/** * Roundcube Webmail styles for the Elastic skin * * Copyright (c) The Roundcube Dev Team * * The contents are subject to the Creative Commons Attribution-ShareAlike * License. It is allowed to copy, distribute, transmit and to adapt the work * by keeping credits to the original authors in the README.md file. * See http://creativecommons.org/licenses/by-sa/3.0/ for details. */ /*** Text Editor widget (and TinyMCE editor) ***/ .mce-tinymce { &.mce-container.mce-panel { border-radius: .25rem; border-color: @color-input-border; overflow: hidden; } .mce-btn, .mce-panel { background-color: @color-input-addon-background; } .mce-panel { border-color: @color-input-border; } } .mce-top-part::before, .mce-tinymce, .mce-window { box-shadow: none !important; } .mce-btn { &.mce-active { background: @color-btn-secondary-background !important; } } .mce-window { &.mce-container { border: 0; & :not(.mce-ico) { .font-family; } } .mce-reset { background: #fff; } .mce-container-body { &.mce-abs-layout { overflow: unset; } .mce-abs-end { display: none; } } .mce-window-head { height: @layout-header-height; border-bottom: 1px solid @color-dialog-header-border; padding: 0; .mce-title { line-height: @layout-header-height; font-size: 1.25rem; padding: 0 3rem 0 1rem; color: @color-dialog-header; } .mce-close { border: 0; color: @color-dialog-header; background: transparent; right: 0; top: 0; position: absolute; height: (@layout-header-height - .7rem); width: 1.25em; margin: .25rem; padding: .1rem .75rem; cursor: pointer; &:before { &:extend(.font-icon-class); content: @fa-var-times; margin: 0; } i { display: none; } } } .mce-foot { border: 0; height: @layout-header-height !important; position: relative; @media screen and (max-width: @screen-width-xs) { border-top: 1px solid @color-dialog-header-border; } .mce-container-body { height: 100% !important; display: flex; align-items: center; justify-content: flex-end; // just 'end' does not work in Chrome .mce-btn { position: initial; margin-right: .5rem; line-height: 1; width: auto !important; height: auto !important; &:last-child { margin-right: 1rem; } .mce-txt { line-height: 1.5; vertical-align: unset; } button:before { &:extend(.font-icon-class); display: inline; float: none; vertical-align: middle; margin-right: .4rem; } } .mce-abs-end { position: initial; width: 1rem; order: 9; } } .mce-btn { .btn-secondary; border-radius: .3rem; border-color: transparent; &:focus { border-color: transparent !important; color: @color-btn-secondary; background: @color-btn-secondary-background; } &.mce-primary { .btn-primary; } button:hover, button { color: @color-btn-secondary; padding: .5rem .75rem; } } .mce-btn:last-child button:before { content: @fa-var-times; } .mce-btn.mce-primary button:before { content: @fa-var-check; } .mce-search-foot { div:nth-of-type(2) button:before { content: @fa-var-search; } div:nth-of-type(3) button:before, div:nth-of-type(4) button:before { content: @fa-var-pencil-alt; } div:nth-of-type(6) button:before { content: @fa-var-chevron-left; } div:nth-of-type(7) button:before { content: @fa-var-chevron-right; } div:nth-of-type(7) button:after { &:extend(.font-icon-class); display: inline; float: none; margin: 0 0 0 .2rem; content: @fa-var-chevron-right; } @media screen and (min-width: (@screen-width-xs + 1px)) { div:nth-of-type(6) { margin-left: .5rem; } div:nth-of-type(7) button { &:before { display: none; } } } } } // Form elements, let's keep'em in .mce-window to make overwriting simpler .mce-formitem { min-width: 450px; position: unset !important; & > .mce-container-body { margin-bottom: .5rem; & > * { width: 75% !important; position: unset !important; } & > label { max-width: 25%; min-width: 25%; line-height: 2.5 !important; } } .mce-widget { border-radius: .25rem; } } .mce-form { padding: 1rem; box-sizing: border-box; .mce-form { padding: 0; position: unset !important; width: 100% !important; & > .mce-container-body { flex-wrap: wrap; height: auto !important; } .mce-formitem { min-width: 100%; width: 100% !important; } } .mce-container { height: auto !important; .mce-container-body { display: flex; height: auto !important; & > input:not([size="5"]) { position: relative; left: 0 !important; flex: 1; } } } & > .mce-container-body { box-sizing: border-box; width: 100% !important; } .mce-form-split { .mce-formitem { min-width: auto; & > .mce-container-body { width: 100% !important; } } } label { position: unset; line-height: 2.5 !important; height: auto !important; } } .mce-colorpicker { & + .mce-form { width: 150px !important; padding: 0; .mce-formitem { min-width: unset; & + :not(.mce-formitem) { height: 50px !important; } } } } .mce-textbox { padding: .375rem .75rem !important; line-height: 1.5; color: @color-font; &:not(textarea) { height: auto !important; } &:focus { color: @color-font; border-color: @color-input-border-focus; box-shadow: 0 0 0 .2rem @color-input-border-focus-shadow; } &[size="5"] { width: auto !important; } &.mce-multiline { line-height: 1.25; width: 100% !important; position: unset; box-sizing: border-box; display: block; } } .mce-listbox { button { line-height: 1.5; padding: .375rem .75rem; } &:focus { border-color: @color-input-border-focus !important; box-shadow: 0 0 0 .2rem @color-input-border-focus-shadow !important; } } .mce-checkbox { line-height: 2.5; i.mce-i-checkbox { border: 0; width: auto; color: @color-checkbox; text-indent: 0; &:before { &:extend(.font-icon-class); margin: 0; content: @fa-var-toggle-off; } } &.mce-checked i.mce-i-checkbox:before { content: @fa-var-toggle-on; } &:focus { i.mce-i-checkbox { border: 0; } } } .mce-combobox { display: flex; input { border-radius: .3rem 0 0 .3rem; flex: 1; &:focus { z-index: 1; } } &.mce-combobox-fake { input { border-radius: .3rem; } } button { padding: .4rem .6rem; } .mce-btn { border-radius: 0 .3rem .3rem 0; background: @color-input-addon-background; &:focus { background-color: @color-input-border-focus-shadow; border-color: #c5c5c5; } } } .mce-tabs { padding-top: 1rem; margin: 0 1rem; border-color: @color-layout-border; .mce-tab { border-radius: .25rem .25rem 0 0; padding: .5rem 1rem; height: auto !important; border: 1px solid transparent; color: @color-link; background: transparent; margin-bottom: -1px; &.mce-active { border: 1px solid @color-layout-border; border-bottom-color: #fff; color: @color-font !important; } &:not(.mce-active):hover { border: 1px solid @color-list-border; border-bottom-color: transparent; border-bottom: 0; } &:focus { outline: unset !important; } } } .mce-label { text-shadow: none; color: @color-font; } } // Menus and popovers, e.g. color selector, emoticons selector, font selector .mce-menu, .mce-floatpanel.mce-popover { box-shadow: 3px 3px 5px @color-popover-shadow !important; border-color: @color-layout-border !important; border-radius: .3rem; } .mce-menu { .mce-menu-item.mce-active { color: @color-menu-hover; background-color: @color-menu-hover-background; } .popover-header { display: none !important; } } div.mce-menubtn.mce-opened { z-index: 65530 !important; // BUG: https://github.com/tinymce/tinymce/issues/4542 } #mce-modal-block.mce-in { background-color: @color-dialog-overlay-background; opacity: 1 !important; } @media screen and (max-width: @screen-width-xs) { .mce-window { width: 100% !important; height: 100% !important; left: 0 !important; top: 0 !important; border-width: 0 !important; & > .mce-reset { display: flex; flex-direction: column; height: 100%; } .mce-window-body { flex: 1; overflow-y: auto !important; } & > .mce-reset > div, .mce-container-body { width: 100% !important; } .mce-window-head { background-color: @color-layout-mobile-header-background; .mce-title { font-size: 1rem; text-align: center; padding: 0 1rem; } .mce-close { display: none; } } .mce-foot { background-color: @color-layout-mobile-footer-background; .mce-container-body { justify-content: space-evenly; .mce-btn { position: initial; height: 100% !important; margin: 0; background: transparent; border-width: 0; &:focus { box-shadow: none; } &:hover { background: transparent; } &:last-child { margin: 0; } button { color: @color-font; padding: .45rem; font-size: .9rem; &:before { display: block; float: none; width: 100%; margin: 0; line-height: 1.75; height: 1.75rem; } } } .mce-abs-end { display: none; } } .mce-search-foot { div:nth-of-type(7) button:after { display: none; } } } .mce-form, .mce-form + .mce-container, // for Embed tab in Media dialog .mce-formitem, .mce-combobox, .mce-panel:not(.mce-popover) { width: 100% !important; } .mce-formitem { min-width: unset; } .mce-form { & > .mce-container-body { display: flex; flex-direction: column; left: 0; right: 0; box-sizing: border-box; } .mce-container-body { height: auto !important; flex-direction: column; & > label { position: unset !important; width: 100% !important; max-width: 100%; } & > label + * { position: unset !important; width: auto !important; } & > .mce-checkbox { position: absolute; left: 0 !important; top: 3rem !important; } } } // FIXME: How to fix the input width in less hacky way? .mce-combobox input { max-width: ~"calc(100% - 4rem)"; } .mce-combobox-fake input { max-width: ~"calc(100% - 1.7rem)"; } } .mce-menu { width: @layout-mobile-menu-width !important; right: 0; top: 0 !important; left: auto !important; height: 100% !important; max-height: unset !important; padding: 0 !important; margin: 0 !important; border-radius: 0; border: 0 !important; .popover-header { display: block !important; a { font-size: 1.2rem; line-height: @layout-touch-header-height; &:before { content: @fa-var-times; } } } .mce-container-body { width: 100% !important; } .mce-menu-item { height: @layout-touch-menu-record-height; line-height: @layout-touch-menu-record-height; padding: 0 .5rem; border-left: 0; border-bottom: 1px solid @color-list-border; margin: 0; .mce-ico { font-size: 150%; padding: 0 .7rem 0 .25rem; margin-top: -.2rem; } .mce-text { font-size: 1.2rem; .font-family; line-height: @layout-touch-menu-record-height; color: @color-font; } .mce-caret { display: none; } &.mce-menu-item-preview { &.mce-active { border-left: none; position: relative; &:after { .font-icon-class; // :extend() does not work here content: @fa-var-check; position: absolute; right: .5rem; top: 0; color: @color-font; } } } &.mce-menu-item-expand { position: relative; &:after { .font-icon-class; // :extend() does not work here content: @fa-var-angle-right; position: absolute; right: .5rem; top: 0; color: @color-font; } } } } .mce-menu-item-sep, .mce-menu-shortcut { display: none !important; } .mce-charmap-dialog { position: unset !important; + .mce-container { display: none; } } .mce-charmap { display: block; tbody { display: block; } tr { display: flex; flex-wrap: wrap; } td { flex: 1; height: auto !important; min-width: 17%; padding: 0 !important; border: 0 !important; border-bottom: 1px solid @color-list-border !important; div { font-size: 3rem; line-height: 2; } } } } html.touch .mce-grid td { padding: .5rem; } /*** Media file selector for TinyMCE ***/ .image-selector { margin: 1rem 1rem 1rem 1rem !important; padding: 1rem .5rem 10rem .5rem !important; &.droptarget { border: .2rem dashed @color-table-border; &:after { margin-top: 2rem; } } button { .btn-secondary; padding: .5rem .75rem; line-height: 1.5; position: relative; &:before { line-height: 1; } } form { position: absolute; top: 0; } .attachmentslist { margin-left: 0; overflow-x: hidden; overflow-y: auto; height: 19.1em; li { padding: .25rem; cursor: pointer; &:before { display: none; } &:hover, &:focus { background: @color-list-selected-background; } span.name { flex: 1; margin: auto; padding-left: 1rem; .overflow-ellipsis; } span.img { height: 80px; width: 80px; display: flex; border: 1px solid @color-list-border; background: white; border-radius: .75rem; overflow: hidden; } img { margin: auto; } } html.layout-phone & { height: auto; } } } /*** HTML editor widget ***/ .html-editor { position: relative; margin-bottom: .2rem; .editor-toolbar { position: absolute; left: 1px; top: 1px; right: 1px; border-radius: .25rem .25rem 0 0; border-bottom: 1px solid @color-input-border; background-color: @color-input-addon-background; .mce-i-html { display: block; padding: 1px 5px; margin: 2px; width: 2rem; height: 24px; border: 1px solid transparent; color: #595959; &:focus, &:hover { text-decoration: none; border-color: #e2e4e7; background-color: #fff; } } } // hide toolbar in html mode and in mailvelope mode &.mailvelope .editor-toolbar, .mce-tinymce + textarea + .editor-toolbar { display: none; } .mce-i-html:before, .mce-i-plaintext:before { &:extend(.font-icon-class); margin: 0; width: 1em; font-size: 1.2rem; } .mce-i-html:before { content: @fa-var-image; line-height: 1.2em; } .mce-i-plaintext:before { content: @fa-var-window-close; //@fa-var-align-justify; } & > .googie_edit_layer, & > textarea { font-family: monospace; width: 100% !important; padding-top: 2.5rem; } & > iframe { // e.g. mailvelope frame border-radius: .3rem; border: 1px solid @color-input-border; min-height: 30em; } #composebody_ifr { min-height: 30em; } & > .mce-tinymce.focused { border-color: @color-input-border-focus; box-shadow: 0 0 0 .2rem @color-input-border-focus-shadow !important; } } /*** GoogieSpell widget ***/ .googie_window { width: 16rem; height: auto; } .googie_edit_layer { font-family: monospace; // from Bootstrap's textarea padding: .5rem .75rem; border: 1px solid @color-input-border; border-radius: .3rem; line-height: 1.5; } .googie_link { color: @color-spellcheck-link; text-decoration: underline; cursor: pointer; } .googie_list { li { min-width: 8rem; width: auto; &.googie_list_onhover { color: @color-menu-hover; background-color: @color-menu-hover-background; } .googie_list_revert:before { &:extend(.font-icon-class); content: @fa-var-undo; } .googie_add_to_dict:before { &:extend(.font-icon-class); content: @fa-var-plus-square; } } input { display: inline-block; margin: .25rem .5rem; } }