#!/bin/bash # The script is intended for use on Travis with Trusty distribution # It installs in-browser tests dependencies and prepares Roundcube instance GMV=1.5.11 CHROMEVERSION=$(google-chrome-stable --version | tr -cd [:digit:]. | cut -d . -f 1) GMARGS="-Dgreenmail.setup.all -Dgreenmail.users=test:test -Dgreenmail.startup.timeout=3000" # Make temp and logs writeable sudo chmod 777 temp logs # Install javascript dependencies bin/install-jsdeps.sh # Compile Elastic's styles lessc --clean-css="--s1 --advanced" skins/elastic/styles/styles.less > skins/elastic/styles/styles.min.css lessc --clean-css="--s1 --advanced" skins/elastic/styles/print.less > skins/elastic/styles/print.min.css lessc --clean-css="--s1 --advanced" skins/elastic/styles/embed.less > skins/elastic/styles/embed.min.css # Use minified javascript files bin/jsshrink.sh # Install proper WebDriver version for installed Chrome browser php tests/Browser/install.php $CHROMEVERSION # GreenMail server download, setup and start wget https://repo1.maven.org/maven2/com/icegreen/greenmail-standalone/$GMV/greenmail-standalone-$GMV.jar \ && (sudo java $GMARGS -jar greenmail-standalone-$GMV.jar &) \ && sleep 10 # Run tests echo "TESTS_MODE: DESKTOP" \ && TESTS_MODE=desktop vendor/bin/phpunit -c tests/Browser/phpunit.xml --exclude-group=failsonga \ && echo "TESTS_MODE: PHONE" \ && TESTS_MODE=phone vendor/bin/phpunit -c tests/Browser/phpunit.xml --exclude-group=failsonga-phone \ && echo "TESTS_MODE: TABLET" \ && TESTS_MODE=tablet vendor/bin/phpunit -c tests/Browser/phpunit.xml --exclude-group=failsonga-tablet