#include "GCodeTimeEstimator.hpp" #include #include namespace Slic3r { void GCodeTimeEstimator::parse(const std::string &gcode) { GCodeReader::parse(gcode, boost::bind(&GCodeTimeEstimator::_parser, this, _1, _2)); } void GCodeTimeEstimator::parse_file(const std::string &file) { GCodeReader::parse_file(file, boost::bind(&GCodeTimeEstimator::_parser, this, _1, _2)); } void GCodeTimeEstimator::_parser(GCodeReader&, const GCodeReader::GCodeLine &line) { // std::cout << "[" << this->time << "] " << line.raw << std::endl; if (line.cmd == "G1") { const float dist_XY = line.dist_XY(); const float new_F = line.new_F(); if (dist_XY > 0) { //this->time += dist_XY / new_F * 60; this->time += _accelerated_move(dist_XY, new_F/60, this->acceleration); } else { //this->time += std::abs(line.dist_E()) / new_F * 60; this->time += _accelerated_move(std::abs(line.dist_E()), new_F/60, this->acceleration); } //this->time += std::abs(line.dist_Z()) / new_F * 60; this->time += _accelerated_move(std::abs(line.dist_Z()), new_F/60, this->acceleration); } else if (line.cmd == "M204" && line.has('S')) { this->acceleration = line.get_float('S'); } else if (line.cmd == "G4") { // swell if (line.has('S')) { this->time += line.get_float('S'); } else if (line.has('P')) { this->time += line.get_float('P')/1000; } } } // Wildly optimistic acceleration "bell" curve modeling. // Returns an estimate of how long the move with a given accel // takes in seconds. // It is assumed that the movement is smooth and uniform. float GCodeTimeEstimator::_accelerated_move(double length, double v, double acceleration) { // for half of the move, there are 2 zones, where the speed is increasing/decreasing and // where the speed is constant. // Since the slowdown is assumed to be uniform, calculate the average velocity for half of the // expected displacement. // final velocity v = a*t => a * (dx / 0.5v) => v^2 = 2*a*dx // v_avg = 0.5v => 2*v_avg = v // d_x = v_avg*t => t = d_x / v_avg acceleration = (acceleration == 0.0 ? 4000.0 : acceleration); // Set a default accel to use for print time in case it's 0 somehow. auto half_length = length / 2.0; auto t_init = v / acceleration; // time to final velocity auto dx_init = (0.5*v*t_init); // Initial displacement for the time to get to final velocity auto t = 0.0; if (half_length >= dx_init) { half_length -= (0.5*v*t_init); t += t_init; t += (half_length / v); // rest of time is at constant speed. } else { // If too much displacement for the expected final velocity, we don't hit the max, so reduce // the average velocity to fit the displacement we actually are looking for. t += std::sqrt(std::abs(length) * 2.0 * acceleration) / acceleration; } return 2.0*t; // cut in half before, so double to get full time spent. } }