#include "GalleryDialog.hpp" #include #include #include #include #include #include #include #include #include #include #include #include #include #include #include "GUI.hpp" #include "GUI_App.hpp" #include "format.hpp" #include "wxExtensions.hpp" #include "I18N.hpp" #include "Notebook.hpp" #include "3DScene.hpp" #include "GLCanvas3D.hpp" #include "Plater.hpp" #include "3DBed.hpp" #include "MsgDialog.hpp" #include "libslic3r/Utils.hpp" #include "libslic3r/AppConfig.hpp" #include "libslic3r/Model.hpp" #include "libslic3r/GCode/ThumbnailData.hpp" #include "libslic3r/Format/OBJ.hpp" #include "../Utils/MacDarkMode.hpp" namespace Slic3r { namespace GUI { #define BORDER_W 10 #define IMG_PX_CNT 64 namespace fs = boost::filesystem; // Gallery::DropTarget class GalleryDropTarget : public wxFileDropTarget { public: GalleryDropTarget(GalleryDialog* gallery_dlg) : gallery_dlg(gallery_dlg) { this->SetDefaultAction(wxDragCopy); } bool OnDropFiles(wxCoord x, wxCoord y, const wxArrayString& filenames) override; private: GalleryDialog* gallery_dlg {nullptr}; }; bool GalleryDropTarget::OnDropFiles(wxCoord x, wxCoord y, const wxArrayString& filenames) { #ifdef WIN32 // hides the system icon this->MSWUpdateDragImageOnLeave(); #endif // WIN32 return gallery_dlg ? gallery_dlg->load_files(filenames) : false; } GalleryDialog::GalleryDialog(wxWindow* parent, bool modify_gallery/* = false*/) : DPIDialog(parent, wxID_ANY, _L("Shape Gallery"), wxDefaultPosition, wxDefaultSize, wxDEFAULT_DIALOG_STYLE | wxRESIZE_BORDER) { #ifndef _WIN32 SetBackgroundColour(wxSystemSettings::GetColour(wxSYS_COLOUR_WINDOW)); #endif SetFont(wxGetApp().normal_font()); wxStaticText* label_top = new wxStaticText(this, wxID_ANY, _L("Select shape from the gallery") + ":"); m_list_ctrl = new wxListCtrl(this, wxID_ANY, wxDefaultPosition, wxSize(50 * wxGetApp().em_unit(), 35 * wxGetApp().em_unit()), wxLC_ICON | wxSIMPLE_BORDER); m_list_ctrl->Bind(wxEVT_LIST_ITEM_SELECTED, &GalleryDialog::select, this); m_list_ctrl->Bind(wxEVT_LIST_ITEM_DESELECTED, &GalleryDialog::deselect, this); m_list_ctrl->Bind(wxEVT_LIST_KEY_DOWN, &GalleryDialog::key_down, this); m_list_ctrl->Bind(wxEVT_LIST_ITEM_RIGHT_CLICK, &GalleryDialog::show_context_menu, this); m_list_ctrl->Bind(wxEVT_LIST_ITEM_ACTIVATED, [this](wxListEvent& event) { m_selected_items.clear(); select(event); this->EndModal(wxID_OK); }); #ifdef _WIN32 this->Bind(wxEVT_SIZE, [this](wxSizeEvent& event) { event.Skip(); m_list_ctrl->Arrange(); }); #endif wxStdDialogButtonSizer* buttons = this->CreateStdDialogButtonSizer(wxOK | wxCLOSE); wxButton* ok_btn = static_cast(FindWindowById(wxID_OK, this)); ok_btn->Bind(wxEVT_UPDATE_UI, [this](wxUpdateUIEvent& evt) { evt.Enable(!m_selected_items.empty()); }); if (modify_gallery) { ok_btn->SetLabel(_L("Add to bed")); ok_btn->SetToolTip(_L("Add selected shape(s) to the bed")); } static_cast(FindWindowById(wxID_CLOSE, this))->Bind(wxEVT_BUTTON, [this](wxCommandEvent&){ this->EndModal(wxID_CLOSE); }); this->SetEscapeId(wxID_CLOSE); auto add_btn = [this, buttons]( size_t pos, int& ID, wxString title, wxString tooltip, void (GalleryDialog::* method)(wxEvent&), std::function enable_fn = []() {return true; }) { ID = NewControlId(); wxButton* btn = new wxButton(this, ID, title); btn->SetToolTip(tooltip); btn->Bind(wxEVT_UPDATE_UI, [enable_fn](wxUpdateUIEvent& evt) { evt.Enable(enable_fn()); }); buttons->Insert(pos, btn, 0, wxALIGN_CENTER_VERTICAL | wxRIGHT, BORDER_W); this->Bind(wxEVT_BUTTON, method, this, ID); }; size_t btn_pos = 0; add_btn(btn_pos++, ID_BTN_ADD_CUSTOM_SHAPE, _L("Add"), _L("Add one or more custom shapes"), &GalleryDialog::add_custom_shapes); add_btn(btn_pos++, ID_BTN_DEL_CUSTOM_SHAPE, _L("Delete"), _L("Delete one or more custom shape. You can't delete system shapes"), &GalleryDialog::del_custom_shapes, [this](){ return can_delete(); }); //add_btn(btn_pos++, ID_BTN_REPLACE_CUSTOM_PNG, _L("Change thumbnail"), _L("Replace PNG for custom shape. You can't raplace thimbnail for system shape"), &GalleryDialog::change_thumbnail, [this](){ return can_change_thumbnail(); }); buttons->InsertStretchSpacer(btn_pos, 2* BORDER_W); load_label_icon_list(); wxBoxSizer* topSizer = new wxBoxSizer(wxVERTICAL); topSizer->Add(label_top , 0, wxEXPAND | wxLEFT | wxTOP | wxRIGHT, BORDER_W); topSizer->Add(m_list_ctrl, 1, wxEXPAND | wxLEFT | wxTOP | wxRIGHT, BORDER_W); topSizer->Add(buttons , 0, wxEXPAND | wxALL, BORDER_W); SetSizer(topSizer); topSizer->SetSizeHints(this); wxGetApp().UpdateDlgDarkUI(this); this->CenterOnScreen(); this->SetDropTarget(new GalleryDropTarget(this)); } GalleryDialog::~GalleryDialog() { } bool GalleryDialog::can_delete() { if (m_selected_items.empty()) return false; for (const Item& item : m_selected_items) if (item.is_system) return false; return true; } bool GalleryDialog::can_change_thumbnail() { return (m_selected_items.size() == 1 && !m_selected_items[0].is_system); } void GalleryDialog::on_dpi_changed(const wxRect& suggested_rect) { const int& em = em_unit(); msw_buttons_rescale(this, em, { ID_BTN_ADD_CUSTOM_SHAPE, ID_BTN_DEL_CUSTOM_SHAPE, ID_BTN_REPLACE_CUSTOM_PNG, wxID_OK, wxID_CLOSE }); wxSize size = wxSize(50 * em, 35 * em); m_list_ctrl->SetMinSize(size); m_list_ctrl->SetSize(size); Fit(); Refresh(); } static void add_lock(wxImage& image) { int lock_sz = 22; #ifdef __APPLE__ lock_sz /= mac_max_scaling_factor(); #endif wxBitmap bmp = create_scaled_bitmap("lock", nullptr, lock_sz); wxImage lock_image = bmp.ConvertToImage(); if (!lock_image.IsOk() || lock_image.GetWidth() == 0 || lock_image.GetHeight() == 0) return; auto lock_px_data = (uint8_t*)lock_image.GetData(); auto lock_a_data = (uint8_t*)lock_image.GetAlpha(); int lock_width = lock_image.GetWidth(); int lock_height = lock_image.GetHeight(); auto px_data = (uint8_t*)image.GetData(); auto a_data = (uint8_t*)image.GetAlpha(); int width = image.GetWidth(); int height = image.GetHeight(); size_t beg_x = width - lock_width; size_t beg_y = height - lock_height; for (size_t x = 0; x < (size_t)lock_width; ++x) { for (size_t y = 0; y < (size_t)lock_height; ++y) { const size_t lock_idx = (x + y * lock_width); if (lock_a_data && lock_a_data[lock_idx] == 0) continue; const size_t idx = (beg_x + x + (beg_y + y) * width); if (a_data) a_data[idx] = lock_a_data[lock_idx]; const size_t idx_rgb = (beg_x + x + (beg_y + y) * width) * 3; const size_t lock_idx_rgb = (x + y * lock_width) * 3; px_data[idx_rgb] = lock_px_data[lock_idx_rgb]; px_data[idx_rgb + 1] = lock_px_data[lock_idx_rgb + 1]; px_data[idx_rgb + 2] = lock_px_data[lock_idx_rgb + 2]; } } } static void add_default_image(wxImageList* img_list, bool is_system) { int sz = IMG_PX_CNT; #ifdef __APPLE__ sz /= mac_max_scaling_factor(); #endif wxBitmap bmp = create_scaled_bitmap("cog", nullptr, sz, true); if (is_system) { wxImage image = bmp.ConvertToImage(); if (image.IsOk() && image.GetWidth() != 0 && image.GetHeight() != 0) { add_lock(image); bmp = wxBitmap(std::move(image)); } } img_list->Add(bmp); }; static fs::path get_dir(bool sys_dir) { return fs::absolute(fs::path(sys_dir ? sys_shapes_dir() : custom_shapes_dir())).make_preferred(); } static std::string get_dir_path(bool sys_dir) { fs::path dir = get_dir(sys_dir); #ifdef __WXMSW__ return dir.string() + "\\"; #else return dir.string() + "/"; #endif } static void generate_thumbnail_from_model(const std::string& filename) { if (!boost::algorithm::iends_with(filename, ".stl") && !boost::algorithm::iends_with(filename, ".obj")) { BOOST_LOG_TRIVIAL(error) << "Found invalid file type in generate_thumbnail_from_model() [" << filename << "]"; return; } Model model; try { model = Model::read_from_file(filename); } catch (std::exception&) { BOOST_LOG_TRIVIAL(error) << "Error loading model from " << filename << " in generate_thumbnail_from_model()"; return; } assert(model.objects.size() == 1); assert(model.objects[0]->volumes.size() == 1); assert(model.objects[0]->instances.size() == 1); model.objects[0]->center_around_origin(false); model.objects[0]->ensure_on_bed(false); const Vec3d bed_center_3d = wxGetApp().plater()->get_bed().get_bounding_box(false).center(); const Vec2d bed_center_2d = { bed_center_3d.x(), bed_center_3d.y()}; model.center_instances_around_point(bed_center_2d); GLVolumeCollection volumes; volumes.volumes.push_back(new GLVolume()); GLVolume* volume = volumes.volumes[0]; volume->indexed_vertex_array.load_mesh(model.mesh()); volume->indexed_vertex_array.finalize_geometry(true); volume->set_instance_transformation(model.objects[0]->instances[0]->get_transformation()); volume->set_volume_transformation(model.objects[0]->volumes[0]->get_transformation()); ThumbnailData thumbnail_data; const ThumbnailsParams thumbnail_params = { {}, false, false, false, true }; wxGetApp().plater()->canvas3D()->render_thumbnail(thumbnail_data, 256, 256, thumbnail_params, volumes, Camera::EType::Perspective); if (thumbnail_data.width == 0 || thumbnail_data.height == 0) return; wxImage image(thumbnail_data.width, thumbnail_data.height); image.InitAlpha(); for (unsigned int r = 0; r < thumbnail_data.height; ++r) { unsigned int rr = (thumbnail_data.height - 1 - r) * thumbnail_data.width; for (unsigned int c = 0; c < thumbnail_data.width; ++c) { unsigned char* px = (unsigned char*)thumbnail_data.pixels.data() + 4 * (rr + c); image.SetRGB((int)c, (int)r, px[0], px[1], px[2]); image.SetAlpha((int)c, (int)r, px[3]); } } fs::path out_path = fs::path(filename); out_path.replace_extension("png"); image.SaveFile(out_path.string(), wxBITMAP_TYPE_PNG); } void GalleryDialog::load_label_icon_list() { // load names from files auto add_files_from_gallery = [](std::vector& items, bool is_sys_dir, std::string& dir_path) { fs::path dir = get_dir(is_sys_dir); if (!fs::exists(dir)) return; dir_path = get_dir_path(is_sys_dir); std::vector sorted_names; for (auto& dir_entry : fs::directory_iterator(dir)) { TriangleMesh mesh; if ((is_gallery_file(dir_entry, ".stl") && mesh.ReadSTLFile(dir_entry.path().string().c_str())) || (is_gallery_file(dir_entry, ".obj") && load_obj(dir_entry.path().string().c_str(), &mesh) ) ) sorted_names.push_back(dir_entry.path().filename().string()); } // sort the filename case insensitive std::sort(sorted_names.begin(), sorted_names.end(), [](const std::string& a, const std::string& b) { return boost::algorithm::to_lower_copy(a) < boost::algorithm::to_lower_copy(b); }); for (const std::string& name : sorted_names) items.push_back(Item{ name, is_sys_dir }); }; wxBusyCursor busy; std::string m_sys_dir_path, m_cust_dir_path; std::vector list_items; add_files_from_gallery(list_items, true, m_sys_dir_path); add_files_from_gallery(list_items, false, m_cust_dir_path); // Make an image list containing large icons int px_cnt = (int)(em_unit() * IMG_PX_CNT * 0.1f + 0.5f); m_image_list = new wxImageList(px_cnt, px_cnt); std::string ext = ".png"; for (const auto& item : list_items) { fs::path model_path = fs::path((item.is_system ? m_sys_dir_path : m_cust_dir_path) + item.name); std::string model_name = model_path.string(); model_path.replace_extension("png"); std::string img_name = model_path.string(); #if 0 // use "1" just in DEBUG mode to the generation of the thumbnails for the sistem shapes bool can_generate_thumbnail = true; #else bool can_generate_thumbnail = !item.is_system; #endif //DEBUG if (!fs::exists(img_name)) { if (can_generate_thumbnail) generate_thumbnail_from_model(model_name); else { add_default_image(m_image_list, item.is_system); continue; } } wxImage image; if (!image.CanRead(from_u8(img_name)) || !image.LoadFile(from_u8(img_name), wxBITMAP_TYPE_PNG) || image.GetWidth() == 0 || image.GetHeight() == 0) { add_default_image(m_image_list, item.is_system); continue; } image.Rescale(px_cnt, px_cnt, wxIMAGE_QUALITY_BILINEAR); if (item.is_system) add_lock(image); wxBitmap bmp = wxBitmap(std::move(image)); m_image_list->Add(bmp); } m_list_ctrl->SetImageList(m_image_list, wxIMAGE_LIST_NORMAL); int img_cnt = m_image_list->GetImageCount(); for (int i = 0; i < img_cnt; i++) { m_list_ctrl->InsertItem(i, from_u8(list_items[i].name), i); if (list_items[i].is_system) m_list_ctrl->SetItemFont(i, wxGetApp().bold_font()); } } void GalleryDialog::get_input_files(wxArrayString& input_files) { for (const Item& item : m_selected_items) input_files.Add(from_u8(get_dir_path(item.is_system) + item.name)); } void GalleryDialog::add_custom_shapes(wxEvent& event) { wxArrayString input_files; wxFileDialog dialog(this, _L("Choose one or more files (STL, OBJ):"), from_u8(wxGetApp().app_config->get_last_dir()), "", file_wildcards(FT_GALLERY), wxFD_OPEN | wxFD_MULTIPLE | wxFD_FILE_MUST_EXIST); if (dialog.ShowModal() == wxID_OK) dialog.GetPaths(input_files); if (input_files.IsEmpty()) return; load_files(input_files); } void GalleryDialog::del_custom_shapes() { auto custom_dir = get_dir(false); auto remove_file = [custom_dir](const std::string& name) { if (!fs::exists(custom_dir / name)) return; try { fs::remove(custom_dir / name); } catch (fs::filesystem_error const& e) { std::cerr << e.what() << '\n'; } }; for (const Item& item : m_selected_items) { remove_file(item.name); fs::path path = fs::path(item.name); path.replace_extension("png"); remove_file(path.string()); } update(); } static void show_warning(const wxString& title, const std::string& error_file_type) { const wxString msg_text = format_wxstr(_L("It looks like selected %1%-file has an error or is destructed.\n" "We can't load this file"), error_file_type); MessageDialog dialog(nullptr, msg_text, title, wxICON_WARNING | wxOK); dialog.ShowModal(); } void GalleryDialog::change_thumbnail() { if (m_selected_items.size() != 1 || m_selected_items[0].is_system) return; wxFileDialog dialog(this, _L("Choose one PNG file:"), from_u8(wxGetApp().app_config->get_last_dir()), "", "PNG files (*.png)|*.png;*.PNG", wxFD_OPEN | wxFD_FILE_MUST_EXIST); if (dialog.ShowModal() != wxID_OK) return; wxArrayString input_files; dialog.GetPaths(input_files); if (input_files.IsEmpty()) return; if (wxImage image; !image.CanRead(input_files.Item(0))) { show_warning(_L("Replacing of the PNG"), "PNG"); return; } try { fs::path png_path = fs::path(get_dir(false) / m_selected_items[0].name); png_path.replace_extension("png"); fs::path current = fs::path(into_u8(input_files.Item(0))); fs::copy_file(current, png_path, fs::copy_option::overwrite_if_exists); } catch (fs::filesystem_error const& e) { std::cerr << e.what() << '\n'; return; } update(); } void GalleryDialog::select(wxListEvent& event) { int idx = event.GetIndex(); Item item { into_u8(m_list_ctrl->GetItemText(idx)), m_list_ctrl->GetItemFont(idx).GetWeight() == wxFONTWEIGHT_BOLD }; m_selected_items.push_back(item); } void GalleryDialog::deselect(wxListEvent& event) { if (m_list_ctrl->GetSelectedItemCount() == 0) { m_selected_items.clear(); return; } std::string name = into_u8(m_list_ctrl->GetItemText(event.GetIndex())); m_selected_items.erase(std::remove_if(m_selected_items.begin(), m_selected_items.end(), [name](Item item) { return item.name == name; })); } void GalleryDialog::show_context_menu(wxListEvent& event) { wxMenu* menu = new wxMenu(); if (can_delete()) append_menu_item(menu, wxID_ANY, _L("Delete"), "", [this](wxCommandEvent&) { del_custom_shapes(); }); if (can_change_thumbnail()) append_menu_item(menu, wxID_ANY, _L("Change thumbnail"), "", [this](wxCommandEvent&) { change_thumbnail(); }); this->PopupMenu(menu); } void GalleryDialog::key_down(wxListEvent& event) { if (can_delete() && (event.GetKeyCode() == WXK_DELETE || event.GetKeyCode() == WXK_BACK)) del_custom_shapes(); } void GalleryDialog::update() { m_selected_items.clear(); m_image_list->RemoveAll(); m_list_ctrl->ClearAll(); load_label_icon_list(); } bool GalleryDialog::load_files(const wxArrayString& input_files) { auto dest_dir = get_dir(false); try { if (!fs::exists(dest_dir)) if (!fs::create_directory(dest_dir)) { std::cerr << "Unable to create destination directory" << dest_dir.string() << '\n' ; return false; } } catch (fs::filesystem_error const& e) { std::cerr << e.what() << '\n'; return false; } // Iterate through the input files for (size_t i = 0; i < input_files.size(); ++i) { std::string input_file = into_u8(input_files.Item(i)); TriangleMesh mesh; if (is_gallery_file(input_file, ".stl") && !mesh.ReadSTLFile(input_file.c_str())) { show_warning(format_wxstr(_L("Loading of the \"%1%\""), input_file), "STL"); continue; } if (is_gallery_file(input_file, ".obj") && !load_obj(input_file.c_str(), &mesh)) { show_warning(format_wxstr(_L("Loading of the \"%1%\""), input_file), "OBJ"); continue; } try { fs::path current = fs::path(input_file); if (!fs::exists(dest_dir / current.filename())) fs::copy_file(current, dest_dir / current.filename()); else { std::string filename = current.stem().string(); int file_idx = 0; for (auto& dir_entry : fs::directory_iterator(dest_dir)) if (is_gallery_file(dir_entry, ".stl") || is_gallery_file(dir_entry, ".obj")) { std::string name = dir_entry.path().stem().string(); if (filename == name) { if (file_idx == 0) file_idx++; continue; } if (name.find(filename) != 0 || name[filename.size()] != ' ' || name[filename.size()+1] != '(' || name[name.size()-1] != ')') continue; std::string idx_str = name.substr(filename.size() + 2, name.size() - filename.size() - 3); if (int cur_idx = atoi(idx_str.c_str()); file_idx <= cur_idx) file_idx = cur_idx+1; } if (file_idx > 0) { filename += " (" + std::to_string(file_idx) + ")." + (is_gallery_file(input_file, ".stl") ? "stl" : "obj"); fs::copy_file(current, dest_dir / filename); } } } catch (fs::filesystem_error const& e) { std::cerr << e.what() << '\n'; return false; } } update(); return true; } }} // namespace Slic3r::GUI