using System; using System.Collections.Generic; using System.CommandLine; using System.CommandLine.Invocation; using System.Diagnostics; using System.Drawing; using System.Globalization; using System.IO; using System.Reflection; using System.Threading; using System.Threading.Tasks; using UVtools.Core; using UVtools.Core.Extensions; using UVtools.Core.FileFormats; using UVtools.Core.Operations; namespace UVtools.Cmd { class Program { public static async Task Main(params string[] args) { Thread.CurrentThread.CurrentCulture = CultureInfo.CreateSpecificCulture("en-GB"); OperationProgress progress = new OperationProgress(); Stopwatch sw = new Stopwatch(); uint count = 0; var rootCommand = new RootCommand("MSLA/DLP, file analysis, repair, conversion and manipulation") { new Option(new []{"-f", "--file"}, "Input file to read") { IsRequired = true, Argument = new Argument("filepath").ExistingOnly() }, new Option(new []{"-o", "--output"}, "Output file to save the modifications, if aware, it saves to the same input file") { Argument = new Argument("filepath") }, new Option(new []{"-e", "--extract"}, "Extract file content to a folder") { Argument = new Argument("folder") }, new Option(new []{"-c", "--convert"}, "Converts input into a output file format by it extension") { Argument = new Argument("filepath"), }, new Option(new []{"-p", "--properties"}, "Print a list of all properties/settings"), new Option(new []{"-gcode"}, "Print the GCode if available"), new Option(new []{"-i", "--issues"}, "Compute and print a list of all issues"), new Option(new []{"-r", "--repair"}, "Attempt to repair all issues"){ Argument = new Argument("[start layer index] [end layer index] [islands 0/1] [remove empty layers 0/1] [resin traps 0/1]"), }, new Option(new []{"-mr", "--mut-resize"}, "Resizes layer images in a X and/or Y factor, starting from 100% value") { Argument = new Argument("[x%] [y%] [start layer index] [end layer index] [fade 0/1]") }, new Option(new []{"-ms", "--mut-solidify"}, "Closes all inner holes") { Argument = new Argument("[start layer index] [end layer index]") }, new Option(new []{"-me", "--mut-erode"}, "Erodes away the boundaries of foreground object") { Argument = new Argument("[start iterations] [end iterations] [start layer index] [end layer index] [fade 0/1]") }, new Option(new []{"-md", "--mut-dilate"}, "It is just opposite of erosion") { Argument = new Argument("[start iterations] [end iterations] [start layer index] [end layer index] [fade 0/1]") }, new Option(new []{"-mc", "--mut-close"}, "Dilation followed by Erosion") { Argument = new Argument("[start iterations] [end iterations] [start layer index] [end layer index] [fade 0/1]") }, new Option(new []{"-mo", "--mut-open"}, "Erosion followed by Dilation") { Argument = new Argument("[start iterations] [end iterations] [start layer index] [end layer index] [fade 0/1]") }, new Option(new []{"-mg", "--mut-gradient"}, "The difference between dilation and erosion of an image") { Argument = new Argument("[kernel size] [start layer index] [end layer index] [fade 0/1]") }, new Option(new []{"-mpy", "--mut-py"}, "Performs down-sampling step of Gaussian pyramid decomposition") { Argument = new Argument("[start layer index] [end layer index]") }, new Option(new []{"-mgb", "--mut-gaussian-blur"}, "Each pixel is a sum of fractions of each pixel in its neighborhood") { Argument = new Argument("[aperture] [sigmaX] [sigmaY]") }, new Option(new []{"-mmb", "--mut-median-blur"}, "Each pixel becomes the median of its surrounding pixels") { Argument = new Argument("[aperture]") }, }; rootCommand.Handler = CommandHandler.Create( ( FileSystemInfo file, FileSystemInfo convert, DirectoryInfo extract, bool properties, bool gcode, bool issues, int[] repair //decimal[] mutResize ) => { var fileFormat = FileFormat.FindByExtension(file.FullName, true, true); if (ReferenceEquals(fileFormat, null)) { Console.WriteLine($"Error: {file.FullName} is not a known nor valid format."); } else { Console.Write($"Reading: {file}"); sw.Restart(); fileFormat.Decode(file.FullName, progress); sw.Stop(); Console.WriteLine($", in {sw.ElapsedMilliseconds}ms"); Console.WriteLine("----------------------"); Console.WriteLine($"Layers: {fileFormat.LayerCount} x {fileFormat.LayerHeight}mm = {fileFormat.PrintHeight}mm"); Console.WriteLine($"Resolution: {new Size((int) fileFormat.ResolutionX, (int) fileFormat.ResolutionY)}"); Console.WriteLine($"AntiAlias: {fileFormat.ValidateAntiAliasingLevel()}"); Console.WriteLine($"Bottom Layer Count: {fileFormat.BottomLayerCount}"); Console.WriteLine($"Bottom Exposure Time: {fileFormat.BottomExposureTime}s"); Console.WriteLine($"Layer Exposure Time: {fileFormat.ExposureTime}s"); Console.WriteLine($"Print Time: {fileFormat.PrintTime}s"); Console.WriteLine($"Cost: {fileFormat.MaterialCost}$"); Console.WriteLine($"Resin Name: {fileFormat.MaterialName}"); Console.WriteLine($"Machine Name: {fileFormat.MachineName}"); Console.WriteLine($"Thumbnails: {fileFormat.CreatedThumbnailsCount}"); Console.WriteLine("----------------------"); } if (!ReferenceEquals(extract, null)) { Console.Write($"Extracting to {extract.FullName}"); sw.Restart(); fileFormat.Extract(extract.FullName, true, true, progress); sw.Stop(); Console.WriteLine($", finished in {sw.ElapsedMilliseconds}ms"); } if (properties) { count = 0; Console.WriteLine("Listing all properties:"); Console.WriteLine("----------------------"); foreach (var config in fileFormat.Configs) { Console.WriteLine("******************************"); Console.WriteLine($"\t{config.GetType().Name}"); Console.WriteLine("******************************"); foreach (PropertyInfo propertyInfo in config.GetType() .GetProperties(BindingFlags.Public | BindingFlags.Instance)) { count++; if (propertyInfo.Name.Equals("Item")) continue; Console.WriteLine($"{propertyInfo.Name}: {propertyInfo.GetValue(config)}"); } } Console.WriteLine("----------------------"); Console.WriteLine($"Total properties: {count}"); } if (gcode) { if (ReferenceEquals(fileFormat.GCode, null)) { Console.WriteLine("No GCode available"); } else { Console.WriteLine("----------------------"); Console.WriteLine(fileFormat.GCode); Console.WriteLine("----------------------"); Console.WriteLine($"Total lines: {fileFormat.GCode.Length}"); } } if (issues) { Console.WriteLine("Computing Issues, please wait."); sw.Restart(); var issueList = fileFormat.LayerManager.GetAllIssues(null, null, null, null, true, null, progress); sw.Stop(); Console.WriteLine("Issues:"); Console.WriteLine("----------------------"); count = 0; foreach (var issue in issueList) { Console.WriteLine(issue); count++; } /*for (uint layerIndex = 0; layerIndex < fileFormat.LayerCount; layerIndex++) { if(!issuesDict.TryGetValue(layerIndex, out var list)) continue; foreach (var issue in list) { Console.WriteLine(issue); count++; } }*/ Console.WriteLine("----------------------"); Console.WriteLine($"Total Issues: {count} in {sw.ElapsedMilliseconds}ms"); } if (!ReferenceEquals(convert, null)) { var fileConvert = FileFormat.FindByExtension(convert.FullName, true, true); if (ReferenceEquals(fileFormat, null)) { Console.WriteLine($"Error: {convert.FullName} is not a known nor valid format."); } else { Console.WriteLine($"Converting {fileFormat.GetType().Name} to {fileConvert.GetType().Name}: {convert.Name}"); try { sw.Restart(); fileFormat.Convert(fileConvert, convert.FullName, progress); sw.Stop(); Console.WriteLine($"Convertion done in {sw.ElapsedMilliseconds}ms"); } catch (Exception e) { Console.WriteLine(e); } } } if (!ReferenceEquals(repair, null)) { uint layerStartIndex = (uint) (repair.Length >= 1 ? Math.Max(0, repair[0]) : 0); uint layerEndIndex = repair.Length >= 2 ? (uint) repair[1].Clamp(0, (int) (fileFormat.LayerCount - 1)) : fileFormat.LayerCount-1; bool repairIslands = repair.Length < 3 || repair[2] > 0 || repair[2] < 0; bool removeEmptyLayers = repair.Length < 4 || repair[3] > 0 || repair[3] < 0; bool repairResinTraps = repair.Length < 5 || repair[4] > 0 || repair[4] < 0; //fileFormat.LayerManager.RepairLayers(layerStartIndex, layerEndIndex, 2, 1, 4, repairIslands, removeEmptyLayers, repairResinTraps, null, progress); } }); //await rootCommand.InvokeAsync(args); await rootCommand.InvokeAsync("-f body_Tough0.1mm_SL1_5h16m_HOLLOW_DRAIN.sl1 -r -1"); return 1; } } }