#include "Plater.hpp" #include #include #include #include #include #include #include #include #include #include #include #include #include #include #include #include #include #include #include #include #include #include #include #include #include #include #include "libslic3r/libslic3r.h" #include "libslic3r/Format/STL.hpp" #include "libslic3r/Format/AMF.hpp" #include "libslic3r/Format/3mf.hpp" #include "libslic3r/GCode/PreviewData.hpp" #include "libslic3r/GCode/ThumbnailData.hpp" #include "libslic3r/Model.hpp" #include "libslic3r/SLA/Hollowing.hpp" #include "libslic3r/SLA/SupportPoint.hpp" #include "libslic3r/SLA/ReprojectPointsOnMesh.hpp" #include "libslic3r/Polygon.hpp" #include "libslic3r/Print.hpp" #include "libslic3r/PrintConfig.hpp" #include "libslic3r/SLAPrint.hpp" #include "libslic3r/Utils.hpp" #include "GUI.hpp" #include "GUI_App.hpp" #include "GUI_ObjectList.hpp" #include "GUI_ObjectManipulation.hpp" #include "GUI_ObjectLayers.hpp" #include "GUI_Utils.hpp" #include "wxExtensions.hpp" #include "MainFrame.hpp" #include "format.hpp" #include "3DScene.hpp" #include "GLCanvas3D.hpp" #include "Selection.hpp" #include "GLToolbar.hpp" #include "GUI_Preview.hpp" #include "3DBed.hpp" #include "Camera.hpp" #include "Mouse3DController.hpp" #include "Tab.hpp" #include "Jobs/ArrangeJob.hpp" #include "Jobs/RotoptimizeJob.hpp" #include "Jobs/SLAImportJob.hpp" #include "PresetBundle.hpp" #include "BackgroundSlicingProcess.hpp" #include "ProgressStatusBar.hpp" #include "PrintHostDialogs.hpp" #include "ConfigWizard.hpp" #include "../Utils/ASCIIFolding.hpp" #include "../Utils/PrintHost.hpp" #include "../Utils/FixModelByWin10.hpp" #include "../Utils/UndoRedo.hpp" #include "RemovableDriveManager.hpp" #include "InstanceCheck.hpp" #include "PresetComboBoxes.hpp" #ifdef __APPLE__ #include "Gizmos/GLGizmosManager.hpp" #endif // __APPLE__ #include // Needs to be last because reasons :-/ #include "WipeTowerDialog.hpp" #include "libslic3r/CustomGCode.hpp" using boost::optional; namespace fs = boost::filesystem; using Slic3r::_3DScene; using Slic3r::Preset; using Slic3r::PrintHostJob; using Slic3r::GUI::format_wxstr; static const std::pair THUMBNAIL_SIZE_3MF = { 256, 256 }; namespace Slic3r { namespace GUI { wxDEFINE_EVENT(EVT_SCHEDULE_BACKGROUND_PROCESS, SimpleEvent); wxDEFINE_EVENT(EVT_SLICING_UPDATE, SlicingStatusEvent); wxDEFINE_EVENT(EVT_SLICING_COMPLETED, wxCommandEvent); wxDEFINE_EVENT(EVT_PROCESS_COMPLETED, wxCommandEvent); // Sidebar widgets // struct InfoBox : public wxStaticBox // { // InfoBox(wxWindow *parent, const wxString &label) : // wxStaticBox(parent, wxID_ANY, label) // { // SetFont(GUI::small_font().Bold()); // } // }; class ObjectInfo : public wxStaticBoxSizer { public: ObjectInfo(wxWindow *parent); wxStaticBitmap *manifold_warning_icon; wxStaticText *info_size; wxStaticText *info_volume; wxStaticText *info_facets; wxStaticText *info_materials; wxStaticText *info_manifold; wxStaticText *label_volume; wxStaticText *label_materials; std::vector sla_hidden_items; bool showing_manifold_warning_icon; void show_sizer(bool show); void msw_rescale(); }; ObjectInfo::ObjectInfo(wxWindow *parent) : wxStaticBoxSizer(new wxStaticBox(parent, wxID_ANY, _L("Info")), wxVERTICAL) { GetStaticBox()->SetFont(wxGetApp().bold_font()); auto *grid_sizer = new wxFlexGridSizer(4, 5, 15); grid_sizer->SetFlexibleDirection(wxHORIZONTAL); // grid_sizer->AddGrowableCol(1, 1); // grid_sizer->AddGrowableCol(3, 1); auto init_info_label = [parent, grid_sizer](wxStaticText **info_label, wxString text_label) { auto *text = new wxStaticText(parent, wxID_ANY, text_label+":"); text->SetFont(wxGetApp().small_font()); *info_label = new wxStaticText(parent, wxID_ANY, ""); (*info_label)->SetFont(wxGetApp().small_font()); grid_sizer->Add(text, 0); grid_sizer->Add(*info_label, 0); return text; }; init_info_label(&info_size, _L("Size")); label_volume = init_info_label(&info_volume, _L("Volume")); init_info_label(&info_facets, _L("Facets")); label_materials = init_info_label(&info_materials, _L("Materials")); Add(grid_sizer, 0, wxEXPAND); auto *info_manifold_text = new wxStaticText(parent, wxID_ANY, _L("Manifold") + ":"); info_manifold_text->SetFont(wxGetApp().small_font()); info_manifold = new wxStaticText(parent, wxID_ANY, ""); info_manifold->SetFont(wxGetApp().small_font()); manifold_warning_icon = new wxStaticBitmap(parent, wxID_ANY, create_scaled_bitmap("exclamation")); auto *sizer_manifold = new wxBoxSizer(wxHORIZONTAL); sizer_manifold->Add(info_manifold_text, 0); sizer_manifold->Add(manifold_warning_icon, 0, wxLEFT, 2); sizer_manifold->Add(info_manifold, 0, wxLEFT, 2); Add(sizer_manifold, 0, wxEXPAND | wxTOP, 4); sla_hidden_items = { label_volume, info_volume, label_materials, info_materials }; } void ObjectInfo::show_sizer(bool show) { Show(show); if (show) manifold_warning_icon->Show(showing_manifold_warning_icon && show); } void ObjectInfo::msw_rescale() { manifold_warning_icon->SetBitmap(create_scaled_bitmap("exclamation")); } enum SlicedInfoIdx { siFilament_m, siFilament_mm3, siFilament_g, siMateril_unit, siCost, siEstimatedTime, siWTNumbetOfToolchanges, siCount }; class SlicedInfo : public wxStaticBoxSizer { public: SlicedInfo(wxWindow *parent); void SetTextAndShow(SlicedInfoIdx idx, const wxString& text, const wxString& new_label=""); private: std::vector> info_vec; }; SlicedInfo::SlicedInfo(wxWindow *parent) : wxStaticBoxSizer(new wxStaticBox(parent, wxID_ANY, _L("Sliced Info")), wxVERTICAL) { GetStaticBox()->SetFont(wxGetApp().bold_font()); auto *grid_sizer = new wxFlexGridSizer(2, 5, 15); grid_sizer->SetFlexibleDirection(wxVERTICAL); info_vec.reserve(siCount); auto init_info_label = [this, parent, grid_sizer](wxString text_label) { auto *text = new wxStaticText(parent, wxID_ANY, text_label); text->SetFont(wxGetApp().small_font()); auto info_label = new wxStaticText(parent, wxID_ANY, "N/A"); info_label->SetFont(wxGetApp().small_font()); grid_sizer->Add(text, 0); grid_sizer->Add(info_label, 0); info_vec.push_back(std::pair(text, info_label)); }; init_info_label(_L("Used Filament (m)")); init_info_label(_L("Used Filament (mm³)")); init_info_label(_L("Used Filament (g)")); init_info_label(_L("Used Material (unit)")); init_info_label(_L("Cost (money)")); init_info_label(_L("Estimated printing time")); init_info_label(_L("Number of tool changes")); Add(grid_sizer, 0, wxEXPAND); this->Show(false); } void SlicedInfo::SetTextAndShow(SlicedInfoIdx idx, const wxString& text, const wxString& new_label/*=""*/) { const bool show = text != "N/A"; if (show) info_vec[idx].second->SetLabelText(text); if (!new_label.IsEmpty()) info_vec[idx].first->SetLabelText(new_label); info_vec[idx].first->Show(show); info_vec[idx].second->Show(show); } // Frequently changed parameters class FreqChangedParams : public OG_Settings { double m_brim_width = 0.0; wxButton* m_wiping_dialog_button{ nullptr }; wxSizer* m_sizer {nullptr}; std::shared_ptr m_og_sla; std::vector m_empty_buttons; public: FreqChangedParams(wxWindow* parent); ~FreqChangedParams() {} wxButton* get_wiping_dialog_button() { return m_wiping_dialog_button; } wxSizer* get_sizer() override; ConfigOptionsGroup* get_og(const bool is_fff); void Show(const bool is_fff); void msw_rescale(); }; void FreqChangedParams::msw_rescale() { m_og->msw_rescale(); m_og_sla->msw_rescale(); for (auto btn: m_empty_buttons) btn->msw_rescale(); } FreqChangedParams::FreqChangedParams(wxWindow* parent) : OG_Settings(parent, false) { DynamicPrintConfig* config = &wxGetApp().preset_bundle->prints.get_edited_preset().config; // Frequently changed parameters for FFF_technology m_og->set_config(config); m_og->hide_labels(); m_og->m_on_change = [config, this](t_config_option_key opt_key, boost::any value) { Tab* tab_print = wxGetApp().get_tab(Preset::TYPE_PRINT); if (!tab_print) return; if (opt_key == "fill_density") { value = m_og->get_config_value(*config, opt_key); tab_print->set_value(opt_key, value); tab_print->update(); } else{ DynamicPrintConfig new_conf = *config; if (opt_key == "brim") { double new_val; double brim_width = config->opt_float("brim_width"); if (boost::any_cast(value) == true) { new_val = m_brim_width == 0.0 ? 5 : m_brim_width < 0.0 ? m_brim_width * (-1) : m_brim_width; } else { m_brim_width = brim_width * (-1); new_val = 0; } new_conf.set_key_value("brim_width", new ConfigOptionFloat(new_val)); } else { assert(opt_key == "support"); const wxString& selection = boost::any_cast(value); PrinterTechnology printer_technology = wxGetApp().preset_bundle->printers.get_edited_preset().printer_technology(); auto support_material = selection == _("None") ? false : true; new_conf.set_key_value("support_material", new ConfigOptionBool(support_material)); if (selection == _("Everywhere")) { new_conf.set_key_value("support_material_buildplate_only", new ConfigOptionBool(false)); if (printer_technology == ptFFF) new_conf.set_key_value("support_material_auto", new ConfigOptionBool(true)); } else if (selection == _("Support on build plate only")) { new_conf.set_key_value("support_material_buildplate_only", new ConfigOptionBool(true)); if (printer_technology == ptFFF) new_conf.set_key_value("support_material_auto", new ConfigOptionBool(true)); } else if (selection == _("For support enforcers only")) { assert(printer_technology == ptFFF); new_conf.set_key_value("support_material_buildplate_only", new ConfigOptionBool(false)); new_conf.set_key_value("support_material_auto", new ConfigOptionBool(false)); } } tab_print->load_config(new_conf); } tab_print->update_dirty(); }; Line line = Line { "", "" }; ConfigOptionDef support_def; support_def.label = L("Supports"); support_def.type = coStrings; support_def.gui_type = "select_open"; support_def.tooltip = L("Select what kind of support do you need"); support_def.enum_labels.push_back(L("None")); support_def.enum_labels.push_back(L("Support on build plate only")); support_def.enum_labels.push_back(L("For support enforcers only")); support_def.enum_labels.push_back(L("Everywhere")); support_def.set_default_value(new ConfigOptionStrings{ "None" }); Option option = Option(support_def, "support"); option.opt.full_width = true; line.append_option(option); /* Not a best solution, but * Temporary workaround for right border alignment */ auto empty_widget = [this] (wxWindow* parent) { auto sizer = new wxBoxSizer(wxHORIZONTAL); auto btn = new ScalableButton(parent, wxID_ANY, "mirroring_transparent.png", wxEmptyString, wxDefaultSize, wxDefaultPosition, wxBU_EXACTFIT | wxNO_BORDER | wxTRANSPARENT_WINDOW); sizer->Add(btn, 0, wxALIGN_CENTER_VERTICAL | wxLEFT | wxRIGHT, int(0.3 * wxGetApp().em_unit())); m_empty_buttons.push_back(btn); return sizer; }; line.append_widget(empty_widget); m_og->append_line(line); line = Line { "", "" }; option = m_og->get_option("fill_density"); option.opt.label = L("Infill"); option.opt.width = 7/*6*/; option.opt.sidetext = " "; line.append_option(option); m_brim_width = config->opt_float("brim_width"); ConfigOptionDef def; def.label = L("Brim"); def.type = coBool; def.tooltip = L("This flag enables the brim that will be printed around each object on the first layer."); def.gui_type = ""; def.set_default_value(new ConfigOptionBool{ m_brim_width > 0.0 ? true : false }); option = Option(def, "brim"); option.opt.sidetext = ""; line.append_option(option); auto wiping_dialog_btn = [this](wxWindow* parent) { m_wiping_dialog_button = new wxButton(parent, wxID_ANY, _L("Purging volumes") + dots, wxDefaultPosition, wxDefaultSize, wxBU_EXACTFIT); m_wiping_dialog_button->SetFont(wxGetApp().normal_font()); auto sizer = new wxBoxSizer(wxHORIZONTAL); sizer->Add(m_wiping_dialog_button, 0, wxALIGN_CENTER_VERTICAL); m_wiping_dialog_button->Bind(wxEVT_BUTTON, ([parent](wxCommandEvent& e) { auto &project_config = wxGetApp().preset_bundle->project_config; const std::vector &init_matrix = (project_config.option("wiping_volumes_matrix"))->values; const std::vector &init_extruders = (project_config.option("wiping_volumes_extruders"))->values; const std::vector extruder_colours = wxGetApp().plater()->get_extruder_colors_from_plater_config(); WipingDialog dlg(parent, cast(init_matrix), cast(init_extruders), extruder_colours); if (dlg.ShowModal() == wxID_OK) { std::vector matrix = dlg.get_matrix(); std::vector extruders = dlg.get_extruders(); (project_config.option("wiping_volumes_matrix"))->values = std::vector(matrix.begin(), matrix.end()); (project_config.option("wiping_volumes_extruders"))->values = std::vector(extruders.begin(), extruders.end()); wxPostEvent(parent, SimpleEvent(EVT_SCHEDULE_BACKGROUND_PROCESS, parent)); } })); auto btn = new ScalableButton(parent, wxID_ANY, "mirroring_transparent.png", wxEmptyString, wxDefaultSize, wxDefaultPosition, wxBU_EXACTFIT | wxNO_BORDER | wxTRANSPARENT_WINDOW); sizer->Add(btn , 0, wxALIGN_CENTER_VERTICAL | wxLEFT | wxRIGHT, int(0.3 * wxGetApp().em_unit())); m_empty_buttons.push_back(btn); return sizer; }; line.append_widget(wiping_dialog_btn); m_og->append_line(line); // Frequently changed parameters for SLA_technology m_og_sla = std::make_shared(parent, ""); m_og_sla->hide_labels(); DynamicPrintConfig* config_sla = &wxGetApp().preset_bundle->sla_prints.get_edited_preset().config; m_og_sla->set_config(config_sla); m_og_sla->m_on_change = [config_sla, this](t_config_option_key opt_key, boost::any value) { Tab* tab = wxGetApp().get_tab(Preset::TYPE_SLA_PRINT); if (!tab) return; DynamicPrintConfig new_conf = *config_sla; if (opt_key == "pad") { const wxString& selection = boost::any_cast(value); const bool pad_enable = selection == _("None") ? false : true; new_conf.set_key_value("pad_enable", new ConfigOptionBool(pad_enable)); if (selection == _("Below object")) new_conf.set_key_value("pad_around_object", new ConfigOptionBool(false)); else if (selection == _("Around object")) new_conf.set_key_value("pad_around_object", new ConfigOptionBool(true)); } else { assert(opt_key == "support"); const wxString& selection = boost::any_cast(value); const bool supports_enable = selection == _("None") ? false : true; new_conf.set_key_value("supports_enable", new ConfigOptionBool(supports_enable)); if (selection == _("Everywhere")) new_conf.set_key_value("support_buildplate_only", new ConfigOptionBool(false)); else if (selection == _("Support on build plate only")) new_conf.set_key_value("support_buildplate_only", new ConfigOptionBool(true)); } tab->load_config(new_conf); tab->update_dirty(); }; line = Line{ "", "" }; ConfigOptionDef support_def_sla = support_def; support_def_sla.set_default_value(new ConfigOptionStrings{ "None" }); assert(support_def_sla.enum_labels[2] == L("For support enforcers only")); support_def_sla.enum_labels.erase(support_def_sla.enum_labels.begin() + 2); option = Option(support_def_sla, "support"); option.opt.full_width = true; line.append_option(option); line.append_widget(empty_widget); m_og_sla->append_line(line); line = Line{ "", "" }; ConfigOptionDef pad_def; pad_def.label = L("Pad"); pad_def.type = coStrings; pad_def.gui_type = "select_open"; pad_def.tooltip = L("Select what kind of pad do you need"); pad_def.enum_labels.push_back(L("None")); pad_def.enum_labels.push_back(L("Below object")); pad_def.enum_labels.push_back(L("Around object")); pad_def.set_default_value(new ConfigOptionStrings{ "Below object" }); option = Option(pad_def, "pad"); option.opt.full_width = true; line.append_option(option); line.append_widget(empty_widget); m_og_sla->append_line(line); m_sizer = new wxBoxSizer(wxVERTICAL); m_sizer->Add(m_og->sizer, 0, wxEXPAND); m_sizer->Add(m_og_sla->sizer, 0, wxEXPAND); } wxSizer* FreqChangedParams::get_sizer() { return m_sizer; } void FreqChangedParams::Show(const bool is_fff) { const bool is_wdb_shown = m_wiping_dialog_button->IsShown(); m_og->Show(is_fff); m_og_sla->Show(!is_fff); // correct showing of the FreqChangedParams sizer when m_wiping_dialog_button is hidden if (is_fff && !is_wdb_shown) m_wiping_dialog_button->Hide(); } ConfigOptionsGroup* FreqChangedParams::get_og(const bool is_fff) { return is_fff ? m_og.get() : m_og_sla.get(); } // Sidebar / private enum class ActionButtonType : int { abReslice, abExport, abSendGCode }; struct Sidebar::priv { Plater *plater; wxScrolledWindow *scrolled; wxPanel* presets_panel; // Used for MSW better layouts ModeSizer *mode_sizer; wxFlexGridSizer *sizer_presets; PlaterPresetComboBox *combo_print; std::vector combos_filament; wxBoxSizer *sizer_filaments; PlaterPresetComboBox *combo_sla_print; PlaterPresetComboBox *combo_sla_material; PlaterPresetComboBox *combo_printer; wxBoxSizer *sizer_params; FreqChangedParams *frequently_changed_parameters{ nullptr }; ObjectList *object_list{ nullptr }; ObjectManipulation *object_manipulation{ nullptr }; ObjectSettings *object_settings{ nullptr }; ObjectLayers *object_layers{ nullptr }; ObjectInfo *object_info; SlicedInfo *sliced_info; wxButton *btn_export_gcode; wxButton *btn_reslice; ScalableButton *btn_send_gcode; ScalableButton *btn_remove_device; ScalableButton* btn_export_gcode_removable; //exports to removable drives (appears only if removable drive is connected) bool is_collapsed {false}; Search::OptionsSearcher searcher; priv(Plater *plater) : plater(plater) {} ~priv(); void show_preset_comboboxes(); }; Sidebar::priv::~priv() { if (object_manipulation != nullptr) delete object_manipulation; if (object_settings != nullptr) delete object_settings; if (frequently_changed_parameters != nullptr) delete frequently_changed_parameters; if (object_layers != nullptr) delete object_layers; } void Sidebar::priv::show_preset_comboboxes() { const bool showSLA = wxGetApp().preset_bundle->printers.get_edited_preset().printer_technology() == ptSLA; for (size_t i = 0; i < 4; ++i) sizer_presets->Show(i, !showSLA); for (size_t i = 4; i < 8; ++i) { if (sizer_presets->IsShown(i) != showSLA) sizer_presets->Show(i, showSLA); } frequently_changed_parameters->Show(!showSLA); scrolled->GetParent()->Layout(); scrolled->Refresh(); } // Sidebar / public Sidebar::Sidebar(Plater *parent) : wxPanel(parent, wxID_ANY, wxDefaultPosition, wxSize(40 * wxGetApp().em_unit(), -1)), p(new priv(parent)) { p->scrolled = new wxScrolledWindow(this); p->scrolled->SetScrollbars(0, 100, 1, 2); SetFont(wxGetApp().normal_font()); #ifndef __APPLE__ SetBackgroundColour(wxSystemSettings::GetColour(wxSYS_COLOUR_WINDOW)); #endif // Sizer in the scrolled area auto *scrolled_sizer = new wxBoxSizer(wxVERTICAL); p->scrolled->SetSizer(scrolled_sizer); // Sizer with buttons for mode changing p->mode_sizer = new ModeSizer(p->scrolled); // The preset chooser p->sizer_presets = new wxFlexGridSizer(10, 1, 1, 2); p->sizer_presets->AddGrowableCol(0, 1); p->sizer_presets->SetFlexibleDirection(wxBOTH); bool is_msw = false; #ifdef __WINDOWS__ p->scrolled->SetDoubleBuffered(true); p->presets_panel = new wxPanel(p->scrolled, wxID_ANY, wxDefaultPosition, wxDefaultSize, wxTAB_TRAVERSAL); p->presets_panel->SetSizer(p->sizer_presets); is_msw = true; #else p->presets_panel = p->scrolled; #endif //__WINDOWS__ p->sizer_filaments = new wxBoxSizer(wxVERTICAL); auto init_combo = [this](PlaterPresetComboBox **combo, wxString label, Preset::Type preset_type, bool filament) { auto *text = new wxStaticText(p->presets_panel, wxID_ANY, label + " :"); text->SetFont(wxGetApp().small_font()); *combo = new PlaterPresetComboBox(p->presets_panel, preset_type); auto combo_and_btn_sizer = new wxBoxSizer(wxHORIZONTAL); combo_and_btn_sizer->Add(*combo, 1, wxEXPAND); if ((*combo)->edit_btn) combo_and_btn_sizer->Add((*combo)->edit_btn, 0, wxALIGN_CENTER_VERTICAL|wxLEFT|wxRIGHT, int(0.3*wxGetApp().em_unit())); auto *sizer_presets = this->p->sizer_presets; auto *sizer_filaments = this->p->sizer_filaments; sizer_presets->Add(text, 0, wxALIGN_LEFT | wxEXPAND | wxRIGHT, 4); if (! filament) { sizer_presets->Add(combo_and_btn_sizer, 0, wxEXPAND | wxBOTTOM, 1); } else { sizer_filaments->Add(combo_and_btn_sizer, 0, wxEXPAND | wxBOTTOM, 1); (*combo)->set_extruder_idx(0); sizer_presets->Add(sizer_filaments, 1, wxEXPAND); } }; p->combos_filament.push_back(nullptr); init_combo(&p->combo_print, _L("Print settings"), Preset::TYPE_PRINT, false); init_combo(&p->combos_filament[0], _L("Filament"), Preset::TYPE_FILAMENT, true); init_combo(&p->combo_sla_print, _L("SLA print settings"), Preset::TYPE_SLA_PRINT, false); init_combo(&p->combo_sla_material, _L("SLA material"), Preset::TYPE_SLA_MATERIAL, false); init_combo(&p->combo_printer, _L("Printer"), Preset::TYPE_PRINTER, false); const int margin_5 = int(0.5*wxGetApp().em_unit());// 5; p->sizer_params = new wxBoxSizer(wxVERTICAL); // Frequently changed parameters p->frequently_changed_parameters = new FreqChangedParams(p->scrolled); p->sizer_params->Add(p->frequently_changed_parameters->get_sizer(), 0, wxEXPAND | wxTOP | wxBOTTOM, wxOSX ? 1 : margin_5); // Object List p->object_list = new ObjectList(p->scrolled); p->sizer_params->Add(p->object_list->get_sizer(), 1, wxEXPAND); // Object Manipulations p->object_manipulation = new ObjectManipulation(p->scrolled); p->object_manipulation->Hide(); p->sizer_params->Add(p->object_manipulation->get_sizer(), 0, wxEXPAND | wxTOP, margin_5); // Frequently Object Settings p->object_settings = new ObjectSettings(p->scrolled); p->object_settings->Hide(); p->sizer_params->Add(p->object_settings->get_sizer(), 0, wxEXPAND | wxTOP, margin_5); // Object Layers p->object_layers = new ObjectLayers(p->scrolled); p->object_layers->Hide(); p->sizer_params->Add(p->object_layers->get_sizer(), 0, wxEXPAND | wxTOP, margin_5); // Info boxes p->object_info = new ObjectInfo(p->scrolled); p->sliced_info = new SlicedInfo(p->scrolled); // Sizer in the scrolled area scrolled_sizer->Add(p->mode_sizer, 0, wxALIGN_CENTER_HORIZONTAL/*RIGHT | wxBOTTOM | wxRIGHT, 5*/); is_msw ? scrolled_sizer->Add(p->presets_panel, 0, wxEXPAND | wxLEFT, margin_5) : scrolled_sizer->Add(p->sizer_presets, 0, wxEXPAND | wxLEFT, margin_5); scrolled_sizer->Add(p->sizer_params, 1, wxEXPAND | wxLEFT, margin_5); scrolled_sizer->Add(p->object_info, 0, wxEXPAND | wxTOP | wxLEFT, margin_5); scrolled_sizer->Add(p->sliced_info, 0, wxEXPAND | wxTOP | wxLEFT, margin_5); // Buttons underneath the scrolled area // rescalable bitmap buttons "Send to printer" and "Remove device" auto init_scalable_btn = [this](ScalableButton** btn, const std::string& icon_name, wxString tooltip = wxEmptyString) { #ifdef __APPLE__ int bmp_px_cnt = 16; #else int bmp_px_cnt = 32; #endif //__APPLE__ ScalableBitmap bmp = ScalableBitmap(this, icon_name, bmp_px_cnt); *btn = new ScalableButton(this, wxID_ANY, bmp, "", wxBU_EXACTFIT); (*btn)->SetToolTip(tooltip); (*btn)->Hide(); }; init_scalable_btn(&p->btn_send_gcode , "export_gcode", _L("Send to printer") + "\tCtrl+Shift+G"); init_scalable_btn(&p->btn_remove_device, "eject_sd" , _L("Remove device") + "\tCtrl+T"); init_scalable_btn(&p->btn_export_gcode_removable, "export_to_sd", _L("Export to SD card / Flash drive") + "\tCtrl+U"); // regular buttons "Slice now" and "Export G-code" const int scaled_height = p->btn_remove_device->GetBitmapHeight() + 4; auto init_btn = [this](wxButton **btn, wxString label, const int button_height) { *btn = new wxButton(this, wxID_ANY, label, wxDefaultPosition, wxSize(-1, button_height), wxBU_EXACTFIT); (*btn)->SetFont(wxGetApp().bold_font()); }; init_btn(&p->btn_export_gcode, _L("Export G-code") + dots , scaled_height); init_btn(&p->btn_reslice , _L("Slice now") , scaled_height); enable_buttons(false); auto *btns_sizer = new wxBoxSizer(wxVERTICAL); auto* complect_btns_sizer = new wxBoxSizer(wxHORIZONTAL); complect_btns_sizer->Add(p->btn_export_gcode, 1, wxEXPAND); complect_btns_sizer->Add(p->btn_send_gcode); complect_btns_sizer->Add(p->btn_export_gcode_removable); complect_btns_sizer->Add(p->btn_remove_device); btns_sizer->Add(p->btn_reslice, 0, wxEXPAND | wxTOP, margin_5); btns_sizer->Add(complect_btns_sizer, 0, wxEXPAND | wxTOP, margin_5); auto *sizer = new wxBoxSizer(wxVERTICAL); sizer->Add(p->scrolled, 1, wxEXPAND); sizer->Add(btns_sizer, 0, wxEXPAND | wxLEFT, margin_5); SetSizer(sizer); // Events p->btn_export_gcode->Bind(wxEVT_BUTTON, [this](wxCommandEvent&) { p->plater->export_gcode(false); }); p->btn_reslice->Bind(wxEVT_BUTTON, [this](wxCommandEvent&) { const bool export_gcode_after_slicing = wxGetKeyState(WXK_SHIFT); if (export_gcode_after_slicing) p->plater->export_gcode(); else p->plater->reslice(); p->plater->select_view_3D("Preview"); }); p->btn_send_gcode->Bind(wxEVT_BUTTON, [this](wxCommandEvent&) { p->plater->send_gcode(); }); p->btn_remove_device->Bind(wxEVT_BUTTON, [this](wxCommandEvent&) { p->plater->eject_drive(); }); p->btn_export_gcode_removable->Bind(wxEVT_BUTTON, [this](wxCommandEvent&) { p->plater->export_gcode(true); }); } Sidebar::~Sidebar() {} void Sidebar::init_filament_combo(PlaterPresetComboBox **combo, const int extr_idx) { *combo = new PlaterPresetComboBox(p->presets_panel, Slic3r::Preset::TYPE_FILAMENT); // # copy icons from first choice // $choice->SetItemBitmap($_, $choices->[0]->GetItemBitmap($_)) for 0..$#presets; (*combo)->set_extruder_idx(extr_idx); auto combo_and_btn_sizer = new wxBoxSizer(wxHORIZONTAL); combo_and_btn_sizer->Add(*combo, 1, wxEXPAND); combo_and_btn_sizer->Add((*combo)->edit_btn, 0, wxALIGN_CENTER_VERTICAL | wxLEFT | wxRIGHT, int(0.3*wxGetApp().em_unit())); auto /***/sizer_filaments = this->p->sizer_filaments; sizer_filaments->Add(combo_and_btn_sizer, 1, wxEXPAND | wxBOTTOM, 1); } void Sidebar::remove_unused_filament_combos(const size_t current_extruder_count) { if (current_extruder_count >= p->combos_filament.size()) return; auto sizer_filaments = this->p->sizer_filaments; while (p->combos_filament.size() > current_extruder_count) { const int last = p->combos_filament.size() - 1; sizer_filaments->Remove(last); (*p->combos_filament[last]).Destroy(); p->combos_filament.pop_back(); } } void Sidebar::update_all_preset_comboboxes() { PresetBundle &preset_bundle = *wxGetApp().preset_bundle; const auto print_tech = preset_bundle.printers.get_edited_preset().printer_technology(); // Update the print choosers to only contain the compatible presets, update the dirty flags. if (print_tech == ptFFF) p->combo_print->update(); else { p->combo_sla_print->update(); p->combo_sla_material->update(); } // Update the printer choosers, update the dirty flags. p->combo_printer->update(); // Update the filament choosers to only contain the compatible presets, update the color preview, // update the dirty flags. if (print_tech == ptFFF) { for (PlaterPresetComboBox* cb : p->combos_filament) cb->update(); } } void Sidebar::update_presets(Preset::Type preset_type) { PresetBundle &preset_bundle = *wxGetApp().preset_bundle; const auto print_tech = preset_bundle.printers.get_edited_preset().printer_technology(); switch (preset_type) { case Preset::TYPE_FILAMENT: { const size_t extruder_cnt = print_tech != ptFFF ? 1 : dynamic_cast(preset_bundle.printers.get_edited_preset().config.option("nozzle_diameter"))->values.size(); const size_t filament_cnt = p->combos_filament.size() > extruder_cnt ? extruder_cnt : p->combos_filament.size(); if (filament_cnt == 1) { // Single filament printer, synchronize the filament presets. const std::string &name = preset_bundle.filaments.get_selected_preset_name(); preset_bundle.set_filament_preset(0, name); } for (size_t i = 0; i < filament_cnt; i++) p->combos_filament[i]->update(); break; } case Preset::TYPE_PRINT: p->combo_print->update(); break; case Preset::TYPE_SLA_PRINT: p->combo_sla_print->update(); break; case Preset::TYPE_SLA_MATERIAL: p->combo_sla_material->update(); break; case Preset::TYPE_PRINTER: { update_all_preset_comboboxes(); p->show_preset_comboboxes(); break; } default: break; } // Synchronize config.ini with the current selections. wxGetApp().preset_bundle->export_selections(*wxGetApp().app_config); } void Sidebar::update_mode_sizer() const { p->mode_sizer->SetMode(m_mode); } void Sidebar::update_reslice_btn_tooltip() const { wxString tooltip = wxString("Slice") + " [" + GUI::shortkey_ctrl_prefix() + "R]"; if (m_mode != comSimple) tooltip += wxString("\n") + _L("Hold Shift to Slice & Export G-code"); p->btn_reslice->SetToolTip(tooltip); } void Sidebar::msw_rescale() { SetMinSize(wxSize(40 * wxGetApp().em_unit(), -1)); p->mode_sizer->msw_rescale(); for (PlaterPresetComboBox* combo : std::vector { p->combo_print, p->combo_sla_print, p->combo_sla_material, p->combo_printer } ) combo->msw_rescale(); for (PlaterPresetComboBox* combo : p->combos_filament) combo->msw_rescale(); p->frequently_changed_parameters->msw_rescale(); p->object_list->msw_rescale(); p->object_manipulation->msw_rescale(); p->object_settings->msw_rescale(); p->object_layers->msw_rescale(); p->object_info->msw_rescale(); p->btn_send_gcode->msw_rescale(); p->btn_remove_device->msw_rescale(); p->btn_export_gcode_removable->msw_rescale(); const int scaled_height = p->btn_remove_device->GetBitmap().GetHeight() + 4; p->btn_export_gcode->SetMinSize(wxSize(-1, scaled_height)); p->btn_reslice ->SetMinSize(wxSize(-1, scaled_height)); p->scrolled->Layout(); } void Sidebar::sys_color_changed() { // Update preset comboboxes in respect to the system color ... // combo->msw_rescale() updates icon on button, so use it for (PlaterPresetComboBox* combo : std::vector{ p->combo_print, p->combo_sla_print, p->combo_sla_material, p->combo_printer }) combo->msw_rescale(); for (PlaterPresetComboBox* combo : p->combos_filament) combo->msw_rescale(); // ... then refill them and set min size to correct layout of the sidebar update_all_preset_comboboxes(); p->object_list->sys_color_changed(); p->object_manipulation->sys_color_changed(); // p->object_settings->msw_rescale(); p->object_layers->sys_color_changed(); // btn...->msw_rescale() updates icon on button, so use it p->btn_send_gcode->msw_rescale(); p->btn_remove_device->msw_rescale(); p->btn_export_gcode_removable->msw_rescale(); p->scrolled->Layout(); } void Sidebar::search() { p->searcher.search(); } void Sidebar::jump_to_option(size_t selected) { const Search::Option& opt = p->searcher.get_option(selected); wxGetApp().get_tab(opt.type)->activate_option(boost::nowide::narrow(opt.opt_key), boost::nowide::narrow(opt.category)); // Switch to the Settings NotePad wxGetApp().mainframe->select_tab(); } ObjectManipulation* Sidebar::obj_manipul() { return p->object_manipulation; } ObjectList* Sidebar::obj_list() { return p->object_list; } ObjectSettings* Sidebar::obj_settings() { return p->object_settings; } ObjectLayers* Sidebar::obj_layers() { return p->object_layers; } wxScrolledWindow* Sidebar::scrolled_panel() { return p->scrolled; } wxPanel* Sidebar::presets_panel() { return p->presets_panel; } ConfigOptionsGroup* Sidebar::og_freq_chng_params(const bool is_fff) { return p->frequently_changed_parameters->get_og(is_fff); } wxButton* Sidebar::get_wiping_dialog_button() { return p->frequently_changed_parameters->get_wiping_dialog_button(); } void Sidebar::update_objects_list_extruder_column(size_t extruders_count) { p->object_list->update_objects_list_extruder_column(extruders_count); } void Sidebar::show_info_sizer() { if (!p->plater->is_single_full_object_selection() || m_mode < comExpert || p->plater->model().objects.empty()) { p->object_info->Show(false); return; } int obj_idx = p->plater->get_selected_object_idx(); const ModelObject* model_object = p->plater->model().objects[obj_idx]; // hack to avoid crash when deleting the last object on the bed if (model_object->volumes.empty()) { p->object_info->Show(false); return; } bool imperial_units = wxGetApp().app_config->get("use_inches") == "1"; double koef = imperial_units ? ObjectManipulation::mm_to_in : 1.0f; auto size = model_object->bounding_box().size(); p->object_info->info_size->SetLabel(wxString::Format("%.2f x %.2f x %.2f",size(0)*koef, size(1)*koef, size(2)*koef)); p->object_info->info_materials->SetLabel(wxString::Format("%d", static_cast(model_object->materials_count()))); const auto& stats = model_object->get_object_stl_stats();//model_object->volumes.front()->mesh.stl.stats; p->object_info->info_volume->SetLabel(wxString::Format("%.2f", stats.volume*pow(koef,3))); p->object_info->info_facets->SetLabel(wxString::Format(_L("%d (%d shells)"), static_cast(model_object->facets_count()), stats.number_of_parts)); int errors = stats.degenerate_facets + stats.edges_fixed + stats.facets_removed + stats.facets_added + stats.facets_reversed + stats.backwards_edges; if (errors > 0) { wxString tooltip = wxString::Format(_L("Auto-repaired (%d errors)"), errors); p->object_info->info_manifold->SetLabel(tooltip); tooltip += ":\n" + wxString::Format(_L("%d degenerate facets, %d edges fixed, %d facets removed, " "%d facets added, %d facets reversed, %d backwards edges"), stats.degenerate_facets, stats.edges_fixed, stats.facets_removed, stats.facets_added, stats.facets_reversed, stats.backwards_edges); p->object_info->showing_manifold_warning_icon = true; p->object_info->info_manifold->SetToolTip(tooltip); p->object_info->manifold_warning_icon->SetToolTip(tooltip); } else { p->object_info->info_manifold->SetLabel(_L("Yes")); p->object_info->showing_manifold_warning_icon = false; p->object_info->info_manifold->SetToolTip(""); p->object_info->manifold_warning_icon->SetToolTip(""); } p->object_info->show_sizer(true); if (p->plater->printer_technology() == ptSLA) { for (auto item: p->object_info->sla_hidden_items) item->Show(false); } } void Sidebar::update_sliced_info_sizer() { if (p->sliced_info->IsShown(size_t(0))) { if (p->plater->printer_technology() == ptSLA) { const SLAPrintStatistics& ps = p->plater->sla_print().print_statistics(); wxString new_label = _L("Used Material (ml)") + ":"; const bool is_supports = ps.support_used_material > 0.0; if (is_supports) new_label += format_wxstr("\n - %s\n - %s", _L("object(s)"), _L("supports and pad")); wxString info_text = is_supports ? wxString::Format("%.2f \n%.2f \n%.2f", (ps.objects_used_material + ps.support_used_material) / 1000, ps.objects_used_material / 1000, ps.support_used_material / 1000) : wxString::Format("%.2f", (ps.objects_used_material + ps.support_used_material) / 1000); p->sliced_info->SetTextAndShow(siMateril_unit, info_text, new_label); wxString str_total_cost = "N/A"; DynamicPrintConfig* cfg = wxGetApp().get_tab(Preset::TYPE_SLA_MATERIAL)->get_config(); if (cfg->option("bottle_cost")->getFloat() > 0.0 && cfg->option("bottle_volume")->getFloat() > 0.0) { double material_cost = cfg->option("bottle_cost")->getFloat() / cfg->option("bottle_volume")->getFloat(); str_total_cost = wxString::Format("%.3f", material_cost*(ps.objects_used_material + ps.support_used_material) / 1000); } p->sliced_info->SetTextAndShow(siCost, str_total_cost, "Cost"); wxString t_est = std::isnan(ps.estimated_print_time) ? "N/A" : get_time_dhms(float(ps.estimated_print_time)); p->sliced_info->SetTextAndShow(siEstimatedTime, t_est, _L("Estimated printing time") + ":"); // Hide non-SLA sliced info parameters p->sliced_info->SetTextAndShow(siFilament_m, "N/A"); p->sliced_info->SetTextAndShow(siFilament_mm3, "N/A"); p->sliced_info->SetTextAndShow(siFilament_g, "N/A"); p->sliced_info->SetTextAndShow(siWTNumbetOfToolchanges, "N/A"); } else { const PrintStatistics& ps = p->plater->fff_print().print_statistics(); const bool is_wipe_tower = ps.total_wipe_tower_filament > 0; bool imperial_units = wxGetApp().app_config->get("use_inches") == "1"; double koef = imperial_units ? ObjectManipulation::in_to_mm : 1000.0; wxString new_label = imperial_units ? _L("Used Filament (in)") : _L("Used Filament (m)"); if (is_wipe_tower) new_label += format_wxstr(":\n - %1%\n - %2%", _L("objects"), _L("wipe tower")); wxString info_text = is_wipe_tower ? wxString::Format("%.2f \n%.2f \n%.2f", ps.total_used_filament / /*1000*/koef, (ps.total_used_filament - ps.total_wipe_tower_filament) / /*1000*/koef, ps.total_wipe_tower_filament / /*1000*/koef) : wxString::Format("%.2f", ps.total_used_filament / /*1000*/koef); p->sliced_info->SetTextAndShow(siFilament_m, info_text, new_label); koef = imperial_units ? pow(ObjectManipulation::mm_to_in, 3) : 1.0f; new_label = imperial_units ? _L("Used Filament (in³)") : _L("Used Filament (mm³)"); info_text = wxString::Format("%.2f", imperial_units ? ps.total_extruded_volume * koef : ps.total_extruded_volume); p->sliced_info->SetTextAndShow(siFilament_mm3, info_text, new_label); p->sliced_info->SetTextAndShow(siFilament_g, ps.total_weight == 0.0 ? "N/A" : wxString::Format("%.2f", ps.total_weight)); new_label = _L("Cost"); if (is_wipe_tower) new_label += format_wxstr(":\n - %1%\n - %2%", _L("objects"), _L("wipe tower")); info_text = ps.total_cost == 0.0 ? "N/A" : is_wipe_tower ? wxString::Format("%.2f \n%.2f \n%.2f", ps.total_cost, (ps.total_cost - ps.total_wipe_tower_cost), ps.total_wipe_tower_cost) : wxString::Format("%.2f", ps.total_cost); p->sliced_info->SetTextAndShow(siCost, info_text, new_label); if (ps.estimated_normal_print_time == "N/A" && ps.estimated_silent_print_time == "N/A") p->sliced_info->SetTextAndShow(siEstimatedTime, "N/A"); else { new_label = _L("Estimated printing time") +":"; info_text = ""; wxString str_color = _L("Color"); wxString str_pause = _L("Pause"); auto fill_labels = [str_color, str_pause](const std::vector>& times, wxString& new_label, wxString& info_text) { int color_change_count = 0; for (auto time : times) if (time.first == CustomGCode::ColorChange) color_change_count++; for (int i = (int)times.size() - 1; i >= 0; --i) { if (i == 0 || times[i - 1].first == CustomGCode::PausePrint) new_label += format_wxstr("\n - %1%%2%", str_color + " ", color_change_count); else if (times[i - 1].first == CustomGCode::ColorChange) new_label += format_wxstr("\n - %1%%2%", str_color + " ", color_change_count--); if (i != (int)times.size() - 1 && times[i].first == CustomGCode::PausePrint) new_label += format_wxstr(" -> %1%", str_pause); info_text += format_wxstr("\n%1%", times[i].second); } }; if (ps.estimated_normal_print_time != "N/A") { new_label += format_wxstr("\n - %1%", _L("normal mode")); info_text += format_wxstr("\n%1%", ps.estimated_normal_print_time); fill_labels(ps.estimated_normal_custom_gcode_print_times, new_label, info_text); } if (ps.estimated_silent_print_time != "N/A") { new_label += format_wxstr("\n - %1%", _L("stealth mode")); info_text += format_wxstr("\n%1%", ps.estimated_silent_print_time); fill_labels(ps.estimated_silent_custom_gcode_print_times, new_label, info_text); } p->sliced_info->SetTextAndShow(siEstimatedTime, info_text, new_label); } // if there is a wipe tower, insert number of toolchanges info into the array: p->sliced_info->SetTextAndShow(siWTNumbetOfToolchanges, is_wipe_tower ? wxString::Format("%.d", ps.total_toolchanges) : "N/A"); // Hide non-FFF sliced info parameters p->sliced_info->SetTextAndShow(siMateril_unit, "N/A"); } } } void Sidebar::show_sliced_info_sizer(const bool show) { wxWindowUpdateLocker freeze_guard(this); p->sliced_info->Show(show); if (show) update_sliced_info_sizer(); Layout(); p->scrolled->Refresh(); } void Sidebar::enable_buttons(bool enable) { p->btn_reslice->Enable(enable); p->btn_export_gcode->Enable(enable); p->btn_send_gcode->Enable(enable); p->btn_remove_device->Enable(enable); p->btn_export_gcode_removable->Enable(enable); } bool Sidebar::show_reslice(bool show) const { return p->btn_reslice->Show(show); } bool Sidebar::show_export(bool show) const { return p->btn_export_gcode->Show(show); } bool Sidebar::show_send(bool show) const { return p->btn_send_gcode->Show(show); } bool Sidebar::show_disconnect(bool show) const { return p->btn_remove_device->Show(show); } bool Sidebar::show_export_removable(bool show)const { return p->btn_export_gcode_removable->Show(show); } bool Sidebar::is_multifilament() { return p->combos_filament.size() > 1; } static std::vector get_search_inputs(ConfigOptionMode mode) { std::vector ret {}; auto& tabs_list = wxGetApp().tabs_list; auto print_tech = wxGetApp().preset_bundle->printers.get_selected_preset().printer_technology(); for (auto tab : tabs_list) if (tab->supports_printer_technology(print_tech)) ret.emplace_back(Search::InputInfo {tab->get_config(), tab->type(), mode}); return ret; } void Sidebar::update_searcher() { p->searcher.init(get_search_inputs(m_mode)); } void Sidebar::update_mode() { m_mode = wxGetApp().get_mode(); update_reslice_btn_tooltip(); update_mode_sizer(); update_searcher(); wxWindowUpdateLocker noUpdates(this); p->object_list->get_sizer()->Show(m_mode > comSimple); p->object_list->unselect_objects(); p->object_list->update_selections(); p->object_list->update_object_menu(); Layout(); } bool Sidebar::is_collapsed() { return p->is_collapsed; } void Sidebar::collapse(bool collapse) { p->is_collapsed = collapse; this->Show(!collapse); p->plater->Layout(); // save collapsing state to the AppConfig wxGetApp().app_config->set("collapsed_sidebar", collapse ? "1" : "0"); } void Sidebar::update_ui_from_settings() { p->object_manipulation->update_ui_from_settings(); show_info_sizer(); update_sliced_info_sizer(); } std::vector& Sidebar::combos_filament() { return p->combos_filament; } Search::OptionsSearcher& Sidebar::get_searcher() { return p->searcher; } std::string& Sidebar::get_search_line() { return p->searcher.search_string(); } // Plater::DropTarget class PlaterDropTarget : public wxFileDropTarget { public: PlaterDropTarget(Plater *plater) : plater(plater) { this->SetDefaultAction(wxDragCopy); } virtual bool OnDropFiles(wxCoord x, wxCoord y, const wxArrayString &filenames); private: Plater *plater; static const std::regex pattern_drop; }; const std::regex PlaterDropTarget::pattern_drop(".*[.](stl|obj|amf|3mf|prusa)", std::regex::icase); bool PlaterDropTarget::OnDropFiles(wxCoord x, wxCoord y, const wxArrayString &filenames) { std::vector paths; for (const auto &filename : filenames) { fs::path path(into_path(filename)); if (std::regex_match(path.string(), pattern_drop)) { paths.push_back(std::move(path)); } else { return false; } } wxString snapshot_label; assert(! paths.empty()); if (paths.size() == 1) { snapshot_label = _L("Load File"); snapshot_label += ": "; snapshot_label += wxString::FromUTF8(paths.front().filename().string().c_str()); } else { snapshot_label = _L("Load Files"); snapshot_label += ": "; snapshot_label += wxString::FromUTF8(paths.front().filename().string().c_str()); for (size_t i = 1; i < paths.size(); ++ i) { snapshot_label += ", "; snapshot_label += wxString::FromUTF8(paths[i].filename().string().c_str()); } } Plater::TakeSnapshot snapshot(plater, snapshot_label); // FIXME: when drag and drop is done on a .3mf or a .amf file we should clear the plater for consistence with the open project command // (the following call to plater->load_files() will load the config data, if present) std::vector res = plater->load_files(paths); // because right now the plater is not cleared, we set the project file (from the latest imported .3mf or .amf file) // only if not set yet // if res is empty no data has been loaded if (!res.empty() && plater->get_project_filename().empty()) { for (std::vector::const_reverse_iterator it = paths.rbegin(); it != paths.rend(); ++it) { std::string filename = (*it).filename().string(); if (boost::algorithm::iends_with(filename, ".3mf") || boost::algorithm::iends_with(filename, ".amf")) { plater->set_project_filename(from_path(*it)); break; } } } return true; } // Plater / private struct Plater::priv { // PIMPL back pointer ("Q-Pointer") Plater *q; MainFrame *main_frame; // Object popup menu MenuWithSeparators object_menu; // Part popup menu MenuWithSeparators part_menu; // SLA-Object popup menu MenuWithSeparators sla_object_menu; // Default popup menu (when nothing is selected on 3DScene) MenuWithSeparators default_menu; // Removed/Prepended Items according to the view mode std::vector items_increase; std::vector items_decrease; std::vector items_set_number_of_copies; enum MenuIdentifier { miObjectFFF=0, miObjectSLA }; // Data Slic3r::DynamicPrintConfig *config; // FIXME: leak? Slic3r::Print fff_print; Slic3r::SLAPrint sla_print; Slic3r::Model model; PrinterTechnology printer_technology = ptFFF; Slic3r::GCodePreviewData gcode_preview_data; // GUI elements wxSizer* panel_sizer{ nullptr }; wxPanel* current_panel{ nullptr }; std::vector panels; Sidebar *sidebar; Bed3D bed; Camera camera; #if ENABLE_ENVIRONMENT_MAP GLTexture environment_texture; #endif // ENABLE_ENVIRONMENT_MAP Mouse3DController mouse3d_controller; View3D* view3D; GLToolbar view_toolbar; GLToolbar collapse_toolbar; Preview *preview; BackgroundSlicingProcess background_process; bool suppressed_backround_processing_update { false }; // Jobs defined inside the group class will be managed so that only one can // run at a time. Also, the background process will be stopped if a job is // started. It is up the the plater to ensure that the background slicing // can't be restarted while a ui job is still running. class Jobs: public ExclusiveJobGroup { priv *m; size_t m_arrange_id, m_rotoptimize_id, m_sla_import_id; void before_start() override { m->background_process.stop(); } public: Jobs(priv *_m) : m(_m) { m_arrange_id = add_job(std::make_unique(m->statusbar(), m->q)); m_rotoptimize_id = add_job(std::make_unique(m->statusbar(), m->q)); m_sla_import_id = add_job(std::make_unique(m->statusbar(), m->q)); } void arrange() { m->take_snapshot(_(L("Arrange"))); start(m_arrange_id); } void optimize_rotation() { m->take_snapshot(_(L("Optimize Rotation"))); start(m_rotoptimize_id); } void import_sla_arch() { m->take_snapshot(_(L("Import SLA archive"))); start(m_sla_import_id); } } m_ui_jobs; bool delayed_scene_refresh; std::string delayed_error_message; wxTimer background_process_timer; std::string label_btn_export; std::string label_btn_send; static const std::regex pattern_bundle; static const std::regex pattern_3mf; static const std::regex pattern_zip_amf; static const std::regex pattern_any_amf; static const std::regex pattern_prusa; priv(Plater *q, MainFrame *main_frame); ~priv(); enum class UpdateParams { FORCE_FULL_SCREEN_REFRESH = 1, FORCE_BACKGROUND_PROCESSING_UPDATE = 2, POSTPONE_VALIDATION_ERROR_MESSAGE = 4, }; void update(unsigned int flags = 0); void select_view(const std::string& direction); void select_view_3D(const std::string& name); void select_next_view_3D(); bool is_preview_shown() const { return current_panel == preview; } bool is_preview_loaded() const { return preview->is_loaded(); } bool is_view3D_shown() const { return current_panel == view3D; } bool are_view3D_labels_shown() const { return (current_panel == view3D) && view3D->get_canvas3d()->are_labels_shown(); } void show_view3D_labels(bool show) { if (current_panel == view3D) view3D->get_canvas3d()->show_labels(show); } bool is_sidebar_collapsed() const { return sidebar->is_collapsed(); } void collapse_sidebar(bool show) { sidebar->collapse(show); } #if ENABLE_SLOPE_RENDERING bool is_view3D_slope_shown() const { return (current_panel == view3D) && view3D->get_canvas3d()->is_slope_shown(); } void show_view3D_slope(bool show) { if (current_panel == view3D) view3D->get_canvas3d()->show_slope(show); } bool is_view3D_layers_editing_enabled() const { return (current_panel == view3D) && view3D->get_canvas3d()->is_layers_editing_enabled(); } #endif // ENABLE_SLOPE_RENDERING void set_current_canvas_as_dirty(); GLCanvas3D* get_current_canvas3D(); void unbind_canvas_event_handlers(); void reset_canvas_volumes(); bool init_view_toolbar(); bool init_collapse_toolbar(); void reset_all_gizmos(); void update_ui_from_settings(); void update_main_toolbar_tooltips(); std::shared_ptr statusbar(); std::string get_config(const std::string &key) const; BoundingBoxf bed_shape_bb() const; BoundingBox scaled_bed_shape_bb() const; std::vector load_files(const std::vector& input_files, bool load_model, bool load_config, bool used_inches = false); std::vector load_model_objects(const ModelObjectPtrs &model_objects); wxString get_export_file(GUI::FileType file_type); const Selection& get_selection() const; Selection& get_selection(); int get_selected_object_idx() const; int get_selected_volume_idx() const; void selection_changed(); void object_list_changed(); void select_all(); void deselect_all(); void remove(size_t obj_idx); void delete_object_from_model(size_t obj_idx); void reset(); void mirror(Axis axis); void split_object(); void split_volume(); void scale_selection_to_fit_print_volume(); // Return the active Undo/Redo stack. It may be either the main stack or the Gimzo stack. Slic3r::UndoRedo::Stack& undo_redo_stack() { assert(m_undo_redo_stack_active != nullptr); return *m_undo_redo_stack_active; } Slic3r::UndoRedo::Stack& undo_redo_stack_main() { return m_undo_redo_stack_main; } void enter_gizmos_stack(); void leave_gizmos_stack(); void take_snapshot(const std::string& snapshot_name); void take_snapshot(const wxString& snapshot_name) { this->take_snapshot(std::string(snapshot_name.ToUTF8().data())); } int get_active_snapshot_index(); void undo(); void redo(); void undo_redo_to(size_t time_to_load); void suppress_snapshots() { this->m_prevent_snapshots++; } void allow_snapshots() { this->m_prevent_snapshots--; } bool background_processing_enabled() const { return this->get_config("background_processing") == "1"; } void update_print_volume_state(); void schedule_background_process(); // Update background processing thread from the current config and Model. enum UpdateBackgroundProcessReturnState { // update_background_process() reports, that the Print / SLAPrint was updated in a way, // that the background process was invalidated and it needs to be re-run. UPDATE_BACKGROUND_PROCESS_RESTART = 1, // update_background_process() reports, that the Print / SLAPrint was updated in a way, // that a scene needs to be refreshed (you should call _3DScene::reload_scene(canvas3Dwidget, false)) UPDATE_BACKGROUND_PROCESS_REFRESH_SCENE = 2, // update_background_process() reports, that the Print / SLAPrint is invalid, and the error message // was sent to the status line. UPDATE_BACKGROUND_PROCESS_INVALID = 4, // Restart even if the background processing is disabled. UPDATE_BACKGROUND_PROCESS_FORCE_RESTART = 8, // Restart for G-code (or SLA zip) export or upload. UPDATE_BACKGROUND_PROCESS_FORCE_EXPORT = 16, }; // returns bit mask of UpdateBackgroundProcessReturnState unsigned int update_background_process(bool force_validation = false, bool postpone_error_messages = false); // Restart background processing thread based on a bitmask of UpdateBackgroundProcessReturnState. bool restart_background_process(unsigned int state); // returns bit mask of UpdateBackgroundProcessReturnState unsigned int update_restart_background_process(bool force_scene_update, bool force_preview_update); void show_delayed_error_message() { if (!this->delayed_error_message.empty()) { std::string msg = std::move(this->delayed_error_message); this->delayed_error_message.clear(); GUI::show_error(this->q, msg); } } void export_gcode(fs::path output_path, bool output_path_on_removable_media, PrintHostJob upload_job); void reload_from_disk(); void reload_all_from_disk(); void fix_through_netfabb(const int obj_idx, const int vol_idx = -1); void set_current_panel(wxPanel* panel); void on_select_preset(wxCommandEvent&); void on_slicing_update(SlicingStatusEvent&); void on_slicing_completed(wxCommandEvent&); void on_process_completed(wxCommandEvent&); void on_layer_editing_toggled(bool enable); void on_action_add(SimpleEvent&); void on_action_split_objects(SimpleEvent&); void on_action_split_volumes(SimpleEvent&); void on_action_layersediting(SimpleEvent&); void on_object_select(SimpleEvent&); void on_right_click(RBtnEvent&); void on_wipetower_moved(Vec3dEvent&); void on_wipetower_rotated(Vec3dEvent&); void on_update_geometry(Vec3dsEvent<2>&); void on_3dcanvas_mouse_dragging_finished(SimpleEvent&); void update_object_menu(); void show_action_buttons(const bool is_ready_to_slice) const; // Set the bed shape to a single closed 2D polygon(array of two element arrays), // triangulate the bed and store the triangles into m_bed.m_triangles, // fills the m_bed.m_grid_lines and sets m_bed.m_origin. // Sets m_bed.m_polygon to limit the object placement. void set_bed_shape(const Pointfs& shape, const std::string& custom_texture, const std::string& custom_model); bool can_delete() const; bool can_delete_all() const; bool can_increase_instances() const; bool can_decrease_instances() const; bool can_split_to_objects() const; bool can_split_to_volumes() const; bool can_arrange() const; bool can_layers_editing() const; bool can_fix_through_netfabb() const; bool can_set_instance_to_object() const; bool can_mirror() const; bool can_reload_from_disk() const; void generate_thumbnail(ThumbnailData& data, unsigned int w, unsigned int h, bool printable_only, bool parts_only, bool show_bed, bool transparent_background); void generate_thumbnails(ThumbnailsList& thumbnails, const Vec2ds& sizes, bool printable_only, bool parts_only, bool show_bed, bool transparent_background); void msw_rescale_object_menu(); // returns the path to project file with the given extension (none if extension == wxEmptyString) // extension should contain the leading dot, i.e.: ".3mf" wxString get_project_filename(const wxString& extension = wxEmptyString) const; void set_project_filename(const wxString& filename); // Caching last value of show_action_buttons parameter for show_action_buttons(), so that a callback which does not know this state will not override it. mutable bool ready_to_slice = { false }; // Flag indicating that the G-code export targets a removable device, therefore the show_action_buttons() needs to be called at any case when the background processing finishes. bool writing_to_removable_device = { false }; bool inside_snapshot_capture() { return m_prevent_snapshots != 0; } private: bool init_object_menu(); bool init_common_menu(wxMenu* menu, const bool is_part = false); bool complit_init_object_menu(); bool complit_init_sla_object_menu(); bool complit_init_part_menu(); bool can_split() const; bool layers_height_allowed() const; void update_fff_scene(); void update_sla_scene(); void undo_redo_to(std::vector::const_iterator it_snapshot); void update_after_undo_redo(const UndoRedo::Snapshot& snapshot, bool temp_snapshot_was_taken = false); // path to project file stored with no extension wxString m_project_filename; Slic3r::UndoRedo::Stack m_undo_redo_stack_main; Slic3r::UndoRedo::Stack m_undo_redo_stack_gizmos; Slic3r::UndoRedo::Stack *m_undo_redo_stack_active = &m_undo_redo_stack_main; int m_prevent_snapshots = 0; /* Used for avoid of excess "snapshoting". * Like for "delete selected" or "set numbers of copies" * we should call tack_snapshot just ones * instead of calls for each action separately * */ std::string m_last_fff_printer_profile_name; std::string m_last_sla_printer_profile_name; }; const std::regex Plater::priv::pattern_bundle(".*[.](amf|amf[.]xml|zip[.]amf|3mf|prusa)", std::regex::icase); const std::regex Plater::priv::pattern_3mf(".*3mf", std::regex::icase); const std::regex Plater::priv::pattern_zip_amf(".*[.]zip[.]amf", std::regex::icase); const std::regex Plater::priv::pattern_any_amf(".*[.](amf|amf[.]xml|zip[.]amf)", std::regex::icase); const std::regex Plater::priv::pattern_prusa(".*prusa", std::regex::icase); Plater::priv::priv(Plater *q, MainFrame *main_frame) : q(q) , main_frame(main_frame) , config(Slic3r::DynamicPrintConfig::new_from_defaults_keys({ "bed_shape", "bed_custom_texture", "bed_custom_model", "complete_objects", "duplicate_distance", "extruder_clearance_radius", "skirts", "skirt_distance", "brim_width", "variable_layer_height", "serial_port", "serial_speed", "host_type", "print_host", "printhost_apikey", "printhost_cafile", "nozzle_diameter", "single_extruder_multi_material", "wipe_tower", "wipe_tower_x", "wipe_tower_y", "wipe_tower_width", "wipe_tower_rotation_angle", "extruder_colour", "filament_colour", "max_print_height", "printer_model", "printer_technology", // These values are necessary to construct SlicingParameters by the Canvas3D variable layer height editor. "layer_height", "first_layer_height", "min_layer_height", "max_layer_height", "brim_width", "perimeters", "perimeter_extruder", "fill_density", "infill_extruder", "top_solid_layers", "support_material", "support_material_extruder", "support_material_interface_extruder", "support_material_contact_distance", "raft_layers" })) , sidebar(new Sidebar(q)) , m_ui_jobs(this) , delayed_scene_refresh(false) , view_toolbar(GLToolbar::Radio, "View") , collapse_toolbar(GLToolbar::Normal, "Collapse") , m_project_filename(wxEmptyString) { this->q->SetFont(Slic3r::GUI::wxGetApp().normal_font()); background_process.set_fff_print(&fff_print); background_process.set_sla_print(&sla_print); background_process.set_gcode_preview_data(&gcode_preview_data); background_process.set_thumbnail_cb([this](ThumbnailsList& thumbnails, const Vec2ds& sizes, bool printable_only, bool parts_only, bool show_bed, bool transparent_background) { std::packaged_task task([this](ThumbnailsList& thumbnails, const Vec2ds& sizes, bool printable_only, bool parts_only, bool show_bed, bool transparent_background) { generate_thumbnails(thumbnails, sizes, printable_only, parts_only, show_bed, transparent_background); }); std::future result = task.get_future(); wxTheApp->CallAfter([&]() { task(thumbnails, sizes, printable_only, parts_only, show_bed, transparent_background); }); result.wait(); }); background_process.set_slicing_completed_event(EVT_SLICING_COMPLETED); background_process.set_finished_event(EVT_PROCESS_COMPLETED); // Default printer technology for default config. background_process.select_technology(this->printer_technology); // Register progress callback from the Print class to the Plater. auto statuscb = [this](const Slic3r::PrintBase::SlicingStatus &status) { wxQueueEvent(this->q, new Slic3r::SlicingStatusEvent(EVT_SLICING_UPDATE, 0, status)); }; fff_print.set_status_callback(statuscb); sla_print.set_status_callback(statuscb); this->q->Bind(EVT_SLICING_UPDATE, &priv::on_slicing_update, this); view3D = new View3D(q, &model, config, &background_process); preview = new Preview(q, &model, config, &background_process, &gcode_preview_data, [this]() { schedule_background_process(); }); #ifdef __APPLE__ // set default view_toolbar icons size equal to GLGizmosManager::Default_Icons_Size view_toolbar.set_icons_size(GLGizmosManager::Default_Icons_Size); #endif // __APPLE__ panels.push_back(view3D); panels.push_back(preview); this->background_process_timer.SetOwner(this->q, 0); this->q->Bind(wxEVT_TIMER, [this](wxTimerEvent &evt) { if (!this->suppressed_backround_processing_update) this->update_restart_background_process(false, false); }); update(); auto *hsizer = new wxBoxSizer(wxHORIZONTAL); panel_sizer = new wxBoxSizer(wxHORIZONTAL); panel_sizer->Add(view3D, 1, wxEXPAND | wxALL, 0); panel_sizer->Add(preview, 1, wxEXPAND | wxALL, 0); hsizer->Add(panel_sizer, 1, wxEXPAND | wxALL, 0); hsizer->Add(sidebar, 0, wxEXPAND | wxLEFT | wxRIGHT, 0); q->SetSizer(hsizer); init_object_menu(); // Events: // Preset change event sidebar->Bind(wxEVT_COMBOBOX, &priv::on_select_preset, this); sidebar->Bind(EVT_OBJ_LIST_OBJECT_SELECT, [this](wxEvent&) { priv::selection_changed(); }); sidebar->Bind(EVT_SCHEDULE_BACKGROUND_PROCESS, [this](SimpleEvent&) { this->schedule_background_process(); }); wxGLCanvas* view3D_canvas = view3D->get_wxglcanvas(); // 3DScene events: view3D_canvas->Bind(EVT_GLCANVAS_SCHEDULE_BACKGROUND_PROCESS, [this](SimpleEvent&) { this->schedule_background_process(); }); view3D_canvas->Bind(EVT_GLCANVAS_OBJECT_SELECT, &priv::on_object_select, this); view3D_canvas->Bind(EVT_GLCANVAS_RIGHT_CLICK, &priv::on_right_click, this); view3D_canvas->Bind(EVT_GLCANVAS_REMOVE_OBJECT, [q](SimpleEvent&) { q->remove_selected(); }); view3D_canvas->Bind(EVT_GLCANVAS_ARRANGE, [this](SimpleEvent&) { this->q->arrange(); }); view3D_canvas->Bind(EVT_GLCANVAS_SELECT_ALL, [this](SimpleEvent&) { this->q->select_all(); }); view3D_canvas->Bind(EVT_GLCANVAS_QUESTION_MARK, [](SimpleEvent&) { wxGetApp().keyboard_shortcuts(); }); view3D_canvas->Bind(EVT_GLCANVAS_INCREASE_INSTANCES, [this](Event &evt) { if (evt.data == 1) this->q->increase_instances(); else if (this->can_decrease_instances()) this->q->decrease_instances(); }); view3D_canvas->Bind(EVT_GLCANVAS_INSTANCE_MOVED, [this](SimpleEvent&) { update(); }); view3D_canvas->Bind(EVT_GLCANVAS_FORCE_UPDATE, [this](SimpleEvent&) { update(); }); view3D_canvas->Bind(EVT_GLCANVAS_WIPETOWER_MOVED, &priv::on_wipetower_moved, this); view3D_canvas->Bind(EVT_GLCANVAS_WIPETOWER_ROTATED, &priv::on_wipetower_rotated, this); view3D_canvas->Bind(EVT_GLCANVAS_INSTANCE_ROTATED, [this](SimpleEvent&) { update(); }); view3D_canvas->Bind(EVT_GLCANVAS_INSTANCE_SCALED, [this](SimpleEvent&) { update(); }); view3D_canvas->Bind(EVT_GLCANVAS_ENABLE_ACTION_BUTTONS, [this](Event &evt) { this->sidebar->enable_buttons(evt.data); }); view3D_canvas->Bind(EVT_GLCANVAS_UPDATE_GEOMETRY, &priv::on_update_geometry, this); view3D_canvas->Bind(EVT_GLCANVAS_MOUSE_DRAGGING_FINISHED, &priv::on_3dcanvas_mouse_dragging_finished, this); view3D_canvas->Bind(EVT_GLCANVAS_TAB, [this](SimpleEvent&) { select_next_view_3D(); }); view3D_canvas->Bind(EVT_GLCANVAS_RESETGIZMOS, [this](SimpleEvent&) { reset_all_gizmos(); }); view3D_canvas->Bind(EVT_GLCANVAS_UNDO, [this](SimpleEvent&) { this->undo(); }); view3D_canvas->Bind(EVT_GLCANVAS_REDO, [this](SimpleEvent&) { this->redo(); }); view3D_canvas->Bind(EVT_GLCANVAS_COLLAPSE_SIDEBAR, [this](SimpleEvent&) { this->q->collapse_sidebar(!this->q->is_sidebar_collapsed()); }); view3D_canvas->Bind(EVT_GLCANVAS_RESET_LAYER_HEIGHT_PROFILE, [this](SimpleEvent&) { this->view3D->get_canvas3d()->reset_layer_height_profile(); }); view3D_canvas->Bind(EVT_GLCANVAS_ADAPTIVE_LAYER_HEIGHT_PROFILE, [this](Event& evt) { this->view3D->get_canvas3d()->adaptive_layer_height_profile(evt.data); }); view3D_canvas->Bind(EVT_GLCANVAS_SMOOTH_LAYER_HEIGHT_PROFILE, [this](HeightProfileSmoothEvent& evt) { this->view3D->get_canvas3d()->smooth_layer_height_profile(evt.data); }); view3D_canvas->Bind(EVT_GLCANVAS_RELOAD_FROM_DISK, [this](SimpleEvent&) { this->reload_all_from_disk(); }); // 3DScene/Toolbar: view3D_canvas->Bind(EVT_GLTOOLBAR_ADD, &priv::on_action_add, this); view3D_canvas->Bind(EVT_GLTOOLBAR_DELETE, [q](SimpleEvent&) { q->remove_selected(); }); view3D_canvas->Bind(EVT_GLTOOLBAR_DELETE_ALL, [q](SimpleEvent&) { q->reset_with_confirm(); }); view3D_canvas->Bind(EVT_GLTOOLBAR_ARRANGE, [this](SimpleEvent&) { this->q->arrange(); }); view3D_canvas->Bind(EVT_GLTOOLBAR_COPY, [q](SimpleEvent&) { q->copy_selection_to_clipboard(); }); view3D_canvas->Bind(EVT_GLTOOLBAR_PASTE, [q](SimpleEvent&) { q->paste_from_clipboard(); }); view3D_canvas->Bind(EVT_GLTOOLBAR_MORE, [q](SimpleEvent&) { q->increase_instances(); }); view3D_canvas->Bind(EVT_GLTOOLBAR_FEWER, [q](SimpleEvent&) { q->decrease_instances(); }); view3D_canvas->Bind(EVT_GLTOOLBAR_SPLIT_OBJECTS, &priv::on_action_split_objects, this); view3D_canvas->Bind(EVT_GLTOOLBAR_SPLIT_VOLUMES, &priv::on_action_split_volumes, this); view3D_canvas->Bind(EVT_GLTOOLBAR_LAYERSEDITING, &priv::on_action_layersediting, this); view3D_canvas->Bind(EVT_GLCANVAS_UPDATE_BED_SHAPE, [this](SimpleEvent&) { set_bed_shape(config->option("bed_shape")->values, config->option("bed_custom_texture")->value, config->option("bed_custom_model")->value); }); // Preview events: preview->get_wxglcanvas()->Bind(EVT_GLCANVAS_QUESTION_MARK, [this](SimpleEvent&) { wxGetApp().keyboard_shortcuts(); }); preview->get_wxglcanvas()->Bind(EVT_GLCANVAS_UPDATE_BED_SHAPE, [this](SimpleEvent&) { set_bed_shape(config->option("bed_shape")->values, config->option("bed_custom_texture")->value, config->option("bed_custom_model")->value); }); preview->get_wxglcanvas()->Bind(EVT_GLCANVAS_TAB, [this](SimpleEvent&) { select_next_view_3D(); }); preview->get_wxglcanvas()->Bind(EVT_GLCANVAS_MOVE_DOUBLE_SLIDER, [this](wxKeyEvent& evt) { preview->move_double_slider(evt); }); preview->get_wxglcanvas()->Bind(EVT_GLCANVAS_EDIT_COLOR_CHANGE, [this](wxKeyEvent& evt) { preview->edit_double_slider(evt); }); q->Bind(EVT_SLICING_COMPLETED, &priv::on_slicing_completed, this); q->Bind(EVT_PROCESS_COMPLETED, &priv::on_process_completed, this); q->Bind(EVT_GLVIEWTOOLBAR_3D, [q](SimpleEvent&) { q->select_view_3D("3D"); }); q->Bind(EVT_GLVIEWTOOLBAR_PREVIEW, [q](SimpleEvent&) { q->select_view_3D("Preview"); }); // Drop target: q->SetDropTarget(new PlaterDropTarget(q)); // if my understanding is right, wxWindow takes the owenership q->Layout(); set_current_panel(view3D); // updates camera type from .ini file camera.set_type(get_config("use_perspective_camera")); // Load the 3DConnexion device database. mouse3d_controller.load_config(*wxGetApp().app_config); // Start the background thread to detect and connect to a HID device (Windows and Linux). // Connect to a 3DConnextion driver (OSX). mouse3d_controller.init(); #ifdef _WIN32 // Register an USB HID (Human Interface Device) attach event. evt contains Win32 path to the USB device containing VID, PID and other info. // This event wakes up the Mouse3DController's background thread to enumerate HID devices, if the VID of the callback event // is one of the 3D Mouse vendors (3DConnexion or Logitech). this->q->Bind(EVT_HID_DEVICE_ATTACHED, [this](HIDDeviceAttachedEvent &evt) { mouse3d_controller.device_attached(evt.data); }); #endif /* _WIN32 */ this->q->Bind(EVT_REMOVABLE_DRIVE_EJECTED, [this](RemovableDriveEjectEvent &evt) { if (evt.data.second) { this->show_action_buttons(this->ready_to_slice); Slic3r::GUI::show_info(this->q, format_wxstr(_L("Unmounting successful. The device %s(%s) can now be safely removed from the computer."), evt.data.first.name, evt.data.first.path)); } else Slic3r::GUI::show_info(this->q, format_wxstr(_L("Ejecting of device %s(%s) has failed."), evt.data.first.name, evt.data.first.path)); }); this->q->Bind(EVT_REMOVABLE_DRIVES_CHANGED, [this](RemovableDrivesChangedEvent &) { this->show_action_buttons(this->ready_to_slice); }); // Start the background thread and register this window as a target for update events. wxGetApp().removable_drive_manager()->init(this->q); #ifdef _WIN32 // Trigger enumeration of removable media on Win32 notification. this->q->Bind(EVT_VOLUME_ATTACHED, [this](VolumeAttachedEvent &evt) { wxGetApp().removable_drive_manager()->volumes_changed(); }); this->q->Bind(EVT_VOLUME_DETACHED, [this](VolumeDetachedEvent &evt) { wxGetApp().removable_drive_manager()->volumes_changed(); }); #endif /* _WIN32 */ // Initialize the Undo / Redo stack with a first snapshot. this->take_snapshot(_L("New Project")); this->q->Bind(EVT_LOAD_MODEL_OTHER_INSTANCE, [this](LoadFromOtherInstanceEvent &evt) { BOOST_LOG_TRIVIAL(debug) << "received load from other instance event "; this->load_files(evt.data, true, true); }); this->q->Bind(EVT_INSTANCE_GO_TO_FRONT, [this](InstanceGoToFrontEvent &) { BOOST_LOG_TRIVIAL(debug) << "prusaslicer window going forward"; //this code maximize app window on Fedora { wxGetApp().mainframe->Iconize(false); if (wxGetApp().mainframe->IsMaximized()) wxGetApp().mainframe->Maximize(true); else wxGetApp().mainframe->Maximize(false); } //this code maximize window on Ubuntu { wxGetApp().mainframe->Restore(); wxGetApp().GetTopWindow()->SetFocus(); // focus on my window wxGetApp().GetTopWindow()->Raise(); // bring window to front wxGetApp().GetTopWindow()->Show(true); // show the window } }); wxGetApp().other_instance_message_handler()->init(this->q); // collapse sidebar according to saved value bool is_collapsed = wxGetApp().app_config->get("collapsed_sidebar") == "1"; sidebar->collapse(is_collapsed); // Update an enable of the collapse_toolbar: if sidebar is collapsed, then collapse_toolbar should be visible if (is_collapsed) wxGetApp().app_config->set("show_collapse_button", "1"); } Plater::priv::~priv() { if (config != nullptr) delete config; } void Plater::priv::update(unsigned int flags) { // the following line, when enabled, causes flickering on NVIDIA graphics cards // wxWindowUpdateLocker freeze_guard(q); if (get_config("autocenter") == "1") { // auto *bed_shape_opt = config->opt("bed_shape"); // const auto bed_shape = Slic3r::Polygon::new_scale(bed_shape_opt->values); // const BoundingBox bed_shape_bb = bed_shape.bounding_box(); const Vec2d& bed_center = bed_shape_bb().center(); model.center_instances_around_point(bed_center); } unsigned int update_status = 0; if (this->printer_technology == ptSLA || (flags & (unsigned int)UpdateParams::FORCE_BACKGROUND_PROCESSING_UPDATE)) // Update the SLAPrint from the current Model, so that the reload_scene() // pulls the correct data. update_status = this->update_background_process(false, flags & (unsigned int)UpdateParams::POSTPONE_VALIDATION_ERROR_MESSAGE); this->view3D->reload_scene(false, flags & (unsigned int)UpdateParams::FORCE_FULL_SCREEN_REFRESH); this->preview->reload_print(); if (this->printer_technology == ptSLA) this->restart_background_process(update_status); else this->schedule_background_process(); } void Plater::priv::select_view(const std::string& direction) { if (current_panel == view3D) view3D->select_view(direction); else if (current_panel == preview) preview->select_view(direction); } void Plater::priv::select_view_3D(const std::string& name) { if (name == "3D") set_current_panel(view3D); else if (name == "Preview") set_current_panel(preview); } void Plater::priv::select_next_view_3D() { if (current_panel == view3D) set_current_panel(preview); else if (current_panel == preview) set_current_panel(view3D); } void Plater::priv::reset_all_gizmos() { view3D->get_canvas3d()->reset_all_gizmos(); } // Called after the Preferences dialog is closed and the program settings are saved. // Update the UI based on the current preferences. void Plater::priv::update_ui_from_settings() { camera.set_type(wxGetApp().app_config->get("use_perspective_camera")); if (wxGetApp().app_config->get("use_free_camera") != "1") camera.recover_from_free_camera(); view3D->get_canvas3d()->update_ui_from_settings(); preview->get_canvas3d()->update_ui_from_settings(); sidebar->update_ui_from_settings(); } // Called after the print technology was changed. // Update the tooltips for "Switch to Settings" button in maintoolbar void Plater::priv::update_main_toolbar_tooltips() { view3D->get_canvas3d()->update_tooltip_for_settings_item_in_main_toolbar(); } std::shared_ptr Plater::priv::statusbar() { return main_frame->m_statusbar; } std::string Plater::priv::get_config(const std::string &key) const { return wxGetApp().app_config->get(key); } BoundingBoxf Plater::priv::bed_shape_bb() const { BoundingBox bb = scaled_bed_shape_bb(); return BoundingBoxf(unscale(bb.min), unscale(bb.max)); } BoundingBox Plater::priv::scaled_bed_shape_bb() const { const auto *bed_shape_opt = config->opt("bed_shape"); const auto bed_shape = Slic3r::Polygon::new_scale(bed_shape_opt->values); return bed_shape.bounding_box(); } std::vector Plater::priv::load_files(const std::vector& input_files, bool load_model, bool load_config, bool imperial_units/* = false*/) { if (input_files.empty()) { return std::vector(); } auto *nozzle_dmrs = config->opt("nozzle_diameter"); bool one_by_one = input_files.size() == 1 || printer_technology == ptSLA || nozzle_dmrs->values.size() <= 1; if (! one_by_one) { for (const auto &path : input_files) { if (std::regex_match(path.string(), pattern_bundle)) { one_by_one = true; break; } } } const auto loading = _L("Loading") + dots; wxProgressDialog dlg(loading, loading); dlg.Pulse(); auto *new_model = (!load_model || one_by_one) ? nullptr : new Slic3r::Model(); std::vector obj_idxs; for (size_t i = 0; i < input_files.size(); i++) { const auto &path = input_files[i]; const auto filename = path.filename(); const auto dlg_info = format_wxstr(_L("Processing input file %s"), from_path(filename)) + "\n"; dlg.Update(100 * i / input_files.size(), dlg_info); const bool type_3mf = std::regex_match(path.string(), pattern_3mf); const bool type_zip_amf = !type_3mf && std::regex_match(path.string(), pattern_zip_amf); const bool type_any_amf = !type_3mf && std::regex_match(path.string(), pattern_any_amf); const bool type_prusa = std::regex_match(path.string(), pattern_prusa); Slic3r::Model model; bool is_project_file = type_prusa; try { if (type_3mf || type_zip_amf) { DynamicPrintConfig config; { DynamicPrintConfig config_loaded; model = Slic3r::Model::read_from_archive(path.string(), &config_loaded, false, load_config); if (load_config && !config_loaded.empty()) { // Based on the printer technology field found in the loaded config, select the base for the config, PrinterTechnology printer_technology = Preset::printer_technology(config_loaded); // We can't to load SLA project if there is at least one multi-part object on the bed if (printer_technology == ptSLA) { const ModelObjectPtrs& objects = q->model().objects; for (auto object : objects) if (object->volumes.size() > 1) { Slic3r::GUI::show_info(nullptr, _L("You cannot load SLA project with a multi-part object on the bed") + "\n\n" + _L("Please check your object list before preset changing."), _L("Attention!")); return obj_idxs; } } config.apply(printer_technology == ptFFF ? static_cast(FullPrintConfig::defaults()) : static_cast(SLAFullPrintConfig::defaults())); // and place the loaded config over the base. config += std::move(config_loaded); } this->model.custom_gcode_per_print_z = model.custom_gcode_per_print_z; } if (load_config) { if (!config.empty()) { Preset::normalize(config); wxGetApp().preset_bundle->load_config_model(filename.string(), std::move(config)); wxGetApp().load_current_presets(); is_project_file = true; } wxGetApp().app_config->update_config_dir(path.parent_path().string()); } } else { model = Slic3r::Model::read_from_file(path.string(), nullptr, false, load_config); for (auto obj : model.objects) if (obj->name.empty()) obj->name = fs::path(obj->input_file).filename().string(); } } catch (const std::exception &e) { GUI::show_error(q, e.what()); continue; } if (load_model) { // The model should now be initialized auto convert_from_imperial_units = [](Model& model) { model.convert_from_imperial_units(); wxGetApp().app_config->set("use_inches", "1"); wxGetApp().sidebar().update_ui_from_settings(); }; if (imperial_units) convert_from_imperial_units(model); else if (model.looks_like_imperial_units()) { wxMessageDialog msg_dlg(q, format_wxstr(_L( "Some object(s) in file %s looks like saved in inches.\n" "Should I consider them as a saved in inches and convert them?"), from_path(filename)) + "\n", _L("Saved in inches object detected"), wxICON_WARNING | wxYES | wxNO); if (msg_dlg.ShowModal() == wxID_YES) convert_from_imperial_units(model); } if (! is_project_file) { if (model.looks_like_multipart_object()) { wxMessageDialog msg_dlg(q, _L( "This file contains several objects positioned at multiple heights.\n" "Instead of considering them as multiple objects, should I consider\n" "this file as a single object having multiple parts?") + "\n", _L("Multi-part object detected"), wxICON_WARNING | wxYES | wxNO); if (msg_dlg.ShowModal() == wxID_YES) { model.convert_multipart_object(nozzle_dmrs->values.size()); } } } else if ((wxGetApp().get_mode() == comSimple) && (type_3mf || type_any_amf) && model_has_advanced_features(model)) { wxMessageDialog msg_dlg(q, _L("This file cannot be loaded in a simple mode. Do you want to switch to an advanced mode?")+"\n", _L("Detected advanced data"), wxICON_WARNING | wxYES | wxNO); if (msg_dlg.ShowModal() == wxID_YES) { Slic3r::GUI::wxGetApp().save_mode(comAdvanced); view3D->set_as_dirty(); } else return obj_idxs; } for (ModelObject* model_object : model.objects) { if (!type_3mf && !type_zip_amf) model_object->center_around_origin(false); model_object->ensure_on_bed(); } // check multi-part object adding for the SLA-printing if (printer_technology == ptSLA) { for (auto obj : model.objects) if ( obj->volumes.size()>1 ) { Slic3r::GUI::show_error(nullptr, format_wxstr(_L("You can't to add the object(s) from %s because of one or some of them is(are) multi-part"), from_path(filename))); return obj_idxs; } } if (one_by_one) { auto loaded_idxs = load_model_objects(model.objects); obj_idxs.insert(obj_idxs.end(), loaded_idxs.begin(), loaded_idxs.end()); } else { // This must be an .stl or .obj file, which may contain a maximum of one volume. for (const ModelObject* model_object : model.objects) { new_model->add_object(*model_object); } } } } if (new_model != nullptr && new_model->objects.size() > 1) { wxMessageDialog msg_dlg(q, _L( "Multiple objects were loaded for a multi-material printer.\n" "Instead of considering them as multiple objects, should I consider\n" "these files to represent a single object having multiple parts?") + "\n", _L("Multi-part object detected"), wxICON_WARNING | wxYES | wxNO); if (msg_dlg.ShowModal() == wxID_YES) { new_model->convert_multipart_object(nozzle_dmrs->values.size()); } auto loaded_idxs = load_model_objects(new_model->objects); obj_idxs.insert(obj_idxs.end(), loaded_idxs.begin(), loaded_idxs.end()); } if (load_model) { wxGetApp().app_config->update_skein_dir(input_files[input_files.size() - 1].parent_path().string()); // XXX: Plater.pm had @loaded_files, but didn't seem to fill them with the filenames... statusbar()->set_status_text(_L("Loaded")); } // automatic selection of added objects if (!obj_idxs.empty() && (view3D != nullptr)) { // update printable state for new volumes on canvas3D wxGetApp().plater()->canvas3D()->update_instance_printable_state_for_objects(obj_idxs); Selection& selection = view3D->get_canvas3d()->get_selection(); selection.clear(); for (size_t idx : obj_idxs) { selection.add_object((unsigned int)idx, false); } if (view3D->get_canvas3d()->get_gizmos_manager().is_enabled()) // this is required because the selected object changed and the flatten on face an sla support gizmos need to be updated accordingly view3D->get_canvas3d()->update_gizmos_on_off_state(); } return obj_idxs; } // #define AUTOPLACEMENT_ON_LOAD std::vector Plater::priv::load_model_objects(const ModelObjectPtrs &model_objects) { const BoundingBoxf bed_shape = bed_shape_bb(); const Vec3d bed_size = Slic3r::to_3d(bed_shape.size().cast(), 1.0) - 2.0 * Vec3d::Ones(); #ifndef AUTOPLACEMENT_ON_LOAD bool need_arrange = false; #endif /* AUTOPLACEMENT_ON_LOAD */ bool scaled_down = false; std::vector obj_idxs; unsigned int obj_count = model.objects.size(); #ifdef AUTOPLACEMENT_ON_LOAD ModelInstancePtrs new_instances; #endif /* AUTOPLACEMENT_ON_LOAD */ for (ModelObject *model_object : model_objects) { auto *object = model.add_object(*model_object); std::string object_name = object->name.empty() ? fs::path(object->input_file).filename().string() : object->name; obj_idxs.push_back(obj_count++); if (model_object->instances.empty()) { #ifdef AUTOPLACEMENT_ON_LOAD object->center_around_origin(); new_instances.emplace_back(object->add_instance()); #else /* AUTOPLACEMENT_ON_LOAD */ // if object has no defined position(s) we need to rearrange everything after loading need_arrange = true; // add a default instance and center object around origin object->center_around_origin(); // also aligns object to Z = 0 ModelInstance* instance = object->add_instance(); instance->set_offset(Slic3r::to_3d(bed_shape.center().cast(), -object->origin_translation(2))); #endif /* AUTOPLACEMENT_ON_LOAD */ } const Vec3d size = object->bounding_box().size(); const Vec3d ratio = size.cwiseQuotient(bed_size); const double max_ratio = std::max(ratio(0), ratio(1)); if (max_ratio > 10000) { // the size of the object is too big -> this could lead to overflow when moving to clipper coordinates, // so scale down the mesh double inv = 1. / max_ratio; object->scale_mesh_after_creation(Vec3d(inv, inv, inv)); object->origin_translation = Vec3d::Zero(); object->center_around_origin(); scaled_down = true; } else if (max_ratio > 5) { const Vec3d inverse = 1.0 / max_ratio * Vec3d::Ones(); for (ModelInstance *instance : object->instances) { instance->set_scaling_factor(inverse); } scaled_down = true; } object->ensure_on_bed(); } #ifdef AUTOPLACEMENT_ON_LOAD // FIXME distance should be a config value ///////////////////////////////// auto min_obj_distance = static_cast(6/SCALING_FACTOR); const auto *bed_shape_opt = config->opt("bed_shape"); assert(bed_shape_opt); auto& bedpoints = bed_shape_opt->values; Polyline bed; bed.points.reserve(bedpoints.size()); for(auto& v : bedpoints) bed.append(Point::new_scale(v(0), v(1))); std::pair wti = view3D->get_canvas3d()->get_wipe_tower_info(); arr::find_new_position(model, new_instances, min_obj_distance, bed, wti); // it remains to move the wipe tower: view3D->get_canvas3d()->arrange_wipe_tower(wti); #endif /* AUTOPLACEMENT_ON_LOAD */ if (scaled_down) { GUI::show_info(q, _L("Your object appears to be too large, so it was automatically scaled down to fit your print bed."), _L("Object too large?")); } for (const size_t idx : obj_idxs) { wxGetApp().obj_list()->add_object_to_list(idx); } update(); object_list_changed(); this->schedule_background_process(); return obj_idxs; } wxString Plater::priv::get_export_file(GUI::FileType file_type) { wxString wildcard; switch (file_type) { case FT_STL: case FT_AMF: case FT_3MF: case FT_GCODE: case FT_OBJ: wildcard = file_wildcards(file_type); break; default: wildcard = file_wildcards(FT_MODEL); break; } // Update printbility state of each of the ModelInstances. this->update_print_volume_state(); const Selection& selection = get_selection(); int obj_idx = selection.get_object_idx(); fs::path output_file; if (file_type == FT_3MF) // for 3mf take the path from the project filename, if any output_file = into_path(get_project_filename(".3mf")); if (output_file.empty()) { // first try to get the file name from the current selection if ((0 <= obj_idx) && (obj_idx < (int)this->model.objects.size())) output_file = this->model.objects[obj_idx]->get_export_filename(); if (output_file.empty()) // Find the file name of the first printable object. output_file = this->model.propose_export_file_name_and_path(); if (output_file.empty() && !model.objects.empty()) // Find the file name of the first object. output_file = this->model.objects[0]->get_export_filename(); } wxString dlg_title; switch (file_type) { case FT_STL: { output_file.replace_extension("stl"); dlg_title = _L("Export STL file:"); break; } case FT_AMF: { // XXX: Problem on OS X with double extension? output_file.replace_extension("zip.amf"); dlg_title = _L("Export AMF file:"); break; } case FT_3MF: { output_file.replace_extension("3mf"); dlg_title = _L("Save file as:"); break; } case FT_OBJ: { output_file.replace_extension("obj"); dlg_title = _L("Export OBJ file:"); break; } default: break; } wxFileDialog dlg(q, dlg_title, from_path(output_file.parent_path()), from_path(output_file.filename()), wildcard, wxFD_SAVE | wxFD_OVERWRITE_PROMPT); if (dlg.ShowModal() != wxID_OK) return wxEmptyString; wxString out_path = dlg.GetPath(); fs::path path(into_path(out_path)); wxGetApp().app_config->update_last_output_dir(path.parent_path().string()); return out_path; } const Selection& Plater::priv::get_selection() const { return view3D->get_canvas3d()->get_selection(); } Selection& Plater::priv::get_selection() { return view3D->get_canvas3d()->get_selection(); } int Plater::priv::get_selected_object_idx() const { int idx = get_selection().get_object_idx(); return ((0 <= idx) && (idx < 1000)) ? idx : -1; } int Plater::priv::get_selected_volume_idx() const { auto& selection = get_selection(); int idx = selection.get_object_idx(); if ((0 > idx) || (idx > 1000)) return-1; const GLVolume* v = selection.get_volume(*selection.get_volume_idxs().begin()); if (model.objects[idx]->volumes.size() > 1) return v->volume_idx(); return -1; } void Plater::priv::selection_changed() { // if the selection is not valid to allow for layer editing, we need to turn off the tool if it is running bool enable_layer_editing = layers_height_allowed(); if (!enable_layer_editing && view3D->is_layers_editing_enabled()) { SimpleEvent evt(EVT_GLTOOLBAR_LAYERSEDITING); on_action_layersediting(evt); } // forces a frame render to update the view (to avoid a missed update if, for example, the context menu appears) view3D->render(); } void Plater::priv::object_list_changed() { const bool export_in_progress = this->background_process.is_export_scheduled(); // || ! send_gcode_file.empty()); // XXX: is this right? const bool model_fits = view3D->check_volumes_outside_state() == ModelInstancePVS_Inside; sidebar->enable_buttons(!model.objects.empty() && !export_in_progress && model_fits); } void Plater::priv::select_all() { view3D->select_all(); this->sidebar->obj_list()->update_selections(); } void Plater::priv::deselect_all() { view3D->deselect_all(); } void Plater::priv::remove(size_t obj_idx) { // Prevent toolpaths preview from rendering while we modify the Print object preview->set_enabled(false); if (view3D->is_layers_editing_enabled()) view3D->enable_layers_editing(false); model.delete_object(obj_idx); update(); // Delete object from Sidebar list. Do it after update, so that the GLScene selection is updated with the modified model. sidebar->obj_list()->delete_object_from_list(obj_idx); object_list_changed(); } void Plater::priv::delete_object_from_model(size_t obj_idx) { wxString snapshot_label = _L("Delete Object"); if (! model.objects[obj_idx]->name.empty()) snapshot_label += ": " + wxString::FromUTF8(model.objects[obj_idx]->name.c_str()); Plater::TakeSnapshot snapshot(q, snapshot_label); model.delete_object(obj_idx); update(); object_list_changed(); } void Plater::priv::reset() { Plater::TakeSnapshot snapshot(q, _L("Reset Project")); set_project_filename(wxEmptyString); // Prevent toolpaths preview from rendering while we modify the Print object preview->set_enabled(false); if (view3D->is_layers_editing_enabled()) view3D->enable_layers_editing(false); // Stop and reset the Print content. this->background_process.reset(); model.clear_objects(); update(); // Delete object from Sidebar list. Do it after update, so that the GLScene selection is updated with the modified model. sidebar->obj_list()->delete_all_objects_from_list(); object_list_changed(); // The hiding of the slicing results, if shown, is not taken care by the background process, so we do it here this->sidebar->show_sliced_info_sizer(false); model.custom_gcode_per_print_z.gcodes.clear(); } void Plater::priv::mirror(Axis axis) { view3D->mirror_selection(axis); } void Plater::find_new_position(const ModelInstancePtrs &instances, coord_t min_d) { arrangement::ArrangePolygons movable, fixed; for (const ModelObject *mo : p->model.objects) for (const ModelInstance *inst : mo->instances) { auto it = std::find(instances.begin(), instances.end(), inst); auto arrpoly = inst->get_arrange_polygon(); if (it == instances.end()) fixed.emplace_back(std::move(arrpoly)); else movable.emplace_back(std::move(arrpoly)); } if (p->view3D->get_canvas3d()->get_wipe_tower_info()) fixed.emplace_back(get_wipe_tower_arrangepoly(*this)); arrangement::arrange(movable, fixed, get_bed_shape(*config()), arrangement::ArrangeParams{min_d}); for (size_t i = 0; i < instances.size(); ++i) if (movable[i].bed_idx == 0) instances[i]->apply_arrange_result(movable[i].translation.cast(), movable[i].rotation); } void Plater::priv::split_object() { int obj_idx = get_selected_object_idx(); if (obj_idx == -1) return; // we clone model object because split_object() adds the split volumes // into the same model object, thus causing duplicates when we call load_model_objects() Model new_model = model; ModelObject* current_model_object = new_model.objects[obj_idx]; if (current_model_object->volumes.size() > 1) { Slic3r::GUI::warning_catcher(q, _L("The selected object can't be split because it contains more than one volume/material.")); return; } wxBusyCursor wait; ModelObjectPtrs new_objects; current_model_object->split(&new_objects); if (new_objects.size() == 1) Slic3r::GUI::warning_catcher(q, _L("The selected object couldn't be split because it contains only one part.")); else { Plater::TakeSnapshot snapshot(q, _L("Split to Objects")); unsigned int counter = 1; for (ModelObject* m : new_objects) m->name = current_model_object->name + "_" + std::to_string(counter++); remove(obj_idx); // load all model objects at once, otherwise the plate would be rearranged after each one // causing original positions not to be kept std::vector idxs = load_model_objects(new_objects); // select newly added objects for (size_t idx : idxs) { get_selection().add_object((unsigned int)idx, false); } } } void Plater::priv::split_volume() { wxGetApp().obj_list()->split(); } void Plater::priv::scale_selection_to_fit_print_volume() { this->view3D->get_canvas3d()->get_selection().scale_to_fit_print_volume(*config); } void Plater::priv::schedule_background_process() { delayed_error_message.clear(); // Trigger the timer event after 0.5s this->background_process_timer.Start(500, wxTIMER_ONE_SHOT); // Notify the Canvas3D that something has changed, so it may invalidate some of the layer editing stuff. this->view3D->get_canvas3d()->set_config(this->config); } void Plater::priv::update_print_volume_state() { BoundingBox bed_box_2D = get_extents(Polygon::new_scale(this->config->opt("bed_shape")->values)); BoundingBoxf3 print_volume(unscale(bed_box_2D.min(0), bed_box_2D.min(1), 0.0), unscale(bed_box_2D.max(0), bed_box_2D.max(1), scale_(this->config->opt_float("max_print_height")))); // Allow the objects to protrude below the print bed, only the part of the object above the print bed will be sliced. print_volume.min(2) = -1e10; this->q->model().update_print_volume_state(print_volume); } // Update background processing thread from the current config and Model. // Returns a bitmask of UpdateBackgroundProcessReturnState. unsigned int Plater::priv::update_background_process(bool force_validation, bool postpone_error_messages) { // bitmap of enum UpdateBackgroundProcessReturnState unsigned int return_state = 0; // If the update_background_process() was not called by the timer, kill the timer, // so the update_restart_background_process() will not be called again in vain. this->background_process_timer.Stop(); // Update the "out of print bed" state of ModelInstances. this->update_print_volume_state(); // Apply new config to the possibly running background task. bool was_running = this->background_process.running(); Print::ApplyStatus invalidated = this->background_process.apply(this->q->model(), wxGetApp().preset_bundle->full_config()); // Just redraw the 3D canvas without reloading the scene to consume the update of the layer height profile. if (view3D->is_layers_editing_enabled()) view3D->get_wxglcanvas()->Refresh(); if (invalidated == Print::APPLY_STATUS_INVALIDATED) { // Some previously calculated data on the Print was invalidated. // Hide the slicing results, as the current slicing status is no more valid. this->sidebar->show_sliced_info_sizer(false); // Reset preview canvases. If the print has been invalidated, the preview canvases will be cleared. // Otherwise they will be just refreshed. if (this->preview != nullptr) // If the preview is not visible, the following line just invalidates the preview, // but the G-code paths or SLA preview are calculated first once the preview is made visible. this->preview->reload_print(); // In FDM mode, we need to reload the 3D scene because of the wipe tower preview box. // In SLA mode, we need to reload the 3D scene every time to show the support structures. if (this->printer_technology == ptSLA || (this->printer_technology == ptFFF && this->config->opt_bool("wipe_tower"))) return_state |= UPDATE_BACKGROUND_PROCESS_REFRESH_SCENE; } if ((invalidated != Print::APPLY_STATUS_UNCHANGED || force_validation) && ! this->background_process.empty()) { // The delayed error message is no more valid. this->delayed_error_message.clear(); // The state of the Print changed, and it is non-zero. Let's validate it and give the user feedback on errors. std::string err = this->background_process.validate(); if (err.empty()) { if (invalidated != Print::APPLY_STATUS_UNCHANGED && this->background_processing_enabled()) return_state |= UPDATE_BACKGROUND_PROCESS_RESTART; } else { // The print is not valid. // Only show the error message immediately, if the top level parent of this window is active. auto p = dynamic_cast(this->q); while (p->GetParent()) p = p->GetParent(); auto *top_level_wnd = dynamic_cast(p); if (! postpone_error_messages && top_level_wnd && top_level_wnd->IsActive()) { // The error returned from the Print needs to be translated into the local language. GUI::show_error(this->q, err); } else { // Show the error message once the main window gets activated. this->delayed_error_message = err; } return_state |= UPDATE_BACKGROUND_PROCESS_INVALID; } } else if (! this->delayed_error_message.empty()) { // Reusing the old state. return_state |= UPDATE_BACKGROUND_PROCESS_INVALID; } if (invalidated != Print::APPLY_STATUS_UNCHANGED && was_running && ! this->background_process.running() && (return_state & UPDATE_BACKGROUND_PROCESS_RESTART) == 0) { // The background processing was killed and it will not be restarted. wxCommandEvent evt(EVT_PROCESS_COMPLETED); evt.SetInt(-1); // Post the "canceled" callback message, so that it will be processed after any possible pending status bar update messages. wxQueueEvent(GUI::wxGetApp().mainframe->m_plater, evt.Clone()); } if ((return_state & UPDATE_BACKGROUND_PROCESS_INVALID) != 0) { // Validation of the background data failed. const wxString invalid_str = _L("Invalid data"); for (auto btn : {ActionButtonType::abReslice, ActionButtonType::abSendGCode, ActionButtonType::abExport}) sidebar->set_btn_label(btn, invalid_str); } else { // Background data is valid. if ((return_state & UPDATE_BACKGROUND_PROCESS_RESTART) != 0 || (return_state & UPDATE_BACKGROUND_PROCESS_REFRESH_SCENE) != 0 ) this->statusbar()->set_status_text(_L("Ready to slice")); sidebar->set_btn_label(ActionButtonType::abExport, _(label_btn_export)); sidebar->set_btn_label(ActionButtonType::abSendGCode, _(label_btn_send)); const wxString slice_string = background_process.running() && wxGetApp().get_mode() == comSimple ? _L("Slicing") + dots : _L("Slice now"); sidebar->set_btn_label(ActionButtonType::abReslice, slice_string); if (background_process.finished()) show_action_buttons(false); else if (!background_process.empty() && !background_process.running()) /* Do not update buttons if background process is running * This condition is important for SLA mode especially, * when this function is called several times during calculations * */ show_action_buttons(true); } return return_state; } // Restart background processing thread based on a bitmask of UpdateBackgroundProcessReturnState. bool Plater::priv::restart_background_process(unsigned int state) { if (m_ui_jobs.is_any_running()) { // Avoid a race condition return false; } if ( ! this->background_process.empty() && (state & priv::UPDATE_BACKGROUND_PROCESS_INVALID) == 0 && ( ((state & UPDATE_BACKGROUND_PROCESS_FORCE_RESTART) != 0 && ! this->background_process.finished()) || (state & UPDATE_BACKGROUND_PROCESS_FORCE_EXPORT) != 0 || (state & UPDATE_BACKGROUND_PROCESS_RESTART) != 0 ) ) { // The print is valid and it can be started. if (this->background_process.start()) { this->statusbar()->set_cancel_callback([this]() { this->statusbar()->set_status_text(_L("Cancelling")); this->background_process.stop(); }); return true; } } return false; } void Plater::priv::export_gcode(fs::path output_path, bool output_path_on_removable_media, PrintHostJob upload_job) { wxCHECK_RET(!(output_path.empty() && upload_job.empty()), "export_gcode: output_path and upload_job empty"); if (model.objects.empty()) return; if (background_process.is_export_scheduled()) { GUI::show_error(q, _L("Another export job is currently running.")); return; } // bitmask of UpdateBackgroundProcessReturnState unsigned int state = update_background_process(true); if (state & priv::UPDATE_BACKGROUND_PROCESS_REFRESH_SCENE) view3D->reload_scene(false); if ((state & priv::UPDATE_BACKGROUND_PROCESS_INVALID) != 0) return; if (! output_path.empty()) { background_process.schedule_export(output_path.string(), output_path_on_removable_media); } else { background_process.schedule_upload(std::move(upload_job)); } // If the SLA processing of just a single object's supports is running, restart slicing for the whole object. this->background_process.set_task(PrintBase::TaskParams()); this->restart_background_process(priv::UPDATE_BACKGROUND_PROCESS_FORCE_EXPORT); } unsigned int Plater::priv::update_restart_background_process(bool force_update_scene, bool force_update_preview) { // bitmask of UpdateBackgroundProcessReturnState unsigned int state = this->update_background_process(false); if (force_update_scene || (state & UPDATE_BACKGROUND_PROCESS_REFRESH_SCENE) != 0) view3D->reload_scene(false); if (force_update_preview) this->preview->reload_print(); this->restart_background_process(state); return state; } void Plater::priv::update_fff_scene() { if (this->preview != nullptr) this->preview->reload_print(); // In case this was MM print, wipe tower bounding box on 3D tab might need redrawing with exact depth: view3D->reload_scene(true); } void Plater::priv::update_sla_scene() { // Update the SLAPrint from the current Model, so that the reload_scene() // pulls the correct data. delayed_scene_refresh = false; this->update_restart_background_process(true, true); } void Plater::priv::reload_from_disk() { Plater::TakeSnapshot snapshot(q, _L("Reload from disk")); const Selection& selection = get_selection(); if (selection.is_wipe_tower()) return; // struct to hold selected ModelVolumes by their indices struct SelectedVolume { int object_idx; int volume_idx; // operators needed by std::algorithms bool operator < (const SelectedVolume& other) const { return (object_idx < other.object_idx) || ((object_idx == other.object_idx) && (volume_idx < other.volume_idx)); } bool operator == (const SelectedVolume& other) const { return (object_idx == other.object_idx) && (volume_idx == other.volume_idx); } }; std::vector selected_volumes; // collects selected ModelVolumes const std::set& selected_volumes_idxs = selection.get_volume_idxs(); for (unsigned int idx : selected_volumes_idxs) { const GLVolume* v = selection.get_volume(idx); int v_idx = v->volume_idx(); if (v_idx >= 0) { int o_idx = v->object_idx(); if ((0 <= o_idx) && (o_idx < (int)model.objects.size())) selected_volumes.push_back({ o_idx, v_idx }); } } std::sort(selected_volumes.begin(), selected_volumes.end()); selected_volumes.erase(std::unique(selected_volumes.begin(), selected_volumes.end()), selected_volumes.end()); // collects paths of files to load std::vector input_paths; std::vector missing_input_paths; for (const SelectedVolume& v : selected_volumes) { const ModelObject* object = model.objects[v.object_idx]; const ModelVolume* volume = object->volumes[v.volume_idx]; if (!volume->source.input_file.empty()) { if (fs::exists(volume->source.input_file)) input_paths.push_back(volume->source.input_file); else missing_input_paths.push_back(volume->source.input_file); } else if (!object->input_file.empty() && volume->is_model_part() && !volume->name.empty()) missing_input_paths.push_back(volume->name); } std::sort(missing_input_paths.begin(), missing_input_paths.end()); missing_input_paths.erase(std::unique(missing_input_paths.begin(), missing_input_paths.end()), missing_input_paths.end()); while (!missing_input_paths.empty()) { // ask user to select the missing file fs::path search = missing_input_paths.back(); wxString title = _L("Please select the file to reload"); #if defined(__APPLE__) title += " (" + from_u8(search.filename().string()) + ")"; #endif // __APPLE__ title += ":"; wxFileDialog dialog(q, title, "", from_u8(search.filename().string()), file_wildcards(FT_MODEL), wxFD_OPEN | wxFD_FILE_MUST_EXIST); if (dialog.ShowModal() != wxID_OK) return; std::string sel_filename_path = dialog.GetPath().ToUTF8().data(); std::string sel_filename = fs::path(sel_filename_path).filename().string(); if (boost::algorithm::iequals(search.filename().string(), sel_filename)) { input_paths.push_back(sel_filename_path); missing_input_paths.pop_back(); fs::path sel_path = fs::path(sel_filename_path).remove_filename().string(); std::vector::iterator it = missing_input_paths.begin(); while (it != missing_input_paths.end()) { // try to use the path of the selected file with all remaining missing files fs::path repathed_filename = sel_path; repathed_filename /= it->filename(); if (fs::exists(repathed_filename)) { input_paths.push_back(repathed_filename.string()); it = missing_input_paths.erase(it); } else ++it; } } else { wxString message = _L("It is not allowed to change the file to reload") + " (" + from_u8(search.filename().string()) + ").\n" + _L("Do you want to retry") + " ?"; wxMessageDialog dlg(q, message, wxMessageBoxCaptionStr, wxYES_NO | wxYES_DEFAULT | wxICON_QUESTION); if (dlg.ShowModal() != wxID_YES) return; } } std::sort(input_paths.begin(), input_paths.end()); input_paths.erase(std::unique(input_paths.begin(), input_paths.end()), input_paths.end()); std::vector fail_list; // load one file at a time for (size_t i = 0; i < input_paths.size(); ++i) { const auto& path = input_paths[i].string(); wxBusyCursor wait; wxBusyInfo info(_L("Reload from:") + " " + from_u8(path), q->get_current_canvas3D()->get_wxglcanvas()); Model new_model; try { new_model = Model::read_from_file(path, nullptr, true, false); for (ModelObject* model_object : new_model.objects) { model_object->center_around_origin(); model_object->ensure_on_bed(); } } catch (std::exception&) { // error while loading return; } // update the selected volumes whose source is the current file for (const SelectedVolume& sel_v : selected_volumes) { ModelObject* old_model_object = model.objects[sel_v.object_idx]; ModelVolume* old_volume = old_model_object->volumes[sel_v.volume_idx]; bool has_source = !old_volume->source.input_file.empty() && boost::algorithm::iequals(fs::path(old_volume->source.input_file).filename().string(), fs::path(path).filename().string()); bool has_name = !old_volume->name.empty() && boost::algorithm::iequals(old_volume->name, fs::path(path).filename().string()); if (has_source || has_name) { int new_volume_idx = -1; int new_object_idx = -1; if (has_source) { // take idxs from source new_volume_idx = old_volume->source.volume_idx; new_object_idx = old_volume->source.object_idx; } else { // take idxs from the 1st matching volume for (size_t o = 0; o < new_model.objects.size(); ++o) { ModelObject* obj = new_model.objects[o]; bool found = false; for (size_t v = 0; v < obj->volumes.size(); ++v) { if (obj->volumes[v]->name == old_volume->name) { new_volume_idx = (int)v; new_object_idx = (int)o; found = true; break; } } if (found) break; } } if ((new_object_idx < 0) && ((int)new_model.objects.size() <= new_object_idx)) { fail_list.push_back(from_u8(has_source ? old_volume->source.input_file : old_volume->name)); continue; } ModelObject* new_model_object = new_model.objects[new_object_idx]; if ((new_volume_idx < 0) && ((int)new_model.objects.size() <= new_volume_idx)) { fail_list.push_back(from_u8(has_source ? old_volume->source.input_file : old_volume->name)); continue; } if (new_volume_idx < (int)new_model_object->volumes.size()) { old_model_object->add_volume(*new_model_object->volumes[new_volume_idx]); ModelVolume* new_volume = old_model_object->volumes.back(); new_volume->set_new_unique_id(); new_volume->config.apply(old_volume->config); new_volume->set_type(old_volume->type()); new_volume->set_material_id(old_volume->material_id()); new_volume->set_transformation(old_volume->get_transformation() * old_volume->source.transform); new_volume->translate(new_volume->get_transformation().get_matrix(true) * (new_volume->source.mesh_offset - old_volume->source.mesh_offset)); std::swap(old_model_object->volumes[sel_v.volume_idx], old_model_object->volumes.back()); old_model_object->delete_volume(old_model_object->volumes.size() - 1); old_model_object->ensure_on_bed(); sla::reproject_points_and_holes(old_model_object); } } } } if (!fail_list.empty()) { wxString message = _L("Unable to reload:") + "\n"; for (const wxString& s : fail_list) { message += s + "\n"; } wxMessageDialog dlg(q, message, _L("Error during reload"), wxOK | wxOK_DEFAULT | wxICON_WARNING); dlg.ShowModal(); } // update 3D scene update(); // new GLVolumes have been created at this point, so update their printable state for (size_t i = 0; i < model.objects.size(); ++i) { view3D->get_canvas3d()->update_instance_printable_state_for_object(i); } } void Plater::priv::reload_all_from_disk() { if (model.objects.empty()) return; Plater::TakeSnapshot snapshot(q, _L("Reload all from disk")); Plater::SuppressSnapshots suppress(q); Selection& selection = get_selection(); Selection::IndicesList curr_idxs = selection.get_volume_idxs(); // reload from disk uses selection select_all(); reload_from_disk(); // restore previous selection selection.clear(); for (unsigned int idx : curr_idxs) { selection.add(idx, false); } } void Plater::priv::fix_through_netfabb(const int obj_idx, const int vol_idx/* = -1*/) { if (obj_idx < 0) return; Plater::TakeSnapshot snapshot(q, _L("Fix Throught NetFabb")); fix_model_by_win10_sdk_gui(*model.objects[obj_idx], vol_idx); sla::reproject_points_and_holes(model.objects[obj_idx]); this->update(); this->object_list_changed(); this->schedule_background_process(); } void Plater::priv::set_current_panel(wxPanel* panel) { if (std::find(panels.begin(), panels.end(), panel) == panels.end()) return; #ifdef __WXMAC__ bool force_render = (current_panel != nullptr); #endif // __WXMAC__ if (current_panel == panel) return; current_panel = panel; // to reduce flickering when changing view, first set as visible the new current panel for (wxPanel* p : panels) { if (p == current_panel) { #ifdef __WXMAC__ // On Mac we need also to force a render to avoid flickering when changing view if (force_render) { if (p == view3D) dynamic_cast(p)->get_canvas3d()->render(); else if (p == preview) dynamic_cast(p)->get_canvas3d()->render(); } #endif // __WXMAC__ p->Show(); } } // then set to invisible the other for (wxPanel* p : panels) { if (p != current_panel) p->Hide(); } panel_sizer->Layout(); if (current_panel == view3D) { if (view3D->is_reload_delayed()) { // Delayed loading of the 3D scene. if (this->printer_technology == ptSLA) { // Update the SLAPrint from the current Model, so that the reload_scene() // pulls the correct data. this->update_restart_background_process(true, false); } else view3D->reload_scene(true); } // sets the canvas as dirty to force a render at the 1st idle event (wxWidgets IsShownOnScreen() is buggy and cannot be used reliably) view3D->set_as_dirty(); view_toolbar.select_item("3D"); } else if (current_panel == preview) { // see: Plater::priv::object_list_changed() // FIXME: it may be better to have a single function making this check and let it be called wherever needed bool export_in_progress = this->background_process.is_export_scheduled(); bool model_fits = view3D->check_volumes_outside_state() != ModelInstancePVS_Partly_Outside; if (!model.objects.empty() && !export_in_progress && model_fits) this->q->reslice(); // keeps current gcode preview, if any preview->reload_print(true); preview->set_as_dirty(); view_toolbar.select_item("Preview"); } current_panel->SetFocusFromKbd(); } void Plater::priv::on_select_preset(wxCommandEvent &evt) { auto preset_type = static_cast(evt.GetInt()); auto *combo = static_cast(evt.GetEventObject()); // see https://github.com/prusa3d/PrusaSlicer/issues/3889 // Under OSX: in case of use of a same names written in different case (like "ENDER" and "Ender"), // m_presets_choice->GetSelection() will return first item, because search in PopupListCtrl is case-insensitive. // So, use GetSelection() from event parameter // But in this function we couldn't use evt.GetSelection(), because m_commandInt is used for preset_type // Thus, get selection in this way: int selection = combo->FindString(evt.GetString(), true); auto idx = combo->get_extruder_idx(); //! Because of The MSW and GTK version of wxBitmapComboBox derived from wxComboBox, //! but the OSX version derived from wxOwnerDrawnCombo. //! So, to get selected string we do //! combo->GetString(combo->GetSelection()) //! instead of //! combo->GetStringSelection().ToUTF8().data()); const std::string preset_name = wxGetApp().preset_bundle->get_preset_name_by_alias(preset_type, Preset::remove_suffix_modified(combo->GetString(selection).ToUTF8().data())); if (preset_type == Preset::TYPE_FILAMENT) { wxGetApp().preset_bundle->set_filament_preset(idx, preset_name); } // TODO: ? if (preset_type == Preset::TYPE_FILAMENT && sidebar->is_multifilament()) { // Only update the plater UI for the 2nd and other filaments. combo->update(); } else { wxWindowUpdateLocker noUpdates(sidebar->presets_panel()); wxGetApp().get_tab(preset_type)->select_preset(preset_name); } // update plater with new config q->on_config_change(wxGetApp().preset_bundle->full_config()); if (preset_type == Preset::TYPE_PRINTER) { /* Settings list can be changed after printer preset changing, so * update all settings items for all item had it. * Furthermore, Layers editing is implemented only for FFF printers * and for SLA presets they should be deleted */ wxGetApp().obj_list()->update_object_list_by_printer_technology(); } } void Plater::priv::on_slicing_update(SlicingStatusEvent &evt) { if (evt.status.percent >= -1) { if (m_ui_jobs.is_any_running()) { // Avoid a race condition return; } this->statusbar()->set_progress(evt.status.percent); this->statusbar()->set_status_text(_(evt.status.text) + wxString::FromUTF8("…")); } if (evt.status.flags & (PrintBase::SlicingStatus::RELOAD_SCENE | PrintBase::SlicingStatus::RELOAD_SLA_SUPPORT_POINTS)) { switch (this->printer_technology) { case ptFFF: this->update_fff_scene(); break; case ptSLA: // If RELOAD_SLA_SUPPORT_POINTS, then the SLA gizmo is updated (reload_scene calls update_gizmos_data) if (view3D->is_dragging()) delayed_scene_refresh = true; else this->update_sla_scene(); break; default: break; } } else if (evt.status.flags & PrintBase::SlicingStatus::RELOAD_SLA_PREVIEW) { // Update the SLA preview. Only called if not RELOAD_SLA_SUPPORT_POINTS, as the block above will refresh the preview anyways. this->preview->reload_print(); } } void Plater::priv::on_slicing_completed(wxCommandEvent &) { switch (this->printer_technology) { case ptFFF: this->update_fff_scene(); break; case ptSLA: if (view3D->is_dragging()) delayed_scene_refresh = true; else this->update_sla_scene(); break; default: break; } } void Plater::priv::on_process_completed(wxCommandEvent &evt) { // Stop the background task, wait until the thread goes into the "Idle" state. // At this point of time the thread should be either finished or canceled, // so the following call just confirms, that the produced data were consumed. this->background_process.stop(); this->statusbar()->reset_cancel_callback(); this->statusbar()->stop_busy(); const bool canceled = evt.GetInt() < 0; const bool error = evt.GetInt() == 0; const bool success = evt.GetInt() > 0; // Reset the "export G-code path" name, so that the automatic background processing will be enabled again. this->background_process.reset_export(); if (error) { wxString message = evt.GetString(); if (message.IsEmpty()) message = _L("Export failed"); if (q->m_tracking_popup_menu) // We don't want to pop-up a message box when tracking a pop-up menu. // We postpone the error message instead. q->m_tracking_popup_menu_error_message = message; else show_error(q, message); this->statusbar()->set_status_text(message); } if (canceled) this->statusbar()->set_status_text(_L("Cancelled")); this->sidebar->show_sliced_info_sizer(success); // This updates the "Slice now", "Export G-code", "Arrange" buttons status. // Namely, it refreshes the "Out of print bed" property of all the ModelObjects, and it enables // the "Slice now" and "Export G-code" buttons based on their "out of bed" status. this->object_list_changed(); // refresh preview switch (this->printer_technology) { case ptFFF: this->update_fff_scene(); break; case ptSLA: if (view3D->is_dragging()) delayed_scene_refresh = true; else this->update_sla_scene(); break; default: break; } if (canceled) { if (wxGetApp().get_mode() == comSimple) sidebar->set_btn_label(ActionButtonType::abReslice, "Slice now"); show_action_buttons(true); } else if (this->writing_to_removable_device || wxGetApp().get_mode() == comSimple) show_action_buttons(false); this->writing_to_removable_device = false; } void Plater::priv::on_layer_editing_toggled(bool enable) { view3D->enable_layers_editing(enable); view3D->set_as_dirty(); } void Plater::priv::on_action_add(SimpleEvent&) { if (q != nullptr) q->add_model(); } void Plater::priv::on_action_split_objects(SimpleEvent&) { split_object(); } void Plater::priv::on_action_split_volumes(SimpleEvent&) { split_volume(); } void Plater::priv::on_action_layersediting(SimpleEvent&) { view3D->enable_layers_editing(!view3D->is_layers_editing_enabled()); } void Plater::priv::on_object_select(SimpleEvent& evt) { wxGetApp().obj_list()->update_selections(); selection_changed(); } void Plater::priv::on_right_click(RBtnEvent& evt) { int obj_idx = get_selected_object_idx(); wxMenu* menu = nullptr; if (obj_idx == -1) // no one or several object are selected { if (evt.data.second) // right button was clicked on empty space menu = &default_menu; else { sidebar->obj_list()->show_multi_selection_menu(); return; } } else { // If in 3DScene is(are) selected volume(s), but right button was clicked on empty space if (evt.data.second) return; if (printer_technology == ptSLA) menu = &sla_object_menu; else { // show "Object menu" for each one or several FullInstance instead of FullObject const bool is_some_full_instances = get_selection().is_single_full_instance() || get_selection().is_single_full_object() || get_selection().is_multiple_full_instance(); menu = is_some_full_instances ? &object_menu : &part_menu; } sidebar->obj_list()->append_menu_item_settings(menu); if (printer_technology != ptSLA) sidebar->obj_list()->append_menu_item_change_extruder(menu); if (menu != &part_menu) { /* Remove/Prepend "increase/decrease instances" menu items according to the view mode. * Suppress to show those items for a Simple mode */ const MenuIdentifier id = printer_technology == ptSLA ? miObjectSLA : miObjectFFF; if (wxGetApp().get_mode() == comSimple) { if (menu->FindItem(_L("Add instance")) != wxNOT_FOUND) { /* Detach an items from the menu, but don't delete them * so that they can be added back later * (after switching to the Advanced/Expert mode) */ menu->Remove(items_increase[id]); menu->Remove(items_decrease[id]); menu->Remove(items_set_number_of_copies[id]); } } else { if (menu->FindItem(_L("Add instance")) == wxNOT_FOUND) { // Prepend items to the menu, if those aren't not there menu->Prepend(items_set_number_of_copies[id]); menu->Prepend(items_decrease[id]); menu->Prepend(items_increase[id]); } } } } if (q != nullptr && menu) { #ifdef __linux__ // For some reason on Linux the menu isn't displayed if position is specified // (even though the position is sane). q->PopupMenu(menu); #else q->PopupMenu(menu, (int)evt.data.first.x(), (int)evt.data.first.y()); #endif } } void Plater::priv::on_wipetower_moved(Vec3dEvent &evt) { DynamicPrintConfig cfg; cfg.opt("wipe_tower_x", true)->value = evt.data(0); cfg.opt("wipe_tower_y", true)->value = evt.data(1); wxGetApp().get_tab(Preset::TYPE_PRINT)->load_config(cfg); } void Plater::priv::on_wipetower_rotated(Vec3dEvent& evt) { DynamicPrintConfig cfg; cfg.opt("wipe_tower_x", true)->value = evt.data(0); cfg.opt("wipe_tower_y", true)->value = evt.data(1); cfg.opt("wipe_tower_rotation_angle", true)->value = Geometry::rad2deg(evt.data(2)); wxGetApp().get_tab(Preset::TYPE_PRINT)->load_config(cfg); } void Plater::priv::on_update_geometry(Vec3dsEvent<2>&) { // TODO } // Update the scene from the background processing, // if the update message was received during mouse manipulation. void Plater::priv::on_3dcanvas_mouse_dragging_finished(SimpleEvent&) { if (this->delayed_scene_refresh) { this->delayed_scene_refresh = false; this->update_sla_scene(); } } bool Plater::priv::init_object_menu() { items_increase.reserve(2); items_decrease.reserve(2); items_set_number_of_copies.reserve(2); init_common_menu(&object_menu); complit_init_object_menu(); init_common_menu(&sla_object_menu); complit_init_sla_object_menu(); init_common_menu(&part_menu, true); complit_init_part_menu(); sidebar->obj_list()->create_default_popupmenu(&default_menu); return true; } void Plater::priv::generate_thumbnail(ThumbnailData& data, unsigned int w, unsigned int h, bool printable_only, bool parts_only, bool show_bed, bool transparent_background) { view3D->get_canvas3d()->render_thumbnail(data, w, h, printable_only, parts_only, show_bed, transparent_background); } void Plater::priv::generate_thumbnails(ThumbnailsList& thumbnails, const Vec2ds& sizes, bool printable_only, bool parts_only, bool show_bed, bool transparent_background) { thumbnails.clear(); for (const Vec2d& size : sizes) { thumbnails.push_back(ThumbnailData()); Point isize(size); // round to ints generate_thumbnail(thumbnails.back(), isize.x(), isize.y(), printable_only, parts_only, show_bed, transparent_background); if (!thumbnails.back().is_valid()) thumbnails.pop_back(); } } void Plater::priv::msw_rescale_object_menu() { for (MenuWithSeparators* menu : { &object_menu, &sla_object_menu, &part_menu, &default_menu }) msw_rescale_menu(dynamic_cast(menu)); } wxString Plater::priv::get_project_filename(const wxString& extension) const { return m_project_filename.empty() ? "" : m_project_filename + extension; } void Plater::priv::set_project_filename(const wxString& filename) { boost::filesystem::path full_path = into_path(filename); boost::filesystem::path ext = full_path.extension(); if (boost::iequals(ext.string(), ".amf")) { // Remove the first extension. full_path.replace_extension(""); // It may be ".zip.amf". if (boost::iequals(full_path.extension().string(), ".zip")) // Remove the 2nd extension. full_path.replace_extension(""); } else { // Remove just one extension. full_path.replace_extension(""); } m_project_filename = from_path(full_path); wxGetApp().mainframe->update_title(); if (!filename.empty()) wxGetApp().mainframe->add_to_recent_projects(filename); } bool Plater::priv::init_common_menu(wxMenu* menu, const bool is_part/* = false*/) { if (is_part) { append_menu_item(menu, wxID_ANY, _L("Delete") + "\tDel", _L("Remove the selected object"), [this](wxCommandEvent&) { q->remove_selected(); }, "delete", nullptr, [this]() { return can_delete(); }, q); append_menu_item(menu, wxID_ANY, _L("Reload from disk"), _L("Reload the selected volumes from disk"), [this](wxCommandEvent&) { q->reload_from_disk(); }, "", menu, [this]() { return can_reload_from_disk(); }, q); sidebar->obj_list()->append_menu_item_export_stl(menu); } else { wxMenuItem* item_increase = append_menu_item(menu, wxID_ANY, _L("Add instance") + "\t+", _L("Add one more instance of the selected object"), [this](wxCommandEvent&) { q->increase_instances(); }, "add_copies", nullptr, [this]() { return can_increase_instances(); }, q); wxMenuItem* item_decrease = append_menu_item(menu, wxID_ANY, _L("Remove instance") + "\t-", _L("Remove one instance of the selected object"), [this](wxCommandEvent&) { q->decrease_instances(); }, "remove_copies", nullptr, [this]() { return can_decrease_instances(); }, q); wxMenuItem* item_set_number_of_copies = append_menu_item(menu, wxID_ANY, _L("Set number of instances") + dots, _L("Change the number of instances of the selected object"), [this](wxCommandEvent&) { q->set_number_of_copies(); }, "number_of_copies", nullptr, [this]() { return can_increase_instances(); }, q); items_increase.push_back(item_increase); items_decrease.push_back(item_decrease); items_set_number_of_copies.push_back(item_set_number_of_copies); // Delete menu was moved to be after +/- instace to make it more difficult to be selected by mistake. append_menu_item(menu, wxID_ANY, _L("Delete") + "\tDel", _L("Remove the selected object"), [this](wxCommandEvent&) { q->remove_selected(); }, "delete", nullptr, [this]() { return can_delete(); }, q); menu->AppendSeparator(); sidebar->obj_list()->append_menu_item_instance_to_object(menu, q); menu->AppendSeparator(); wxMenuItem* menu_item_printable = sidebar->obj_list()->append_menu_item_printable(menu, q); menu->AppendSeparator(); append_menu_item(menu, wxID_ANY, _L("Reload from disk"), _L("Reload the selected object from disk"), [this](wxCommandEvent&) { reload_from_disk(); }, "", nullptr, [this]() { return can_reload_from_disk(); }, q); append_menu_item(menu, wxID_ANY, _L("Export as STL") + dots, _L("Export the selected object as STL file"), [this](wxCommandEvent&) { q->export_stl(false, true); }, "", nullptr, [this]() { const Selection& selection = get_selection(); return selection.is_single_full_instance() || selection.is_single_full_object(); }, q); menu->AppendSeparator(); // "Scale to print volume" makes a sense just for whole object sidebar->obj_list()->append_menu_item_scale_selection_to_fit_print_volume(menu); q->Bind(wxEVT_UPDATE_UI, [this](wxUpdateUIEvent& evt) { const Selection& selection = get_selection(); int instance_idx = selection.get_instance_idx(); evt.Enable(selection.is_single_full_instance() || selection.is_single_full_object()); if (instance_idx != -1) { evt.Check(model.objects[selection.get_object_idx()]->instances[instance_idx]->printable); view3D->set_as_dirty(); } }, menu_item_printable->GetId()); } sidebar->obj_list()->append_menu_items_convert_unit(menu); sidebar->obj_list()->append_menu_item_fix_through_netfabb(menu); wxMenu* mirror_menu = new wxMenu(); if (mirror_menu == nullptr) return false; append_menu_item(mirror_menu, wxID_ANY, _L("Along X axis"), _L("Mirror the selected object along the X axis"), [this](wxCommandEvent&) { mirror(X); }, "mark_X", menu); append_menu_item(mirror_menu, wxID_ANY, _L("Along Y axis"), _L("Mirror the selected object along the Y axis"), [this](wxCommandEvent&) { mirror(Y); }, "mark_Y", menu); append_menu_item(mirror_menu, wxID_ANY, _L("Along Z axis"), _L("Mirror the selected object along the Z axis"), [this](wxCommandEvent&) { mirror(Z); }, "mark_Z", menu); append_submenu(menu, mirror_menu, wxID_ANY, _L("Mirror"), _L("Mirror the selected object"), "", [this]() { return can_mirror(); }, q); return true; } bool Plater::priv::complit_init_object_menu() { wxMenu* split_menu = new wxMenu(); if (split_menu == nullptr) return false; append_menu_item(split_menu, wxID_ANY, _L("To objects"), _L("Split the selected object into individual objects"), [this](wxCommandEvent&) { split_object(); }, "split_object_SMALL", &object_menu, [this]() { return can_split(); }, q); append_menu_item(split_menu, wxID_ANY, _L("To parts"), _L("Split the selected object into individual sub-parts"), [this](wxCommandEvent&) { split_volume(); }, "split_parts_SMALL", &object_menu, [this]() { return can_split(); }, q); append_submenu(&object_menu, split_menu, wxID_ANY, _L("Split"), _L("Split the selected object"), "", [this]() { return can_split() && wxGetApp().get_mode() > comSimple; }, q); object_menu.AppendSeparator(); // Layers Editing for object sidebar->obj_list()->append_menu_item_layers_editing(&object_menu, q); object_menu.AppendSeparator(); // "Add (volumes)" popupmenu will be added later in append_menu_items_add_volume() return true; } bool Plater::priv::complit_init_sla_object_menu() { append_menu_item(&sla_object_menu, wxID_ANY, _L("Split"), _L("Split the selected object into individual objects"), [this](wxCommandEvent&) { split_object(); }, "split_object_SMALL", nullptr, [this]() { return can_split(); }, q); sla_object_menu.AppendSeparator(); // Add the automatic rotation sub-menu append_menu_item( &sla_object_menu, wxID_ANY, _(L("Optimize orientation")), _(L("Optimize the rotation of the object for better print results.")), [this](wxCommandEvent &) { m_ui_jobs.optimize_rotation(); }); return true; } bool Plater::priv::complit_init_part_menu() { append_menu_item(&part_menu, wxID_ANY, _L("Split"), _L("Split the selected object into individual sub-parts"), [this](wxCommandEvent&) { split_volume(); }, "split_parts_SMALL", nullptr, [this]() { return can_split(); }, q); part_menu.AppendSeparator(); auto obj_list = sidebar->obj_list(); obj_list->append_menu_item_change_type(&part_menu, q); return true; } void Plater::priv::set_current_canvas_as_dirty() { if (current_panel == view3D) view3D->set_as_dirty(); else if (current_panel == preview) preview->set_as_dirty(); } GLCanvas3D* Plater::priv::get_current_canvas3D() { return (current_panel == view3D) ? view3D->get_canvas3d() : ((current_panel == preview) ? preview->get_canvas3d() : nullptr); } void Plater::priv::unbind_canvas_event_handlers() { if (view3D != nullptr) view3D->get_canvas3d()->unbind_event_handlers(); if (preview != nullptr) preview->get_canvas3d()->unbind_event_handlers(); } void Plater::priv::reset_canvas_volumes() { if (view3D != nullptr) view3D->get_canvas3d()->reset_volumes(); if (preview != nullptr) preview->get_canvas3d()->reset_volumes(); } bool Plater::priv::init_view_toolbar() { if (view_toolbar.get_items_count() > 0) // already initialized return true; BackgroundTexture::Metadata background_data; background_data.filename = "toolbar_background.png"; background_data.left = 16; background_data.top = 16; background_data.right = 16; background_data.bottom = 16; if (!view_toolbar.init(background_data)) return false; view_toolbar.set_horizontal_orientation(GLToolbar::Layout::HO_Left); view_toolbar.set_vertical_orientation(GLToolbar::Layout::VO_Bottom); view_toolbar.set_border(5.0f); view_toolbar.set_gap_size(1.0f); GLToolbarItem::Data item; item.name = "3D"; item.icon_filename = "editor.svg"; item.tooltip = _utf8(L("3D editor view")) + " [" + GUI::shortkey_ctrl_prefix() + "5]"; item.sprite_id = 0; item.left.action_callback = [this]() { if (this->q != nullptr) wxPostEvent(this->q, SimpleEvent(EVT_GLVIEWTOOLBAR_3D)); }; if (!view_toolbar.add_item(item)) return false; item.name = "Preview"; item.icon_filename = "preview.svg"; item.tooltip = _utf8(L("Preview")) + " [" + GUI::shortkey_ctrl_prefix() + "6]"; item.sprite_id = 1; item.left.action_callback = [this]() { if (this->q != nullptr) wxPostEvent(this->q, SimpleEvent(EVT_GLVIEWTOOLBAR_PREVIEW)); }; if (!view_toolbar.add_item(item)) return false; view_toolbar.select_item("3D"); view_toolbar.set_enabled(true); return true; } bool Plater::priv::init_collapse_toolbar() { if (collapse_toolbar.get_items_count() > 0) // already initialized return true; BackgroundTexture::Metadata background_data; background_data.filename = "toolbar_background.png"; background_data.left = 16; background_data.top = 16; background_data.right = 16; background_data.bottom = 16; if (!collapse_toolbar.init(background_data)) return false; collapse_toolbar.set_layout_type(GLToolbar::Layout::Vertical); collapse_toolbar.set_horizontal_orientation(GLToolbar::Layout::HO_Right); collapse_toolbar.set_vertical_orientation(GLToolbar::Layout::VO_Top); collapse_toolbar.set_border(5.0f); collapse_toolbar.set_separator_size(5); collapse_toolbar.set_gap_size(2); GLToolbarItem::Data item; item.name = "collapse_sidebar"; item.icon_filename = "collapse.svg"; item.tooltip = wxGetApp().plater()->is_sidebar_collapsed() ? _utf8(L("Expand right panel")) : _utf8(L("Collapse right panel")); item.sprite_id = 0; item.left.action_callback = [this, item]() { std::string new_tooltip = wxGetApp().plater()->is_sidebar_collapsed() ? _utf8(L("Collapse right panel")) : _utf8(L("Expand right panel")); int id = collapse_toolbar.get_item_id("collapse_sidebar"); collapse_toolbar.set_tooltip(id, new_tooltip); wxGetApp().plater()->collapse_sidebar(!wxGetApp().plater()->is_sidebar_collapsed()); }; if (!collapse_toolbar.add_item(item)) return false; return true; } bool Plater::priv::can_set_instance_to_object() const { const int obj_idx = get_selected_object_idx(); return (0 <= obj_idx) && (obj_idx < (int)model.objects.size()) && (model.objects[obj_idx]->instances.size() > 1); } bool Plater::priv::can_split() const { return sidebar->obj_list()->is_splittable(); } bool Plater::priv::layers_height_allowed() const { if (printer_technology != ptFFF) return false; int obj_idx = get_selected_object_idx(); return (0 <= obj_idx) && (obj_idx < (int)model.objects.size()) && config->opt_bool("variable_layer_height") && view3D->is_layers_editing_allowed(); } bool Plater::priv::can_mirror() const { return get_selection().is_from_single_instance(); } bool Plater::priv::can_reload_from_disk() const { // struct to hold selected ModelVolumes by their indices struct SelectedVolume { int object_idx; int volume_idx; // operators needed by std::algorithms bool operator < (const SelectedVolume& other) const { return (object_idx < other.object_idx) || ((object_idx == other.object_idx) && (volume_idx < other.volume_idx)); } bool operator == (const SelectedVolume& other) const { return (object_idx == other.object_idx) && (volume_idx == other.volume_idx); } }; std::vector selected_volumes; const Selection& selection = get_selection(); // collects selected ModelVolumes const std::set& selected_volumes_idxs = selection.get_volume_idxs(); for (unsigned int idx : selected_volumes_idxs) { const GLVolume* v = selection.get_volume(idx); int v_idx = v->volume_idx(); if (v_idx >= 0) { int o_idx = v->object_idx(); if ((0 <= o_idx) && (o_idx < (int)model.objects.size())) selected_volumes.push_back({ o_idx, v_idx }); } } std::sort(selected_volumes.begin(), selected_volumes.end()); selected_volumes.erase(std::unique(selected_volumes.begin(), selected_volumes.end()), selected_volumes.end()); // collects paths of files to load std::vector paths; for (const SelectedVolume& v : selected_volumes) { const ModelObject* object = model.objects[v.object_idx]; const ModelVolume* volume = object->volumes[v.volume_idx]; if (!volume->source.input_file.empty()) paths.push_back(volume->source.input_file); else if (!object->input_file.empty() && !volume->name.empty()) paths.push_back(volume->name); } std::sort(paths.begin(), paths.end()); paths.erase(std::unique(paths.begin(), paths.end()), paths.end()); return !paths.empty(); } void Plater::priv::set_bed_shape(const Pointfs& shape, const std::string& custom_texture, const std::string& custom_model) { bool new_shape = bed.set_shape(shape, custom_texture, custom_model); if (new_shape) { if (view3D) view3D->bed_shape_changed(); if (preview) preview->bed_shape_changed(); } } bool Plater::priv::can_delete() const { return !get_selection().is_empty() && !get_selection().is_wipe_tower() && !m_ui_jobs.is_any_running(); } bool Plater::priv::can_delete_all() const { return !model.objects.empty(); } bool Plater::priv::can_fix_through_netfabb() const { int obj_idx = get_selected_object_idx(); if (obj_idx < 0) return false; return model.objects[obj_idx]->get_mesh_errors_count() > 0; } bool Plater::priv::can_increase_instances() const { if (m_ui_jobs.is_any_running()) { return false; } int obj_idx = get_selected_object_idx(); return (0 <= obj_idx) && (obj_idx < (int)model.objects.size()); } bool Plater::priv::can_decrease_instances() const { if (m_ui_jobs.is_any_running()) { return false; } int obj_idx = get_selected_object_idx(); return (0 <= obj_idx) && (obj_idx < (int)model.objects.size()) && (model.objects[obj_idx]->instances.size() > 1); } bool Plater::priv::can_split_to_objects() const { return can_split(); } bool Plater::priv::can_split_to_volumes() const { return (printer_technology != ptSLA) && can_split(); } bool Plater::priv::can_arrange() const { return !model.objects.empty() && !m_ui_jobs.is_any_running(); } bool Plater::priv::can_layers_editing() const { return layers_height_allowed(); } void Plater::priv::update_object_menu() { sidebar->obj_list()->append_menu_items_add_volume(&object_menu); } void Plater::priv::show_action_buttons(const bool ready_to_slice) const { // Cache this value, so that the callbacks from the RemovableDriveManager may repeat that value when calling show_action_buttons(). this->ready_to_slice = ready_to_slice; wxWindowUpdateLocker noUpdater(sidebar); const auto prin_host_opt = config->option("print_host"); const bool send_gcode_shown = prin_host_opt != nullptr && !prin_host_opt->value.empty(); // when a background processing is ON, export_btn and/or send_btn are showing if (wxGetApp().app_config->get("background_processing") == "1") { RemovableDriveManager::RemovableDrivesStatus removable_media_status = wxGetApp().removable_drive_manager()->status(); if (sidebar->show_reslice(false) | sidebar->show_export(true) | sidebar->show_send(send_gcode_shown) | sidebar->show_export_removable(removable_media_status.has_removable_drives) | sidebar->show_disconnect(removable_media_status.has_eject)) sidebar->Layout(); } else { RemovableDriveManager::RemovableDrivesStatus removable_media_status; if (! ready_to_slice) removable_media_status = wxGetApp().removable_drive_manager()->status(); if (sidebar->show_reslice(ready_to_slice) | sidebar->show_export(!ready_to_slice) | sidebar->show_send(send_gcode_shown && !ready_to_slice) | sidebar->show_export_removable(!ready_to_slice && removable_media_status.has_removable_drives) | sidebar->show_disconnect(!ready_to_slice && removable_media_status.has_eject)) sidebar->Layout(); } } void Plater::priv::enter_gizmos_stack() { assert(m_undo_redo_stack_active == &m_undo_redo_stack_main); if (m_undo_redo_stack_active == &m_undo_redo_stack_main) { m_undo_redo_stack_active = &m_undo_redo_stack_gizmos; assert(m_undo_redo_stack_active->empty()); // Take the initial snapshot of the gizmos. // Not localized on purpose, the text will never be shown to the user. this->take_snapshot(std::string("Gizmos-Initial")); } } void Plater::priv::leave_gizmos_stack() { assert(m_undo_redo_stack_active == &m_undo_redo_stack_gizmos); if (m_undo_redo_stack_active == &m_undo_redo_stack_gizmos) { assert(! m_undo_redo_stack_active->empty()); m_undo_redo_stack_active->clear(); m_undo_redo_stack_active = &m_undo_redo_stack_main; } } int Plater::priv::get_active_snapshot_index() { const size_t active_snapshot_time = this->undo_redo_stack().active_snapshot_time(); const std::vector& ss_stack = this->undo_redo_stack().snapshots(); const auto it = std::lower_bound(ss_stack.begin(), ss_stack.end(), UndoRedo::Snapshot(active_snapshot_time)); return it - ss_stack.begin(); } void Plater::priv::take_snapshot(const std::string& snapshot_name) { if (this->m_prevent_snapshots > 0) return; assert(this->m_prevent_snapshots >= 0); UndoRedo::SnapshotData snapshot_data; snapshot_data.printer_technology = this->printer_technology; if (this->view3D->is_layers_editing_enabled()) snapshot_data.flags |= UndoRedo::SnapshotData::VARIABLE_LAYER_EDITING_ACTIVE; if (this->sidebar->obj_list()->is_selected(itSettings)) { snapshot_data.flags |= UndoRedo::SnapshotData::SELECTED_SETTINGS_ON_SIDEBAR; snapshot_data.layer_range_idx = this->sidebar->obj_list()->get_selected_layers_range_idx(); } else if (this->sidebar->obj_list()->is_selected(itLayer)) { snapshot_data.flags |= UndoRedo::SnapshotData::SELECTED_LAYER_ON_SIDEBAR; snapshot_data.layer_range_idx = this->sidebar->obj_list()->get_selected_layers_range_idx(); } else if (this->sidebar->obj_list()->is_selected(itLayerRoot)) snapshot_data.flags |= UndoRedo::SnapshotData::SELECTED_LAYERROOT_ON_SIDEBAR; // If SLA gizmo is active, ask it if it wants to trigger support generation // on loading this snapshot. if (view3D->get_canvas3d()->get_gizmos_manager().wants_reslice_supports_on_undo()) snapshot_data.flags |= UndoRedo::SnapshotData::RECALCULATE_SLA_SUPPORTS; //FIXME updating the Wipe tower config values at the ModelWipeTower from the Print config. // This is a workaround until we refactor the Wipe Tower position / orientation to live solely inside the Model, not in the Print config. if (this->printer_technology == ptFFF) { const DynamicPrintConfig &config = wxGetApp().preset_bundle->prints.get_edited_preset().config; model.wipe_tower.position = Vec2d(config.opt_float("wipe_tower_x"), config.opt_float("wipe_tower_y")); model.wipe_tower.rotation = config.opt_float("wipe_tower_rotation_angle"); } this->undo_redo_stack().take_snapshot(snapshot_name, model, view3D->get_canvas3d()->get_selection(), view3D->get_canvas3d()->get_gizmos_manager(), snapshot_data); this->undo_redo_stack().release_least_recently_used(); // Save the last active preset name of a particular printer technology. ((this->printer_technology == ptFFF) ? m_last_fff_printer_profile_name : m_last_sla_printer_profile_name) = wxGetApp().preset_bundle->printers.get_selected_preset_name(); BOOST_LOG_TRIVIAL(info) << "Undo / Redo snapshot taken: " << snapshot_name << ", Undo / Redo stack memory: " << Slic3r::format_memsize_MB(this->undo_redo_stack().memsize()) << log_memory_info(); } void Plater::priv::undo() { const std::vector &snapshots = this->undo_redo_stack().snapshots(); auto it_current = std::lower_bound(snapshots.begin(), snapshots.end(), UndoRedo::Snapshot(this->undo_redo_stack().active_snapshot_time())); if (-- it_current != snapshots.begin()) this->undo_redo_to(it_current); } void Plater::priv::redo() { const std::vector &snapshots = this->undo_redo_stack().snapshots(); auto it_current = std::lower_bound(snapshots.begin(), snapshots.end(), UndoRedo::Snapshot(this->undo_redo_stack().active_snapshot_time())); if (++ it_current != snapshots.end()) this->undo_redo_to(it_current); } void Plater::priv::undo_redo_to(size_t time_to_load) { const std::vector &snapshots = this->undo_redo_stack().snapshots(); auto it_current = std::lower_bound(snapshots.begin(), snapshots.end(), UndoRedo::Snapshot(time_to_load)); assert(it_current != snapshots.end()); this->undo_redo_to(it_current); } void Plater::priv::undo_redo_to(std::vector::const_iterator it_snapshot) { // Make sure that no updating function calls take_snapshot until we are done. SuppressSnapshots snapshot_supressor(q); bool temp_snapshot_was_taken = this->undo_redo_stack().temp_snapshot_active(); PrinterTechnology new_printer_technology = it_snapshot->snapshot_data.printer_technology; bool printer_technology_changed = this->printer_technology != new_printer_technology; if (printer_technology_changed) { // Switching the printer technology when jumping forwards / backwards in time. Switch to the last active printer profile of the other type. std::string s_pt = (it_snapshot->snapshot_data.printer_technology == ptFFF) ? "FFF" : "SLA"; if (! wxGetApp().check_unsaved_changes(format_wxstr(_L( "%1% printer was active at the time the target Undo / Redo snapshot was taken. Switching to %1% printer requires reloading of %1% presets."), s_pt))) // Don't switch the profiles. return; } // Save the last active preset name of a particular printer technology. ((this->printer_technology == ptFFF) ? m_last_fff_printer_profile_name : m_last_sla_printer_profile_name) = wxGetApp().preset_bundle->printers.get_selected_preset_name(); //FIXME updating the Wipe tower config values at the ModelWipeTower from the Print config. // This is a workaround until we refactor the Wipe Tower position / orientation to live solely inside the Model, not in the Print config. if (this->printer_technology == ptFFF) { const DynamicPrintConfig &config = wxGetApp().preset_bundle->prints.get_edited_preset().config; model.wipe_tower.position = Vec2d(config.opt_float("wipe_tower_x"), config.opt_float("wipe_tower_y")); model.wipe_tower.rotation = config.opt_float("wipe_tower_rotation_angle"); } const int layer_range_idx = it_snapshot->snapshot_data.layer_range_idx; // Flags made of Snapshot::Flags enum values. unsigned int new_flags = it_snapshot->snapshot_data.flags; UndoRedo::SnapshotData top_snapshot_data; top_snapshot_data.printer_technology = this->printer_technology; if (this->view3D->is_layers_editing_enabled()) top_snapshot_data.flags |= UndoRedo::SnapshotData::VARIABLE_LAYER_EDITING_ACTIVE; if (this->sidebar->obj_list()->is_selected(itSettings)) { top_snapshot_data.flags |= UndoRedo::SnapshotData::SELECTED_SETTINGS_ON_SIDEBAR; top_snapshot_data.layer_range_idx = this->sidebar->obj_list()->get_selected_layers_range_idx(); } else if (this->sidebar->obj_list()->is_selected(itLayer)) { top_snapshot_data.flags |= UndoRedo::SnapshotData::SELECTED_LAYER_ON_SIDEBAR; top_snapshot_data.layer_range_idx = this->sidebar->obj_list()->get_selected_layers_range_idx(); } else if (this->sidebar->obj_list()->is_selected(itLayerRoot)) top_snapshot_data.flags |= UndoRedo::SnapshotData::SELECTED_LAYERROOT_ON_SIDEBAR; bool new_variable_layer_editing_active = (new_flags & UndoRedo::SnapshotData::VARIABLE_LAYER_EDITING_ACTIVE) != 0; bool new_selected_settings_on_sidebar = (new_flags & UndoRedo::SnapshotData::SELECTED_SETTINGS_ON_SIDEBAR) != 0; bool new_selected_layer_on_sidebar = (new_flags & UndoRedo::SnapshotData::SELECTED_LAYER_ON_SIDEBAR) != 0; bool new_selected_layerroot_on_sidebar = (new_flags & UndoRedo::SnapshotData::SELECTED_LAYERROOT_ON_SIDEBAR) != 0; if (this->view3D->get_canvas3d()->get_gizmos_manager().wants_reslice_supports_on_undo()) top_snapshot_data.flags |= UndoRedo::SnapshotData::RECALCULATE_SLA_SUPPORTS; // Disable layer editing before the Undo / Redo jump. if (!new_variable_layer_editing_active && view3D->is_layers_editing_enabled()) view3D->get_canvas3d()->force_main_toolbar_left_action(view3D->get_canvas3d()->get_main_toolbar_item_id("layersediting")); // Make a copy of the snapshot, undo/redo could invalidate the iterator const UndoRedo::Snapshot snapshot_copy = *it_snapshot; // Do the jump in time. if (it_snapshot->timestamp < this->undo_redo_stack().active_snapshot_time() ? this->undo_redo_stack().undo(model, this->view3D->get_canvas3d()->get_selection(), this->view3D->get_canvas3d()->get_gizmos_manager(), top_snapshot_data, it_snapshot->timestamp) : this->undo_redo_stack().redo(model, this->view3D->get_canvas3d()->get_gizmos_manager(), it_snapshot->timestamp)) { if (printer_technology_changed) { // Switch to the other printer technology. Switch to the last printer active for that particular technology. AppConfig *app_config = wxGetApp().app_config; app_config->set("presets", "printer", (new_printer_technology == ptFFF) ? m_last_fff_printer_profile_name : m_last_sla_printer_profile_name); wxGetApp().preset_bundle->load_presets(*app_config); // load_current_presets() calls Tab::load_current_preset() -> TabPrint::update() -> Object_list::update_and_show_object_settings_item(), // but the Object list still keeps pointer to the old Model. Avoid a crash by removing selection first. this->sidebar->obj_list()->unselect_objects(); // Load the currently selected preset into the GUI, update the preset selection box. // This also switches the printer technology based on the printer technology of the active printer profile. wxGetApp().load_current_presets(); } //FIXME updating the Print config from the Wipe tower config values at the ModelWipeTower. // This is a workaround until we refactor the Wipe Tower position / orientation to live solely inside the Model, not in the Print config. if (this->printer_technology == ptFFF) { const DynamicPrintConfig ¤t_config = wxGetApp().preset_bundle->prints.get_edited_preset().config; Vec2d current_position(current_config.opt_float("wipe_tower_x"), current_config.opt_float("wipe_tower_y")); double current_rotation = current_config.opt_float("wipe_tower_rotation_angle"); if (current_position != model.wipe_tower.position || current_rotation != model.wipe_tower.rotation) { DynamicPrintConfig new_config; new_config.set_key_value("wipe_tower_x", new ConfigOptionFloat(model.wipe_tower.position.x())); new_config.set_key_value("wipe_tower_y", new ConfigOptionFloat(model.wipe_tower.position.y())); new_config.set_key_value("wipe_tower_rotation_angle", new ConfigOptionFloat(model.wipe_tower.rotation)); Tab *tab_print = wxGetApp().get_tab(Preset::TYPE_PRINT); tab_print->load_config(new_config); tab_print->update_dirty(); } } // set selection mode for ObjectList on sidebar this->sidebar->obj_list()->set_selection_mode(new_selected_settings_on_sidebar ? ObjectList::SELECTION_MODE::smSettings : new_selected_layer_on_sidebar ? ObjectList::SELECTION_MODE::smLayer : new_selected_layerroot_on_sidebar ? ObjectList::SELECTION_MODE::smLayerRoot : ObjectList::SELECTION_MODE::smUndef); if (new_selected_settings_on_sidebar || new_selected_layer_on_sidebar) this->sidebar->obj_list()->set_selected_layers_range_idx(layer_range_idx); this->update_after_undo_redo(snapshot_copy, temp_snapshot_was_taken); // Enable layer editing after the Undo / Redo jump. if (! view3D->is_layers_editing_enabled() && this->layers_height_allowed() && new_variable_layer_editing_active) view3D->get_canvas3d()->force_main_toolbar_left_action(view3D->get_canvas3d()->get_main_toolbar_item_id("layersediting")); } } void Plater::priv::update_after_undo_redo(const UndoRedo::Snapshot& snapshot, bool /* temp_snapshot_was_taken */) { this->view3D->get_canvas3d()->get_selection().clear(); // Update volumes from the deserializd model, always stop / update the background processing (for both the SLA and FFF technologies). this->update((unsigned int)UpdateParams::FORCE_BACKGROUND_PROCESSING_UPDATE | (unsigned int)UpdateParams::POSTPONE_VALIDATION_ERROR_MESSAGE); // Release old snapshots if the memory allocated is excessive. This may remove the top most snapshot if jumping to the very first snapshot. //if (temp_snapshot_was_taken) // Release the old snapshots always, as it may have happened, that some of the triangle meshes got deserialized from the snapshot, while some // triangle meshes may have gotten released from the scene or the background processing, therefore now being calculated into the Undo / Redo stack size. this->undo_redo_stack().release_least_recently_used(); //YS_FIXME update obj_list from the deserialized model (maybe store ObjectIDs into the tree?) (no selections at this point of time) this->view3D->get_canvas3d()->get_selection().set_deserialized(GUI::Selection::EMode(this->undo_redo_stack().selection_deserialized().mode), this->undo_redo_stack().selection_deserialized().volumes_and_instances); this->view3D->get_canvas3d()->get_gizmos_manager().update_after_undo_redo(snapshot); wxGetApp().obj_list()->update_after_undo_redo(); if (wxGetApp().get_mode() == comSimple && model_has_advanced_features(this->model)) { // If the user jumped to a snapshot that require user interface with advanced features, switch to the advanced mode without asking. // There is a little risk of surprising the user, as he already must have had the advanced or expert mode active for such a snapshot to be taken. Slic3r::GUI::wxGetApp().save_mode(comAdvanced); view3D->set_as_dirty(); } // this->update() above was called with POSTPONE_VALIDATION_ERROR_MESSAGE, so that if an error message was generated when updating the back end, it would not open immediately, // but it would be saved to be show later. Let's do it now. We do not want to display the message box earlier, because on Windows & OSX the message box takes over the message // queue pump, which in turn executes the rendering function before a full update after the Undo / Redo jump. this->show_delayed_error_message(); //FIXME what about the state of the manipulators? //FIXME what about the focus? Cursor in the side panel? BOOST_LOG_TRIVIAL(info) << "Undo / Redo snapshot reloaded. Undo / Redo stack memory: " << Slic3r::format_memsize_MB(this->undo_redo_stack().memsize()) << log_memory_info(); } void Sidebar::set_btn_label(const ActionButtonType btn_type, const wxString& label) const { switch (btn_type) { case ActionButtonType::abReslice: p->btn_reslice->SetLabelText(label); break; case ActionButtonType::abExport: p->btn_export_gcode->SetLabelText(label); break; case ActionButtonType::abSendGCode: /*p->btn_send_gcode->SetLabelText(label);*/ break; } } // Plater / Public Plater::Plater(wxWindow *parent, MainFrame *main_frame) : wxPanel(parent, wxID_ANY, wxDefaultPosition, wxGetApp().get_min_size()) , p(new priv(this, main_frame)) { // Initialization performed in the private c-tor } Plater::~Plater() { } Sidebar& Plater::sidebar() { return *p->sidebar; } Model& Plater::model() { return p->model; } const Print& Plater::fff_print() const { return p->fff_print; } Print& Plater::fff_print() { return p->fff_print; } const SLAPrint& Plater::sla_print() const { return p->sla_print; } SLAPrint& Plater::sla_print() { return p->sla_print; } void Plater::new_project() { p->select_view_3D("3D"); wxPostEvent(p->view3D->get_wxglcanvas(), SimpleEvent(EVT_GLTOOLBAR_DELETE_ALL)); } void Plater::load_project() { // Ask user for a project file name. wxString input_file; wxGetApp().load_project(this, input_file); // And finally load the new project. load_project(input_file); } void Plater::load_project(const wxString& filename) { if (filename.empty()) return; // Take the Undo / Redo snapshot. Plater::TakeSnapshot snapshot(this, _L("Load Project") + ": " + wxString::FromUTF8(into_path(filename).stem().string().c_str())); p->reset(); std::vector input_paths; input_paths.push_back(into_path(filename)); std::vector res = load_files(input_paths); // if res is empty no data has been loaded if (!res.empty()) p->set_project_filename(filename); } void Plater::add_model(bool imperial_units/* = false*/) { wxArrayString input_files; wxGetApp().import_model(this, input_files); if (input_files.empty()) return; std::vector paths; for (const auto &file : input_files) paths.push_back(into_path(file)); wxString snapshot_label; assert(! paths.empty()); if (paths.size() == 1) { snapshot_label = _L("Import Object"); snapshot_label += ": "; snapshot_label += wxString::FromUTF8(paths.front().filename().string().c_str()); } else { snapshot_label = _L("Import Objects"); snapshot_label += ": "; snapshot_label += wxString::FromUTF8(paths.front().filename().string().c_str()); for (size_t i = 1; i < paths.size(); ++ i) { snapshot_label += ", "; snapshot_label += wxString::FromUTF8(paths[i].filename().string().c_str()); } } Plater::TakeSnapshot snapshot(this, snapshot_label); load_files(paths, true, false, imperial_units); } void Plater::import_sl1_archive() { p->m_ui_jobs.import_sla_arch(); } void Plater::extract_config_from_project() { wxString input_file; wxGetApp().load_project(this, input_file); if (input_file.empty()) return; std::vector input_paths; input_paths.push_back(into_path(input_file)); load_files(input_paths, false, true); } std::vector Plater::load_files(const std::vector& input_files, bool load_model, bool load_config, bool imperial_units /*= false*/) { return p->load_files(input_files, load_model, load_config, imperial_units); } // To be called when providing a list of files to the GUI slic3r on command line. std::vector Plater::load_files(const std::vector& input_files, bool load_model, bool load_config, bool imperial_units /*= false*/) { std::vector paths; paths.reserve(input_files.size()); for (const std::string& path : input_files) paths.emplace_back(path); return p->load_files(paths, load_model, load_config, imperial_units); } void Plater::update() { p->update(); } void Plater::stop_jobs() { p->m_ui_jobs.stop_all(); } void Plater::update_ui_from_settings() { p->update_ui_from_settings(); } void Plater::select_view(const std::string& direction) { p->select_view(direction); } void Plater::select_view_3D(const std::string& name) { p->select_view_3D(name); } bool Plater::is_preview_shown() const { return p->is_preview_shown(); } bool Plater::is_preview_loaded() const { return p->is_preview_loaded(); } bool Plater::is_view3D_shown() const { return p->is_view3D_shown(); } bool Plater::are_view3D_labels_shown() const { return p->are_view3D_labels_shown(); } void Plater::show_view3D_labels(bool show) { p->show_view3D_labels(show); } bool Plater::is_sidebar_collapsed() const { return p->is_sidebar_collapsed(); } void Plater::collapse_sidebar(bool show) { p->collapse_sidebar(show); } #if ENABLE_SLOPE_RENDERING bool Plater::is_view3D_slope_shown() const { return p->is_view3D_slope_shown(); } void Plater::show_view3D_slope(bool show) { p->show_view3D_slope(show); } bool Plater::is_view3D_layers_editing_enabled() const { return p->is_view3D_layers_editing_enabled(); } #endif // ENABLE_SLOPE_RENDERING void Plater::select_all() { p->select_all(); } void Plater::deselect_all() { p->deselect_all(); } void Plater::remove(size_t obj_idx) { p->remove(obj_idx); } void Plater::reset() { p->reset(); } void Plater::reset_with_confirm() { if (wxMessageDialog((wxWindow*)this, _L("All objects will be removed, continue?"), wxString(SLIC3R_APP_NAME) + " - " + _L("Delete all"), wxYES_NO | wxCANCEL | wxYES_DEFAULT | wxCENTRE).ShowModal() == wxID_YES) reset(); } void Plater::delete_object_from_model(size_t obj_idx) { p->delete_object_from_model(obj_idx); } void Plater::remove_selected() { Plater::TakeSnapshot snapshot(this, _L("Delete Selected Objects")); this->p->view3D->delete_selected(); } void Plater::increase_instances(size_t num) { if (! can_increase_instances()) { return; } Plater::TakeSnapshot snapshot(this, _L("Increase Instances")); int obj_idx = p->get_selected_object_idx(); ModelObject* model_object = p->model.objects[obj_idx]; ModelInstance* model_instance = model_object->instances.back(); bool was_one_instance = model_object->instances.size()==1; double offset_base = canvas3D()->get_size_proportional_to_max_bed_size(0.05); double offset = offset_base; for (size_t i = 0; i < num; i++, offset += offset_base) { Vec3d offset_vec = model_instance->get_offset() + Vec3d(offset, offset, 0.0); model_object->add_instance(offset_vec, model_instance->get_scaling_factor(), model_instance->get_rotation(), model_instance->get_mirror()); // p->print.get_object(obj_idx)->add_copy(Slic3r::to_2d(offset_vec)); } if (p->get_config("autocenter") == "1") arrange(); p->update(); p->get_selection().add_instance(obj_idx, (int)model_object->instances.size() - 1); sidebar().obj_list()->increase_object_instances(obj_idx, was_one_instance ? num + 1 : num); p->selection_changed(); this->p->schedule_background_process(); } void Plater::decrease_instances(size_t num) { if (! can_decrease_instances()) { return; } Plater::TakeSnapshot snapshot(this, _L("Decrease Instances")); int obj_idx = p->get_selected_object_idx(); ModelObject* model_object = p->model.objects[obj_idx]; if (model_object->instances.size() > num) { for (size_t i = 0; i < num; ++ i) model_object->delete_last_instance(); p->update(); // Delete object from Sidebar list. Do it after update, so that the GLScene selection is updated with the modified model. sidebar().obj_list()->decrease_object_instances(obj_idx, num); } else { remove(obj_idx); } if (!model_object->instances.empty()) p->get_selection().add_instance(obj_idx, (int)model_object->instances.size() - 1); p->selection_changed(); this->p->schedule_background_process(); } void Plater::set_number_of_copies(/*size_t num*/) { int obj_idx = p->get_selected_object_idx(); if (obj_idx == -1) return; ModelObject* model_object = p->model.objects[obj_idx]; const int num = wxGetNumberFromUser( " ", _L("Enter the number of copies:"), _L("Copies of the selected object"), model_object->instances.size(), 0, 1000, this ); if (num < 0) return; Plater::TakeSnapshot snapshot(this, wxString::Format(_L("Set numbers of copies to %d"), num)); int diff = num - (int)model_object->instances.size(); if (diff > 0) increase_instances(diff); else if (diff < 0) decrease_instances(-diff); } bool Plater::is_selection_empty() const { return p->get_selection().is_empty() || p->get_selection().is_wipe_tower(); } void Plater::scale_selection_to_fit_print_volume() { p->scale_selection_to_fit_print_volume(); } void Plater::convert_unit(bool from_imperial_unit) { std::vector obj_idxs, volume_idxs; wxGetApp().obj_list()->get_selection_indexes(obj_idxs, volume_idxs); if (obj_idxs.empty() && volume_idxs.empty()) return; TakeSnapshot snapshot(this, from_imperial_unit ? _L("Convert from imperial units") : _L("Convert to imperial units")); wxBusyCursor wait; ModelObjectPtrs objects; for (int obj_idx : obj_idxs) { ModelObject *object = p->model.objects[obj_idx]; object->convert_units(objects, from_imperial_unit, volume_idxs); remove(obj_idx); } p->load_model_objects(objects); Selection& selection = p->view3D->get_canvas3d()->get_selection(); size_t last_obj_idx = p->model.objects.size() - 1; if (volume_idxs.empty()) { for (size_t i = 0; i < objects.size(); ++i) selection.add_object((unsigned int)(last_obj_idx - i), i == 0); } else { for (int vol_idx : volume_idxs) selection.add_volume(last_obj_idx, vol_idx, 0, false); } } void Plater::cut(size_t obj_idx, size_t instance_idx, coordf_t z, bool keep_upper, bool keep_lower, bool rotate_lower) { wxCHECK_RET(obj_idx < p->model.objects.size(), "obj_idx out of bounds"); auto *object = p->model.objects[obj_idx]; wxCHECK_RET(instance_idx < object->instances.size(), "instance_idx out of bounds"); if (!keep_upper && !keep_lower) { return; } Plater::TakeSnapshot snapshot(this, _L("Cut by Plane")); wxBusyCursor wait; const auto new_objects = object->cut(instance_idx, z, keep_upper, keep_lower, rotate_lower); remove(obj_idx); p->load_model_objects(new_objects); Selection& selection = p->get_selection(); size_t last_id = p->model.objects.size() - 1; for (size_t i = 0; i < new_objects.size(); ++i) { selection.add_object((unsigned int)(last_id - i), i == 0); } } void Plater::export_gcode(bool prefer_removable) { if (p->model.objects.empty()) return; // If possible, remove accents from accented latin characters. // This function is useful for generating file names to be processed by legacy firmwares. fs::path default_output_file; try { // Update the background processing, so that the placeholder parser will get the correct values for the ouput file template. // Also if there is something wrong with the current configuration, a pop-up dialog will be shown and the export will not be performed. unsigned int state = this->p->update_restart_background_process(false, false); if (state & priv::UPDATE_BACKGROUND_PROCESS_INVALID) return; default_output_file = this->p->background_process.output_filepath_for_project(into_path(get_project_filename(".3mf"))); } catch (const std::exception &ex) { show_error(this, ex.what()); return; } default_output_file = fs::path(Slic3r::fold_utf8_to_ascii(default_output_file.string())); AppConfig &appconfig = *wxGetApp().app_config; RemovableDriveManager &removable_drive_manager = *wxGetApp().removable_drive_manager(); // Get a last save path, either to removable media or to an internal media. std::string start_dir = appconfig.get_last_output_dir(default_output_file.parent_path().string(), prefer_removable); if (prefer_removable) { // Returns a path to a removable media if it exists, prefering start_dir. Update the internal removable drives database. start_dir = removable_drive_manager.get_removable_drive_path(start_dir); if (start_dir.empty()) // Direct user to the last internal media. start_dir = appconfig.get_last_output_dir(default_output_file.parent_path().string(), false); } fs::path output_path; { wxFileDialog dlg(this, (printer_technology() == ptFFF) ? _L("Save G-code file as:") : _L("Save SL1 file as:"), start_dir, from_path(default_output_file.filename()), GUI::file_wildcards((printer_technology() == ptFFF) ? FT_GCODE : FT_PNGZIP, default_output_file.extension().string()), wxFD_SAVE | wxFD_OVERWRITE_PROMPT ); if (dlg.ShowModal() == wxID_OK) output_path = into_path(dlg.GetPath()); } if (! output_path.empty()) { bool path_on_removable_media = removable_drive_manager.set_and_verify_last_save_path(output_path.string()); p->export_gcode(output_path, path_on_removable_media, PrintHostJob()); // Storing a path to AppConfig either as path to removable media or a path to internal media. // is_path_on_removable_drive() is called with the "true" parameter to update its internal database as the user may have shuffled the external drives // while the dialog was open. appconfig.update_last_output_dir(output_path.parent_path().string(), path_on_removable_media); p->writing_to_removable_device = path_on_removable_media; } } void Plater::export_stl(bool extended, bool selection_only) { if (p->model.objects.empty()) { return; } wxString path = p->get_export_file(FT_STL); if (path.empty()) { return; } const std::string path_u8 = into_u8(path); wxBusyCursor wait; const auto &selection = p->get_selection(); const auto obj_idx = selection.get_object_idx(); if (selection_only && (obj_idx == -1 || selection.is_wipe_tower())) return; TriangleMesh mesh; if (p->printer_technology == ptFFF) { if (selection_only) { const ModelObject* model_object = p->model.objects[obj_idx]; if (selection.get_mode() == Selection::Instance) { if (selection.is_single_full_object()) mesh = model_object->mesh(); else mesh = model_object->full_raw_mesh(); } else { const GLVolume* volume = selection.get_volume(*selection.get_volume_idxs().begin()); mesh = model_object->volumes[volume->volume_idx()]->mesh(); mesh.transform(volume->get_volume_transformation().get_matrix()); mesh.translate(-model_object->origin_translation.cast()); } } else { mesh = p->model.mesh(); } } else { // This is SLA mode, all objects have only one volume. // However, we must have a look at the backend to load // hollowed mesh and/or supports const PrintObjects& objects = p->sla_print.objects(); for (const SLAPrintObject* object : objects) { const ModelObject* model_object = object->model_object(); if (selection_only) { if (model_object->id() != p->model.objects[obj_idx]->id()) continue; } Transform3d mesh_trafo_inv = object->trafo().inverse(); bool is_left_handed = object->is_left_handed(); TriangleMesh pad_mesh; bool has_pad_mesh = extended && object->has_mesh(slaposPad); if (has_pad_mesh) { pad_mesh = object->get_mesh(slaposPad); pad_mesh.transform(mesh_trafo_inv); } TriangleMesh supports_mesh; bool has_supports_mesh = extended && object->has_mesh(slaposSupportTree); if (has_supports_mesh) { supports_mesh = object->get_mesh(slaposSupportTree); supports_mesh.transform(mesh_trafo_inv); } const std::vector& obj_instances = object->instances(); for (const SLAPrintObject::Instance& obj_instance : obj_instances) { auto it = std::find_if(model_object->instances.begin(), model_object->instances.end(), [&obj_instance](const ModelInstance *mi) { return mi->id() == obj_instance.instance_id; }); assert(it != model_object->instances.end()); if (it != model_object->instances.end()) { bool one_inst_only = selection_only && ! selection.is_single_full_object(); int instance_idx = it - model_object->instances.begin(); const Transform3d& inst_transform = one_inst_only ? Transform3d::Identity() : object->model_object()->instances[instance_idx]->get_transformation().get_matrix(); if (has_pad_mesh) { TriangleMesh inst_pad_mesh = pad_mesh; inst_pad_mesh.transform(inst_transform, is_left_handed); mesh.merge(inst_pad_mesh); } if (has_supports_mesh) { TriangleMesh inst_supports_mesh = supports_mesh; inst_supports_mesh.transform(inst_transform, is_left_handed); mesh.merge(inst_supports_mesh); } TriangleMesh inst_object_mesh = object->get_mesh_to_print(); inst_object_mesh.transform(mesh_trafo_inv); inst_object_mesh.transform(inst_transform, is_left_handed); mesh.merge(inst_object_mesh); if (one_inst_only) break; } } } } Slic3r::store_stl(path_u8.c_str(), &mesh, true); p->statusbar()->set_status_text(format_wxstr(_L("STL file exported to %s"), path)); } void Plater::export_amf() { if (p->model.objects.empty()) { return; } wxString path = p->get_export_file(FT_AMF); if (path.empty()) { return; } const std::string path_u8 = into_u8(path); wxBusyCursor wait; bool export_config = true; DynamicPrintConfig cfg = wxGetApp().preset_bundle->full_config_secure(); bool full_pathnames = wxGetApp().app_config->get("export_sources_full_pathnames") == "1"; if (Slic3r::store_amf(path_u8.c_str(), &p->model, export_config ? &cfg : nullptr, full_pathnames)) { // Success p->statusbar()->set_status_text(format_wxstr(_L("AMF file exported to %s"), path)); } else { // Failure p->statusbar()->set_status_text(format_wxstr(_L("Error exporting AMF file %s"), path)); } } void Plater::export_3mf(const boost::filesystem::path& output_path) { if (p->model.objects.empty()) { return; } wxString path; bool export_config = true; if (output_path.empty()) { path = p->get_export_file(FT_3MF); if (path.empty()) { return; } } else path = from_path(output_path); if (!path.Lower().EndsWith(".3mf")) return; DynamicPrintConfig cfg = wxGetApp().preset_bundle->full_config_secure(); const std::string path_u8 = into_u8(path); wxBusyCursor wait; bool full_pathnames = wxGetApp().app_config->get("export_sources_full_pathnames") == "1"; ThumbnailData thumbnail_data; p->generate_thumbnail(thumbnail_data, THUMBNAIL_SIZE_3MF.first, THUMBNAIL_SIZE_3MF.second, false, true, true, true); if (Slic3r::store_3mf(path_u8.c_str(), &p->model, export_config ? &cfg : nullptr, full_pathnames, &thumbnail_data)) { // Success p->statusbar()->set_status_text(format_wxstr(_L("3MF file exported to %s"), path)); p->set_project_filename(path); } else { // Failure p->statusbar()->set_status_text(format_wxstr(_L("Error exporting 3MF file %s"), path)); } } void Plater::reload_from_disk() { p->reload_from_disk(); } void Plater::reload_all_from_disk() { p->reload_all_from_disk(); } bool Plater::has_toolpaths_to_export() const { return p->preview->get_canvas3d()->has_toolpaths_to_export(); } void Plater::export_toolpaths_to_obj() const { if ((printer_technology() != ptFFF) || !is_preview_loaded()) return; wxString path = p->get_export_file(FT_OBJ); if (path.empty()) return; wxBusyCursor wait; p->preview->get_canvas3d()->export_toolpaths_to_obj(into_u8(path).c_str()); } void Plater::reslice() { // Stop arrange and (or) optimize rotation tasks. this->stop_jobs(); if (printer_technology() == ptSLA) { for (auto& object : model().objects) if (object->sla_points_status == sla::PointsStatus::NoPoints) object->sla_points_status = sla::PointsStatus::Generating; } //FIXME Don't reslice if export of G-code or sending to OctoPrint is running. // bitmask of UpdateBackgroundProcessReturnState unsigned int state = this->p->update_background_process(true); if (state & priv::UPDATE_BACKGROUND_PROCESS_REFRESH_SCENE) this->p->view3D->reload_scene(false); // If the SLA processing of just a single object's supports is running, restart slicing for the whole object. this->p->background_process.set_task(PrintBase::TaskParams()); // Only restarts if the state is valid. this->p->restart_background_process(state | priv::UPDATE_BACKGROUND_PROCESS_FORCE_RESTART); if ((state & priv::UPDATE_BACKGROUND_PROCESS_INVALID) != 0) return; if (p->background_process.running()) { if (wxGetApp().get_mode() == comSimple) p->sidebar->set_btn_label(ActionButtonType::abReslice, _L("Slicing") + dots); else { p->sidebar->set_btn_label(ActionButtonType::abReslice, _L("Slice now")); p->show_action_buttons(false); } } else if (!p->background_process.empty() && !p->background_process.idle()) p->show_action_buttons(true); // update type of preview p->preview->update_view_type(true); } void Plater::reslice_SLA_supports(const ModelObject &object, bool postpone_error_messages) { reslice_SLA_until_step(slaposPad, object, postpone_error_messages); } void Plater::reslice_SLA_hollowing(const ModelObject &object, bool postpone_error_messages) { reslice_SLA_until_step(slaposDrillHoles, object, postpone_error_messages); } void Plater::reslice_SLA_until_step(SLAPrintObjectStep step, const ModelObject &object, bool postpone_error_messages) { //FIXME Don't reslice if export of G-code or sending to OctoPrint is running. // bitmask of UpdateBackgroundProcessReturnState unsigned int state = this->p->update_background_process(true, postpone_error_messages); if (state & priv::UPDATE_BACKGROUND_PROCESS_REFRESH_SCENE) this->p->view3D->reload_scene(false); if (this->p->background_process.empty() || (state & priv::UPDATE_BACKGROUND_PROCESS_INVALID)) // Nothing to do on empty input or invalid configuration. return; // Limit calculation to the single object only. PrintBase::TaskParams task; task.single_model_object = object.id(); // If the background processing is not enabled, calculate supports just for the single instance. // Otherwise calculate everything, but start with the provided object. if (!this->p->background_processing_enabled()) { task.single_model_instance_only = true; task.to_object_step = step; } this->p->background_process.set_task(task); // and let the background processing start. this->p->restart_background_process(state | priv::UPDATE_BACKGROUND_PROCESS_FORCE_RESTART); } void Plater::send_gcode() { if (p->model.objects.empty()) { return; } PrintHostJob upload_job(p->config); if (upload_job.empty()) { return; } // Obtain default output path fs::path default_output_file; try { // Update the background processing, so that the placeholder parser will get the correct values for the ouput file template. // Also if there is something wrong with the current configuration, a pop-up dialog will be shown and the export will not be performed. unsigned int state = this->p->update_restart_background_process(false, false); if (state & priv::UPDATE_BACKGROUND_PROCESS_INVALID) return; default_output_file = this->p->background_process.output_filepath_for_project(into_path(get_project_filename(".3mf"))); } catch (const std::exception &ex) { show_error(this, ex.what()); return; } default_output_file = fs::path(Slic3r::fold_utf8_to_ascii(default_output_file.string())); PrintHostSendDialog dlg(default_output_file, upload_job.printhost->can_start_print()); if (dlg.ShowModal() == wxID_OK) { upload_job.upload_data.upload_path = dlg.filename(); upload_job.upload_data.start_print = dlg.start_print(); p->export_gcode(fs::path(), false, std::move(upload_job)); } } // Called when the Eject button is pressed. void Plater::eject_drive() { wxBusyCursor wait; wxGetApp().removable_drive_manager()->eject_drive(); } void Plater::take_snapshot(const std::string &snapshot_name) { p->take_snapshot(snapshot_name); } void Plater::take_snapshot(const wxString &snapshot_name) { p->take_snapshot(snapshot_name); } void Plater::suppress_snapshots() { p->suppress_snapshots(); } void Plater::allow_snapshots() { p->allow_snapshots(); } void Plater::undo() { p->undo(); } void Plater::redo() { p->redo(); } void Plater::undo_to(int selection) { if (selection == 0) { p->undo(); return; } const int idx = p->get_active_snapshot_index() - selection - 1; p->undo_redo_to(p->undo_redo_stack().snapshots()[idx].timestamp); } void Plater::redo_to(int selection) { if (selection == 0) { p->redo(); return; } const int idx = p->get_active_snapshot_index() + selection + 1; p->undo_redo_to(p->undo_redo_stack().snapshots()[idx].timestamp); } bool Plater::undo_redo_string_getter(const bool is_undo, int idx, const char** out_text) { const std::vector& ss_stack = p->undo_redo_stack().snapshots(); const int idx_in_ss_stack = p->get_active_snapshot_index() + (is_undo ? -(++idx) : idx); if (0 < idx_in_ss_stack && (size_t)idx_in_ss_stack < ss_stack.size() - 1) { *out_text = ss_stack[idx_in_ss_stack].name.c_str(); return true; } return false; } void Plater::undo_redo_topmost_string_getter(const bool is_undo, std::string& out_text) { const std::vector& ss_stack = p->undo_redo_stack().snapshots(); const int idx_in_ss_stack = p->get_active_snapshot_index() + (is_undo ? -1 : 0); if (0 < idx_in_ss_stack && (size_t)idx_in_ss_stack < ss_stack.size() - 1) { out_text = ss_stack[idx_in_ss_stack].name; return; } out_text = ""; } bool Plater::search_string_getter(int idx, const char** label, const char** tooltip) { const Search::OptionsSearcher& search_list = p->sidebar->get_searcher(); if (0 <= idx && (size_t)idx < search_list.size()) { search_list[idx].get_marked_label_and_tooltip(label, tooltip); return true; } return false; } void Plater::on_extruders_change(size_t num_extruders) { auto& choices = sidebar().combos_filament(); if (num_extruders == choices.size()) return; wxWindowUpdateLocker noUpdates_scrolled_panel(&sidebar()/*.scrolled_panel()*/); size_t i = choices.size(); while ( i < num_extruders ) { PlaterPresetComboBox* choice/*{ nullptr }*/; sidebar().init_filament_combo(&choice, i); choices.push_back(choice); // initialize selection choice->update(); ++i; } // remove unused choices if any sidebar().remove_unused_filament_combos(num_extruders); sidebar().Layout(); sidebar().scrolled_panel()->Refresh(); } void Plater::on_config_change(const DynamicPrintConfig &config) { bool update_scheduled = false; bool bed_shape_changed = false; for (auto opt_key : p->config->diff(config)) { if (opt_key == "filament_colour") { update_scheduled = true; // update should be scheduled (for update 3DScene) #2738 /* There is a case, when we use filament_color instead of extruder_color (when extruder_color == ""). * Thus plater config option "filament_colour" should be filled with filament_presets values. * Otherwise, on 3dScene will be used last edited filament color for all volumes with extruder_color == "". */ const std::vector filament_presets = wxGetApp().preset_bundle->filament_presets; if (filament_presets.size() > 1 && p->config->option(opt_key)->values.size() != config.option(opt_key)->values.size()) { const PresetCollection& filaments = wxGetApp().preset_bundle->filaments; std::vector filament_colors; filament_colors.reserve(filament_presets.size()); for (const std::string& filament_preset : filament_presets) filament_colors.push_back(filaments.find_preset(filament_preset, true)->config.opt_string("filament_colour", (unsigned)0)); p->config->option(opt_key)->values = filament_colors; p->sidebar->obj_list()->update_extruder_colors(); continue; } } p->config->set_key_value(opt_key, config.option(opt_key)->clone()); if (opt_key == "printer_technology") { this->set_printer_technology(config.opt_enum(opt_key)); // print technology is changed, so we should to update a search list p->sidebar->update_searcher(); } else if ((opt_key == "bed_shape") || (opt_key == "bed_custom_texture") || (opt_key == "bed_custom_model")) { bed_shape_changed = true; update_scheduled = true; } else if (boost::starts_with(opt_key, "wipe_tower") || // opt_key == "filament_minimal_purge_on_wipe_tower" // ? #ys_FIXME opt_key == "single_extruder_multi_material") { update_scheduled = true; } else if(opt_key == "variable_layer_height") { if (p->config->opt_bool("variable_layer_height") != true) { p->view3D->enable_layers_editing(false); p->view3D->set_as_dirty(); } } else if(opt_key == "extruder_colour") { update_scheduled = true; p->preview->set_number_extruders(p->config->option(opt_key)->values.size()); p->sidebar->obj_list()->update_extruder_colors(); } else if(opt_key == "max_print_height") { update_scheduled = true; } else if (opt_key == "printer_model") { // update to force bed selection(for texturing) bed_shape_changed = true; update_scheduled = true; } } if (bed_shape_changed) p->set_bed_shape(p->config->option("bed_shape")->values, p->config->option("bed_custom_texture")->value, p->config->option("bed_custom_model")->value); if (update_scheduled) update(); if (p->main_frame->is_loaded()) this->p->schedule_background_process(); } void Plater::set_bed_shape() const { p->set_bed_shape(p->config->option("bed_shape")->values, p->config->option("bed_custom_texture")->value, p->config->option("bed_custom_model")->value); } void Plater::force_filament_colors_update() { bool update_scheduled = false; DynamicPrintConfig* config = p->config; const std::vector filament_presets = wxGetApp().preset_bundle->filament_presets; if (filament_presets.size() > 1 && p->config->option("filament_colour")->values.size() == filament_presets.size()) { const PresetCollection& filaments = wxGetApp().preset_bundle->filaments; std::vector filament_colors; filament_colors.reserve(filament_presets.size()); for (const std::string& filament_preset : filament_presets) filament_colors.push_back(filaments.find_preset(filament_preset, true)->config.opt_string("filament_colour", (unsigned)0)); if (config->option("filament_colour")->values != filament_colors) { config->option("filament_colour")->values = filament_colors; update_scheduled = true; } } if (update_scheduled) { update(); p->sidebar->obj_list()->update_extruder_colors(); } if (p->main_frame->is_loaded()) this->p->schedule_background_process(); } void Plater::force_print_bed_update() { // Fill in the printer model key with something which cannot possibly be valid, so that Plater::on_config_change() will update the print bed // once a new Printer profile config is loaded. p->config->opt_string("printer_model", true) = "\x01\x00\x01"; } void Plater::on_activate() { #ifdef __linux__ wxWindow *focus_window = wxWindow::FindFocus(); // Activating the main frame, and no window has keyboard focus. // Set the keyboard focus to the visible Canvas3D. if (this->p->view3D->IsShown() && (!focus_window || focus_window == this->p->view3D->get_wxglcanvas())) this->p->view3D->get_wxglcanvas()->SetFocus(); else if (this->p->preview->IsShown() && (!focus_window || focus_window == this->p->view3D->get_wxglcanvas())) this->p->preview->get_wxglcanvas()->SetFocus(); #endif this->p->show_delayed_error_message(); } // Get vector of extruder colors considering filament color, if extruder color is undefined. std::vector Plater::get_extruder_colors_from_plater_config() const { const Slic3r::DynamicPrintConfig* config = &wxGetApp().preset_bundle->printers.get_edited_preset().config; std::vector extruder_colors; if (!config->has("extruder_colour")) // in case of a SLA print return extruder_colors; extruder_colors = (config->option("extruder_colour"))->values; if (!wxGetApp().plater()) return extruder_colors; const std::vector& filament_colours = (p->config->option("filament_colour"))->values; for (size_t i = 0; i < extruder_colors.size(); ++i) if (extruder_colors[i] == "" && i < filament_colours.size()) extruder_colors[i] = filament_colours[i]; return extruder_colors; } /* Get vector of colors used for rendering of a Preview scene in "Color print" mode * It consists of extruder colors and colors, saved in model.custom_gcode_per_print_z */ std::vector Plater::get_colors_for_color_print() const { std::vector colors = get_extruder_colors_from_plater_config(); colors.reserve(colors.size() + p->model.custom_gcode_per_print_z.gcodes.size()); for (const CustomGCode::Item& code : p->model.custom_gcode_per_print_z.gcodes) if (code.type == CustomGCode::ColorChange) colors.emplace_back(code.color); return colors; } wxString Plater::get_project_filename(const wxString& extension) const { return p->get_project_filename(extension); } void Plater::set_project_filename(const wxString& filename) { return p->set_project_filename(filename); } bool Plater::is_export_gcode_scheduled() const { return p->background_process.is_export_scheduled(); } const Selection &Plater::get_selection() const { return p->get_selection(); } int Plater::get_selected_object_idx() { return p->get_selected_object_idx(); } bool Plater::is_single_full_object_selection() const { return p->get_selection().is_single_full_object(); } GLCanvas3D* Plater::canvas3D() { return p->view3D->get_canvas3d(); } GLCanvas3D* Plater::get_current_canvas3D() { return p->get_current_canvas3D(); } BoundingBoxf Plater::bed_shape_bb() const { return p->bed_shape_bb(); } void Plater::arrange() { p->m_ui_jobs.arrange(); } void Plater::set_current_canvas_as_dirty() { p->set_current_canvas_as_dirty(); } void Plater::unbind_canvas_event_handlers() { p->unbind_canvas_event_handlers(); } void Plater::reset_canvas_volumes() { p->reset_canvas_volumes(); } PrinterTechnology Plater::printer_technology() const { return p->printer_technology; } const DynamicPrintConfig * Plater::config() const { return p->config; } void Plater::set_printer_technology(PrinterTechnology printer_technology) { p->printer_technology = printer_technology; if (p->background_process.select_technology(printer_technology)) { // Update the active presets. } //FIXME for SLA synchronize //p->background_process.apply(Model)! p->label_btn_export = printer_technology == ptFFF ? L("Export G-code") : L("Export"); p->label_btn_send = printer_technology == ptFFF ? L("Send G-code") : L("Send to printer"); if (wxGetApp().mainframe) wxGetApp().mainframe->update_menubar(); p->update_main_toolbar_tooltips(); p->sidebar->get_searcher().set_printer_technology(printer_technology); } void Plater::changed_object(int obj_idx) { if (obj_idx < 0) return; // recenter and re - align to Z = 0 auto model_object = p->model.objects[obj_idx]; model_object->ensure_on_bed(); if (this->p->printer_technology == ptSLA) { // Update the SLAPrint from the current Model, so that the reload_scene() // pulls the correct data, update the 3D scene. this->p->update_restart_background_process(true, false); } else p->view3D->reload_scene(false); // update print this->p->schedule_background_process(); } void Plater::changed_objects(const std::vector& object_idxs) { if (object_idxs.empty()) return; for (size_t obj_idx : object_idxs) { if (obj_idx < p->model.objects.size()) // recenter and re - align to Z = 0 p->model.objects[obj_idx]->ensure_on_bed(); } if (this->p->printer_technology == ptSLA) { // Update the SLAPrint from the current Model, so that the reload_scene() // pulls the correct data, update the 3D scene. this->p->update_restart_background_process(true, false); } else p->view3D->reload_scene(false); // update print this->p->schedule_background_process(); } void Plater::schedule_background_process(bool schedule/* = true*/) { if (schedule) this->p->schedule_background_process(); this->p->suppressed_backround_processing_update = false; } bool Plater::is_background_process_update_scheduled() const { return this->p->background_process_timer.IsRunning(); } void Plater::suppress_background_process(const bool stop_background_process) { if (stop_background_process) this->p->background_process_timer.Stop(); this->p->suppressed_backround_processing_update = true; } void Plater::fix_through_netfabb(const int obj_idx, const int vol_idx/* = -1*/) { p->fix_through_netfabb(obj_idx, vol_idx); } void Plater::update_object_menu() { p->update_object_menu(); } void Plater::show_action_buttons(const bool ready_to_slice) const { p->show_action_buttons(ready_to_slice); } void Plater::copy_selection_to_clipboard() { // At first try to copy selected values to the ObjectList's clipboard // to check if Settings or Layers are selected in the list // and then copy to 3DCanvas's clipboard if not if (can_copy_to_clipboard() && !p->sidebar->obj_list()->copy_to_clipboard()) p->view3D->get_canvas3d()->get_selection().copy_to_clipboard(); } void Plater::paste_from_clipboard() { if (!can_paste_from_clipboard()) return; Plater::TakeSnapshot snapshot(this, _L("Paste From Clipboard")); // At first try to paste values from the ObjectList's clipboard // to check if Settings or Layers were copied // and then paste from the 3DCanvas's clipboard if not if (!p->sidebar->obj_list()->paste_from_clipboard()) p->view3D->get_canvas3d()->get_selection().paste_from_clipboard(); } void Plater::search(bool plater_is_active) { if (plater_is_active) { // plater should be focused for correct navigation inside search window this->SetFocus(); wxKeyEvent evt; #ifdef __APPLE__ evt.m_keyCode = 'f'; #else /* __APPLE__ */ evt.m_keyCode = WXK_CONTROL_F; #endif /* __APPLE__ */ evt.SetControlDown(true); canvas3D()->on_char(evt); } else { wxPoint pos = this->ClientToScreen(wxPoint(0, 0)); pos.x += em_unit(this) * 40; pos.y += em_unit(this) * 4; p->sidebar->get_searcher().search_dialog->Popup(pos); } } void Plater::msw_rescale() { p->preview->msw_rescale(); p->view3D->get_canvas3d()->msw_rescale(); p->sidebar->msw_rescale(); p->msw_rescale_object_menu(); Layout(); GetParent()->Layout(); } void Plater::sys_color_changed() { p->sidebar->sys_color_changed(); // msw_rescale_menu updates just icons, so use it p->msw_rescale_object_menu(); Layout(); GetParent()->Layout(); } bool Plater::init_view_toolbar() { return p->init_view_toolbar(); } bool Plater::init_collapse_toolbar() { return p->init_collapse_toolbar(); } const Camera& Plater::get_camera() const { return p->camera; } Camera& Plater::get_camera() { return p->camera; } #if ENABLE_ENVIRONMENT_MAP void Plater::init_environment_texture() { if (p->environment_texture.get_id() == 0) p->environment_texture.load_from_file(resources_dir() + "/icons/Pmetal_001.png", false, GLTexture::SingleThreaded, false); } unsigned int Plater::get_environment_texture_id() const { return p->environment_texture.get_id(); } #endif // ENABLE_ENVIRONMENT_MAP const Bed3D& Plater::get_bed() const { return p->bed; } Bed3D& Plater::get_bed() { return p->bed; } const GLToolbar& Plater::get_view_toolbar() const { return p->view_toolbar; } GLToolbar& Plater::get_view_toolbar() { return p->view_toolbar; } const GLToolbar& Plater::get_collapse_toolbar() const { return p->collapse_toolbar; } GLToolbar& Plater::get_collapse_toolbar() { return p->collapse_toolbar; } const Mouse3DController& Plater::get_mouse3d_controller() const { return p->mouse3d_controller; } Mouse3DController& Plater::get_mouse3d_controller() { return p->mouse3d_controller; } bool Plater::can_delete() const { return p->can_delete(); } bool Plater::can_delete_all() const { return p->can_delete_all(); } bool Plater::can_increase_instances() const { return p->can_increase_instances(); } bool Plater::can_decrease_instances() const { return p->can_decrease_instances(); } bool Plater::can_set_instance_to_object() const { return p->can_set_instance_to_object(); } bool Plater::can_fix_through_netfabb() const { return p->can_fix_through_netfabb(); } bool Plater::can_split_to_objects() const { return p->can_split_to_objects(); } bool Plater::can_split_to_volumes() const { return p->can_split_to_volumes(); } bool Plater::can_arrange() const { return p->can_arrange(); } bool Plater::can_layers_editing() const { return p->can_layers_editing(); } bool Plater::can_paste_from_clipboard() const { const Selection& selection = p->view3D->get_canvas3d()->get_selection(); const Selection::Clipboard& clipboard = selection.get_clipboard(); if (clipboard.is_empty() && p->sidebar->obj_list()->clipboard_is_empty()) return false; if ((wxGetApp().preset_bundle->printers.get_edited_preset().printer_technology() == ptSLA) && !clipboard.is_sla_compliant()) return false; Selection::EMode mode = clipboard.get_mode(); if ((mode == Selection::Volume) && !selection.is_from_single_instance()) return false; if ((mode == Selection::Instance) && (selection.get_mode() != Selection::Instance)) return false; return true; } bool Plater::can_copy_to_clipboard() const { if (is_selection_empty()) return false; const Selection& selection = p->view3D->get_canvas3d()->get_selection(); if ((wxGetApp().preset_bundle->printers.get_edited_preset().printer_technology() == ptSLA) && !selection.is_sla_compliant()) return false; return true; } bool Plater::can_undo() const { return p->undo_redo_stack().has_undo_snapshot(); } bool Plater::can_redo() const { return p->undo_redo_stack().has_redo_snapshot(); } bool Plater::can_reload_from_disk() const { return p->can_reload_from_disk(); } const UndoRedo::Stack& Plater::undo_redo_stack_main() const { return p->undo_redo_stack_main(); } void Plater::enter_gizmos_stack() { p->enter_gizmos_stack(); } void Plater::leave_gizmos_stack() { p->leave_gizmos_stack(); } bool Plater::inside_snapshot_capture() { return p->inside_snapshot_capture(); } // Wrapper around wxWindow::PopupMenu to suppress error messages popping out while tracking the popup menu. bool Plater::PopupMenu(wxMenu *menu, const wxPoint& pos) { // Don't want to wake up and trigger reslicing while tracking the pop-up menu. SuppressBackgroundProcessingUpdate sbpu; // When tracking a pop-up menu, postpone error messages from the slicing result. m_tracking_popup_menu = true; bool out = this->wxPanel::PopupMenu(menu, pos); m_tracking_popup_menu = false; if (! m_tracking_popup_menu_error_message.empty()) { // Don't know whether the CallAfter is necessary, but it should not hurt. // The menus likely sends out some commands, so we may be safer if the dialog is shown after the menu command is processed. wxString message = std::move(m_tracking_popup_menu_error_message); wxTheApp->CallAfter([message, this]() { show_error(this, message); }); m_tracking_popup_menu_error_message.clear(); } return out; } SuppressBackgroundProcessingUpdate::SuppressBackgroundProcessingUpdate() : m_was_scheduled(wxGetApp().plater()->is_background_process_update_scheduled()) { wxGetApp().plater()->suppress_background_process(m_was_scheduled); } SuppressBackgroundProcessingUpdate::~SuppressBackgroundProcessingUpdate() { wxGetApp().plater()->schedule_background_process(m_was_scheduled); } }} // namespace Slic3r::GUI