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## Description MemE is a powerful and highly customizable [GoHugo](https://github.com/gohugoio/hugo) theme for personal blogs. MemE focuses on elegance, simplicity, modernity, and code correctness. Also, I hope you would enjoy MemE like a meme and share MemE like a meme! Just like what your blog and articles do! 😝 ## Lighthouse Report ![lighthouse-report.png](https://raw.githubusercontent.com/reuixiy/hugo-theme-meme/master/images/lighthouse-report.png) ## Quick Start https://gohugo.io/getting-started/quick-start/ ### Install Hugo (`extended` version) For Arch Linux users: ```sh ~ $ sudo pacman -S hugo ~ $ hugo new site blog ``` For users of other systems, see: https://gohugo.io/getting-started/installing/ ### Install MemE ```sh ~ $ cd blog ~/blog $ git init ~/blog $ git submodule add https://github.com/reuixiy/hugo-theme-meme.git themes/meme ``` How to update MemE to the latest version? ```sh ~/blog $ git submodule update --rebase --remote ``` ### Blogging 1. Replace `config.toml` with [config.toml](https://github.com/reuixiy/hugo-theme-meme/blob/master/config-examples/en-us/config.toml). 2. Create a new post and the about page: ```sh ~/blog $ hugo new "posts/hello-world.md" ~/blog $ hugo new "about/_index.md" ``` 3. Now: ```sh ~/blog $ hugo server -D ``` ## Awesome MemE See [#2](https://github.com/reuixiy/hugo-theme-meme/issues/2). ## Supported Front Matter Name | Description | Notes ---|---|--- title | * | string linkTitle | * | string subtitle | displayed below the title | string, Markdown supported, theme only date | * | string lastmod | * | string publishDate | * | string expiryDate | * | string `` eg: categories, tags, series | * | array description | * | string, Markdown supported summary | * | string, Markdown supported keywords | * | array images | * | array slug | * | string url | * | string draft | * | boolean isCJKLanguage | * | boolean weight | * | integer type | * | string, if equal to "poetry", will use a special layout for it layout | * | string outputs | * | array aliases | * | array markup | * | string meta | set `false` to disable post-meta | boolean, theme only toc | display TOC | boolean, override `enableTOC` in `config.toml`, theme only displayCopyright | display post-copyright | boolean, override `displayPostCopyright` in `config.toml`, theme only badge | display updated-badge | boolean, override `displayUpdatedBadge` in `config.toml`, theme only gitinfo | display post-gitinfo | boolean, override `displayPostGitInfo` in `config.toml`, theme only related | display related-posts | boolean, override `displayRelatedPosts` in `config.toml`, theme only katex | add KaTeX support | boolean, override `enableKaTeX` in `config.toml`, theme only comments | set `false` to disable comments in postSections or set `true` to enable comments in non-postSections | boolean, theme only smallCaps | small caps? | boolean, override `enableSmallCaps` in `config.toml`, theme only dropCap | drop cap? | boolean, override `enableDropCap` in `config.toml`, theme only dropCapAfterHr | drop cap after every horizontal rule tag? | boolean, override `enableDropCapAfterHr` in `config.toml`, theme only deleteHrBeforeDropCap | delete horizontal rule tag before drop cap? | boolean, override `deleteHrBeforeDropCap` in `config.toml`, theme only indent | indent instead of margin? | boolean, override `paragraphStyle` in `config.toml`, theme only align | normal, justify, center | srting, if euqal to "normal", will override `enableJustify` in `config.toml`, theme only original | original? You can add the following 8 terms if you set `false`. The `author` is required, other optional | boolean, override `original` in `config.toml`, theme only author | author of original post | string, theme only link | link of original post | string, URL, theme only copyright | license of the post | string, Markdown supported, theme only website | author’s website | string, theme only email | author’s email | string, theme only motto | author’s description | string, theme only avatar | author’s avatar | string, URL, theme only twitter | author’s twitter id | string, theme only disqus_url | * | string, if not set, will use `Permalink` as default disqus_identifier | * | string, if not set, will use `RelPermalink` as default disqus_title | * | string, if not set, will use `Title` as default *: see https://gohugo.io/content-management/front-matter/ and https://gohugo.io/templates/internal/#configure-disqus