import re filename_in = "gCreate.ini" filename_out = "gCreate.ini" in_stream = open(filename_in, mode="r", encoding="utf-8"); lines =; in_stream.close(); file_out_stream = open(filename_out, mode="w", encoding="utf-8"); brim_type = "both"; for line in lines: # xy compensaiton line = re.sub( r"\[first_layer_temperature]", "{first_layer_temperature+extruder_temperature_offset}", line ); line = re.sub( r"{first_layer_temperature}", "{first_layer_temperature+extruder_temperature_offset}", line ); line = re.sub( r"^elefant_foot_compensation = ([0-9]\.[0-9]*)", "first_layer_size_compensation = -\g<1>", line ); # bridges line = re.sub( r"^bridge_flow_ratio = ([0-1])\.([0-9][0-9])$", "bridge_flow_ratio = \g<1>\g<2>%", line ); line = re.sub( r"^bridge_flow_ratio = ([0-1])\.([0-9])$", "bridge_flow_ratio = \g<1>\g<2>0%", line ); line = re.sub( r"^bridge_flow_ratio = 1$", "bridge_flow_ratio = 100%", line ); line = re.sub( r"^thick_bridges = 0$", "bridge_type = flow\nbridge_overlap_min = 60%\nbridge_overlap = 75%", line ); line = re.sub( r"^thick_bridges = 1$", "bridge_type = nozzle\nbridge_overlap_min = 80%\nbridge_overlap = 95%", line ); # brim if line.startswith("brim_type ="): brim_type = re.sub(r"^brim_type = (.*)$", "\g<1>", line); continue; if line.startswith("brim_width ="): if brim_type == "inner_only": line = re.sub(r"^brim_width = (.*)$", "brim_width_interior = \g<1>", line); elif brim_type == "no_brim": line = "brim_width = 0\nbrim_width_interior = 0"; elif brim_type == "outer_and_inner": line = re.sub(r"^brim_width = (.*)$", "brim_width = \g<1>;brim_width_interior = \g<1>", line); #others line = re.sub( r"^first_layer_speed = ([0-9.]+)", "first_layer_speed = \g<1>\nfirst_layer_min_speed = 0\nfirst_layer_infill_speed = 100%", line ); line = re.sub( r"^resolution = 0$", "resolution = 0.0125", line ); line = re.sub( r"support_material_contact_distance = 0$", "support_material_contact_distance_type = none", line ); line = re.sub( r"^(extrusion_width = .*)$", "\g<1>\nextrusion_spacing =\nperimeter_extrusion_spacing =\nexternal_perimeter_extrusion_spacing =\nfirst_layer_extrusion_spacing =\ninfill_extrusion_spacing =\nsolid_infill_extrusion_spacing =\ntop_infill_extrusion_spacing =", line ); line = re.sub( r"^overhangs = 0$", "overhangs_width_speed = 0", line ); line = re.sub( r"^seam_position = nearest$", "seam_position = cost\nseam_angle_cost=50%\nseam_travel_cost=50%", line ); line = re.sub( r"^(thumbnails = 1)$", "\g<1>\nthumbnails_with_bed = 1", line ); # first_layer_height in % of layer height vs % of nozzle diameter line = re.sub( r"^first_layer_height = ([0-9]+%)$", "# From prusa: first_layer_height should be \g<1> of the first_layer_height\nfirst_layer_height = 50%", line ); # note: if min_fan_speed is already set, you may have to delete manually one. line = re.sub( r"^cooling = 0$", "# From prusa: cooling = 0, so set the min fan speed to 0. Delete if already set\nmin_fan_speed = 0", line ); if(line != "overhangs = 1"): file_out_stream.write(line); file_out_stream.write("\n"); file_out_stream.close();