{%- if meta is defined and meta is not none %} {%- set check_meta = True %} {%- else %} {%- set check_meta = False %} {%- endif %} {%- if check_meta and 'github_url' in meta %} {%- set display_github = True %} {%- endif %} {%- if check_meta and 'bitbucket_url' in meta %} {%- set display_bitbucket = True %} {%- endif %} {%- if check_meta and 'gitlab_url' in meta %} {%- set display_gitlab = True %} {%- endif %} {%- set display_vcs_links = display_vcs_links if display_vcs_links is defined else True %} {#- Translators: This is an ARIA section label for page links, including previous/next page link and links to GitHub/GitLab/etc. -#}
{%- if (theme_prev_next_buttons_location == 'top' or theme_prev_next_buttons_location == 'both') and (next or prev) %} {#- Translators: This is an ARIA section label for sequential page links, such as previous and next page links. -#} {%- endif %}