use Test::More; use strict; use warnings; plan tests => 6; BEGIN { use FindBin; use lib "$FindBin::Bin/../lib"; use local::lib "$FindBin::Bin/../local-lib"; } use List::Util qw(sum); use Slic3r; use Slic3r::Geometry::Clipper qw(intersection_ex union_ex diff_ex diff_pl); { my $square = [ # ccw [10, 10], [20, 10], [20, 20], [10, 20], ]; my $hole_in_square = [ # cw [14, 14], [14, 16], [16, 16], [16, 14], ]; my $square2 = [ # ccw [5, 12], [25, 12], [25, 18], [5, 18], ]; my $intersection = intersection_ex([ $square, $hole_in_square ], [ $square2 ]); is sum(map $_->area, @$intersection), Slic3r::ExPolygon->new( [ [20, 18], [10, 18], [10, 12], [20, 12], ], [ [14, 16], [16, 16], [16, 14], [14, 14], ], )->area, 'hole is preserved after intersection'; } #========================================================== { my $contour1 = [ [0,0], [40,0], [40,40], [0,40] ]; # ccw my $contour2 = [ [10,10], [30,10], [30,30], [10,30] ]; # ccw my $hole = [ [15,15], [15,25], [25,25], [25,15] ]; # cw my $union = union_ex([ $contour1, $contour2, $hole ]); is_deeply [ map $_->pp, @$union ], [[ [ [40,40], [0,40], [0,0], [40,0] ] ]], 'union of two ccw and one cw is a contour with no holes'; my $diff = diff_ex([ $contour1, $contour2 ], [ $hole ]); is sum(map $_->area, @$diff), Slic3r::ExPolygon->new([ [40,40], [0,40], [0,0], [40,0] ], [ [15,25], [25,25], [25,15], [15,15] ])->area, 'difference of a cw from two ccw is a contour with one hole'; } #========================================================== { my $square = Slic3r::Polygon->new_scale( # ccw [10, 10], [20, 10], [20, 20], [10, 20], ); my $square_pl = $square->split_at_first_point; my $res = diff_pl([$square_pl], []); is scalar(@$res), 1, 'no-op diff_pl returns the right number of polylines'; isa_ok $res->[0], 'Slic3r::Polyline', 'no-op diff_pl result'; is scalar(@{$res->[0]}), scalar(@$square_pl), 'no-op diff_pl returns the unmodified input polyline'; } __END__