# hugo-theme-basic Basic personal site theme styled with minimal tachyons, syntax highlighting, and blog series configuration. ## Demo [https://hugo-theme-basic.netlify.app/](https://hugo-theme-basic.netlify.app/) ## Screenshot ![](https://github.com/siegerts/hugo-theme-basic/blob/master/images/tn.png) ## Features - ✨ Basic — HTML with a dash of style + emoji - 🌯 Extensible — Easily leverage [tachyons](https://tachyons.io/components/) to add more spice - 🗞️ `series` taxonomy - Automatically group posts and display within an isolated taxonomy type - 🥑 Syntax Highlighting - It's there when you need it ## Installation Run this command from the root of your Hugo directory (Git needs to be installed): ``` $ git clone https://github.com/siegerts/hugo-theme-basic.git ``` Or, if your Hugo site is already in git, you can include this repository as a `git submodule`. This makes it easier to update this theme (_and for some deployment options i.e. Netlify_). ``` $ git submodule add https://github.com/siegerts/hugo-theme-basic.git themes/hugo-theme-basic ``` Alternatively, if you are not familiar with git, you can download the theme as a .zip file, unzip the theme contents, and then move the unzipped source into your themes directory. For more information, read the official [documentation](https://gohugo.io/themes/installing-and-using-themes) of Hugo. ## Run example site From the root of `themes/hugo-theme-basic/exampleSite`: ``` hugo server --themesDir ../.. ``` ## Configuration Check out the sample `config.toml`file located in the [`exampleSite`](https://github.com/siegerts/hugo-theme-basic/tree/master/exampleSite) directory. Copy the `config.toml` to the root directory of your Hugo site, then edit as desired. ## Content Types | Type | Description | Command | | ----------- | ------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------- | ------------------------------------ | | **Post** | Used for blog posts. Posts are listed on the `/post` page. | `hugo new post/.md` | | **Page** | Used for site pages. | `hugo new .md` | | **Project** | Used for project pages. Extend project list by customizing `/layouts/section/project.html`. | `hugo new project/.md` | ## Blog post series An extra _taxonomy_, `series`, is added to allow for the grouping of blog posts. A _Read More_ section shows at the bottom of each post within the series when two or more posts are grouped. ```toml [taxonomies] category = "categories" series = "series" tag = "tags" ``` ### _Series read more_ ![](https://github.com/siegerts/hugo-theme-basic/blob/master/images/series.png) ## `.Params.Menu` Menu links are specified, in order, in the theme configuration. For example: ```toml [[params.menu]] name = "blog" url = "blog/" [[params.menu]] name = "post series" url = "series/" [[params.menu]] name = "about" url = "about/" ``` ## Syntax highlighting Syntax highlighting is provided by [highlight.js](https://highlightjs.org/). The color theme can be changed by modifying the highlight.js stylesheet in `layouts/partials/head_includes.html`. ## Acknowledgments - [tachyons](http://tachyons.io/) - [highlightjs](https://highlightjs.org/) ## License The code is available under the [MIT license](https://github.com/siegerts/hugo-theme-basic/blob/master/LICENSE).