require 'cutorch' require 'nn' cudnn = require 'cudnn.env' include 'ffi.lua' local C = cudnn.C local ffi = require 'ffi' cudnn.benchmark = false cudnn.fastest = false local maxStreamsPerDevice = 1024 local numDevices = cutorch.getDeviceCount() -- this tensor keeps track of whether a handle has been initialized or not local handleStatus = torch.ByteTensor(numDevices, maxStreamsPerDevice):zero() -- here we create an array of cudnn handle structs cudnn.handle ='struct cudnnContext*[?]', numDevices*maxStreamsPerDevice) local function destroy(handle) local currentDevice = cutorch.getDevice() for i=1,numDevices do cutorch.setDevice(i) -- streams go from 0 to maxStreamsPerDevice - 1 for j=0,maxStreamsPerDevice - 1 do if handleStatus[i][j + 1] == 1 then -- if handle was created errcheck('cudnnDestroy', handle[(((i-1)*maxStreamsPerDevice) + j)]); end end end cutorch.setDevice(currentDevice) end ffi.gc(cudnn.handle, destroy) function cudnn.getHandle() local device = cutorch.getDevice() local stream = cutorch.getStream() -- starts from 0 assert(stream < maxStreamsPerDevice, 'cudnn bindings only support max of : ' .. maxStreamsPerDevice .. ' streams per device') -- lazy initialization of handles if handleStatus[device][stream + 1] == 0 then local status = C['cudnnCreate'](cudnn.handle + (((device-1) * maxStreamsPerDevice) + stream)) if status ~= ffi.C.CUDNN_STATUS_SUCCESS then local str = ffi.string(C.cudnnGetErrorString(status)) error('Error in CuDNN: ' .. str) end handleStatus[device][stream + 1] = 1 -- mark handle as initialized end return cudnn.handle[(((device-1)*maxStreamsPerDevice) + stream)] end local errcheck = function(f, ...) C.cudnnSetStream(cudnn.getHandle(), ffi.C.THCState_getCurrentStream(cutorch.getState())) local status = C[f](...) if status ~= ffi.C.CUDNN_STATUS_SUCCESS then local str = ffi.string(C.cudnnGetErrorString(status)) error('Error in CuDNN: ' .. str) end end cudnn.errcheck = errcheck function cudnn.toDescriptor(t) assert(torch.typename(t) == 'torch.CudaTensor') local descriptor ='struct cudnnTensorStruct*[1]') -- create descriptor errcheck('cudnnCreateTensorDescriptor', descriptor) -- set gc hook local function destroy(d) errcheck('cudnnDestroyTensorDescriptor', d[0]); end ffi.gc(descriptor, destroy) -- set descriptor local size = torch.LongTensor(t:size()):int() local stride = torch.LongTensor(t:stride()):int() errcheck('cudnnSetTensorNdDescriptor', descriptor[0], 'CUDNN_DATA_FLOAT', t:dim(), size:data(), stride:data()) return descriptor end local sharedBuffer = {} for i=1,numDevices do sharedBuffer[i] = {} end function cudnn.getSharedWorkspace() local device = cutorch.getDevice() local stream = cutorch.getStream() -- starts from 0 if not sharedBuffer[device][stream] then sharedBuffer[device][stream] = torch.CudaTensor(1) end return sharedBuffer[device][stream] end include 'SpatialConvolution.lua' include 'VolumetricConvolution.lua' include 'Pooling.lua' include 'SpatialMaxPooling.lua' include 'SpatialAveragePooling.lua' include 'Pooling3D.lua' include 'VolumetricMaxPooling.lua' include 'VolumetricAveragePooling.lua' include 'Pointwise.lua' include 'ReLU.lua' include 'Tanh.lua' include 'Sigmoid.lua' include 'SpatialSoftMax.lua' include 'SpatialLogSoftMax.lua' include 'SoftMax.lua' include 'LogSoftMax.lua' include 'SpatialCrossMapLRN.lua' include 'SpatialBatchNormalization.lua' include 'SpatialCrossEntropyCriterion.lua' include 'functional.lua' return cudnn