# Yourfolio Super simple and responsive theme for your personal website on Hugo framework. ![Yourfolio screenshot](https://bit.ly/2LhW4Xo) ## Installation Before start you already need to have a Hugo on your machine. **Please note:** you need to have the extended version of Hugo v0.64.1 or above. You can install it by following [these instructions](https://gohugo.io/getting-started/installing/). Create the Hugo website template if you are starting from scratch: ``` $ hugo new site your-site-name ``` Inside the folder of your Hugo website run: ``` $ cd themes $ git clone https://github.com/serg/yourfolio.git ``` For more information read the official [setup guide](https://gohugo.io/themes/installing-and-using-themes/) of the Hugo themes. ## Getting started Set the theme option in your `config.yaml` for using this theme: ``` ... theme: yourfolio ... ``` Also you can copy a whole `config.yaml` file into your website folder and change it for fitting your requirements. As example please see on the `exampleSite` folder inside the theme folder for how to configure a website and create content files. ## Check the website Start a Hugo development server on your local machine inside your website folder: ``` $ hugo server ``` Your website will be available in browser by this path [`localhost:1313`](http://localhost:1313/) ## Credits - Design created by [Yara](https://yaravelichko.com). - Some of the images in an example of this theme belongs to their authors ([Carlos Muza](https://unsplash.com/@kmuza), [Edho Pratama](https://unsplash.com/@edhoradic), [ William Iven](https://unsplash.com/@firmbee), [Igor Miske](https://unsplash.com/@igormiske), [Igor Ovsyannykov](https://unsplash.com/@igorovsyannykov)) on [Unsplash](https://unsplash.com).