#include "wxExtensions.hpp" const unsigned int wxCheckListBoxComboPopup::DefaultWidth = 200; const unsigned int wxCheckListBoxComboPopup::DefaultHeight = 200; const unsigned int wxCheckListBoxComboPopup::DefaultItemHeight = 18; bool wxCheckListBoxComboPopup::Create(wxWindow* parent) { return wxCheckListBox::Create(parent, wxID_HIGHEST + 1, wxPoint(0, 0)); } wxWindow* wxCheckListBoxComboPopup::GetControl() { return this; } void wxCheckListBoxComboPopup::SetStringValue(const wxString& value) { m_text = value; } wxString wxCheckListBoxComboPopup::GetStringValue() const { return m_text; } wxSize wxCheckListBoxComboPopup::GetAdjustedSize(int minWidth, int prefHeight, int maxHeight) { // matches owner wxComboCtrl's width // and sets height dinamically in dependence of contained items count wxComboCtrl* cmb = GetComboCtrl(); if (cmb != nullptr) { wxSize size = GetComboCtrl()->GetSize(); unsigned int count = GetCount(); if (count > 0) size.SetHeight(count * DefaultItemHeight); else size.SetHeight(DefaultHeight); return size; } else return wxSize(DefaultWidth, DefaultHeight); } void wxCheckListBoxComboPopup::OnKeyEvent(wxKeyEvent& evt) { // filters out all the keys which are not working properly switch (evt.GetKeyCode()) { case WXK_LEFT: case WXK_UP: case WXK_RIGHT: case WXK_DOWN: case WXK_PAGEUP: case WXK_PAGEDOWN: case WXK_END: case WXK_HOME: case WXK_NUMPAD_LEFT: case WXK_NUMPAD_UP: case WXK_NUMPAD_RIGHT: case WXK_NUMPAD_DOWN: case WXK_NUMPAD_PAGEUP: case WXK_NUMPAD_PAGEDOWN: case WXK_NUMPAD_END: case WXK_NUMPAD_HOME: { break; } default: { evt.Skip(); break; } } } void wxCheckListBoxComboPopup::OnCheckListBox(wxCommandEvent& evt) { // forwards the checklistbox event to the owner wxComboCtrl if (m_check_box_events_status == OnCheckListBoxFunction::FreeToProceed ) { wxComboCtrl* cmb = GetComboCtrl(); if (cmb != nullptr) { wxCommandEvent event(wxEVT_CHECKLISTBOX, cmb->GetId()); event.SetEventObject(cmb); cmb->ProcessWindowEvent(event); } } evt.Skip(); #ifndef _WIN32 // events are sent differently on OSX+Linux vs Win (more description in header file) if ( m_check_box_events_status == OnCheckListBoxFunction::RefuseToProceed ) // this happens if the event was resent by OnListBoxSelection - next call to OnListBoxSelection is due to user clicking the text, so the function should // explicitly change the state on the checkbox m_check_box_events_status = OnCheckListBoxFunction::WasRefusedLastTime; else // if the user clicked the checkbox square, this event was sent before OnListBoxSelection was called, so we don't want it to resend it m_check_box_events_status = OnCheckListBoxFunction::RefuseToProceed; #endif } void wxCheckListBoxComboPopup::OnListBoxSelection(wxCommandEvent& evt) { // transforms list box item selection event into checklistbox item toggle event int selId = GetSelection(); if (selId != wxNOT_FOUND) { #ifndef _WIN32 if (m_check_box_events_status == OnCheckListBoxFunction::RefuseToProceed) #endif Check((unsigned int)selId, !IsChecked((unsigned int)selId)); m_check_box_events_status = OnCheckListBoxFunction::FreeToProceed; // so the checkbox reacts to square-click the next time SetSelection(wxNOT_FOUND); wxCommandEvent event(wxEVT_CHECKLISTBOX, GetId()); event.SetInt(selId); event.SetEventObject(this); ProcessEvent(event); } } // *** wxDataViewTreeCtrlComboPopup *** const unsigned int wxDataViewTreeCtrlComboPopup::DefaultWidth = 270; const unsigned int wxDataViewTreeCtrlComboPopup::DefaultHeight = 200; const unsigned int wxDataViewTreeCtrlComboPopup::DefaultItemHeight = 22; bool wxDataViewTreeCtrlComboPopup::Create(wxWindow* parent) { return wxDataViewTreeCtrl::Create(parent, wxID_ANY/*HIGHEST + 1*/, wxPoint(0, 0), wxDefaultSize/*wxSize(270, -1)*/, wxDV_NO_HEADER); } /* wxSize wxDataViewTreeCtrlComboPopup::GetAdjustedSize(int minWidth, int prefHeight, int maxHeight) { // matches owner wxComboCtrl's width // and sets height dinamically in dependence of contained items count wxComboCtrl* cmb = GetComboCtrl(); if (cmb != nullptr) { wxSize size = GetComboCtrl()->GetSize(); if (m_cnt_open_items > 0) size.SetHeight(m_cnt_open_items * DefaultItemHeight); else size.SetHeight(DefaultHeight); return size; } else return wxSize(DefaultWidth, DefaultHeight); } */ void wxDataViewTreeCtrlComboPopup::OnKeyEvent(wxKeyEvent& evt) { // filters out all the keys which are not working properly if (evt.GetKeyCode() == WXK_UP) { return; } else if (evt.GetKeyCode() == WXK_DOWN) { return; } else { evt.Skip(); return; } } void wxDataViewTreeCtrlComboPopup::OnDataViewTreeCtrlSelection(wxCommandEvent& evt) { wxComboCtrl* cmb = GetComboCtrl(); auto selected = GetItemText(GetSelection()); cmb->SetText(selected); }