#ifndef slic3r_GUI_NotificationManager_hpp_ #define slic3r_GUI_NotificationManager_hpp_ #include "GUI_App.hpp" #include "Plater.hpp" #include "GLCanvas3D.hpp" #include "Event.hpp" #include "I18N.hpp" #include "Jobs/ProgressIndicator.hpp" #include #include #include #include #include #include #include namespace Slic3r { namespace GUI { using EjectDriveNotificationClickedEvent = SimpleEvent; wxDECLARE_EVENT(EVT_EJECT_DRIVE_NOTIFICAION_CLICKED, EjectDriveNotificationClickedEvent); using ExportGcodeNotificationClickedEvent = SimpleEvent; wxDECLARE_EVENT(EVT_EXPORT_GCODE_NOTIFICAION_CLICKED, ExportGcodeNotificationClickedEvent); using PresetUpdateAvailableClickedEvent = SimpleEvent; wxDECLARE_EVENT(EVT_PRESET_UPDATE_AVAILABLE_CLICKED, PresetUpdateAvailableClickedEvent); using CancelFn = std::function; class GLCanvas3D; class ImGuiWrapper; enum class InfoItemType; enum class NotificationType { CustomNotification, // SlicingNotPossible, // Notification on end of export to a removable media, with hyperling to eject the external media. // Obsolete by ExportFinished // ExportToRemovableFinished, // Notification on end of export, with hyperling to see folder and eject if export was to external media. // Own subclass. ExportFinished, // Works on OSX only. //FIXME Do we want to have it on Linux and Windows? Is it possible to get the Disconnect event on Windows? Mouse3dDisconnected, // Mouse3dConnected, // NewPresetsAviable, // Notification on the start of PrusaSlicer, when a new PrusaSlicer version is published. // Contains a hyperlink to open a web browser pointing to the PrusaSlicer download location. NewAppAvailable, // Like NewAppAvailable but with text and link for alpha / bet release NewAlphaAvailable, NewBetaAvailable, // Notification on the start of PrusaSlicer, when updates of system profiles are detected. // Contains a hyperlink to execute installation of the new system profiles. PresetUpdateAvailable, // LoadingFailed, // Errors emmited by Print::validate // difference from Slicing error is that they disappear not grey out at update_background_process ValidateError, // Notification emitted by Print::validate ValidateWarning, // Slicing error produced by BackgroundSlicingProcess::validate() or by the BackgroundSlicingProcess background // thread thowing a SlicingError exception. SlicingError, // Slicing warnings, issued by the slicing process. // Slicing warnings are registered for a particular Print milestone or a PrintObject and its milestone. SlicingWarning, // Object partially outside the print volume. Cannot slice. PlaterError, // Object fully outside the print volume, or extrusion outside the print volume. Slicing is not disabled. PlaterWarning, // Progress bar instead of text. ProgressBar, // Progress bar with info from Print Host Upload Queue dialog. PrintHostUpload, // Progress bar with cancel button, cannot be closed // On end of slicing and G-code processing (the full G-code preview is available), // contains a hyperlink to export the G-code to a removable media or hdd. SlicingProgress, // Notification, when Color Change G-code is empty and user try to add color change on DoubleSlider. EmptyColorChangeCode, // Notification that custom supports/seams were deleted after mesh repair. CustomSupportsAndSeamRemovedAfterRepair, // Notification that auto adding of color changes is impossible EmptyAutoColorChange, // Notification about detected sign SignDetected, // Notification telling user to quit SLA supports manual editing QuitSLAManualMode, // Desktop integration basic info DesktopIntegrationSuccess, DesktopIntegrationFail, UndoDesktopIntegrationSuccess, UndoDesktopIntegrationFail, // Notification that a printer has more extruders than are supported by MM Gizmo/segmentation. MmSegmentationExceededExtrudersLimit, // Did you know Notification appearing on startup with arrows to change hint DidYouKnowHint, // Shows when ObjectList::update_info_items finds information that should be stressed to the user // Might contain logo taken from gizmos UpdatedItemsInfo, // Progress bar notification with methods to replace ProgressIndicator class. ProgressIndicator, // Give user advice to simplify object with big amount of triangles // Contains ObjectID for closing when object is deleted SimplifySuggestion, // information about netfabb is finished repairing model (blocking proccess) NetfabbFinished, // Short meesage to fill space between start and finish of export ExportOngoing, }; class NotificationManager { public: enum class NotificationLevel : int { // The notifications will be presented in the order of importance, thus these enum values // are sorted by the importance. // Important notification with progress bar, no fade-out, might appear again after closing. Position at the bottom. ProgressBarNotificationLevel = 1, // "Did you know" notification with special icon and buttons, Position close to bottom. HintNotificationLevel, // "Good to know" notification, usually but not always with a quick fade-out. RegularNotificationLevel, // Regular level notifiaction containing info about objects or print. Has Icon. PrintInfoNotificationLevel, // PrintInfoNotificationLevel with shorter time PrintInfoShortNotificationLevel, // Information notification without a fade-out or with a longer fade-out. ImportantNotificationLevel, // Warning, no fade-out. WarningNotificationLevel, // Error, no fade-out. Top most position. ErrorNotificationLevel, }; NotificationManager(wxEvtHandler* evt_handler); ~NotificationManager(){} // init is called after canvas3d is created. Notifications added before init are not showed or updated void init() { m_initialized = true; } // Push a prefabricated notification from basic_notifications (see the table at the end of this file). void push_notification(const NotificationType type, int timestamp = 0); // Push a NotificationType::CustomNotification with NotificationLevel::RegularNotificationLevel and 10s fade out interval. void push_notification(const std::string& text, int timestamp = 0); // Push a NotificationType::CustomNotification with provided notification level and 10s for RegularNotificationLevel. // ErrorNotificationLevel are never faded out. void push_notification(NotificationType type, NotificationLevel level, const std::string& text, const std::string& hypertext = "", std::function callback = std::function(), int timestamp = 0); // Pushes basic_notification with delay. See push_delayed_notification_data. void push_delayed_notification(const NotificationType type, std::function condition_callback, int64_t initial_delay, int64_t delay_interval); // Removes all notifications of type from m_waiting_notifications void stop_delayed_notifications_of_type(const NotificationType type); // Creates Validate Error notification with a custom text and no fade out. void push_validate_error_notification(const std::string& text); // Creates Slicing Error notification with a custom text and no fade out. void push_slicing_error_notification(const std::string& text); // Creates Slicing Warning notification with a custom text and no fade out. void push_slicing_warning_notification(const std::string& text, bool gray, ObjectID oid, int warning_step); // marks slicing errors as gray void set_all_slicing_errors_gray(bool g); // marks slicing warings as gray void set_all_slicing_warnings_gray(bool g); // void set_slicing_warning_gray(const std::string& text, bool g); // immediately stops showing slicing errors void close_slicing_errors_and_warnings(); void close_slicing_error_notification(const std::string& text); // Release those slicing warnings, which refer to an ObjectID, which is not in the list. // living_oids is expected to be sorted. void remove_slicing_warnings_of_released_objects(const std::vector& living_oids); // Object partially outside of the printer working space, cannot print. No fade out. void push_plater_error_notification(const std::string& text); // Object fully out of the printer working space and such. No fade out. void push_plater_warning_notification(const std::string& text); // Closes error or warning of the same text void close_plater_error_notification(const std::string& text); void close_plater_warning_notification(const std::string& text); // Object warning with ObjectID, closes when object is deleted. ID used is of object not print like in slicing warning. void push_simplify_suggestion_notification(const std::string& text, ObjectID object_id, const std::string& hypertext = "", std::function callback = std::function()); // Close object warnings, whose ObjectID is not in the list. // living_oids is expected to be sorted. void remove_simplify_suggestion_of_released_objects(const std::vector& living_oids); void remove_simplify_suggestion_with_id(const ObjectID oid); // Called when the side bar changes its visibility, as the "slicing complete" notification supplements // the "slicing info" normally shown at the side bar. void set_sidebar_collapsed(bool collapsed); // Set technology for correct text in SlicingProgress. void set_fff(bool b); void set_fdm(bool b) { set_fff(b); } void set_sla(bool b) { set_fff(!b); } // Exporting finished, show this information with path, button to open containing folder and if ejectable - eject button void push_exporting_finished_notification(const std::string& path, const std::string& dir_path, bool on_removable); // notifications with progress bar // print host upload void push_upload_job_notification(int id, float filesize, const std::string& filename, const std::string& host, float percentage = 0); void set_upload_job_notification_percentage(int id, const std::string& filename, const std::string& host, float percentage); void upload_job_notification_show_canceled(int id, const std::string& filename, const std::string& host); void upload_job_notification_show_error(int id, const std::string& filename, const std::string& host); // slicing progress void init_slicing_progress_notification(std::function cancel_callback); void set_slicing_progress_began(); // percentage negative = canceled, <0-1) = progress, 1 = completed void set_slicing_progress_percentage(const std::string& text, float percentage); void set_slicing_progress_canceled(const std::string& text); // hides slicing progress notification imidietly void set_slicing_progress_hidden(); // Add a print time estimate to an existing SlicingProgress notification. Set said notification to SP_COMPLETED state. void set_slicing_complete_print_time(const std::string& info, bool sidebar_colapsed); void set_slicing_progress_export_possible(); // ProgressIndicator notification // init adds hidden instance of progress indi notif that should always live (goes to hidden instead of erasing) void init_progress_indicator(); // functions equal to ProgressIndicator class void progress_indicator_set_range(int range); void progress_indicator_set_cancel_callback(CancelFn callback = CancelFn()); void progress_indicator_set_progress(int pr); void progress_indicator_set_status_text(const char*); // utf8 char array int progress_indicator_get_range() const; // Hint (did you know) notification void push_hint_notification(bool open_next); bool is_hint_notification_open(); // Forces Hints to reload its content when next hint should be showed void deactivate_loaded_hints(); // Adds counter to existing UpdatedItemsInfo notification or opens new one void push_updated_item_info_notification(InfoItemType type); // Close old notification ExportFinished. void new_export_began(bool on_removable); // finds ExportFinished notification and closes it if it was to removable device void device_ejected(); // renders notifications in queue and deletes expired ones void render_notifications(GLCanvas3D& canvas, float overlay_width); // finds and closes all notifications of given type void close_notification_of_type(const NotificationType type); // Hides warnings in G-code preview. Should be called from plater only when 3d view/ preview is changed void set_in_preview(bool preview); // Calls set_in_preview to apply appearing or disappearing of some notificatons; void apply_in_preview() { set_in_preview(m_in_preview); } // Move to left to avoid colision with variable layer height gizmo. void set_move_from_overlay(bool move) { m_move_from_overlay = move; } // perform update_state on each notification and ask for more frames if needed, return true for render needed bool update_notifications(GLCanvas3D& canvas); // returns number of all notifications shown size_t get_notification_count() const; private: // duration 0 means not disapearing struct NotificationData { NotificationType type; NotificationLevel level; // Fade out time const int duration; const std::string text1; const std::string hypertext; // Callback for hypertext - returns true if notification should close after triggering // Usually sends event to UI thread thru wxEvtHandler. // Examples in basic_notifications. std::function callback; const std::string text2; }; // Cache of IDs to identify and reuse ImGUI windows. class NotificationIDProvider { public: int allocate_id(); void release_id(int id); private: // Next ID used for naming the ImGUI windows. int m_next_id{ 1 }; // IDs of ImGUI windows, which were released and they are ready for reuse. std::vector m_released_ids; }; //Pop notification - shows only once to user. class PopNotification { public: enum class EState { Unknown, // NOT initialized Hidden, Shown, // Requesting Render at some time if duration != 0 NotFading, // Never jumps to state Fading out even if duration says so FadingOut, // Requesting Render at some time ClosePending, // Requesting Render Finished, // Requesting Render Hovered, // Followed by Shown Paused }; PopNotification(const NotificationData &n, NotificationIDProvider &id_provider, wxEvtHandler* evt_handler); virtual ~PopNotification() { if (m_id) m_id_provider.release_id(m_id); } virtual void render(GLCanvas3D& canvas, float initial_y, bool move_from_overlay, float overlay_width); // close will dissapear notification on next render virtual void close() { m_state = EState::ClosePending; wxGetApp().plater()->get_current_canvas3D()->schedule_extra_frame(0);} // data from newer notification of same type void update(const NotificationData& n); bool is_finished() const { return m_state == EState::ClosePending || m_state == EState::Finished; } // returns top after movement float get_top() const { return m_top_y; } //returns top in actual frame float get_current_top() const { return m_top_y; } const NotificationType get_type() const { return m_data.type; } const NotificationData& get_data() const { return m_data; } const bool is_gray() const { return m_is_gray; } void set_gray(bool g) { m_is_gray = g; } virtual bool compare_text(const std::string& text) const; void hide(bool h) { if (is_finished()) return; m_state = h ? EState::Hidden : EState::Unknown; } // sets m_next_render with time of next mandatory rendering. Delta is time since last render. virtual bool update_state(bool paused, const int64_t delta); int64_t next_render() const { return is_finished() ? 0 : m_next_render; } EState get_state() const { return m_state; } bool is_hovered() const { return m_state == EState::Hovered; } void set_hovered() { if (m_state != EState::Finished && m_state != EState::ClosePending && m_state != EState::Hidden && m_state != EState::Unknown) m_state = EState::Hovered; } // set start of notification to now. Used by delayed notifications void reset_timer() { m_notification_start = GLCanvas3D::timestamp_now(); m_state = EState::Shown; } protected: // Call after every size change virtual void init(); // Calculetes correct size but not se it in imgui! virtual void set_next_window_size(ImGuiWrapper& imgui); virtual void render_text(ImGuiWrapper& imgui, const float win_size_x, const float win_size_y, const float win_pos_x , const float win_pos_y); virtual void render_close_button(ImGuiWrapper& imgui, const float win_size_x, const float win_size_y, const float win_pos_x , const float win_pos_y); virtual void render_hypertext(ImGuiWrapper& imgui, const float text_x, const float text_y, const std::string text, bool more = false); // Left sign could be error or warning sign virtual void render_left_sign(ImGuiWrapper& imgui); virtual void render_minimize_button(ImGuiWrapper& imgui, const float win_pos_x, const float win_pos_y); // Hypertext action, returns true if notification should close. // Action is stored in NotificationData::callback as std::function virtual bool on_text_click(); // Part of init(), counts horizontal spacing like left indentation virtual void count_spaces(); // Part of init(), counts end lines virtual void count_lines(); // returns true if PopStyleColor should be called later to pop this push virtual bool push_background_color(); // used this function instead of reading directly m_data.duration. Some notifications might need to return changing value. virtual int get_duration() { return m_data.duration; } const NotificationData m_data; // For reusing ImGUI windows. NotificationIDProvider &m_id_provider; int m_id{ 0 }; // State for rendering EState m_state { EState::Unknown }; // Time values for rendering fade-out int64_t m_fading_start{ 0LL }; // first appereance of notification or last hover; int64_t m_notification_start; // time to next must-do render int64_t m_next_render{ std::numeric_limits::max() }; float m_current_fade_opacity{ 1.0f }; // Notification data // Main text std::string m_text1; // Clickable text std::string m_hypertext; // Aditional text after hypertext - currently not used std::string m_text2; // inner variables to position notification window, texts and buttons correctly // all space without text float m_window_width_offset; // Space on left side without text float m_left_indentation; // Total size of notification window - varies based on monitor float m_window_height { 56.0f }; float m_window_width { 450.0f }; //Distance from bottom of notifications to top of this notification float m_top_y { 0.0f }; // Height of text - Used as basic scaling unit! float m_line_height; // endlines for text1, hypertext excluded std::vector m_endlines; // endlines for text2 std::vector m_endlines2; // Gray are f.e. eorrors when its uknown if they are still valid bool m_is_gray { false }; //if multiline = true, notification is showing all lines(>2) bool m_multiline { false }; // True if minimized button is rendered, helps to decide where is area for invisible close button bool m_minimize_b_visible { false }; size_t m_lines_count{ 1 }; // Target for wxWidgets events sent by clicking on the hyperlink available at some notifications. wxEvtHandler* m_evt_handler; }; class ObjectIDNotification : public PopNotification { public: ObjectIDNotification(const NotificationData& n, NotificationIDProvider& id_provider, wxEvtHandler* evt_handler) : PopNotification(n, id_provider, evt_handler) {} ObjectID object_id; int warning_step { 0 }; }; class PlaterWarningNotification : public PopNotification { public: PlaterWarningNotification(const NotificationData& n, NotificationIDProvider& id_provider, wxEvtHandler* evt_handler) : PopNotification(n, id_provider, evt_handler) {} void close() override { if(is_finished()) return; m_state = EState::Hidden; wxGetApp().plater()->get_current_canvas3D()->schedule_extra_frame(0); } void real_close() { m_state = EState::ClosePending; wxGetApp().plater()->get_current_canvas3D()->schedule_extra_frame(0); } void show() { m_state = EState::Unknown; } }; class ProgressBarNotification : public PopNotification { public: ProgressBarNotification(const NotificationData& n, NotificationIDProvider& id_provider, wxEvtHandler* evt_handler) : PopNotification(n, id_provider, evt_handler) { } virtual void set_percentage(float percent) { m_percentage = percent; } protected: virtual void init() override; virtual void render_text(ImGuiWrapper& imgui, const float win_size_x, const float win_size_y, const float win_pos_x, const float win_pos_y) override; virtual void render_bar(ImGuiWrapper& imgui, const float win_size_x, const float win_size_y, const float win_pos_x, const float win_pos_y) ; virtual void render_cancel_button(ImGuiWrapper& imgui, const float win_size_x, const float win_size_y, const float win_pos_x, const float win_pos_y) {} void render_minimize_button(ImGuiWrapper& imgui, const float win_pos_x, const float win_pos_y) override {} float m_percentage {0.0f}; bool m_has_cancel_button {false}; bool m_render_percentage {false}; // local time of last hover for showing tooltip }; class PrintHostUploadNotification : public ProgressBarNotification { public: enum class UploadJobState { PB_PROGRESS, PB_ERROR, PB_CANCELLED, PB_COMPLETED }; PrintHostUploadNotification(const NotificationData& n, NotificationIDProvider& id_provider, wxEvtHandler* evt_handler, float percentage, int job_id, float filesize) :ProgressBarNotification(n, id_provider, evt_handler) , m_job_id(job_id) , m_file_size(filesize) { m_has_cancel_button = true; set_percentage(percentage); } static std::string get_upload_job_text(int id, const std::string& filename, const std::string& host) { return /*"[" + std::to_string(id) + "] " + */filename + " -> " + host; } void set_percentage(float percent) override; void cancel() { m_uj_state = UploadJobState::PB_CANCELLED; m_has_cancel_button = false; } void error() { m_uj_state = UploadJobState::PB_ERROR; m_has_cancel_button = false; init(); } bool compare_job_id(const int other_id) const { return m_job_id == other_id; } bool compare_text(const std::string& text) const override { return false; } protected: void init() override; void count_spaces() override; bool push_background_color() override; void render_bar(ImGuiWrapper& imgui, const float win_size_x, const float win_size_y, const float win_pos_x, const float win_pos_y) override; void render_cancel_button(ImGuiWrapper& imgui, const float win_size_x, const float win_size_y, const float win_pos_x, const float win_pos_y) override; void render_left_sign(ImGuiWrapper& imgui) override; // Identifies job in cancel callback int m_job_id; // Size of uploaded size to be displayed in MB float m_file_size; long m_hover_time{ 0 }; UploadJobState m_uj_state{ UploadJobState::PB_PROGRESS }; }; class SlicingProgressNotification : public ProgressBarNotification { public: // Inner state of notification, Each state changes bahaviour of the notification enum class SlicingProgressState { SP_NO_SLICING, // hidden SP_BEGAN, // still hidden but allows to go to SP_PROGRESS state. This prevents showing progress after slicing was canceled. SP_PROGRESS, // never fades outs, no close button, has cancel button SP_CANCELLED, // fades after 10 seconds, simple message SP_COMPLETED // Has export hyperlink and print info, fades after 20 sec if sidebar is shown, otherwise no fade out }; SlicingProgressNotification(const NotificationData& n, NotificationIDProvider& id_provider, wxEvtHandler* evt_handler, std::function callback) : ProgressBarNotification(n, id_provider, evt_handler) , m_cancel_callback(callback) { set_progress_state(SlicingProgressState::SP_NO_SLICING); m_has_cancel_button = false; m_render_percentage = true; } // sets text of notification - call after setting progress state void set_status_text(const std::string& text); // sets cancel button callback void set_cancel_callback(std::function callback) { m_cancel_callback = callback; } bool has_cancel_callback() const { return m_cancel_callback != nullptr; } // sets SlicingProgressState, negative percent means canceled, returns true if state was set succesfully. bool set_progress_state(float percent); // sets SlicingProgressState, percent is used only at progress state. Returns true if state was set succesfully. bool set_progress_state(SlicingProgressState state,float percent = 0.f); // sets additional string of print info and puts notification into Completed state. void set_print_info(const std::string& info); // sets fading if in Completed state. void set_sidebar_collapsed(bool collapsed); // Calls inherited update_state and ensures Estate goes to hidden not closing. bool update_state(bool paused, const int64_t delta) override; // Switch between technology to provide correct text. void set_fff(bool b) { m_is_fff = b; } void set_fdm(bool b) { m_is_fff = b; } void set_sla(bool b) { m_is_fff = !b; } void set_export_possible(bool b) { m_export_possible = b; } protected: void init() override; void render_text(ImGuiWrapper& imgui, const float win_size_x, const float win_size_y, const float win_pos_x, const float win_pos_y) override; void render_bar(ImGuiWrapper& imgui, const float win_size_x, const float win_size_y, const float win_pos_x, const float win_pos_y) override; void render_cancel_button(ImGuiWrapper& imgui, const float win_size_x, const float win_size_y, const float win_pos_x, const float win_pos_y) override; void render_close_button(ImGuiWrapper& imgui, const float win_size_x, const float win_size_y, const float win_pos_x, const float win_pos_y) override; void render_hypertext(ImGuiWrapper& imgui, const float text_x, const float text_y, const std::string text, bool more = false) override ; void on_cancel_button(); int get_duration() override; // if returns false, process was already canceled std::function m_cancel_callback; SlicingProgressState m_sp_state { SlicingProgressState::SP_PROGRESS }; bool m_has_print_info { false }; std::string m_print_info; bool m_sidebar_collapsed { false }; bool m_is_fff { true }; // if true, it is possible show export hyperlink in state SP_PROGRESS bool m_export_possible { false }; }; class ProgressIndicatorNotification : public ProgressBarNotification { public: enum class ProgressIndicatorState { PIS_HIDDEN, // hidden PIS_PROGRESS_REQUEST, // progress was updated, request render on next update_state() call PIS_PROGRESS_UPDATED, // render was requested PIS_COMPLETED // both completed and canceled state. fades out into PIS_NO_SLICING }; ProgressIndicatorNotification(const NotificationData& n, NotificationIDProvider& id_provider, wxEvtHandler* evt_handler) : ProgressBarNotification(n, id_provider, evt_handler) { m_render_percentage = true; } // ProgressIndicator void set_range(int range) { m_range = range; } void set_cancel_callback(CancelFn callback) { m_cancel_callback = callback; } void set_progress(int pr) { set_percentage((float)pr / (float)m_range); } void set_status_text(const char*); // utf8 char array int get_range() const { return m_range; } // ProgressBarNotification void init() override; void set_percentage(float percent) override; bool update_state(bool paused, const int64_t delta) override; // Own protected: int m_range { 100 }; CancelFn m_cancel_callback { nullptr }; ProgressIndicatorState m_progress_state { ProgressIndicatorState::PIS_HIDDEN }; void render_close_button(ImGuiWrapper& imgui, const float win_size_x, const float win_size_y, const float win_pos_x, const float win_pos_y) override; void render_cancel_button(ImGuiWrapper& imgui, const float win_size_x, const float win_size_y, const float win_pos_x, const float win_pos_y) override; void on_cancel_button() { if (m_cancel_callback) m_cancel_callback(); } }; class ExportFinishedNotification : public PopNotification { public: ExportFinishedNotification(const NotificationData& n, NotificationIDProvider& id_provider, wxEvtHandler* evt_handler, bool to_removable,const std::string& export_path,const std::string& export_dir_path) : PopNotification(n, id_provider, evt_handler) , m_to_removable(to_removable) , m_export_path(export_path) , m_export_dir_path(export_dir_path) { m_multiline = true; } bool m_to_removable; std::string m_export_path; std::string m_export_dir_path; protected: // Reserves space on right for more buttons void count_spaces() override; void render_text(ImGuiWrapper& imgui, const float win_size_x, const float win_size_y, const float win_pos_x, const float win_pos_y) override; // Renders also button to open directory with exported path and eject removable media void render_close_button(ImGuiWrapper& imgui, const float win_size_x, const float win_size_y, const float win_pos_x, const float win_pos_y) override; void render_eject_button(ImGuiWrapper& imgui, const float win_size_x, const float win_size_y, const float win_pos_x, const float win_pos_y); void render_minimize_button(ImGuiWrapper& imgui, const float win_pos_x, const float win_pos_y) override { m_minimize_b_visible = false; } bool on_text_click() override; void on_eject_click(); // local time of last hover for showing tooltip long m_hover_time { 0 }; bool m_eject_pending { false }; }; class UpdatedItemsInfoNotification : public PopNotification { public: UpdatedItemsInfoNotification(const NotificationData& n, NotificationIDProvider& id_provider, wxEvtHandler* evt_handler, InfoItemType info_item_type) : PopNotification(n, id_provider, evt_handler) { //m_types_and_counts.emplace_back(info_item_type, 1); } void count_spaces() override; void add_type(InfoItemType type); void close() override{ for (auto& tac : m_types_and_counts) tac.second = 0; PopNotification::close(); } protected: //void render_left_sign(ImGuiWrapper& imgui) override; std::vector> m_types_and_counts; }; // in HintNotification.hpp class HintNotification; // Data of waiting notifications struct DelayedNotification { std::unique_ptr notification; std::function condition_callback; int64_t remaining_time; int64_t delay_interval; DelayedNotification(std::unique_ptr n, std::function cb, int64_t r, int64_t d) : notification(std::move(n)) , condition_callback(cb) , remaining_time(r) , delay_interval(d) {} }; //pushes notification into the queue of notifications that are rendered //can be used to create custom notification bool push_notification_data(const NotificationData& notification_data, int timestamp); bool push_notification_data(std::unique_ptr notification, int timestamp); // Delayed notifications goes first to the m_waiting_notifications vector and only after remaining time is <= 0 // and condition callback is success, notification is regular pushed from update function. // Otherwise another delay interval waiting. Timestamp is 0. // Note that notification object is constructed when being added to the waiting list, but there are no updates called on it and its timer is reset at regular push. // Also note that no control of same notification is done during push_delayed_notification_data but if waiting notif fails to push, it continues waiting. // If delay_interval is 0, notification is pushed only after initial_delay no matter the result. void push_delayed_notification_data(std::unique_ptr notification, std::function condition_callback, int64_t initial_delay, int64_t delay_interval); //finds older notification of same type and moves it to the end of queue. returns true if found bool activate_existing(const NotificationManager::PopNotification* notification); // Put the more important notifications to the bottom of the list. void sort_notifications(); // If there is some error notification active, then the "Export G-code" notification after the slicing is finished is suppressed. bool has_slicing_error_notification(); size_t get_standard_duration(NotificationLevel level) { switch (level) { case NotificationLevel::ErrorNotificationLevel: return 0; case NotificationLevel::WarningNotificationLevel: return 0; case NotificationLevel::ImportantNotificationLevel: return 20; case NotificationLevel::ProgressBarNotificationLevel: return 2; case NotificationLevel::PrintInfoShortNotificationLevel: return 5; case NotificationLevel::RegularNotificationLevel: return 10; case NotificationLevel::PrintInfoNotificationLevel: return 10; case NotificationLevel::HintNotificationLevel: return 300; default: return 10; } } // set by init(), until false notifications are only added not updated and frame is not requested after push bool m_initialized{ false }; // Target for wxWidgets events sent by clicking on the hyperlink available at some notifications. wxEvtHandler* m_evt_handler; // Cache of IDs to identify and reuse ImGUI windows. NotificationIDProvider m_id_provider; std::deque> m_pop_notifications; // delayed waiting notifications, first is remaining time std::vector m_waiting_notifications; //timestamps used for slicing finished - notification could be gone so it needs to be stored here std::unordered_set m_used_timestamps; // True if G-code preview is active. False if the Plater is active. bool m_in_preview { false }; // True if the layer editing is enabled in Plater, so that the notifications are shifted left of it. bool m_move_from_overlay { false }; // Timestamp of last rendering int64_t m_last_render { 0LL }; // Notification types that can be shown multiple types at once (compared by text) const std::vector m_multiple_types = { NotificationType::CustomNotification, NotificationType::PlaterWarning, NotificationType::ProgressBar, NotificationType::PrintHostUpload, NotificationType::SimplifySuggestion }; //prepared (basic) notifications // non-static so its not loaded too early. If static, the translations wont load correctly. const std::vector basic_notifications = { {NotificationType::Mouse3dDisconnected, NotificationLevel::RegularNotificationLevel, 10, _u8L("3D Mouse disconnected.") }, {NotificationType::PresetUpdateAvailable, NotificationLevel::ImportantNotificationLevel, 20, _u8L("Configuration update is available."), _u8L("See more."), [](wxEvtHandler* evnthndlr) { if (evnthndlr != nullptr) wxPostEvent(evnthndlr, PresetUpdateAvailableClickedEvent(EVT_PRESET_UPDATE_AVAILABLE_CLICKED)); return true; } }, {NotificationType::EmptyColorChangeCode, NotificationLevel::PrintInfoNotificationLevel, 10, _u8L("You have just added a G-code for color change, but its value is empty.\n" "To export the G-code correctly, check the \"Color Change G-code\" in \"Printer Settings > Custom G-code\"") }, {NotificationType::EmptyAutoColorChange, NotificationLevel::PrintInfoNotificationLevel, 10, _u8L("No color change event was added to the print. The print does not look like a sign.") }, {NotificationType::DesktopIntegrationSuccess, NotificationLevel::RegularNotificationLevel, 10, _u8L("Desktop integration was successful.") }, {NotificationType::DesktopIntegrationFail, NotificationLevel::WarningNotificationLevel, 10, _u8L("Desktop integration failed.") }, {NotificationType::UndoDesktopIntegrationSuccess, NotificationLevel::RegularNotificationLevel, 10, _u8L("Undo desktop integration was successful.") }, {NotificationType::UndoDesktopIntegrationFail, NotificationLevel::WarningNotificationLevel, 10, _u8L("Undo desktop integration failed.") }, {NotificationType::ExportOngoing, NotificationLevel::RegularNotificationLevel, 0, _u8L("Exporting.") }, //{NotificationType::NewAppAvailable, NotificationLevel::ImportantNotificationLevel, 20, _u8L("New version is available."), _u8L("See Releases page."), [](wxEvtHandler* evnthndlr) { // wxGetApp().open_browser_with_warning_dialog("https://github.com/prusa3d/PrusaSlicer/releases"); return true; }}, //{NotificationType::NewAppAvailable, NotificationLevel::ImportantNotificationLevel, 20, _u8L("New vesion of PrusaSlicer is available.", _u8L("Download page.") }, //{NotificationType::LoadingFailed, NotificationLevel::RegularNotificationLevel, 20, _u8L("Loading of model has Failed") }, //{NotificationType::DeviceEjected, NotificationLevel::RegularNotificationLevel, 10, _u8L("Removable device has been safely ejected")} // if we want changeble text (like here name of device), we need to do it as CustomNotification }; }; }//namespace GUI }//namespace Slic3r #endif //slic3r_GUI_NotificationManager_hpp_