require 'cutorch' require 'nn' cudnn = require 'cudnn.env' require('cudnn.ffi') local C = cudnn.C local ffi = require 'ffi' local thc = ffi.C if ffi.os == "Windows" then thc = ffi.load("THC") end -------------------------------------------------------------------- -- defaults, each should be overrideable via env var: -------------------------------------------------------------------- cudnn.benchmark = false cudnn.fastest = false -- use new cudnn FindEx APIs -- Warning: this option is experimental and assumes at least 2 warmup iterations! cudnn.useFindEx = false -- amount of memory to use on 1st iteration for FindEx cudnn.initialWorkspaceBytes = 1024 -- cudnn.reservedGPUBytes = 1024*1024 cudnn.maxWorkspaceGPUMemPercent = 95 local maxStreamsPerDevice = 1024 -------------------------------------------------------------------- -- end defaults -------------------------------------------------------------------- local numDevices = cutorch.getDeviceCount() -- this tensor keeps track of whether a handle has been initialized or not local handleStatus = torch.ByteTensor(numDevices, maxStreamsPerDevice):zero() -- here we create an array of cudnn handle structs cudnn.handle ='struct cudnnContext*[?]', numDevices*maxStreamsPerDevice) local function destroy(handle) local currentDevice = cutorch.getDevice() for i=1,numDevices do cutorch.setDevice(i) -- streams go from 0 to maxStreamsPerDevice - 1 for j=0,maxStreamsPerDevice - 1 do if handleStatus[i][j + 1] == 1 then -- if handle was created cudnn.errcheck('cudnnDestroy', handle[(((i-1)*maxStreamsPerDevice) + j)]); end end end cutorch.setDevice(currentDevice) end ffi.gc(cudnn.handle, destroy) cudnn.typemap = { ['torch.CudaHalfTensor'] = 'CUDNN_DATA_HALF', ['torch.CudaTensor'] = 'CUDNN_DATA_FLOAT', ['torch.CudaDoubleTensor'] = 'CUDNN_DATA_DOUBLE', } local sizeofmap = { ['torch.CudaHalfTensor'] = cutorch.hasHalf and ffi.sizeof('half') or 2, ['torch.CudaTensor'] = ffi.sizeof('float'), ['torch.CudaDoubleTensor'] = ffi.sizeof('double'), } function cudnn.sizeof(t) return sizeofmap[torch.type(t)] end local onemap = { ['torch.CudaHalfTensor'] = torch.FloatTensor({1}), ['torch.CudaTensor'] = torch.FloatTensor({1}), ['torch.CudaDoubleTensor'] = torch.DoubleTensor({1}), } local zeromap = { ['torch.CudaHalfTensor'] = torch.FloatTensor({0}), ['torch.CudaTensor'] = torch.FloatTensor({0}), ['torch.CudaDoubleTensor'] = torch.DoubleTensor({0}), } function cudnn.scalar(t, val) if val == 1 then return onemap[torch.type(t)]:data() elseif val == 0 then return zeromap[torch.type(t)]:data() else error('unknown scalar') end end local function fasterHalfMathTypeForCurrentDevice() -- get info from cutorc if cutorch.hasFastHalfInstructions() then return 'CUDNN_DATA_HALF' else return 'CUDNN_DATA_FLOAT' end end local configMaths = {} local function configureMath(overrides) local currentDevice = cutorch.getDevice() for i=1,cutorch.getDeviceCount() do cutorch.setDevice(i) configMaths[i] = { ['torch.CudaHalfTensor'] = fasterHalfMathTypeForCurrentDevice(), ['torch.CudaTensor'] = 'CUDNN_DATA_FLOAT', ['torch.CudaDoubleTensor'] = 'CUDNN_DATA_DOUBLE', } -- apply overrides if overrides then for k,v in pairs(overrides) do configMaths[i][k] = v end end end cutorch.setDevice(currentDevice) end cudnn.configureMath = configureMath -- TODO: rename to something like "configuredMathType" on next refactor -- also, should move torch.type() inside cudnn.configmap = function(tensortype) return configMaths[cutorch.getDevice()][tensortype] end configureMath() function cudnn.getHandle() local device = cutorch.getDevice() local stream = cutorch.getStream() -- starts from 0 assert(stream < maxStreamsPerDevice, 'cudnn bindings only support max of : ' .. maxStreamsPerDevice .. ' streams per device') -- lazy initialization of handles if handleStatus[device][stream + 1] == 0 then local status = C['cudnnCreate'](cudnn.handle + (((device-1) * maxStreamsPerDevice) + stream)) if status ~= ffi.C.CUDNN_STATUS_SUCCESS then local str = ffi.string(C.cudnnGetErrorString(status)) error('Error in CuDNN: ' .. str) end handleStatus[device][stream + 1] = 1 -- mark handle as initialized end return cudnn.handle[(((device-1)*maxStreamsPerDevice) + stream)] end function, ...) C.cudnnSetStream(cudnn.getHandle(), thc.THCState_getCurrentStream(cutorch.getState())) return C[f](...) end local errcheck = function(f, ...) local status =, ...) if status ~= ffi.C.CUDNN_STATUS_SUCCESS then local str = ffi.string(C.cudnnGetErrorString(status)) error('Error in CuDNN: ' .. str .. ' ('..f..')') return false end return true end cudnn.errcheck = errcheck function cudnn.toDescriptor(t) local typename = torch.typename(t) assert(cudnn.typemap[typename]) local descriptor ='struct cudnnTensorStruct*[1]') -- create descriptor errcheck('cudnnCreateTensorDescriptor', descriptor) -- set gc hook local function destroy(d) errcheck('cudnnDestroyTensorDescriptor', d[0]); end ffi.gc(descriptor, destroy) -- view 2D and 3D as 4D if t:dim() == 2 then t = t:view(t:size(1), t:size(2), 1, 1) elseif t:dim() == 3 then t = t:view(t:size(1), t:size(2), t:size(3), 1) end -- set descriptor local size = torch.LongTensor(t:size()):int() local stride = torch.LongTensor(t:stride()):int() errcheck('cudnnSetTensorNdDescriptor', descriptor[0], cudnn.typemap[typename], t:dim(), size:data(), stride:data()) return descriptor end function cudnn.createDescriptors(count, descs_type, create_func, destroy_func) local ds =, count) for i = 0, count - 1 do errcheck(create_func, ds + i) end local function destroyDescriptors(ds) for i = 0, count - 1 do errcheck(destroy_func, ds[i]) end end ffi.gc(ds, destroyDescriptors) return ds end function cudnn.setConvolutionDescriptor(data, desc) if not data.arrayLength then data.arrayLength = #data.padA end if not data.upscaleA then data.upscaleA = torch.IntStorage(data.arrayLength):fill(1) end if not data.mode then data.mode = 'CUDNN_CROSS_CORRELATION' end local myDesc = desc or cudnn.createDescriptors( 1, 'struct cudnnConvolutionStruct*[?]', 'cudnnCreateConvolutionDescriptor', 'cudnnDestroyConvolutionDescriptor') -- make sure we have references to these tensors so gc doesn't clean them up local padATensor = torch.IntTensor(data.padA) local filterStrideATensor = torch.IntTensor(data.filterStrideA) local upscaleATensor = torch.IntTensor(data.upscaleA) errcheck('cudnnSetConvolutionNdDescriptor', myDesc[0], data.arrayLength, padATensor:data(), filterStrideATensor:data(), upscaleATensor:data(), data.mode, data.dataType) return myDesc end function cudnn.setFilterDescriptor(data, filterDesc) local myDesc = filterDesc or cudnn.createDescriptors( 1, 'struct cudnnFilterStruct*[?]', 'cudnnCreateFilterDescriptor', 'cudnnDestroyFilterDescriptor') local dims = data.nbDims or #data.filterDimA -- make sure we have references to these tensors so gc doesn't clean them up local filterDimATensor = torch.IntTensor(data.filterDimA) errcheck('cudnnSetFilterNdDescriptor', myDesc[0], data.dataType, data.format or 'CUDNN_TENSOR_NCHW', dims, filterDimATensor:data()); return myDesc end local sharedBuffer = {} local nextBufferSize = {} -- may reassign currentSize local function allocateStorage(buf, ifGreater) if buf.nextSize < 0 then buf.nextSize = buf.currentSize end local elSize = 8 -- get number of elements in the buf, rounded up local newelem = math.floor((buf.nextSize+elSize-1)/elSize) if then if (newelem == or (ifGreater and newelem < then else -- resize to just to make sure we return memory end else -- this is to be replaced with new cutorch tempbuf stuff -- may reassign currentSize again = torch.CudaDoubleStorage(newelem) end buf.currentSize =*elSize = buf.nextSize = -1 end local function sharedBufForStream(device, stream) device = device or cutorch.getDevice() stream = stream or cutorch.getStream() -- starts from 0 if not sharedBuffer[device] then sharedBuffer[device] = {} end local buf = sharedBuffer[device][stream] if not buf then buf = { currentSize = cudnn.initialWorkspaceBytes, nextSize = -1 } allocateStorage(buf) sharedBuffer[device][stream] = buf end return buf end function cudnn.getSharedWorkspace(device, stream) device = device or cutorch.getDevice() stream = stream or cutorch.getStream() local buf = sharedBufForStream(device, stream) return, buf.currentSize end -- Creates a clone of luaStr that can be used to prevent side -- effects when passing char* to C functions. function cudnn.externalizeString(luaStr) local cStr ="char[?]", #luaStr+1) ffi.copy(cStr, luaStr) return cStr end function cudnn.adjustSharedWorkspaceSize(bytesDelta, device, stream) local buf = sharedBufForStream(device, stream) buf.nextSize = buf.currentSize + bytesDelta allocateStorage(buf) end function cudnn.setNextWorkspaceSize(bytes, device, stream) local buf = sharedBufForStream(device, stream) buf.nextSize = bytes return buf end function cudnn.setSharedWorkspaceSize(bytes, ifGreater, device, stream) bytes = bytes or cudnn.initialWorkspaceBytes local buf = cudnn.setNextWorkspaceSize(bytes, device, stream) allocateStorage(buf, ifGreater) end cudnn.find = require('cudnn.find') require('cudnn.SpatialConvolution') require('cudnn.VolumetricConvolution') require('cudnn.SpatialFullConvolution') require('cudnn.VolumetricFullConvolution') require('cudnn.Pooling') require('cudnn.SpatialMaxPooling') require('cudnn.SpatialAveragePooling') require('cudnn.Pooling3D') require('cudnn.VolumetricMaxPooling') require('cudnn.VolumetricAveragePooling') require('cudnn.Pointwise') require('cudnn.ReLU') require('cudnn.ClippedReLU') require('cudnn.Tanh') require('cudnn.Sigmoid') require('cudnn.SpatialSoftMax') require('cudnn.SpatialLogSoftMax') require('cudnn.VolumetricSoftMax') require('cudnn.VolumetricLogSoftMax') require('cudnn.SoftMax') require('cudnn.LogSoftMax') require('cudnn.SpatialCrossMapLRN') require('cudnn.BatchNormalization') require('cudnn.SpatialBatchNormalization') require('cudnn.VolumetricBatchNormalization') require('cudnn.SpatialCrossEntropyCriterion') require('cudnn.VolumetricCrossEntropyCriterion') require('cudnn.TemporalConvolution') require('cudnn.RNN') require('cudnn.RNNTanh') require('cudnn.RNNReLU') require('cudnn.BLSTM') require('cudnn.LSTM') require('cudnn.BGRU') require('cudnn.GRU') require('cudnn.functional') require('cudnn.convert') function cudnn.reset() -- this resets everything if cudnn.verbose then print("cudnn::reset for device #", cutorch.getDevice()) end cutorch.synchronize() -- make sure shared buffers that may have been cached, have 0 size for i=1,numDevices do sharedBuffer[i] = {} end collectgarbage() -- this resets internal algorithm finder state machine and cache cudnn.find.reset() end return cudnn