# ------------------------------------- # # ---- General Settings --------------- # # ------------------------------------- # baseURL = "https://example.com" title = "Den" theme = "hugo-theme-den" #enableRobotsTXT = true # generate robots.txt enableEmoji = true # use emoji support hasCJKLanguage = true # detect CJK languages for word count etc. preserveTaxonomyNames = true # do not make tag names lowercase # uglyURLs = true # more info: https://gohugo.io/content-management/urls/#ugly-urls rssLimit = 20 # limit number of entries in RSS feeds # Copyright, appears in the footer # copyright = "" # default: author.name # Pagination # number of entries per page for archives, tags and categories # since we don't have list view, recommend a large value paginate = 20 paginatePath = "page" # Syntax Hightlight PygmentsCodeFences = true PygmentsUseClasses = true # required for shhighlight shortcode # service plugins disqusShortname = "" # disqus_shortname googleAnalytics = "" # UA-XXXXXXXX-X # language support # en / zh-tw / other... translations present in i18n/ defaultContentLanguage = "en" # Default language to use defaultContentLanguageInSubdir = true # Links format [permalinks] posts = "/:year/:month/:day/:slug/" categories = "/category/:slug/" # required tags = "/tag/:slug/" # required pages = "/:slug/" [author] # required name = "Jane Doe" [sitemap] # required changefreq = "weekly" priority = 0.5 filename = "sitemap.xml" # ------------------------------------- # # ---- Other Params ------------------- # # ------------------------------------- # [params] since = "2017" # Site creation time rssFullContent = true # set true to use full content instead of summary # site info (optional) keywords = ["Hugo", "theme","den"] description = "A simple theme for Hugo" logoTitle = "Den" # shown on top-left, default: title siteLogoImage = "images/globe.svg" # shown besides logoTitle # headerTitle = "Den" # default: title headerImage = "images/background.jpg" showAuthorCard = true # Whether to show author information below the article showMenuLanguages = true autoLoadComments = false # auto load comment when scrolling down # paginate style, default use numbered pagination links # if true, use original "Previous" and "Next" links. # paginateOriginalStyle = true # The date format to use; for a list of valid formats, see https://gohugo.io/functions/format/ dateFormatToUse = "2006-01-02" google_verification = "" # Google_Verification # Link custom CSS and JS assets # (relative to /static/css and /static/js respectively) customCSS = [] # if ['custom.css'], load '/static/css/custom.css' file customJS = [] # if ['custom.js'], load '/static/js/custom.js' file # ------------------------------------- # # ---- Related Articles --------------- # # ------------------------------------- # [related] # Only include matches with rank >= threshold. This is a normalized rank between 0 and 100. threshold = 50 # To get stable "See also" sections we, by default, exclude newer related pages. includeNewer = true # Will lower case keywords in both queries and in the indexes. toLower = false [[related.indices]] name = "categories" weight = 200 [[related.indices]] name = "keywords" weight = 150 [[related.indices]] name = "tags" weight = 100 [languages.en] languageCode = "en" languageName = "English" contentDir = "content/en" weight = 1 [[languages.en.menu.main]] name = "Notes" weight = 10 identifier = "notes" url = "category/notes/" [[languages.en.menu.main]] name = "Demos" weight = 20 identifier = "demos" url = "category/demos/" [[languages.en.menu.social]] name = "GitHub" weight = 10 identifier = "github" url = "https://github.com/shaform/hugo-theme-den/" [[languages.en.menu.links]] name = "About Me" weight = 10 identifier = "about-me" url = "https://github.com/shaform/hugo-theme-den/" [languages.zh-tw] languageCode = "zh-tw" languageName = "繁體中文" contentDir = "content/zh-tw" weight = 2 [languages.zh-tw.params] description = "一個簡單的佈景。" [[languages.zh-tw.menu.main]] name = "筆記" weight = 10 identifier = "notes" url = "category/notes/" [[languages.zh-tw.menu.main]] name = "展示" weight = 20 identifier = "demos" url = "category/demos/" [[languages.zh-tw.menu.social]] name = "GitHub" weight = 10 identifier = "github" url = "https://github.com/shaform/hugo-theme-den/" [[languages.zh-tw.menu.links]] name = "關於我" weight = 10 identifier = "about-me" url = "https://github.com/shaform/hugo-theme-den/"