# hugo-grapes A minimalistic text based theme for Hugo inspired by [hugo-bingo](https://github.com/gundamew/hugo-bingo) theme. ![screenshot](https://github.com/shankar/hugo-grapes/blob/master/images/screenshot.png) ## Usage ### Instructions 1: Install Hugo. 2: Create a new site. ``` hugo new site mynewsite ``` 3: Change to themes directory. ``` cd mynewsite/themes ``` 4: Clone the repo ``` git clone git@github.com:shankar/hugo-grapes.git ``` 5: Copy the `content/`, `static/`, and `config.toml` from the `exampleSite` directory into the `mynewsite` directory. The existing `content/`, `static/`, and `config.toml` files will be over-written. ``` cp -r hugo-grapes/exampleSite/* /path/to/mynewsite ``` 6: Run `hugo server` within `mynewsite` and enjoy and customize to your hearts content! ### New Posts To make new posts, simply use the command: ``` hugo new post/awesome-post.md ``` ## Customize ### Change Avatar 1: The Avatar picture is to be placed in the `static` folder under your hugo site. (default picture is located in `static/img` folder) 2: Edit the config.toml file and edit the value of the `avatar` key under `params` to let hugo know its location. ``` [params] avatar = "path/to/avatar" # Path is relative to static folder. # Example: "img/grapes.svg" for grapes.svg file located in static/img folder ``` ## License This theme is released under the MIT License. See [LICENSE](https://github.com/shankar/hugo-grapes/blob/master/LICENSE).