# Bodhi - Hugo Theme Bodhi is a simple, minimal, personal website theme for Hugo. [Demo](https://themes.gohugo.io//theme/bodhi/blog) | [Github](https://github.com/rhnvrm/bodhi) ## Previews ![preview](https://rohanverma.net/projects/bodhi/preview.png) ![preview_dark](https://rohanverma.net/projects/bodhi/preview_dark.png) ## Features - Google and Fathom Analytics integration - Syntax highlighting - Dark mode - Twitter cards and opengraph tags support - Disqus and Commento comments - RSS feeds - AddToAny support - Inbuilt Search Support - Minimal post metadata like Reading Time - Simple pagination with page indicators - Two navigation menus - Menu bar with left/right split - Navigation bar with custom tree ## Get Started ### Clone as submodule in your hugo site ``` git submodule add https://github.com/rhnvrm/bodhi themes/bodhi ``` ### Sample Config After cloning the submodule, you can need to update your hugo config.toml You can use the following sample config file: ```toml baseURL = "https://rohanverma.net/" languageCode = "en-us" title = "Rohan Verma" theme = "bodhi" googleAnalytics = "xxxx" [params] subtitle = "(rhnvrm)" avatar = "/images/avatar.jpg" author = "Rohan Verma" commentoSrc = "https://commento.myselfhostedinstance.net/js/commento.js" footerMessage = "Feel free to use the content of this website with appropriate attribution to the author." [[menu.main]] name = "home" url = "/" weight = 1 [[menu.main_right]] name = "contact" url = "/contact/" weight = 1 [[menu.nav]] name = "projects" url = "/projects" weight = 2 [[menu.nav]] parent = "projects" name = "bodhi" url = "/projects/bodhi" weight = 1 [[menu.nav]] name = "blogs" url = "/blog" weight = 1 [[menu.nav]] parent = "blogs" name = "archive" url = "/archive" weight = 1 [[menu.nav]] parent = "blogs" name = "tags" url = "/tags" weight = 2 [[menu.nav]] parent = "blogs" name = "categories" url = "/categories" weight = 3 [markup.goldmark.renderer] unsafe= true [outputs] home = ["HTML", "RSS", "JSON"] [params.fathomAnalytics] siteID = "XXXXX" serverURL = "https://fathom.myselfhostedinstance.net" [markup] [markup.highlight] codeFences = true guessSyntax = true lineNoStart = 1 noClasses = false tabWidth = 4 ``` ## Inspiration - suckless [suckless](https://suckless.org) is known for their focus on simplicity and clarity. Their website is a good example of simple website design. I really liked how they use the two-column design as a mini-sitemap. This tree layout, is something that is familiar and intuitive to a lot of people. This inspired me to build [Bodhi](/projects/bodhi) to have a two-column layout with the column showing a tree like column on the left.