lslices); bool detected = false; for (size_t i = frst_layer_id+1; i < layers_cnt; i++) { Layer* layer = object->get_layer(i); double cur_area = area(layer->lslices); // check for overhangs if (check_overhangs && cur_area > prev_area && !equivalent_areas(prev_area, cur_area)) break; // Check percent of the area decrease. // This value have to be more than min_delta_area and more then 10% if ((prev_area - cur_area > min_delta_area) && (cur_area / prev_area < 0.9)) { detected = true; if (break_condition(layer)) break; } prev_area = cur_area; } return detected; } void Control::auto_color_change() { if (!m_ticks.empty()) { wxString msg_text = _L("This action will cause deletion of all ticks on vertical slider.") + "\n\n" + _L("This action is not revertible.\nDo you want to proceed?"); GUI::WarningDialog dialog(m_parent, msg_text, _L("Warning"), wxYES | wxNO); if (dialog.ShowModal() == wxID_NO) return; m_ticks.ticks.clear(); } int extruders_cnt = GUI::wxGetApp().extruders_edited_cnt(); int extruder = 2; const Print& print = GUI::wxGetApp().plater()->fff_print(); for (auto object : print.objects()) { if (object->layer_count() == 0) continue; check_color_change(object, 1, object->layers().size(), false, [this, extruders_cnt](Layer* layer) { int tick = get_tick_from_value(layer->print_z); if (tick >= 0 && !m_ticks.has_tick(tick)) { if (m_mode == SingleExtruder) { m_ticks.set_default_colors(true); m_ticks.add_tick(tick, ColorChange, 1, layer->print_z); } else { int extruder = 2; if (!m_ticks.empty()) { auto it = m_ticks.ticks.end(); it--; extruder = it->extruder + 1; if (extruder > extruders_cnt) extruder = 1; } m_ticks.add_tick(tick, ToolChange, extruder, layer->print_z); } } // allow max 3 auto color changes return m_ticks.ticks.size() > 2; }); } if (m_ticks.empty()) GUI::wxGetApp().plater()->get_notification_manager()->push_notification(GUI::NotificationType::EmptyAutoColorChange); post_ticks_changed_event(); } void Control::OnRightUp(wxMouseEvent& event) { if (!HasCapture() || m_is_left_down) return; this->ReleaseMouse(); m_is_right_down = m_is_one_layer = false; if (m_mouse == maForceColorEdit) { wxPoint pos = event.GetLogicalPosition(wxClientDC(this)); int edited_tick = get_edited_tick_for_position(pos); if (edited_tick >= 0) edit_tick(edited_tick); } else if (m_mouse == maAddMenu) show_add_context_menu(); else if (m_mouse == maEditMenu) show_edit_context_menu(); else if (m_mouse == maCogIconMenu) show_cog_icon_context_menu(); Refresh(); Update(); event.Skip(); } static std::string get_new_color(const std::string& color) { wxColour clr(color); if (!clr.IsOk()) clr = wxColour(0, 0, 0); // Don't set alfa to transparence auto data = new wxColourData(); data->SetChooseFull(1); data->SetColour(clr); wxColourDialog dialog(nullptr, data); dialog.CenterOnParent(); if (dialog.ShowModal() == wxID_OK) return dialog.GetColourData().GetColour().GetAsString(wxC2S_HTML_SYNTAX).ToStdString(); return ""; } /* To avoid get an empty string from wxTextEntryDialog * Let disable OK button, if TextCtrl is empty * OR input value is our of range (min..max), when min a nd max are positive * */ static void upgrade_text_entry_dialog(wxTextEntryDialog* dlg, double min = -1.0, double max = -1.0) { GUI::wxGetApp().UpdateDlgDarkUI(dlg); // detect TextCtrl and OK button wxTextCtrl* textctrl {nullptr}; wxWindowList& dlg_items = dlg->GetChildren(); for (auto item : dlg_items) { textctrl = dynamic_cast(item); if (textctrl) break; } if (!textctrl) return; textctrl->SetInsertionPointEnd(); wxButton* btn_OK = static_cast(dlg->FindWindowById(wxID_OK)); btn_OK->Bind(wxEVT_UPDATE_UI, [textctrl, min, max](wxUpdateUIEvent& evt) { bool disable = textctrl->IsEmpty(); if (!disable && min >= 0.0 && max >= 0.0) { double value = -1.0; if (!textctrl->GetValue().ToDouble(&value)) // input value couldn't be converted to double disable = true; else disable = value < min - epsilon() || value > max + epsilon(); // is input value is out of valid range ? } evt.Enable(!disable); }, btn_OK->GetId()); } static std::string get_custom_code(const std::string& code_in, double height) { wxString msg_text = _L("Enter custom G-code used on current layer") + ":"; wxString msg_header = format_wxstr(_L("Custom G-code on current layer (%1% mm)."), height); // get custom gcode wxTextEntryDialog dlg(nullptr, msg_text, msg_header, code_in, wxTextEntryDialogStyle | wxTE_MULTILINE); upgrade_text_entry_dialog(&dlg); bool valid = true; std::string value; do { if (dlg.ShowModal() != wxID_OK) return ""; value = into_u8(dlg.GetValue()); valid = GUI::Tab::validate_custom_gcode("Custom G-code", value); } while (!valid); return value; } static std::string get_pause_print_msg(const std::string& msg_in, double height) { wxString msg_text = _L("Enter short message shown on Printer display when a print is paused") + ":"; wxString msg_header = format_wxstr(_L("Message for pause print on current layer (%1% mm)."), height); // get custom gcode wxTextEntryDialog dlg(nullptr, msg_text, msg_header, from_u8(msg_in), wxTextEntryDialogStyle); upgrade_text_entry_dialog(&dlg); if (dlg.ShowModal() != wxID_OK || dlg.GetValue().IsEmpty()) return ""; return into_u8(dlg.GetValue()); } static double get_value_to_jump(double active_value, double min_z, double max_z, DrawMode mode) { wxString msg_text = (mode == dmSequentialGCodeView) ? _L("Enter the move you want to jump to") + ":" : _L("Enter the height you want to jump to") + ":"; wxString msg_header = (mode == dmSequentialGCodeView) ? _L("Jump to move") : _L("Jump to height"); wxString msg_in = GUI::double_to_string(active_value); // get custom gcode wxTextEntryDialog dlg(nullptr, msg_text, msg_header, msg_in, wxTextEntryDialogStyle); upgrade_text_entry_dialog(&dlg, min_z, max_z); if (dlg.ShowModal() != wxID_OK || dlg.GetValue().IsEmpty()) return -1.0; double value = -1.0; return dlg.GetValue().ToDouble(&value) ? value : -1.0; } void Control::add_code_as_tick(Type type, int selected_extruder/* = -1*/) { if (m_selection == ssUndef) return; const int tick = m_selection == ssLower ? m_lower_value : m_higher_value; if ( !check_ticks_changed_event(type) ) return; if (type == ColorChange && gcode(ColorChange).empty()) GUI::wxGetApp().plater()->get_notification_manager()->push_notification(GUI::NotificationType::EmptyColorChangeCode); const int extruder = selected_extruder > 0 ? selected_extruder : std::max(1, m_only_extruder); const auto it = m_ticks.ticks.find(TickCode{ tick }); if ( it == m_ticks.ticks.end() ) { // try to add tick if (!m_ticks.add_tick(tick, type, extruder, m_values[tick])) return; } else if (type == ToolChange || type == ColorChange) { // try to switch tick code to ToolChange or ColorChange accordingly if (!m_ticks.switch_code_for_tick(it, type, extruder)) return; } else return; post_ticks_changed_event(type); } void Control::add_current_tick(bool call_from_keyboard /*= false*/) { if (m_selection == ssUndef) return; const int tick = m_selection == ssLower ? m_lower_value : m_higher_value; auto it = m_ticks.ticks.find(TickCode{ tick }); if (it != m_ticks.ticks.end() || // this tick is already exist !check_ticks_changed_event(m_mode == MultiAsSingle ? ToolChange : ColorChange)) return; if (m_mode == SingleExtruder) add_code_as_tick(ColorChange); else { wxMenu menu; if (m_mode == MultiAsSingle) append_change_extruder_menu_item(&menu); else append_add_color_change_menu_item(&menu); wxPoint pos = wxDefaultPosition; /* Menu position will be calculated from mouse click position, but... * if function is called from keyboard (pressing "+"), we should to calculate it * */ if (call_from_keyboard) { int width, height; get_size(&width, &height); const wxCoord coord = 0.75 * (is_horizontal() ? height : width); this->GetPosition(&width, &height); pos = is_horizontal() ? wxPoint(get_position_from_value(tick), height + coord) : wxPoint(width + coord, get_position_from_value(tick)); } GUI::wxGetApp().plater()->PopupMenu(&menu, pos); } } void Control::delete_current_tick() { if (m_selection == ssUndef) return; auto it = m_ticks.ticks.find(TickCode{ m_selection == ssLower ? m_lower_value : m_higher_value }); if (it == m_ticks.ticks.end() || !check_ticks_changed_event(it->type)) return; Type type = it->type; m_ticks.ticks.erase(it); post_ticks_changed_event(type); } void Control::edit_tick(int tick/* = -1*/) { if (tick < 0) tick = m_selection == ssLower ? m_lower_value : m_higher_value; const std::set::iterator it = m_ticks.ticks.find(TickCode{ tick }); if (it == m_ticks.ticks.end() || !check_ticks_changed_event(it->type)) return; Type type = it->type; if (m_ticks.edit_tick(it, m_values[it->tick])) post_ticks_changed_event(type); } // switch on/off one layer mode void Control::switch_one_layer_mode() { m_is_one_layer = !m_is_one_layer; if (!m_is_one_layer) { SetLowerValue(m_min_value); SetHigherValue(m_max_value); } m_selection == ssLower ? correct_lower_value() : correct_higher_value(); if (m_selection == ssUndef) m_selection = ssHigher; } // discard all custom changes on DoubleSlider void Control::discard_all_thicks() { SetLowerValue(m_min_value); SetHigherValue(m_max_value); m_selection == ssLower ? correct_lower_value() : correct_higher_value(); if (m_selection == ssUndef) m_selection = ssHigher; m_ticks.ticks.clear(); post_ticks_changed_event(); } // Set current thumb position to the nearest tick (if it is) // OR to a value corresponding to the mouse click (pos) void Control::move_current_thumb_to_pos(wxPoint pos) { const int tick_val = get_tick_near_point(pos); const int mouse_val = tick_val >= 0 && m_draw_mode == dmRegular ? tick_val : get_value_from_position(pos); if (mouse_val >= 0) { if (m_selection == ssLower) { SetLowerValue(mouse_val); correct_lower_value(); } else { // even m_selection is ssUndef, upper thumb should be selected SetHigherValue(mouse_val); correct_higher_value(); } } } void Control::edit_extruder_sequence() { if (!check_ticks_changed_event(ToolChange)) return; GUI::ExtruderSequenceDialog dlg(m_extruders_sequence); if (dlg.ShowModal() != wxID_OK) return; m_extruders_sequence = dlg.GetValue(); m_ticks.erase_all_ticks_with_code(ToolChange); const int extr_cnt = m_extruders_sequence.extruders.size(); if (extr_cnt == 1) return; int tick = 0; double value = 0.0; int extruder = -1; std::random_device rd; //Will be used to obtain a seed for the random number engine std::mt19937 gen(rd()); //Standard mersenne_twister_engine seeded with rd() std::uniform_int_distribution<> distrib(0, extr_cnt-1); while (tick <= m_max_value) { bool color_repetition = false; if (m_extruders_sequence.random_sequence) { int rand_extr = distrib(gen); if (m_extruders_sequence.color_repetition) color_repetition = rand_extr == extruder; else while (rand_extr == extruder) rand_extr = distrib(gen); extruder = rand_extr; } else { extruder++; if (extruder == extr_cnt) extruder = 0; } const int cur_extruder = m_extruders_sequence.extruders[extruder]; bool meaningless_tick = tick == 0.0 && cur_extruder == extruder; if (!meaningless_tick && !color_repetition) m_ticks.ticks.emplace(TickCode{tick, ToolChange,cur_extruder + 1, m_extruder_colors[cur_extruder]}); if (m_extruders_sequence.is_mm_intervals) { value += m_extruders_sequence.interval_by_mm; tick = get_tick_from_value(value, true); if (tick < 0) break; } else tick += m_extruders_sequence.interval_by_layers; } post_ticks_changed_event(ToolChange); } void Control::jump_to_value() { double value = get_value_to_jump(m_values[m_selection == ssLower ? m_lower_value : m_higher_value], m_values[m_min_value], m_values[m_max_value], m_draw_mode); if (value < 0.0) return; int tick_value = get_tick_from_value(value); if (m_selection == ssLower) SetLowerValue(tick_value); else SetHigherValue(tick_value); } void Control::post_ticks_changed_event(Type type /*= Custom*/) { // m_force_mode_apply = type != ToolChange; // It looks like this condition is no needed now. Leave it for the testing wxPostEvent(this->GetParent(), wxCommandEvent(wxCUSTOMEVT_TICKSCHANGED)); } bool Control::check_ticks_changed_event(Type type) { if ( m_ticks.mode == m_mode || (type != ColorChange && type != ToolChange) || (m_ticks.mode == SingleExtruder && m_mode == MultiAsSingle) || // All ColorChanges will be applied for 1st extruder (m_ticks.mode == MultiExtruder && m_mode == MultiAsSingle) ) // Just mark ColorChanges for all unused extruders return true; if ((m_ticks.mode == SingleExtruder && m_mode == MultiExtruder ) || (m_ticks.mode == MultiExtruder && m_mode == SingleExtruder) ) { if (!m_ticks.has_tick_with_code(ColorChange)) return true; wxString message = (m_ticks.mode == SingleExtruder ? _L("The last color change data was saved for a single extruder printing.") : _L("The last color change data was saved for a multi extruder printing.") ) + "\n" + _L("Your current changes will delete all saved color changes.") + "\n\n\t" + _L("Are you sure you want to continue?"); //wxMessageDialog msg(this, message, _L("Notice"), wxYES_NO); GUI::MessageDialog msg(this, message, _L("Notice"), wxYES_NO); if (msg.ShowModal() == wxID_YES) { m_ticks.erase_all_ticks_with_code(ColorChange); post_ticks_changed_event(ColorChange); } return false; } // m_ticks_mode == MultiAsSingle if( m_ticks.has_tick_with_code(ToolChange) ) { wxString message = m_mode == SingleExtruder ? ( _L("The last color change data was saved for a multi extruder printing.") + "\n\n" + _L("Select YES if you want to delete all saved tool changes, \n" "NO if you want all tool changes switch to color changes, \n" "or CANCEL to leave it unchanged.") + "\n\n\t" + _L("Do you want to delete all saved tool changes?") ): ( // MultiExtruder _L("The last color change data was saved for a multi extruder printing with tool changes for whole print.") + "\n\n" + _L("Your current changes will delete all saved extruder (tool) changes.") + "\n\n\t" + _L("Are you sure you want to continue?") ) ; //wxMessageDialog msg(this, message, _L("Notice"), wxYES_NO | (m_mode == SingleExtruder ? wxCANCEL : 0)); GUI::MessageDialog msg(this, message, _L("Notice"), wxYES_NO | (m_mode == SingleExtruder ? wxCANCEL : 0)); const int answer = msg.ShowModal(); if (answer == wxID_YES) { m_ticks.erase_all_ticks_with_code(ToolChange); post_ticks_changed_event(ToolChange); } else if (m_mode == SingleExtruder && answer == wxID_NO) { m_ticks.switch_code(ToolChange, ColorChange); post_ticks_changed_event(ColorChange); } return false; } return true; } std::string TickCodeInfo::get_color_for_tick(TickCode tick, Type type, const int extruder) { if (mode == SingleExtruder && type == ColorChange && m_use_default_colors) { const std::vector& colors = ColorPrintColors::get(); if (ticks.empty()) return colors[0]; m_default_color_idx++; return colors[m_default_color_idx % colors.size()]; } std::string color = (*m_colors)[extruder - 1]; if (type == ColorChange) { if (!ticks.empty()) { auto before_tick_it = std::lower_bound(ticks.begin(), ticks.end(), tick ); while (before_tick_it != ticks.begin()) { --before_tick_it; if (before_tick_it->type == ColorChange && before_tick_it->extruder == extruder) { color = before_tick_it->color; break; } } } color = get_new_color(color); } return color; } bool TickCodeInfo::add_tick(const int tick, Type type, const int extruder, double print_z) { std::string color; std::string extra; if (type == Custom) // custom Gcode { extra = get_custom_code(custom_gcode, print_z); if (extra.empty()) return false; custom_gcode = extra; } else if (type == PausePrint) { extra = get_pause_print_msg(pause_print_msg, print_z); if (extra.empty()) return false; pause_print_msg = extra; } else { color = get_color_for_tick(TickCode{ tick }, type, extruder); if (color.empty()) return false; } if (mode == SingleExtruder) m_use_default_colors = true; ticks.emplace(TickCode{ tick, type, extruder, color, extra }); return true; } bool TickCodeInfo::edit_tick(std::set::iterator it, double print_z) { std::string edited_value; if (it->type == ColorChange) edited_value = get_new_color(it->color); else if (it->type == PausePrint) edited_value = get_pause_print_msg(it->extra, print_z); else edited_value = get_custom_code(it->type == Template ? gcode(Template) : it->extra, print_z); if (edited_value.empty()) return false; TickCode changed_tick = *it; if (it->type == ColorChange) { if (it->color == edited_value) return false; changed_tick.color = edited_value; } else if (it->type == Template) { if (gcode(Template) == edited_value) return false; changed_tick.extra = edited_value; changed_tick.type = Custom; } else if (it->type == Custom || it->type == PausePrint) { if (it->extra == edited_value) return false; changed_tick.extra = edited_value; } ticks.erase(it); ticks.emplace(changed_tick); return true; } void TickCodeInfo::switch_code(Type type_from, Type type_to) { for (auto it{ ticks.begin() }, end{ ticks.end() }; it != end; ) if (it->type == type_from) { TickCode tick = *it; tick.type = type_to; tick.extruder = 1; ticks.erase(it); it = ticks.emplace(tick).first; } else ++it; } bool TickCodeInfo::switch_code_for_tick(std::set::iterator it, Type type_to, const int extruder) { const std::string color = get_color_for_tick(*it, type_to, extruder); if (color.empty()) return false; TickCode changed_tick = *it; changed_tick.type = type_to; changed_tick.extruder = extruder; changed_tick.color = color; ticks.erase(it); ticks.emplace(changed_tick); return true; } void TickCodeInfo::erase_all_ticks_with_code(Type type) { for (auto it{ ticks.begin() }, end{ ticks.end() }; it != end; ) { if (it->type == type) it = ticks.erase(it); else ++it; } } bool TickCodeInfo::has_tick_with_code(Type type) { for (const TickCode& tick : ticks) if (tick.type == type) return true; return false; } bool TickCodeInfo::has_tick(int tick) { return ticks.find(TickCode{ tick }) != ticks.end(); } ConflictType TickCodeInfo::is_conflict_tick(const TickCode& tick, Mode out_mode, int only_extruder, double print_z) { if ((tick.type == ColorChange && ( (mode == SingleExtruder && out_mode == MultiExtruder ) || (mode == MultiExtruder && out_mode == SingleExtruder) )) || (tick.type == ToolChange && (mode == MultiAsSingle && out_mode != MultiAsSingle)) ) return ctModeConflict; // check ColorChange tick if (tick.type == ColorChange) { // We should mark a tick as a "MeaninglessColorChange", // if it has a ColorChange for unused extruder from current print to end of the print std::set used_extruders_for_tick = get_used_extruders_for_tick(tick.tick, only_extruder, print_z, out_mode); if (used_extruders_for_tick.find(tick.extruder) == used_extruders_for_tick.end()) return ctMeaninglessColorChange; // We should mark a tick as a "Redundant", // if it has a ColorChange for extruder that has not been used before if (mode == MultiAsSingle && tick.extruder != std::max(only_extruder, 1) ) { auto it = ticks.lower_bound( tick ); if (it == ticks.begin() && it->type == ToolChange && tick.extruder == it->extruder) return ctNone; while (it != ticks.begin()) { --it; if (it->type == ToolChange && tick.extruder == it->extruder) return ctNone; } return ctRedundant; } } // check ToolChange tick if (mode == MultiAsSingle && tick.type == ToolChange) { // We should mark a tick as a "MeaninglessToolChange", // if it has a ToolChange to the same extruder auto it = ticks.find(tick); if (it == ticks.begin()) return tick.extruder == std::max(only_extruder, 1) ? ctMeaninglessToolChange : ctNone; while (it != ticks.begin()) { --it; if (it->type == ToolChange) return tick.extruder == it->extruder ? ctMeaninglessToolChange : ctNone; } } return ctNone; } } // DoubleSlider } // Slic3r